Word for go one better than

go one better (than someone or something)

To do something that surpasses a previous attempt. With the sequel, the director has gone one better and made a film that is more exciting, more accessible, and more original than the first. We need to find a way to go one better than our competitors if we want to stay at the top.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

go one better

Outdo or surpass someone, as in He went one better than his teacher and came up with five more famous scientists. This expression originated in gambling games, where it meant «to offer a higher stake than one’s opponent.» [Mid-1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

go one better

1 narrowly surpass a previous effort or achievement. 2 narrowly outdo another person.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

go one ˈbetter (than somebody/something)

do something better than somebody else; improve on something: I bought a new tennis racket but my sister had to go one better by buying the most expensive one in the shop.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • go one better (than someone or something)
  • a notch better than (someone or something)
  • beat (something) all to pieces
  • that beats all to pieces
  • kicker
  • butt-kicker
  • notch above
  • a notch above
  • can’t hold a light to (someone or something)
  • be hot stuff



go one better — превосходить соперника; превзойти соперника; перещеголять
to go one better — превзойти
go one better than — превзойти
to go one better than smb. — превзойти, перещеголять кого-л.
he tried to go us one better by bidding twice as much for it — он пытался одолеть нас, увеличив ставки вдвое

Автоматический перевод

превосходить, подниматься на

Перевод по словам

go  — идти, ехать, ходить, переходить, ездить, ход, движение, попытка, ходьба
one  — один, номер один, один, кто-то, единственный, единица, одиночка
well  — ну, что ж, уж, хороший, хорошо, вполне, колодец, бить ключом


The urge to go one better than the next man is something I just haven’t built into me. *

Мне просто не свойственно желание переплюнуть ближнего.

That was a great joke but I can go you one better. *

Анекдот хороший, но я знаю еще лучше.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The following year Lewis went one better by winning the gold medal.  

Of course, they had to go one better and have the whole garden redesigned.  

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  • 1
    go one better than

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > go one better than

  • 2
    to go one better than somebody

    English-spanish dictionary > to go one better than somebody

  • 3
    to go one better than

    to go one better than

    exceder, sobrepujar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to go one better than

  • 4
    go one better than someone

    Новый англо-русский словарь > go one better than someone

  • 5
    better one-eyed than stone-blind

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > better one-eyed than stone-blind

  • 6
    one eyewitness is better than two hear-so’s

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > one eyewitness is better than two hear-so’s

  • 7
    Better one-eyed than stone-blind.


    Лучше кривой, чем совсем слепой.

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > Better one-eyed than stone-blind.

  • 8
    better one-eyed than stone-blind


    Лучше кривой, чем совсем слепой.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > better one-eyed than stone-blind

  • 9
    better one-eyed than stone-blind

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > better one-eyed than stone-blind

  • 10
    one good head is better than a thousand strong hands

    одна розумна голова краще, ніж тисяча сильних рук

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > one good head is better than a thousand strong hands

  • 11
    better one-eyed than stone-blind

    «лучше кривой, чем слепой»

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > better one-eyed than stone-blind

  • 12
    go one better

    The urge to go one better than the next man is something I just haven’t built into me — Мне просто не свойственно желание переплюнуть ближнего

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > go one better

  • 13
    know better than that

    прекрасно понимать, соображать что к чему; ≈ достаточно умён, чтобы не (сделать, сказать и т. п.)

    Go down and say she ought to know better than to come here at such a time! (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘Two Looks’) — Пойдите вниз и скажите этой женщине, что надо совсем ничего не соображать, чтобы прийти сюда в такое время.

    ‘He did — did he?’ said Soames, roundeyed. ‘What did he take this time?’ ‘Oh! Of course I knew better than to let him in.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Swan Song’, part I, ch. II) — — Ах, вот как? — Сомс сделал круглые глаза. — Что он утащил на этот раз? — О, я была не так глупа и не впустила его.

    Jack London… was one who knew better than this; in The Iron Heel he gave a rough forecast of fascism and of the bitter struggle needed to vanquish it. (W. Foster, ‘The Twilight of World Capitalism’, ch. IX) — Джек Лондон… прекрасно понимал опасность иллюзий. В «Железной пяте» он в общих чертах предсказал появление фашизма и ту жестокую борьбу, которую предстоит выдержать для его уничтожения.

    Police tried to clear the streets, but local constables knew better than to interfere with the diggers that afternoon. (K. S. Prichard, ‘The Roaring Nineties’, ch. 51) — Полиция делала попытки очистить улицы, но местные констебли отнюдь не горели желанием связываться со старателями в тот день.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > know better than that

  • 14
    two heads are better than one

    cuatro ojos ven más que dos


    más ven cuatro ojos que dos


    English-spanish dictionary > two heads are better than one

  • 15
    two heads are better than one

    var: two heads are better than one, even if one is a cabbage head

    syn: four eyes see more than two

    ≅ одна голова ( або один розум) добре, а дві (два) краще
    одна головня і в печі гасне, а дві і в полі горять
    хто людей питає, той розум має
    без ради й військо гине
    хто людей не слухає, той Бога не боїться

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > two heads are better than one

  • 16
    a friend in the market is better than money in the purse


    : it is better to have a friend in the market than money in one’s coffer ( або in the bank)

    syn: a friend in court is better than a penny in purse

    друг на ринку краще від грошей у гаманці
    ≅ добре братерство миліше, ніж багатство
    добре братство краще багатства

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > a friend in the market is better than money in the purse

  • 17
    two heads are better than one, even if one is a cabbage head

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > two heads are better than one, even if one is a cabbage head

  • 18
    be better than one’s word

    English-Dutch dictionary > be better than one’s word

  • 19
    two heads are better than one

    English-Dutch dictionary > two heads are better than one

  • 20
    two heads are better than one


    ум хорошо, а два лучше

    Why Captain, don’t think I’m trying to teach you your job, or for that matter attempting to influence your opinion. I guess the only reason I’ve come here is to suggest a smooth and regular cooperation. Which, on the principle that two heads are better than one, might increase your effectiveness. (N. Lewis, ‘The Volcanoes above Us’, ch. IX) — Ну что вы, капитан, неужели вы думаете, что я собираюсь разъяснять вам ваши обязанности или навязывать свое мнение? я пришел только потому, что стремлюсь к постоянному и тесному сотрудничеству с вами. Как говорится, ум хорошо, а два лучше. я хочу быть вам полезным.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > two heads are better than one


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  • do one better than something — do one better (than (someone/something)) to do more or be better than someone or something else. Several companies developed similar software, but ours did one better than the rest by making it user friendly. Usage notes: sometimes used in the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • go one better than someone — go one better (than (someone/something)) to do more or be better than someone or something else. When her friend picked up a pair of those new spike heeled boots, Shirley went one better and ordered a custom made pair. Usage notes: sometimes used …   New idioms dictionary

  • go one better than something — go one better (than (someone/something)) to do more or be better than someone or something else. When her friend picked up a pair of those new spike heeled boots, Shirley went one better and ordered a custom made pair. Usage notes: sometimes used …   New idioms dictionary

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  • go one better (than something) — go one ˈbetter (than sb/sth) idiom to do sth better than sb else or than you have done before Syn: ↑outdo • She did well this year and next year she hopes to go one better. Main entry: ↑oneidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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