Word for give money to charity


  • #1

«Give money towards charity» and «Give money for charity»

What is a difference between these 2 sentences?

  • GreenWhiteBlue

    • #2

    Both are strange. Is there some reason why you do not ask about the more normal «give money to [a] charity»?


    • #3

    I am learning cleft clauses now, and I’ve met something like this:

    «Did you buy Sue the coat she wanted?»
    «No, what I did was give her money towards it»


    • #4

    This is a very different situation!

    This would mean that you did not buy her the coat, but instead gave her a portion of the cost of the coat so that she could purchase it herself. Suppose she wanted a coat that cost $2,500, but only had $500. You give her $2,000 towards the cost of the coat, and she can then afford to pay the rest.

    It can also be used to describe paying money in installments, or saving money for a purpose.
    I gave him $100 towards the motorcycle, and agreed to pay $50 a week after that.
    I am saving $100 a month towards the cost of my wedding.

    It would not make sense to speak of giving money towards charity, because there is no final price that will eventually be reached.


    • #5

    Just a quick question; it I used for instead of towards in the following example, it would be wrong, because, while for would mean «all the money», towards means «just a part of it». Thanks for your opinion

    Suppose she wanted a coat that cost $2,500, but only had $500. You give her $2,000 towards the cost of the coat, and she can then afford to pay the rest.

    • #6

    Just a quick question; it I used for instead of towards in the following example, it would be wrong, because, while for would mean «all the money», towards means «just a part of it». Thanks for your opinion

    I do not see a question here.


    • #7

    I’m sorry, there should have been IF, not IT to start with:

    Just a quick question;


    if I used for instead of towards in the following example, it would be wrong, because, while for would mean «all the money», towards means «just a part of it». Thanks for your opinion

    and I was referring to this exerpt of GreenWhiteBlue’s post

    This would mean that you did not buy her the coat, but instead gave her a portion of the cost of the coat so that she could purchase it herself. Suppose she wanted a coat that cost $2,500, but only had $500. You give her $2,000 towards the cost of the coat, and she can then afford to pay the rest.

    , trying to make sure that my understanding of the difference between towards and for was correct. Thank you

    • #8

    Even with an «if,» you have made a statement—»it would be wrong»—not asked a question.

    And the full statement is not correct. You can give or pay someone part of the money either «for» or «towards» a purchase, donation, etc. So «for» doesn’t mean «all the money,» it means «all or part.» «Towards» indicates only part of the money.

    I gave him some money for a new shirt. It might be more than enough, just enough, or not enough by itself to buy a new shirt. If you said toward a new shirt, that would indicate that you at least suspected that it would not cover the full price.

    Sometimes, «for» indicates full payment:

    «I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green.» In 1980, Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign paid the costs of a candidate debate hosted by a New Hampshire newspaper; this was Mr. Reagan’s response when the moderator of the debate wanted to turn off Reagan’s microphone during an on-stage discussion of who would be allowed to participate.


    • #9

    Thank you Fabulist, that despite my clumsiness you managed to give me exactly the information I needed. Very helpful :)

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    жертвуют деньги на благотворительность

    отдавать деньги на благотворительность

    дающие деньги на благотворительность

    Lukewarm people give money to charity and to the church… as long as it doesn’t impinge of their standard of living.

    More than half of Americans give money to charity.

    Due to the uselessness of such products, many companies refuse gifts to partners and increasingly prefer to give money to charity.

    After four years of research, Putnam discovered that if you are a regular church or synagogue attendee, you are more likely to give money to charity than if you’re not a regular, regardless of whether the charity is religious or secular.

    За четыре года исследований Патнэм убедился, что те, кто регулярно посещает церкви или синагоги, с большей вероятностью жертвуют деньги на благотворительность, чем те, кто сторонится храмов, независимо от того, является ли эта благотворительность религиозной или светским.

    In the West African nation of Liberia, only 8 per cent of the population give money to charity every month, yet 76 per cent regularly help a stranger — more than any other country.

    В Либерии лишь 8% населения ежемесячно жертвуют деньги на благотворительность, но при этом 76% либерийцев регулярно оказывают помощь непосредственно нуждающимся.

    Nine out of 10 children give money to charity, according to a study released recently.

    I am free to give money to charity, or withhold it, in line with what I consider to be important.

    Both girls and boys are equally likely to give money to charity.

    Kids at school say we’re really rich and that you give money to charity.

    I give money to charity on a regular basis.

    Firstly, in order to give money to charity, you have to make money.

    Every year I give money to charity, and I like you two girls way more than the babies with the broken smiles.

    If I go, do I have to actually give money to charity?

    Look, I give money to charity a lot, okay?

    You’re not even spoiled, because your parents give money to charity!

    Who says atheists don’t give money to charity?

    Did you give money to charity last year?

    Russian business is gradually coming to an understanding of their responsibilities, and the number of companies that give money to charity is gradually growing, albeit at a very slow pace.

    Российский бизнес постепенно приходит к пониманию своей ответственности — количество компаний, выделяющих средства на благотворительность, постепенно растет, хотя весьма медленными темпами.

    We buy houses for vets, we supply jobs, we give money to charity, but that’s because I want to give.

    Despite the gap in economic participation which still exists between men and women, the report said women are more likely overall to give money to charity than men.

    Несмотря на разрыв, который по-прежнему существует в области экономических возможностей для мужчин и женщин, женщины в целом больше склонны делать пожертвования, чем мужчины.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 29. Точных совпадений: 29. Затраченное время: 56 мс


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    Magic Words that Increase Donations for Nonprofits

    If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re preparing for a fundraising campaign or attempting to craft the perfect copy for your donation page – and you got stuck.

    Fundraising is tough.

    Whether you’re organizing a big fundraising event, going in on a major donor, or writing an e-newsletter – each fundraising strategy comes with its own challenges.

    Why People Give

    Whilst online fundraising certainly differs from fundraising in person (e.g. fundraising in meetings or on the streets), the essence of why people give remains the same: people give to people.

    People don’t donate to faceless organizations or buildings. They give to change lives and save lives, and because someone asked them to. People are the basis of every fundraising campaign.

    This is why great fundraisers are human-centric. They are also great storytellers – telling stories in a way to which their audience can relate to. Great fundraisers know their donor base (who they are, how much they can give, why they give). They are sincere and empathetic, and they build relationships.

    All of this can be tough to accomplish online, albeit not impossible. Effective fundraising and great donation pages take time to polish.

    While there are no universal rules, and what might work for one organization might not work for another, there are some tried-and-tested tips for successfully asking for donations online.

    Use these magic fundraising words on your website or your donation page to increase your chances of success.

    Words to Increase Donations

    Here are the 9 magic words that increase donations for nonprofits:

    1. “You”

    If you observe carefully, you’ll notice that a lot of nonprofits spend a lot of time talking about themselves. “We” succeeded in this. Animals in danger can count on “us”.

    This can make donors feel excluded and unappreciated. If you have a website and a donation page already, critically assess your messaging. Are you focusing on your donors or on you?

    If you’re focused on yourself, rewrite. Try to replace as many of the “we” and “us” with “you”.

    • You allowed us to employ 1000 homeless people last year.
    • Your generosity is astonishing.
    • Thank you for your leadership and support.
    • With your help, we’ve funded 10,000 school supplies projects.
    • Your commitment made this happen.

    Your donors want to know that they make a difference when they give.

    Not only does using the word “you” make your donors feel valued, but it removes the walls between your donors and your organization. And donors that feel appreciated are more likely to give again.

    Further, increase your chances of success by using your donors’ first names where possible.

    Pro tip: There are two types of “we” – the one that excludes and the one that includes. You can still use the word “we”, but make it inclusive (e.g. “Together, we were able to get clean water access to 10,000 people in remote areas of Ghana.”)

    2. “Because”

    In a study covered in Harvard Magazine on how people respond to language, psychologists Langer, Chanowitz, and Blank found that adding a reason to your request can almost double your success rate.

    This is because the human brain is wired to react when it hears the word “because”. Research shows this word is an automatic trigger for compliance, and in many cases, a person stops paying attention to what comes after they hear “because”.

    For example, in the late 1970s, the researchers organized an experiment to test different variations of framing a request to make photocopies (see the image below).

    When asked without giving a reason, they got successful at cutting line 60% of time. When added a reason – it jumped to over 90%.

    To capitalize on this peculiarity of the human brain, use the magic word “because” to trigger your donors to react. When writing the copy for your donation page, make sure to use the word “because” in your fundraising ask. Making it clear why you’re asking for donations (and specifically using the word “because” when explaining why) will increase your donations.

    • Today we are sharing Umu’s story with you because she’s in danger and we need to act fast.”
    • “We are asking for your help because we need to secure more forest surrounding our protected area if we’re to save the orangutan from extinction.”
    • “We need your help because millions are at risk of starvation in Yemen. Families have been struggling to survive without enough food.”

    Words to Increase Donations

    3. “Today”

    In today’s busy world, reminding your donors to donate “today” is essential to increasing your conversion rates and reaching your fundraising goals.

    Using the word “today” conveys a sense of urgency, which can help motivate your donors to give and not delay their donation.

    When using the sense of urgency to get your donors to give, don’t jump straight into it.

    Even if both you and the donor know where you’re going with your copy (i.e. the ask), it’s important to craft that journey in a way that draws them in and builds up the feelings of urgency before your end goal.

    • “Donate today to get children like Aya their supplies in time for the school year starting.”
    • “Make a donation today to help those sleeping rough in Manchester. Bitterly cold wind chills can increase the risk of developing hypothermia and frostbite – homeless people have died from sleeping rough in freezing cold weather.”
    • “We need your help today to supply medicine to families in Syria. Medicines and medical supplies are increasingly scarce, and only half of the health facilities are fully functioning.”

    4. “Thank You”

    “Thank you” is often one of the first things our parents teach us to say, but is it really a magic fundraising word that increases donations?

    Turns out it is. In their paper, Learning to Say Thank You: The Role of Donor Acknowledgements,  Jen Shang, Adrian Sargeant, Kathryn Carpenter, and Harriet Day shed light on the science behind saying “thank you”.

    Among other things, their research showed that donors who received an extra thank-you letter gave 60% larger gifts than those who did not.

    Always thank your donors, whatever amount they contributed. And make sure you say thank you regularly, not only when you’re about to make an ask.

    Saying “thank you” also reminds your donors that they have given before and reinforces their positive self-image. We tend to repeat our decisions in order to stay congruent with our idea of self.

    • Thanks to you, Michael and his sister, Janet, celebrated Michael’s 9th birthday with cake and balloons in a safe and loving place. They are no longer scared and love having their own rooms.”
    • Thank you for your thoughtful donation of $250 to the Wildthorne County Agency on Aging. Your donation will make sure that older people in our county, such as Tom and Francis, thrive.” (www.thebalancesmb.com)

    5. “Small”

    “Small” (or “few”, or “little”, or “just”) is a fundraising magic word.

    Additionally, in his classic book Influence, Dr. Robert Cialdini found that adding a minimal parameter to the gift solicitation delivered drastically different results.

    In a door-to-door solicitation, one group of prospective donors were asked:

    “Would you be willing to help by giving a donation?”

    Another group were asked:

    “Would you be willing to help by giving a donation? Every penny will help.”

    People who were asked the second variation were almost twice as likely to donate!

    In this case, the phrase “every penny will help” acted as a synonym for “small”. It helped motivate people who might not have otherwise given.

    Dr. Cialdini talked about how consistency (one of the 6 principles that motivate human behavior) can be activated by looking for, and asking for, small initial commitments. These small commitments can later turn into much bigger commitments. This tactic will work best on “tightwads” (people who spend less than they would ideally like to spend). Suggesting tightwads donors join a monthly recurring program is also a good alternative. $10 per month for a year sounds much better to them (and almost everyone else) than $120, even if the amount of money is the same.

    Implying that a small action is a good start will make people more amenable to making a move and help people breakthrough “action paralysis.”

    • “Feed a child for as little as $0.50 a day.”
    • “Making a donation is a way of reaching out a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to provide medical assistance, supply food and shelter, and help families rebuild their lives and communities.”
    • “We always welcome large contributions, but even the smallest contribution you can make to our Christimas campaign this year will go a long way.”

    6. “Quick”

    Our brains love instant gratification. Several magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown that our frontal cortex is highly active when we think about waiting for something and our mid-brain lights up when we think about receiving something right away.

    Words like “instant,” “immediately,” or even just “fast” are known to flip the switch on the mid-brain activity that makes us so prone to act.

    While you cannot often use the word “instantly” when describing nonprofit services, using the words “quickly” or “immediately” can easily be incorporated into your web copies.

    We are more prone to buy when we’re reminded that results will happen fast or we will receive an immediate award.

    The word “quick” can also be used to reassure donors that the donation process won’t take too much of their time (and if you’re saying the donation process is quick, make sure it is!).

    • “Your gift will be put to work immediately.”
    • “Upon your donation, you will instantly receive a video from our team on the ground.”
    • “Our donation process is simple and quick. In just 30 seconds, your donation will be on its way to support Australia’s most vulnerable children.”

    7. “Join”

    Unfortunately, an all-too-common approach to increasing donations is to tell prospects how few people are currently supporting the organization.

    For example, in a recent fundraising email, Wikipedia wrote: “Millions of people across the world read Wikipedia, but only 1% of readers give.”

    While it’s possible that Wikipedia tested other methods and this one worked best, this goes against the principle of social proof. People are more likely to engage in a behavior when they think other people are doing the same thing.

    Especially when they are uncertain, people will look to the actions and behaviors of others to determine their own.

    Humans are social animals, and science is telling us that, to persuade others, we can point to what many others are already doing.

    This goes for suggested giving amounts as well. On your donation page, provide several suggested amounts (linking each to a specific outcome) and highlight one donation amount.

    A study showed that there was a 12% increase in average donation amounts when donors were subject to “social information conditions”. Essentially, suggested giving levels helped tell donors what amount is “appropriate” to give.

    • Join over 10,000 donors from Canada!”
    • “95% of New York-area donors made $200 or larger contributions! Join them.”
    • “Please join 65% of your work colleagues in helping people in your community by making a charitable contribution.”

    8. “100%”

    Donating feels good. If it doesn’t, it won’t happen. Donors are increasingly averse to the idea of overhead costs. Somewhere along the road, an idea was formed that some charities are massive, bureaucratic machines that spend a lot of money on overhead and administrative costs. And no one wants their $100 to go towards the CEO’s salary.

    “Despite the understanding that CEOs of nonprofits need to be paid, if given the choice of where their money would go, most people donating money wouldn’t choose to contribute to the salary of the organization’s CEO,” says Elizabeth A. Keenan, an assistant professor in the Marketing unit at Harvard Business School.

    And simply reducing your overhead costs and bringing it to the minimum can harm your nonprofit. Low salaries coupled with heavy workload can lead to nonprofit burnout. Instead, adopt the idea of overhead-free donations. Have professional philanthropists or major donors cover overhead costs so that the vast majority of smaller donations can go directly towards your programs.

    If you’re able to use the 100% of your money will help feed the hungry”, you can potentially triple your donations.

    • 100% of your donation will fund development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancers—funding more breakthroughs and saving more lives.” 
    • 100% of your money brings clean water to people in need.” – charity:water

    donation wording

    9. “Expert”

    Just like we’re wired to do what others do, we’re wired to follow the lead of experts. People respond positively to credibility and authority.

    You can build authority in many ways: using testimonials, showcasing logos of brands supporting you, sharing links to credible research or writing you’ve done. All of these are symbols of authority and can increase your influence.

    And ultimately, trust is the most important element of any relationship. This also applies to the relationship between a nonprofit organization and its donors.

    Embed the magic word “expert” into your calls to action and on your donation page and watch your donations increase over time.

    • “Support our team of experts in rehabilitating the Indonesian elephants.”
    • “Support local experts and changemakers already bringing transformation in the lives of the vulnerable in their communities.”
    • “Your gift will help fund our experts’ cutting-edge research, drive change through advocacy, and facilitate professional education.”

    Nonprofit Thank You Letters Examples

    Here are some examples of well-written, heartfelt thank you letters that give a good view of acknowledging the donation and expressing gratitude to the donor.

    nonprofit thank you letter example

    nonprofit thank you letter example

    nonprofit thank you letter example

    For added success, consider using the following wordings while asking for donations:

    Support: Using the word “support” instead of “donate” has increased donations for several nonprofits.

    Easy: Just like with the word “quick”, you want to assure your donors that the donation process is easy.

    Difference: Donors want to feel like they’re making a positive impact, so consider using the phrase “make a difference” in your copies.

    Hurry: Evoking a sense of urgency, this works best when there’s a real-time issue at hand (e.g. “Hurry, in 2 days the Grove Park will be demolished!”

    Hassle-Free: No one wants someone to harass them with e-mails and calls every week. Letting your donors know that won’t happen can increase their chances of giving.

    non profit donations wording

    Alternatives to the word “Donate” (Wordings that can be used while asking for donations):

    “Donate” is perhaps the single most widely used call to action used by nonprofits for online fundraising. In order to stand out and draw better attention to the donation button or the “donate” call to action, there are numerous, more effective phrases that you can add. You can select a word or phrase which suits better to your nonprofit’s work and impact.

    Here are some wordings that can be used while asking for donations:

    • Make a donation
    • Join the fight!
    • Give to <nonprofit/cause>
    • Impact the lives of <blank> today
    • Take action!
    • Help educate a child! / Help <blank> today!
    • Stop Injustice
    • Fight now!
    • Help <your mission> in need!
    • Save the <blank> now!
    • Support <blank> now!
    • Transform lives today!
    • Complete your gift
    • Advocate for our cause
    • Make a difference in <year>
    • Give
    • Support


    Using these magic fundraising words can help you increase donations and take your fundraising to the next level.

    When writing your website or donation page copy, don’t forget about using emotion. Emotion is what sets the scene, leads the reader through a story, and helps them empathize. And empathy is what motivates philanthropic action.

    Finally, don’t forget to customize your ask and do a lot of testing with your audience. These might be magic fundraising words, but each nonprofit’s audience is different. Donors are more likely to give when contributing is personally meaningful to them, so customize your language. For example, a study showed that when fundraising appeals use adjectives like “kind and compassionate,” women increased their giving on average by 10 percent. On the other hand, male donors are prompted to give more when solicitations use adjectives like “strong,” “responsible,” and “loyal.” You want to have a different fundraising approach for each donor type.

    We hope you found these tips helpful! Choose Donorbox as your online donation system and check out our Nonprofit blog for more helpful nonprofit resources and tips.

    Giving to charity is great — not just for the recipients but for the givers, too. If you have a good reason, you will get a good amount of Charity for any Cause. If you have a Proper Message and a Perfect plan to Spend that Money, that its how you can get more Charity from your End.

    It can be intimidating to know how to pick the best charity, especially when there are thousands of worthy causes to choose from. Here are a few simple Slogans that can help you to boost your Charity Campaign.

    For Every Good Cause or Work, Catchy and Perfect Slogans play an important role in making that Cause or Work Effective and Inspiring. Good Slogans to Inspire Charity are the Key things to getting more Money, Satisfaction, and Dedication.

    The slogan is Worth inspiring the Every Giver and Effective Connect with them in the future. Every Charity Campaigner should aware of the importance of a slogan for brand Image. 

    Best Charity Campaign Slogans

    • Your Passion for giving is Commendable
    • Don’t wait. This time is to Give
    • Definitely, You Can Donate More
    • Charity is Everywhere.
    • One Man, Many Efforts
    • You have the Power to Bring Happiness
    • Successful people always see things working out.
    • The joy of Giving your Best
    • Giving things for Happiness
    • Incredible Donation, Incredible You

    By taking some important time to prepare and plan, you may discover a good benefit of proper Charity as per your Desire. It all depends on your dedication.

    Charity Campaign Slogans

    Giving to charity is always a wonderful act. Charity should be done by all of us. According to a recent poll, 75% of millennials donated to a charitable cause in the previous year. The great majority of this group gave $100 or less to each of the organizations. Only 15% of those who gave more than $500 did so.

    However, 70% of this generation has labored to raise funds for charitable organizations. Sixty-three percent of millennials volunteered their time. The following list of Catchy Charity Campaign Slogans is for individuals wishing to promote awareness for a philanthropic cause.

    • It is all about giving
    • Have the courage to give 
    • Got more than needed? Donate
    • Spread joy with a donation
    • Be someone’s reason to smile
    • Spread the love you got
    • Give to the ones in need
    • Buy more to donate
    • For the ones in need
    • Donate, even it is a small one
    • Action Speak more than Words
    • Heal others with your help
    • Believe in Tomorrow
    • Creative a Better Future through your Help
    • Be Wise through Charity
    • yes! Your heart is Filled with Love
    • Giving is the Best therapy
    • Charity is the Act of your Power
    • Charity Efforts are for Happiness
    • Rebuilding LIves for Futures
    • Your Contribution. many Solutions
    • happiness Comes from your Action
    • the only thing that is ever. Charity
    • Give more out of life
    • Charity is a Priority.
    • Enjoy the act of Charity
    • you have, You can Give
    • let’s Change the World
    • Charity is Something that you Believe
    • Be yourself to love others
    • Charity is Investments, helps you to earn Smiles
    • Your Act is Appreciating
    • Every good act is a charity
    • make Someone’s Life by Giving
    • let’s make a Difference with Charity
    • Wish the good of others
    • Gift SOmeone a Life with Small Charity
    • Charity is the best Therapy
    • Every Good Act Counts
    • Great Future is Sure with Good Charity
    • Charity is Continuous, never stop it
    • we make a life by what we give
    • Give today, make better Tomorrow
    • Charity is a Simple Method to Prove your Kindness
    • Share your Joy With Charity
    • Share your Kindness
    • You can be a helping hand
    • A small Charity has an impact
    • You Think, You Care, You give
    • yes! good days are ahead
    • Small Charity Means doing great things
    • You are Giving means you are Loving
    • good works, Good Souls
    • Active Charity, Active life
    • A great deal of good is Charity
    • you are doing good
    • Charity is the life of KIndness
    • It’s the simplest act of kindness
    • Blessed others with Your Gift
    • Give them the power to Receive
    • let’s Help the Needy
    • The best way to find yourself
    • Show you care through Share
    • build a Great Future with Great Charity
    • More than Just a help
    • Giving is just Opening a Mind
    • helping is more Caring
    • Even the smallest contributions count.
    • Help society, donate to charity.
    • When you donate to a charity, you gain more than you lose.
    • If you feel you can help, don’t back away; make a contribution.
    • When you contribute to a charity, you contribute to society.
    • When you contribute to a charity, you contribute towards a better tomorrow.
    • Few of your extra bucks could bring light to someone’s darkness.
    • Even the smallest of contributions are used to build a better future for tomorrow.
    • Society will do better when you start contributing.
    • A small contribution you make today will shape a better future for tomorrow.
    • You don’t need to be rich to donate; you need to be willing.
    • If you take a step today, if you make a small donation, you might change tomorrow.
    • Only when society comes together and contributes will we be able to make an impact.
    • Alone, we don’t make much of a difference, but together, we are strong to face any problem.
    • Listen to that little voice inside your head, and make a small contribution towards a good cause.
    • When you donate, what you lose in resources you gain in good wishes.
    • Your contribution might not change the world, but it can bring a smile to someone’s face.
    • The more people donate, the more society gains.
    • It never hurts to lose a few extra bucks by donating for a good cause.
    • Make a contribution, and bring smiles to a few faces.
    • Donating for a good cause is another way of paying back to society.
    • Money can’t buy you happiness, but donating it can bring joy to a few deprived souls.
    • Donate for a good cause; it’s the right thing to do.
    • Help the needy, donate to a good cause.
    • Give something to society, and take back the good wishes.
    • Put your best foot forward, and donate to a good cause.
    • Your contribution could light up some soul’s only shack.
    • Your contribution could give food to some hungry bellies.
    • Your contribution could give books to a deprived child.
    • Every contribution matters; donate for a change.
    • Donate towards a happier tomorrow.

    charity campaign slogans

    NGO Slogans And Taglines

    Giving to a nonprofit organization is rewarding not just for the recipients but also for the givers. You can raise a considerable amount of money for any organization if you have a compelling rationale. You can acquire more charity from your side if you have the right messages and a flawless plan to spend that money.

    Knowing how to choose the finest charity can be daunting, especially when there are thousands of good charities to choose from. Here are a few easy NGO Slogans and Taglines to assist you in promoting your charitable cause.

    • Be the provider of happiness in some depraved soul’s life; donate for a change.
    • Let your actions speak out your views, and donate for a change.
    • One cannot mock society if we don’t take a step for its betterment and donate for a change.
    • Be part of the change, and donate to a good cause.
    • Make it happen; donate for a change.
    • Stand up for a better tomorrow for all, and donate to a good cause.
    • Stand for something meaningful, donate for a better tomorrow.
    • Stand for the needy, and donate to a good cause.
    • Give somebody a chance that they never got; donate to a good cause.
    • It’s about time we did something about things that matter, donate for a change.
    • A few bucks for charity won’t make you poor, but it will certainly make you rich in value.
    • A donation made today is an investment for a brighter future tomorrow.
    • If we can, we should help, for it’s our duty as humans to help others and donate to a good cause.
    • You don’t need to be rich with wealth to donate; you need to be rich in heart.
    • Support a good cause, donate for a better tomorrow.
    • Helping others gives the best feeling a man can get, so help others, and donate for a change.
    • The support you give can help someone going through hard times.
    • Donate for a change, and make this world a better place.
    • Donate for a brighter tomorrow, maybe lessen some of the world’s sorrow.
    • When you choose to donate, you choose to help out society.
    • Donate because some people could really use your help and support.
    • Donate because a few bucks aren’t as precious as a deprived kid’s childhood.
    • Donate because the world could use some good people like you.
    • Donate because your contribution matters.
    • Maybe your small contribution could get some clothes for a young boy during the chilly nights, and donate for a change.
    • Donate because you could be the warmth in someone’s stone-cold life.
    • Donate because you can, and some people could really use your help.
    • Donate because if you don’t, who will?
    • Donate because somebody has to care about society.
    • Donate because every small donation takes us closer to our goal.
    • Be the small light of hope in someone’s life, and donate to a good cause.
    • Only together can we make the world a better place for all, and donate to a good cause.
    • Donate because some people still sleep hungry at night.
    • Donate because some people still roam the streets fighting for basic needs.
    • Donate because we need you to; donate because they need you to.
    • Be the beacon of hope in somebody’s dismal life, and donate for a change.
    • Be the hopeful ray of sunshine on someone’s gloomy day, and donate for a brighter tomorrow.
    • Bring some joy to the sad faces sulking through their childhood, and donate for a better future.
    • Be an example in front of others, donate and ask others to donate too.
    • Donate for a good cause, make a small contribution, be a part of the change.
    • Donate for a better tomorrow, because it never hurts to help others.
    • A small step change lots of lives
    • Your contribution makes a big difference
    • You contribute we embrace
    • Be a helping hand
    • Small help makes big changes
    • You give, you love, and you change
    • Beautiful things start anytime
    • There is no big thing than your concern
    • Do good, get good
    • Whatever you contribute matters
    • One step can change a life
    • Tiny steps lead to big things
    • Spread smiles, earn love

    charity slogans

    You won’t get any unique charity trust names other than all these, so grab it.

    Donation Slogans And Taglines

    Donating to those in need is something that we should all be doing. A Catchy and Perfect Slogan is a crucial part of making any good cause or work successful and inspiring. The Keys to Getting More Money, Pleasure, and Dedication are Good Slogans to Inspire Charity.

    “Worth Encouraging Every Giver and Linking Successfully with Them in the Future,” the motto reads. Every nonprofit campaigner should understand the value of a slogan in terms of brand image. To assist you, below are some Donation Slogans and Taglines.

    • Helping costs nothing 
    • Every single help is appreciated
    • There is no bigger joy than making someone smile
    • Spread love, spread humanity
    • You make humanity exist
    • Every small gesture is appreciated
    • We build lives, we change lives
    • Save the future and help it grow
    • Nothing is more precious than making someone smile
    • Your kindness makes you stand out
    • Help to make a room in heaven for you
    • Share the joy
    • Spread love, spread happiness
    • There is no greater joy than saving lives
    • Someone’s dream, your helping hand
    • Make a chain of helping others
    • Charity is like a drug…you will get addicted
    • One step, lots of lives, and lots of blessings
    • Do it for yourself not forcefully
    • Your act of kindness can change a life
    • Kindness comes with a price sometimes
    • Caring is the next big step
    • They dream we realize
    • We make it happen…
    • Help others heal their damages
    • Learn to embrace the beauty of kindness
    • You love, you care, you help, and you smile
    • Nothing is more satisfying than helping others
    • Change the world to a better place
    • Let humanity breathe
    • You help we appreciate
    • Small efforts make big changes
    • The day you help others is the day you start living
    • Your small effort can change big things
    • Be a helping hand
    • Every small thing counts
    • Don’t let your inner demons win over kindness
    • In the world of fakes be a human
    • They wait for angels because they believe in god
    • Be a life savior and earn love
    • No one loves better than the ones you help
    • You build a future, you build lives
    • Kindness costs nothing 
    • Building future is our motto
    • Be a helping hand in the world of cruelty
    • Helping has its own perks
    • There is a beginning for everything
    • Saving lives, building the future, and spreading smiles
    • Help because you can
    • Your act of kindness sets a new example
    • One charity changes lots of lives
    • Help, smile, and make others smile
    • Help people heal and god will heal you

    charity slogans

    Looking for more? Read our Best Fundraiser Sayings

    If you’re organizing a donation drive, there is a lot to consider beforehand. Coming up with the perfect fundraising campaign marketing slogan, on the other hand, does not have to be a difficult task.

    You may discover the benefit of excellent Charity as per your want by taking some vital time to prepare and arrange.

    It all boils down to your commitment. If you set your mind to it, you can easily come up with the right slogan. A good slogan should be short and catchy. It should clearly explain the contribution camp’s message. Here we have some catchy donation slogans to help you get started.

    • We may not all be able to accomplish great things, but we can all do tiny things with great love.
    • Many efforts, one man.
    • Minds are being opened, and lives are being changed.
    • Giving with zeal.
    • When individuals contribute, they live.
    • Prioritizing people.
    • Families’ communities are being rebuilt one home at a time.
    • Rebuilding lives for the sake of the future.
    • Refuse to conform to the norm.
    • The rent you pay for your room here on earth is service to others.
    • Services that benefit the general population.
    • Share your delight in philanthropy with others.
    • Kindness should be shared.
    • Sharing demonstrates your concern.
    • Doing great things with a small charity means doing great things with a large charity.
    • I’m standing up for you.
    • Things always seem to work out for successful individuals.
    • Take control today, or you’ll be losing it for years to come.
    • Losing oneself in the service of others is the finest way to find yourself.
    • The most effective method of self-discovery.
    • It’s time for a change.
    • The pleasure of giving your all.
    • Volunteer activity has an impact on all of our lives.
    • We can make a difference if we work together.
    • We may not be able to assist everyone, but everyone can assist someone.

    ngo slogans taglines

    Slogan For Nonprofit Organization

    The highest enjoyment you may experience is when you help someone who is impoverished and in need. Charity is a deed of goodwill performed to assist those in need. It is the attribute of compassion and giving. Many groups attempt to gather a large number of items and deliver them to those in need.

    If you are employed by a nonprofit organization, you will need to generate donations at some time. Fundraising phrases assist you in raising more funds.

    If you’re looking for a slogan for a nonprofit organization, you’ve come to the perfect spot. We’ve prepared a list of slogans for nonprofit organizations for your convenience.

    • A tiny charity can make a great difference.
    • Actions are more powerful than words! Today is the day to give.
    • An endeavor to make others happy elevates us above ourselves.
    • Be a part of the breakthrough and help someone realize their dreams.
    • Be a part of making the world a better place.
    • Charity makes you wise.
    • When it comes to loving people, be yourself.
    • Have faith in the future.
    • Your gift should be used to bless others.
    • With tremendous charity, great futures can be built.
    • It all starts at home.
    • The goal of charitable endeavors is to bring joy to others.
    • Charitable giving is a simple way to demonstrate kindness.
    • Charity is an ongoing process.
    • There is charity everywhere.
    • Priority is given to charity.
    • Your act of power is charity.
    • The life of charity is a life of kindness.
    • Charity looks at the need rather than the cause.
    • Choose what is best for you since you have the power to do so!
    • Make the future a better place.
    • Creating a better future.
    • We will undo ourselves if we do nothing for others.
    • Don’t put it off any longer; contribute now!
    • Don’t put it off any longer; give it today!

    Charity Taglines

    Charity is a wonderful thing to do. It is necessary for both the receivers and the givers. More opportunities to gather money arise as a result of good reasons. More givers are attracted to a good plan and a clear message to spend money.

    When it comes to coming up with a distinctive and motivational tagline, there are a few things to keep in mind. The tagline should be succinct and meaningful.

    It will explain the goal of charity to potential contributors and will aid in the recruitment of many more donors in the future.

    Many groups undertake charity initiatives throughout the world. We’ve compiled a list of charity taglines for your consideration.

    • Don’t ignore people who are in need.
    • Make a charitable donation.
    • Donate; a youngster is in desperate need of your help.
    • A donation expresses gratitude.
    • Don’t put it off. It’s now or never to contribute.
    • Youth empowerment for a better future
    • Take pleasure in your charitable act.
    • Every good deed is significant.
    • Every good deed is a charitable act.
    • For once, it’s for people.
    • Instead of focusing on what you can gain, consider what you can give.
    • Generosity is defined not by the amount given but by how it is given.
    • Give a little of yourself. A great deal of assistance.
    • Give more of yourself to life.
    • Giving allows others to live.
    • Give them the ability to receive.
    • Give today to improve tomorrow.
    • Give what you’ve got.
    • Give your child a leg up on the competition.
    • Donate to demonstrate that you care!
    • Giving merely serves to open people’s minds.
    • Giving is the most effective kind of rehabilitation!
    • Giving for the sake of happiness.
    • Strength comes from good deeds.
    • Good times are on the way.

    Charity Mottos

    You will almost likely be expected to hold a fundraiser if you serve for a nonprofit or charity. School fundraisers are often used to assist pupils in raising funds. Whether you’re holding an online fundraiser or launching a marathon to generate funds, your organization must have a motto.

    A motto will help your organization raise funds by attracting more donors. Then you’ll be able to support even more folks who are less fortunate. Here we have some charity mottos for your help.

    • Excellent work. Good spirit.
    • The good charity has a bright future.
    • Here is where great futures begin.
    • Happiness is a result of your actions.
    • Happiness isn’t something you can buy.
    • Whoever opens a door is also closing a prison.
    • With your assistance, heal others.
    • Aid today because you might be the one who needs help tomorrow!
    • It is more caring to assist others.
    • Assisting you in making effective charitable donations.
    • Assisting and healing. Caring.
    • Hope is on the move.
    • I offer steady growth rather than fast growth.
    • If you’ve been looking for a change, it’s right in front of you.
    • You’ve made an excellent donation, and you’ve made an incredible contribution.
    • It is more pleasant to have the ability to give rather than to receive.
    • Make an analytical judgment rather than a political one.
    • Let’s make a difference in the world.
    • Let us assist those who are in need.
    • Lifting with the assistance of others.
    • Make a difference in someone’s life by giving of yourself.
    • It’s more than a bill.
    • It’s more than just assisting.
    • Never take more from life than you plan to return.
    • Giving has never made someone poor.

    We Collected one Interesting Infographic about the new Age Donors. Are they Enough Donating Money or Just Leaving those things aside? Here the Infographic helps you to know about the Millenials and Charity Givers.

    charity donation ngo slogans

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    Rahul Panchal

    Marketing | Branding | Blogging. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. I Am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, a Self-Taught Marketer with 10 Years of Experience. Helping Startups/ Companies/ and Small Businesses to Enhance Their Business Through Branding and Marketing. On A Mission to Help Small Businesses to Be a Brand.

    Here we will take a look at some of the best charity slogans that will inspire you to write a slogan for your charity campaign. We have listed more than 50 money donation slogans.

    All the slogans we have shared are creative and unique.

    The best happiness you can feel is the emotions after helping someone poor and needy. The following are the best charity slogans that will motivate towards giving more money for the help of the poor. You can use them anywhere.

    Before you choose any slogan, let’s see what exactly a good slogan is:

    • Tells about the business.
    • Tell your audience your specialty.
    • Talks about your experience.
    • Tell people that you are better than your competition.

    Let’s dive in.

    Here are the best slogans on charity:

    • Your healing begins with charity.
    • Small charities can bring bigger impacts.
    • Action speaks much louder than words actually.
    • Help someone’s dream come true.
    • Help others and be happy.
    • Don’t turn away, Give today!
    • Be the change.
    • Participate in changing the world.
    • Wise people donate more money.
    • Love others and God will love you.
    • Believe in the better tomorrow of others.
    • Your gift will make the poor happy.
    • Great futures are built with a small charity, let’s go!
    • Charity begins at home.
    • For the happiness of others.
    • Prove your kindness and donate the money.
    • Charity is a continuous process toward success and happiness.
    • The only priority you should have.

    Money Donation Slogans

    Here are the best slogans about donating money:

    • Create a better future.
    • Creating a brighter tomorrow.
    • Lifting up with hands of help.
    • Make someone’s life by giving of yours.
    • Rebuilding lives for futures.
    • Refuse to be ordinary.
    • We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
    • Let’s help them now.
    • Keep calm and participate in the charity.
    • Be happy, be kind.
    • Your charity is your power.
    • Money increases through charity.
    • Don’t delay give today!
    • The good acts count.
    • Donate now because a child needs money.
    • They are hoping for help.

    Giving Slogans

    • Don’t turn your back to those in need.
    • Give a little. Help a lot.
    • Great futures start here.
    • One man, many efforts.
    • Donate to changing the world.
    • Be part of the good campaign.
    • Donate for a good cause.
    • For the poor people of Africa.
    • For the success and happiness of the poor.
    • Give more, be kind.
    • Your kindness is someone’s hope.
    • You can’t help everyone, help only one.
    • Give the money for a better tomorrow.
    • It’s time to donate the money.
    • The time to donate the money is now.

    Homeless Slogans

    Here are the best slogans on the homeless:

    • Give them a chance, move them toward success.
    • Help others and God will help you.
    • If you can, you should.
    • Help the poor, help the homeless.
    • Helping others is a good feeling.
    • Support others going through hard times.
    • Your contribution will help the homeless poor people.
    • Donate to help poor better than before.
    • A small step has a greater impact.
    • Big changes are caused by small help.
    • There is no big thing than your concern.
    • Spread love, spread humanity’s lesson.

    Charity Slogans

    How to write a slogan for a charity campaign.

    As the market is flooded with numerous amount of charity campaigns, it has become quite important for you to have a catchy slogan that will tell people what you do and what kind of services you are providing. What’s so special about your company? That’s what motivates people to buy from you.

    The charity slogans we have shared are unique and catchy.

    Here is how to write a slogan for a business:

    1. Brainstorm and make a list of giving slogans.

    While coming up with different slogans for your company, make sure to make a list in the written form on a paper. Write down all the slogans that you have thought of yourself and also put some of the best slogans from the above lists of charity slogans.

    2. Tell your specialty.

    People would love to hire you if you tell them that you are professional and the best one in the whole city. This is because people love to work with brands. And in almost every city, these services are provided by large corporations. So there is a quite good place for your company to do business.

    You have to tell people what is so special about you and why should people hire you for their different works?

    You can also tell people about your experience in the field. Let say you have 10 years of experience in the field of interest. Now, you have to tell something about your experience. If I had to do that, I would have chosen a slogan like “10 years of experience in my field!”

    3. Keep your slogan short and sweet.

    Short and sweet slogans attract more customers than long boring slogans. Tell them something they are going to love. Provide some value.

    4. Get ideas from your competitors

    Make a list of all of your competitors and find out what slogans they are using and why. After that, make sure to analyze each and everyone and learn something unique from there.

    4. Shortlist your list.

    After you make a list of money donation slogan ideas, start deleting all the slogans that are difficult to understand.

    The slogan you are going to choose should be creative and easy to understand. It should sound good when said aloud.

    6. Finalize your slogan.

    To finalize your slogan, get reviews and ideas from your family members. You can get help from your teammates.

    You can create a Facebook poll between your favorite slogans to get ideas from your Facebook friends.


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    Photo of Mubashir Rafique

    Mubashir Rafique, founder of Worth Start, a young and energetic entrepreneur. He has been working as a Branding Specialist On different platforms. He shared a lot of Business Name Ideas and Slogans on this site.

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