Word for getting younger

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Люди, которым необходимо эндопротезирование становятся все моложе.

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Сегодня люди, которым необходимо эндопротезирование становятся все моложе.

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Over time people are getting younger, and eventually turn up at their own birth!

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С течением временем люди будут молодеть, и в конце концов появляются на свет во время собственного рождения!

In a world where many of the developed countries are facing population aging and decline and

the developing world is growing and getting younger, youth migration has huge potential

to increase economic growth and reduce unemployment.

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В мире, где многие развитые страны переживают процесс старения населения и снижения темпов,

а развивающиеся страны крепнут и молодеют, миграция молодежи предоставляет огромные возможности

для усиления экономического роста и сокращения безработицы.

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You get young people involved in volunteering.

The diseases of the cardiovascular system swiftly»get younger«, decreasing the age

and affecting more and more



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Болезни сердечно-сосудистой системы стремительно« молодеют», снижая возрастную планку и

поражая все более молодых людей.

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Sometimes working room Lyudmila Vasilyevna called a Cabinet shop, because


rid of diseases and different life problems,

people actually get younger and even prettier.

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Иногда рабочую комнату Людмилы Васильевны называют кабинетом красоты, так как, избавляясь от болезней и разных жизненных проблем,

люди на самом деле, молодеют и даже хорошеют.

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Top»You always get younger, Bondarenko,» he said to the rosy-checked, smart-looking quartermaster standing just before him, still

youngish looking though doing his second term of service.

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Top- Ты все молодеешь, Бондаренко,- обратился он к прямо пред ним стоявшему,

служившему вторую службу молодцеватому краснощекому вахмистру.

You can keep your own private and hidden until the ninety days goes by and

then you cm see which of you got younger and by how much.

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Вы можете хранить свое собственное частное и скрытый, пока эти девяносто дней не проходят

и затем Вы, см видит, кто из Вас стал моложе и сколько.

Fill the finished product container cooked- and 3 months get young bourbon, and six months later- aged American whiskeys.

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Заполняем готовым продуктом приготовленную емкость- и через 3 месяца получаем молодой бурбон, а через полгода- выдержанный американский виски.

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Moreover, the risk of illness continuously gets younger: recently doctors have recommended the mandatory testing after 50 years of

age; it is now very often the urologist’s patients are 30-40 years old and


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Причем, риск заболеваний непрерывно молодеет, и если еще недавно врачи рекомендовали обязательное обследование после 50,

то сегодня нередкими гостями уролога стали 30- летние и более молодые люди.

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You can tell you’re



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становятся все моложе

становится моложе

становятся моложе

становится все моложе


становлюсь моложе


становиться моложе


My experience shows that recently the disease is getting younger, schoolchildren of early adolescence 11-13 years old are increasingly seeking help.

Мой опыт показывает, что в последнее время расстройство молодеет, за помощью все чаще обращаются школьники раннего подросткового возраста 11-13 лет.

The stroke is rapidly getting younger, affecting people of 35-40 years.

При этом инсульт стремительно молодеет, поражая людей 35-40 лет.

The online customer is getting younger.

The patients are getting younger every year.

Because India’s population is not getting younger.

That said, nobody is getting younger.

This company is getting younger, faster, more efficient.

However, the average age of patients seems to be getting younger every year.

При этом средний возраст пациентов молодеет с каждым годом.

Figure skating is not getting younger, but evolving.

Фигурное катание не молодеет, а эволюционирует».

Experts note that the disease is getting younger.

Yes, it is getting younger, and there are objective reasons for that.

Да, оно молодеет, и тому есть объективные причины.

I swear he’s getting younger with each passing day.

Актёр говорит, что он молодеет с каждым прошедшим днём.

He’s getting younger and I’m getting older.

However, no one is getting younger.

And the age of cases in recent years is rapidly getting younger — these days even teen girls can sometimes suffer from these diseases.

Причем возраст заболевших в последние годы стремительно молодеет в наши дни даже девочки подростки порой могут страдать от этих заболеваний.

He is «getting younger«, becoming more cheerful.

Он «молодеет», становится бодрее.

The age at which these young kids are committing crimes is getting younger.

No one is insured against its occurrence, and he is «getting younger» because of the modern sedentary lifestyle.

От его возникновения не застрахован никто, и он все «молодеет» из-за современного малоподвижного образа жизни.

Monster Girl slowly getting younger, and me trapped in a mechanical tomb of my own creation.

Девочка-монстр медленно молодеет, а я застрял в механической гробнице, сделанной мной.

She must be getting younger with each birthday.

И молодеет с каждым Днем рожденья.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат getting younger

Результатов: 236. Точных совпадений: 236. Затраченное время: 83 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I am looking for a word or expression for an older man, often over 60, who usually wears fashion items ( shoes, shirts, jackets), dye their hair, and do their best to keep fit. The overall result is sort of younger look which often clashes with the real age of this persons. I am not looking for a derogatory term but possibly a politically correct one.

David's user avatar


12.2k7 gold badges23 silver badges59 bronze badges

asked May 23, 2014 at 21:56


Putting aside the odious ageist assumption that doing one’s best to keep fit amounts to «trying to look younger» (suppose they want to feel good and live longer?), and since you are supposedly «not looking for a derogatory term but possibly a politically correct one,» why not simply use the same kinds of language you would use for other age brackets:

fashion-forward seniors

fashionable older men

men in their golden years and dressing well

older men who take good care of themselves

hip baby boomers


By the same token, if you did want to offend/denigrate, you could use the same strategy

retirement-age chavs

‘bros’ pushing 70

elderly metrosexuals


answered May 24, 2014 at 2:58

Merk's user avatar


3,57614 silver badges21 bronze badges

There is a term mutton dressed as lamb but mostly applied to old women. It is also used for old men sometimes.

(idiomatic, derogatory) A mature woman dressed in a style more suited to a young woman, especially if in a deliberate attempt to appear young.

For men, mutton dressed as ram version is used also.

There is a related term medallion man also, though they have a specific style:

a man who tries to look younger than he is by wearing jewellery and tight clothes, and who often has his shirt open at the front to show his chest

As a formal term, you can use well-groomed or soigné.

answered May 23, 2014 at 22:32

ermanen's user avatar


59k34 gold badges159 silver badges291 bronze badges


«Those dapper older gentlemen…»

answered May 23, 2014 at 22:03

Oldcat's user avatar


8,35720 silver badges32 bronze badges

The two phrases I hear the most are:

  • trying too hard

  • old guy in the club

And then you can always use poser if it is too overboard.

A nice way to say it is forever young.

answered May 24, 2014 at 6:52

RyeɃreḁd's user avatar


16.7k6 gold badges43 silver badges81 bronze badges

I rather like the word Dandy.

It’s specifically for men and not necessarily derogatory.

A collection of dictionary definitions for Dandy are here

answered May 24, 2014 at 9:23

Frank's user avatar


4,7751 gold badge19 silver badges31 bronze badges

Senior people usually if handsome I’d say come in the category of «rugged» or «ruggedly handsome». Same goes for young ones as well.

answered May 24, 2014 at 13:44

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania pencil picture



Most young ……………………….. have difficulty
concentrating in class.

It’s time to do some ………………………. before the test.

Martin has been cheating on Rebecca for a long
time. What a ……………….!

It was the most …………………………… day in my life.

He career is really ………………………….. . I think one
day she will be someone important.

This hair clipper is totally ………………………. . I need
to recharge the battery every 15 minutes when I try to shave my head.

Be careful. The roads are very…………

My grandparents’ visit was quite ……………………….. .
They never come to us on weekdays.

My grandfather died peacefully after a long
………………………. .

10.   Where have you been? I guess I deserve some …………………………. .

11.   Mary is such a …………………….. girl.

12.   My younger brother is a compulsive ……………….. .

13.   That’s ……………………………….  .You’re late again and you haven’t even

14.   Smoking is a serious …………………………. and some people don’t know how to

15.   It was an …………………………….. evening and I will never forget it.

16.   We were offered free dental ……………………………….. .

17.   Do we have any …………………………… ?

18.   The ………………………. of the rain forests is a real disaster.

19.   My first job interview turned out to be ………………………. .

20.   I think your parents may be ………………………… with your behaviour.

21.   And the ………………………. is Jessica Clanton. Ladies and gentelmen greet her
with applause.

22.   Most big cities in our country are ……………………….. polluted.

23.   How many ……..holidays do you have?

24.   Stop ………………………… about that girl. It’s not your league.

25.   Have you ……………………………… what to wear for your
prom yet?



























Most young learners have difficulty
concentrating in class.

It’s time to do some revision. before the

Martin has been cheating on Rebecca for a long
time. What a discovery!

It was the most stressful day in my life.

He career is really promising . I think one
day she will be someone important.

This hair clipper is totally useless . I
need to recharge the battery every 15 minutes when I try to shave my head.

Be careful. The roads are very icy.

My grandparents’ visit was quite unexpected.
They never come to us on weekdays.

My grandfather died peacefully after a long illness

Where have you been? I guess I deserve some explanation

Mary is such a cheerful girl.

My younger brother is a compulsive liar .

That’s unbelievable  .You’re late again and
you haven’t even apologised.

Smoking is a serious addiction and some
people don’t know how to quit.

It was an enjoyable evening and I will never
forget it.

We were offered free dental treatment .

Do we have any choice ?

The destruction of the rain forests is a
real disaster.

My first job interview turned out to be disastrous

I think your parents may be disappointed
with your behaviour.

And the winner is Jessica Clanton. Ladies
and gentelmen greet her with applause.

Most big cities in our country are heavily

How many  national holidays do you have?

Stop fantasizing about that girl. It’s not
your league.

Have you decided what to wear for your prom

: an inferior in age : junior

usually used with a possessive pronoun

is several years his younger

Word History

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of younger was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near younger

Cite this Entry

“Younger.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/younger. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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