Word for getting worse and worse

getting worse and worse — перевод на русский


И это становится всё хуже и хуже.

My sense of taste is getting worse and worse.

Мое чувство вкуса становится все хуже и хуже.

He’s getting worse and worse.

Ему становится все хуже и хуже.

He’s gotten worse and worse.

Становится всё хуже и хуже.

What if they just get worse and worse? and six months from now, I break up with her over tofu salmon at her sister’s wedding? I can’t do that to her.

Что, если они будут становится всё хуже и хуже и через шесть месяцев, я порву с ней над тарелкой с лососем в соевом твороге на свадьбе ее сестры?

Показать ещё примеры для «становится всё хуже и хуже»…

But it will get worse and worse, until every citizen in this country will have to stand up and be counted to say whether they are on the side of right and freedom or on the side of the Thomas Jordans of this country.

И с каждым днем будет все хуже и хуже, пока каждый гражданин нашей страны не встанет, чтобы заявить во весь голос, на чьей они стороне: права и свободы или на стороне всех Томасов Джорданов нашей страны.

It gets worse and worse

Все хуже и хуже!

It just keeps getting worse and worse…

И всё только хуже и хуже.

If we keep living alone, we’ll just get worse and worse because we’re weak

Жить поодиночке можно, но… так нам будет всё хуже и хуже. Мы слишком слабые.

This back-and-forth between you and I is just gonna get worse and worse.

Это наше ты-мне-я тебе становится все хуже и хуже.

Показать ещё примеры для «хуже и хуже»…

Your sense of timing, dear, gets worse and worse.

Дорогая, твое чувство времени становится все хуже.

They’ve done everything they can for him, but he keeps getting worse and worse.

Но ему становится всё хуже.

Things are getting worse and worse.

Все становится только хуже.

-He just got worse and worse.

Ну, это становилось все хуже. Как?

You went down a path with the best intentions, and then it just got worse and worse until it was too late.

Ты хотел сделать как лучше, но становилось только хуже, пока не стало слишком поздно.

Показать ещё примеры для «становится всё хуже»…

And that’s going to get worse and worse.

Но со временем будет только хуже.

I fought the good fight for three years, but, you know, I kept getting worse and worse.

Я боролся с ним три года, но, знаешь, становилось только хуже.

Your playing is getting worse and worse, uncle.

Ты играешь все хуже, дядя.

What if it just gets worse and worse and worse to the point where we can’t even be in the same room with each other?

А что если всё будет хуже и хуже до такой степени, что мы не сможем находиться с ним в одной комнате?

I hate it. And it’s just gonna get worse and worse until the flight.

И будет все хуже и хуже, пока мы не взлетим.

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  • #1

Dear All,

Is «deteriorating problems» appropriate to describe a problem which gets worse and worse?
Basically I want to say that «adolescent resistance is a deteriorating problem worldwide»

Many thanks in advance!

  • PaulQ

    • #2

    No. The problem is not deteriorating — that would mean that the problem’s condition is worsening.

    You need another verb. I am not sure what «adolescent resistance» is but if it is getting worse then: «Adolescent resistance is a growing problem worldwide.»

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016


    • #3

    No. The problem is not deteriorating — that would mean that the problems condition is worsening.

    You need another verb. I am not sure what «adolescent resistance» is but if it is getting worse then: «Adolescent resistance is a growing problem worldwide.»

    Hi Paul!

    Thanks for the reply! Adoelscent resistance is , e.g. adolescents’ rejecting parental requests :)

    What if the problem has always been there but gets worse and worse now? Can I say «an aggravating problem»?

    Anyone who knows the differences among
    — aggravate
    — exacerbate
    — exasperate???

    Many thanks in advance!!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2016


    • #4

    Can I say «an aggravating problem»

    No, you cannot. You do not seem to understand how the «-ing form» of the verb modifies the noun. An aggravating problem is a problem that aggravates something.

    Is there anyone who knows the differences


    — aggravate
    — exacerbate
    — exasperate?

    Yes, the Word Reference dictionary.


    • #5

    No, you cannot. You do not seem to understand how the «-ing form» of the verb modifies the noun. An aggravating problem is a problem that aggravates something.
    Yes, the Word Reference dictionary.

    Hi Paul!

    MANY thanks for the correction and the tip!! I checked up both in my lingoes as well as the word ref dictionary but couldn’t identify any clear distinction between the three words. That’s alright.

    Is there a way to express the meaning of a problem’s getting worse and worse in the form of «an ~ problem»? with ~ being one word to look compact.

    I’m also particularly grateful that you pointed out my wrong understanding in the “ -ing form» of the verb, i never noticed but it is true! An inspiring person inspires others rather than themselves, a fascinating thing fascinates others and not themselves. You made me realize one more difference in linguistic logics between English and Chinese! LOL In Chinese both inspiring and a problem which is worsening by itself can be expressed in the same form.

    My heartfelt THANKS! :)

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016


    • #6

    An increasing/growing problem. If a problem grows/increases, by definition, it become a bigger problem and thus «worse».

    • #7

    It would pay to think about how or in what way a problem is getting worse.
    A problem that happens more often could be called a «spreading problem» or an «expanding problem».
    A problem that grows more complex might be described as a «deepening problem».
    A problem which no one tries to fix could be called an «unchecked problem».


    • #8

    It would pay to think about how or in what way a problem is getting worse.
    A problem that happens more often could be called a «spreading problem» or an «expanding problem».
    A problem that grows more complex might be described as a «deepening problem».
    A problem which no one tries to fix could be called an «unchecked problem».

    Thanks a lot jmichealm for the detailed answer! I have to say now i’m confused again by the -ing form LOL


    • #9

    An increasing/growing problem. If a problem grows/increases, by definition, it become a bigger problem and thus «worse».

    In this case, what is increased/grown is the problem itself… I’m gonna say i’m confused again by the -ing form LOL

    • #10

    Thanks a lot jmichealm for the detailed answer! I have to say now i’m confused again by the -ing form LOL

    Sorry if I’ve added to your confusion. If you have a question about what I posted I can try to answer.

    PaulQ’s answer was accurate and complete, as always. I just hoped to show how another word choice could help communicate the nature of the problem as you see it.


    • #11

    Is there a way to express the meaning of a problem’s getting worse and worse in the form of «an ~ problem»? with ~ being one word to look compact.

    A worsening problem.

    In Chinese both inspiring and a problem which is worsening by itself can be expressed in the same form.

    The closest phrase I can think of, if I understand you, is «a call to action».

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016


    • #12

    Sorry if I’ve added to your confusion. If you have a question about what I posted I can try to answer.

    PaulQ’s answer was accurate and complete, as always. I just hoped to show how another word choice could help communicate the nature of the problem as you see it.

    Hi jmichaelm!

    It’s good that you confused me! This way I have something to reflect on and have a chance to master something complicated! LOL
    Your samples are MUCH apprieciated and so is your kindness!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


    • #13

    A worsening problem.

    The closest phrase I can think of, if I understand you, is «a call to action».

    Hi RedwoodGrove!

    I just noticed that you replied with «A worsening problem», that’s cool!! What if the problem is not only worsening, but also alarming? Is there a word which can express both meanings??? Sorry for challenging all the experts here! :p


    • #14

    Hi feifayfeefey,

    I concur with Paul and JM, you’d have to use a phrase in the format adverb + adjective + noun. So that might be, «an increasingly calamitous problem». Or you could use adjective + comma + adjective + noun: «a growing, desperate problem». You can choose the word combination that best describes the situation for your purposes.

    It’s interesting, from a linguistics standpoint, to consider how many concepts can be wrapped up in one word. In English, even though a single word can have many dictionary definitions, when you use it you are almost always referencing just one definition or meaning. The added modifiers (adverb, adjective, etc.) alter the nuance.


    • #15

    You can say a condition «gets worse, and then gets worse again».

    Or «it worsened and then worsened further.»

    «It is a worsening problem that seems to be worsening at a yet higher rate.»


    It might not be my first choice but I would not object to it, especially if it was used for emphasis.

    • #16

    An inspiring person inspires others rather than themselves, a fascinating thing fascinates others and not themselves.

    I think I see some of your confusion here. It’s not the suffix -ing which causes «inspiring person» to mean a person who inspires others. Rather it’s meaning of the word «inspire». You don’t typically inspire yourself; you inspire others.

    As an example of how you could use the -ing suffix to apply to yourself consider that you eat for yourself. You cant ordinarily eat for others. So an «eating person» is doing the eating, not eating for anyone else. The fact that there is an -ing suffix does not affect who you are eating for.


    • #17

    Hi feifayfeefey,

    I concur with Paul and JM, you’d have to use a phrase in the format adverb + adjective + noun. So that might be, «an increasingly calamitous problem». Or you could use adjective + comma + adjective + noun: «a growing, desperate problem». You can choose the word combination that best describes the situation for your purposes.

    It’s interesting, from a linguistics standpoint, to consider how many concepts can be wrapped up in one word. In English, even though a single word can have many dictionary definitions, when you use it you are almost always referencing just one definition or meaning. The added modifiers (adverb, adjective, etc.) alter the nuance.

    Hi RedwoodGrove!

    «an increasingly calamitous problem» is perfect!!! Thank you so much!!! LOL
    Does «an increasingly calamitous problem in a theoretical gap» make sense, in this case? I’m writing an academic journal article and want to say that this problem is not yet addressed in theory, namely it is a theoretical gap.

    What your brought about is very, very interesting… I never thought that this is also the case in English, because Chinese is known for making no sense given only one character, a character need always be combined with another character to make a precise sense… LOL

    By the way, what is the difference between «concur with» and «agree with»? I’m sorry but my master promoter used to say that I never stop asking questions… :p


    • #18

    You can say a condition «gets worse, and then gets worse again».

    Or «it worsened and then worsened further.»

    «It is a worsening problem that seems to be worsening at a yet higher rate.»


    It might not be my first choice but I would not object to it, especially if it was used for emphasis.

    Hi Packard!
    I like your proposal, it’s poetic! I’ll be criticized if i use it in my academic article but I’ll keep in mind for personal writings later. Thanks!!! LOL


    • #19

    I think I see some of your confusion here. It’s not the suffix -ing which causes «inspiring person» to mean a person who inspires others. Rather it’s meaning of the word «inspire». You don’t typically inspire yourself; you inspire others.

    As an example of how you could use the -ing suffix to apply to yourself consider that you eat for yourself. You cant ordinarily eat for others. So an «eating person» is doing the eating, not eating for anyone else. The fact that there is an -ing suffix does not affect who you are eating for.

    Wow jmichaelm! This is absolutely clarifying!!! (am i using it correctly here? ) LOL

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    становится все хуже и хуже

    становилось все хуже и хуже

    становятся все хуже и хуже

    становится только хуже и хуже

    все ухудшается и ухудшается

    I remember my husband mentioning that his drinking was getting worse and worse.

    But the everyday life of the majority is somehow getting worse and worse.

    This past year, it’s been getting worse and worse.

    Burr’s health was increasingly getting worse and worse.

    I completely agree with this teacher’s message that our children are getting worse and worse in many aspects.

    Я полностью согласен с этим учительским посланием, что наши дети становятся все хуже и хуже во многих аспектах.

    However, in practice, these relations are getting worse and worse.

    One man said that the situation is getting worse and worse.

    The social and economic situation in the occupied territories was getting worse and worse.

    It is sad, but our society is getting worse and worse this way.

    The food is getting worse and worse.

    However, every year the credit conditions are getting worse and worse, and the requirements are only increasing.

    While you are feeling better temporarily, your situation is getting worse and worse, with interest quickly adding up.

    Alas, but, the quality of our roads is getting worse and worse.

    Recently, the ecological situation is getting worse and worse, scientists every year establish the existence of ever new varieties of pathogens.

    В последнее время экологическая ситуация становится все хуже и хуже, ученые с каждым годом устанавливают существование все новых разновидностей возбудителей заболеваний.

    No matter how optimistic we try to feel, things were getting worse and worse.

    The mutation is getting worse and worse.

    The situation on the ground is getting worse and worse.

    My anxiety and depression keeps getting worse and worse.

    Roads are getting worse and worse.

    We did not know what to do because it was getting worse and worse.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 219. Точных совпадений: 219. Затраченное время: 184 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    • С английского на:
    • Русский
    • С русского на:
    • Английский
    • 1
      час от часу не легче! (things are getting)

      Set phrase:

      worse and worse !

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > час от часу не легче! (things are getting)

    • 2
      час от часу не легче

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > час от часу не легче

    • 3
      час от часу не легче


      it doesn’t get any easier from hour to hour; things are getting worse and worse; things are going from bad to worse; one thing on top of another; so, more troubles; anything to make it tougher!

      — Да что с ним ещё? Опять изменили в любви, что ли? — Нет, в дружбе. — В дружбе! час от часу не легче! (И. Гончаров, Обломов) — ‘What’s the matter now? Disappointed in love again?’ ‘No, in friendship.’ ‘Friendship? He’s going from bad to worse!’

      Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > час от часу не легче

    • 4

      час дня — one’s (o’clock) in the afternoon; 1 p.m.

      час ночи — one (o’clock) in the morning; 1 a.m.

      в час ночи — at one (o’clock) in the morning; art 1 a.m.

      в три часа утра — at three (o’clock) in the morning; at 3 a.m.

      который час? — what is the time?, what time is it?, what o’clock is it?

      академический час — teaching / school period ()

      час от часу не легче! — from bad to worse, things are getting worse and worse; one thing on top of another

      битый час — for a solid hour, for a good hour

      расти не по дням, а по часам — grow* before eyes

      Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > час

    • 5


      полтора́ часа́ — an hour and a half

      че́рез час — in an hour

      э́то потре́бует часа вре́мени — it will take an hour

      е́хать со ско́ростью сто киломе́тров в час — travel [‘træ-] at a speed of one hundred kilometres an hour

      часа́ми — for hours

      двена́дцать часо́в — twelve o’clock

      в двена́дцать часо́в — at twelve o’clock

      двена́дцать часо́в дня — noon

      двена́дцать часо́в но́чи — midnight

      час дня — one (o’clock) in the afternoon; 1 p.m.

      час но́чи — one (o’clock) in the morning; 1 a.m.

      в час но́чи — at one (o’clock) in the morning; at 1 a.m.

      в три часа́ утра́ — at three (o’clock) in the morning; at 3 a.m.

      (в) шесть часо́в ве́чера — (at) six (o’clock) in the afternoon; (at) 6 p.m.

      кото́рый час? — what is the time?, what time is it?, what o’clock is it?

      3) class

      уче́бный / академи́ческий час — (duration of a) class, 45-minute period

      4) time; мн. тж. hours

      час обе́да — dinner time

      час о́тдыха — rest time, time of rest

      приёмные часы́ — reception hours; consultation hours

      свобо́дные часы́ — leisure [‘leʒə] hours

      служе́бные часы́ — office hours

      часы́ рабо́ты (магазина) — opening hours; business hours


      час о́т часу не ле́гче! разг. — ≈ from bad to worse, things are getting worse and worse; one thing on top of another

      би́тый час — for a solid hour, for a good hour

      в до́брый час! — good luck!

      дожда́ться своего́ часа — live to see the time one has been waiting for

      не в до́брый час — in an evil [‘iːvəl] hour, at an unlucky moment

      стоя́ть на часа́х — stand sentry, keep watch

      ти́хий час — quiet time ; см. тж. часы II

      Новый большой русско-английский словарь > час

    • 6
      час от часу не легче!

      Set phrase: worse and worse!

      Универсальный русско-английский словарь > час от часу не легче!

    • 7



      (sent with бытье (




      the situation becomes worse with each new piece of information or each new development (used,


      in a dialogue, to express annoyance when news is received of new trouble or new difficulties)

      it gets (is getting) worse all the time

      it gets (is getting) worse by the minute (every minute)
      it gets (is getting) worse and worse
      things are going from bad to worse
      it’s one thing on top of another.

      Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-18

    • 8
      час от часу не легче



      with быть (

      usu. pres

      ); fixed




      the situation becomes worse with each new piece of information or each new development (used,


      in a dialogue, to express annoyance when news is received of new trouble or new difficulties):

      ift one thing on top of another.

      ♦ Нюрок и тут взбеленилась: «…Неужели ты не видишь, что он давно умеет делать, чтобы за него всё делали?.. Он всегда кого-нибудь эксплуатирует — мать, отца, каких-то там приятелей, а прежде всего приятельниц!» Час от часу было не легче. Ирина Викторовна спросила: «Значит, ты меня окунаешь, милая? В действительность?» (Залыгин 1). Niurok lost her temper completely: «…Can’t you see he knows how to arrange things so that other people do everything for him?…He’s forever exploiting somebody-his mother, his father, his friends, but most of all his girlfriends.» It was getting worse all the time. Irina Viktorovna asked, «Giving me a crash course in reality, are you, my dear?» (1a).

      ♦ [Маша:] Тебя исключают из университета… [Колесов:] Да он [ректор] что, озверел, что ли? [Маша:] Полегче. Эта девочка, между прочим, дочь [ректора] Владимира Алексеевича. [Колесов:] Вы — дочь? [Таня:] Что поделаешь. [Колесов:] Час от часу не легче (Вампилов 3). [М.:] You’re being expelled from the university…. [K.:] What happened, did he [the Provost] go wild, is that it? [M.:] Tkke it easy. This girl, by the way, is [the Provost] Vladimir Alekseyevich’s daughter. [K.:] You’re-his daughter? [T.:] What can I do… [K.:] It’s getting worse every minute (3b).

      ♦ «Да как обвенчаться! — проговорил Пьер на слова Марьи Дмитриевны. — Он не мог обвенчаться: он женат». — «Час от часу не легче, -проговорила Марья Дмитриевна. — Хорош мальчик! То-то мерзавец! А она ждёт, второй день ждёт» (Толстой 5). «But how could there be a marriage?» exclaimed Pierre at Marya Dmitrievna’s last words. «He couldn’t marry her-he’s already married!» «It gets worse and worse!» cried Marya Dmitrievna. «A fine fellow! He’s certainly a scoundrel! And there she sits waiting — she’s been expecting him for two days» (5a).

      ♦ «Зачем же им этот ядовитый сок, — встревожился мой старик, — кого они собираются травить?» — «Нет, — успокоил его старый арап, — травить они никого не собираются — ни людей, ни скотину. Этот сок им нужен для аэропланов. Аэропланы без этого сока взлететь не могут, могут только ехать по земле, как машины» — «Час от часу не легче», — сказал мой старик (Искандер 3). «What do they want with this poisonous juice?» my old man asked anxiously. «Whom are they planning to poison?» «No,» the old black soothed him, «they’re not planning to poison anyone, neither men nor beasts. They need the juice for airplanes. Airplanes can’t fly without it, they can only run along the ground like trucks.» «Things are going from bad to worse,» my old man said (3a).

      Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > час от часу не легче

    См. также в других словарях:

    • worse — I UK [wɜː(r)s] / US [wɜrs] adjective *** a) more unpleasant or bad than something else or than before Some said they d never seen a worse film. get worse: Our performance got worse as the game went on. worse than: The injury looked a lot worse… …   English dictionary

    • worse*/*/*/ — [wɜːs] adj I 1) more unpleasant or bad than something else, or than before Ant: better Our performance got worse as the game went on.[/ex] The company s financial problems are getting worse and worse.[/ex] The injury looked a lot worse than it… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

    • worse — worse1 [wə:s US wə:rs] adj [: Old English; Origin: wiersa, wyrsa] 1.) [the comparative of bad] more unpleasant, bad, or severe →↑better worse than ▪ The violence was worse than we expected. ▪ The traffic is much worse after five o clock. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • worse — worse1 [ wɜrs ] adjective *** more unpleasant or bad than something else or than before: worse than: The injury looked a lot worse than it really was. get worse: Our performance got worse as the game went on. worse and worse: The company s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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    Жить поодиночке можно, но… так нам будет все хуже и хуже. Мы слишком слабые.

    The mud was impassable along the roads; two mills were carried away,

    context icon

    По дорогам была непролазная грязь; две мельницы снесло паводком,

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Вчера я была в таком замешательстве


    все становилось только хуже и хуже.

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

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    Time: 0.1658

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    Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Word for getting the job done right
  • Word for getting taller
  • Word for getting straight to the point
  • Word for getting something started
  • Word for getting someone to do what you want