Word for getting the job done right

Предложения с «get the job done right»

Institutionally speaking, our public school system has never done right by the black and brown child.

Говоря на языке учреждений, система государственных школ никогда не была справедлива к цветным детям.

All right , when you’re done, go by MTAC, check satellite coverage on our location.

Хорошо, когда закончите, идите в центр связи, проверьте зону покрытия спутника в месте нашего нахождения.

He wasn’t quite sure what he’d done that was right , but he wasn’t going to argue.

Он был не совсем уверен, что поступил правильно , но спорить не собирался.

At times, you have serious doubts whether you’ve made the right decision, or done the right thing.

Иногда вы всерьёз сомневаетесь в правильности своих решений и поступков.

I’ve done some bad things but for the right reasons.

Я поступал плохо, но по уважительной причине.

I’ve done some bad things, so I need to go make them right .

Я совершил плохие поступки, и мне нужно исправить их.

Well, the system’s done all right by me.

А по мне, система работает вполне неплохо.

And when you’re ready to get serious, come to me to get it done right .

А если вы настроены серьезно, подходите ко мне, чтобы сделать все правильно .

All right , BlueBell, well done!

Блубелл, вы — молодцы!

All right , Ms Stout takes mo hours to get her hair done.

Мисс Стаут обычно проводит в парикмахерской два часа.

We don’t even think it can be done methodologically and statistically in the right way,” said Frans van Vught, one of U-Multirank’s project leaders, at a launch event here yesterday.

Мы даже не считаем, что их можно делать правильно с точки зрения методики и статистики», – сказал вчера на презентации системы U — Multirank один из руководителей проекта Франс ван Вугт (Frans van Vught).

And you would not budge either in your insistence that, if we pursued regime change, it must be very carefully done and produce the right result.

И вы бы не меняли своего упорства в том, что если мы меняем режим, это должно быть сделано очень аккуратно и дать верный результат.

If it is there it can be done right now.

Если гипсовая прослойка там — это может быть сделано.

I mean, you know, the emergency bunker was right there, was destroyed by the attacks, and obviously the damage done to the building and the lives.

Я имею в виду, что бункер был прямо там, разрушен во время атак, и очевиден вред, причинённый зданию и человеческим жизням.

Here, too, the Kremlin has done its best to help the process along, by supporting far-right parties throughout the EU.

В этом отношении Кремль также максимально посодействовал процессу, поддерживая крайне правые партии во всем ЕС.

In addition, disputes submitted after additional deals have been done in the Account, may subject the Customer to waiving his right to partial or full restitution.

В дополнение к этому, споры, представленные на рассмотрение после проведения дополнительных сделок со счетом, могут лишить Клиента права на частичное или полное возмещение убытков.

This pause right now — does this mean you’re done, or are you just taking a breath in between stupid assumptions?

Эта пауза прямо сейчас — она означает ты закончил, или ты перевел дыхание между глупыми предположениями?

So the one on the right was done first, and then the one on the left was done over it.

Справа круг был нанесен первым, а затем тот, который слева, был нанесен поверх него.

These and a lot of the other songs are just an example of the power of music when its done right .

Эти и множество других моих песен стали свидетельствами силы, которой обладает музыка, если ее правильно исполнять.

We’ll tell a cab to take us to AC right now and get it done.

Возьмём сейчас такси до церкви и обвенчаемся.

If structural reforms are not done right , the Brisbane Summit will come to be regarded as a failure.

Если структурные реформы будут проведены неправильно, саммит в Брисбене будет расцениваться как провал.

But I believe it can be done in a way that protects our privacy, just like right now, when I look at your car from the outside, I don’t really know about you.

Но я уверена, что это может быть достигнуто путём, при котором не затрагивается наша частная жизнь. Как сейчас, когда я смотрю на вашу машину со стороны, я на самом деле ничего о вас не знаю.

I was a little nervous because maybe the data wouldn’t be right , but I’ve done this now for 30 years, and it has stayed on this exponential progression.

Честно говоря, я слегка волновался. Ведь могло оказаться, что данные не те. Но я уже 30 лет этим занимаюсь. И всё время сохранялся экспоненциальный рост.

In fact, they have a right and a moral obligation to continue to check on whether China is keeping its side of the bargain – as, to be fair, it has mostly done so far.

На самом деле, они имеют право и моральное обязательство продолжать проверять, если Китай отвечает за свою сторону сделки — так как, если быть справедливым, он в основном до сих пор делал.

This party has not done a very good job explaining what Right Sector battalions are fighting for.

Данная партия так четко и не объяснила, за что воюют батальоны «Правого сектора».

It’s not right for you to do something bad just because someone else has done something bad.

Неправильно делать что — то плохое только из — за того, что кто — то еще сделал что — то плохое.

Let’s get it done in the right way.

Давайте сделаем всё правильно .

It may stick in your gullet as it sticks in mine, but when all is said and done, he is in the right .

Может, эти слова застревают в твоей глотке, также, как они застревают в моей, Но когда все высказано и сделано — правда на его стороне.

Well, if there’s anything to be done-just say the word. He looked at her with utmost embarrassment. You belong all right .

В общем, если что понадобится… просто дайте знать. — Он смотрел на нее в крайнем замешательстве. — Ведь вы теперь наша.

They carried his cot and all his belongings right out into the bushes and simply dumped them there, and then they strode back slapping their hands briskly at a job well done.

Они вынесли его койку и пожитки прямо в кусты, и все это свалили там в кучу, а сделав дело, отряхнули руки и бодрым шагом вернулись в палатку.

All right , after we’re done with the junction boxes, we can go ahead and start installing the conduit supports tomorrow, okay?

Как только закончим с распределительными коробками, сможем работать дальше, и завтра начать устанавливать крепления для трубопровода, ок?

Should one, if one sees a wrong being done, attempt to put it right ?

Должен ли человек, видя, что творится зло, пытаться исправить положение?

But right or wrong, I have done nothing but serve my captor and Khan.

Но что бы я ни делал, я служил моему хозяину и хану.

He added, And thinking it might please you, I have bespoken it-bought it. Have I done right ?

Я решил сделать тебе удовольствие и оставил ее за собой… я ее купил… — прибавил он. — Хорошо я сделал?

There can be minimal damage if it’s done right .

Если всё сделать правильно , повреждения могут быть минимальны.

The one last sliver of hope that I am holding on to right now is that what you’ve done here falls under department guidelines and not criminal statutes.

Последний луч надежды, что есть у меня сейчас, что вы закончите своё падение здесь, в пределах департамента, и не получите статус преступника.

Y’know, she might be right , Doc; look at the good that few measly volts have done me.

Знаете, док, похоже, она права , сами видите, много ли мне пользы принес этот жалкий десяток вольт.

I think Father Nolan is right , she said. Maybe she’d done something and was afraid to go to Mass, but the important thing was that she came back to the church in the end.

Я думаю, что отец Нолан прав, — сказала она. — Может быть, она почему — либо робела ходить к обедне, но важно то, что в конце жизни она все же пришла к церкви.

And you’d be right , all I’ve done is restate my original claim.

И вы будете правы , ведь я просто напросто повторил свое изначальное утверждение.

Now, you tell me how a right-handed hitter could have done that.

Теперь, скажи мне как отбивающий — правша смог такое сделать.

But if we had just done the tandem choreography that I suggested, you’d be fine right now.

Но если бы мы поставили парный танец, который я предложил, ты была бы в порядке.

Clearly they were of the opinion that Jack had done the decent thing, had put himself in the right by his generous apology and Ralph, obscurely, in the wrong.

Они давали понять, что Джек молодец, что от своего великодушного извинения он только выгадал, тогда как Ральф каким — то образом прогадал.

But cant you see that perhaps a man might do something just because he knew it was right , necessary to the harmony of things that it be done?

Неужели вы не можете представить, что человек готов делать что — то лишь потому, что считает это справедливым, необходимым для гармонии вещей?

It was very natural for you to say, what right has he to lecture me?—and I am afraid very natural for you to feel that it was done in a disagreeable manner.

Разве вам не естественно было бы спросить:«А по какому праву он меня поучает?»И разве не естественно заметить, что это делается в довольно обидной форме?

I have done nothing for which that part of the world which judges of matters by the rule of right , will condemn me.

Я не совершил ничего такого, за что та часть человечества, которая судит на основании закона справедливости, могла бы осудить меня.

All right , I dragged this out as long as I can, but I’m pretty much done drafting this motion.

Ладно. Я тянул, как мог, и почти закончил с этим прошением.

Right after we got engaged, ‘Tash and I had complete genetic workups done.

Сразу после помолвки, мы с Таш сдали полные генетические анализы.

Just as she had once done what was right for David.

Точно так, как когда — то для Дэвида.

From time to time Kate made conciliatory overtures, which Tony ignored. Kate’s heart ached. But she had done what was right for Tony.

Сердце Кейт разрывалось от боли, но она была уверена в собственной правоте , в том, что сделала все для блага сына.

There are so many queries and studies being done right now on obesity and diabetes and genes versus behavior.

Есть столько опросов и исследований, посвящённых ожирению, диабету и взаимодействию гнов и поведения.

It always turns out far better when it’s done right off…

Всегда гораздо лучше выходит, когда это делается сразу…

If you want something done right … But that means going topside.

Если хочешь чего — то добиться, это значит, что нужно крутиться.

If he’d done everything right the first time, there’d have been one plague and zero great floods.

Если бы он всё сделал как надо в первый раз, то была бы одна чума и ноль Великих Потопов.

All right , when you’re done, go by MTAC, check satellite coverage on our location.

Хорошо, когда закончите, идите в центр связи, проверьте зону покрытия спутника в месте нашего нахождения.

His wife and daughter had not only done quite right in this instance, but he did not see for a moment how they could have done otherwise.

Его жена и дочь не только поступили правильно в данном случае, но он не мог представить, что они могли поступить иначе.

Even when she was just a baby her wee hand seemed to lead me down the right path as nothing else had ever done.

Даже когда Алиса была совсем крошкой, ее ручонки удерживали меня на праведном пути, как ничто в мире.

If I fail, I will Pfft right back to my Earth, but if I succeed, I will have succeeded not just in redeeming myself but also… will have done some good with my life.

И если я подведу, то я Фьюить! на свою Землю, но если я преуспею, то я тогда не только оправдаю себя, но и… сделаю что — то полезное со своей жизнью.

Before word of this crazy elopement gets out, I want this marriage done right .

До того, как станет известно об этом сумасшедшем побеге возлюбленных, я хочу, чтобы эта свадьба прошла как положено.

Right, ’cause you haven’t done anything reckless or foolhardy in almost an hour.

Верно, потому что ты не делала ничего безрассудного и отчаянного уже почти час.

You feel I’ve done you a grievous wrong and you’d be right .

Я сделал вам нечто ужасное, и вы правы .

get the job done — перевод на русский

The others want to get the job done and keep the Mickey Mouse to a minimum.

Других, кто хочет сделать работу, и держать Микки Мауса на минимуме.

To get the job done.

Сделать работу.

A man who knew how to get the job done.

Человек, который знал как сделать работу.

He can break into a home and get the job done.

Он может ворваться в дом и сделать работу.

He’s… he’s all about getting the job done.

Ему… Ему главное сделать работу.

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He can’t get the job done.

Он не может выполнить работу

Eli always knew how to get the job done.

Эли всегда знал как выполнить работу.

The only requirement that I have is to get the job done.

Моя единственная потребность — это выполнить работу.

Yes… if that assassin can get the job done.

Да… Только если наемник может выполнить работу.

You’re an asset, an expendable asset. And I used you to get the job done.

просто инструмент, и я тобой воспользовался чтобы выполнить работу.

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When I get back, when we get this job done…

Когда я вернусь, когда мы сделаем эту работу…

Let’s get this job done and go home.

Сделаем эту работу и улетим домой. Ничего.

Maybe you don’t have what it takes to get the job done.

Может быть вы не имеете того, что сделает эту работу.

— If you want to get this job done, you’re gonna need all the help you can get.

— Мак… — Если хочешь выполнить эту работу, тебе понадобиться вся возможная помощь.

So don’t fight me, work with me, And we’ll get this job done.

Поэтому не спорь со мной, а сотрудничай, и мы завершим эту работу.

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Yeah, gets the job done.

Да, чтобы сделать дело.

And wonder if that was enough to get the job done.

И размышлял, хватит ли их, чтобы сделать дело.

But I got the job done.

Но я сделал дело.

Got the job done.

Но дело сделала.

She got the job done.

Она сделала свое дело

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He’s a man who got the job done.

— Он человек, который хорошо делает свою работу.

She gets the job done.

Она делает свою работу.

Like I said, she gets the job done.

Как я уже сказала. Она делает свою работу.

Whilst getting the job done, they’re having a laugh at work with the Sword of Damocles hanging over them.

Пока они делают свою работу, они хохочут на рабочем месте с висящим над их головами Дамокловым мечом.

I miss people doing whatever it takes to get the job done.

Я скучаю… по людям, которые, во что бы то ни стало, делают свою работу.

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I’m willing to kill seven people to get the job done.

Я собираюсь убить семерых чтобы закончить работу.

We need to keep the circle tight to get the job done.

Нужно держат информацию в узком кругу, чтобы закончить работу.

Even if it takes longer to get the job done, you’ll know, and so will the city.

Даже если нужно больше времени, чтобы закончить работу, Вы узнаете, И город тоже.

With him on your team, maybe you’ll get this job done a little faster.

Может быть, с ним вы закончите эту работу немного быстрее.

If we’re to get the job done before the bank opens on Monday morning, — we’d better get a wriggle on.

Если закончим работу до открытия банка в понедельник, будет легче туда проникнуть.

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They say jump, I ask «How high?» I get the job done.

Мне говорят прыгай, я спрашиваю «Как высоко?» Выполняю работу.

Bit of a maverick, doesn’t like taking orders, but he’s got the guts to get the job done.

Наполовину скиталец, не любит быть священником, но у него есть кишки, чтобы выполнять работу.

It looks like, uh, you were covering yourself with motor oil while we were getting the job done.

Похоже, что вы обмазывались моторным маслом пока мы выполняли свою работу.

I do what it takes to get the job done.

И я делаю всё возможное, чтобы выполнять эту работу.

You know, sometimes, we do what we got to do to get the job done.

Знаете, иногда нам приходится поступать так, чтобы выполнять свою работу.

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To make sure we get the job done.

Чтобы убедиться, что мы все сделали.

Look, we got the job done.

Мы всё сделали.

So if we don’t get this job done, then everybody’s gone.

Если мы не сделаем это, все погибнут. Одна минута.

We’re gonna get the job done.

Мы все сделаем.

You got the job done.

Вы это сделали.

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Did you get the job done?

Ну что, работа сделана?

I got the job done.

Работа сделана.

It got the job done.

Работа сделана.

It’s no Starbucks, but it gets the job done.

Это не Страбукс, но работа сделана.

As long as you can get the job done.

Ну да ладно, главное — чтобы работа была сделана.

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— You get the job done.

Вы делаете свое дело.

If some guy doesn’t grab you and get the job done tonight, I’m gonna have to do it myself.

Если какой-нибудь парень не возьмет тебя и не сделает свое дело сегодня вечером я сделаю это сам.

I’m going with Tom because George would just want to talk about politics all the time and Tom seems like he would quietly get the job done.

Я бы выбрала Тома, потому что Джордж только и хотел бы, что говорить о политике всё время, и Том выглядит как будто бы он знает своё дело.

Running into the jungle unarmed is not going to get the job done.

Бежать в джунгли безоружными делу не поможет.

» funny little bird,but he gets the job done..

Смешной парень с крылышками, но свое дело он знает…

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  • выполнить работу
  • эту работу
  • чтобы сделать дело
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  • чтобы закончить работу
  • выполняю работу
  • всё сделали
  • работа сделана
  • своё дело

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В KL Translations Ltd качество означает больше, чем просто сделать работу.

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Got the job done, killed several men… all known drug traffickers with


Vallejo Cartel.

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Он выполнил работу. Убил несколько человек. Все они были наркодельцами из картеля Валлехо.

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Он справляется, но он не Мэтт Деймон или Дэниел Крэйг».

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Look, there might be another way we can get the job done without having to waste her.

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desire to save money and get the job done in


home can lead to undesirable consequences.

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Поэтому желание сэкономить и сделать работу своими силами может привести к нежелательным последствиям.

that helps dry prints ahead of lamination and finishing.

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которая высушивает печатные изображения, подготавливая их к ламинации и финальной отделке.

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All I know is


Masters say you get the job done, and yet here you stand empty-handed.

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Мастера мне сказали, что вы сделаете работу, а ты стоишь здесь с пустыми руками.

SERM’s should always be your first choice if they can get the job done, but many, especially when supraphysiological doses of testosterone

are used will need an AI.

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СЭРМ должны всегда быть вашим первым выбором если они могут получить работу сделанный, то но много, особенно когда супрафысиологикал дозы

тестостерона будут использованы будет нужен АИ.

and I helped him


in with Bello.

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Мы сделали дело, перехватили дополнительный миллион долларов для бюро, и

я помог ему сблизиться с Белло.

But I wasn’t working particularly hard, and I got the job done in half



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Но я не работал так уж усердно, и я сделал работу за половину обычного времени.

Add in heavier cutting discs, super-sized skid shoes and other features,

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Добавьте более тяжелые дисковые ножи, сверхбольшие копирующие башмаки и другие особенности,

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Like Wells, and Oliver, and everyone else my whole life that didn’t think I could get the job done.

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Как Уэллс, как Оливер, как все они, кто всю жизнь сомневаются, что я могу справиться со своей работой.

When it comes to power and productivity,


AX19 brush chipper and

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Когда возникает необходимость в мощности и производительности, измельчитель срубленных ветвей AX19 и мини-

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Whether you’re looking for new or used equipment, connect with your local Vermeer dealer to learn

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Если вы ищете новое или бывшее в употреблении оборудование, свяжитесь с вашим местным дилером Vermeer, чтобы узнать,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

That’s why when our customers choose KITO, we know it’s because they trust us to provide safe and

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Вот почему, когда наши клиенты выбирают Кито, мы знаем, что это потому, что они доверяют нам обеспечить безопасное и надежное оборудование,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

An arsenal of attachments, including rockwheels, plows,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Арсенал навесных приспособлений, в том числе дисковые

резаки, плуги, комбинированные устройства и траншеекопатели- это все необходимые инструменты, помогающие выполнить работу.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

From creative concept development to delivery of an amazing, highly unique, hi-resolution, conversion-oriented logo for your business, company or record label-

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Начиная разработкой креативных идей и заканчивая доставкой удивительных, уникальных, ориентированных на конверсию логотипов с высоким разрешением для вашего бизнеса, компании или звукозаписывающей студии-

NurKom Promotions выполняет заказы быстро, рационально и экономически эффективно!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

From creative concept development to delivery of an amazing, highly unique, hi-resolution, conversion-oriented logo for your business, company or record label-

NurKom Promotions gets the job done quickly, efficiently, and cost effectively!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Начиная разработкой креативных идей и заканчивая доставкой удивительных, уникальных, ориентированных на конверсию логотипов с высоким разрешением для вашего бизнеса, компании или звукозаписывающей студии-

NurKom Promotions выполняет заказы быстро, рационально и экономически эффективно!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg



he got the job done in a breeze — он выполнил работу без труда /играючи/

Автоматический перевод

выполняйте свою работу

Перевод по словам

get  — получать, попасть, добираться, потомство, приплод, идиот, дурак
job  — работа, задание, выполнять задание, аккордный, наемный
do  — делать, выполнять, до, развлечение, то же самое, таким же образом


How fast can you get the job done?

Как быстро вы сможете выполнить эту работу?

A day’s labor should get the job done.

За день с этой работой нужно управиться.

Do stop flapping about, we’ll get the job done in time.

Не впадай в панику, мы всё успеем вовремя.

If we all muck in together, we’ll soon get the job done.

Если мы все вместе примемся за дело, то скоро всё закончим.

To get the job done more quickly, we split up into teams.

Чтобы побыстрее закончить работу, мы разделились на команды.

I have absolute faith in her ability to get the job done.

Я безгранично верю в её способность довести дело до конца.

I decided I would get the job done by Friday, come hell or high water.

Я решил, что сделаю работу к пятнице, во что бы мне это ни стало.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Well, you know, we’ve got a job to do here.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Appreciation for Good Work: Expressing gratitude is not only the right manner but also improves the professional and personal relationship between two people. Helping each other and appreciating the excellent work makes the workplace environment better. When someone does something good at work, please don’t be too late to express your gratitude and appreciate their good work. If you find it hard how to appreciate someone for good work, don’t worry. We are giving you a bunch of appreciation words for good work. Pick any message you like and send it to someone you want to.

  • Appreciation For Good Work Messages
  • Appreciation Words for Good Work
  • Job Well Done Messages
  • Appreciation Words for Good Work To Team
  • Appreciation Messages for Good Work To Employee
  • Student Appreciation Messages For Good Performance
  • Appreciation Quotes For Good Work

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the work. You’re truly a man of work and art.

I genuinely appreciate how incredible you are and your work! Thank you for a job well done!

You never fail to grab the perfect opportunities and deliver the best outcome in time! Excellent work!

words of appreciation for good work done

Great job! I genuinely appreciate your thirst for knowledge and thrive for perfection!

The way you gracefully pulled off the work – I am so proud of you. Best wishes for a promising future.

Congratulations on a job well done! Your effort deserves huge applause and genuine appreciation!

Your enthusiasm and determination always reflect in your outputs. Keep up the good work!

Good job team. Thank you all for being each other’s motivation during the challenges of this project. The triumph is now ours. Let’s enjoy ourselves.

The way you have put up all your efforts on this work deserves every bit of appreciation. You will be rewarded for your work! Very Well done.

I’m very impressed by your performance and hard work. I feel truly blessed to have such a hard-working employee like you in my office. Thank you for your skills and efforts.

Words cannot express my gratitude for your great work and support. Thank you so much.

appreciation for good work message

When others are busy making the plan, you are the one who has done it. Your good work deserves the heartiest appreciation. Keep it up and congratulation on a job well done!

Well Done team. Despite all the hardships, we all made it to the end and accomplished our goal. Congratulations, keep up the good work.

We truly appreciate your effort and hard work. We all observe you and take advice from you. Your work is outstanding, and we appreciate you!

I appreciate your work which has significantly increased our department’s output. Thanks for your outstanding efficiency. You’ve set an example for all of us.

You have proved that lack of experience in a job doesn’t really matter when there is a strong urge for excellence and perfection. Great job.

I haven’t seen such quality work in a long time. Great job, Keep it up!

Thank you for bringing your best to work every single day. You are a pleasure to work with. Great job!

You handled the problems with excellent knowledge and experience. Without your diligence, endurance, and flexibility, we would not have been able to complete the task. I truly appreciate your hard work!

words of appreciation for good work done

We are fortunate to have a hard worker like you. We are proud of you. Well done!

Your dedication, dedication, enthusiasm, and insight are shown in your work. Keep on doing great works like this, and there’s no looking back for you!

I express my gratitude and appreciation to my colleague for such tremendous work and support. May you be impressing us with more amazing achievements.

Well done! I can’t express how much I appreciate your efforts. It’s great to have someone as special as you to work with!

Not going to lie, but we are proud to have an employee like you as part of our team. The job is done so gracefully and neatly. Very well done, dear.

You have faced many challenges and overcome many obstacles to complete this task. Though the way was rocky and filled with difficulties, you have done it very well. Good job and tons of best wishes.

Your work speaks volumes of the kind of man you are – efficient, organized and result-oriented. Well done.

Within you is the absolute power to rise above any situation or struggle and transform it into the strongest and the most beautiful version of you ever. Great job team!

appreciation for good work messages

Each and every one of you contributed highly to the success of this project. Thank you so much for all the hard work. Keep up the good work.

People like you take the IM out of IMpossible by becoming PRO at tackling PROblems. Well done.

Your hard work and effort have paid off! A success well deserved, an occasion worth celebrating! Congratulations!

This message is to recognize your contribution to the team’s success. Your commitment has been exemplary and your hard work is an inspiration to everyone around you. Well done.

Thanking you for your support, love, and care for your duties. You are indeed a blessing to this organization.

Appreciation Words for Good Work

You make work your passion, and that’s why you succeed. We truly appreciate the good work.

Your hard work is imperative to the organization’s progress. Thank you for taking care of your missions well!

You met my expectations with your fervor and highly impressed me with your work ethic. Keep up the good work!

You are a living example of a sincere and dedicated employee! I appreciate your efforts!

I am fortunate to have someone like you as my subordinate who works so well! I appreciate you making everything around here easy to accomplish.

appreciation words for good work

Give the world the best you have, and the best will come to you! I want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts.

Doing a good job is not always about impressive innovation. Sometimes it is only about doing something with plain dedication. Excellent work.

Great Work! The assigned task wasn’t easy, but you overcame the challenges with swift expertise and set a perfect example!

Good job! You were exceptional in your endeavor, and we highly appreciate that!

Many others failed because they had a lot of excuses. You succeeded because you didn’t have any. Well done.

There is no doubt that you will rise fast at the apex of your career. Because you are a very intelligent, smart, hard worker and your work ethic par excellence. Keep going!

Well done with the job! You are always thorough and diligent with your efforts, so I can always count on you!

Thank you for a job well done! I earnestly appreciate how hardworking, patient, and sincere you are towards your responsibilities!

Read: Teamwork Quotes and Messages

Job Well Done Messages

Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. You will be rewarded for your pain. Your hard work will bring you a lot of gains. Well done.

Some people in our office dress well, some talk well, some carry themselves well, but you just get jobs done well. Thank you for putting in all your great effort.

Well done is better than well said and you have proved it with your great effort. You are perfect and a man of dedication. Keep up the great work!

This is the beginning of many more good things to come. May you get everything that you could demand. Best wishes in all you do and congrats on the job well done!

Congratulations for a job well done! I was always confident in your abilities to shoulder your responsibilities. You should be very proud of yourself.

appreciation words for good work

Opportunity comes to those who quit Waiting and start LOOKING. Success comes to those who quit thinking and start DOING. Congratulations on LOOKING and DOING. Well done.

In the end you are a winner! You are one of those great people who don’t wait for opportunities to come and knock on their door but step out to look for them. All the best!

Your performances speak of the dedication and commitment you hold in your hearts! Well done!

A job that is well done is like a benchmark. It’s a milestone that will help you do a better job the next time. Congratulations. Thank you for doing this job well done.

Having someone like you who’s not only a great innovator but also pulls his best to get the work done so beautifully needs nothing but appreciation. Thanks for the well off work!

You consistently bring your all and I truly appreciate that. Thank you for making corporate life so smooth. Proud to have you on our team. Good work as always.

May you reach the heights of success, and may your work be loved by everyone in your office. Congratulations on your job well done.

Keep your positive attitude alive, and never let the enthusiasm in you fade; this is your strength. Keep it up in your work life too. Congratulations, and best of luck, buddy.

If Oscars were given for a job well done, I’d nominate you! Congratulations on your fantastic achievement!

Well done! You are destined to make it big, and you just didn’t know it. This recognition is surely deserved and will allow you to spread your wings.

Appreciation Words for Good Work To Team

Keep up the good work, team! The office owes you all a hearty applause for your efforts!

Let’s toast to the best team ever! Regardless of any hindrances, you have all come together and succeeded as a team. Congratulations on the job well done!

Your contribution to this project cannot be described in words. We are proud to be associated with such a great team. Thank you, everyone, for taking the challenge and helping us to reach the top.

words of appreciation for good work done by team

Thank you for a job well done! We could not have made it without the team’s critical skills!

This is not just a team; this is a family to me. Words will not be enough to tell you how grateful I am to have a fantastic team. I love working with this team. Thank you, everyone.

All of our hard work paid off, and now we can celebrate what we accomplished. Congratulations to each and every one of you.

Dear team, you are someone I’ve always dreamt of. My project would never be successful without your support and hard work. I feel blessed to work with such an incredible and talented bunch of people.

Thank you, everyone, for being so cooperative. Without your dedication, I would never be able to reach my goal. You guys are truly outstanding!

Amazing job was done on the project, team! Your skill sets, efforts, and determination are the keys to greater achievements!

Congratulations on a job well done! We are thoroughly impressed by the team members’ vision, expertise and execution!

Well done, team! It is your never-bending willpower, perseverance, and assiduity that has allowed the company to reach its peak!

Kudos to the team for battling all obstacles and reaching the desired outcome! We appreciate it!

Thank you, my incredible team members, for such incredible work done on this project. I hope we all can work together as a team for so long.

I am proud to work with such a talented and dedicated group of individuals, and I look forward to continuing to grow and succeed together. Thank you, everyone.

Read: Thank You Messages For Team Members

Appreciation Messages for Good Work To Employee

Thank you for your exceptional performance! You definitely help the team reach newer heights with your merits and skills!

This is a great achievement for you, as well as for our company. You have shown us how to finish a tough task very smoothly. We have many to learn from you. Well done!

An employee like you are one in a million. I am proud of you. You are the gem of a person!

You are a valuable contribution to the office! Kudos to your dedication towards your duties and well done on your efforts!

Congratulations on a job well done! Your competency always offers growth and development to the company!

Appreciation messages for job well done

Your hard work has proved that this job was destined for you. You have made me realize that I made the right decision by delegating it to you. Well done.

We’ve always taken great pleasure to see your enthusiasm for the work you do. Hoping that you will remain with us for many years to come!

You will never find out your real worth until you give life your best shot. Work hard and give it all you’ve got. You will find more success than you had ever thought. Congratulations.

No job well done is a one-time investment that will reap the rewards for the rest of your life in the form of skill, knowledge, expertise, and goodwill. Well done, mate.

A lot of people failed at what you accomplished simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy finding solutions. Well done.

Every time you do a good job, you polish yourself one more time. Shine on mate, well done.

Your contribution to the project proves what we already knew – that you are a strong team player and a connoisseur of excellence. Well done.

Everyone should have a dedicated employee like you. Keep up the hard work. Thank you so much for your dedication to our company.

Thank you for your commitment to your job. Your outstanding performance helped our company to grow. Thank you once again for your hard work and dedication.

The project was successful because of your fantastic idea. Thank you so much, dear. Thank you for being someone I can truly depend on. I appreciate and admire your quality and hard work.

Well done on your recent project! We are proud to have someone as diligent as you in the office!

Also Read: Thank You Messages for Employees

Appreciation Messages for Good Work To Colleague

There is much to learn from a meticulous and hardworking colleague like you! Keep up the good work!

You are an amazing colleague to work with. You made my work life more comfortable, even on a hectic day. Thanks for always supporting and helping me. I cannot imagine my work days without you.

Give the world the best you have, and the best will come to you! I want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts.

Not only are you an amazing colleague but also you have done exemplary work throughout your tenure. I wholeheartedly appreciate your contribution.

Thank you notes for job well done

I truly like to appreciate my fellow colleague for doing such amazing work. Your effort and contribution will not be forgotten.

Here’s to celebrating what wonderful work my esteemed colleague has done. May you be able to exhibit more impressive feats in the future.

Thank you for making my work life more comfortable. I enjoy working with you, and your dedication to your job inspires me. I’ll always remember the help and care you did for me.

It’s splendid how you always deliver the desired outcomes gracefully! We are proud of you!

Congratulations for your fabulous victory, dear! You deserve every bit of it! Aim for the stars, and I’m sure it will be yours! Well done.

Well done! Your enthusiasm and aspirations are evident from your excellent performance!

I appreciate how you made my challenging work easier. Your words motivate and inspire me. I am thanking you from the bottom of my heart for always being there for me.

Student Appreciation Messages For Good Performance

Keep up the good work! You truly deserve to shine and accomplish great things in the future!

Dear student, I want to extend my appreciation to you for achieving brilliant results and exhibiting an incredible performance. I wish you the best in the coming future.

My best wishes on your excellent performance. You were able to display admirable capabilities while also providing worthy insight.

student appreciation message for good performance

Wishing my dear student warm congratulations on their terrific performance. You all have achieved good results to be proud of. May you all have a stunning future ahead.

Thank you for your incredible result and outstanding achievement. I feel blessed to have you as one of my students. You are intelligent, smart, hard worker, and I’m sure you’ll achieve your goal.

My dear, I’m so impressed by your progress. I have faith in you, and I hope you’ll be able to get good marks. Keep it up!

All your hard work and dedication have paid off. You are an inspiration to other students. Thanks for your great job. I’m proud of your achievement.

I knew that you could do this. Keep up your excellent work in the future. You are a perfect example of a good, dedicated student. We are so proud of you.

Congratulations and well done on the assignment! You are always consistent with your efforts and creative with your ideas!

You never fail to amaze me with your devotion and persistence! Keep up the good work as it will surely guarantee you success!

Your outstanding performance speaks of your competence and zeal. Well done!

You have done an outstanding job and proven your merits with sincerity! I am really proud of your enthusiasm and prowess!

Read: 100+ Appreciation Messages and Quotes

Appreciation Quotes For Good Work

Thank you very much for your full focus on the job instead of focusing on proving yourself to others. Thank you for your tremendous support and dedication towards the work. Job well done

The time and effort you had put into this work is beyond excellence. Take my cordial thanks! You are really an efficient, organized and result-oriented man/woman.

Everything you’ve done in your career due to your resilience, hard work and persistence. Thank you for your will to persist and persevere.

May you get everything that you could demand. I was always confident in your abilities to shoulder your responsibilities. Thank you so much for your effort.

You are doing a good job here, and I want you to know that your presence and work are acknowledged, and they are helping us reach our targets and goals. Thank you for your support!

You make the team grow every day with your meticulous management! Keep up the good work!


Thank you for all the extra hours and extra effort you had to put on for getting this job done. I appreciate every bit of your effort. Thank you for pulling this off so smoothly.

No matter how big the crown may get, you with your amazing skills and dedication towards your work will stand out anyways. Great times lie ahead for you, of that we are very sure. Well done.

I love how you don’t wait for opportunities but rather step out and take every challenge. No wonder you are a winner. Thank you for your excellent work. Really appreciate your enthusiasm.

Thank you for your great job. We really appreciate your efforts and dedication to the work. May God bless you to show your worth and skills in the future like this, over and over.

Thank you for your full focus on the job instead of focusing on proving yourself to others. You always tried harder to be better and now your success speaks out louder.

Thank you for your hard work. I’m sure it was worth it all. There is no doubt that you are the most deserving of all the candidates considered for promotion.

Talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything. Thank you for your excellent work!

Many people wait for opportunities to come and knock on their door. Only a few people like you step out to look for them. No wonder you are a winner. Well done and heartfelt thanks to you!

Management means helping people to do their best, not just organizing things. Thank you for a good job! We really appreciate your efforts.

No matter how big a crowd maybe, a person like you always stands out! No one has worked as hard as you have in the last few years. Now your efforts effort has paid off. Congrats!

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Thanks!

It’s a great gesture to appreciate your employees when they have successfully pulled off a great job. Nothing inspires them like some words of appreciation for good work done. An appreciation message for good work can play a significant role in any professional relationship. It shows your love and gratitude to them, which inspires them to do more good works. Never miss a chance of sending an appreciation message to your friends, family member, employee, colleague, student, or boss. Well done messages will help them work even harder in the future and make a great impression of you in front of them. If you want to send someone a unique appreciation letter, you can try our beautiful messages of appreciation and good job quotes. Copy them or add some words you like. Express your gratitude to the people around you most often. It will not only lift them up but also will help you to become a better person.

Last updated on January 18, 2023

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