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Disembarking would also be acceptable.
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Q: What is another word for getting off a plane?
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Собираясь путешествовать на самолете, важно знать о:
- Процессе регистрации (checking in).
- Ограничениях на количество регистрируемого багажа (a limit to the amount of luggage you can check).
- Правилах относительно ручной клади (“carry-on” luggage).
- Том, что случится, если ваш багаж потерялся (what happens if the airline loses your luggage).
- Том, что означает «избыточное бронирование» (“overbooking”).
- Том, что означает «состояние готовности» (“standby”).
- Том, почему нужно приезжать в аэропорт так рано (“why you have to arrive to the airport so early”).
- Том, что случится, если вы опаздываете на пересадочный рейс (“connecting flight”).
- Том, что делать, если рейс был отменен (“flight is cancelled”).
- Том, что такое «закрытые» даты (“blackout” dates).
Об этом и многом другом вам расскажет специалист в области авиаперелетов Jen Leo. Предлагаем посмотреть следующее видео:
Basic Air Travel
- What is the process for checking in at the airport? (Как происходит процесс регистрации?) If you’ve never been to an airport before and this is your first flight (полет) there are a number of steps you need to take. You will be required to check in (зарегистрироваться), get your boarding pass (посадочный талон), check your luggage (багаж) and then proceed to the security gate (пропускной пункт) and eventually to your designated departure gate (выход на посадку). Airport check-in (регистрация в аэропорту) is when you let the airline know that you are there. The airline will have someone check your I.D. (документ, удостоверяющий личность), usually your driver’s license or your passport, they will check to see if you have any luggage with you and, if you’re going to be checking that luggage, they will then give you your boarding pass with your gate number (номер выхода на посадку) on it so you may proceed to the gate through security.
- What other types of check-in are available at the airport? (Какие еще виды регистрации доступны в аэропорту?) Curbside check-in (регистрация пассажиров при подъезде в аэропорт) is that little desk right on the sidewalk where the skycap (носильщик в аэропорту) is there ready to check you in, take your baggage (багаж), and give you your boarding pass. Sometimes, the line is a little shorter than inside at the baggage check-in desk (стойка регистрации), but it comes with a price. You’re required to at least tip (давать чаевые) the skycap or sometimes there’s a mandatory fee (обязательная плата) of two dollars per bag right there on a sign as you check in at the line. A self-service check-in («саморегистрация») is a know-it-all computer that knows who you are as soon as you put in your ID or your credit card. What you do is you verify who you are, and that you’re on the next flight and what seat you want, and then it prints out your boarding pass for you, right then and there; nobody needs to help you.
- Is there a limit to the amount of luggage I can check? (Есть ли ограничение на количество регистрируемого багажа?) There is absolutely a limit to the number of bags you can check on a plane. You can’t just move in your whole apartment with boxes and gigantic suitcases (огромные чемоданы). Usually the limit to the number of bags is two, but it varies from airline to airline. Check each airline for their own personal requirements (требования) before you book (заказывать, бронировать) your ticket. If your bags are over the weight limit (превышать ограничение веса), you will be charged (с вас возьмут деньги). Please do note that the weight allowances (норма бесплатного провоза багажа) can vary (отличаться) domestically (внутри страны) versus international. If you’re going on an international trip, and traveling through several different airlines throughout the course of your vacation, make sure you know what the bag restrictions (ограничения) are with each airline, because they do vary as you cross overseas.
- What are rules for “carry-on” luggage? (Каковы правила для ручной клади?) Usually, you’re only allotted two carry-on bags – one to go under your seat or the overhead compartment (верхняя багажная полка), and the other to be a personal item (личная вещь), such as a purse or a laptop computer. If you are one of the last people to board a plane (сесть на самолёт), sometimes you’re asked to check one of your larger pieces of luggage at the gate if the plane is already full.
- What happens if the airline loses my luggage? (Что происходит, если авиакомпания теряет мой багаж?) If you can’t find your bag once you get off the plane (выйти из самолета), know that you are not alone. This happens to a lot of passengers. What you do is go directly to the airline desk and start filling out the paperwork (заполнять документы), letting them know that your baggage has been lost. Sometimes it’s just on the flight behind you and they will deliver it to you later. Otherwise, you might have to file a claim (предъявлять претензию) and wait for reimbursement (компенсация) from the airline.
- What does «overbooking» mean? (Что такое «избыточное бронирование»?) Overbooking («избыточное бронирование») has been in the news a lot lately. All it means is that they’ve sold more tickets than there are seats for that flight, which is a scandal. Airlines often overbook (продавать больше билетов, чем имеется мест) because they like to fly full flights, so they will sell more tickets than there are seats because a few people just might not show up (объявиться). This is overbooking. If your flight is overbooked, they might ask you to give up your seat (отказаться от своего места), and if they don’t ask you to give up your seat, they might do it for you. The incentive (поощрительное вознаграждение) is they might offer you travel credit, a meal voucher (ваучер на питание) or a free ticket in exchange for (в обмен на) taking a different flight and relieving (разгрузка) the overbooking.
- What is “standby”? (Что такое «состояние готовности»?) Standby («состояние готовности») is when you have a ticket for one flight, but you want to go on an earlier flight and get to your destination (место назначения, пункт назначения) a little sooner. You check in, see if there are any other seats available on an earlier flight and wait for it. If the seats are empty, you can go standby. One tip for flying standby is to use the check-in desk (стойка регистрации пассажиров) instead of the kiosk. What you want to do is ask a live person if there is any availability on an earlier flight. They’ll be able to let you know and send you to the appropriate gate where you can get your name on a waiting list (лист ожидания). Go early, because the sooner you get there the higher up your name will be on the standby waiting list.
- Why do I have to be at the airport so early? (Почему нужно быть в аэропорту так рано?) These days it is best to arrive at least two hours early, if you are flying domestically. If you are on an International Flight (международный рейс) you want to arrive three hours early; this alleviates stress (снижает стресс) and it also gives you plenty of time to go through the security gate. You want to make sure you get to the airport early, at least two hours ahead of time, because security clearance (проверка безопасности) has been ramped up and it can take a long time to get through the security gate. With the procedures that they have today, you may need to take off your shoes, jacket and belt. You need to take your laptop out of its bag and you may have to make sure your change is in its special compartment, so you can use up to four or five trays sometimes to get through the security gate. With everybody lined up to get on their flight, this can take quite a while. This is why it is good to be at the airport early.
- What happens if I miss my connecting flight because my first flight was late? (Что происходит, если я опаздываю на пересадочный рейс, так как мой первый рейс задержался?) If you need to be re-booked (перебронировать) on a flight because you’ve missed a connection (опоздать на пересадку), you want to check with your airline provider to see if there’s another flight that you can get on for free (бесплатно). Sometimes, if there are none available and all the flights are full you might have to change airlines, and in this case you might be charged a fee (с вас могут взять плату) or even another price of a ticket. The airline is responsible if it was due to mechanical failure (из-за механической неисправности), but if it was weather and you were caught in some snowstorm for example, they are not responsible for booking you on another flight.
- If my flight is cancelled or I’m bumped, what is airline’s obligation? (Каковы обязательства авиакомпании, если мой рейс отменен, или мне не хватило места?) If the flight that you want to be re-booked on is full and you have to wait until the next day, sometimes the airline will put you up in a hotel. But if they don’t and you need to pay for it yourself, try asking the hotel (nearby an airport) for the distressed passenger discount (скидка для «пострадавших» пассажиров). Then you can maybe get a better deal on the overnight stay. If you’re bumped (если вам не хватило места) and the airline is going to offer you some compensation, try and get a cheque rather than a flight voucher (разрешение на полёты, «проездной»). Cash in hand is always better than a flight voucher because the vouchers could have blackout dates («закрытые» даты), restricting you from travelling anytime you want. Whereas, with the cash, you can use it for whatever you want, or you can re-book a brand new ticket.
- What are “blackout” dates? (Что такое «закрытые» даты?) Blackout dates are restricted days of travel. So, if you are on a discounted flight (льготный рейс), then the blackout dates are dates you cannot travel on, such as holidays or special high peak season vacation times. But these blackout dates vary from airline to airline so you want to make sure you check with your provider before you book your ticket.
- What is the standard “connection time” between flights? (Сколько составляет стандартное «стыковочное время» между рейсами?) The standard “connection time” between flights is usually about 45 minutes to an hour and a half, but if you’re traveling overseas, the “connection time” can be upwards of two, four, even five or six hours, between flights.
Итак, просмотрим еще раз основные этапы путешествия на самолете:
Вылет (Departure) | |
Departure board |
Приехав в аэропорт (arrive at the airport), вы можете посмотреть на доску информации о вылете (departure board), где показаны номера рейсов (flight numbers), время вылета (departure time) и пункт назначения (destination). |
Check-in desk Luggage / baggage |
Необходимо зарегистрироваться (to check in). Пройдите к стойке регистрации пассажиров (check-in desk). Там взвесят ваш багаж (luggage), и, если норма бесплатного провоза багажа (weight allowances) превышена (обычно около 20 кг), то придется заплатить за багаж сверх установленной нормы (pay excess baggage). На стойке регистрации проверяют ваш билет и выдают посадочный талон (boarding card / boarding pass) на самолет с номером места. Boarding card / boarding pass |
Passport control The gate |
Затем вы проходите паспортный контроль (passport control) и направляетесь в зал ожидания (departure lounge). Здесь вы можете купить что-нибудь в магазине беспошлинной продажи (duty free). Примерно за полчаса до взлета (take-off) вы идете к выходу на посадку (gate). Departure lounge Duty free shop |
Overhead compartment / overhead locker |
Сев в самолет (to board = to get on), вы находите свое место (seat). Если есть ручная кладь (“carry-on” luggage / hand luggage), вы можете положить ее под сиденье либо на верхнюю багажную полку (overhead compartment / overhead locker) над сиденьем. |
Полет (The Flight) | |
Captain / pilot, flight attendants Runway |
Пилот (captain / pilot) или бригада бортпроводников (cabin crew / flight attendants) могут сказать следующее: — поставьте спинки кресла в вертикальное положение (put your seats in the upright position); — пристегните ремни (fasten your seat belts); — выключите мобильные телефоны (switch off your mobile phones) и т. п. Внимательно слушайте информацию о правилах техники безопасности (safety instructions), запомните расположение аварийных выходов (emergency exits). Если рейс не задерживается (delay), самолет выходит на взлетную полосу (runway) и взлетает (takes off). Seat belts Emergency exit |
Прибытие (Arrival) | |
Customs GREEN = nothing to declare, RED = goods to declare |
Когда самолет приземлился (landed), вы выходите (get off the plane) и направляетесь к зданию аэровокзала (terminal building), к зоне прибытия (arrivals zone), затем к месту получения багажа (baggage reclaim). Далее проходите таможенный контроль (customs): зеленый указатель – нечего декларировать, красный – товары, подлежащие декларированию (GREEN = nothing to declare, RED = goods to declare). Во многих аэропортах можно взять напрокат автомобиль (hire a car). Если перелёт осуществлялся через несколько часовых поясов (time zones), вы можете чувствовать синдром смены часовых поясов (jetlag). Arrivals Baggage reclaim |
- А еще мы недавно опубликовали самый полный разговорник для тех, кто путешествует на самолете. Читайте и запоминайте полезные фразы.
Хорошо ли вы запомнили новую лексику? Проверьте себя, выполнив следующее задание:
Complete each sentence with the appropriate word.
- An airport … is a main building at an airport where passengers arrive and depart.
- … is the section of an airport where passengers arrive.
- Two general words for bags and suitcases are … and ….
- When you arrive at the airport, you go to … … to get your boarding pass.
- Before you get on the plain you have to show identification at … … and go through security.
- Passengers flying to another country are usually entitled to buy cheap alcohol, cigarettes, etc., from the … free shops.
- Baggage which is heavier than the weight allowed as free baggage for a certain category of tickets is called … baggage.
- The track, or ‘road’ on which an aircraft takes off and lands is called the ….
- After you arrived you go to … … to pick up your luggage.
- When you go through …, you may be asked “Do you have anything to declare?”
- The person who looks after you during a flight is the … ….
- You can usually ask for a window or aisle ….
- When a plane is going up into sky it is … ….
- When a plane is coming down from the air it is ….
- The feeling of sleepiness that affects you after you have travelled through several time zones is called ….
- Terminal
- Arrivals
- Luggage, baggage
- Check-in desk
- Passport control
- Duty
- Excess
- Runway
- Baggage reclaim
- Customs
- Flight attendant
- Seat
- Taking off
- Landing
- Jetlag
Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.
Learning English vocabulary is not possible without learning phrasal verbs. That is why in this lesson, we are going to learn 11 traveling phrasal verbs that you can use when talking about trips and holidays. Make sure you also watch the video and download the PDF summary of this lesson! Now, let’s begin.
To see somebody off
“To see somebody off” means to go to an airport or a station to say goodbye to somebody who’s traveling.
Imagine your friend is going to immigrate. What would you do? If you’re a good friend and have spare time, you would see them off.
It means you would go to the airport with them and you say goodbye. Pay attention to this example:
- They have gone to the airport to see their son off.
It means the parents have gone to the airport and want to say goodbye to their son who is probably going to another country. Here are some other examples:
- He’s got to see me off. I’m leaving in an hour and he hasn’t arrived yet!
- He came to see us off. He also bought some gifts for us!
To set off
“set off” is another way of saying to start or to begin a journey. For example:
- We will set off for Paris at night.
It means we will start our journey to Paris at night. Remember, this is how we use this travelling phrasal verb: set off + for + place. For example:
- Set off for Paris.
- Set off for New York.
To get on (Bus, Plane, Train)
“Get on” means to enter a public means of transport. You can use this traveling phrasal verb for planes, trains, and buses. Such as the examples below:
- Get on the plane.
- Get on the train.
- Get on the bus.
For plane you can also say:
- To board the plane (= to get on the plane)
To get in (car, taxi)
For cars and taxis, we use “get in”. Look at this examples:
- Get in the car, we are late! Hurry up!
- I’m running late. I need to get in a taxi!
To take off
One of the meanings of “take off” is for the clothes, such as this sentence:
- It’s really hot. I have to take off this sweater.
But when “take off” is used to talk about traveling, it can be used for an airplane that is leaving the airport. Let’s see some examples:
- What time is the plane taking off?
- The plane is taking off at around midnight.
- It’s only an hour before the plane takes off.
To get off (plane, bus, train)
“To get off” means to exit or to go out. This traveling phrasal verb can be used for bus, plane, and train. Pay attention to these sentences:
- Get off the bus. This is your station!
- You’ll never get off this train alive!
- Get off the plane. We need to go to the baggage claim.
- We got off the plane at around 11.
To pick somebody up
“To pick somebody up” means to let somebody get into your car take them somewhere that they want to go. For example:
- The hotel shuttle will pick you up after you get off the plane.
It means the shuttle is waiting for you and will take you to the hotel when you arrive. Have a look at these examples:
- Pick me up at 7:30 in front of my apartment.
- Where are you now? Do you want me to come pick you up?
To drop somebody off
“Drop somebody off” means to take somebody to a place and then leave them there. Look at these examples:
- The shuttle will drop us off exactly in front of the hotel.
- Could you drop me off at school?
- I’ll drop you off at work.
To check in at a hotel
“To check in at a hotel” means to give your identity documents to take the keys and to go to your room. For example:
- When you want to check in at a hotel, you need to show your ID card.
- I’ll check into the hotel and then I’ll give you a call.
To check out
“Check out” means to leave the hotel and put the keys back where they were to get your ID card. Pay attention to this example:
- The check-out was at 12 but we left at 11.
It means at 12 we had to give up the room, but we left one hour earlier.
To get away
“Get away” means to take a vacation and to leave everything behind. In other words, it means to leave your problems behind, and get away from them for a few days! Take a look at the sentences below:
- I’m very busy these days and I’m tired. I just want to get away for a few days.
- Christmas is ahead of us. I would love to get away for a few days.
- Maybe we get away this weekend. What do you think?
Now that you are familiar with these 11 traveling phrasal verbs, I want to use them all in a story:
Last Christmas I really wanted to get away for a few days. My girlfriend and I packed and got ready to set off for the beautiful city of Rome. We went to the airport and our parents saw us off. We got on the plane, the plane took off with two hours of delay, but we were excited. When we got off the plane, the hotel shuttle picked us up and after an hour of driving, dropped us off in front of the hotel. Then, we checked in and had five memorable days and nights in the magnificent city of Rome. Finally, we checked out and went to the airport to go back home.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson and learned all the traveling phrasal verbs! Leave a reply and let me know what you think!
There’s no specific grammatical rule saying the phrasal verb to take off can’t be used transitively — it’s just that native speakers don’t normally use it that way. This example…
Mr. Waicott did not have that authority, that permission, from the duty officer to take off his plane.
…is from an Indian Parliament debate transcript, so it might be from a non-native speaker. But the surrounding text is impeccable English, and I personally wouldn’t assume «non-native speaker!» just because he made the best of bad situation. That’s to say we don’t have a well-known alternative verb that can be used instead.
Here are a couple more written instances, more obviously from native speakers…
Given a long enough runway, it would be possible to take off our plane [loaded up to 10 tons].
[the way to do it is for you] … to take off your plane, and land it at Washington National Airport.
In short, I suggest you copy native speakers — where possible, rephrase so you don’t need a transitive verb; if you can’t do that, just bulldoze through and use take off anyway. You’ll always be understood.
There are probably other even less idiomatic terms than to make a plane airborne (perhaps relevant in specific technical contexts), but you’d probably not want to use them in more general contexts.
get off a plane — перевод на русский
I just had to get off the plane.
Мне нужно было сойти с самолета.
No. You have to get off the plane.
Ты должна сойти с самолета.
I’ve got to get off this plane.
Мне нужно сойти с самолета.
No, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, but I need to get off the plane.
Простите, мне очень жаль, но мне нужно сойти с самолета.
Well, we’ve got to get off the plane.
Нам нужно сойти с самолета.
Показать ещё примеры для «сойти с самолёта»…
Gets off the plane at Stansted, straight into the back of me van.
Вышел из самолёта и сразу сел в фургон.
He got off the plane, took a deep breath, shed his skin, and jumped off.
Он вышел из самолета, сделал глубокий вдох, «сбросил» кожу, и нырнул.
I flew to London, I got off the plane and… I just couldn’t do it.
Я полетел в Лондон, вышел из самолета, а потом понял, что не могу так.
Did you happen to see anyone who was getting off the plane?
Вы случайно не видели, кто вышел из самолета?
So I get off the plane in Houston.
Я вышел из самолета в Хьюстоне.
Показать ещё примеры для «вышел из самолёта»…
Well, uh, you know what? Actually, I just got off a plane so I’m feeling gross. Maybe I should take a shower.
Ну, ты знаешь, я вообще-то только что с самолета не очень хорошо себя чувствую.
Just got off a plane from London.
Только что с самолёта из Лондона.
I just got off the plane.
Я только что с самолёта!
— He just got off the plane.
— Он только что с самолета!
Ah, no, you know what, I just got off the plane so it’s probably not a… _
Знаешь, я только что с самолета, так что может не… Твое здоровье.
Показать ещё примеры для «только что с самолёта»…
Ma’am, you gotta get off the plane.
Мадам, все должны покинуть самолет.
It mandates that airlines provide food and water and a chance to get off the plane after two hours.
Это обязывает авиалинии обеспечить еду и воду и возможность покинуть самолет после двух часов.
I don’t think he ever intended to get off this plane.
Я не уверен, что он собирался покинуть самолёт.
If that’s the case, Alex… why did you really get off the plane?
В таком случае, Алекс… почему вы все-таки покинули самолет?
You said you weren’t friends with those that were… so, Clear, why did you get off the plane?
Вы сказали, что с этими ребятами вы не дружили… Почему вы покинули самолет, Клер?
Показать ещё примеры для «покинуть самолёт»…
You know when you get off the plane, and you see Mr. Roarke… and that little kid in the white suit?
Когда выходишь из самолета и видишь мистера Рорка и этого карлика в белом костюмчике.
Isn’t that what they say when you get off the plane?
Это не то, что они говорят, когда ты выходишь из самолёта?
Get off the plane.
Выходите из самолета.
Get off the plane.
Выходи из самолета.
And here they are, her and her friends getting off the plane.
Вот они, она и ее друзья выходят из самолета.
Показать ещё примеры для «выходишь из самолёта»…
Ijust got off the plane from Seattle.
Я только что прилетел из Сиэтла.
The guy’s just got off a plane.
Человек только что прилетел.
Brian Shumer, just got off a plane from America.
Брайан Шумер, только что прилетел из Америки.
Wow. Feels like I just got off the plane in Hawaii.
Как будто прилетел на Гавайи.
What if I got off the plane and he wasn’t happy to see me?
Что, если бы я прилетела, а он не обрадовался, увидев меня?
Показать ещё примеры для «что прилетел»…
-l have to get off this plane.
— Я схожу с самолета.
I’m getting off this plane!
Я схожу с самолёта.
But in all that time, Mike, did you ever get off a plane, walk into a room… and find that a source for a story changed his mind?
За всё это время, Майк, было у тебя хоть раз так, что ты сходил с самолета, входил в комнату и узнавал, что твой информатор передумал? Испугался?
Getting off the plane?
Сходить с самолета?
Has he ever had five people get off planes for him?
Ради него когда-нибудь сходили с самолета пять человек?