Word for funny in japanese

The English word «funny» means «something that makes one laugh». What is/are the closest Japanese word/words that match the meaning and the nuance of the word «funny»?

Two possible matches are 楽しい【たのしい】 and 面白い【おもしろい】. However, 楽しい is more like «fun» and 面白い is more like «interesting». There is also 可笑しい【おかしい】, which in my experience is often used with negative connotations. The word «funny» can also have negative connotations, but is usually positive. Another possible match is 滑稽 but this seems to have the sense of «extremely funny».

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asked Apr 8, 2014 at 18:38

HAL's user avatar


I think that 面白い is actually much closer to «funny» than most learners realise, because they think of 面白い as «interesting». It often means «funny», e.g.

Aki is really funny.

Another way of saying «that’s really funny», which hasn’t been mentioned, is


answered Apr 8, 2014 at 23:28

Earthliŋ's user avatar


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You’ve basically answered your question — the words you’ve listed are your options. There’s pretty much nothing closer to the English word ‘funny’ than those words; and if there was a more direct translation, it would be unusual enough of a word that it would sound too strange to use in everyday conversation. I’d say to default to 面白い — it would mean something like ‘something that I enjoy(ed) experiencing’, in this case, because it was humorous.

answered Apr 8, 2014 at 22:51

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What is the word ‘funny’ (as an adjective) in Japanese?

When I translate ‘funny’ using Google Translate, it gives me ‘おかしい’, which also means ‘weird’.

So when I want to describe a show being funny, it will be like: この番組はおかしいです。 (This show is weird.)

Isn’t there a proper adjective for the word ‘funny’ in Japanese? Thank you.


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«おかしい» means both «funny» and «weird».
Which one is right depends on contexts.
If you say «This show is funny» in Japanese, you’d be better off using «おもしろい» like «この番組はおもしろい».

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How do I say the word "funny" in Japanese?
Like if I was watching a comedy show and I wanted to say "This show is funny".

I've only heard the word "funny" in the phrase 何が可笑しい (what's so funny). But I'm not sure if I can say この番組は可笑しい because that makes it sound like I'm saying "This show is weird"

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    おかしい funny, strange, weird
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    I make the difference from context.

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  1. Words
  2. Sentences

Definition of funny

  1. (n) funny
  1. (adj-i) funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous

    More or less, he is crazy.

  2. strange; odd; funny; peculiar; weird; unusual; eccentric
  3. improper; unsuitable; unbecoming
  4. suspicious
  1. (adj-na, n) funny; humorous; humourous; comical; laughable; ridiculous; joking

    He is of a humorous turn of mind.

  1. (adj-na, n) strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy
  2. unexpected
  3. change
  4. incident; disturbance; disaster; accident
  5. (n-pref) flat (music)
  1. (adj-na, n) facetious; droll; funny
  1. (adj-i) humorous; humourous; funny; amusing; laughable; hilarious; comical; jocular

    Life is not all beer and skittles.

Words related to funny

Sentences containing funny

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Other people thought it was funny.


There was so many funny moments and trash-talking.


Is my new hair style funny?


Daddy loves to say funny things.

We saw a funny program on TV.


Notice anything funny about this spot?

じっと見てください 何かおかしなところはありますか?

Tom was a very funny man.


These 😂 funny games for free.


Good old times, seriously funny.

古き良き時代, 真剣に面白いです.

Her quirky smile and funny attitude is amazing.


He amused us with funny story.

Also distortions of funny cartoons are possible.


Here, all the characters are very funny.


There was a very funny episode.


Most funny stories are based on comic situations.


Yao race wear clothes, very funny.


They are funny and smart cars.


It’s really funny because Mitsuna Rei speaks some broken English and she understands a lot of what everybody tells her.


And I noticed this in a very funny way.


And what makes any of them funny?

そして 何がこれらを 面白くしているのだろう?

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain funny

Results: 3785. Exact: 3785. Elapsed time: 99 ms.

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun

1. strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy

  • その
  • オレンジ
  • あとあじ後味
  • へん
  • だった

The orange left a strange taste in my mouth.

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun

2. unexpected

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun

3. change

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun

4. incident; disturbance; disaster; accident

Noun, used as a prefix

5. flatMusic, See also 変ロ短調

Other forms

變 【へん】


變: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.

Japanese Phrase Lesson 9: Fun and interesting! 楽しい!おもしろい! – Review Notes

Today we learned the Japanese words for “fun” (tanoshii) and “funny/interesting” (omoshiroi). In this review, we will learn the negative and past tense of these words, as well as the word for “boring.”


Number 1:

Tanoshii means “fun.”

When used as an exclamation, it means “this is fun” or “I’m having fun!”

If you want to say that something is not fun, you can say “tanoshikunai.” Add “desu” to the end of the sentence to increase the politeness level.

If you want to say something was fun, you can say “tanoshikatta.”

If you want to say something was not fun, you can say “tanoshikunakatta.”


Example 1:


Nihongo o benkyō suru no wa tanoshii!

Studying Japanese is fun!


Example 2:


Shigoto wa tanoshikunai.

Work is not fun.


Example 3:


Pātī wa tanoshikatta.

The party was fun.


Example 4:


Pātī wa amari tanoshikunakatta.

The party was not very fun.


Number 2:

Omoshiroi means “interesting” or “funny.”

If you want to say something is not interesting or funny, you can say “omoshirokunai.”

If something is not interesting or fun, you can also use the word for “boring” – “tsumaranai.”


Example 1:


Kono eiga wa omoshiroi.

This movie is interesting/funny.


Example 2:


Kono eiga wa omoshirokunai.

This movie is not interesting.


Example 3:


 Kono eiga wa tsumaranai.

 This movie is boring.


Past tense forms:

omoshirokatta – was funny/interesting

omoshirokunakatta – was not funny/interesting

tsumaranakatta – was boring



Now you know how to say interesting – omoshiroi, and fun – tanoshii. We also learned the negative and past tense forms. You can use these words by themselves as exclamations, or in longer sentences as adjectives! To make the sentence more formal, just add “desu.”





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