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Could I have french fries instead of salad?

¿Podría traerme papas fritas en vez de ensalada?

You have been invited to several receptions by the French ambassador, haven’t you?

Ud. ha sido invitada a varias recepciones por el embajador de Francia ¿verdad?

The French consulate is in Madrid.

El consulado francés está en Madrid.

English, French, and German are all foreign language classes.

Inglés, francés y alemán son todas materias de idiomas extranjeros.

They learned French when they were five years old.

Ellas aprendieron francés cuando tenían cinco años.

Mary would have been able to help us if she had known how to speak French.

María nos habría ayudado si ella hubiera sabido hablar francés.

Spanish and French are important languages.

El español y el francés son lenguas importantes.

She speaks French but he speaks German.

Ella habla francés, pero él habla alemán.

Do you have french fries?

¿Tienen ustedes papas fritas?

I would like to have french fries with the hamburger.

Yo quisiera papas fritas con la hamburguesa.

They serve french fries and hamburgers

Ellos sirven papas fritas y hamburguesas.

Paul is French.

Pablo es francés.

The French ambassador has invited you to several receptions, hasn’t he?

El embajador de Francia la ha invitado a Ud. a varias recepciones, ¿verdad?

I have a French friend.

Tengo un amigo francés.

Mary is French.

María es francesa.

He did the Russian to French translation.

(Él) hizo la traducción ruso-francesa.

She speaks French

(Élla] sabe francés / habla francés

the French language

La lengua francesa

Do you want french fries?

¿Quiere papas fritas?

This website is translated in French, Polish and Italian.

Esta página web está traducida en francés, polaco e italiano.

With the French vote, there is a before and an after.

Hay un antes y un después del voto francés.

Not all French people do that.

No todos los franceses harían algo así.

Where is the French Presidency?

¿Dónde está la Presidencia francesa?

They are more expensive than the French.

Son más caros que los franceses.

They are currently only in French.

Actualmente sólo existe en francés.

It is not the population that the French army is protecting there, but French money.

El ejército francés no protege en este caso a la población, sino el dinero francés.

We are told that the French Government opposes her because she does not speak French.

Nos dicen que el Gobierno francés se opone a ella porque no habla francés.

Whereas we know that he was French, with a French identity card.

Cuando todos sabemos que era un francés, con un documento de identidad francés.

Oil slick off the French coast

Marea negra en Francia

I have already appeared before the French Senate.

Ya he acudido ante el Senado francés.

If these are to be included, this would only be confirmed during the French Presidency.

Si se llegara a hacer esa integración, correspondería al período de la Presidencia francesa.

First of all, if you allow me, I have here a note in French.

En primer lugar, si me lo permite, tengo aquí una nota en francés.

The French situation is amazing.

Las situación francesa es sorprendente.

That is an important priority for the French Presidency.

Se trata de una prioridad importante de la Presidencia francesa.

I welcome his refinement of the French proposals.

Acojo con satisfacción su afinamiento de las propuestas francesas.

We support the French initiative.

Apoyamos la Iniciativa francesa.

The Spanish and French Governments unfortunately have not.

Lamentablemente los gobiernos francés y español no.

(the speaker continued in French)

(la oradora continúa en francés)

He should leave the French electorate to decide for themselves.

¡Qué deje decidir al pueblo francés!

We shall notify the French Government.

Informaremos de ello al Gobierno francés.

In French this is a médiateur bancaire.

En francés se le conoce por el término de médiateur bancaire.

The French suffer more than most from these road accidents.

Los franceses sufren más que la nadie estos accidentes de circulación.

I regret that it is only in French and English at this juncture.

Lamento que en este momento solo esté disponible en francés y en inglés.

Earlier, I quoted a French author.

Hace un momento cité a un autor francés.

We would be pleased if the French initiative were successful.

Nos congratularía que la iniciativa francesa tuviera éxito.

In French it is what we call the Near East.

En francés hablamos del Cercano Oriente.

The text I have in front of me is in French.

El texto que tengo delante está en francés.

I shall continue in French.

Continuaré en francés.

The French Government should have had the courage to do the same.

El Gobierno francés habría debido tener la valentía de hacer lo mismo.

He is reported to hold a French passport.

Se dice que está utilizando un pasaporte francés.

The French and the Dutch votes are irrevocable.

El voto de los franceses y neerlandeses es inapelable.

So is the case with the French and the Socialists who were their cheerleaders.

Ese es el caso de los franceses y de los socialistas que fueron sus abanderados.

It must be neither British nor French.

Pero no puede ser británico ni francés.

I have some knowledge of this – they are French businesses.

Sé algo de ello, son empresas francesas.

That is why a majority of the French rejected it.

Esta es la razón por la que una mayoría de franceses lo rechazaron.

   I read out your amendment in French.

   – He leído su enmienda en francés.

It will be after the French and Dutch elections.

Será después de las elecciones francesas y neerlandesas.

2030: it was the French authorities that said that.

Son las autoridades francesas las que dicen 2030.

Thank you, Commissioner, for that conclusion in French.

Gracias, señor Comisario, por esta conclusión en francés.

And that is no small commitment for a French President.

Y no es un pequeño compromiso por parte de un Presidente francés.

Did Britain win today or did the French?

¿Hoy han ganado los británicos o los franceses?

That is to get under way during this French Presidency.

Todo eso tendrá lugar durante la Presidencia francesa.

Is it the European Parliament or the French Presidency?

¿Es el Parlamento Europeo o la Presidencia francesa?

It is not about French agriculture; it is about common sense.

No se trata de la agricultura francesa; se trata de sentido común.

The French Presidency has both qualities in abundance.

La Presidencia francesa posee ambas cualidades en abundancia.

There is no French exception from this point of view.

No hay una excepción francesa desde este punto de vista.

The French Minister is quite right.

El Ministro francés tiene mucha razón.

I have the proposal here, including in French and German.

Tengo la propuesta aquí, incluida la versión francesa y la alemana.

I was not able to get a French visa.

Yo no pude obtener el visado francés.

You did it as the French President, and well done to you.

Lo hizo como Presidente francés, muy bien por usted.

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Frespañol or frespagnol (also known as frañol or fragnol), is a portmanteau of the words français (or francés in Spanish) and español, which mean French and Spanish mixed together, usually in informal settings. This example of code-switching is a mixture between French and Spanish, almost always in speech, but may be used in writing occasionally.[1] Spanish and French are Romance languages and share similarities in morphology and syntax.

Such code-switching may be used or has been used in places where both languages meet, for example in Equatorial Guinea, among Haitians in the Dominican Republic, by first-generation Spaniards in France, or Latin American community in Montreal, Canada. This code-switching has historical and current presence in North, Central and South America.

Historically, the Isleños in Louisiana were also exposed to and accustomed to living with both languages, as were numerous French emigrant communities across Latin America (e.g. French Argentines), whose descendants have overwhelmingly adopted Spanish.

During World War II many French immigrant communities flourished in the Americas, maintaining frañol a historically and currently observable example of code-switching in English, Spanish, and French-speaking countries[citation needed].

Uses and calquesEdit

Frespañol forms part of a structure of sociolinguistics, it is a social and cultural code born from the contact of French and Spanish speakers. In its early days, the Frespañol was used in individual form meaning there was no set form to follow, everyone used their own variant of it. Now, it is more commonly used amongst the first generation of immigrants who use it more so when speaking Spanish. Calques are introduced by bilinguals, switching from one language to another, words are borrowed. For example, in this phrase in French «Je m’assome à la fenêtre” we see the spanish word «asomarse» adapting to the sentence. These code changes are adapted to the context of the speaker.[2] Some ways that the two languages are implemented together is sometimes minute. Looking through the chart, The word for cake in Fragnol, gató, is predominately French based such as other words listed. But, the thing that makes it more in tune with Spanish is the uses of the accents and the stress when pronouncing the word. Some other words, such as dèpanor, are also more alike to the French word for store, but the ending or pronunciation of the words can go through a morphological change and have more Spanish tones and pronunciations, or vice versa.

Frespañol calques[3]

English word French word Spanish word Fragnol
Insurance Assurance Seguro Asségourance
Unemployment Chômage Paro Tchomás
Slippers Pantoufle Pantuflas Pantúnflas
Mrs. Madame Señora Madán
Peas Petits pois Guisantes Petipuás
Backpack Sac-à-dos Mochila Sacodó
Cake Gâteau Pastel Gató
Galician Pie Tourte galicienne Empanada Èmpanade
To speak Parler Hablar Habler
School École Escuela Escuele
Store Dépanneur Tienda Dèpanor
Convenient store Épicerie Mercado Epicería
Apple Pomme Manzana Pomma


The use of Frespañol is often reflective of a minority group with two cultural identities regarding language. Similar to Spanglish, the hybrid language of Frespañol incorporates French and Spanish as a subset of both languages, which then has created a separate individuality and selfhood of heritages and cultural backgrounds. This often helps individuals of Frespañol with their identification of either group, or both at the same time while creating a separate identify of their own. As with Spanglish, this association allows for speakers to code-switch and also implement heritage, with the ability to shift when it is needed most and depending on environment. Apart from code-switching and creating a subset of the languages used, it allows for a separate identify in both heritage and cultural. This dual identity is reflected in social media and other platforms.

As the hybrid language of Frespañol grows and gains a prominent recognition, access to it has been made available in audio and online formats.[4]

This identification and association to Frespanol (Fragnol) allows for identification of mistakes from non Frespanol speakers and visibility to inclusion or exclusion to be able to identify as a Fragnol speaker. Common example mistakes include taking the wrong word due to its similarity in one language and the assumption it translates the same with the other. For example: Me exprimire to mean, «I express myself», as the French translation is m’exprimer. However, in standard Spanish, exprimire is translated to: squeezing. It is understood that Frespanol speakers would not make this mistake and be aware of the appropriate phrase to use.[5]


Frespañol/Frespagnol is an portmanteau of French (francés/français) and Spanish (español/espagnol). Frañol/Fragnol is similarly derived from the two. This dialect is the effect of a blend of two cultures. It began during the 20th century hundreds of thousands of Spaniards migrated to France in search of better living conditions. It first began with men migrating to France and then later on they would migrate their families into the country. The people from Spain that migrated to France did not all pick up the French language. Post WWI France needed to be rebuilt, which paved way to a lot of job opportunities for the Spaniards in France.The spaniards had their own communities in cities such as Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux and Lyon, where they spoke their mother tongue. The rise and development of Frespañol was in 1960s-1970’s. The Spanish workers knew very little French and the French employers knew very little Spanish, regardless they had to communicate with each other, that’s when Frespañol surged naturally and it was commonly found used with people working everyday jobs such as maids, construction workers and in the automotive sector. The people that spoke it were typically from lower class communities.[6]

Boundaries and cultural impactsEdit

The main geographic boundary where Frespañol first presented itself was along the border of Spain and France. As mentioned previously in the page, the initial flow of Spanish immigrants to France from the beginning of the 20th century up until the 1960s–70s occurred for economic reasons and was the origin for this hybrid language. These migrations were the primary source for Frespañol, originating with the Spanish incorporating their language of origin with that of their new home country. The migrations caused an incline in the merge between the languages, resulting in the creation of this new culture for people who lived through and could share their similar language experiences. As the Spanish working class migrated deeper into France, Frespañol begun to appear in more populated cities, like Paris[7]

See alsoEdit

  • Globish
  • Macaronic
  • Spanglish


  1. ^ http://meta.spanish.stackexchange.com/questions/58/questions-about-portuñol-or-frespañol
  2. ^ Arregi, Karlos (2010). Romance Linguistics 2008: Interactions in Romance : Selected Papers from the 38th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Urbana-Champaign, April 2008. John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 978-90-272-4831-2.
  3. ^ Eichler, Nadine; Hager, Malin; Müller, Natascha (2012). «CODE-SWITCHING WITHIN DETERMINER PHRASES IN BILINGUAL CHILDREN: French, Italian, Spanish and German». Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur. 122 (3): 227–258. doi:10.25162/zfsl-2012-0007. ISSN 0044-2747. JSTOR 24548797. S2CID 164235171.
  4. ^ «Fragnol Audio Clip». YouTube.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ Eymar, Marcos (30 August 2017). «Diccionario Breve de Franol».{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ «Emigración y exilio de los españoles en Francia» (PDF).{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ «CAPÍTULO I.ORÍGENES DEL FRAÑOL» (PDF).{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

Given its subject matter, it seems


particularly appropriate that the Museum is

situated on the rue de la Faisanderie, «faisan» being the French word for a crook.



Una ir�nica casualidad ha querido que el Museo se ubique

en la rue de la Faisanderie, ya que en franc�s un «faisan» es tambi�n un sinverg�enza.



In 1964 Jean decided to settle in Trosly to live


with people with an intellectual disability. He bought a small

house and named it «L’Arche«, the French word for Noah‘s Ark.



En 1964, Jean decide instalarse en Trosly para vivir con personas con deficiencia


intelectual y compra una peque�a casa para acogerlas; un lugar que

bautizara como «El Arca«, haciendo referencia a El Arca de No.



To this end, UNESCO is in the process of setting up a coordinating body, the


«Global Organization of Universities for Teaching, Training and Ethics of

Water» (GOUTTE the French word for a «drop»).



As�, la UNESCO est� a punto de crear un �rgano de coordinaci�n entre universidades


denominado «Global Organisation of Universities for teaching, Training and

Ethics» (GOUTTE, que en franc�s significa «gota«).



Echelonis the French word for rung, and I am afraid this Echelon’ is taking […]

us down to the bottom rung and we will end up at dignity level zero.



Temo que de «Echelon» en «Echelon» se pasen todos los escalones y se llegue […]

al nivel cero de la dignidad.



Following the suggestion of his mentor Father Thomas Philippe, a Dominican priest, Jean Vanier, son of a former Governor General of Canada, decided to


invite Rapha�l Simi and Philippe Seux to live

with him in a small house which he named L’Arche, the French word for the Ark.



Alentado por el Padre Thomas, un sacerdote dominico que adopt� como padre espiritual, Jean Vanier invit� a Philippe Seux y Rapha�l Simi, dos personas con deficiencia intelectual, a dejar la instituci�n en la que estaban para vivir con �l, en


una peque�a casa en Trosly-Breui

bautizara «El Arc; en referencia a El Arca de Noe, s�mbolo de seguridad y […]




Because of the

founders’ software background, they chose the name Logitech, which comes from the French word for software: «logiciel.



Su formaci�n

profesional es el origen del nombre Logitech, basado en la palabra «logiciel«, que significa «softwar en franc�s.



V�rit�» is the French word for truth.



V�rit�» es la palabra francesa para verdad.



Tendria is reminiscent of the French word for tender, «tendre.



El nombre Tendria recuerda a la palabra francesa que significa cari�o, […]




The old French word for herb, «drogue,» became the name for chemical «drugs.



La antigua palabra francesa para hierba, «drogue» (droga), se convirtien el nombre para las «drogas» qu�micas.



Moreover, I hope, Mr�President — and I will conclude with this — that the


translation of the word ownership’ has been corrected in the

French version: it had been translated into French using the word for property’, which is not really the same […]

thing as ownership’.



Por otra parte, espero, se�or Presidente, y terminar� con esto, que en la versi�n francesa se


haya corregido la

traducci�n de la palabra �ownership� (responsabilizaci�n), que se tradujo al franc�s por el equivalente a […]

�propiedad�, que no es realmente lo mismo que �ownership�.



Laboratoire L. Lafon S.A.,

the proprietor of the French word mark ‘LYOC for goods in Class 5, […]

filed notice of opposition to that registration.



Laboratoire L. Lafon S.A.,

titular de la marca denominativa francesa �LYCO� para productos de […]

la clase 5, formul� oposici�n al registro de aquella marca.



Mark or sign

cited in opposition: the French word mark ‘CITY for goods in Classes 9, […]

14, 18 and 25; the opposition is against registration in Classes 18 and 25



Marca o signo invocados en

oposici�n: La marca denominativa francesa �CITY� para productos de las […]

clases 9, 14, 18 y 25, habi�ndose formulado oposici�n contra el registro en las clases 18 y 25



The problem of

terminology was exacerbated in the other working languages, French and Spanish, where the word for «job» was the same as the word for «employment», or […]

in Arabic, where a specific


term used to denote government positions has been translated.



El problema de terminolog�a se agrava


en los otros idiomas de

trabajo, espa�ol y franc�s, en los que la palabra �job� (en espa�ol, empleo) tiene la misma traducci�n que la palabra �employment� (en espa�ol, […]

empleo), o en �rabe


en el que se ha traducido por t�rminos espec�ficos utilizados para indicar posiciones gubernamentales.



Actresses were considered ‘loose’ women. At the time, the French word artiste’ was appropriated by Egyptians and used synonymously for prostitute!



Me explic� los alcances de la Campa�a de Alfabetizaci�n Econ�mica y la voluntad que �l ten�a de que contara con la participaci�n real de los propios obreros.



To search for a word containing, for example, a French character with an accent, requires entering the word with that character.



Para buscar una palabra que contiene, por ejemplo, un car�cter franc�s con acento, se debe introducir la palabra con ese car�cter.



Mark or sign cited in The French word mark and the opposition: international word mark ‘OLLY GAN’, registered, inter alia, for goods in Class 25 (clothing)



Marca o signo que se La marca denominativa francesa y opone: la marca denominativa internacional �OLLY GAN�, registradas entre otros para determinados productos […]

de la clase 25 (ropa)



Whenever, for instance, I

say or write the word «bougie« (French for candle), like […]

a very close echo the Italian «buggia», its enemy brother, appears.



Cada vez que digo o escribo la palabra «buj�a» como un eco pr�ximo […]

se impone el italiano «bugia» que no es otra cosa que su hermana enemiga.



To use the functions described here, you must have an English, German or French version of Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0 installed.



Para utilizar las funciones que aqu� se describen, debe tener instalada una versi�n inglesa, alemana o francesa de Microsoft Word 6.0 para Windows.



It contests the relevance of the pronunciations given by the French and Spanish dictionaries referred to by


the Board of Appeal on the

grounds, first, that the French word ishouligan ‘ and, second, that the academic nature of those pronunciations is inappropriate for a common, even colloquial, word.



Rebate la pertinencia de las pronunciaciones ofrecidas por los diccionarios franc�s y espa�ol que cita la Sala


de Recurso, debido a

que, por un lado, la palabra francesa es �houligan� y, por otro lado, la naturaleza acad�mica de estas pronunciaciones es inadecuada para una palabra com�n, […]

incluso familiar.



A final word: the French Presidency has the responsibility of not ruining […]

what the Portuguese Presidency has managed to


achieve through basic realism.



Una nota final: corresponde a la Presidencia francesa no estropear lo que […]

la Presidencia portuguesa a�n procur� componer con realismo b�sico.



A French word for trunk, used by MEPs and Parliament staff to refer to the100-litre trunks used to transport papers and equipment […]

between their offices


in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg.



Palabra francesa que significa ba�l y que usan los eurodiputados y el personal del Parlamento para referirse a los ba�les de […]

100 litros de capacidad


que se emplean para transportar documentos y material entre sus oficinas de Bruselas, Luxemburgo y Estrasburgo.



Mrs Frassoni can take my word for it: nothing like what she fears will actually happen, and none of the standards we […]

have already achieved will be made less rigorous.



Le doy mi palabra a la se�ora Frassoni: no pasar� nada de lo que teme, y ninguna de las normas que ya hemos […]

establecido se tornar� menos rigurosa.



You will be one of the

important outlets for spreading the word about this portal.



Ustedes ser�n uno de los canales que permitir�n darlo […]

a conocer.



The reason for giving over this editorial to S�gol�ne Royal is not out of opportunism because she won the French socialist primaries.



Que hoy dediquemos este editorial a S�gol�ne Royal no es por oportunismo a causa de haber ganado las primarias socialistas francesas.




to article 72-3 of the Constitution, for example, «[t]he Republic shall recognize the overseas populations, within the French people, in a common […]

ideal of liberty, equality and fraternity».



El art�culo 72-3 de la Constituci�n dispone que «la Rep�blica reconoce a las poblaciones de ultramar dentro del pueblo franc�s, compartiendo un ideal […]

com�n de libertad, igualdad y fraternidad».



This constitutes a clear priority for the French mission.



Esto constituye

una prioridad clara para la misi�n francesa.



The opinion of AFFSA on the memo, however,

again did not prove sufficient for the French authorities to lift the ban.



La opini�n de la AFFSA sobre el memor�ndum, sin embargo, tampoco

fue suficiente para que las autoridades francesas levantaran el embargo.



The applicant had the opportunity to express a view on the ground for refusal of registration laid down in Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation No 40/94, put forward by


the intervener in

its application for a declaration of invalidity, according to which the registered word sign TEK constituted an indication serving to describe the quality of goods which contain teakwood, and on the Cancellation Division ‘s finding according to which it is true that, in accordance with the dictionary excerpts in Italian and French, the word tek‘ serves […]

to designate teakwood


(see paragraph 10 of the Cancellation Division ‘s decision).



En efecto, procede se�alar que la demandante tuvo ocasi�n de pronunciarse sobre el motivo de denegaci�n establecido en el art�culo 7, apartado 1, letra c), del Reglamento n� 40/94, alegado por la interviniente en su solicitud de anulaci�n, seg �n la cual el signo


denominativo registrado TEK

constitu�a una indicaci�n que serv�a para describir la calidad de los productos que contienen madera de teca y sobre la constataci�n de la Divisi�n de Anulaci �n, seg�n la cual es cierto que conforme con los extractos de diccionarios, la palabra �tek� sirve para designar la madera de teca en italiano y en franc�s (v�ase el apartado 10 de la resoluci�n […]

de la Divisi�n de Anulaci�n).



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