level 1
you could say that it’s in flux
level 2
Right on.
And while the adjective form is «fluxing,» most readers would resonate with fluctuating.
level 1
dynamic dʌɪˈnamɪk/ adjective 1. (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. «a dynamic economy»
level 1
Mercurial (if the constant changes are a result of extreme emotions) or fickle (if someone simply lacks conviction or integrity).
level 2
Mercurial is a fantastic word
level 2
I don’t mean to shit on another person’s suggestion—and I swear I’m not just being competitive here—but transient doesn’t really work. It doesn’t mean constantly changing. It just means impermanent. Something can exist and then cease to exist without ever having changed into something different and still be accurately described as transient.
EDIT: Oh, and you’re welcome.
level 1
Impulsive, unstable, capricious, fickle, erratic
What is another word for ever-changing?
103 synonyms found
[ ˈɛvət͡ʃˈe͡ɪnd͡ʒɪŋ], [ ˈɛvətʃˈeɪndʒɪŋ], [ ˈɛ_v_ə_tʃ_ˈeɪ_n_dʒ_ɪ_ŋ]
Table of Contents
• changeable (adjective)
- fickle,
- flighty,
- variable,
- modifiable,
- mutable,
- changeful,
- adaptable,
- fluid,
- adjustable,
- reformable,
- precarious,
- unsteady,
- Vicissitudinous,
- changeable,
- shifting,
- inconstant,
- mercurial,
- convertible,
- restless,
- flexible,
- transformable,
- versatile,
- protean,
- volatile,
- alterable,
- varying,
- Transposable,
- unstable,
- unsettled,
- irresolute,
- movable,
- vacillating.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- dynamic,
- Converting,
- developing,
- alternating,
- altering,
- vitalizing,
- lively,
- transitional,
- vigorous,
- exciting.
• dynamical (noun)
- dynamical.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- changing.
Other synonyms:
• Other relevant words:
- doubt,
- weakness,
- quality,
- instability,
- amendment,
- vacillation,
- fluctuation,
- hesitation,
- feature,
- wavering,
- spinelessness,
- attribute,
- revolution,
- hesitancy,
- changeover,
- turnover,
- variability,
- modification,
- change,
- action,
- irregularity,
- adjustment,
- difference,
- indecision,
- trait,
- variation,
- alteration,
- turmoil,
- unsteadiness,
- characteristic,
- process,
- uncertainty,
- development,
- diversity,
- transformation,
- advance,
- conversion.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- multiform,
- checkered,
- resilient,
- kaleidoscopic,
- metamorphic,
- transient,
- labile,
- many-sided,
- Permutable,
- uncertain,
- unfixed,
- unpredictable,
- supple,
- rubbery,
- polymorphous,
- polymorphic,
- mobile,
- plastic,
- impermanent,
- malleable,
- nonuniform,
- transitory.
How to use «Ever-changing» in context?
There is no one, static way to live life. Everyday, our lives are dramatically changed by new experiences and occurrences, which in turn change our outlook on the world and ourselves. The situation that we find ourselves in at any given moment can be entirely different from the situation we were in a few minutes ago. We can never predict the future and there is always something new waiting to happen. The ever-changing nature of our world creates a sense of excitement and uncertainty at the same time. It is constantly thrilling to experience the new and to be on the lookout for the unknown.
Paraphrases for Ever-changing:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Forward Entailment
transient, volatile.
Other Related
changeable, dynamic, evolutionary, Evolving, fast-changing.
The original iPhone introduced the world to Multi-Touch, forever changing the way people experience technology.
С появлением iPhone мир узнал о технологии Multi- Touch, которая навсегда изменила способ взаимодействия с устройствами.
But even if our technology proves to be the result of back-engineering of alien spacecraft falls or captured by the military, you have to give honor to the men and
scientists who have succeeded in such a large company, forever changing mankind and its quality of life.
Но даже если наша технология окажется результат обратно- технических чужеродных падения космического корабля или захвачены военными, Вы должны дать честь мужчин и ученых,
которые преуспели в такой большой компании, навсегда изменив человечества и его качество жизни.
It forever changed the Internet and created the basis for its modern outlook.
It was this date that forever changed the lives of almost 200,000 Ukrainians.
It would, however, forever change the iconic campus and its landscape ibid., para. 64.
psychedelic rock band Love.
When Baker appears in the house, the life of its inhabitants forever changes for the better.
It shaped and scarred the landscape of their campus and forever changed the lives of those involved.
Ета битва изуродовала и извратила внешний вид кампуса и навсегда изменила судьбы несчастных, принимавших участие в ней.
The catastrophe turned the girl’s life from Chertanovo and forever changed our view of the universe.
Катастрофа перевернула жизнь девушки из Чертаново и навсегда изменила наше представление о Вселенной.
He defied traditional assumptions about what art is and
how art is made and forever changed the established criteria for what we define as art.
Он бросил вызов традиционным представлениям о том,
что такое искусство и как оно создается, навсегда изменив давно заданные каноны.
Both events are significant, since forever changed the course of history
and became a reference point of irreversible
in the political map of the world and in the lives of many people.
стали точкой отсчета необратимых изменений как на политической карте мира, так и в судьбе многих народов.
From this our world spread terrible epidemic that forever changed people’s minds-
the Earth covered violent conflicts and wars.
Из нее на наш мир перекинулись страшные эпидемии, которые навсегда изменили сознание людей-
Землю охватили кровавые конфликты и войны.
But your essays revealed moments that forever changed the way you look at the world.
Но ваши эссе раскрыли факты, которые навсегда изменили ваши взгляды на жизнь. Ваша страсть к правосудию.
One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world.
Один такой человек сможет навсегда изменить направление развития целой нации и даже всего цивилизованного мира.
I believe that we cannot refrain from initiating reforms and taking radical steps at this time if we
truly want to build a better future and forever change the rules of the game.
Я считаю, в данном случае проведение реформ и радикальных мер неизбежно,
если мы действительно хотим построить лучшее будущее и навсегда изменить правила игры.
And that’s the story of how one magical wish forever changed the lives of three very special friends.
The artists began to investigate new means of expression,
Художники начали исследовать новые способы выражения,
Click here to discover some of events that forever changed the way we see our world.
Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать о событиях, которые навсегда изменили то, как мы воспринимаем наш мир.
A 2017 book stated that grunge»… forever changed the identity of rock music in a way analogous to punk»;
moreover, grunge added»introspective» lyrics about»existential authenticity» and»what it means to be true to oneself.
В книге 2017 года писатель Стивен Феликс- Джагер заявил, что гранж«… навсегда изменил идентичность рок-музыки по аналогии с панком»;
кроме того, гранж добавил« интроспективные» тексты о« экзистенциальной аутентичности» и« что значит быть верным себе».
Five years ago, the people of this very city suffered a brutal and cold-blooded attack on the
values of humanity and tolerance that forever changed the world as we knew it.
Пять лет назад жители этого города пострадали от жестокого и хладнокровного нападения на принципы гуманности и
терпимости, которое навсегда изменило мир, который перестал быть таким, каким мы его прежде знали.
The cutting-edge hardware and quickly evolving software from Apple, combined with creative ideas from developers who saw the potential of iPhone being in customers’ pockets,
spawned new industries that would forever change how people live,
work and play- a revolution that continues today.
Передовое оборудование и быстро развивающееся программное обеспечение Apple в сочетании с творческими идеями разработчиков, увидевших потенциал iPhone в руках своих пользователей,
помогли развиться целым новым отраслям, которые навсегда изменили жизни людей.
Yes, but the actual results are unsuccessful and I have already sent an e-mail to everyone at the university
explaining that I have confirmed string theory and forever changed man’s understanding of the universe.
Да, но реальные результаты неуспешны и я уже отправил всем в университете e- mail, поясняющий,
что я обосновал теорию струн и навсегда изменил представления человека о Вселенной.
not only for those who were ripped from their homes and transplanted thousands of miles away over the course of generations, but also for those who bear the legacy of those centuries today, in the Americas, in Africa and in Europe.
только для тех, кто был оторван от своих домов и кого на протяжении поколений увозили за тысячи верст, но также и для тех, кто и сегодня ощущает на себе наследие этих веков на обоих американских континентах, в Африке и Европе.
Memorable not only for the fact that it is
precisely 100 years after the catastrophic Revolution that forever changed the face of Russia,
but also because we have now, for seven years, been meeting together after our weekly expeditions, in order to share with each other the riches that we have gained through them.
Памятен он не только тем, что
ровно сто лет отделяют нас от катастрофы- революции, навсегда изменившей Россию, но и тем,
что уже седьмой год подряд мы собираемся вместе после недельных экспедиций, чтобы поделиться друг с другом найденными« сокровищами».
Sometimes I think how it was possible to overcome the tragic experience, find the strength and courage to accept and understand this world, living side by side, with, perhaps,
the descendants of those who have scraped the fate of his family and forever changed life, which is always unique and is only one….
Иногда думаю, как пересилив пережитое, найти силы и мужество принять и понять этот мир, живущих рядом, среди которых, возможно, потомки тех,
кто искромсал судьбу его семьи, навсегда изменил жизнь, которая всегда уникальна и, увы, только одна….
There are various Free Spin promotions with the casino, but
it will also depend on the amazing deal you receive as they are forever changing.
Существуют различные Бесплатный Спин акции с казино, но
это также будет зависеть и удивительное дело появляется, так как они вечно меняются.
Similar words: forever changing
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Examples: forever changing |
But the beach lends itself to national myths precisely because it is a space that is forever changing . |
Но пляж поддается национальным мифам именно потому, что это вечно меняющееся пространство. |
By speeding through days, months and years we’ve seen how life adapts to an ever — changing world, but is it possible for anything to truly cheat time and live forever ? |
Ускорив дни, месяцы и годы, мы увидели, как жизнь приспосабливается к постоянно меняющемуся миру, но возможно ли что-то по-настоящему обмануть время и жить вечно? |
Josh commands a lot of respect from the forever — changing staff of Holby City hospital. |
Джош вызывает большое уважение со стороны постоянно меняющегося персонала больницы Холби-Сити. |
1988 was the seminal year in Keaton’s career where landed two major unconventional roles, forever changing his image to audiences. |
1988 год стал поворотным в карьере Китона, когда он получил две главные нетрадиционные роли, навсегда изменив его имидж в глазах публики. |
During the 1890s, the silhouette of the corset began to evolve, changing the history of the corset and its usage forever . |
В 1890-х годах силуэт корсета начал развиваться, навсегда изменив историю корсета и его использования. |
I’m afraid that I’ll be stuck in this place forever . |
I never knew what purpose would living forever serve, but now I know, that it would be useful to give us the possibility of learning English. |
Have you ever considered changing representation? |
Nobody surfs forever except for old Shopping Cart. |
Anyone close to the action was in a changing room. |
And again, these are both functions which people report changing when they start practicing meditation and yoga. |
When the researchers applied electricity to the skin, the devices flattened and expanded the black disks, darkening and changing the color of the artificial skin. |
From Pale to Tan —Changing Concepts About Skin. |
Just changing the global drive, as if you are pressing the gas pedal of descending modulation to your spinal cord, makes a complete switch between two very different gaits. |
For both bugs, the outcome of this dispute will be life — changing . |
Nelson. if yöu leave now. everything we had will be perfect forever . |
On some of the narrow, winding mountain roads, you would be rewarded with breathtaking, ever — changing panoramic views of the land and sea. |
Changing conditions and new theories in the fields of human behavior and science convinced many that the old values were no longer valid. |
It was the result of changing into energy just a small fraction of the uranium and hydrogen that made up the core of the bomb. |
Being thoroughly familiar with the contents of the Live Forever book will enable us to converse effectively with people on a wide variety of topics. |
This is a policy — changing , career — making piece of litigation. |
His physiology and cellular make — up started changing two days later. |
I was growing in appreciation of Bible truths and the Bible — based hope of living forever on earth under God’s heavenly Kingdom. |
So, we see him here about to perform one final creative act before giving up his art forever . |
Mulch —for example, a layer of grass clippings or sawdust placed on the soil surface— is also useful for changing the composition of the soil. |
Clothes without tabs aren’t accepted in the changing room. |
You wanna waste your life laying around this shithole neighborhood forever ? |
You want permission to use a small amount of heroin forever ? |
Will you stay indoors forever ? |
Karl, this thing is changing you. |
Then ‘go the extra mile’ by changing any behavior that contributed to the conflict in the first place. |
Even while changing costumes, certain prey species enjoy protection because their variegated tones blend in with the dappled look of ground that is partially covered in snow. |
With the changing fortunes of war…… the U. S. A. forces in and around Bastogne…… have become completely surrounded by superior German armored units. |
Before you lose them forever , tell them how you feel. |
Changing the global HTML setting will override all folder specific values. |
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Synonyms for Ever-changing. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/ever-changing
Synonyms for Ever-changing. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/ever-changing>.
Synonyms for Ever-changing. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/ever-changing.