Word for food and travel

Полный список английских слов по теме «Travelling» для изучения. Всего 80 слов. Слова можно скопировать и распечатать. Прилагаются задания для активизации лексики. В конце статьи вы найдете ссылки на другие полезные материалы, в том числе тексты по теме «Travelling» для изучающих английский язык.

Travelling. Список английских слов по теме «Путешествия» ( intermediate)


  1. Travelling (общие слова)>
  2. Travelling by plane / air (путешествия на самолету / по воздуху)
  3. Travelling by train (путешествия на поезде)
  4. Collocations (устойчивые сочетания)
  5. Упражнения по теме «Travelling

Travelling. Английские слова

I. Travelling. General Words (общие слова)

1. travelling / travel — путешествие
2. to be fond of travelling — любить путешествовать
3. journey — длительное путешествие ( по суше)
4. trip/ school trip — поездка (короткая)/ экскурсия
5. two-day trip — двухдневная поездка
6. tour — поездка/ тур
7. package tour — путешествие по тур. путевке
8. to buy a package tour — купить тур. путевку
9. cruise [kru:z] — круиз
10. voyage [`voɪəʤ] — путешествие по морю
11. to drive/ go for a drive — поездка на машине/ прокатиться
12. flight — полет/ рейс
13. hitchhike — путешествие автостопом
14. to go hitchhiking — отправиться в путешествие автостопом
15. to go on a journey / cruise/school trip — отправиться в путешествие/ круиз/ на экскурсию
16. travel agency — туристическое агентство
17. to travel (go) abroad — путешествовать (ехать) за границу
18. to get to — добраться 
19. to arrive in/ at — прибыть в (большой/ небольшой) город
20. stay in a hotel — остановиться в отеле
21. destination — место назначения (конечная цель)
22. single (return) ticket — билет в один конец (туда-обратно)
23. to book tickets — заказать билеты
24. luggage (baggage) — багаж
25. suitcase — чемодан
26. rucksack (backpack) — рюкзак (туристический рюкзак)
27. bag/ hand bag — сумка
28. porter — носильщик
29. lost and found office — бюро находок
30. left luggage office (check room) — камера хранения
31. information desk — справочное бюро
32. to pack bags (luggage) — упаковывать сумки (багаж)
33. to change to — пересаживаться на
34. to see smb off — провожать кого-либо
35. to wave smb — махать кому-нибудь на прощанье
36. to wave smb a kiss — послать воздушный поцелуй

II. Travelling by Air (Plane):

33. at the airport — в аэропорту
34. to arrive (at the airport) — прибывать (в аэропорт)
35. arrival — прибытие
36. to depart — отправляться
37. departure — отправление
38. boarding — посадка
39. boarding card — посадочный талон
40. to announce — объявлять
41. to take off — взлетать
42. to land — приземляться
43. gate — выход к самолету
44. customs — таможня
45. to go through the customs — проходить таможню
46. duty-free — без пошлин
47. to declare — декларировать
48. passport control — паспортный контроль
49. to go through the pasport control — проходить таможню
50. to travel light — путешествовать налегке
51. excess weight — превышение веса
52. hand luggage — ручная кладь
53. to check luggage (check in) — сдать вещи в багаж
54. luggage receipt — багажная квитанция
55. tag — бирка, прикреп. к чемодану
56. to board a plane — садиться на самолет
57. captain [`kæptin] — командир корабля
58. pilot — пилот
59. flight attendant — стюардесса (стюард)
60. seat — место
61. aisle [ail] — проход между рядами
62. emergency exit — запасной выход
63. life jacket — спасательный жилет
64. oxygen mask — кислородная маска
65. seat (safety) belt — ремень безопасности
66. food tray — поднос, столик для еды

III. Travelling by Train:

67. railway station — ж/д. станция: at the station — на станции
68. platform — платформа
69. carriage (car) — вагон
70. smoking compartment — купе для курящих
71. non-smoking compartment — купе для некурящих
72. ticket collector -контролер
73. to go off — отходить (о поезде)
74. to go from platform … — отходить от платформы

VI. Travelling. Collocations (устойчивые сочетания):

75. to make a reservation — забронировать место в гостинице
76. to miss a plane/ a train — опоздать на самолет/ на поезд
77. to get on a train/ a bus — сесть на поезд/ на автобус
78. to get off a train/ a bus — сойти с поезда/ автобуса
79. to get into/ out of a car — сесть / выйти из машины
80. to have an accident — попасть в аварию

Запомните несколько предложений, содержащие устойчивые сочетания.

  1. If you keep driving that fast, you will have an accident.Если ты будешь продолжать ехать так быстро, ты попадешь в аварию.
  2. I haven’t exercised for years, I can’t even remember how to get on a bike. — Я несколько лет не ездил на велосипеде, я даже на помню, как на него садиться.
  3. It is really busy time to travel. We need to make a reservation. — Сейчас действительно высокий сезон. Нам нужно зарезервировать место заранее.

После того, как вы изучили список английских слов по теме «Travelling» (intermediate), выполните упражнения для закрепления лексики.

* * *

Travelling. Упражнения для закрепления лексики

Упражнение 1. Match the words from two lines to make 10 collocations (pair words):

(1) passport, ticket, overhead, information, catch, emergency, life, board, non-smoking, hand

(2) a plane, bag, jacket, locker, compartment, control, collector, exit, desk, a bus

Упражнение 2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. Use only one word in each gap: miss, ferry, compartments, accommodation, take off.

  1. The pilot has just announced that we are going to ______ in ten minutes.
  2. A travel agency arrange _______ and book tickets.
  3. If you don’t hurry up, we are going to _______ our train.
  4. You can go by _________ from England to France.
  5. Different sections of a train are called ________ .
  6. If you are late for a flight, the plane will _______ without you.

Упражнение 3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. Use only one word in each gap.

Travelling by plane is fast. Of course you have to check  _____ at the airport two hours before your flight takes ______, but after you go ______ the passport control you can have a nice cup of coffee while you are waiting  ______ your flight. If you want to carry a lot of baggage, you can go _____ car.

Упражнение 4. Why do people travel? Give your reasons.

See the  plan and check if you have mentioned all the points.  Do it again and add the information.

Упражнение 5. Write a letter to your friend. Imagine you are on a holiday. Write about:

  • the place, what it is like, time of the year;
  • the weather and how you are spending the time;
  • the people you are with and what they are like;
  • the people you have met and something interesting about them


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It’s so much fun to travel, practice your English, and learn new things! Traveling is a lot easier if you know some essential English travel vocabulary. These are words you really need to know before you go! Ryan is going to share 17 of these necessary vocabulary words for traveling.

Hi everyone! Traveling is one of my five great passions. I love:

  1. Working with kids
  2. Sports
  3. Learning new languages
  4. Meeting new people
  5. Traveling

Some of the best things I’ve ever experienced happened while I was traveling! I’ve been to:

  1. The Great Wall of China
  2. The Fos de Guasso in Brazil
  3. I’ve met amazing people
  4. I’ve even fallen in love!

All while traveling! So today, I want to share with  you 17 essential travel vocabulary words I use when I talk about my adventures and my travels. Use them to talk about YOUR adventures and YOUR travels, too!

17 Essential Travel Vocabulary – Words 1-5

1. Book (a flight)

A book is something you read (a noun), but the verb “to book” means “to reserve.” If you “book a flight,” that means you reserve a flight.

I booked a flight to Buenos Aires.
Now I need to book an accommodation.

2. Accomodation

An “accomodation” is a place to sleep. A hotel, an Airbnb, a hostel, even couchsurfing, are all accomodations.

Do you have an accomodation in Buenos Aires yet?

3. Make a Reservation

To “make a reservation” means to reserve the use of something –  this can be anything! You can “book” an accomodation, specifically, a house or a room to sleep in. To “make a reservation” can also apply to a room, but it can also be a rental car, or a tour. You can fly around the city in a hot air balloon, but you need to make a reservation!

For example, I could say:

I want to go on the dungeon tour. I need to make a reservation.
If I want to stay at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, I need to call or go online and make a reservation.

So I’ve booked a flight, I’ve found my accommodation, and I made a reservation for a car rental.  Now it’s time to fly!

4. To Take Off

The verb phrase that we use to describe this is “to take off.”

My flight takes off at noon.
Has your flight taken off yet?

5. To Land

The verb “to land” is the plane arriving at its destination.  “To land” can also refer to anything that is flying, then comes to the ground. I could say:

The butterfly landed on my shoulder.
The plane takes off at 8:00 am and lands at 5:00 pm.

You can also use the verbs “take off from” and “land in” to talk about when and where you are going. For example:

I take off at 7:00 am.
I take off from New York. (I leave from New York.)
I take off from Berlin and I land in Singapore.

If you are very lucky, your flight will not stop. It will go directly from “a” to “b” – from Berlin to Singapore. However, sometimes you have to stop. For example, the flight goes from Berlin to Singapore, but it might stop in Doha, Qatar.

Essential Travel Vocabulary – Words 6-10

6. Connection or Layover

When I stop in Doha, it is called a “connection,” or a “layover.” So when you are talking about airplane flights, the word “connection” means a city that your flight stops in before you reach your final destination. There are even more words to describe this!

Do you have a connection, or do you have a direct flight?
Yes, I have a connection in Doha.

7. Leg (of a Trip)

If you have two flights to get to one destination, for example, Berlin to Doha and Doha to Singapore, each flight is called a “leg” – just like the legs I have above my feet!

The first leg of my trip is from Berlin to Doha.
The second leg of my trip is from Doha to Singapore.

8. Layover

Another word for a connection is a “layover.”  A “layover” is simply when you have to stop for a few hours in your “connecting” city. Either one of these sentences is correct:

I have a connection in Doha.
I have a layover in Doha.

9. Stop Over

If your layover is very long, it’s called a “stop over.” This just means that you will stay in that connecting city for many hours – usually more than four hours.

Last year, I had a stop over in Ankara for 12 hours!

10. Travel Backpack

Before you travel, you need a backpack. Not any type of backpack – you need a “travel backpack.” A “travel backpack” is much bigger than a normal backpack. You have room for lots of clothes, a computer, some toiletries, packing cubes – for lots of things!

Travel backpacks aren’t essential, but they are so practical and useful!

Essential Travel Vocabulary – Words 11-17

11. Clamshell or Suitcase Style Opening

A travel backpack can open like a suitcase. This is also called a “clamshell” opening – meaning it opens like a clam – on three sides. This is important because it allows you to pack very quickly, and to quickly access all your things.

12. Packing Cubes

“Packing cubes” are simply little bags to organize your things inside the travel backpack. For example:

I have my shirts in one packing cube.
I have packing cubes for my shoes, my socks, and even the clothes I need to wash!

13. Toiletries

Now, the last packing cube you need is for your “toiletries.” “Toiletries” is essential travel vocabulary for things that you find in the bathroom, like a toothbrush.

Toiletries might include mouthwash, toothpaste, lotion, and shampoo.
It’s a smart idea to put your toiletries in a clear bag, because that will make the security people very happy.

Let’s Review!

  1. You made your reservation.
  2. You booked an accomodation.
  3. You have a travel backpack with packing cubes and toiletries.
  4. You are ready to go!
  5. You take off from Buenos Aires.
  6. You land in Paris.

Now you are feeling really sleepy. This is called:

14. Jet Lag

“Jet lag” is the feeling of being tired after you travel because your body is used to a different time zone.

Sometimes when I travel from Europe to Asia I get jet lag.

15. Sightsee

This is a simple verb that just means to visit, or to look around. If I just landed in Shangai, I could say:

I really want to sightsee downtown!
I really want to sightsee around the People’s Square!

If I’m traveling with a friend, I can ask:

“Hey, Foofy, do you want to sightsee around Stockholm tomorrow?”

You can also say to “go sightseeing,” if you don’t have a particular destination in mind.

“Hey, Foofy, do you want to go sightseeing?”

What’s Next?

  1. You’ve been sightseeing; observing the city and taking it all in.
  2. Now you’re ready to go to a new city!

You can book a trip on a bus, or make a reservation for a flight, or you could try:

16. Hitchhiking

“Hitchhiking” is when you put your thumb up and ask people for a ride! I’ve “hitchhiked” almost 100 times in many countries, and I’ve always had great experiences. You can have fun conversations and meet really cool people. It’s not always the most fun way to travel, because the weather might be bad or people might be rude, but it’s worth a try!

17. Bucket List

Hitchhiking was on my “bucket list.” A “bucket list” is a list of things you want to do before you die. It comes from an English idiom “kick the bucket,” which means “to die.” Here are some things on my bucket list:

  1. Visit Antarctica
  2. Learn 10 languages
  3. Become a father
  4. Teach sports and English at a kids’ camp

What’s on your bucket list? I’m curious! Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear what you think.

Now that you know how to get where you want to go, check out this post to help you save money along the way!

if you want to continue on your English journey, we have a great ebook for you called Travel English Expert. ​​

The Travel English Expert is a collection of 50+ recorded conversational lessons with a text guide. Everything is directly related to real world travel. This course will give you templates to practice your listening & speaking skills – including more essential travel vocabulary – even if you aren’t planning an awesome trip to Singapore any time soon!

I hope these 17 Essential Vocabulary Words for Traveling were helpful for you! Be sure to leave a comment, and check back soon for more great English tips!



Food – Cooking and Eating

(A) Choose the correct verb from the box to fill each gap. You should use each verb once only, and you may need to change the form.

baste         simmer        salivate            marinate          garnish             gorge   braise

munch      whisk          mince               grill                  drizzle             devour

  1. After bringing the saucepan to the boil, allow to ___________ for a further five minutes.
  2. ___________ a little salad dressing over the top just before you begin to serve.
  3. ___________ the egg whites and sugar together in a separate bowl.
  4. The mere sight and smell of the dish had us all ___________ in anticipation of the gastronomic treat we were in for.
  5. Such was the appetite I had worked up that I had ___________ every last morsel that had been put on my plate in a matter of minutes.
  6. She ___________ the steak in a brandy-and-stock mix for two hours.
  7. ___________ the turkey at regular intervals during the cooking process.
  8. ___________ the dish with a sprig of mint.
  9. Don’t ___________ yourself for the rest of the evening; you don’t have to have all the chocolates tonight; you can always finish the box tomorrow.
  10. ___________ the fish in the lemon-and-spice mix for about four hours before frying.
  11. ___________ the fish on a high heat for approximately five minutes, turning halfway through.
  12. ___________ the beef yourself is an option, but a laborious one when you can buy it from the butchers.
  13. I’m just going to pop into the shop a second; I need something to ___________ on to keep me going until dinner.

(B) Use the words from the box below to fill the gaps. Use each word once only. You will not need to change the form of the word.

scrumptious     delectable        rare                  bountiful         satiated            soggy

starchy             raw                  curdled                        putrid              tangy

I had a 1.________ meal at the Riverdale Park Hotel last night; the best I’ve had dining out for as long as I can remember. And, surprisingly, the portions were 2. ________ , not the miserly servings I’ve grown accustomed to getting in these “high-class” eateries. Dessert was the most 3. ________ part of the meal; a 4. ________ lemon cheesecake with a base to die for – it really hit the spot! And the house wine was the perfect accompaniment; inexpensive but full-bodied and flavoursome; I drank until I was well and truly 5. ________. Contrast that with my experience at the weekend in Grey’s Bowl; I’ve never had such 6. ________ -smelling gunk served to me on a plate before. My starter was like something out of a horror movie; thinly-sliced 7. ________ steak served on some mouldy cheese – apparently it’s all the rage at the moment. Well, not likely; I would sooner eat my hat. For mains, I was served a 8. ________ goop the waiter tried to pass off for mashed potatoes, with 9.           vegetables and more exceptionally 10. ________ beef the blood was still oozing out of it for goodness’ sake. Then, for dessert, I had the joy of tasting a custard that had 11. ________ to such an extent that it might just as well have been scrambled egg – absolutely disgusting!

(C) Match the food term on the left with its definition on the right.

1. hors d’oeuvres

2. a brew

3. haute cuisine

4. condiment

5. platter

6. buffet

7. a la carte

8. larder

a. an informal term for a beer

b. cooking of a very high standard

c. describes when you can combine any selection of dishes – not a fixed menu

d. a substance like salt which you add to food to make it taste better

e. a self-service meal where diners choose from a variety of foods on display

f. a small room in a home/restaurant used for storing food

g. a large plate on which a variety of foods are served together

h. the appetizer or first course of a meal

(D) Select the correct word from the box to fill each gap.

inedible           nibbles             fusion              eatery              connoisseur     beverage

casserole          fare                  gourmet           consistency      culinary           assortment

accompaniment           palate

  1. Why is it that soft drinks are so much more expensive than alcoholic _______ s in pubs?
  2. This is the chefs special; a(n) _______ of vegetables, each cooked in a different way.
  3. This sparkling wine is the perfect _______ to spicy food.
  4. This is a lamb _______ , cooked to perfection on a low heat for five hours.
  5. He considers himself a(n) _______ of all things food-related. I consider him an arrogant know-it-all.
  6. Just plating up this dish is a(n) _______ feat in itself; it must have taken the chef forever to achieve this level of detail in his presentation.
  7. The local _______ which I frequent the most is Gardner’s on 43rd Street.
  8. You will struggle to find finer _______ in any restaurant in the city; this is truly a delight for the senses.
  9. He runs a _______ restaurant downtown which is beloved of the hip and trendy, but, to me, his food sounds like an ill-conceived mishmash of Chinese and European flavours that were never meant to be combined.
  10. You don’t have a very discerning _______ , do you? I mean, I would have sent that plate of food back to the kitchen personally, but then who am I to say what you should or shouldn’t do…
  11. I’m not sure this_______ cooking malarkey is all it’s cracked up to be; for me, I think the word is just an excuse to serve miserly portions of food on a plate and charge astronomical prices for doing so.
  12. It’s not really of the right _______ for a good rue sauce – far too runny, if you ask me.
  13. The food in that restaurant was simply _______, and while I felt a bit guilty about doing it, I was left with no choice but to return my plate to the kitchen, and get up and leave.
  14. I bought some crisps, nuts and other_______ to have when the neighbours come around.


Food – Cooking and Eating


1 simmer 2. Drizzle 3. Whisk 4. salivating

5. devoured 6. braised 7. Baste 8. Garnish

9. gorge 10. Marinate 11. Grill 12. Mincing 13. munch


1 scrumptious/delectable 2. Bountiful 3. delectable/scrumptious

4. tangy 5. satiated 6. putrid 7. raw

8.  starchy 9. soggy 10. rare 11. curdled


  1. h        2. a        3. b      4. d     5. g        6. e        7. c      8. f


1 beverage 2. assortment 3. accompaniment 4. casserole

5 connoisseur 6. culinary 7. eatery 8. fare 9. fusion

10.  palate 11. gourmet 12. consistency 13. inedible 14. nibble

Also check :

  • IELTS Vocabulary books
  • IELTS Vocabulary
  • IELTS Listening Vocabulary
  • Sports Vocabulary IELTS
  • English Pronunciation in use Intermediate pdf
  • Work Vocabulary IELTS
  • Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS

flight, aviation, city, town, urban, metropolitan, civil, townspeople, inhabitants, high life, social life, society

You can jump to any section of this article:

  1. Booking a Holiday
  2. Packing
  3. Travelling to Your Destination
  4. Arriving at Your Destination
  5. Activities
  6. Places to Visit
  7. Describing Places
  8. Asking for Help

Whether you are going on a short holiday for a few days or planning to travel around various countries for a few months, having a basic understanding of the vocabulary and phrases you might need to use for communication is quite important.

English is a widely spoken language in the majority of countries that welcome tourism, so it would be beneficial to familiarise yourself with some useful phrases before departing.

In addition, if you could find out how to say some basic phrases in the country’s native language, I’m sure the local people there would appreciate your efforts!

Basic phrases in English that you should translate and try to use in the native language of your destination:

  • Hello
  • Goodbye
  • Please
  • Thank you
  • Excuse me
  • Help

Booking a Holiday


Book: as opposed to the noun (reading material), this verb means to arrange and confirm a place on a flight, a room in a hotel or a ticket for an event in the future.

Depart: to go away or leave, especially on a journey.

Arrive: to reach a place, especially at the end of a journey.

Reservation: an arrangement in which something like a seat on a plane or a table in a restaurant is kept for you.

Destination: the place where someone is going, or something is being sent or taken.

Complimentary: if tickets books or any other items are complimentary, it means they are given free, especially by a business.

All-Inclusive: Including everyone or everything. In holiday terms, this would refer to a hotel deal where the price usually includes accommodation, meals and drinks (any extra activities or facilities would be charged separately).

Travel Agency: a company or shop that makes travel arrangements for people.

Ticket: a small piece of paper or card given to someone, usually to show that they have paid for an event, journey or activity.

Brochure: a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information about a product or a company.

Leaflet: a small piece of paper that gives you information or advertises something.

Last Minute Deals: these are promotions that are advertised at the latest possible time for those who are more spontaneous!

Promotion: publicising a product to increase sales or public awareness.

Package Deal: an offer or agreement involving a number of related items or the acceptance of one being dependent on acceptance of another.

Half-Board: if you request ‘half-board’ at a hotel, breakfast and dinner would be included in the hotel price (as part of the package).

Full-Board: if you request ‘full-board’ at a hotel, that would include all three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in the price of your accommodation.

Self-Catering: if you stay in self-catering accommodation, you would be in a place where you are provided with the facilities to prepare and cook your own meals.

Accommodation: a room or building in which someone may live or stay. Different types of accommodation include apartments, hotels, guesthouses and backpacking hostels.

Vacation: the American term for ‘holiday’.

Camping: the activity of spending a holiday (vacation) living in a tent or campervan.

Backpacking: to travel or hike carrying one’s belongings in a backpack.

Transfer: the act of moving someone or something from one place to another.

Budget Holiday: (adjective) meaning inexpensive. Planning a trip using a minimal amount of money. (Budget – noun) Having a limited amount of money for expenditure:

  • ‘We have to keep within the household budget).

Travel Documents: all the necessary documents you would need to take with you on a holiday i.e. passport or ID card, driving license, flight/bus/ train tickets, visa confirmation etc.

Outbound: travelling away from a particular place, usually the first half of a journey.

Inbound: travelling towards a particular place, especially when returning to the original point of departure.

Two-way, Return Ticket (UK), Round Trip (US): a ticket that allows someone to travel to a place and back again.

One-way, Single Ticket: a ticket that allows a passenger to travel only to his/her destination, without returning.

Transport: (verb trans-PORT) to take or carry goods or people from one place to another. (noun TRANS-port) A system or means of conveying people or goods from place to place by means of a vehicle, aircraft or ship.

Splash out: a phrasal verb (mainly used in British English) meaning to spend money freely

Sample Conversation about Booking a Holiday:
Travel Agent = TA, Customer = C

TA: Good afternoon madam, how can I help you today?
C: Good afternoon, I would like to book a trip to Italy for 2 people and a 6 year old child please.

TA: Is there anywhere in particular you would like to go?
C: I can’t decide between Venice or Rome, whichever is cheaper as we’re on a budget this year!

TA: Okay, and when would you like to go?
C: We have two weeks of holiday between 18th June and 2nd July, and we’d like to go for at least 10 days during that period.

TA: No problem, I’ll just check to see which destination would be cheaper…. We have a special promotion on at the moment, if you book a package deal to Venice, you get freetransfer to and from your hotel to the airport, plus one free meal each day. Would you be interested in that?
C: Yes, that sounds great!

TA: And would you like full-board or half-board?
C: Well, seeing as we will get one free meal each anyway, I think self-catering would be better. I’ll have a little bit of extra money to splash out in a nice restaurant somewhere!

TA: Okay, that’s fine. We have a hotel that offers self-catering facilities and is right in the centre of Rome. They also have special facilities for children such as meal deals, extra beds, a play area in the lobby and a crèche.
C: Perfect! I won’t need to spend too much money on transport and our son will surely have fun too!

TA: Exactly. Your outbound flight will be on the 19th June, departing from London Gatwick Airport at 11:30am, and your return flight will be on the 30th June at 10:30pm. That gives you 11 and a half days in Rome, does that suit you?
C: Yes, that’s excellent, and we’ll still have a couple of days to recover before going back to work! How much will that be?

TA: Well, the promotion is £200 per adult, and your child can go for free because he is under 8 years old. That includes the return flights, accommodation for 11 nights, airport transfer and a complimentary meal each per day. Shall we go ahead and book it?
C: Wow, that is a fabulous deal! Yes please.

TA: Okay. How would you like to pay?
C: Credit card please. Here you go.

TA: Thank you. Could I also see your passports please?
C: Sure, here you go.

TA: Thank you. Here are your tickets and everything else you’ll need to know about your package holiday. Remember to keep all your travel documents safe throughout the whole trip.
C: Thank you so much for your help!

TA: You’re welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day and please contact us if you have any queries before you set off on your holiday!

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NEXT: Packing Vocabulary

pack, prepare, gather, collect, make ready, get ready, put in order


Suitcase: a case with a handle and hinged lid, used for carrying clothes and other personal possessions.

Backpack (US), Rucksack (UK): a bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one’s back.

Currency: a system of money in general use in a particular country.

Appropriate Clothing: suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person or occasion.

Seasonal: relating to a particular season of the year (Autumn, Winter, Spring or Summer).

Swimwear, Bikini: clothing worn for swimming (bikinis are specifically for women).

Fanny Pack (US), Bum Bag (UK): a small bag used to safely store small valuable items when on holiday. This is usually worn around the waist and can be concealed under one’s clothing.

Sample Conversation about Packing:

A: Sarah, I’ve managed to book the flights and the train tickets for our vacation to Switzerland!
B: Wow, that’s so exciting! So, are we leaving next month on the date we wanted?

A: No, we’re leaving next week! The travel agency gave us a great package deal and we’ve saved a lot of money, but it meant changing the dates to go earlier. We don’t have to work anyway, so I thought it would be nice!
B: Oh, I see! Okay, that means we’ll have to start packing very soon. What will the weather be like?

A: Well, it’ll be spring but we’re going for 3 weeks, so I would say it’s safer to take clothing for hot and cold weather. We’ll probably go skiing too, so let’s pack our snow gear.
B: Sure. I’m going to pack a few bikinis too, just in case we find a small beach!

A: It might be easier to take our backpacks, as we can fit more into them.
B: I agree, they’re a lot bigger than the suitcases. Have you got all our travel documents together?

A: I just need to print off the flight confirmation details and the train tickets.
B: Great. I’ll get some dollars exchanged to Swiss franc for the first few days.
A: Okay, so you’re in charge of getting the currency sorted and I’ll keep all the travel documents together.  Now, let’s start packing!

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NEXT: Traveling to your destination

destination, objective, goal, journey's end, stopping place, terminus, target, landing place

Travelling to Your Destination

Check-In: the act of reporting one’s presence and registering, typically at an airport or hotel.

Departure Gate: gate where passengers embark.

Airport Terminal: this is a building at an airport, where passengers transfer between ground transportation and the facilities that allow them to board or disembark from an aircraft.

Departure Lounge: a seating area in an airport where passengers wait to board an aircraft or vehicle.

Duty-Free: Items available for purchase that are free of duty or tax charges in a particular country, generally sold at airports.

Ferry: a boat or ship for conveying passengers or goods, especially over a relatively short distance and as a regular service.

Take Off: (of an aircraft or bird) becoming airborne.

Board: to get on or into (a ship, aircraft or other vehicle).

Passport Check, Security Checkpoint: a barrier or manned entrance typically at a border of a country where travellers are subject to security checks.

Overweight: baggage weighing in excess of the allowed amount.

Destination: the place to which someone or something is going or being sent.

Window Seat: a seat positioned next to a window on a large vehicle or aircraft.

Aisle Seat: a seat positioned beside the walkway on a large vehicle or aircraft.

Sample Conversation about Checking-in at the Airport:
Airport Attendant = AA, Passenger = P

AA: Next please!
P: Hi. Good Afternoon.

AA: Good Afternoon sir. May I see your passport please?
P: Yes, here you go.

AA: Thank you. Please place your luggage on the belt.
P: (Places suitcase on the conveyor belt)

AA: I’m afraid this suitcase is 7kg overweight. You are allowed a maximum of 30kg and this suitcase weighs 37kg. You will need to remove some items or pay an additional fee for the extra weight.
P: Oh no! I see. Okay, I’m happy to pay the fee.

AA: Is this your bag sir?
P: Yes, of course it is.

AA: Did you pack it yourself?
P: Yes.

AA: Were you given anything by someone else to take on the flight?
P: No, definitely not.

AA: Do you have any of the following items in your luggage? (points to images of dangerous objects)
P: No, I’m certain.

AA: Okay, that’ll be 56 euros for the overweight case please.
P: Okay, here is the right amount in cash. Also, could I please have a window seat?

AA: I’ll just see if there is one available…. Okay, you’ll be seated in 25A. Here is your passport and boarding pass, please keep all your documents safe. Enjoy your flight.
P: Thank you very much.

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NEXT: Arriving at your destinationtravel, holiday, vacation, go abroad, take a trip, take a train, take a boat, take a plane, go walking

Arriving at Your Destination

Landing: an instance of coming or bringing something to land, either from the air or from water.

Customs: the place at a seaport, airport or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travellers or luggage.

Baggage Collection Point, Baggage Reclaim, Baggage Claim Area: an area where arriving passengers claim checked-in baggage after disembarking from an airline flight.

Nothing to Declare: exiting the airport at a gate where you state that you do not have any goods where duty is payable or that need checking whether entry into the country is permitted.

Credit Card: a small plastic card provided by a bank or company which gives you access to money that you will need to pay back within an agreed time limit.

Debit Card: a small plastic card provided by your bank which gives you access to money that you already have in your bank account.

Porter: a member of staff in a hotel who assists guests with carrying their luggage.

Alarm: something to help you wake up at an appropriate time, this could be a sound notification on your smartphone or a telephone call from staff if you are staying in a hotel.

Room Service: requesting food, drinks or other services to be delivered to your hotel room.

Sample Conversation about Checking-in at the Hotel:
Hotel Receptionist = HR, Guest = G, Porter = P

P: Good morning Sir, welcome to The Royal Pavilion Hotel. May I take your bags please?
G: Oh, that’s very kind of you! Thank you. I am quite tired after that journey.

P: Please follow me this way to the check-in desk.
HR: Good morning Sir, do you have a reservation?

G: Yes, I booked online.
HR: Which name was it booked in?

G: Mr. Graham Watts
HR: Yes, I have it here. Could I see the credit card you paid with please?

G: Yes, here you go.
HR: Thank you. Would you like an alarm call to wake you up?

G: Yes please. If you could call me around 11am, that’d be great. I would like to rest for a few hours before my meeting.
HR: No problem. The complimentary breakfast is served until 11:30 and you can call for room service at anytime.

G: I will most probably do that! Thanks.
HR: Your room is number 237 on the third floor and here’s the key. Our porter will help you with your bags and show you to your room.

G: That’s wonderful, thank you. Is there a Wi-Fi connection available in my room?
HR: Yes, you’ll find the password in you room beside the TV. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.
P: Okay Mr. Watts, if you please come this way, I’ll show you to your room…

activities, cooking, food, lobster, chef


  • Kitesurfing 
  • Kayaking 
  • Canoeing
  • Rock Climbing 
  • Trekking 
  • Sailing 
  • Jetskiing 
  • Skiing 
  • Windsurfing 
  • Wakeboarding 
  • Paddleboarding 
  • Swimming 
  • Sunbathing 
  • Sightseeing 

Places to Visit

  • Amusement Park
  • Museum
  • Art Gallery
  • Cinema
  • Water Park
  • Aquarium
  • Beach
  • Restaurant
  • Nightclub
  • Bar
  • Miniature Golf, Crazy Golf
  • Island
  • Animal Sanctuary
  • National Park
  • Zoo

Describing Places

  • Invigorating
  • Enervating 
  • Fascinating 
  • Energetic 
  • Fast 
  • Vibrant 
  • Lively 
  • Exciting 
  • Packed 
  • Crowded 
  • Busy 
  • Bustling 
  • Trendy 
  • Touristy 
  • Modern 
  • Historic 
  • Old-Fashioned 
  • Outdated 
  • Picturesque 
  • Cute 
  • Gorgeous 
  • Pricey 
  • Over-Priced
  • Upmarket 
  • Cosmopolitan 
  • Metropolitan 
  • Neopolitan 

NEXT: Asking for help

assist, support, serve, question, help, advise, nurse, search

Asking for Help

Catching someone’s attention:

  • Excuse me, could I ask you a quick question please?
  • Excuse me, sorry to bother you but could you help me please?
  • Hello sir/miss, …
  • Sorry sir/miss, …
  • Excuse me, do you speak English?

Asking for information:

  • You wouldn’t happen to know where … is, would you?
  • I’m trying to find the …
  • I need to get to the …
  • How can I get to the …?
  • Do you know where the … is?
  • Where is the nearest …?
  • I’m a little lost, where is the …?

If you miss a flight, bus, transfer, train:

  • It seems I have missed my … could you please book me onto the next available one?
  • I’ve missed my … is there any way of getting a refund?
  • I’ve missed my … could you please give me information about the next one?
  • Could you please help me to rearrange my …?

When you’re feeling unwell:

  • Excuse me, is there a first aid room here?
  • I feel really unwell, is there someone who can help me?
  • I’m suffering from … do you have medical staff here?
  • Do you have a first aid kit I could use please?
  • I’ve injured my … could you please help me?

If there is something wrong with your luggage:

  • My suitcase has not arrived yet, where can I get it from?
  • My luggage is missing, could you help me please?
  • My rucksack has been damaged, what can I do about this?
  • I cannot find my suitcase, where can I check please?

Asking someone to translate:

  • Excuse me, do you speak English?
  • Could you tell me what it says on that sign please?
  • Could you translate this message for me please?
  • Could you please ask this person to …?

Prepositions and giving directions:

  • (Turn) Right
  • (Turn) Left
  • Straight On
  • Behind 
  • Opposite the …
  • Next to the …
  • Near the …
  • The … is on your (right, left)
  • Before, After the traffic lights 
  • Take the first, second, third exit at the roundabout 

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This list explains nearly 900 British and American vocab differences, arranged by topic with the most important categories top, and the most useful/ most important examples top of each section. All explanations of meanings and alternative expressions are given British and then American.

British and American food, cooking and restaurant vocabulary

Food words which have different meanings in British and American English

  • chips – thick-cut hot fried potato, as in “fish and chips” (“French fries” or “fries” in American English) – thin, crispy snacks eaten cold from a bag, as in “potato chips” and “nacho chips” (“crisps” in British English)
  • cider – an alcoholic drink that is similar to beer but made from apples (“hard cider” in American English) – a soft drink made from apples
  • entrée – the first course/ starter – the main course
  • bill – what you get at the end of your meal in a restaurant that says how much you should pay (“the check” in American English) – paper money, as in “a five dollar bill” (“banknote” or “note” in British English)
  • sweets – small sugary snacks (“candy” in American English) – dessert/ sweet things generally, such as cakes
  • grill – cook under heat (“broil” in American English) – cook on a hotplate/ barbecue
  • pudding – dessert generally, or a hot, heavy dessert similar to Xmas pudding – a kind of custard dessert, similar to crème caramel
  • jelly – a wobbly dessert, as in “jelly and ice cream” (“Jell-O” in American English) – a kind of jam without solid lumps of fruit in it (as in “peanut butter and jelly sandwich”)
  • sherbet – a powdered sweet which fizzes a little on your tongue – a type of frozen dessert, like ice cream but with less or no milk (“sorbet” in British English)
  • wash up – do the dishes – wash your hands (before dinner)
  • biscuit – as in “chocolate biscuit” (“cookie” in American English) – a kind of savoury scone (as in “chicken and biscuits”)
  • squash – a kind of cordial that needs to be watered down to be drunk – a kind of vegetable similar to a pumpkin (similar to a British “marrow”)
  • cooker – stove/ range – cook
  • corn(field) – wheat – maize (usually called “sweetcorn” in British English)
  • sprouts – Brussels sprouts – alfalfa sprouts
  • faggot – a kind of meatball – a non-PC insult for homosexuals
  • flapjack – a sweet snack mainly made of oats (“granola bar” in American English) – pancake
  • hamper – a large basket for food, as in “picnic hamper” – a laundry basket

Different words for food and drink in British and American English

  • crisps – chips
  • chips – (French) fries
  • maize/ sweetcorn – corn
  • green peppers/ red peppers/ yellow peppers – bell peppers
  • sweets – candy
  • the bill – the check
  • take away – take out
  • waiter/ waitress – server
  • pudding/ sweet/ dessert – dessert
  • grill – broil
  • fizzy drink – soda/ pop
  • wash up/ do the dishes – do the dishes
  • wash your hands – wash up
  • washing up liquid – dishwashing liquid
  • saucepan – pot
  • frying pan – fry pan/ skillet
  • tin/ can – can
  • starter – appetizer
  • cooker/ stove – range/ stove
  • cook – cooker
  • aubergine – eggplant
  • courgette – zucchini
  • mashed potato – mash potato
  • skimmed milk – skim milk
  • coriander – cilantro
  • mince – chopped beef
  • barbecue – grill
  • tomato sauce/ tomato ketchup – tomato ketchup
  • rocket – arugula
  • off license – liquor store
  • cutlery – silverware/ flatware
  • ice lolly – popsicle/ ice pop
  • jelly – Jell-O
  • cling film – Saran wrap
  • porridge – oatmeal
  • jug – pitcher
  • crockery — tableware
  • spring onion – scallion/ green onion
  • kettle – tea kettle
  • sorbet – sherbet
  • neat (drink) – straight
  • single cream – half and half
  • French bean – string bean
  • (greasy) caff – diner
  • (doner) kebab – gyro
  • jacket potato – baked potato
  • fairy cake – cupcake
  • lay the table – set the table
  • buffet car – dining car
  • banger/ sausage – link/ sausage
  • hob – cooktop/ burner
  • beetroot – beet
  • broad bean – fava bean
  • candyfloss – cotton candy
  • double cream – heavy cream
  • potato peeler – vegetable peeler
  • joint – pot roast
  • mange tout – snow peas
  • swede/ neep – rutabaga
  • Swiss roll – jelly roll
  • fish fingers – fish sticks
  • scone – biscuit
  • food processor – Cuisinart
  • chewy sweets – taffy
  • kipper – smoked herring
  • tea towel – dish towel
  • ready salted crisps – salted crisps
  • corn flour – corn starch
  • (peach) stone – (peach) pit
  • salt cellar – salt shaker
  • liquorice – licorice
  • sultana – yellow raisin
  • icing sugar – powdered sugar/ confectioner’s sugar
  • treacle – molasses
  • (baby’s) beaker – sippy cup
  • tea cosy – tea cozy
  • fig rolls – Fig Newtons
  • icing – frosting
  • self-raising flour – self-rising flour
  • greaseproof paper – wax paper
  • boiled sweet – hard candy
  • caster sugar – superfine sugar
  • liquidiser – blender
  • profiterole – cream puff
  • glace fruits – candied fruits
  • hundreds and thousands – sprinkles

British and American transport and travel vocabulary

Transport words with different meanings in British and American English

  • gas – natural gas – gasoline
  • hood – the top of a convertible car – the cover of the engine (“bonnet” in British English)
  • trailer – something that goes behind car or bicycle, usually to carry extra luggage – similar, but also including small places where people can stay (“caravan” in British English)
  • trolley – shopping trolley – a kind of train in the street (“tram” in British English)
  • rider – a person riding a bicycle, motorbike, horse, etc – a person travelling on a train, bus, etc (“passenger” in British English)
  • pavement – the part by the side of the road where people walk (“sidewalk” in American English) – the material that makes a road

Different transport words in British and American English

  • the underground/ the Tube – subway
  • return (ticket) – round trip
  • single (ticket) – one-way (ticket)
  • car park – parking lot
  • platform 5 – track 5
  • coach – highway bus/ Greyhound bus
  • (train) timetable – schedule
  • economy (class) – coach (class)
  • crossroads – intersection
  • motorway – highway/ freeway
  • hand luggage – carry-on baggage
  • lorry – truck
  • aeroplane/ plane – airplane/ plane
  • petrol station/ garage – gas station/ fuel filling station
  • petrol – gas(oline)
  • zebra crossing/ pedestrian crossing – crosswalk
  • tram – streetcar/ trolley
  • season ticket – commuter ticket
  • accelerator (pedal) – gas pedal/ the gas
  • ticket barrier – turnstile
  • tailback/ traffic jam – gridlock/ backup/ traffic jam
  • public transport – public transportation/ public transit
  • passenger – rider
  • bonnet – hood
  • gearbox – transmission
  • diversion – detour
  • hand brake – parking brake
  • to reverse – to back up
  • indicator – blinker/ turn signal
  • roundabout – traffic circle
  • boot – trunk
  • puncture/ flat tyre – a flat
  • (train) carriage – (train) coach
  • overtake – pass
  • (overland) railway station/ train station – railroad station/ train station
  • buffet (car) – dining car
  • railway – railroad
  • toll road — turnpike
  • number plate – license plate
  • bumper – fender
  • ring road – beltway, freeway/highway loop
  • pavement – sidewalk
  • windscreen (wipers) – windshield (wipers)
  • give someone a lift – give someone a ride
  • level crossing –grade crossing
  • car journey/ drive – road trip
  • four-wheel drive – Jeep
  • baby seat – car safety seat
  • gear lever – gear shift
  • tyre – tire
  • motorbike/ motorcycle – motorcycle
  • articulated lorry – trailer truck/ semi
  • car/ motorcar – car/ automobile
  • give way – yield
  • Dormobile/ campervan – RV/ recreational vehicle
  • demister – defroster
  • wing – fender
  • hood – convertible top
  • slip-road – on-ramp/ off-ramp
  • lay-by – truck stop/ rest area
  • caravan – trailer
  • (train) guards – conductors
  • saloon – sedan
  • exhaust pipe – tailpipe
  • silencer – muffler
  • goods train – freight train
  • wagon – freight car
  • fire engine – fire truck
  • juggernaut – 18-wheeler
  • flyover – overpass
  • road surface – pavement, blacktop
  • main line – trunk line
  • estate (car) – (station) wagon
  • stabilisers – training wheels
  • dustcart – garbage truck
  • (engine/ train) driver – engineer
  • transport café – truck stop
  • AA (Automobile Association) – AAA
  • dip switch – dimmer switch
  • lollipop man/lady – crossing guard
  • sleeping policeman/ speed bump – speed bump
  • central reservation – median
  • points –switch
  • sleeper – railroad tie

House and home vocabulary with different meanings in British and American English

  • first floor – the first floor above the ground (upstairs from the ground floor, “second floor” in American English) – the floor at ground level (“ground floor” in British English)
  • wash up – do the dishes – wash your hands
  • cot – a baby’s bed (“crib” in American English) – a foldable extra bed (like a camp bed)
  • dormitory – a room for more many people, often with bunk beds, for example in a boarding school – a place where university students live (“halls” or “student halls” in British English)
  • cooker – stove in the kitchen for cooking (“range” in American English) – a person who cooks (“cook” in British English)
  • semi – semi-detached house (“duplex” in American English) – semi-trailer truck (“articulated lorry” in British English)
  • hamper – picnic basket – laundry basket
  • homely – cosy – ugly (person)

Different house and home words in British and American English

  • flat/ apartment – apartment/ condo/ condominium
  • block of flats – apartment building
  • wardrobe – closet
  • bin – trashcan/ garbage can
  • rubbish – garbage/ trash
  • socket – (electrical) outlet
  • garden – yard
  • two storeys – two floors
  • tap – faucet
  • armchair – easy chair/ armchair
  • student halls/ halls – dorm/ dormitory
  • curtains – drapes
  • washing machine – washer
  • accommodation – accommodations
  • mortgage – home loan
  • cooker/ stove – stove/ range
  • toilet/ loo/ the little boys’ room/ lavatory/ lav/ bog – bathroom/ restroom
  • electric razor – electric shaver
  • aerial – antenna
  • chest of drawers – bureau/ dresser
  • hoover/ Hoover/ vacuum cleaner – vacuum cleaner
  • washing up liquid – dishwashing liquid
  • clothes peg – clothes pin
  • property – real estate
  • terraced house – row house/ townhouse
  • semi/ semi-detached house – duplex
  • hob – burner/ cooktop
  • lay the table – set the table
  • duvet – comforter
  • kettle – tea kettle
  • bleach – Clorox
  • tumble dryer – dryer
  • bathroom scales – scale
  • food processor – Cuisinart
  • Brillo Pad – scouring pad
  • skip – Dumpster
  • cuddly toy – stuffed animal
  • kitchen roll – paper towel
  • scatter cushion/ throw cushion – scatter pillow/ throw pillow
  • reclining chair – La-Z-Boy
  • flannel – facecloth/ washcloth
  • furnace – boiler
  • washing up bowl – dishpan
  • bin liner – trash bag
  • paraffin – kerosene
  • cot – crib
  • camp bed – cot
  • dummy – pacifier
  • pram – baby carriage
  • tea towel – dish towel
  • garden path – front walk
  • earth – ground
  • throw cushion – throw pillow
  • pushchair – stroller
  • laundry basket – hamper
  • garage sale – yard sale
  • fittings – fixtures
  • greaseproof paper – wax paper
  • scrubbing brush – scrub brush
  • changing mat – changing pad
  • homely – homey
  • secateurs – pruners/ clippers
  • skirting board – baseboard
  • underlay – carpet pad

British and American describing places vocabulary

Vocabulary for describing places with different meanings in British and American English

  • surgery – a doctor’s office, like a clinic – an operating theatre
  • first floor – the first floor above the ground (“second floor” in American English) – the lowest floor (“ground floor” in British English)
  • subway – a pedestrian underpass – underground railway
  • bathroom – the place with a bath or shower – the place with a toilet
  • underpass – a street underground, often under another street – a tunnel for pedestrians under a street (“subway” in British English)
  • campsite – an area for people to camp in (“campground” in American English) – a place for a single tent (“pitch” in British English)
  • outside lane – the lane nearest the opposite side of the road, often used by faster cars (“inside lane” in American English) – the lane near the edge of the street, often used by slower vehicles (“inside lane” in British English)
  • pylon – electricity pylon (“transmission tower/ mast” in American English) – traffic cone
  • rail depot – a place where trains are parked – a rail terminal
  • mortuary – a place where dead bodies are stored (“morgue” in American English) – a funeral home
  • semi – semi-detached house – a kind of truck
  • saloon – part of a pub – a Western-style bar
  • Different describing places vocabulary in British and American English
  • toilet/ loo/ lavatory/ lav – bathroom/ restroom
  • first floor – second floor
  • ground floor – first floor
  • shop – store
  • cinema – (movie) theater
  • subway – underpass
  • underground (railway)/ the Tube – subway
  • (hotel) reception – front desk
  • primary school – elementary school
  • secondary school – (junior) high school
  • lift – elevator
  • block of flats – apartment building
  • city centre/ town centre – downtown
  • chemist’s – pharmacy/ drugstore
  • (student) halls/ halls of residence – dorm
  • junction – intersection
  • platform…, as in “platform two” – track…, as in “track two”
  • garden – yard
  • petrol station/ garage – gas station
  • car park – parking lot
  • surgery – doctor’s office
  • motorway – highway/ freeway
  • high street – main street
  • pedestrian crossing/ zebra crossing – crosswalk
  • estate agent – realtor
  • queue – line
  • roundabout – traffic circle/ rotary
  • off license – liquor store
  • pavement – sidewalk
  • ticket barrier – turnstile
  • postcode – zip code
  • traffic lights – traffic signals/ stoplights
  • railway – railroad
  • the countryside – the country
  • council estate – project
  • council house – public housing
  • accommodation – accommodations
  • town hall – city hall
  • till – cash register
  • (tele)phone box – phone booth
  • newsagent(‘s) – newsstand
  • cloakroom – checkroom/ coatroom
  • barber’s – barbershop
  • laundrette – laundromat
  • football pitch – soccer field
  • letter box – mail box
  • path – trail
  • billboard – hoarding
  • ring road – beltway/ freeway/ highway loop
  • lost property (office) – lost and found
  • Tannoy – PA/ public address system
  • semi/ semi-detached house – duplex
  • terraced house – townhouse
  • crèche – day care/ nursery
  • toll road – turnpike
  • A&E/ accident and emergency/ casualty – ER/ emergency room
  • wooden floor – wood floor
  • Portakabin – portable building
  • charity shop/ secondhand shop – thrift store
  • sweet shop – candy store
  • DIY shop – home improvement store
  • ironmongers – hardware shop
  • campsite – campground
  • (greasy) caff – diner
  • inside lane – outside lane
  • outside lane – inside lane
  • flyover – overpass
  • funfair – carnival
  • merry-go-round/ roundabout – carousel
  • multi-storey car park – parking garage
  • scrapyard – junkyard
  • skip – Dumpster
  • traffic cone – pylon
  • diagonally opposite – cater cornered
  • electricity pylon – mast/ transmission tower
  • mortuary – morgue
  • bumper car – dodgem
  • pigsty – pigpen
  • (hunting) hide – (duck/ hunting/ deer) blind

British and American clothes and accessories vocabulary

Appearance vocabulary with different meanings in British and American English

  • pants – underpants – long pants (“trousers” in British English)
  • purse – a small and/ or woman’s wallet – a handbag or shoulder bag
  • vest – underwear worn under your shirt (“undershirt” in American English) – part of a three-piece suit, worn under your jacket (“waistcoat” in British English)
  • jumper – sweater/ pullover – a kind of knitted dress
  • tights – nylons (“pantyhose” in American English) – skin-tight trousers (“leggings” in British English) or one-piece trousers and top (“unitard” in British English)
  • suspenders – straps to hold up stockings (“garters” in American English) – straps to hold up trousers (“braces” in British English)
  • tank top – sweater without sleeves – sleeveless T shirt
  • fancy dress – dressing up in a costume, e.g. for Halloween – formal wear such as a ball gown
  • nappy – kind of underpants for babies (“diaper” in British English) – an insulting word about Afro hair
  • boob tube – a strapless top (“tube top” in American English) – the television

Different appearance words in British and American English

  • trousers – pants
  • pants – underpants
  • tie – necktie
  • jeans – Levi’s
  • handbag — purse
  • trainers – sneakers
  • (sports) kit – uniform
  • swimming costume – bathing suit
  • vest – undershirt
  • tights – pantyhose
  • tracksuit – sweats
  • zip – zipper
  • wallet – billfold/ wallet
  • shoelace – shoestring
  • mac/ macintosh – raincoat
  • Y-fronts/ briefs/ (under)pants – jockey shorts/ jockey briefs/ pants
  • blazer – sports jacket/ sports coat
  • waistcoat – vest
  • wellington boots/ wellingtons/ wellies – galoshes/ rain boots/ rubber boots/ billy boots/ gum boots
  • woolly hat – ski hat
  • knickers – panties
  • bum bag – fanny pack
  • plimsolls – gym shoes
  • dressing gown/ bathrobe – (bath)robe
  • nappy – diaper
  • polo neck – turtle neck
  • cardigan – cardigan sweater
  • trouser suit – pant suit
  • suspenders – garters
  • braces – suspenders
  • brooch – pin
  • hair pin – bobby pin
  • rubber gloves – latex gloves
  • sleeveless top – sleeveless shirt
  • baby grow – blanket sleeper/ onesie
  • dungarees – overalls
  • ladder in your tights – run in your pantyhose
  • cagoule/ kagoul – Windbreaker
  • bowler hat – derby
  • long johns – long underwear
  • boob tube – tube top
  • turn-ups – cuffs

Describing people

Words with different meanings in British and American English

  • mean – miserly/ the opposite of generous – unkind/ nasty
  • mad – crazy – angry
  • roommate – someone sharing the same bedroom – someone sharing the same house/ apartment (“housemate” or “flatmate” in British English)
  • athlete – someone who does track and field events – a sportsman
  • cooker – stove in the kitchen, used for cooking – someone who cooks (“cook” in British English)
  • nervy – nervous/ jumpy – cheeky
  • pissed – drunk – annoyed (“pissed off” in British English)
  • Yankee – someone from the United States (usually shortened to “Yank”) – someone from New England or the North-eastern United States more generally
  • fag – cigarette – a very non-PC insult for a homosexual
  • faggot – a kind of meatball – bad insult for a homosexual
  • bum – bottom/ rear end/ buttocks – homeless person/ tramp
  • (British) Asian/ Asian (American) – someone whose family comes from South Asia – someone whose family comes from East Asia
  • fanny – vagina/ vulva – buttocks (as in “fanny pack”)
  • hooker – a position in rugby – slang for a prostitute
  • tosser – idiot/ wanker – someone who likes to throw things away, the opposite of “hoarder”
  • jock – slang for a Scotsman – slang for an athlete
  • cracker – Xmas cracker – yokel
  • DC – detective constable – District of Columbia
  • trooper – private in the army – state police officer
  • go potty – go crazy – go to toilet (for a baby)
  • homely – cosy (place) – plain or ugly

Different words for describing people in British and American English

  • cook – cooker
  • shop assistant – (sales) clerk
  • fresher/ first year student – freshman
  • waiter/ waitress – server
  • receptionist – desk clerk
  • mum – mom
  • housemate/ flatmate – roommate
  • solicitor/ barrister – attorney
  • chemist/ pharmacist – druggist/ pharmacist
  • estate agent – real estate agent/ realtor
  • sportsman – athlete
  • police constable/ PC/ bobby – patrolman
  • postman – mailman
  • shopkeeper – storekeeper
  • lorry driver – teamster/ truckdriver
  • OAP/ pensioner/ senior citizen – senior
  • landlord/ landlady/ barman – bar tender
  • newsreader – news anchor
  • mate – buddy
  • parting – part
  • fringe – bangs
  • caretaker – janitor
  • bloke/ chap – guy
  • arse – ass
  • lodger – roomer
  • hard man – tough guy
  • bum – butt
  • Father Christmas – Santa/ Santa Claus
  • girl guide – girl scout
  • docker/ dockworker – longshoreman
  • undertaker – mortician
  • whingeing – whining
  • pet hate – pet peeve
  • bird – chick/ broad
  • dustbin man – garbage collector
  • supply teacher – substitute teacher
  • gooseberry – third wheel
  • prison governor – prison warden
  • green fingers – green thumbs
  • chav – white trash
  • mason/ stonemason – stoneworker
  • dogsbody – gofer
  • bogey – booger
  • anorak/ trainspotter – geek/ nerd/ dweeb
  • knackered – beat
  • yob – hood
  • Joe Bloggs – John Blow
  • tout – scalper

British and American education vocabulary

Education vocabulary with different meanings in British and American English

  • public school – an old and usually high status private school (historically, the first schools which were open to the paying public) – a school funded by the (local and/ or national) government (“state school” in British English)
  • state school – a school funded by the government (“public school” in American English) – a school funded by the state (rather than the national government or a more local area)
  • professor – the very top members of the academic staff of a university – all lecturers at a university
  • tuition – teaching, especially by a (private) tutor – money paid to study (“tuition fees” in British English)
  • semester – half an academic year – between a quarter and a half of an academic year, depending on how the academic year is split (“term” in British English)
  • to graduate – successfully finish a university first degree/ bachelor’s degree – successfully finish any academic level, e.g. “graduate from high school” (“finish” in British English)
  • faculty – the largest organisation of a university, often consisting of several departments – professors and similar staff (“academic staff” in British English)
  • prep school – a private school that prepares students to secondary school – a private school that prepares students for university

Different education words in British and American English

  • homework – assignment
  • revise/ revision – review
  • primary school – elementary school
  • secondary school – (junior) high school
  • sixth form (college) – (senior) high school
  • (student) halls – dorms
  • tick – check
  • state school – public school
  • postgraduate studies – grad school
  • postgrad/ postgraduate student – grad student
  • humanities – liberal arts
  • tutor – homeroom teacher
  • uni – school/ college
  • A levels – high school leaving certificate
  • class/ form – grade
  • fresher/ first year student – freshman
  • second year student – sophomore
  • third year student – junior
  • final year student – senior
  • head teacher – principal
  • take an exam/ sit an exam
  • marking – grading
  • marks – grades
  • blackboard – chalkboard
  • maths – math
  • academic staff – faculty
  • tuition fees – tuition
  • enrol on a course – enroll in a course
  • sports day – field day
  • supply teacher – sub/ substitute teacher
  • reader – associate professor
  • crèche – day care/ day nursery
  • staff room – teacher’s lounge
  • mark a test – check a test
  • caretaker – janitor
  • break time/ playtime – recess
  • Oxbridge – Ivy League
  • open day/ open evening – open house
  • school dinner – hot lunch
  • skive – play hooky

British and American English legal English list

Note that because the legal systems are different, many of the synonyms below are only approximate.

Legal expressions with different meanings in British and American English

  • casualty – someone who has been injured (as in “casualty department”) – someone who has been killed (as in “casualty figures”)
  • solicitor – lawyer (who traditionally gives advice to clients, with a “barrister” representing them in court) – chief law officer in a town or government department
  • (legal) brief – documents given to a barrister about what to do in court – documents given to a court to show the arguments of one side
  • DC – Detective Constable (as in “DC Smith”) – District of Columbia (as in “Washington DC”)
  • first degree – first degree burn – first degree murder
  • constable – police officer – official who serves summonses (“bailiff” or “sheriff’s officer” in British English)
  • mortuary – place where dead bodies are stored (“morgue” in American English) – funeral home/ funeral parlour
  • (police) commissioner – professional head of the police (“chief of police” in American English) – person in charge of supervising the police force
  • appropriation – misappropriating money – dispensing money

Different legal words in British and American English

  • murder – homicide
  • theft – larceny
  • PC/ bobby – patrolman
  • manslaughter/ culpable homicide – second degree murder
  • solicitor – (corporate/ transactional) attorney
  • barrister – attorney/ litigator
  • driving license – driver’s license
  • police car/ panda car – patrol car/ police cruiser
  • serious crime – felony
  • magistrates’ courts/ county courts – district court/ circuit court/ state courts
  • court of appeal – court of appeal/ appellate court
  • public prosecutor – DA/ district attorney
  • CPS/ Crown Prosecution Service – DA’s office
  • minor crime – misdemeanor
  • claimant/ pursuer – plaintiff
  • company law – corporate law
  • employment law – labor law
  • competition law – antitrust law
  • crown court – district court
  • defence – defense
  • traffic warden – parking enforcement officer
  • traffic cop – highway patrolman
  • drink driving – drunk driving
  • prison warden – prison governor
  • truncheon – nightstick/ billy club
  • the Crown – the State (versus…)
  • gaol/ the nick/ the slammer/ jail – the can/ the cooler/ the joint/ the pen/ penitentiary/ pokey/ jail
  • mortuary – morgue
  • witness box – witness stand
  • GBH/ grievous bodily harm – aggravated battery/ felony assault
  • tribunal – arbitration
  • grass – stool pigeon/ snitch
  • allow a lower court’s decision – affirm a lower court’s decision
  • dismiss a lower court’s decision – reverse a lower court’s decision
  • police commissioner – chief of police
  • paddy wagon – Black Maria
  • tout – scalp
  • right of access – visiting rights
  • called to the bar – admitted to the bar
  • articles of association – bylaws
  • flick knife – switchblade
  • clerk to the court – clerk of the court/ clerk of court

British and American English medical vocabulary

Different meanings of medical words in British and American English

  • surgery – doctor’s office – operating theatre
  • casualty – someone who has been injured (as in “casualty department”) – someone who has been killed (as in “casualty figures”)
  • mortuary – place for dead bodies (“morgue” in the US) – funeral home/ funeral parlour
  • medic – doctor/ internist – EMT/ paramedic/ military corpsman

Different medical words in British and American English

Ones which only vary by spelling are bottom

  • surgery – doctor’s office
  • chemist’s – pharmacy
  • (sticky) plaster/ Elastoplast – Band Aid
  • paracetamol – acetaminophen/ Tylenol
  • jab – shot
  • tablets – pills
  • A&E/ accident and emergency/ casualty (department) – ER/ emergency room
  • GP/ general practitioner – primary care practitioner
  • operation – surgery
  • cotton buds – Q tips
  • cotton wool – cotton balls
  • mouth to mouth (resuscitation) – rescue breathing
  • operating theatre – operating room/ OR
  • in theatre – in the OR
  • plaster cast – cast
  • nappy – diaper
  • speciality – specialty
  • antenatal – prenatal
  • Mr… for surgeons – Dr… for surgeons
  • sister – charge nurse
  • mortuary – morgue
  • anaesthetist – anesthesiologist
  • anaesthetics – anesthesiology.
  • (ophthalmic) optician – optometrist
  • emergency trolley – crash cart
  • foundation year – internship
  • appendectomy – appendicectomy
  • oesophagus – esophagus
  • CTG – fetal non-stress test
  • observations – vitals
  • BM test – blood sugar test
  • Zimmer frame – walker
  • hb – hbg
  • anaemia – anemia
  • caesarean – cesarean
  • diarrhoea – diarrhea
  • gynaecology – gynecology
  • haemoglobin – hemoglobin
  • haemorrhage – hemorrhage
  • leukaemia – leukemia
  • orthopaedic – orthopedic
  • oestrogen – estrogen
  • paediatric – pediatric
  • intervertebral disc – intervertebral disk
  • oedema – edema
  • oesophagus – esophagus

British and American engineering vocabulary list

See also the transport and telephone sections.

Engineering words with different meanings in British and American English

  • gas – natural gas – gasoline (“petrol” in British English)
  • pavement – the part you walk on next to the road (“sidewalk” in US) – the road surface
  • white spirit – a kind of alcohol used for cleaning, as a paint thinner, etc (“turpentine” in American English) – a kind of illegally distilled alcohol for drinking

Different engineering words in British and American English

  • (electrical) socket – (electrical) outlet
  • spanner – wrench
  • petrol – gas/ gasoline
  • aerial – antenna
  • bin – trashcan/ garbage can
  • (safety) goggles – safety glasses
  • hard hat – bump cap
  • rubbish – garbage/ trash
  • lift – elevator
  • (service) engineer – (service) technician
  • anti-clockwise – counter-clockwise
  • earth – ground
  • maths – math
  • nought/ oh (as in “nought point oh five”) – zero (as in “zero point zero five”)
  • aluminium – aluminum
  • rubber gloves – latex gloves
  • tap – faucet
  • (electric) torch – flashlight
  • paraffin – kerosene
  • ironmonger – hardware store
  • dustcart – garbage truck
  • set square – triangle
  • JCB – excavator
  • hoover – vacuum cleaner
  • skip – Dumpster
  • fire engine – fire truck
  • fire brigade – fire department
  • loudhailer – bullhorn
  • Stanley knife – utility knife
  • polythene – polyethylene
  • sulphur – sulfur
  • Perspex – plexiglass
  • (electricity) pylon – transmission tower/ mast
  • tarmac – asphalt/ blacktop
  • Portakabin – portable building
  • white spirit – paint thinner/ turpentine
  • trapezium – trapezoid
  • trapezoid – trapezium
  • snowplough – snowplow
  • Heath Robinson contraption – Rube Goldberg machine

British and American business, finance and money vocabulary

Business vocabulary with different meanings in British and American English

  • penny – a hundredth of a pound – a cent

Different business words in British and American English

  • CV/ curriculum vitae – résumé
  • shareholder – stockholder
  • Ltd/ PLC – Inc./ Corp.
  • company – corporation
  • cash machine/ cashpoint – ATM
  • mortgage – home loan
  • AGM/ annual general meeting – shareholders meeting
  • (trade) union – (labor) union
  • diary – appointment book
  • fill in a form – fill out a form
  • (pound) note – (dollar) bill
  • discount – concession
  • bank holiday – national holiday/ public holiday
  • summer holiday – summer vacation
  • from Monday to Friday – Monday through Friday
  • turnover – revenue/ gross sales
  • building society – savings and loan (association)
  • current account – checking account
  • property – real estate
  • expiry date – expiration date
  • national insurance number/ NI number – social security number
  • estate agent – real estate agent
  • travellers’ cheque – traveler’s check
  • (five) quid – (five) bucks
  • base rate – prime rate
  • cheque book – check book
  • The City – Wall Street
  • to table – to put something forward for discussion – to leave to discuss until later
  • hire purchase – installment plan
  • the till – cash register
  • third-party insurance – liability insurance
  • repossession – foreclosure
  • rates – municipal property taxes
  • rota – roster
  • ordinary share/ equity share – common stock
  • articles of association – bylaws
  • memorandum of association – certificate of incorporation/ articles of incorporation
  • bridging loan – bridge loan
  • barometer stock – bellwether stock
  • flog – hock

British and American sports and games vocabulary

Sports and games vocabulary with different meanings in British and American English

  • football – footie/ soccer – American football
  • athletics – running, jumping and throwing sports such as sprinting (“track and field” in American English) – sports generally
  • athlete – someone doing track and field sports – sportsmen generally
  • hockey – field hockey, played on grass – ice hockey
  • strike – hit the ball – miss (in baseball)
  • gym – gymnasium, the place where sports are done, including in school – gym class (“PE class” in British English)
  • silverware – trophies won by sports teams – things you eat with (“cutlery” in British English)

Different sports and games words in British and American English

  • football/ footie/ soccer – soccer
  • American football – football
  • (sports) kit – (sports) uniform
  • (football) pitch – (soccer) field
  • trainers – sneakers
  • plimsolls – gym shoes
  • tracksuit – sweats
  • swimming costume – bathing suit
  • PE/ physical education – physical ed/ physical education
  • athletics – track and field
  • sportsman – athlete
  • ice hockey – hockey
  • hockey – field hockey
  • nil – zero
  • pack of cards – deck of cards
  • horse riding – horseback riding
  • draughts – checkers
  • abseil/ abseiling – rappel
  • touchline – sideline
  • noughts and crosses – tick-tac-toe
  • anti-clockwise – counter-clockwise
  • tout – scalper
  • potholing – caving/ spelunking
  • patience – solitaire
  • Scalextric – slot cars
  • box – protective cup
  • catapult – slingshot
  • snakes and ladders – chutes and ladders
  • duck (meaning zero, especially in cricket) – goose egg

British and American phrasal verbs and idioms

Phrasal verbs and idioms with different meanings in British and American English

  • tick someone off – tell someone off – irritate someone
  • knock up – get pregnant – wake someone up by knocking on their door
  • blow off – fart – blow someone off (similar to “stand someone up” in British English)

Different phrasal verbs in British and American English

  • take away – take out (food)
  • put someone through – connect someone/ transfer someone’s call
  • wash up/ do the dishes – do the dishes
  • queue up – line up/ wait in line
  • get on (well) with someone – get along with someone
  • fill in a form – fill out a form
  • pass away (meaning die) – pass
  • clear your desk/ put your books away – clear off your desk
  • pissed off – pissed (meaning annoyed)
  • give over – give me a break
  • come round – come over
  • cock up – screw up
  • knocked up – pregnant – woken up by banging on the door
  • pull – pick up
  • get off with – make out
  • take the piss – screw around
  • clued up – clued in
  • rained off – rained out

Different idioms in British and American English

  • take something with a pinch of salt – take something with a grain of salt
  • a new lease of life – a new lease on life
  • blow your own trumpet – blow your own horn
  • sweep something under the carpet – sweep something under the rug
  • touch wood – knock on wood
  • flogging a dead horse – beating a dead horse
  • you can’t see the wood for the trees – you can’t see the forest for the trees
  • a drop in the ocean – a drop in the bucket
  • I wouldn’t touch it with a bargepole – I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole

Brand names in British and American English

Different brand names in British and American English

Ones without capital letters are not brand names, and so are often used in both British and American English

  • Sellotape – Scotch Tape
  • Biro – ballpoint pen
  • jeans – Levi’s
  • to photocopy – to Xerox
  • tissue – Kleenex
  • (sticky) plaster/ Elastoplast – Band Aid
  • Hoover/ vacuum cleaner – vacuum cleaner
  • coach – Greyhound bus/ highway bus
  • ice lolly – Popsicle
  • four wheel drive – Jeep
  • permanent marker – Sharpie/ Magic Marker
  • clingfilm – Saran Wrap
  • Tippex – White Out/ Liquid Paper
  • cotton buds – Q Tips
  • laundrette – Laundromat
  • jelly – Jell-O
  • estate agent – real estate agent/ Realtor
  • briefs – Jockey Shorts
  • paracetamol – Tylenol
  • bleach – Clorox
  • food processor – Cuisinart
  • Tannoy – PA/ public address system
  • Dormobile/ campervan – RV/ recreational vehicle
  • JCB – excavator
  • Perspex – plexiglass
  • Portakabin – portable building
  • Brillo Pad – scouring pad
  • skip – Dumpster
  • cagoule/ kagoul – Windbreaker
  • Stanley knife – utility knife
  • Scalextric – slot cars
  • Zimmer frame – walker
  • fig rolls – Fig Newtons
  • reclining chair – La-Z-Boy
  • Airfix – (plastic) scale models

British and American telephoning vocabulary

Ones near the bottom are for dictating on the phone rather than actual telephone vocabulary.

  • mobile (phone) (number) – cell(phone) (number)
  • text – SMS
  • engaged (tone) – busy (signal)
  • put someone through – connect someone/ transfer someone’s call
  • give some a ring/ give some a call – give someone a call
  • reverse the charges – a collect call
  • phone box – phone booth (= public phone)
  • hash (key) – pound (key)
  • freephone (number) – toll-free (number)
  • directory enquiries – directory assistance
  • oh – zero
  • nine nine nine – nine one one (= emergency phone number)
  • oh eight nine eight number – nine hundred number or one-nine hundred number (= premium rate phone number)
  • zed – zee (= Z)
  • postcode – zip code
  • full stop – period
  • brackets/ round brackets – parentheses
  • square brackets – brackets

British and American office and stationery vocabulary

Office and stationery vocabulary with different meanings in British and American English

  • a rubber – an eraser – a condom

Different office and stationery vocabulary in British and American English

  • Sellotape – Scotch tape
  • rubber/ eraser – eraser
  • photocopier – copy machine
  • to photocopy – to Xerox
  • Biro – ballpoint pen
  • noticeboard – bulletin board
  • Tippex – Whiteout/ Liquid Paper
  • diary – appointment book/ datebook
  • automatic pencil – mechanical pencil
  • whiteboard pen – dry erase marker
  • permanent marker – Sharpie/ Magic Marker
  • drawing pin – thumbtack
  • set square – triangle

British and American arts and media vocabulary with different meanings

  • pantomime – a kind of play/ musical, that is often based on fairy tales and played at Xmas (often shortened to “panto”) – a performance without speech (“mime” in British English)
  • The Times – The Times (often called “The London Times” or “The Times of London” in the US) – The New York Times
  • prom – music performance, as in “The Proms” – dance/ ball, especially at schools

Different British and American arts and media vocabulary

  • film – movie
  • (television) series – serial
  • series two – season two
  • indie (music) – alternative
  • chat show – talk show
  • 18 (certificate) – R (rated)
  • news cuttings – news clippings
  • telly/ TV – boob tube/ TV
  • discount – concession
  • interval – intermission
  • music hall – vaudeville

British and American nature vocabulary list

See food and drink above for fruit and vegetables

Nature words with different meanings in British and American English

  • robin – a small bird with a red breast – a medium-sized bird with a red breast
  • buzzard – a medium-sized hawk – a kind of vulture

Different nature words in British and American English

  • guide dog – seeing eye dog
  • Alsatian – German shepherd
  • ladybird – ladybug
  • cock – rooster
  • zebra (with an “e” sound, as in “pet”) – zebra (with a “ee” sound, as in “bee”)
  • garden – yard
  • tit – chickadee/ titmouse
  • pigsty – pigpen

British and American political vocabulary list

  • by-law – ordinance
  • The Commonwealth – an association of mainly ex-British colonies/ the period after between the death of King Charles I in 1649 to the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 – a way of referring to American states and territories such as Puerto Rico

Miscellaneous British and American vocabulary

Other different words in British and American English

  • tissue – Kleenex
  • carrier bag/ plastic bag – shopping bag
  • to post something – to mail something
  • jump the queue – cut the line
  • pushchair/ buggy – buggy/ stroller
  • dummy – pacifier
  • jumble sale – rummage sale
  • pram – baby carriage
  • tall story – tall tale
  • swear word – curse (word)
  • sanitary towel – sanitary napkin
  • snigger – snicker
  • snog – neck
  • raspberry – Bronx cheer
  • shag – screw
  • lucky dip – grab bag

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