Word for following instructions

Here is a list of English words for classroom instructions.

this lesson has sound - click on the pictures to hear the wordsListen, read, and say the words. Click on the pictures to hear the words.


esl vocabulary for classroom instructions - read


social sight icons for classroom instructions - write


basic vocabulary for classroom instructions - listen


esl beginner vocabulary for instructions - think


learn English words for following classroom instructions - talk


learn English words for following instructions in class - circle


learn basic English words for teacher instructions - match


learn English words for following instructions in class - underline


learn English words for classroom tasks - mark the correct answer


learn English words for following instructions in class - tick


beginner English words for following instructions in the classroom - work in pairs


learn basic English vocabulary for teamwork instructions

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∙ 12y ago

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Another way to say «following instructions» is:

  • obeyed
  • complied

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∙ 12y ago

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

следовать инструкциям по

следуя инструкциям для

Choosing the types of eye drops used for cataract surgery is not the sole responsibility of the patient, but following the instructions for use is.

Выбор подходящих глазных капель при хирургическом лечении катаракты — это не единственная ответственность пациентов, им также необходимо следовать инструкциям по их применению.

Start the chronometer (stopwatch) and following the instructions for use of the product; direct the spray towards the centre of the opposite extremity (cover or plastic film).

Включить хронометр (секундомер) и следовать инструкциям по использованию продукта; направить распыляемую жидкость в центр противоположного торца (крышки или пластиковой пленки).

These are stored indefinitely on your device, but can be removed by following the instructions for blocking.

Они хранятся на вашем устройстве в течение неопределенного времени, однако их можно удалить, следуя инструкциям по блокировке.

Not following the instructions for installing flues, boilers or the power system may result in burning down not only a timber-frame building, but also a masonry house.

Не следуя инструкциям по установке дымоходов, котлов или энергосистемы, это может привести к сжиганию не только деревянного каркаса, но и кирпичного дома.

You may do this both when setting up your Account and at any future time by following the instructions for refusing mail-outs at the end of the emails received from us.

Вы можете это сделать как при создании Аккаунта, так и в любой момент впоследствии, следуя инструкциям по отказу от рассылки в конце электронного письма, полученного от нас.

Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph is largely ensured by following the Instructions for Official Studies and Reports, which applies to all governmental studies.

Соблюдение положений этого пункта в значительной мере обеспечивается выполнением Инструкций по подготовке официальных исследований и докладов, которые применяются ко всем правительственным исследованиям.

You can also configure your browser to refuse all cookies, following the instructions for the most popular browsers.

Вы также можете настроить свой браузер таким образом, чтобы он отказывался от всех файлов «cookie», ниже представлены инструкции для наиболее популярных браузеров.

You can change the permission setting any time by following the instructions for sharing a folder earlier in this article.

Вы можете изменить параметры настройки любое время в соответствии с инструкциями для общего доступа к папке выше в этой статье разрешения.

Following the instructions for filing your tax return can help you to determine these limits.

Следуя инструкциям для подачи вашей налоговой декларации поможет вам определить эти пределы.

Only in this way you will be sure that everything is done correctly, following the instructions for the ceremony.

Только так вы будете уверены в том, что все сделано верно, следуя инструкции к обряду.

You can install it yourself by following the instructions for installation.

When using epilators with the function of scanning sustainable results can be achieved within 8 sessions, following the instructions for use and recommended frequency of sessions.

При применении эпиляторов с функцией сканирования устойчивого результата можно добиться уже через 8 процедур, соблюдая инструкцию по применению и рекомендованную периодичность проведения сеансов.

Likewise, the user may unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided following the instructions for that purpose included in all emails sent by the entity.

Аналогичным образом, пользователь может отказаться от любой из услуг подписки, предусмотренных в соответствии с инструкциями на этот счет включены во все сообщения от лица.

Following the instructions for opt-out in the relevant marketing communication,

Moreover, if your browser does not provide this option automatically, you may prevent the installation of cookies by following the instructions for your browser.

С другой стороны, при условии если ваш браузер не автоматически предоставляет эту опцию, вы можете предотвратить установку куки, следуя инструкциям вашего браузера.

If you do not agree to the use of these cookies please disable them by following the instructions for your browser set out here: WEB or use the automated disabling tool where available.

Если вы не согласны с нашим использованием указанных файлов cookie, отключите их, следуя инструкциям для вашего браузера, приведенным по ссылке WEB либо воспользуйтесь инструментом для их автоматического отключения (при наличии такового).

But the safety of the additive E331 can only be said in the case of strict adherence to its consumption standards, as well as following the instructions for working with sodium citrate.

Но о безопасности добавки Е331 можно говорить только в случае строгого соблюдения норм ее потребления, а также следовании инструкции работы с цитратом натрия.

By following the instructions for spiritual practice, we can reach experiential confirmation of the basic tenet of Buddhism-that form is emptiness and emptiness is form.

Следуя наставлениям по духовной практике, мы можем достичь эмпирического подтверждения основного догмата буддизма — форма есть пустота, а пустота есть форма.

Observing these simple rules and following the instructions for the oven will provide you with safety and comfort when connecting and using the oven, and the cooking process will turn into a series of joys and new discoveries.

Соблюдение этих простых правил и следование инструкции к духовке обеспечат вам безопасность и комфорт при подключении и использовании духовки, а процесс готовки превратят в череду радостей и новых открытий.

not following the instructions for use or installation,

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 21. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 73 мс


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Table of Contents

  1. What is a synonym for the word condition?
  2. What is another word for good condition?
  3. How do you describe someone who is good at following directions?
  4. How can I practice following directions?
  5. Why is it important to follow directions the first time?
  6. Why are giving and following directions important?
  7. Why do I have trouble following directions?
  8. Why are directions useful?
  9. What do you call someone who doesn’t follow instructions?
  10. How do I get my child to listen and follow directions?
  11. What does it mean to follow directions?
  12. When might you need to follow directions?
  13. Can you follow directions activity?
  14. How do you get students to read instructions?
  15. What is the meaning of instructions?
  16. What is difference between order and instruction?
  17. What are instructions words?
  18. What is the use of instructions?
  19. What is the difference between data and instructions?
  20. What is a set of instructions called?
  21. What person are instructions written in?

What is another word for follow orders?

What is a synonym for the word condition?

The thing, condition, circumstance, action, etc.

What is another word for good condition?

What is another word for in good condition?

healthy fit
ok healed
well-nourished cured
mended uninjured
undamaged disease-free
heed mind
follow note
mark observe
consider listen to
obey notice

How do you describe someone who is good at following directions?

Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog).

How can I practice following directions?

Practice having them follow your directions as you move at a teacher’s pace.

  1. Take a pencil from your backpack and sharpen it.
  2. Get a yellow, red, and blue crayon from the crayola box.
  3. Fold your paper in half the long way, and then fold it in half again.
  4. Take the paper you have been working on and put it in your backpack.

Why is it important to follow directions the first time?

INTRODUCTION. Following instructions is an important ability to practice in everyday life. Within an academic setting, following instructions can influence grades, learning subject matter, and correctly executing skills.

Why are giving and following directions important?

Following instructions is an important ability to practice in everyday life. Within an academic setting, following instructions can influence grades, learning subject matter, and correctly executing skills.

Why do I have trouble following directions?

A common reason is trouble with executive function, a group of skills needed to get through tasks. Some people also have a hard time processing information or understanding language. When people have trouble following directions, the results are clear — things don’t get done, or they get done poorly.

Why are directions useful?

Direction is used to determine where things are in relation to other things. Sometimes direction is vague, like when we talk about things being in that general direction. For geographic purposes, direction is more specific. It can describe position, like in the sentence Susie sits to the left of Adam.

What do you call someone who doesn’t follow instructions?

nonconformist Add to list Share. A nonconformist is someone who doesn’t conform to other people’s ideas of how things should be.

How do I get my child to listen and follow directions?

10 tips to help your child follow directions

  1. Ask for your child’s attention.
  2. Minimize distractions.
  3. Speak quietly.
  4. Use “wait time.”
  5. Check for understanding.
  6. Tell, don’t ask.
  7. Give instructions one at a time.
  8. Number your directions.

What does it mean to follow directions?

Meaning. to go the way you’ve been told to go, or do something as directed.

When might you need to follow directions?

It’s important to follow directions because if you don’t something can go wrong. If you decide to cross the street and someone tells you not to, their telling you for a reason, maybe so that you won’t get hit by a car or get shot at in a drive by shooting.

Can you follow directions activity?

Put a circle around your answer and put a square around the circle. Punch three small holes in the top of this paper with your pencil point. If you are the first person to reach this point, LOUDLY, call out, I AM THE FIRST PERSON TO REACH THIS POINT, AND I AM THE LEADER IN FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS.”

How do you get students to read instructions?


  1. 1.) When providing directions, always make sure you are using an appropriate voice and message.
  2. 2.) Start each activity off with an anticipatory set or an attention getter.
  3. 6.) Break it down!
  4. 8.) Check with a question.

What is the meaning of instructions?

instruction noun (ORDER) an order to do something, esp. a formal order: [ + to infinitive ] The general received instructions to return to the base.

What is difference between order and instruction?

Put simply, ‘order’ means to command while ‘instruct’ means to guide or teach.

What are instructions words?

An instruction word (or task word) tells you how to approach your assignment. The main instruction words in this assignment are DISCUSS & DESCRIBE. The meanings of these words are very important to identify before you even begin working on your assignment.

What is the use of instructions?

The purpose of instructions is to explain to a user how to carry out a specific, identified task. This is an extremely important point to bear in mind – epecially with regard to the difference between user instructions and user guides.

What is the difference between data and instructions?

Data is either stored in Registers or Memory. Harvard Architecture has separate Instructions Memory andData Memory and instruction is only fetched from instruction memory. In Von Neumann architecture, all theInstructions and Data is stored in asingle memory. Memory store different segments in its address space.

What is a set of instructions called?

set of instructions are called a program or software program…..

What person are instructions written in?

In business writing, technical writing, and other forms of composition, instructions are written or spoken directions for carrying out a procedure or performing a task. It is also called instructive writing. Step-by-step instructions typically use the second-person point of view (you, your, yours).

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