Word for follow through with you

Asked by: Jaylon Wintheiser PhD

Score: 4.6/5
(41 votes)

Synonyms & Antonyms of follow through (with)

  • accomplish,
  • achieve,
  • bring off,
  • carry off,
  • carry out,
  • commit,
  • compass,
  • do,

What does it mean to follow through with something?

1 : to complete (an activity or process that has been started) He doesn’t follow through on his good intentions. We feared they would follow through on/with their threat. 2 sports : to complete a stroke or swing You should follow through on your backhand .

What do you call someone who always follows through?

obedient Add to list Share. … Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog).

What’s another way of saying follow through?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for follow through, like: follow, follow-out, follow up, carry out, implement, put through, carry through, make progress, move-forward, footwork and pre-deployment.

What is a word for overcoming obstacles?

Some common synonyms of overcome are conquer, defeat, overthrow, reduce, subdue, and vanquish. While all these words mean «to get the better of by force or strategy,» overcome suggests getting the better of with difficulty or after hard struggle.

37 related questions found

What is the best definition of follow through?

phrasal verb. If you follow through an action, plan, or idea or follow through with it, you continue doing or thinking about it until you have done everything possible.

Is follow through one word?

As a verb, follow through is two words with no hyphen. As a noun, follow-through is one word with a hyphen between the two parts. Here are examples of follow through used as a verb: The lizard will follow through with his plans of world domination.

How do you follow through something?

5 Steps To Follow Through On Everything

  1. Be honest about what you want. Successful follow-through requires some up-front prep, including understanding what the true goal is. …
  2. Understand the sacrifice. . …
  3. Prepare for success. “Just do it” doesn’t cut it, Levinson says. …
  4. Give yourself deadlines. …
  5. Incentivize yourself.

Why do I struggle to follow through?

Akrasia is the state of acting against your better judgment. It is when you do one thing even though you know you should do something else. Loosely translated, you could say that akrasia is procrastination or a lack of self-control. Akrasia is what prevents you from following through on what you set out to do.

What is a follow through activity?

follow-through (noun): The completion of a motion, as in the stroke of a tennis racket. The portion of such a motion after the ball has been hit. The act of continuing a plan, project, scheme or the like to its completion.

What are follow through skills?

At its most basic level, as described by Dictionary.com, follow through is the act of continuing a plan, project, scheme, or the like to its completion. … A person with consistent follow-through skills will complete projects on time, on budget, and with satisfied clients.

Is it follow through or thru?

Through can be a preposition, an adjective, and an adverb. Through is the only formally accepted spelling of the word. Thru is an alternate spelling that should be used only in informal writing or when referring to drive-throughs.

What is follow through and when is it used?

to complete the movement of hitting, kicking, or throwing a ball by continuing to move your arm or leg in the same direction: You need to follow through more on your backhand. Want to learn more? … My tennis instructor says I need to have a better follow-through on my backhand.

What is the difference between follow up and follow through?

Merriam-Webster explains that «follow through» means to press on in an activity or process especially to a conclusion.» The definition of «follow up,» on the other hand, is «to pursue in an effort to take further action.» There is a subtle but meaningful difference between the two.

What is follow through in badminton?

Follow throughs allows you to hit the bird precisely and accurate , control of the racket head and the motion of the swing gives you an accurate stroke.

What is follow through in tennis?

Once the ball leaves your tennis racket, you’re in the follow through stage. … Follow through is what your tennis instructor means when he or she tells you to finish with the racket in front, or finish with the racket high, or finish with the racket up and over your shoulder.

Why follow through is important?

By following through, a hitter can hit the ball in such a way that it leaves the bat or racket with more velocity (i.e., the ball is moving faster). In tennis, baseball, racket ball, etc., giving the ball a high velocity often leads to greater success. Now that’s physics in action.

What is a follow through in volleyball?

Follow-Through: Follow through in the direction of the intended flight and then swing downward. Avoid touching the net with hands.

What is follow through in basketball?

In basketball your follow through is the last part of your shot. It is generally defined as the extension of your arm to shoot the ball and the wrist motion in releasing the ball. … The first thing we should know is that our body will only continue a motion it is already in.

How do you use the word thru?

Examples of using thru:

  1. “Go thru the tunnel and turn right to get to my house,” she texted her friend.
  2. If you decide to walk thru the storm, you might have to do your hair all over again.
  3. You can get your food faster by going through the drive thru.

How do you use follow through in a sentence?

Examples of ‘follow through’ in a sentence follow through

  1. It is time to follow through on work ideas. …
  2. It’s hard for him or her to talk to you and follow through on suicide plans. …
  3. Companies must follow through with new plans, he said. …
  4. I think the player must have followed through after his shot and he’s got a bad one.

Is it walk through or walk thru?

When used as a verb, it must be «walk through». («Let’s walk through this.») When used as a noun, «walkthrough» and «walk-through» are both OK.

What is follow through and why is it important?

Following through is one of the best ways to build credibility, earn trust, and establish yourself as a leader. Without follow through, your credibility is damaged, your personal brand takes a hit, and your leadership will be questioned.

How do you describe follow through on commitments?

How To Follow-Through on Commitments. Take Ownership – When you make a goal or commitment in your life, own it. Don’t treat it as a “maybe”, either it’s a yes or a no. If it’s a yes, then you need to tell yourself that it’s your responsibility to take action.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

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After time-out, follow through with discipline immediately.

Когда время выйдет, остановитесь незамедлительно, чтобы поддерживать дисциплину.

Step two is the hard part: you need to actually follow through with your physician’s plan.

I suppose he’ll follow through with his promise to build lots of new infrastructures.

Я предполагаю, что он будет выполнять своё обещание, чтобы построить много новых объектов инфраструктуры.

Veterans can then follow through with other available programs to help them reduce stress like meditation or they can increase their overall fitness levels.

Ветераны могут затем пройти через другие доступные программы, чтобы помочь им уменьшить стресс, как медитация, или они могут увеличить общий уровень физической подготовки.

They are enthusiastic about their action plan and always follow through with it.

Они четко знают свой план действий и всегда следуют ему.

On a good day, I just follow through with that.

В один прекрасный день, я только проследил за этим.

Parents should therefore ensure that their children learn to define their own needs and follow through with them.

Поэтому родители должны следить за тем, чтобы их дети несмотря ни на что могли определять свои потребности, предъявлять их и добиваться их воплощения в жизнь.

They claimed that if the book didn’t sell 100,000 copies, they would follow through with their promise.

Они заявили, что есть не продадут 100000 экземпляров, они выполнят свое обещание.

This enabled the operator to accurately identify its target customers, and follow through with precision marketing.

Это позволило оператору точно идентифицировать своих целевых клиентов и следовать точным маркетинговым показателям.

They did not follow through with their calling.

Однако те не вняли его призыву.

You need to consistently follow through with your plan.

But if you follow through with it, your actions will eat away at some of those old friends.

Но если вы будете последовательны, то такое поведение подействует на некоторых из ваших старых друзей.

Follow up and follow through with what you say.

Будьте внимательны и следуйте тому, что она вам скажет.

As part of the reorganization, the debtor must submit and follow through with a plan to repay outstanding creditors within three to five years.

В рамках этой реорганизации, должник должен представить и выполнить с планом погашения невыплаченных кредиторов в течение трех-пяти лет.

It is also permissible to feel the intention to break the fast but not follow through with it.

Также допустимо чувствовать намерение нарушить пост, но не выполнять его.

Children learn to recognise their strengths and weaknesses, set goals and follow through with them.

Ребенок научится распознавать свои слабости и сильные стороны, ставить цели и стремиться к ним.

Please follow through with your pledge.

Обеспечьте, пожалуйста, выполнение вашего обещания.

Tune into your creative potential and follow through with your creative ideas.

Настройтесь на свой творческий потенциал и следуйте своим творческим идеям.

Be upfront at all times and follow through with any promises you have made to the letter.

Будьте честными всегда и выполняйте любые обещания, которые вы сделали в письме.

She will always listen to me and follow through with what needs to be done.

Она всегда внимательно выслушает и сделает все, что нужно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Black Metal Gate Near White Concrete Building Unknown Person Standing Outdoors Closeup of rolled United States five dollar bills tightened with red rubber band Black and white vintage old broken TV placed on stones near wild river flowing through forest Brown Wooden Arrow Signed Person Riding a Brown Horse

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Synonyms for Follow through with. (2017). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/follow_through_with

Synonyms for Follow through with. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/follow_through_with>.

Synonyms for Follow through with. 2017. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/follow_through_with.

Can you feel me? When you heal me, thrill me, kill me?
Would you hurt yourself just to bring me down?

[Verse 1]
Sometimes I lose myself in your lies, abuse myself in my mind
I’d hurt myself just to bring you down
(I believed in you) I believed in you (I trusted you) I trusted you
All I ever knew was to bleed for you, this time I can’t forgive you

The music kills me when you’re so empty
I lived through it all and I can’t forget you
But I am breaking, you’ve forsaken me
I can’t go on, I am through with you

[Verse 2]
For the last time, I’m not O.K, I’m not all right
It feels so good just to watch you drown
You should notice, I prefer you to be breathless, I hope you’re feeling helpless
It feels so good just to watch you drown

The music kills me when you’re so empty
I’ve lived through it all and I can’t forget you
But I am breaking, you’ve forsaken me
I can’t go on, I am through with you

It feels so good to watch you burn
It feels so good to watch you burn
It feels so good, it feels so good
It feels so good to watch you burn

The music kills me when you’re so empty
I’ve lived throug it all and I can’t forget you
But I am breaking, you’ve forsaken me
I can’t go on…

The music kills me when you’re so empty
I’ve lived through it all and I can’t forget you
But I am breaking, you’ve forsaken me
I can’t go on, I am through with you

Can you feel me? When you heal me
Thrill me, kill me

Would you hurt yourself just to heal me, thrill me, kill me
(Bring me down)
Would you hurt yourself, can you feel me? Heal me, thrill me, kill me
(I am through with you)
Would you hurt yourself just to heal me, thrill me, kill me
(Bring me down)
Would you hurt yourself, can you feel me? Heal me, thrill me, kill me
(I am through with you)

I am through with you

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum

follow through with (something)

(redirected from follow through with)

Idioms browser

  • follow in the footsteps of (someone)
  • follow in the footsteps of, to
  • follow in tracks
  • follow instructions to the letter
  • follow lead
  • follow nose
  • follow on
  • follow on after (someone or something)
  • follow one’s nose
  • follow one’s nose, to
  • follow orders
  • follow out
  • follow suit
  • follow suit, to
  • follow the crowd
  • follow the example of
  • follow the golden mean
  • follow the letter of the law
  • follow the money
  • follow the paper trail
  • follow the sea
  • follow the yellow brick road
  • follow the/(one’s) paper trail
  • follow through
  • follow through on (something)
  • follow through with
  • follow through with (something)
  • follow up
  • follow up on (something)
  • follow up with (one)
  • follow your nose
  • follow/go with the crowd
  • follow/steer/take a middle course
  • follower
  • following
  • folly
  • foment trouble
  • FOMO
  • fomp
  • fond
  • fond of
  • fond of (someone or something)
  • fond of a drop
  • food
  • food baby
  • food chain
  • food coma
  • food desert
  • food for thought
  • food for worms
  • food porn

Full browser

  • Follow the Sun, Inc
  • Follow the Way
  • Follow the White Rabbit
  • Follow the Yellow Brick Road
  • Follow the Yellow Brick Road
  • follow the yellow-brick road
  • follow the/ paper trail
  • follow the/(one’s) paper trail
  • follow their heart
  • follow their hearts
  • follow their lead
  • follow their nose
  • follow their noses
  • follow their paper trail
  • follow their paper trails
  • follow them about
  • follow them around
  • follow them in stride
  • follow them out
  • follow them to the ends of the Earth
  • follow them up
  • follow through
  • follow through
  • follow through
  • follow through
  • follow through
  • follow through
  • follow through on
  • follow through on (something)
  • follow through on something
  • follow through with
  • follow through with (something)
  • follow through with something
  • Follow to Stop
  • follow to the ends of the earth
  • follow to the letter
  • follow up
  • follow up
  • follow up
  • follow up
  • follow up
  • follow up
  • follow up (on someone)
  • follow up (on something)
  • Follow Up Call
  • Follow Up Every Lead
  • Follow Up Item
  • Follow Up Meeting
  • Follow Up Office Visit
  • follow up on
  • follow up on
  • follow up on (something)
  • follow up on it
  • follow up on something
  • Follow Up Questionnaire
  • Follow Up To
  • Follow Up Visit
  • follow up with
  • follow up with (one)
  • follow up with her
  • follow up with him

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