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Grayscale Photography of Tree Papers and Envelopes on Black Table Hilly terrain on cloudy day at sunrise Road Under White Clouds Single Tree on a Field Snowy mountain covered with clouds and flat plain

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horse, iceland, flat abstract, architecture, background plane, trip, journey fog, solitaire, tree desert, dirt, dry cows, schwarzbunt, pasture

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Synonyms for Flat land. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/flat_land

Synonyms for Flat land. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/flat_land>.

Synonyms for Flat land. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/flat_land.

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Synonyms for Flat land

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плоская земля


плоской земли

равнинной местности

ровной поверхности

плоской земле

равнинной земли

равнинных земель

плоской землей

ровной земле

ровной земли

ровные земли

It only happens in places where there’s a large continental shelf and shallow flat land.

Сотрясение происходит только там, где рядом расположены крупный континентальный шельф и небольшая равнина.

However, constant urban expansion claimed more and more flat land, while at the same time prices for sugar cane remained low.

Однако постоянное городское расширение требовало все большего количества равнины, в то время как цены на сахарный тростник оставались низкими.

To the east it borders a nice flat land and there is an amazing panoramic view.

На востоке он граничит хороший плоская земля и есть удивительный панорамный вид.

This novel describes a two-dimensional land, in other words, a flat land without any height.

В этом романе описывается двумерная земля, другими словами, плоская земля, на которой отсутствует измерение высоты.

As the flat land formed fold mountains, the buried layers of sedimentary rocks became exposed.

Когда на равнине образовались складчатые горы, погребенные слои осадочных пород стали открытыми.

Texas is flat land, in the main, and has become one big lake in many places due merely to heavy rainfall.

Техас в основном находится на равнине, и недавно, после проливного дождя во многих местах, стал одним большим озером.

Though most people associate gondola lifts with alpine landscapes, this unique form of transport can also be found on flat land and in urban environments.

Хотя многие ассоциируют вагонетки канатных дорог с горными ландшафтами, этот уникальный вид транспорта можно найти и на равнинах, и в городской среде.

The other 30% of the island is flat land located mainly in the central and eastern portions of the island.

А оставшиеся 30% занимают равнины, расположенные преимущественно в центральной и восточной частях острова.

There were no mountains, but where we were standing was not flat land either.

Гор не было, но ту местность, где мы находились, нельзя было назвать и равниной.

They are extremely fast when crossing an uneven rocky area but slower when on flat land.

Они чрезвычайно быстры, при пересечении неровной скалистой местности, но медленнее, на равнинах

At that moment I saw an enormous span of flat land in front of me; right behind me I saw a forest.

В этот момент я увидел перед собой огромные пространства равнины: прямо передо мной был лес.

Here’s your guide to getting from flat land to the home of your dreams, and what it’ll cost you to get there.

Вот ваш гид по тому, как добраться от равнины до дома своей мечты, и сколько это будет стоить.

New contemporary villa on one level, enjoying a flat land with direct access to the sea, with a mirror pool and a pontoon for an annex dock.

Новая современная вилла на одном уровне, плоская земля с прямым доступом к морю, с зеркальным бассейном и понтоном для причала.

By 2010, the water had receded almost entirely, revealing a large stretch of flat land, and the entire church is now visible, a haunting sight.

К 2010 году вода отступила почти полностью, открыв большой участок равнины, и теперь вся церковь стала видимой, призрачным зрелищем.

These changes allowed the BMP-2 to be used effectively on flat land as well as in the mountains.

Это давало возможность эффективно использовать БМД-2 как на равнине, так и при ведении боевых действий в горах.

The name Kalispell comes from a Salish word meaning a flat land above the lake.

Название Калиспелл происходит от салишского слова, означающего плоская земля над озером.

Lithuania is a green and flat land in the north of Europe, ashore the Baltic Sea.

Литва — зеленая и плоская земля на севере Европы, на берегу Балтийского моря.

The beach of Flic en Flac (which means «free and flat land» in Dutch) is one of the longest beaches of Mauritius.

Флик-ан-Флак пляж (что означает «бесплатная и плоская земля» на голландском языке) является одним из самых длинных пляжей Маврикия.

Uttarakhand in India is where the flat land of India dives under the Himalayas.

Индийский Уттаракханд — это там, где плоская земля Индии погружается под Гималаи.

They keep destroying and developing, vainly dreaming of turning mountains into flat land, filling up canyons, and building skyscrapers on flat land to create concrete jungles.

Они продолжают разрушать и распространяться, тщетно мечтая превратить горы в равнины, засыпать каньоны и построить небоскребы на равнине, чтобы создать бетонные джунгли.

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Some flat lands are prairies, some are plateaus, and some are

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    ♦ flat

    ♦ flat (1) /flæt/

    2 schiacciato; appiattito; disteso; piatto: flat nose, naso schiacciato (o camuso)

    3 monotono; scialbo; piatto; noioso; insipido: in a flat voice, con voce monotona; a flat speech, un discorso noioso

    4 ( di persona) senza energia; demoralizzato; depresso; giù (di corda)

    5 (di costo, tariffa) fisso; forfettario; unico; uniforme; flat: flat rate, importo fisso; tariffa forfettaria; tariffa flat; (


    ) rendimento uniforme; (


    ) aliquota fissa (o unica)

    6 netto; reciso; secco; puro e semplice; bell’e buono: a flat denial, un netto rifiuto; That’s flat nonsense, questa è una sciocchezza pura e semplice; And that’s flat!, e basta!; e non si discute!

    7 (




    ) fiacco; inattivo; in ristagno; rigido: flat market, mercato inattivo (o in ristagno)

    8 ( di bevanda) non più effervescente; sgassato; ( di vino) svaporato: to go flat, perdere l’effervescenza; sgasarsi; svaporare

    11 (posposto) (


    ) bemolle: D flat, re bemolle

    12 (


    : di voce, strumento) sotto tono; non intonato

    13 (


    ) senza un soldo; al verde; in bolletta

    16 (


    : di quadro, ecc.) piatto; senza prospettiva

    2 (


    ) nettamente; recisamente; categoricamente; seccamente; senza mezzi termini: to refuse


    flat, rifiutare recisamente


    ; I told her flat, gliel’ho detto chiaro e tondo (o senza mezzi termini)

    4 completamente; del tutto: (


    ) flat broke, completamente al verde; in bolletta sparata (



    2 terreno piano: on the flat, in piano; su terreno piano; in pianura

    4 terreno paludoso; acquitrino; palude: coastal flats, acquitrini lungo la costa

    5 secca; bassofondo

    8 (




    USA) gomma a terra; foratura: We’ve got a flat, abbiamo una gomma a terra; abbiamo forato

    10 (


    ) barca a fondo piatto; chiatta

    11 (


    ) carro senza sponde; pianale

    12 ( slang) sciocco; babbeo

    13 (


    ) the Flat, la stagione delle corse piane

    ● (


    ) flat arch, arco ribassato (o scemo); piattabanda □ (as) flat as a pancake, piatto come una tavola □ flat-bedflatbed □ flat-bottom (o flat-bottomed), a fondo piatto □ flat brush, pennellessa □ flat cap, berretto floscio; coppola basco □ flat-chested, ( di donna) piatta; senza seno □ (


    ) flat cost, costo di produzione; costo primo □ (


    , USA) flat food, piatti «espresso» (serviti anche a domicilio, da ristoranti e da tavole calde) □ flat-footed, che ha i piedi piatti; ( anche) a piedi pari, posando con forza i piedi; (


    ) goffo, maldestro, impacciato; (


    ) piatto, fiacco, senza originalità: to catch


    flat-footed, cogliere


    impreparato; prendere


    in contropiede □ flat ironflatiron □ flat line, tracciato piatto; encefalogramma piatto □ (


    ) flat on one’s ass, senza un soldo; col culo a terra (


    ) □ flat on one’s back, disteso sulla schiena; (


    ) a letto (malato); (


    ) nei guai, a terra □ flat on one’s face, disteso bocconi: to fall flat on one’s face, cadere lungo disteso; (


    ) fallire clamorosamente □ flat out (


    ), lungo disteso; (


    ) a tutto spiano, a più non posso, a rotta di collo, a tutto gas (


    ), a tavoletta (


    ), sparato (


    ); (




    ) a tutta potenza, a pieno regime; (


    , USA) senza esitazione, senza mezzi termini, chiaro e tondo: She was lying flat out on the floor, era lunga distesa sul pavimento; to work flat out, lavorare a più non posso; (


    ) funzionare a pieno regime; I told him flat out, glielo dissi chiaro e tondo □ (


    USA) flat-out (


    ), assoluto; completo; totale: a flat-out failure, un fallimento totale □ flat-packflatpack □ flat-packed, imballato in una scatola piatta; in un imballaggio piatto □ (


    ) flat race, corsa piana ( gara) □ (


    ) flat racing, corsa piana ( specialità) □ flat shoes, scarpe basse (o senza tacco) □ flat spin, (


    ) vite piatta; (


    , GB) (stato di) agitazione, panico: to be in a flat spin, essere agitatissimo; aver perso la testa; to go into a flat spin, ( di aereo) avvitarsi ( in vite piatta); (


    GB) agitarsi, perdere la testa, farsi prendere dal panico □ (


    ) flat tax (o flat-rate tax), imposta ad aliquota fissa □ flat-top, ► flattop □ flat-woven, ( di tappeto) piatto; senza vello □ to fall flat, cadere lungo disteso; (


    ) andare a vuoto, fare fiasco, essere un fiasco, un insuccesso; ( di battuta, ecc.) non far ridere.

    ♦ flat (2) /flæt/

    2 (al


    ) palazzo di appartamenti; caseggiato: block of flats, palazzo di appartamenti; caseggiato; furnished flat, appartamento ammobiliato

    (to) flat (1) /flæt/

    v. t.

    2 (


    ) spianare; appiattire.

    (to) flat (2) /flæt/

    v. i.



    ) abitare in un appartamento.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ flat

  • 19
    ♦ land

    ♦ land /lænd/

    1 [uc] terra; terraferma; terreno; paese; patria; suolo; contrada; regione: to travel by land, viaggiare per via di terra; to travel over land and sea, viaggiare per terra e per mare; dry land, terraferma; rich land, terreno ricco (o fertile); flat land, terreno piatto (o piano); (


    ) undulating land, terreno ondulato; agricultural land, terreno agricolo; derelict land, zona desertificata; waste land, terreno incolto; terra deserta; to emigrate to a remote land, emigrare in un paese lontano; one’s native land, la terra natale; la patria; the Promised Land (o the Land of Promise) la Terra Promessa; good wheat land, suolo adatto alla coltivazione del grano; to work the land, lavorare la terra; the land of dreams, il paese dei sogni

    2 fondo; podere; tenuta

    3 (


    ) terreni; proprietà terriera

    1 terrestre; di terra: land animals, animali terrestri

    2 (


    ) agrario; fondiario; immobiliare; terriero: land rent, rendita fondiaria

    3 dei terreni: land prices, i prezzi dei terreni

    land agency, lavoro di fattore; mansione di mediatore di terreni; agenzia immobiliare □ land agent, fattore (agricolo); mediatore di terreni; agente immobiliare □ ( arte) land art, arte ambientale; land art □ land bank, banca di credito agricolo □ land breeze, brezza di terra □ (


    ) land bridge, ponte continentale □ land broker, mediatore di terreni □ land carriage, trasporto per via di terra □ land certificate, certificato catastale □ Land Charges Register, Registro delle Ipoteche Immobiliari ( banca) □ land credit, credito fondiario □ (


    ) land forces, forza di terra; esercito □ land hunger, «fame» (o desiderio sfrenato) di terra □ land improvement, miglioria fondiaria □ land-jobber, speculatore di beni immobili □ land laws, leggi terriere □ (


    ) land mass, terra emersa; continente □ (


    ) land mine, mina terrestre □ land office, ufficio del catasto □ (


    USA) land-office business, attività commerciale che va a gonfie vele; affari d’oro □ (


    ) land out of crop, maggese □ land pollution, inquinamento del suolo □ land railcorncrake □ land reclamation, bonifica agraria □ land reform, riforma agraria (o fondiaria) □ Land Registrar [Registry], Conservatore [Conservatoria] dei Registri Immobiliari □ (


    ) land re-parcelling, ricomposizione fondiaria □ (


    ) land route, via di terra □ land steward, fattore agricolo □ land survey, rilevamento del terreno □ land surveying, agrimensura □ land surveyor, agrimensore □ (


    ) land tax, imposta fondiaria □ (

    ind. costr.

    ) land tie, catena di ancoraggio ( per sostenere un muro) □ (


    ) land-to-land terra-terra: a land-to-land missile, un missile terra-terra □ (


    ) land under crop, terreno coltivato; coltivo □ (


    ) to come to (o to reach, to make) land, toccare terra, approdare □ to go back to the land, tornare alla terra (o a lavorare la terra) □ (


    ) to be in the land of the living, essere ancora in vita □ (


    ) to see how the land lies, vedere come stanno le cose; studiare la situazione □ to work (on) the land, lavorare la terra; fare il contadino.

    ♦ (to) land /lænd/

    6 (


    ) acchiappare; prendere al laccio ( come marito, ecc.); assicurarsi; riuscire a procurarsi: He landed a good job, è riuscito ad assicurarsi un buon lavoro

    1 (


    ) sbarcare; approdare; toccare terra: We landed at Aden, siamo sbarcati ad Aden

    3 (


    ) atterrare; toccare terra; DIALOGO → — Changing booking over the phone- I can get you on the 20.30 flight, but that lands at Heathrow, posso metterla sul volo delle 20:30 ma questo atterra a Heathrow

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ land

  • 20


    1) flad; jævn; plan; lige

    2) kedelig; død

    3) ubetinget; kategorisk; pure

    4) flad; punkteret

    5) flad; doven

    6) for lav; ikke ren




    1) lejlighed

    2) (med b for)

    3) håndflade

    4) fladt land; slette; marsk

    — flatten
    — flat rate
    — flat out

    * * *


    1) flad; jævn; plan; lige

    2) kedelig; død

    3) ubetinget; kategorisk; pure

    4) flad; punkteret

    5) flad; doven

    6) for lav; ikke ren




    1) lejlighed

    2) (med b for)

    3) håndflade

    4) fladt land; slette; marsk

    — flatten
    — flat rate
    — flat out

    English-Danish dictionary > flat

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • flat|land — «FLAT LAND», noun. level land, not broken by hills and valleys …   Useful english dictionary

    • flat|land|er — «FLAT LAN duhr», noun. 1. an inhabitant of a flatland. 2. Informal U.S. an outsider or newcomer to an area, esp. an inhabitant of northern New England who was born elsewhere …   Useful english dictionary

    • flat — [[t]flæ̱t[/t]] ♦♦ flats, flatter, flattest 1) N COUNT: also N num A flat is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor and part of a larger building. A flat usually includes a kitchen and bathroom. [mainly BRIT] Sara lives with her… …   English dictionary

    • flat — af·flat·ed; flat; flat·boat·man; flat·head; flat·head·ed; flat·ite; flat·let; flat·ly; flat·ness; flat·tail; flat·ted; flat·ten·er; flat·ter·er; flat·tery; flat·tie; flat·tish; flat·u·lence; flat·u·lent; flat·u·lent·ly; flat·u·os·i·ty;… …   English syllables

    • flat —    1) [ geomorphology ]     a) (adjective) Said of an area characterized by a continuous surface or stretch of land that is smooth, even, or horizontal, or nearly so, and that lacks any significant curvature, slope, elevations, or depressions.… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

    • land — alp·land; auck·land; aus·land·er; birth·land; bog·land; bol·land·ist; bot·tom·land; can·cel·land; cham·ber·land; cleave·land·ite; cleve·land; cleve·land·er; cloud·land; corn·land; cot·land; cum·ber·land; dis·til·land; dix·ie·land; dock·land;… …   English syllables

    • Land reclamation — For the sense of restoration, see land restoration. Reclaimed redirects here. For other uses, see Reclaim. Reclaiming in Perth, Australia 1964 Land reclamation, usually known as reclamation, is the process to create new land from sea or riverbeds …   Wikipedia

    • Flat Rock — Flat Rock, NC U.S. village in North Carolina Population (2000): 2565 Housing Units (2000): 1459 Land area (2000): 7.842754 sq. miles (20.312640 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.099570 sq. miles (0.257884 sq. km) Total area (2000): 7.942324 sq. miles… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

    • Flat Rock, NC — U.S. village in North Carolina Population (2000): 2565 Housing Units (2000): 1459 Land area (2000): 7.842754 sq. miles (20.312640 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.099570 sq. miles (0.257884 sq. km) Total area (2000): 7.942324 sq. miles (20.570524 sq …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

    • flat — flat1 [flat] adj. flatter, flattest [ME < ON flatr, akin to OHG flaz < IE * plāt, plēt , wide, flat (> Gr platys, broad, OE flet, floor) < base * plā , broad] 1. having a smooth, level surface; having little or no depression or… …   English World dictionary

    • Flat Rock, Alabama — Flat Rock is an unincorporated community in Jackson County, Alabama, United States. At the 2000 census the population was 3,857.GeographyFlat Rock is located on top of Sand Mountain.Flat Rock s coordinates are 34.78 N. Lat. 85.67 W. Long.Flat… …   Wikipedia

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