Word for first of a kind

Sometimes, not always but sometimes, we might want to talk about an original. One of the most common phrases to use for this is “first of its kind”. But, what if you want to spice up your language a bit?

A few words that mean “first of its kind” are…

  • Original
  • Earliest
  • Initial
  • Premier
  • To begin with
  • Inception
  • Starting point
  • Prototype
  • First
  • OG
  • Classic
  • Blueprint
  • Trend setter
  • When it first happened
  • Adam
  • Episode one
  • Oldest

The “first of it’s kind” however needs context- first of what?

Words For "First Of It's Kind"

Professional Words (and Phrases) For “First Of It’s Kind”

  1. This book is the original Harry Potter. You can even see it’s written in pen.
  2. Her book was the earliest recipe book. She wrote it the same year that Henry VIII died.
  3. Fern was the plant that came before all else. Before that, all plant life lived under the sea.
  4. The initial comedy show took place in Ancient Greece. It was the first time that people laughed at something they were supposed to laugh at.
  5. Marcos was the premier human being. He lived in a cave and his diet consisted mainly of berries and mammoths.
  6. Whiskey was made with old grains, to begin with. But over time, we learnt that it was better to make it with fresh grains.
  7. James Smith’s Book “Treaty on the Human Rights of Mankind” was the inception of our ideas of human rights.
  8. When cavemen mixed water with flour, that was the starting point for the bread we know and love today.
  9. The Prototype Iphone was not quite as good as the phones that have come after it. But back then, it was seen as revolutionary.
  10. The first oven was made 5000 years ago. Back then, the only way to heat it up would have been with wood.

Slang Words (and Phrases) For “First Of It’s Kind”

  1. This book is the OG Harry Potter. You can even see it’s written in pen.
  2. Her book was the classic recipe book. She wrote it the same year that Henry VIII died.
  3. Fern was the blueprint for all other plants. Before that, all plant life lived under the sea.
  4. The Triple OG comedy show took place in Ancient Greece. It was the first time that people laughed at something they were supposed to laugh at.
  5. Marcos was the trendsetter human being. He lived in a cave and his diet consisted mainly of berries and mammoths.
  6. Whiskey was made with old grains when it first happened. But over time, we learnt that it was better to make it with fresh grains.
  7. James Smith’s Book “Treaty on the Human Rights of Mankind” was the Adam of our ideas of human rights.
  8. When cavemen mixed water with flour, that was episode one for the bread we know and love today.
  9. The prequel iPhone was not quite as good as the phones that have come after it. But back then, it was seen as revolutionary.
  10. The most oldest oven was made 5000 years ago. Back then, the only way to heat it up would have been with wood.

Long Phrases For “First Of It’s Kind”

  1. This book is the Harry Potter book that came before all other Harry Potter books.
  2. Her book was the recipe book that kickstarted the trend of all others.
  3. Fern was the plant that came before there were any other plants.
  4. The first time ever that there was a comedy show. It took place in Ancient Greece.
  5. Marcos was the human being that none of this would have been possible without.
  6. Whiskey was made with old grains way back whenbefore we knew what we were doing.
  7. James Smith’s Book “Treaty on the Human Rights of Mankind” was the foundation upon which our ideas of human rights are based.
  8. When cavemen mixed water with flour, that was the start of the long story for the bread we know and love today.
  9. The iPhone that came when I was a kid was not quite as good as the phones that have come after it.
  10. The oven that first made history was made 5000 years ago. Back then, the only way to heat it up would have been with wood.

What Does “Of It’s Kind” Mean?

And now that all of those examples are out of the way, let’s look at the phrase itself “first of its kind”.

This phrase is more open than it might appear at first glance. For example, let’s say “This is the first book of its kind?”.

Do we mean to say that this is the first book with a front cover and spine? Is it to say that it’s the first book by that particular author? Or is it the first book about a particular topic?

There are times when knowing that something is the “first of its kind” doesn’t tell us as much as we might want it to.

When Knowing Words For “First Of It’s Kind” Can Be Helpful

With that being said, there will be times when saying “first of its kind” or any of the other 30 examples we’ve spoken about today could be helpful.

When you specify what you mean by “it’s kind”, the listener will know what you’re talking about and even be impressed by what you’re telling them.

For example, if I say “This is the first book of it’s kind. It was the original human rights document”. People will understand that the book you’re talking about is the first to talk about human rights.


And now you know, not just a few, but thirty different ways of saying “first of its kind”. Next time you want to use that phrase, but want to mix your language up a bit, why not reread this article to see if there is an alternative that you would rather use.

We hope this article has given you enough information to spice up your vocabulary a bit. Next time you have an interesting conversation, it won’t just be the topics that will be worth listening to, it will also be the vocabulary you use around it.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


«This first-of-a-kind global survey clearly shows that people’s beliefs about science are deeply influenced by their culture, context and background,» said Imran Khan, the head of public engagement at Wellcome, which commissioned the survey from Gallup.

«Это первое в своем роде глобальное исследование ясно показывает, что убеждения людей о науке глубоко зависят от их культуры, контекста и происхождения», — сказал Имран Хан, глава отдела по связям с общественностью в Wellcome, который заказал опрос из Gallup.

This first-of-a-kind convention will be a key opportunity to identify some of the global patterns on what works in eradicating violence against women and girls, and feed into the next year’s review processes.

Эта первое в своем роде мероприятие станет ключевой возможностью для определения некоторых глобальных моделей действенных мер по искоренению насилия в отношении женщин и девочек, а также шансом внести свой вклад в процессы обзоров «Пекин +25» в следующем году.

Baseline methodology adopted (approved or [new][first-of-a-kind])

с) принятая (утвержденная или [новая] [первая в своем роде]) методология определения исходных условий;

And building a «first-of-a-kind» anything is slow and painful.

Nine of them were represented by heads of state and government, in a first-of-a-kind precedent.

Девять из них были представлены главами государств и правительств, что само по себе беспрецедентно.

With any technology first-of-a-kind deployments are always expensive.

This site is anticipated to be the location of the first-of-a-kind deployment of the Aurora plant.

Этот участок, как ожидается, будет местом первого в своем роде развертывания завода Aurora.

Baseline methodology adopted (approved or [new][first-of-a-kind]);

с) принятую методологию определения исходных условий (утвержденная или [новая] [первая в своем роде]);

A multi-institutional team conducted a first-of-a-kind meta-analysis, compiling data from dust samples collected throughout the United States to identify the top ten toxic chemicals commonly found in dust.

Команда исследователей провела первый в своем роде мета-анализ, сбор данных из образцов пыли, собранных по всей территории США, чтобы определить десять самых опасных токсичных веществ, которые есть в пыли.

Dan Yurman runs through the details of the firm’s plans, including a look at its first-of-a-kind 440MW technology.

Дэн Юрман подробно рассказывает о планах фирмы, в том числе рассматривает ее первую в своем роде технологию 440MW.

The center will deploy first-of-a-kind measurements of defect dynamics and conduct fundamental calculations of the structure and dynamics of extended defects based on new and advanced approaches.

Центр развернет первую в своем роде измерения дефектов динамики и проведение фундаментальных расчетов структуры и динамики протяженных дефектов, основанных на новых и передовых подходов.

These first-of-a-kind services provide organisations with choice in where their data and applications reside and a natural path to easily move business critical applications eventually to the public cloud.

Новые сервисы впервые предоставляют компаниям возможность выбора площадки, где находятся их данные и приложения, в конечном итоге предлагая естественный путь для легкого перемещения критически важных бизнес-приложений в публичное облако.

Following our active involvement in one of the world’s first floating wind farms, it is a great honour for us to team up with key energy players for the development of first-of-a-kind technology for high-wave offshore solar panels.

После нашего активного участия в одной из первых в мире плавучих ветряных электростанций для нас большая честь объединиться с ключевыми игроками в области энергетики для разработки первой в своем роде технологии для высокочастотных морских солнечных панелей».

The government said in July that the Rolls-Royce consortium had proposed a significant joint investment of more than £500m ($640m) focused on designing a first-of-a-kind SMR.

Правительство заявило в июле, что консорциум Rolls Royce предложил значительные совместные инвестиции в размере более 500 млн фунтов стерлингов ($640 млн), направленные на разработку первого в своем роде SMR.

Astronomers enlisted the combined multi-wavelength capabilities NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes to do a first-of-a-kind study of GJ 3470 b’s atmosphere.

Астрономы привлекли комбинированные мультиволновые возможности космических телескопов НАСА «Хаббл» и «Спитцер», чтобы провести первое в своем роде исследование атмосферы GJ 3470 b.

The Walking Dead: Our World is a first-of-a-kind location-based augmented reality mobile game that immerses you into the zombie apocalypse.

«The Walking Dead: Наш мир» является первой в своем роде основанной на местоположении мобильной игрой с дополненной реальностью, которая позволит тебе погрузиться в атмосферу зомби-апокалипсиса.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), and IBM today announced plans to build a first-of-a-kind water-cooled supercomputer that will repurpose excess heat for the university buildings.

Швейцарский федеральный технологический институт в Цюрихе (ЕТН) и корпорация IBM сегодня объявили о планах создания первого в своем роде суперкомпьютера с системой водяного охлаждения, которая будет использовать выделяемое им тепло для обогрева университетских зданий.

In what is being described as a first-of-a-kind agreement, satellite operators Eutelsat and ViaSat are to enable service access and roaming on each other’s high capacity satellite networks between North America and Europe.

В рамках соглашения, которое называют первым в своём роде, спутниковые операторы Eutelsat и ViaSat обязуются обеспечить доступ и роуминг между Северной Америкой и Европой в сетях повышенной ёмкости друг друга.

(NucNet) A consortium headed by British engineering giant Rolls Royce announced this week it expects to develop its first-of-a-kind small modular nuclear reactors in Cumbria, northwest England.

Консорциум, возглавляемый британским инженерным гигантом Rolls Royce, объявил в этом месяце, что он планирует разработать свои первые в своем роде небольшие модульные ядерные реакторы в Камбрии, Северо-Западная Англия.

Employ DataMirror software to support IBM Information Server, IBM’s first-of-a-kind information integration platform, making it easier for clients to apply real-time data integration techniques from a single platform across their businesses.

ПО DataMirror будет использоваться для поддержки IBM Information Server — первой в своем роде платформы для интеграции информации, облегчая клиентам применение в режиме реального времени и в масштабе их предприятий методик интеграции данных, построенных на базе единой интеграционной платформы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат first-of-a-kind

Результатов: 49. Точных совпадений: 49. Затраченное время: 89 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


How to pronounce first-of-a-kind?

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Требования КС/ СС


отношении[ новых][ первых в своем роде] методологий определения исходных условий;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Принятую методологию определения исходных условий( утвержденная или[ новая][ первая в своем роде]);

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Первоначальная, опытная продукция весьма часто связана с высокими удельными издержками.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Baselines shall be established in accordance with provisions contained in this document[and in the UNFCCC CDM]

reference manual for the use of approved methodologies or approval of for[new]first-of-a-kind.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Исходные условия устанавливаются


соответствии с положениями, содержащимися


настоящем документе,[


справочном руководстве по[

МЧР РКИКООН], для использования утвержденных или утверждения[ новых][ первых в своем роде] методологий.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Those Parties also suggest that[new][first-of-a-kind] methodologies shall be approved by[the executive board][COP/MOP]

in accordance with paragraphs, and.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Эти Стороны также предлагают, чтобы[ новые][ первые в своем роде] методологии утверждались[ исполнительным советом][ КС/ СС]


соответствии с пунктами 3g, 47 и 48.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

In the case of a[new][first-of-a-kind] baseline methodology, describe strengths and

weaknesses of the proposed baseline methodology;

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Xiv применительно к[ новой][ первой в своем роде] методологии определения исходных условий описать достоинства

и недостатки предлагаемой методологии определения исходных условий;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Baselines shall be established in accordance with provisions contained in decision[…] and the annex on modalities and procedures for the use of approved methodologies or

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Исходные условия устанавливаются в соответствии с положениями, содержащимися в решении[…] и в приложении об условиях и процедурах, для использования утвержденных методологий или утверждения[

новых][ первых в своем роде] методологий.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

which, unlike previously known discharges, feature operating modes with low electrode erosion and can be used to create plasma generators with long service life.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Разработаны новые генераторы плазмы,

которые в отличие от известных разрядов имеют режимы работы с малой эрозией электродов, что может быть использовано при создании генераторов плазмы с большим ресурсом работы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

That’s why world-leading advanced material technology companies, as well as cutting edge start-ups,

depend on Harper for ingenious, first-of-a-kind furnace and oven systems.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Именно поэтому ведущие мировые компании в области технологий материалов, а также вновь открывающиеся компании, которые стремятся быть на

пике современных технологий, полагаются на Harper, если им требуются изобретательные и уникальные системы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We have the building blocks to design solutions for the most challenging thermal processes,

using our years of experience and practice to devising first-of-a-kind, custom systems for world class material manufacturers.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Мы предлагаем строительные блоки для создания решений для самых сложных тепловых процессов, используя

наш многолетний опыт, накопленный при развертывании уникальных в своем роде специальных систем для производителей материалов мирового класса.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 14,
Time: 0.0159





I have a recollection of a word that means something like “first of it’s kind”, or “unlike anything that came before it”.

As in, “the original iPhone had a unique design that was unlike anything else in the industry – no fixed buttons, and an interface that was nothing but a sheet of glass…”

I think the word connotes new, radical, revolutionary, and significant.

I have a very vague recollection that the word was latin, like “de novo”, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t it.


There is a Latin expression used at least by academics and which used to be in more common use. It is the Latin from which one of a kind is derived.

sui generis

This literally means that it is the only member of its type. There is nothing like it.

Source : Link , Question Author : mattstuehler , Answer Author : Tuffy

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