Word for feeling sorry

Sympathy is easier because you just have to feel sorry for someone. … If you’re feeling empathy, you’re in (em) the feeling. If it’s sympathy, you’re feeling sorry for someone.

distressing grief-stricken
———– ————–
solemn sorrowful
sorry tragic
troubling woeful

Subsequently, How do you express feeling sorry?

– apologetic. adjective. showing that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem.
– guilty. adjective. ashamed and sorry because you have done something wrong.
– contrite. adjective. …
– regretful. adjective. …
– repentant. adjective. …
– remorseful. adjective. …
– penitent. adjective. …
– penitential. adjective.

Also, What can I say instead of bad?

– appalling.
– awful.
– bad.
– beastly.
– detestable.
– disgusting.
– dreadful.
– execrable.

How do you express pity?

“I am sorry” (if you take it literally) is as pityful if not more as pity and shame, because the person saying it identifies themself with being in a sorry state! I like the suggestion given earlier on this page. The most neutral expression to replace “it’s a pity” or “that’s a shame” would be “that’s unfortunate”.

Last Review : 7 days ago.

Related Contents

  • 1 What is the best way to express sympathy?
  • 2 What is the medical term for feel?
  • 3 What’s another word for I feel bad for them?
  • 4 What can I say instead of feel free?
  • 5 What is a better word for bad?
  • 6 What is the word for feeling sorry for yourself?
  • 7 What is another word for very bad?
  • 8 What is another way to say feel free?
  • 9 What is it called when you feel sorry for yourself?
  • 10 How do you describe feeling sorry?
  • 11 Is it OK to feel sorry for yourself sometimes?
  • 12 How do I say I feel bad for someone?
  • 13 What is it called when you feel bad for something you did?
  • 14 What’s the word for feeling guilty?
  • 15 Why do I feel bad when I did nothing wrong?

What is the best way to express sympathy?

– My/our condolences on the passing of your father/mother/friend.
– Please accept our sincerest condolences. …
– I was so sad to hear of your loss. …
– My heartfelt condolences on your loss. …
– [insert name] will never be forgotten. …
– The ones we love are never gone; they live within our hearts.

What is the medical term for feel?

feeling. -opia, – opsia, – opsis, -opsy.

What’s another word for I feel bad for them?

empathy/ sympathy Empathy is heartbreaking — you experience other people’s pain and joy. Sympathy is easier because you just have to feel sorry for someone.

What can I say instead of feel free?

– do not hesitate.
– feel comfortable.
– be my guest.
– make yourself at home.
– do not be shy.
– has no hesitation.
– go ahead. v.
– have no hesitation.

What is a better word for bad?

terrible awful
——– ———
dreadful lousy
poor atrocious
cheap crummy
abysmal horrible

What is the word for feeling sorry for yourself?

Synonyms & Antonyms of self-pity disapproving a feeling of pity for yourself because you believe you have suffered more than is fair or reasonable. He was wallowing in self-pity.

What is another word for very bad?


What is another way to say feel free?

be at liberty be free
——————— ——————
have one’s permission have one’s consent
feel able be allowed
be approved be authorisedUK
be authorizedUS be permitted

What is it called when you feel sorry for yourself?

self-pity Add to list Share. If you’re completely focused on feeling bad about your own problems and complaints, you’re feeling self-pity. … When you feel sorry for yourself, or overly sad about the difficulties you face, you’re indulging in self-pity.

How do you describe feeling sorry?

empathy/ sympathy Sympathy is easier because you just have to feel sorry for someone. … If you’re feeling empathy, you’re in (em) the feeling. If it’s sympathy, you’re feeling sorry for someone.

Is it OK to feel sorry for yourself sometimes?

We all feel sorry for ourselves, and it’s okay, because it’s a natural human emotion to have some self-pity and introspection. … You liked to think that everyone cares about how you feel. You’d love to tell the world how you feel, and for the world to understand. But no one really cares how you feel.

How do I say I feel bad for someone?

Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sense of compassion — it’s when you feel bad for someone else who’s going through something hard.

What is it called when you feel bad for something you did?

Guilt is an extremely uncomfortable feeling where a person has regret and shame over something they’ve done in the past.

What’s the word for feeling guilty?

Some common synonyms of guilty are blamable, blameworthy, and culpable. While all these words mean “deserving reproach or punishment,” guilty implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at the least, grave error or misdoing.

Why do I feel bad when I did nothing wrong?

If you have done nothing wrong but you still feel guilty, it might be because you fail to meet your overly high expectations for yourself. If you want everything you do to be perfect, you set yourself up for failure. No one on Earth is perfect, so give yourself a break and stop beating yourself up.

  • Reference 1
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  • Reference 3

Spread the word ! Don’t forget to share.

  • apologize
  • bemoan
  • deplore
  • grieve
  • lament
  • repent
  • bewail
  • deprecate
  • disapprove
  • miss
  • moan
  • mourn
  • repine
  • rue
  • weep
  • be disturbed
  • be sorry for
  • cry over
  • cry over spilled milk
  • feel remorse
  • feel uneasy
  • have compunctions
  • have qualms
  • kick oneself
  • look back
  • weep over
  • apologize
  • deplore
  • grieve
  • lament
  • mourn
  • be sorry for
  • cry over
  • feel remorse
  • kick oneself
  • weep over

On this page you’ll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to feel sorry, such as: apologize, bemoan, deplore, grieve, lament, and repent.

  • be happy
  • delight
  • praise

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • apologize
  • be disturbed
  • be sorry for
  • bemoan
  • bewail
  • cry over
  • cry over spilled milk
  • deplore
  • deprecate
  • disapprove
  • feel remorse
  • feel sorry
  • feel uneasy
  • grieve
  • have compunctions
  • have qualms
  • kick oneself
  • lament
  • look back
  • miss
  • moan
  • mourn
  • repent
  • repine
  • rue
  • weep
  • weep over
  • apologized
  • be disturbed
  • bemoaned
  • bewailed
  • cried over
  • cry over spilled milk
  • deplored
  • deprecated
  • disapproved
  • felt remorse
  • felt sorry
  • felt uneasy
  • grieved
  • had compunctions
  • had qualms
  • kicked oneself
  • lamented
  • looked back
  • missed
  • moaned
  • mourned
  • repented
  • repined
  • rued
  • was sorry for
  • wept
  • wept over
  • apologize
  • be sorry for
  • cry over
  • deplore
  • feel remorse
  • feel sorry
  • grieve
  • kick oneself
  • lament
  • mourn
  • weep over
  • apologized
  • cried over
  • deplored
  • felt remorse
  • felt sorry
  • grieved
  • kicked oneself
  • lamented
  • mourned
  • was sorry for
  • wept over

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Признавать ошибки трудно даже на родном языке. Еще сложнее подобрать нужные слова на английском. Как извиниться перед другом, любимым человеком или начальником, вы узнаете из этой статьи.

«Прошу прощения» — как извиниться на английском


  • 1. Извинения на английском — признание малых ошибок
  • 2. Извинения на английском — признание серьезных ошибок
  • 3. Вежливость по-английски

Помимо искренних намерений попросить у кого-то прощения, вам не обойтись и без точных фраз. Нередко мы просто не можем правильно подобрать слова, чтобы выразить свои мысли и чувства по-английски. Или же собеседник понимает нас неверно, и вместо прощения мы получаем только еще большую обиду. Давайте рассмотрим ситуации, в которых уместно использовать слова sorry, excuse, apologize и pardon, чтобы извиниться на английском.

Извинения на английском — признание малых ошибок

Самое популярное «извини» на английском — это sorry. Слово sorry мы используем с предлогами about и for. Давайте посмотрим, как выбрать правильный предлог:

  1. To be sorry about — жалеть о чем-то случившемся.

    I am sorry about your loss. — Я сожалею о вашей потере.

  2. Можно использовать sorry for/about smth, если вы сделали что-то и за это просите прощения.

    I am sorry about/for bothering you. — Прошу прощения за беспокойство.

  3. Sorry for мы используем, когда нам жаль человека.

    I feel sorry for him. — Мне его жаль.

Если вы хотите выразить большую искренность, добавьте в фразу I’m sorry (прошу прощения) одно из прилагательных: so (настолько, до такой степени), incredibly (очень, невероятно), terribly (ужасно), really (действительно), genuinely (искренне, неподдельно).

I’m incredibly sorry for being so late. — Мне очень жаль, что я так сильно опоздал.

Также вы можете использовать и другие фразы, чтобы признать свою вину и выразить сожаление за незначительный промах:

Фраза Перевод
oh, sorry ой, извините
pardon (me) простите (меня)
my bad моя ошибка/вина
my fault моя вина
my mistake моя ошибка
my apologies приношу свои извинения
I had that wrong я был неправ
I was wrong about/on that признаю, что был неправ
I beg your pardon. (устаревшее выражение) Прошу прощения.
I beg your pardon?! (используется, когда человек возмущен поведением или высказыванием собеседника) Простите?!

Выражения I’m sorry about и my bad чаще используются в неформальной речи. В смс и мессенджерах иногда употребляют сокращение от sorry — soz.

Если вы хотите уметь изъясняться в любой повседневной ситуации, запишитесь на общий разговорный курс английского.

Извинения на английском — признание серьезных ошибок

Серьезные промахи ставят нас в уязвимое положение, ведь нужно подобрать очень верные слова, чтобы собеседник действительно поверил в наше раскаяние.

Фраза Перевод
I would like to apologize (AmE) / apologise (BrE). Я бы хотел извиниться.
I owe you an apology. Я обязан перед тобой извиниться.
I want to say I’m sorry. Я хочу сказать, что извиняюсь.
Please accept my sincerest/deepest/humble apologies. Пожалуйста, примите мои искренние/глубокие/робкие извинения.
I can’t apologize enough. Не могу выразить, как мне жаль.
It wasn’t my intention to be rude. Forgive me. Я не хотел нагрубить. Простите меня.
Can/Would you forgive me? Ты бы мог простить меня?
Please allow me to apologize. Пожалуйста, разреши мне извиниться.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Прости за то, что заставила тебя так себя чувствовать.
I want to make it up to you. Я хочу загладить свою вину.
I apologize wholeheartedly. Я от всего сердца прошу прощения.

Если вы хотите сказать, за что именно просите прощения, вы можете употребить после этих выражений предлог for. За ним будет следовать либо существительное, либо глагол с окончанием -ing.

I would like to apologize to you for my behavior. — Я бы хотел принести извинения за свое поведение.
I would like to apologize to you for betraying you. — Я бы хотел принести извинения за то, что предал тебя.

Фраза please accept my apologies используется лишь в официальной беседе.

Please accept my deepest apologies for my thoughtless attitude to your task. — Пожалуйста, примите мои искренние извинения за легкомысленное отношение к вашему заданию.

Представляем вам другие фразы для официальных извинений перед своими клиентами, сотрудниками, гостями и другими людьми:

Фраза Перевод
Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused. Пожалуйста, примите наши извинения за причиненные неудобства.
Please accept our sincere apology for the delay flight. Thank you for your patience. Пожалуйста, примите наши искренние извинения за отмену рейса. Благодарим за терпение.
We will try to sort the problem out as a matter of urgency. Мы попытаемся решить проблему немедленно.
We assure you that this will never happen again. Мы уверяем вас, что это никогда не повторится снова.
We apologies for the faulty goods. Please, return them and we will refund you / replace it. Мы приносим извинения за некачественный товар. Пожалуйста, верните его, и мы возместим ущерб / обменяем его.
We apologize for this misunderstanding. Our priority is your comfort. Просим прощение за непонимание. В нашем приоритете ваш комфорт.

Далее мы представим фразы для выражения глубокого раскаяния на английском.

Фраза Перевод
I feel apologetic for what I have done. Я чувствую за собой вину за то, что я сделал.
I feel contrite. Я чувствую раскаяние.
I am contrite for my actions. Я раскаиваюсь за свои действия.
I am criticizing myself. Я осуждаю себя.
I am really most penitent for what I have done. Я глубоко сожалею о том, что я сделал.
I regret / feel regretful for my actions. Я сожалею о содеянном.
I feel remorse. Я чувствую угрызения совести / раскаяние / сожаление.
I am most remorseful. Я полон раскаяния.
I’m repentant I wish I hadn’t done it. Я раскаиваюсь и хотел бы, чтобы этого не произошло.
I feel shame/shameful. Мне стыдно.
I am most shameful for my actions of yesterday. Мне очень стыдно за вчерашнее.
I embarrassed. Мне так неловко.
I am deeply remorseful. Я глубоко сожалею.

Вежливость по-английски

Давайте рассмотрим разницу между excuse me и sorry — многие путают их еще со школы.

Sorry мы используем, когда просим прощения, выражаем сожаление о чем-либо или жалость к кому-то. Excuse me — вежливая форма обращения к кому-либо, переводится как «извините», «позвольте», «прошу меня простить».

Также excuse me используют, чтобы привлечь чье-то внимание:

Excuse me! Let me start my lecture. — Извините! Позвольте мне начать свою лекцию.

Excuse me подойдет и в том случае, когда вы что-то не расслышали и нужно переспросить.

What is your surname? — Ваша фамилия?
Shayhislamova. — Шайхисламова.
Excuse me, could you spell it please? — Извините! Вы могли бы произнести по буквам?

Excuse me произносится до того, как вы что-то сделали, а sorry — когда уже все свершилось.

Хорошие манеры и вежливость требуют от британцев извиняться не только за свои промахи, но и за чужие. Не удивляйтесь обилию «простите-извините» и будьте готовы к тому, что они просят прощение на каждом шагу. Об этой особенности интересно рассказывает автор YouTube-канала Eat, Sleep, Dream English. Например, англичанин склонен брать вину на себя, даже если в него кто-то врезался в толпе, а не наоборот.

В таблице мы представили фразы вежливости для разных ситуаций.

Фраза Перевод
Pardon my interrupting you. Простите, что перебиваю.
I’m sorry to interrupt. Извините, что перебиваю.
I’m sorry to cut in, but… Извините, что вмешиваюсь, но…
I’m afraid I’ve got bad news. Боюсь, у меня плохие новости.
We regret to tell/inform you that… Нам очень жаль сообщать вам, что…
Sorry I’m late. Извини, я опоздал.
Sorry for being late. Извините за опоздание.
Sorry for keeping you waiting. Прости, что заставил тебя ждать.

Когда слов недостаточно, британцы дарят цветы, бутылку вина или подписывают открытку. Об этом и не только рассказывает Люси — британский блогер-преподаватель английского:

Мы подобрали несколько отрывков из кинофильмов с извинениями:

  • Нелепое извинение Джоуи Триббиани из комедийного сериала «Друзья»

  • Билли Мэдисон из одноименного фильма просит прощения у одноклассника, над которым издевался в школьные годы

  • Очень трогательное извинение в песне из мультфильма «Книга жизни»

Желаем вам как можно реже совершать ошибки в жизни. Но уж если они будут, то вы всегда сможете грамотно и вежливо извиниться на английском. Не забудьте скачать список полезной лексики по теме.

Скачать список выражений по теме «Как извиниться на английском» (*.pdf, 227 Кб)

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A Coffee Drink With Steamed Milk Man in Red Crew Neck Shirt Red and White Signage Photo of Man Walking on the Wall Side Using Cane Purple Flowers in Persons Hand Purple Flowers on Persons Hand

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depression, sadness, man asia, pretty, lady adult, asia, pretty rose, death, flower action, adult, scared of sorry, apology, apologize

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Synonyms for Feel sorry. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/feel_sorry

Synonyms for Feel sorry. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/feel_sorry>.

Synonyms for Feel sorry. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/feel_sorry.

sorry in english

Last updated:

August 16, 2022

Oh no, I did something wrong.
I wish I hadn’t said that.
I feel really bad about what I did.

All of us have felt bad about something we did or said.

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if it came with an “undo” button?

Unfortunately, we can’t change the past. We have to live with the consequences (results or effects) of our previous choices.

But there’s a magic word that we can use to make things a little better.

Can you guess what it is? (Hint: It’s only five letters long!)

Yes, you’re right. It’s “sorry.”

Learning to say sorry in English is essential to speaking polite English. It’ll help you in personal relationships as well as professional ones. Keep reading to learn essential phrases, tips and tricks for saying sorry in English.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Saying Sorry: The Absolute Basics

Saying “sorry” means we admit our mistake (whatever we did wrong) and take responsibility for our actions. It means we’ve done something bad and now we’re trying to do better.

I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I promise I will not be mean to you again.

We also say “sorry” when we’re feeling really bad about someone and we want to show that we understand and care for their feelings.

I’m really sorry to hear that you lost your job.

The word “sorry” is used in many situations.

Also, depending on what we did and who we’re speaking to, the way we apologize (say sorry) changes.

Common Vocabulary Words for Saying Sorry

Sometimes, just saying sorry isn’t enough.

There are specific words and phrases we can use to express or explain our feelings.

I’ll be using them in this post, so first let’s learn some of the most important words related to saying sorry:

Apologize (verb): To say sorry.

Regret (noun or verb): The horrible feeling when we wish that we hadn’t done a certain thing.

I have lots of regrets about the way I acted. (Noun)
I regret signing up for that stressful job. (Verb)

Apologetic (adjective): Showing regret for something you’ve done.

She was really apologetic about shouting at you in the meeting.

Ashamed (adjective): Feeling really bad or embarrassed about past actions.

I am ashamed of how hurtful I was to my sister.

Remorseful (adjective): The painful awareness of our wrongdoing. Similar to “ashamed.”

After fighting with his best friend, he was remorseful about the way he had treated her. 

Fault (noun): A flaw or an error. When used with a personal pronoun like “my” or “your,” it means taking responsibility for your actions or assigning blame.

It was my fault that we arrived late, and I’m sorry.
I’m sorry we’re late, but it was her fault, not mine.

Mistake (noun): Any error or misunderstanding. We frequently use the word “mistake” with the verb “make.”

I made too many mistakes, so we failed the group project.

Forgive (verb): To stop feeling angry or upset at a person who did something bad.

I don’t know if I can forgive her yet.

Quick Tips for Sincere Apologies

Saying sorry won’t fix a problem immediately. An apology isn’t a good apology until you mean it and you really want to do better. Here are some quick tips for sincere apologies in English:

  • Take responsibility for your mistake(s): Admit that it was your fault, using the first person (I, me, my, mine). Don’t blame anyone else for your actions.
  • Focus on your body language and tone: Make eye contact with your listener and try to speak in a soft and calm voice. Your apology must sound sincere and heartfelt.
  • Ask for forgiveness: If it’s a major mistake, you must ask for forgiveness. But be prepared for the fact that there’s a chance that you may not be forgiven.

Saying Sorry in English: Essential Phrases for Perfect English Apologies

As I’ve mentioned before, saying sorry depends on context.

In other words, apologizing is different depending on the situation. Did you really make somebody feel bad, or did you make a very small mistake, like bumping into somebody at the store? Are you talking to a boss, or are you talking to your best friend? Did you make a mistake, or are you offering comfort?

All of these things will impact how you say sorry.

I’ve included many different phrases that can be used in each of these situations.

Check out my examples. Pay special attention to the phrases in bold. These are the essential (most important) phrases you need to learn to say sorry.

To get you started, check out the video below, which gives a helpful overview of the different ways to use sorry in English with explanations, context-specific examples and native clips.

Saying Sorry When You’ve Done Something Wrong

Very often, we make major mistakes or we mess up.

Some of these mistakes might be deliberate—that is, done on purpose. (Perhaps you got angry at a coworker, so you took something from their desk.) Some mistakes could be accidents or misunderstandings.

But either way, if the mistake was your fault, you should own up to it (accept responsibility) and apologize.

I’m so sorry. I was incorrect.

I apologize for my mistake. I should have been paying more attention.

That was wrong of me. I promise I will never do it again.

I messed up and I’m sorry. I will try to do better next time.

Saying Sorry When You’ve Hurt Someone’s Feelings

All our actions have consequences and affect people around us.

Sometimes what we say or do can upset people.

In such cases, it’s important to apologize as well as to ask for forgiveness. You can also ask what you can do to make the other person feel better.

I’m very sorry for forgetting the groceries. Please don’t be mad at me.

I didn’t mean to hurt you but I’m sorry I did. Will you please give me another chance?

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.

I’m filled with remorse for what I did last night.

It was my fault that I lost my temper. Will you please forgive me?

I’m so sorry. I’m ashamed of lying to you.

I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make this up to you?

I truly regret what I did.

Saying Sorry When You’ve Made a Small Mistake

Not all of our mistakes are big. Bumping into someone in a store or stepping on someone’s toes when you’re in a hurry are minor mistakes. They might happen when we’re careless or distracted.

However, we should still apologize in these situations.

Here are some simple phrases for small mistakes. Remember to say these phrases with a smile and a cheerful tone:

Oh, sorry! I didn’t see you there! (Used when you step on someone’s toes or bump into someone)

Sorry about that!

Sorry, it was an accident!

Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that!

Saying Sorry When You Want to Express Sympathy for Others

Saying sorry isn’t just for when you make a mistake.

We also say it when we want to sympathize with others. In other words, we say sorry to show that we understand and care about our family members, friends or acquaintances when they experience difficulties.

Here are some phrases you can use to sympathize with someone:

I’m so sorry to hear about your break-up. How are you coping now that she has left?

I’m sorry that this happened to you. It must have been so terrible. No one should have to go through that.

I’m very sorry. I’ve been through this and I understand how you feel.

I cannot express how sorry I am to hear about this.

I’m really sorry to hear that you lost your job. I’m here for you if you wish to talk about it.

However, if the context is the death of someone, we usually use the phrase “my condolences.”

I’m sorry to hear about your father. My condolences. He must have been a great man.

Saying Sorry When You’re Trying to Get Someone’s Attention

In certain cases, you can use “sorry” to get someone’s attention. This is useful when you need somebody to repeat something, or when you need somebody to move.

Sorry, could you please repeat what you said?

Sorry, could you move over a bit so I can get through?

Sorry, could you pass me my jacket?

In these situations, we can also use words like “pardon” or “excuse me.”

Pardon? Could you repeat that?

Excuse me, can you pass me the salt?

Bonus Phrases: Saying Sorry in Special Situations

So far, I’ve talked about some of the most common situations where we need to apologize.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of saying sorry, let’s look at some more advanced phrases that native speakers might use. These are some phrases you might use in very informal situations (such as talking to a close friend), or very formal situations (such as a professional email).

Saying Sorry in Very Informal Situations

The way we apologize to a stranger is different from the way we speak to a close friend.

In fact, when it comes to casual situations with friends, we often use informal or “slang” language. These terms are especially good for talking about small mistakes.

My bad, I forgot to bring the book.

Oops, sorry!

How silly/careless/stupid of me to say that!

I goofed, sorry!


Sometimes, if we’re texting with friends, we can shorten the word “sorry” or modify the spelling.

Sry. See ya soon! (Sorry. See you soon!)

Saying Sorry in Formal Situations

Apologies are really important in crucial situations, such as the workplace or an official environment.

For instance, employees may have to apologize to their bosses, either in writing or in person, if their work isn’t good enough. Or, workers may have to say sorry to customers or clients when something goes wrong.

In these cases, it’s best to use formal phrases. For example:

I would like to sincerely apologize for my mistake.

My apologies. I take full responsibility for that failure.

I owe you an explanation for my disappointing behavior.

In a professional email, you can use phrases that are even more formal. For example:

Please accept my sincerest apologies regarding…

Please accept this as my formal apology for…

Allow me to apologize on behalf of the entire company.

It’s really uncomfortable when you know you’ve done something wrong, but you don’t know the right words or phrases to admit your faults.

After reading this, you’ll never feel that way again!

Now, you know how to say sorry in any situation. Try practicing the above words and phrases by saying them out loud in front of the mirror.

If you’re unsure of how to pronounce certain words, look them up in an online dictionary. And remember, an apology isn’t an apology until you mean it. So try to be as sincere as you can, and keep practicing until you get it right!

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If Bob wasn’t weeping crocodile tears but was genuinely lachrymose, he was empathizing with the victims.

Empathy: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner

also : the capacity for this

[Merriam-Webster Dictionary]

Instead, if Bob was just showing false sympathy to the victims, he could be accused of smarm

Smarmy: revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness

[Merriam-Webster Dictionary]

a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction
— New Yorker

What is the word for feeling sorry for yourself?

What is another word for feel sorry for yourself?

be in a huff pout
be miserable lament
be sad sink
bleed ache
regret despond

What is a word for self-pity?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self-pity, like: selfishness, self-loathing, self-disgust, self-pitying, self-hate, narcissism, egotism, jealousy, self-hatred, self-obsession and self-doubt.

What’s another way of saying feel sorry for?

Find another word for feel-sorry-for. In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for feel-sorry-for, like: feel compassion for, pity, lament for, have mercy on, open one’s heart, commiserate, feel-for, sympathize, empathize with, grieve with and console.

How do you express your feelings for someone sorry?

If you know the person very well, you might say something much more informal, such as:

  1. That really sucks.
  2. That’s a shame.
  3. That’s awful/terrible.
  4. What a pity!
  5. Poor you!
  6. Better luck next time.
  7. I’m here for you if you need anything. ( rather informal)

What is another way to say feel bad?

Feel-bad Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for feel-bad?

sad heartrending
down depressed
gloomy glum
despondent low
unhappy downcast

How do you express bad feelings in words?


  1. sad. adjective. feeling unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.
  2. unhappy. adjective. feeling sad or upset.
  3. gloomy. adjective. feeling sad and without hope.
  4. melancholy. adjective.
  5. sorrowful. adjective.
  6. subdued. adjective.
  7. bleak. adjective.
  8. wistful. adjective.

What is it called when you have a bad feeling about something?

foreboding Add to list Share. When you get a foreboding, you get a sense that something bad is going to happen. A foreboding is a foretelling, a sign or a glimpse, that “something wicked this way comes” — or might come.

What does feel bad for someone mean?

Since feeling bad for someone means you sympathize and understand someone else’s emotional discomfort, physical pain, or current unfortunate circumstances, I’d only use that phrase in #2.

What does it mean to feel sorry?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbe/feel sorry for somebodybe/feel sorry for somebodyto feel pity or sympathy for someone because something bad has happened to them or because they are in a bad situation I’ve got no sympathy for him, but I feel sorry for his wife. Tina was sorry for her.

How do I stop feeling sorry for myself?

  1. 2 Psychological Tricks That Will Help You Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself. Hardship is inevitable.
  2. Behave in a manner that makes it hard to feel sorry for yourself. When you find yourself in the midst of a pity party, you’ll be tempted to waste your energy staying stuck there.
  3. Exchange self-pity for gratitude.

Is it a sin to feel sorry for yourself?

Yes, the root of self-pity is sin as old as time. Moses and the Israelites, Job, Jonah, David, Elijah – they all tried to tell God they had a better plan. And God showed them all a way out of their sin.

Is it OK to feel sorry yourself?

We all feel sorry for ourselves, and it’s okay, because it’s a natural human emotion to have some self-pity and introspection. You liked to think that everyone cares about how you feel. You’d love to tell the world how you feel, and for the world to understand. But no one really cares how you feel.

What does God say about self-pity?

Self-pity shows a lack of trust in God. God responded by reminding Elijah that God was still with him and that things were not as bad as Elijah made them sound. Sometimes self-pity comes from jealousy. We see wicked people prospering and getting away with doing wrong.

Why do I wallow in self pity?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishwallow in self-pity/despair/defeat etcwallow in self-pity/despair/defeat etcto seem to enjoy being sad etc, especially because you get sympathy from other people – used to show disapproval He’d been feeling sorry for himself, wallowing in self-pity.

What is the root cause of self pity?

When you focus on everything that is going wrong in your life, your thoughts become exaggeratedly negative. And those negative thoughts will negatively affect your behavior if you dwell on them. The combination of negative thinking and inactivity fuels further feelings of self-pity.

What is the opposite of self pity?

▲ Opposite of a feeling of, or the indulgence in, pity for oneself. cheerfulness. cheeriness. happiness.

What does it mean to wallow in self pity?

“Wallow in self-pity” means to indulge in sad, regretful feelings directed at yourself.

How do you describe self pity?

If you’re completely focused on feeling bad about your own problems and complaints, you’re feeling self-pity. When you feel sorry for yourself, or overly sad about the difficulties you face, you’re indulging in self-pity.

What type of word is self pity?

noun. pity for oneself, especially a self-indulgent attitude concerning one’s own difficulties, hardships, etc.: We must resist yielding to self-pity and carry on as best we can.

What are examples of self pity?

Feeling sorry for oneself; being depressed about ones situation. I was sitting in my room, wallowing in self pity, when my favorite TV program came on. Pity for oneself, especially exaggerated or self-indulgent pity.

Why is self pity good?

Feeling sorry for ourselves can be a way of shutting out the rest of the world for a moment and privileging our own experience. It can be an opportunity to nurture ourselves and restore a sense that we are the center of our world. It can be a form of self-care.

How do you break the cycle of self pity?

Let’s take a look at some signs of self-pitying.

  1. You struggle with everything.
  2. You don’t want it to end.
  3. Make a promise to yourself.
  4. Take a proactive stance.
  5. Replace pity with gratitude.
  6. Start exercising.

What is another word for self-absorbed?

What is another word for self-absorbed?

egotistical egocentric
egoistic egotistic
narcissistic selfish
egoistical egomaniacal
inconsiderate solipsistic

How do you know if someone is self-absorbed?

They are extremely opinionated. It is always about their opinions. They do not want to consider the opinions of others; due to their self-absorption they are consumed by their own point of view, self-image, desires and preferences.

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