Word for family problems

immediate or nuclear family (siblings, parents,
children, spouse) – ближайшие родственники (братья и сестры, родители, дети, супруги)

extended family (grandparents, nieces, nephews, aunts,
uncles, cousins) – расширенная семья (дедушки и бабушки, племянницы, племянники, тети, дяди, двоюродные братья и сестры)

distant relatives – дальние родственники

healthy relationships – здоровые отношения

get together – собираться вместе

keep in touch – поддерживать связь

get to know each other quite well – узнать друг друга довольно хорошо

nurture our friendships –
развивать дружеские отношения

have a lot in common – иметь много общего

lose contact – терять контакт

a lifelong friend – друг на всю жизнь

enjoy each other’s company – наслаждаться обществом друг друга

share a common background –
иметь одинаковое происхождение

share the same ideas – разделять одинаковые идеи

build up a relationship of trust – построить доверительные отношения

close friend – близкий друг

acquaintance – знакомый

work at a relationship – работать над отношениями

have similar interests – иметь схожие интересы

have a mutual understanding – иметь взаимопонимание

upbringing – воспитание

bring up – воспитывать

spoilt – испорченный

foster family – приемная семья

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  • 1 What are Family Problems?
  • 2 Causes of Family Problems
  • 3 Types of Family Problems
    • 3.1 Financial Issues
    • 3.2 Divorce
    • 3.3 Alcoholism/Drug Abuse
    • 3.4 Death of Family Member
    • 3.5 Arguments
    • 3.6 Balance
    • 3.7 Sibling Wars
    • 3.8 Unfaithfulness
    • 3.9 Unhappiness
    • 3.10 Disengagement
    • 3.11 Toxic Relationships
  • 4 Tips to Manage Family Problems
    • 4.1 Be Honest 
    • 4.2 Don’t Hold Grudges 
    • 4.3 Be Open-Minded 
    • 4.4 Stay Calm 
    • 4.5 Give Yourself Time Away From Problem 
    • 4.6 Don’t Take Things Too Personally 
    • 4.7 Never Fight Dirty 
    • 4.8 Always Speak Truth 
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 6 A Word From MantraCare

What are Family Problems?

Family Problems

A family is a group of people that live together and share responsibilities. The word “family” comes from the Latin word familia, which means household. A family is of two or more people. These people can be related by birth, marriage, adoption, or other legal ties. Due to certain causes, there are some Family Problems in every family.

Family Problems are a very sensitive issue. Everyone has their own experiences. Family problems are a difficult subject to talk about. It’s hard to offer an overarching solution because there are so many different types of families with all sorts of dynamics and quirks.

Causes of Family Problems

In today’s society, there are many different sources of stress that can cause family conflicts. These can be:

  1. Not spending enough time together: When there are many different activities to choose from it can be hard for family members to find time to spend with one another. People may not think of this as a source of conflict. However, it is the lack of togetherness that causes most arguments.
  2. Not sharing feelings and emotions: It is important to have open communication within a family. This is so that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. People do not feel like they can express themselves without fear of judgment or punishment. This creates tension in the household.
  3. Not having an equal balance of power: Every member should feel fairly represented. This is because when one person starts to feel like they are losing their voice, it can lead to conflict.
  4. Not resolving past problems: When there are unresolved feelings between family members that stem from previous arguments or disagreements. This can be hard for people to move forward and find common ground.
  5. Taking breaks from one another: It is important to not always be together. When people are constantly around one another, there may eventually be a time when they get sick of each other. They can start to lash out because of their pent-up anger and resentment.

Types of Family Problems

Family Problems differ from family to family, on the basis of the reasons for family problems. Some of the common types are:

Financial Issues

Financial Issues

One of the most common family problems is financial issues. It can be tough to make ends meet for a lot of families these days. This is because the cost of living is increasing every year. Some people who struggle financially will resort to extreme measures. These are stealing or even dealing drugs…sometimes even both. If you have experienced this kind of situation within your family, it’s important to get help ASAP before things escalate out of control.

You don’t want your family getting into any serious trouble. It is because they were desperate and didn’t know where else to turn. Another way that money issues could affect your relationship with your loved ones is through fighting over how bills should be paid or who owes who money. When there is conflict within your family, it’s easy to become bitter towards each other. This can surely lead to bigger problems in the future.



Another common problem is tension between partners/spouses…or even divorce! This kind of stress could cause a lot of issues with children as well if they are caught in the middle of their parents fighting. Sometimes people who aren’t married (like boyfriends/girlfriends) fight over silly things like cheating or breaking up when really what needs to happen is an open discussion. It is how to move forward in a healthy way.

Alcoholism/Drug Abuse

Alcoholism or Drug Abuse

If there’s someone in your family who struggles with an addiction, it can be very difficult for everyone involved. You probably know what the person is going through. It is because you’ve likely experienced this type of problem yourself (although maybe not on such a large scale). If you’re trying to convince your loved one that they need help but they are refusing, then there isn’t much more than anyone else can do. You can support them and try to remain positive throughout their struggle. Sometimes people don’t realize that they have problems. It is until other people point them out. If the addict doesn’t want to help themselves, no matter how hard you might plead or pray…they won’t accept it. Without help, they’re going to continue down the same path. They can end up dead or in jail…and that’s not what anyone wants for them!

Death of Family Member

Death of Family Member

Another very common family problem is losing someone close to you (like your child). It can be tough to grieve together when people are on different pages about how they feel. This is because everyone deals with grief differently. Some families may even become distant from each other after losing one of their own. This could make things worse if this was already an issue prior to the death. Sometimes there are issues in the family that have not been resolved. It is before somebody dies so then it seems like no matter what happens next…nothing feels right anymore.

If you’ve lost a loved one, the best thing to do is surround yourself with people who can support you. They can understand what you’re going through. Some families have a very hard time coping and will break off all contact with each other. It can even if they were close before. It’s important to keep in touch with your family members. It is whether good or bad so that nobody gets cut out of the picture after tragedy strikes.



Arguments are another common family problem. They come in all shapes and sizes too. These are like screaming matches or even passive-aggressive behavior. This can be so frustrating to deal with. There isn’t always an easy solution for fixing every single argument. It is always important to try your best…even if you still end up fighting sometimes. It is because there is no such thing as a perfect relationship between people. Sometimes the only way to resolve arguments within your family is through compromise. This means both sides have to give something up. For example, they might need more time on their own without having kids around).


In every family, there needs to be a balance between giving and receiving. If one person always gives while the other takes from them then resentment will build up over time. This can lead to even bigger problems in the future. Everyone should have an equal share of responsibilities so that it’s fair for everyone involves in this. Nobody should take advantage or is left out. This can be because they want more alone time than others. In this situation, it might be a good idea to step back. You can then examine what’s going on in your family.

Sometimes you need to take time for yourself. This is so that you can see the bigger picture. If this is happening with everyone else then maybe it would be best to spend some time apart from each other. This is so that when you do come together again, everything will go much more smoothly.

Sibling Wars

Sibling Wars

Ever heard of “fighting like siblings”? Well, there’s a reason for this saying because brothers and sisters fight ALL THE TIME! It seems like no matter how hard parents try or how many rules they set down (like curfews) nothing ever changes between kids who are related by blood…at least not until they become adults themselves. If this is a common family problem, you should sit down with your kids and try to find out why they don’t get along. Sometimes the answer will be something silly like one of them always gets what they want or maybe there are deep-rooted issues between siblings who haven’t talked in years…but whatever it may be, resolving this issue could require some time apart from each other to depending on how bad things have gotten over the years.



Another common family problem is cheating which can tear families apart if one person gets caught red-handed. When this happens, it’s important to stay calm and try not to make any rash decisions…no matter how much you might want them dead! This could be a good time for couples therapy because sometimes people don’t even realize the damage they’re doing when they engage in infidelity so working with a therapist might help change their perspective about what happened in the past. If that doesn’t work then maybe going your separate ways would be best but only do this if you’re really ready because divorce isn’t fun no matter who initiated it or why!



In many families there are one or two unhappy members of the group who are always complaining about something…and this is a big problem when everyone around them feels the same way. This can be hard for the parents as they want to support their children in everything they do.  They do it even if it’s not what they want. You could always come to a point where you have no choice except to say goodbye to your child. This can be because their happiness comes first. This also means you might need an adult babysitter who doesn’t complain all day long.


If one or more family members gets busy in other activities like work, school, etc, there are chances of disagreement in family. . If only one person becomes uninterested while everyone else stays active, tension will build between these two members until they eventually cut each other off completely. In this situation, it might be a good idea to do something as a family that will get everyone involved and having fun together so you can prevent any future problems from arising…and if your kids are too busy for things like going hiking or camping then maybe they should put their phones down once in a while!

Toxic Relationships

Toxic Relationships

Last but not least is the problem of toxic relationships which happens every day whether we realize it or not. One person could start out nice enough (like with parents who spoil their children) but over time this relationship takes an ugly turn when one partner starts controlling the other person’s life by doing everything for them instead of encouraging. This kind of behavior leads to all kinds of problems in the family including emotional abuse, mental illness, and even physical violence…so if you or someone you love is being abused then it’s time to get help.

Tips to Manage Family Problems

Tips to Manage Family Problems

These are some tips to manage family problems:

Be Honest 

Always tell the truth, don’t be afraid of what people will say. If you’re having problems with your sister because she takes your clothes without asking try telling her that this makes you feel angry and ask her not to do it anymore.

Don’t Hold Grudges 

When someone makes you mad, forgive them right away and move on. If your brother borrows your favorite shirt without asking try giving him a break because he probably forgot to ask in the first place.

Be Open-Minded 

Listen to other people’s opinions and perspectives. You might learn something new! If your mom doesn’t let you go out with your friends this weekend, ask her what she thinks is a good alternative activity. You can avoid getting upset at her for not understanding how important it is for you to see your friends.

Stay Calm 

Stay calm in a conflict situation but don’t let them walk all over you. If your sister wants to borrow some of your clothes tell her that you don’t mind lending them to her. But tell her to return them positively.

Give Yourself Time Away From Problem 

If you feel like you need some time away from a situation try going for a walk or taking a few days off from school or work. If your brother is always borrowing money that he never pays back ever try not talking about it because it just makes both of you more frustrated and upset every time you have this conversation.

Don’t Take Things Too Personally 

Sometimes other people just have bad days and need to vent, so don’t take anything they say to you to heart. If your mom says she doesn’t want you to wear makeup because it’s bad for your skin try not getting upset and telling her that you would really like to wear it because she probably just wants what is best for you.

Never Fight Dirty 

Whether it’s an argument or a fight, both sides should always stick to the facts and never get personal. If your friend says “you’re such a ****” when you call them out on something they did wrong don’t respond with anything other than facts about why their behavior was wrong.

Always Speak Truth 

If the situation isn’t going anywhere, sometimes all you can do is pay your respects and move on without any regrets. If your mom thinks she knows everything and won’t listen to reason try to respect her opinion and give up the fight.


Family problems happen to everyone but there can be solutions for them. By understanding the different types of family problems and their causes, you’ll have a better chance at managing them before they get worse. In this article, we’ve covered common family issues that many people face in one way or another. How to deal with conflict between parents who are divorced, sibling rivalry from age differences, and helping children learn about death. If any of these sound familiar to you or your loved ones, please know there is hope. With some helpful tips on overcoming each type of problem, you can overcome these issues. Mantra Care can provide you with some therapy.

A Word From MantraCare

Your mental health — your psychological, emotional, and social well-being — has an impact on every aspect of your life. Positive mental health essentially allows you to effectively deal with life’s everyday challenges.

At Mantra Care, we have a team of therapists who provide affordable online therapy to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, relationship, OCD, LGBTQ, and PTSD. You can take our mental health test. You can also book a free therapy or download our free Android or iOS app.

Список слов для подготовки к ОГЭ (ЕГЭ) по теме «Family Relations / Отношения в семье» или «Межличностные отношения в семье» (так эта тема прописана в кодификаторе).  Здесь нужно рассказать о наиболее распространенных проблемах между родителями и подростками, а также есть ли такие проблемы в вашей семье. Однако обратите внимание, что вам нужно придерживаться пунктов плана задания, то есть каждый пункт нужно раскрыть 3-4 предложениями. Всего на монолог отводится не более 2 минут. Здесь вы найдете критерии оценивания монологического высказывания в 2019 году. Данная тема является частью темы «Problems of Young People».

  1. strict (kind = indifferent, indulgent) parents — строгие (добрые, безразличные, потворствующие) родители
  2. misunderstanding — непонимание
  3. to cause family problems — вызывать проблемы в семье (с друзьями)
  4. agressive behaviour — агрессивное поведение
  5. be free to decide = (be independent) — решать самостоятельно (быть независимым)
  6. be taken seriously — быть принятым всерьез
  7. allow to do — разрешать делать
  8. want me to do (= make me do) — хотеть, что бы я делал(а)
  9. to overcome difficulties / misunderstading — преодолеть трудности (непонимание)
  10. be difficult to solve — трудно решить

Разделы грамматики, которые, возможно, нужно повторить:

  • Passive Voice with Modals (пассивный залог с модальными глаголами)— выражение 6
  • Complex Object (сложное дополнение)— выражение 8
  • Infinitive (конструкции с инфинитивом) — выражение 10

Примеры предложений с словами (выражениями) по теме «Family Relations»

  1. It depends on whether your parents are strict or kind.
  2. The common cause of misunderstanding is generation gap.
  3. The lack of understanding can cause family problems.
  4. This can lead to agressive behaviour from the side of teenagers.
  5. Young people want to be free to decide what to do.
  6. Teenagers should be taken seriously.
  7. My parents don’t allow me to come home after 11 p.m.
  8. My parents want me to do well at school.
  9. There are youth organisations that can help to overcome misunderstanding.
  10. Some problems are difficult to solve.

Вопросы по теме: «Family Relations»

  1. What are most common family problems?
  2. Do you always understand your parents? Do they understand you?
  3. How often do you quarrel with your parents? Why?
  4. Can you say that your parents are your friends? Why?
  5. What do you think of your parents?

Give a talk on the topic «My Family» according to the plan:

  1. What do you think the main role of the family is?
  2. What are the most important family events and why?
  3. What is changing in the roles of men and women in the family in the modern world?
  4. Would you like to have 4 or 5 brothers or sisters? Why?
  5. What should government do to help young families?

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10000+ результатов для ‘family problems’

Dictation (family+teenage problems)

Word family Ecological problems

EGE problems family friends


Диаграмма с метками

Family and friends 1
Family members




3 класс
Family and Friends 1
Spotlight 3

Environment Part1





Family and friends Starter



Prepare 2. Health problems




Family and Friends

Family members

Miguel's relatives

Family Members


Spotlight 6 Module 1 Family

Go Getter 1 Unit 1 Mark's family


Spotlight 3. MY FAMILY

Family members


family members



Family tree


Unit 03 Family nouns+verbs Macmillan A2

Family members

Spotlight 5 Unit 4 Family

Christmas family

Christmas family
Диаграмма с метками

10-12 лет
1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Средняя школа
My family



Family and friends 2
Spotlight 1

Family members

Spotlight 3 Family members

Prepare 1, My family

SpeakOut Pre-Int Un 10.3 Problems

06 слова на тему "Family - Семья"

Unit 7

Spotlight 6 Module 1 Family


Поиск слов

2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс


My family

Identify the following body parts

FF Starter U4 Family

Family members


Pizza problems

Questions About Family



MY FAMILY (Present Simple _ 3rd person)

Family and Friends 1 Unit 6 Family Members

Family and Friends 1_Unit 6 Family Members

Family and friends U7

Family and Friends 1 Unit 6 Family

My family. Prepare 1, Unit 2

FF1 Unit 6 Family

Every family is unique with their own set of quirks and issues. While no family is perfect, it’s important to remember that you’re in it together. Below you’ll find a collection of wise and insightful family problems quotes.

Deep inside us, we know what every family therapist knows: the problems between the parents become the problems within the children.
Roger Gould

Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn’t listening.
Emma Thompson

Family quarrels are bitter things. They don’t go according to any rules. They’re not like aches or wounds, they’re more like splits in the skin that won’t heal because there’s not enough material.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right, but they may be, and usually are, both wrong. It is this situation which gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm.
Isaac Rosenfeld

Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments; they’ve had the same argument hundreds of times.
Gay Hendricks

Family quarrels have a total bitterness unmatched by others. Yet it sometimes happens that they also have a kind of tang, a pleasantness beneath the unpleasantness, based on the tacit understanding that this is not for keeps; that any limb you climb out on will still be there later for you to climb back.
Mignon McLaughlin

It doesn’t matter what kind of problems a family is having; it should always stay in the family.
Scott Weiland

We’re a very close family and we’re a very real family, and I think every real family has real problems.
Emilio Estevez

I can’t say it’s not painful being estranged from most of my family. I wish it could be otherwise.
LaToya Jackson

Family problems come in all shapes and sizes; some are short-lived and easily managed, while others are more chronic and difficult to handle.

Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them; instead they require maturity to outgrow them.
Steve Maraboli

How many solutions are found to family problems if we take time to reflect? If we think of a husband or wife and we dream about their good qualities that they have? Don’t ever lose the illusion of when you were boyfriend and girlfriend!
Pope Francis

I don’t think a female running a house is a problem, a broken family. It’s perceived as one because of the notion that a head is a man.
Toni Morrison

If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.
George Bernard Shaw

You can’t teach a son to be loyal if the father is not loyal. The same applies with the mother and her daughter.
Mercy Pheona

The American family is not simply changing; it is getting weaker. . . . Family decline drives some of our most urgent social problems. . . . The heart of the family problem lies in the steady breakup of the two-parent home.
David Popenoe

A busy mother makes slothful daughters.
Portuguese Proverb

Otherwise, you just become partners managing the kids and life, and that makes your marriage more vulnerable to problems down the road.
Laura Berman

The old problems — love, money, security, status, health, etc. — are still here to plague us or please us.
Shelley Berman

Pick a dysfunction and it’s a family problem.
Robert Downey, Jr.

Families and their problems go on and on, and they aren’t solved, they’re dealt with.
Roger Ebert

I was the black sheep of the family, and my mother never really understood me.
Andre Rieu

After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul’s indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer.
William R. Alger

The best way to resolve any problem in the human world is for all sides to sit down and talk.
Dalai Lama

The two of you — father and son— should take walks in the evening and talk (without purpose or routes) about this and that.
Richard P. Feynman

My father left me his words. From them I remember both his outlook on life and his voice, positive, and clear. He was someone who didn’t worry about small problems. His advice here—leave it; let it go— is inspiring.
Richard P. Feynman

The place of the father in the modern suburban family is very small one, particularly if he plays golf.
Bertrand Russell

Where but in Kenya can a man whose grandfather was a cannibal watch a really good game of polo?
Marina Sulzberger

Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years.
George Burns

Sometimes life can be difficult. Life happens. From financial problems to struggling children to marital stress, a father could easily get bogged down in the day to day drudge
Brooke Jorden

Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children.
Sam Levenson

A family harmony would make so essential a part of my happiness that I could never enjoy myself without it.
Abigail Adams

We have been a scattered family. If some of my children could now be collected round the parent Hive it appears to me, that it would add much to the happiness of our declining years.
Abigail Adams

I want to spend more time with my family, but I’m not sure they want to spend more time with me.
Esther Rantzen

My father is a bastard / My Ma’s an S.O.B./ My grandpa’s always plastered / My grandma pushes tea / My sister wears a moustache / My brother wears a dress / Goodness gracious, that’s why I’m a mess.
Stephen Sondheim

Parentage is a very important profession, but no test of fitness for it is ever imposed in the interest of the children.
George Bernard Shaw

All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy

Do not display to others your family’s ugly problems.
Chinese Proverbs

There is no school equal to decent home and no teachers equal to honest virtuous parents.
Mahatma Gandhi

There is too much stress today on material things. Teach your children not so much the value of cents but the sense of values.
Morris Franklin

The family has become too scared of its children; the children too insecure in their remoteness from their parents; and the church too much of a social welfare organization for the good of the family, the church, or society.
A. Whitney Griswold

The best legacy a parent can leave his children is more of his time every day.
O.A. Battista

It is only necessary to make war with five things; / with the maladies of the body / the ignorances of the mind / with the passions of the body / with the seditions of the city / and the discords of families.

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family.
Josiah Royce

If we’re sitting at dinner and there’s no conversation going on because everybody’s got their head someplace else in their iPhone, that’s a family problem that needs to be solved.
Ross W. Greene

The more you’re loving and understanding, the more your kids will sing.
Maxime Lagace

When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching — they are your family.
Jim Butcher

Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.
Anthony Brandt

Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.
Margaret Thatcher

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