Word for explain in detail

What is a word for explaining something?

Some common synonyms of explain are elucidate, explicate, expound, and interpret. While all these words mean “to make something clear or understandable,” explain implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known.

What’s another way of saying in depth?

What is another word for in-depth?

comprehensive complete
detailed profound
deep painstaking
careful considered
diligent all-embracing

What is depth interpretation?

The definition of in depth is doing something fully, carefully or with great attention to detail. An example of an in depth look at an issue is when you research every possible argument or side to that issue.

How do you use depth in a sentence?

There will be in-depth interviews into the world of carp angling. She has in-depth knowledge of film production and new technologies and is working on a number of film projects. The discussion document will provide an in-depth look at the issues and backdrop that has led to the perception of risk aversion.

Is it in depth or in depth?

The word you want is ‘in depth. ‘ Just like the term ‘a lot,’ in depth is often mistaken to be one word—but don’t make that mistake! If you want to use the term ‘in depth’ as an adjective describing a noun, hyphenate it.

What is depth example?

The vertical distance below a surface; the amount that something is deep. Depth is defined as the distance from top down or front to back, or the intensity of color or sound. An example of depth is a swimming pool being six feet deep. An example of depth is the darkness of a purple dress.

How to use the word depth?

Examples of depth in a Sentence Students will test the temperature of the water at different depths. The boat sank to a depth of several hundred feet. measuring the depth of the water the depth of a hole The pool has a depth of 12 feet. I began working at the factory during the depth of the Depression.

What’s another word for explaining further?

»better explain exp. »better explained exp. »better explanation exp. »further explanation exp.

Which is the best synonym for in depth?

In-depth: covering everything or all important points. Synonyms: all-embracing, all-in, all-inclusive… Find the right word.

Are there any synonyms for the Word explaining?

Synonyms for explaining include clarification, explanation, elucidation, interpretation, exposition, explication, illustration, exegesis, description and illumination …

Which is the best way to explain a word?

go into detail. make plain. put across. put in plain English. set right. throw light upon. TRY explain IN A SENTENCE BELOW. MOST RELEVANT.

What is the opposite of the Word explaining?

“How do you explain being seen at the bar when you were supposed to be at home?” Find more words! What is the opposite of explaining? What is the plural of explaining? What is the adjective for explaining?

Which is the best definition of the word in depth?

See more synonyms for in-depth on Thesaurus.com. adjective. extensive, thorough, or profound: an in-depth analysis of the problem. well-balanced or fully developed.

What is another word for in-depth research?

Your browser does not support audio. What is another word for in-depth? Need synonyms for in-depth? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. “The research group conducted surveys and in-depth interviews with petitioners.” (of a measurement) Extending a specified distance from the top, surface, or outer edge

What is another word for ” explain in detail “?

What is another word for explain in detail? explain in detail. Verb. To explain meticulously or in great detail. explicate. explain. clarify. elucidate.

What makes you want to look up in-depth?

: covering many or all important points of a subject : comprehensive, thorough an in-depth study in-depth news coverage … recently launched a podcast designed to take a more in-depth look at certain topics on his show. — Jamie Friedlander — compare depth sense 5 What made you want to look up in-depth?

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

подробно объяснить

объяснить подробно

объяснить в деталях

подробно разъяснить

подробно объясняю

детально объяснить

подробно говорить

подробно объяснять

подробно изложить

подробно рассказывают

подробно объяснит

подробно объясню

подробно объяснят

подробно объясняется

подробно расскажем

To begin, do the exercise yourself, then later explain in detail to the child the technique of its implementation.

Для начала проделайте упражнение сами, чтобы потом подробно объяснить ребенку технику его выполнения.

In families, schools and educational institutions, adults should explain in detail how harmful alcohol is affecting the entire human body.

В семье, школе и образовательных учреждениях взрослые должны подробно объяснить, насколько пагубно влияет алкоголь на весь организм человека.

Please explain in detail the symptoms of the error in your mail.

Пожалуйста, объясните подробно о ситуациях с ошибками по электронной почте.

Prisoner 248-A, please explain in detail — who you killed and in what…

Заключенный 248-а, пожалуйста, объясните подробно, кого вы убили и при каких…

The article will help explain in detail, few properties of water that cause it to be categorized as a polar molecule.

Эта статья будет объяснить в деталях, несколько свойств воды, которые вызывают его, чтобы быть классифицированы как Полярная молекула.

Try to adequately perform all that is required of you, and explain in detail the causes of complications.

Попытайтесь достойнее выполнить все, что от вас требуется, и подробно объяснить причины возникших осложнений.

Let’s try to explain in detail and answer the main questions that are related to this concept.

Попробуем подробно объяснить и ответить на основные вопросы, имеющие связь с данным понятием.

To explain in detail how macro and microeconomics are distinguished, It is necessary to understand the scale of each of them.

Чтобы подробно объяснить каким же образом отличают макро и микроэкономику нужно понимать масштабность работы каждой их них.

Please explain in detail how this has affected your life.

Try to communicate politely and explain in detail why you need this information.

We explain in detail how champagne is made.

I will not explain in detail the process of the treatments.

This case would need extensive annotations and methodological notes to explain in detail why original data had to be modified.

В этом случае потребуется составить пространные комментарии и методологические записки с целью подробного разъяснения того, почему необходимо было модифицировать первоначальные данные.

How to get him to practice, now will explain in detail.

I will explain in detail what you need to do.

The expert system can explicitly explain in detail the reasoning that led to a conclusion.

Экспертная система способна детально объяснить свои соображения, которые привели к определенному выводу.

Support daughter and explain in detail about her illness.

I don’t have time to explain in detail.

The regulations explain in detail that there are about four types of databases, each database has its own security lifting.

В правилах подробно объясняется, что существует около четырех типов баз данных, каждая из которых имеет свой собственный лифт безопасности.

A consultant will pick out the appropriate bicycle and explain in detail how to ride it correctly.

Консультант подберет подходящий велосипед и подробно расскажет, как правильно на нем кататься.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 265. Точных совпадений: 265. Затраченное время: 80 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The report should

compare actual expenditures with the amounts budgeted and explain in detail reasons for variations


the application of funds from the original intended purposes.

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В этих докладах следует сопоставить объем фактических и сметных расходов и подробно объяснить причины использования средств на цели, отличные от первоначально предполагавшихся.

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You can visit the farm without any compromise; if desired, accompany you to a real

composition of the land is made it is, explain in detail the limits and boundaries thereof.

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Вы можете посетить ферму без каких-либо компромиссов; при желании,

сопровождать вас с настоящим состава земель производится это, подробно объяснить пределы и границы их.

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Your plastic surgeon

and/or plastic surgery staff will explain in detail the risks associated with breast surgery.

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Ваш пластический хирург и/ или

пластической хирургии сотрудники будут подробно объяснить риски, связанные с хирургией молочной железы.

Waiting for connection with a specialist, explain in detail and politely your problem and try together with the operator to resolve it.

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Дождавшись соединения со специалистом, объясните подробно и вежливо вашу проблему и постарайтесь вместе с оператором решить ее.

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The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines explain in detail how to make a Web site accessible for people with a variety of disabilities.

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Указания по специальным возможностям содержания веб подробно объясняют то, как сделать веб- сайт доступным для людей с различными инвалидностями.

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the applications category Dealer games you

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Так же в приложениях категории Продавец игры онлайн

часто можно встретить обучающие миссии, в которых все подробно объяснят и покажут.

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The Basel Convention

Technical Guidelines on Specially Engineered Landfills explain in detail a few other approaches to engineered containment systems

that may be considered if the conditions are appropriate SBC, 1995b.

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В технических руководящих принципах по

специально оборудованным полигонам Базельской конвенции подробно разъясняются несколько других подходов к инженерным системам содержания отходов,

которые могут быть рассмотрены в соответствующих условиях SBC, 1995b.

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The Secretariat should therefore explain in detail what it intended to do with the funds allocated

and provide more


on the renovation projects it intended to finance from the UNOSOM budget.

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Поэтому необходимо, чтобы Секретариат подробно объяснил, что он собирается делать с этими средствами,

и другие детали относительно проектов по модернизации, которые будут финансироваться за счет бюджета ЮНОСОМ.

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However, the Secretariat should explain in detail under what circumstances lateral reassignments would take place,

how they would differ from those under the current system, and what impact the process would have on the recruitment ratio of external to internal candidates.

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Однако Секретариату необходимо подробно разъяснить, при каких обстоятельствах будут осуществляться горизонтальные перемещения,

чем они будут отличаться от таких перемещений в рамках существующей системы и как этот процесс повлияет на соотношение числа набираемых внешних и числа внутренних кандидатов.

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and asylum-seekers


the refugee camp may fully exercise this right




particular when they want to complain about ill-treatment or torture.

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и просители убежища из лагеря для беженцев могут на практике в полной мере воспользоваться этим правом, в частности когда они хотят обратиться с жалобой на жестокое обращение или пытки.

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В докладах об оценке подробно разъясняются виды применения, подпадающие под исключения, и имеющиеся альтернативы.

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Anna explained in detail about the materials, types of soap and methods of advertising and sales.

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Reference is also made to paragraphs 3- 83 to 8 of the third periodic report

where articles 65, 75 and 76 of the Constitution are, inter alia, explained in detail.

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См. также пункты 3- 8 третьего периодического доклада, где,

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As explained in detail below, the declaration of independence is unlawful under Security Council resolution 1244(1999)

for several reasons.

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Как подробно поясняется ниже, провозглашение независимости незаконно на основании резолюции 1244( 1999) Совета Безопасности

по ряду причин.

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her course, Mrs. Plotnikova explained in detail to businessmen what preferences they are entitled to if they want

to become residents of the special economic zone»Free Port Vladivostok.

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В ее ходе госпожа Плотникова подробно объяснила бизнесменам, какие преференции им полагаются, если они захотят

стать резидентами особой экономической зоны« Свободный порт Владивосток».

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The North Atlantic Council’s decision for Gorazde was more complex, as explained in detail


my report of 19 May 1994 S/1994/600.

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Решение Совета НАТО по Горажде было более сложным, как это подробно объясняется в моем докладе от 19 мая 1994 года

S/ 1994/ 600.

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actions and results pertaining to the above-mentioned observations, which he believed should have been taken into consideration by the Inspector.

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деятельности и результатах, которые имеют отношение к вышеупомянутым замечаниям и которые, по его мнению, следовало бы учесть инспектору.

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and why this build successful advertising campaigns.

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Спикер детально пояснил, что такое« польза», как правильно показывать пользу в рекламе и

почему именно на этом строится успешность рекламных кампаний.

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The State party further explained in detail the procedure prescribed by the national legislation



at the material time regarding decisions to arrest and detain a person.

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Государство- участник далее подробно разъяснило правила, применяемые согласно действующему национальному законодательству в отношении сроков для

принятия решений о задержании какого-либо лица и помещении его под стражу.

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for 1999,2 the secretariat is understaffed


terms of General Service positions.

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Как уже было подробно разъяснено в ежегодном докладе Объединенной инспекционной группы за 1999 год2,

секретариат испытывает нехватку сотрудников на должностях категории общего обслуживания.

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Как было подробно разъяснено выше, ни к кому из них в настоящее время не применяется закрытый режим содержания под стражей.

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Hans-Peter Weber explains in detail the basis and application of Electro Cancer Therapy(in German),

part 1 and part 2 see below.

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Ханс- Петер Вебер подробно объясняет основы и применение Электро терапии рака(

на немецком языке), часть 1 и часть 2 смотрите ниже.

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As explained in detail below, the proposed staffing also reflects the redeployment

and reassignment of existing posts.

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Как подробно разъясняется ниже, предлагаемое штатное расписание учитывает также перевод

и перераспределение имеющихся должностей.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is the verb for explain?
  2. What is the phrasal verb of explain?
  3. What word means to explain in more detail?
  4. What is another word for describe?
  5. What is it called when you describe something?
  6. How do you describe the same?
  7. What is it called when someone repeats what you say?
  8. What is the same in English?
  9. What is the meaning of have the same?
  10. What means equal?
  11. What is the true meaning of equality?
  12. What is importance of equality?
  13. What is another name for treatment?
  14. What is another word for equal rights?
  15. What does tantamount mean?
  16. Is tantamount to saying?
  17. What means classy?
  18. What exuberant means?
  19. What is an example of exuberant?
  20. What is another word for exuberant?
  21. How do you describe a vibrant person?
  22. What is phrasal verb with examples?
  23. What is the function of phrasal verb?
  24. What are the 20 phrasal verbs?
  25. What are the main phrasal verbs?
  26. What is the phrasal verb of call on?
  27. What is the phrasal verb for Cancelled?
  28. What’s another word for cancel out?
  29. What is the use of call on?
  30. What do you mean by calls?
  31. What is the full meaning of call?
  32. How do you describe a call?

To explain meticulously or in great detail. explicate. explain. clarify. elucidate.

What is the verb for explain?

transitive verb. 1a : to make known explain the secret of your success. b : to make plain or understandable footnotes that explain the terms. 2 : to give the reason for or cause of unable to explain his strange conduct.

What is the phrasal verb of explain?

break down. explain and break down. give a reason for. explain and give a reason for. give an explanation for.

What word means to explain in more detail?

1 clarify, clear up, define, demonstrate, describe, disclose, elucidate, explicate (formal) expound, illustrate, interpret, make clear or plain, resolve, solve, teach, unfold. 2 account for, excuse, give an explanation for, give a reason for, justify. explosion, explanation, expand, expulsion. elicit. v.

What is another word for describe?

Synonyms & Antonyms of describe

  • delineate,
  • depict,
  • draw,
  • image,
  • limn,
  • paint,
  • picture,
  • portray,

What is it called when you describe something?

To describe is to report details about something either out loud or in writing. Describe is from the Latin word describere which means “to write down.” When you describe something, you’re “da” scribe, the person writing things down!

How do you describe the same?

Some common synonyms of same are equal, equivalent, identical, selfsame, and very. While all these words mean “not different or not differing from one another,” same may imply and selfsame always implies that the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things.

What is it called when someone repeats what you say?

Psychiatry. Echolalia is the unsolicited repetition of vocalizations made by another person (when repeated by the same person, it is called palilalia).

What is the same in English?

Same means that two or more things are exactly like one another. We can use same as an adjective before a noun or as a pronoun.

What is the meaning of have the same?

a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated. A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (or opposites), such as Thesaurus.com, is called a thesaurus.

What means equal?

1 : exactly the same in number, amount, degree, rank, or quality an equal share of equal importance. 2 : the same for each person equal rights. 3 : having enough strength, ability, or means He’s equal to the task.

What is the true meaning of equality?

Equality means “the state of being equal.” It’s one of the ideals a democratic society, and so the fight to attain different kinds of equality, like racial equality, gender equality, or equality of opportunity between rich and poor, is often associated with progress toward that ideal of everyone being truly equal.

What is importance of equality?

Everyone is considered to be equal and treated the same way. And as a result, people in the society will have the freedom to associate with others, share their knowledge and get involved in activities that can have a positive impact on society. Equality breeds confidence, productivity and makes people more sociable.

What is another name for treatment?

What is another word for treatment?

care therapy
surgery therapeutics
healing medication
ministrations nursing
remedy cure

What is another word for equal rights?

What is another word for equal rights?

liberation equality
isonomy liberty
justice coequality
fair treatment equal treatment
equal opportunity even-handedness

What does tantamount mean?

: equivalent in value, significance, or effect a relationship tantamount to marriage.

Is tantamount to saying?

Tantamount often refers to an action or thing being compared to another greater action or quality, as in, “Missing your finals is tantamount to dropping out of college.” While the two sides are essentially equal, you would not say, “Dropping out of school is tantamount to missing your finals.” A related word is …

What means classy?

: having or showing class: such as. a : elegant, stylish a classy clientele a classy hotel. b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior a classy guy a classy gesture. c : admirably skillful and graceful a classy outfielder.

What exuberant means?

1a : joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic exuberant praise an exuberant personality. b : unrestrained or elaborate especially in style : flamboyant exuberant architecture. 2 : produced in extreme abundance : plentiful exuberant foliage and vegetation.

What is an example of exuberant?

The definition of exuberant is feeling great excitement or enthusiasm. An example of exuberant is a child on Christmas morning. (of people) Very high-spirited; extremely energetic and enthusiastic.

What is another word for exuberant?

Some common synonyms of exuberant are lavish, lush, luxuriant, prodigal, and profuse.

How do you describe a vibrant person?

The definition of vibrant is someone or something full of energy, color and life. An example of something that would be described as vibrant is a bright, cheery and colorful yellow. An example of someone who would be described as vibrant is a smart, lively and engaging person who always gets the most out of life.

What is phrasal verb with examples?

In English traditional grammar, a phrasal verb is the combination of two or three words from different grammatical categories – a verb and a particle, such as an adverb or a preposition – to form a single semantic unit on a lexical or syntactic level. Examples: turn down, run into, sit up.

What is the function of phrasal verb?

A phrasal verb is one that’s followed by an adverb or a preposition, and together they behave as a semantic unit. (The adverb or preposition following the verb is called a particle.) A phrasal verb functions the same way as a simple verb, but its meaning is idiomatic: The numbers don’t add up.

What are the 20 phrasal verbs?

20 popular phrasal verbs

  • Break up. Meaning: to end a relationship.
  • Bring up. Meaning: to mention something.
  • Carry on. Meaning: to continue doing what you have been doing.
  • Carry out. Meaning: to perform a task or assignment.
  • Come across.
  • Find out.
  • Get along.
  • Get over.

What are the main phrasal verbs?

30 Common Phrasal Verbs

  • 1 To call around.
  • 2 To call [x] off.
  • 3 To check [x] out.
  • 4 To clean [x] up.
  • 5 To dive into.
  • 6 To dress up.
  • 7 To end up.
  • 8 To fill [x] up.

What is the phrasal verb of call on?

​to formally invite or ask somebody to speak, etc.

What is the phrasal verb for Cancelled?

Call off – to cancel. Lay off – to make members of staff redundant.

What’s another word for cancel out?

What is another word for cancel out?

neutraliseUK neutralizeUS
wipe out void
rescind repeal
revoke reverse
abolish quash

What is the use of call on?

(ASK TO DO) to ask someone to do something: She called on Americans to be more tolerant of each other. To call on someone in a group is to ask that person to speak: The teacher called on me, and I didn’t know the answer.

What do you mean by calls?

verb (used with object) to cry out in a loud voice; shout: He called her name to see if she was home. to command or request to come; summon: to call a dog; to call a cab;to call a witness. to communicate or try to communicate with by telephone: Call me when you arrive.

What is the full meaning of call?

Definition. CALL. Computer Assisted Language Learning. CALL. Center for Army Lessons Learned.

How do you describe a call?

1 : a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence. 2 : the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages.

  • detail — 1. noun /ˈdi(ː)teɪl,ˈdi(ː)teɪl,dɪˈteɪl/ a) Something small enough to escape casual notice. Note this fine detail in the lower left corner. b) A profusion of details. We missed several important details in the contract. Syn: technicality, trifle …   Wiktionary

  • explain — [ek splān′, iksplān′] vt. [ME explanen < L explanare, to flatten < ex , out + planare, to make level < planus, level (see PLANE2): sp. infl. by PLAIN1] 1. to make clear, plain, or understandable 2. to give the meaning or interpretation… …   English World dictionary

  • explain — I verb account for, annotate, assign a meaning to, cause to be understood, clarify, clear of obscurity, clear up, decipher, define, demonstrate, describe, disentangle, elucidate, enlighten, enucleate, exemplify, expedire, explanare, explicate,… …   Law dictionary

  • explain — [v] make clear; give a reason for account for, analyze, annotate, break down, bring out, clarify, clear up, construe, decipher, define, demonstrate, describe, diagram, disclose, elucidate, excuse, explicate, expound, get across*, go into detail,… …   New thesaurus

  • detail — I noun aspect, circumstance, circumstantiality, component, component part, division, element, feature, fractional part, fragment, individual part, ingredient, instance, integral part, integrant, item, minor part, minute part, part, particular,… …   Law dictionary

  • explain — verb ADVERB ▪ in detail ▪ I explained the issues in great detail. ▪ fully ▪ The reasons for the accident have not been fully explained. ▪ adequately …   Collocations dictionary

  • explain — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. expound, solve, elucidate, resolve, fathom, account for; demonstrate, construe, interpret, define, describe, develop, detail, criticize, comment. See answer, attribution, interpretation. II (Roget… …   English dictionary for students

  • explain — explainable, adj. explainer, explanator /ek spleuh nay teuhr/, n. /ik splayn /, v.t. 1. to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible: to explain an obscure point. 2. to make known in detail: to explain how to do something. 3. to… …   Universalium

  • detail — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ little, minor, minute, small, subtle, tiny ▪ It is important to get even the small details right. ▪ considerab …   Collocations dictionary

  • explain — /əkˈspleɪn / (say uhk splayn), /ɛk / (say ek ) verb (t) 1. to make plain or clear; render intelligible: to explain an obscure point. 2. to make known in detail: to explain how to do something; to explain a process. 3. to assign a meaning to;… …  

  • detail — 1. noun 1) the picture is correct in every detail Syn: particular, respect, feature, characteristic, attribute, specific, aspect, facet, part, unit, component, constituent; fact, piece of information, point, element, c …   Thesaurus of popular words

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