Word for every two days

Is there an adjective that means «every two days», i.e. is to a day as biennial is to a year?

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Apr 23, 2011 at 16:50

In regular conversation, the phrase is simply every other day. Technically, however, one could use bidiurnal. It appears the word may have been coined by Ursula M. Cowgill in her 1965 paper, A bidiurnal cycle in the feeding habit of Perodicticus potto, from which I quote thus (emphases mine):

A definite bidiurnal cycle exists; the data corrected for natural loss are shown in Figure 1. The χ2
for the 48-hr periodicity is highly significant (χ2 = 188).
Cowgill, PNAS, 420 (1965)

answered Apr 23, 2011 at 17:02

Jimi Oke's user avatar

Jimi OkeJimi Oke

27.1k2 gold badges77 silver badges106 bronze badges


You could use «alternate».

I used to post on Instagram daily, but now I’ve switched to posting on alternate days.
P.S Correct me if I’m wrong. 😅

answered Aug 5, 2020 at 16:37

Jose Loui's user avatar

The abbreviation QOD or QAD (from Latin mean Quaque Alternis Die») means ‘every other day’ or ‘every two days’.

Modern style in medical situations recommends using using the spelled out English ‘every other day’ because the Latin abbreviations are often misread.

Mitch's user avatar


70.1k28 gold badges137 silver badges260 bronze badges

answered Feb 18, 2015 at 4:27

James's user avatar


211 bronze badge


To solve your problem, though not to answer your question directly, for phrases of the type:

A definite bidiurnal cycle exists…

it is perfectly natural formal English to say

A definite two-day cycle exists…

answered Aug 5, 2020 at 17:06

Mitch's user avatar


70.1k28 gold badges137 silver badges260 bronze badges

The Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition, defines ‘tertian’ as ‘recurring at approximately 48-hour intervals — used of malaria’.

It could cause confusion, though. Since Latin ‘tertius’ means ‘third’, you would think it should mean ‘every third day’, and some dictionaries simply define it that way. But that’s because the Romans included the current day in naming intervals. One of the dictionaries cited at https://www.definitions.net/definition/Tertian clarifies it by defining the noun ‘tertian’ thus: ‘a disease, especially an intermittent fever, which returns every third day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts one day’. My italics.

answered Mar 26, 2021 at 4:04

Treesong's user avatar


In regular conversation, the phrase is simply every other day. Technically, however, one could use bidiurnal. It appears the word may have been coined by Ursula M. Cowgill in her 1965 paper, A bidiurnal cycle in the feeding habit of Perodicticus potto, from which I quote thus (emphases mine):

A definite bidiurnal cycle exists; the data corrected for natural loss are shown in Figure 1. The χ2
for the 48-hr periodicity is highly significant (χ2 = 188).
Cowgill, PNAS, 420 (1965)

Answered by Jimi Oke on February 6, 2021

The abbreviation QOD or QAD (from Latin mean Quaque Alternis Die») means ‘every other day’ or ‘every two days’.

Modern style in medical situations recommends using using the spelled out English ‘every other day’ because the Latin abbreviations are often misread.

Answered by James on February 6, 2021

You could use «alternate».

I used to post on Instagram daily, but now I’ve switched to posting on alternate days.
P.S Correct me if I’m wrong. ?

Answered by Jose Loui on February 6, 2021

To solve your problem, though not to answer your question directly, for phrases of the type:

A definite bidiurnal cycle exists…

it is perfectly natural formal English to say

A definite two-day cycle exists…

Answered by Mitch on February 6, 2021

  • #1

I’m preparing IELTS which is an English test, and there was this question

Audio script : «…

every second day

we went to one of the big hospitals and worked there.»

Question: How often did they work in a hospital?

Every 2 days

I wonder this is a typo or every second day means exactly same as every 2 days.

and is that like say they worked on 1nd of July, and then on 2nd of July they take a rest, and work again on 3rd of July, and so on.

  • sdgraham

    • #2

    I wonder this is a typo or every second day means exactly same as every 2 days.

    «every second day means exactly same as every 2 days» :tick:


    • #3

    So too does «every other day».


    • #4

    Students start on Monday, on Tuesday they practice, on Wednesday they don’t, and on Thursday they practice again, and on Friday they don’t.
    This makes 2 days a week.

    But the question is really mean and dishonest.

    • #5

    But the question is really mean and dishonest.

    Not at all. It’s testing the understanding of two idiomatic phrases.


    • #6

    Not at all. It’s testing the understanding of two idiomatic phrases.

    It’s not stated how many days a week She studied, if Monday thru Friday, then OK, if Monday—Saturday, then it’s not.

    Of course it’s about EVERY OTHER DAY. But I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about. This applies to FCE as well.


    • #7

    It’s not stated how many days a week.

    «Every second day» says nothing about weeks.


    • #8

    «Every second day» says nothing about weeks.

    EVERY TWO (2) DAYS is often misused. People often think that it means two days in a row. The other thing is why the answer doesn’t accept EVERY SECOND DAY which was in the original recording. Yes I admit that it doesn’t matter how many days a week she studied, but why rearranging EVERY SECOND DAY into EVERY TWO DAYS must be considered as the right answer.


    • #9

    The other thing is why the answer doesn’t accept EVERY SECOND DAY which was in the original recording.

    Because the question was «How often did they work in a hospital?» ‘Every second day’ is not a valid answer to this question, whereas ‘Every two days’ is.

    • #10

    EVERY TWO (2) DAYS is often misused. People often think that it means two days in a row.

    I doubt if many native speakers think that.


    • #11

    Because the question was «How often did they work in a hospital?» ‘Every second day’ is not a valid answer to this question, whereas ‘Every two days’ is.

    Thanks It turned out that they checked the right form of answering a special question, thus checking student’s rearranging skills.

    BTW Does EVERY SECOND DAY answer WHEN, then?

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019


    • #12

    I doubt if many native speakers think that.

    Where I work people often understand EVERY TWO DAYS as 2 days work and then 2 days rest.

    Cleaning is done every two days and the change of bed sheets are conducted




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    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Trenbolon acetate injections are

    context icon

    Впрыски ацетата Тренболон

    обыкновенно разделены в по крайней мере раз каждые 2 дня.

    organized along the same routes with the same stops and the same prepared officers from the legions.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    людей по такому же маршруту с такими же привалами и подготовленными теми же расчетами офицеров из легионов.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    After sending, we will track the products for you once every two days, until you get the products.

    context icon

    После отправки, мы будем отслеживать продукты для вас как только каждые 2 дня, до тех пор пока вы не получите продукты.

    Up to 2003, the world created every two days 1 as much information as it did since the dawn of its history.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    К 2003 году в мире каждые два дня создавалось столько же информации, сколько накопилось с самого начала человеческой истории 1.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Three years ago, Google’s Eric Schmidt announced that every two days, more information is created than was the case

    from the dawn of humanity up to 2003.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Три года назад Эрик Шмидт( Eric Schmidt) из Google заявил, что каждые два дня в мире создается больше информации, чем создано

    за период от начала человечества до 2003 года.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Если вы новы к НПП,

    On average, the Agency receives a report every two days of a new incident involving

    improper use of nuclear or radioactive material— things like theft or smuggling.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Агентство получает в среднем один доклад каждые два дня, касающийся нового инцидента,

    связанного с ненадлежащим использованием ядерных или радиоактивных материалов, включая их кражу или незаконный провоз.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    We waited for three


    it was clear that the OS was less, but there was a problem,

    context icon


    три ждали, было видно, что ос стало меньше, но была проблема,

    After March 2011, that frequency slowly increased from one flight every two days to four flights per


    After May 2012,

    however, the air traffic virtually stopped.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    С марта 2011 года количество рейсов стало медленно увеличиваться― с одного рейса раз в два дня до четырех рейсов

    в день,

    но с мая 2012 года воздушное сообщение практически прекратилось.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Here in this sequence every two days taking these infusions for 1-2 months.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Cleaning daily, towels changed every two days and linen




    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Уборка апартаментов осуществляется ежедневно, чистые полотенца предоставляются раз в два дня, а постельное белье меняется

    раз в



    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    The rooms like


    part of the structure are designed and decorated with refined and impeccable style and are rearranged and

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Номера, как каждая часть структуры разработаны и оформлены с изысканным и безупречным стилем и перестраиваются и

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Tsalka have generally been infrequent and unreliable, from August 2006 a train service from

    Akhalkalaki via Tsalka to Tbilisi began to run every two days.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Несмотря на то, что поезда в Цалку ходят не часто и это не надежное средство передвижения, с августа

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Along with a secure parking place in the basement you will also

    have the comfort of having your apartment cleaned every two days, a change of towels


    times a week

    and new bed linens



    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    В дополнение к охраняемой подземной парковке, вам будут оказаны услуги-

    уборки квартиры каждые два дня, смена полотенец


    раза в неделю и чистое постельное

    белье один раз в неделю.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Just what is advised as being extremely effective would be a

    pile of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a pile of 50mg of Winstrol





    plus 25mg of Oxandrolone on a daily basis.

    context icon

    Только то, что рекомендуется как очень эффективный, несомненно,

    будет стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые два дня, с кучей 50мг Винстрола





    плюс 25мг Оксандролона на ежедневной основе.

    What is suggested as being highly efficient would certainly be a

    pile of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a stack of 50mg of Winstrol





    plus 25mg of Oxandrolone daily.

    context icon

    Только то, что рекомендуется как

    очень эффективным будет куча 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые 2 дня, с кипой 50мг Винстрола

    каждые 2 дня

    тоже, плюс 25мг

    Оксандролона на ежедневной основе.

    As a result, the trend for this pair changed every two days and, having experienced a series of ups and downs,

    it put the final point almost at the same place as a week ago, at around 1.3035;

    context icon

    В итоге тренд по этой паре менялся каждые два дня и, испытав ряд взлетов и падений, она

    поставила окончательную точку практически там же, где и неделю назад,- на отметке 1. 3035;

    Just what is recommended as being extremely effective would certainly be a

    stack of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a stack of 50mg of Winstrol every two days also, plus 25mg of Oxandrolone

    every day.

    context icon

    Только то, что рекомендуется как

    чрезвычайно эффективным было бы стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые 2 дня, с кучей 50мг Винстрола каждые 2 дня, а также, плюс 25мг Оксандролона

    каждый день.

    Вы должны аналогичным образом использовать расторопша сущность,

    What is suggested as being very reliable would be a

    stack of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a pile of 50mg of Winstrol





    plus 25mg of Oxandrolone each


    context icon

    Только то, что рекомендуется как

    очень эффективным было бы стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые два дня, со стопкой 50мг Винстрола





    плюс 25 мг Оксандролон

    каждый день.

    What is suggested as being very reliable would be a

    stack of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a pile of 50mg of Winstrol





    plus 25mg of Oxandrolone each


    context icon

    Только то, что рекомендуется как

    очень эффективным было бы стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые два дня, со стопкой 50мг Винстрола





    плюс 25 мг Оксандролон

    каждый день.

    Вы должны использовать аналогичным образом чертополох экстракт молока,

    Just what is recommended as being extremely effective would certainly be a

    stack of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a stack of 50mg of Winstrol every two days also, plus 25mg of Oxandrolone

    every day.

    context icon

    Только то, что рекомендуется как

    чрезвычайно эффективным было бы стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые 2 дня, с кучей 50мг Винстрола каждые 2 дня, а также, плюс 25мг Оксандролона

    каждый день.

    Exactly what is advised as being extremely effective would be a stack of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken




    with a stack of 50mg of Winstrol every two days also, plus 25mg of Oxandrolone on a daily basis.

    context icon

    Именно то, что предлагается как чрезвычайно эффективным будет стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается

    каждые 2 дня,

    с кипой 50мг Винстрола каждые 2 дня тоже, плюс 25мг Оксандролона

    каждый день.

    Вы также должны использовать экстракт расторопши,

    Just what is suggested as being very reliable would be a

    pile of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken every two days, with a stack of 50mg of Winstrol every two days too, plus 25mg of Oxandrolone daily.

    context icon

    То, что предлагается как

    очень надежным будет стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается каждые два дня, с кучей 50мг Винстрола каждые два дня, а также, плюс 25мг Оксандролона

    каждый день.

    Just what is advised as being very reliable would certainly be a pile of 50mg Testosterone propionate taken

    every two days,

    with a stack of 50mg of Winstrol every two days also, plus 25mg of Oxandrolone

    every day.

    context icon

    Именно то, что рекомендуется как очень надежный, несомненно, будет стопка 50мг тестостерона пропионата принимается




    с кипой 50мг Винстрола каждые два дня также, плюс 25мг оксандролона

    каждый день.

    every two days — перевод на русский

    He comes here every two days to feed.

    Он приходит сюда каждые два дня, чтобы поесть.

    She buys a new book every two days.

    Она покупает новую книгу каждые два дня.

    There used to be a murder every two weeks a rape every two days, a robbery every hour.

    Еще три месяца назад там было убийство каждые две недели изнасилование каждые два дня, ограбление каждые полтора часа.

    There is a new church thus every two days in the U.S.A.

    В США каждые два дня создаётся церковь, подобная этой.

    Every two days I clean.

    Мою все раз в два дня.

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