Word for eaten into

  • С русского на:
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  • Эстонский
  • 1
    eat into

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > eat into

  • 2
    eat into

    Персональный Сократ > eat into

  • 3
    eat into

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > eat into

  • 4
    eat into

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > eat into

  • 5
    eat into

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > eat into

  • 6
    eat into

    eat out — питаться, столоваться вне дома

    English-Russian base dictionary > eat into

  • 7
    eat into

    б) растрачивать (состояние)

    * * *

    растрачивать, въедаться

    * * *

    1) въедаться (о хим. веществах и т. п.)
    2) растрачивать (состояние)
    3) плохо влиять на что-л.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > eat into

  • 8
    eat into



    плохо влиять на что-либо

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > eat into

  • 9
    eat into something

    1. пробить брешь (в сбережениях, запасах); израсходовать (время)

    The holiday in Canada will eat into our savings.

    Jet lag can eat into precious holiday time.

    2. разъедать

    Acids eat into metals.

    Iron pans are not suitable as vinegar eats into them.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > eat into something

  • 10
    eat into the very soul of (smth)

    Общая лексика:

    разрушать само основание , подрывать само основание

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > eat into the very soul of (smth)

  • 11
    eat into the very soul of

    Общая лексика: разрушать само основание , подрывать само основание

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > eat into the very soul of

  • 12
    medical costs eat into dying patient’s estate

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > medical costs eat into dying patient’s estate

  • 13
    acids eat into metals

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > acids eat into metals

  • 14

    1) есть; поеда́ть, поглоща́ть;

    а) име́ть хоро́ший аппети́т;

    б) име́ть прия́тный вкус

    2) разъеда́ть, разруша́ть



    терза́ть, му́чить, грызть

    а) съеда́ть, пожира́ть;

    б) = 2);

    а) пита́ться до́ма;

    б) столова́ться по ме́сту рабо́ты;

    б) объеда́ть (кого-л.), жить за чей-л. счёт;

    а) пожира́ть; поглоща́ть;

    б) бы́стро покрыва́ть како́е-л. расстоя́ние

    а) смири́ться, проглоти́ть оби́ду, покори́ться;

    б) унижа́ться; уни́женно извиня́ться;

    to eat out of smb.’s hand безогово́рочно подчиня́ться кому́-л.; станови́ться совсе́м ручны́м


    to eat smb. out of house and home объеда́ть кого́-л., разоря́ть кого́-л.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > eat

  • 15

    1. I

    1) I want smth. to eat я бы хотел чего-нибудь поесть; I am too ill to eat я так плохо себя чувствую, что не могу есть; I don’t feel well, it must he something I ate мне нехорошо, должно быть я съел что-то не то

    2. II

    1) eat in some manner eat greedily /ravenously/ есть жадно и т.д.; he likes to eat heavily он любит плотно поесть; eat well а) хорошо есть, иметь хороший аппетит; б) хорошо питаться; eat at some place eat in питаться дома; eat out обедать вне дома ; she usually eats out она, как правило, не питается /не обедает, не ужинает и т.п./ дома; shall we eat out tonight? не пойти ли нам поужинать /не поужинать ли нам/ сегодня вечером в ресторане /где-нибудь/

    2) || eat well coll. иметь приятный вкус; potatoes eat better hot than cold горячий картофель вкуснее, чем холодный

    3. III

    eat smth.

    1) eat bread есть хлеб и т.д., eat one’s dinner обедать; eat a good /hearty/ break fast хорошо /плотно/ позавтракать

    2) eat metal разъедать металл и т.д.; eat wood точить дерево; this thought has been eating my heart эта мысль гложет меня; what is eating you? что тебя мучает?

    4. VI

    eat smth. in some state eat meat hot есть мясо и т.д. горячим и т.д.; eat one’s dinner warm съесть обед, пока он не остыл; eat apples raw есть яблоки в сыром виде

    5. XI

    6. XVI

    1) eat in/at/ some place eat at a restaurant eat at home питаться дома; eat to some state eat to fullness /to repletion/ есть досыта; eat to one’s heart’s content есть вволю, есть в свое удовольствие; eat to excess переедать; eat from smth. the bird eats from my hand птичка ест /клюет/ у меня из рук с руки/; eat with smb. eat with the family питаться в семье, питаться вместе с хозяевами ; eat at some time eat between meals есть между завтраком и обедом и т.д.

    2) eat into smth. into metals разъедать металл и т.д.; the bugs eat into the wood жучки точат дерево; eat into one’s fortune проматывать свое состояние и т.д., these frequent visits to the theatre are eating into my pocket эти частые походы в театр опустошают мой карман /кошелек/, бьют меня по карману; he has been able to keep appearances by eating into his capital ему удается соблюсти видимость благополучия только благодаря тому, что он расходует основной капитал

    7. XIX1

    eat like smth. eat like a pig hog/ вести себя за столом как свинья; eat like a wolf жрать как зверь

    8. XXI1

    eat smth. for /at/ a meal eat smth. for breakfast есть /съедать/ что-л. на завтрак и т.д.; eat six eggs at a sitting съесть шесть яиц за один присест; eat smith. with smth. eat smth. with a teaspoon есть что-л. ложечкой и т.д.; eat smth. with salt есть что-л. с солью и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > eat

  • 16

    i:t гл.;
    прош. вр. — ate, прич. прош. вр. — eaten
    1) есть;
    поглощать, поедать to eat heartily, voraciously ≈ есть с аппетитом eat crisp Syn: consume, devour, dine, gobble, gorge, sup, wolf
    2) разъедать, разрушать, въедаться( into)
    3) разг. с аплодисментами, с шумом принимать что-л. The Sunday Times would absolutely eat this chap. ≈ В Sunday Times этого парня приняли ‘на ура’. ∙ eat away eat away at eat in eat into eat out eat off eat through eat up to eat out of smb.’s hand ≈ безоговорочно подчиняться кому-л.;
    становиться совсем ручным to eat smb. out of house and home ≈ объедать кого-л., разорять кого-л. I’ll eat my boots/hat/head ≈ даю голову на отсечение what’s eating you? ≈ какая муха тебя укусила? to eat one’s heart out ≈ страдать молча to eat the ginger ≈ брать все лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки to eat one’s words ≈ брать назад свои слова
    есть, поедать;
    питаться — to * one’s dinner обедать, пообедать — where shall we *? куда мы пойдем поесть?, где будем обедать /завтракать, ужинать/? — to * well иметь хороший аппетит;
    плотно поесть;
    хорошо питаться — the child does not * well ребенок плохо ест /потерял аппетит/ — to * at a restaurant обедать /ужинать/ в ресторане — to * freely of various fruit есть вволю разные фрукты — olives are *en with the fingers маслины берут за столом /едят/ руками — to * with a work есть вилкой — to * to repletion наесться досыта — to * to one’s heart content наесться до отвала — to * to excess переедать;
    объедаться — to * with relish есть с удовольствием, смаковать еду иметь вкус — it *s well это вкусно — to * short рассыпаться /таять/ во рту (о печенье) — potatoes * better hot than cold горячая картошка вкуснее холодной разъедать, разрушать (тж. * away, * up) — the river had eaten (away) its bank вода размыла берега — *en by canker с червоточиной — to be *en away with rust проржаветь, быть съеденным ржавчиной — the flame ate up the forest огонь пожирал лес разъедать (о кислоте и т. п.) — the acid has eaten holes in my suit я прожег себе костюм кислотой (into) растрачивать — these two sicknesses have *en deeply into his savings эти две болезни пробили большую брешь в его сбережениях тревожить, мучить — what’s *ing you? что с вами?, что вас тревожит?;
    какая муха вас укусила > to * dirt /dog, humble pie, амер. crow/ проглотить обиду;
    покориться, смириться;
    сносить оскорбления;
    прийти с повинной;
    унижаться > to * for the Bar, to * one’s dinners /terms/ готовиться к адвокатуре, учиться на юридическом факультете > to * one’s head off объедаться, обжираться > to * one’s heart out страдать молча, терзаться, мучиться > to * one’s words брать назад свои слова > to * out of smb.’s hand полностью подчиняться кому-л.;
    быть совсем ручным > to * smb. out (сленг) есть поедом, поносить, разносить > to * smb. out of house and home объедать кого-л.
    eat (ate;
    eaten) есть;
    поедать, поглощать;
    to eat crisp хрустеть, есть с хрустом ~ (ate;
    eaten) разъедать, разрушать
    ~ away съедать, пожирать
    to ~ away at one’s nerves действовать на нервы, изводить
    eat (ate;
    eaten) есть;
    поедать, поглощать;
    to eat crisp хрустеть, есть с хрустом
    to ~ dirt (или humble pie, амер. crow) смириться, проглотить обиду, покориться to ~ dirt (или humble pie, амер. crow) унижаться;
    униженно извиняться
    to ~ one’s terms (или dinners), to ~ for the bar учиться на юридическом факультете;
    готовиться к адвокатуре
    ~ in въедаться (о хим. веществах и т. п.) ~ in питаться дома ~ in столоваться по месту работы ~ into = eat in
    ~ into = eat in ~ into растрачивать (состояние)
    ~ off отъедать( о кислоте и т. п.)
    to ~ one’s heart out страдать молча;
    to eat the ginger амер. sl. брать все лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки
    to ~ one’s terms (или dinners), to ~ for the bar учиться на юридическом факультете;
    готовиться к адвокатуре
    to ~ one’s words брать назад свои слова
    to ~ out of (smb.’s) hand безоговорочно подчиняться (кому-л.) ;
    становиться совсем ручным
    to ~ (smb.) out of house and home объедать (кого-л.), разорять (кого-л.) ;
    I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение;
    what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила?
    to ~ one’s heart out страдать молча;
    to eat the ginger амер. sl. брать все лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки
    ~ up быстро покрывать( какое-л.) расстояние ~ up пожирать;
    eaten up with pride снедаемый гордостью up: it is all ~ with him с ним все покончено;
    the house burned up дом сгорел дотла;
    to eat up съесть;
    to save up скопить
    to ~ well иметь приятный вкус to ~ well иметь хороший аппетит
    ~ up пожирать;
    eaten up with pride снедаемый гордостью
    to ~ (smb.) out of house and home объедать (кого-л.), разорять (кого-л.) ;
    I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение;
    what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила?
    to ~ (smb.) out of house and home объедать (кого-л.), разорять (кого-л.) ;
    I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение;
    what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > eat

  • 17


    1) есть; поглощать, поедать

    to eat heartily / voraciously — есть с аппетитом




    принимать что-л. с шумом, с аплодисментами

    The Sunday Times would absolutely eat this chap. — В «Санди таймс» этого парня явно приняли бы с восторгом.

    Acids eat into metals. — Кислота разъедает металлы.


    4) растрачивать

    Our holiday has eaten into our savings. — Этот отпуск съел наши сбережения.

    5) плохо влиять на

    Guilt had been eating into his conscience for some months. — Он уже несколько месяцев испытывал угрызения совести.

    — eat in
    — eat out
    — eat off
    — eat up


    to eat out of smb.’s hand — безоговорочно подчиняться кому-л.; становиться совсем ручным

    to eat smb. out of house and home — объедать кого-л., разорять кого-л.

    to eat one’s dinners / one’s terms / for the bar — учиться на юридическом факультете; готовиться к адвокатуре

    I’ll eat my boots / hat / head — даю голову на отсечение

    to eat the ginger — амер.; разг. брать всё лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки

    Англо-русский современный словарь > eat

  • 18


    eat (ate; eaten) есть; поедать, поглощать; to eat crisp хрустеть, есть с хрустом eat (ate; eaten) разъедать, разрушать eat away съедать, пожирать to eat away at one’s nerves действовать на нервы, изводить eat (ate; eaten) есть; поедать, поглощать; to eat crisp хрустеть, есть с хрустом to eat dirt (или humble pie, амер. crow) смириться, проглотить обиду, покориться to eat dirt (или humble pie, амер. crow) унижаться; униженно извиняться to eat one’s terms (или dinners), to eat for the bar учиться на юридическом факультете; готовиться к адвокатуре eat in въедаться (о хим. веществах и т. п.) eat in питаться дома eat in столоваться по месту работы eat into = eat in eat into = eat in eat into растрачивать (состояние) eat off отъедать (о кислоте и т. п.) to eat one’s heart out страдать молча; to eat the ginger амер. sl. брать все лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки to eat one’s terms (или dinners), to eat for the bar учиться на юридическом факультете; готовиться к адвокатуре to eat one’s words брать назад свои слова to eat out of (smb.’s) hand безоговорочно подчиняться (кому-л.); становиться совсем ручным to eat (smb.) out of house and home объедать (кого-л.), разорять (кого-л.); I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение; what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила? to eat one’s heart out страдать молча; to eat the ginger амер. sl. брать все лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки eat up быстро покрывать (какое-л.) расстояние eat up пожирать; поглощать; eaten up with pride снедаемый гордостью up: it is all eat with him с ним все покончено; the house burned up дом сгорел дотла; to eat up съесть; to save up скопить to eat well иметь приятный вкус to eat well иметь хороший аппетит eat up пожирать; поглощать; eaten up with pride снедаемый гордостью to eat (smb.) out of house and home объедать (кого-л.), разорять (кого-л.); I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение; what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила? to eat (smb.) out of house and home объедать (кого-л.), разорять (кого-л.); I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение; what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила?

    English-Russian short dictionary > eat

  • 19


    (past ate;

    past participle


    1) есть; поедать, поглощать; to eat crisp хрустеть, есть с хрустом;

    to eat well

    а) иметь хороший аппетит;

    б) иметь приятный вкус

    2) разъедать, разрушать

    eat away

    eat in

    eat into

    eat off

    eat up

    to eat one’s heart out страдать молча

    to eat the ginger

    amer. slang

    брать все лучшее, снимать пенки, сливки

    to eat dirt (или humble pie, амер. crow) а) смириться, проглотить обиду, покориться;

    б) унижаться; униженно извиняться

    to eat one’s terms (или dinners), to eat for the bar учиться на юридическом факультете; готовиться к адвокатуре

    to eat one’s words брать назад свои слова

    to eat out of smb.’s hand безоговорочно подчиняться кому-л.; становиться совсем ручным

    to eat smb. out of house and home объедать кого-л., разорять кого-л.

    I’ll eat my boots (или hat, head) даю голову на отсечение

    what’s eating you? какая муха тебя укусила?


    consume, devour, dine, gobble, gorge, sup, wolf

    * * *

    (v) кушать; питаться; съесть

    * * *

    (ate, eaten) есть

    * * *

    [ iːt]
    есть, кушать, поедать; закусить; разъедать; разрушать; мучить; грызть, терзать

    * * *

















    * * *

    прош. вр. — ate, прич. прош. вр. — eaten
    1) есть
    2) разъедать, разрушать, въедаться (into)
    3) разг. с аплодисментами, с шумом принимать что-л.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > eat

  • 20
    eat in

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > eat in


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • eat into — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms eat into : present tense I/you/we/they eat into he/she/it eats into present participle eating into past tense ate into past participle eaten into 1) eat into something if an activity or cost eats into your… …   English dictionary

  • eat into — 1) PHRASAL VERB If something eats into your time or your resources, it uses them, when they should be used for other things. [V P n] Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time… [V P n] Wages were rising faster than productivity and… …   English dictionary

  • eat into — verb gnaw into; make resentful or angry The injustice rankled her his resentment festered • Syn: ↑fret, ↑rankle, ↑grate • Hypernyms: ↑annoy, ↑rag, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • eat into — take a chunk out of, erode, eat away (especially referring to financial or other savings) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • To eat into — Eat Eat, v. i. 1. To take food; to feed; especially, to take solid, in distinction from liquid, food; to board. [1913 Webster] He did eat continually at the king s table. 2 Sam. ix. 13. [1913 Webster] 2. To taste or relish; as, it eats like… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ˌeat ˈinto sth — phrasal verb to use up more of your time and money than you intended The cost of new computer systems is eating into our profits.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • eat into something — …   Useful english dictionary

  • eat — [ it ] (past tense ate [ eıt ] ; past participle eat|en [ itn ] ) verb intransitive or transitive *** to put food into your mouth and swallow it: We sat on the grass and ate our sandwiches. Don t talk while you re eating. I ve eaten too much.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • eat — W1S1 [i:t] v past tense ate [et, eıt US eıt] past participle eaten [ˈi:tn] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(food)¦ 2¦(meal)¦ 3 eat your words 4 eat your heart out 5 eat somebody alive/eat somebody for breakfast 6¦(use)¦ 7 eat humble pie …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Eat — Eat, v. i. 1. To take food; to feed; especially, to take solid, in distinction from liquid, food; to board. [1913 Webster] He did eat continually at the king s table. 2 Sam. ix. 13. [1913 Webster] 2. To taste or relish; as, it eats like tender… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • eat — /i:t/ verb past tense ate /et,eIt/ past participle eaten 1 FOOD a) (I, T) to put food in your mouth and swallow it: Vegetarians don t eat meat. | something to eat (=some food): Would you like something to eat? | eat like a bird (=eat very little) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English


eat into — израсходовать больше, чем ожидалось; растрачивать; въедаться
these two sicknesses have eaten deeply into his savings — эти две болезни пробили большую брешь в его сбережениях

Автоматический перевод

растрачивать, въедаться

Перевод по словам

eat  — есть, кушать, съедать, поедать, закусить, разъедать, поглощать, грызть, разрушать
into  — в, на, к


Acids eat into metals.

Кислота разъедает металл.

Her step-ins had eaten into her.

Трусики врезались ей в тело.

Our holiday has eaten into our savings.

Этот отпуск изрядно подъел наши сбережения.

‘EATEN INTO’ is a 9 letter
starting with E and ending with O

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  10. let the buyer beware
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Photo search results for Eat into

Woman in Green Spaghetti Strap Top Assorted Salads on Bowls Top view of halves of ripe papaya together with oranges and limes placed on green round dishes and green fabric on white background Composition of canvas bag with fresh ripe apricots placed on white table near stack of various books Close-up of Pizza Ripe peach with fork on draped fabric

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Synonyms for Eat into. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/eat_into

Synonyms for Eat into. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/eat_into>.

Synonyms for Eat into. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/eat_into.

What is another word for eating into?

42 synonyms found


[ ˈiːtɪŋ ˌɪntʊ], [ ˈiːtɪŋ ˌɪntʊ], [ ˈiː_t_ɪ_ŋ ˌɪ_n_t_ʊ]

Related words: eating into resources, eating into profit, eating into savings, eating into social capital, eat into

Table of Contents

  • v.

    bite (verb)

    • oxidize,
    • eat into,
    • tingle,
    • slash,
    • consume,
    • burn,
    • rot,
    • erode,
    • smart,
    • dissolve,
    • sear,
    • scour,
    • rust,
    • sting,
    • decompose,
    • decay,
    • engrave,
    • etch,
    • wear away,
    • deteriorate.

    etch (verb)

    • define,
    • delineate,
    • grave,
    • depict,
    • ingrain,
    • furrow,
    • stamp,
    • portray,
    • execute,
    • set forth,
    • imprint,
    • inscribe,
    • cut,
    • reduce,
    • compose,
    • impress,
    • incise,
    • picture,
    • outline,
    • represent,
    • corrode,
    • describe.

How to use «Eating into» in context?

your budget

eating into your budget simply means making choices that will reduce the amount of money you have available to spend on food, shelter, and other expenses. When you eat into your budget, you’re decreasing your available savings, but you’re also reducing the amount of money you need to spend on food, shelter, and other expenses in order to meet your overall financial goals.

There are a few ways to eat into your budget. You can choose to reduce the number of food items you buy or the amount of money you spend on food. You can also choose to reduce the amount of money you spend on housing or other types of expenses.



v. ate (āt), eat·en (ēt′n), eat·ing, eats



a. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption.

b. To take in and absorb as food: a plant that eats insects; a cell that eats bacteria.

c. To include habitually or by preference in one’s diet: a bird that eats insects, fruit, and seeds; stopped eating red meat on advice from her doctor.

2. To destroy, ravage, or use up by or as if by ingesting: «Covering news in the field eats money» (George F. Will).

3. To erode or corrode: waves that ate away the beach; an acid that eats the surface of a machine part.

4. To produce by eating: Moths ate holes in our sweaters.

5. Slang To absorb the cost or expense of: «You can eat your loss and switch the remaining money to other investment portfolios» (Marlys Harris).

6. Informal To bother or annoy: What’s eating him?

7. Vulgar slang To perform cunnilingus or anilingus on. Often used with out.



a. To consume food.

b. To have or take a meal.

2. To exercise a consuming or eroding effect: a drill that ate away at the rock; exorbitant expenses that were eating into profits.

3. To cause persistent annoyance or distress: «How long will it be before the frustration eats at you?» (Howard Kaplan).

Phrasal Verb:

eat up Slang

1. To receive or enjoy enthusiastically or avidly: She really eats up the publicity.

2. To believe without question: He’ll eat up whatever the broker tells him.


eat crow

To be forced to accept a humiliating defeat.

eat (one’s) heart out

1. To feel bitter anguish or grief.

2. To be consumed by jealousy.

eat (one’s) words

To retract something that one has said.

eat out of (someone’s) hand

To be manipulated or dominated by another.

eat (someone) alive Slang

To overwhelm or defeat thoroughly: an inexperienced manager who was eaten alive in a competitive corporate environment.

eat′er n.

Synonyms: eat, consume, devour, ingest
These verbs mean to take food into the body by the mouth: ate a hearty dinner; greedily consumed the sandwich; hyenas devouring their prey; whales ingesting krill.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb, eats, eating, ate or eaten

1. (Physiology) to take into the mouth and swallow (food, etc), esp after biting and chewing

2. (tr; often foll by away or up) to destroy as if by eating: the damp had eaten away the woodwork.

3. (often foll by into) to use up or waste: taxes ate into his inheritance.

4. (often foll by: into or through) to make (a hole, passage, etc) by eating or gnawing: rats ate through the floor.

5. to take or have (a meal or meals): we always eat at six.

6. (tr) to include as part of one’s diet: he doesn’t eat fish.

7. (tr) informal to cause to worry; make anxious: what’s eating you?.

8. (tr) slang to perform cunnilingus or fellatio upon

9. I’ll eat my hat if informal I will be greatly surprised if (something happens that proves me wrong)

10. eat one’s heart out to brood or pine with grief or longing

11. eat one’s words to take back something said; recant; retract

12. eat out of someone’s hand to be entirely obedient to someone

13. eat someone out of house and home to ruin someone, esp one’s parent or one’s host, by consuming all his food

[Old English etan; related to Gothic itan, Old High German ezzan, Latin edere, Greek edein, Sanskrit admi]

ˈeater n




abbreviation for

Tanzania (international car registration)

[from E(ast) A(frica) T(anganyika) or E(ast) A(frica) Z(anzibar)]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. ate (eɪt; esp. Brit. ɛt) eat•en (ˈit n) eat•ing, v.t.

1. to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment; chew and swallow (food).

2. to consume gradually; wear away; corrode.

3. to use up, esp. wastefully (often fol. by away, into, or up): Unexpected expenses ate up their savings.

4. to make (a hole, passage, etc.), as by gnawing or corrosion.

5. to ravage or devastate.

6. to absorb or pay for: The builder had to eat the cost of the repairs.

7. to cause anxiety or irritation in; worry; bother: What’s eating you now?


8. to consume food; have a meal.

9. to make a way, as by gnawing or corrosion: Acid ate through the linoleum.

10. eat in, to eat or dine at home.

11. eat out, to have a meal at a restaurant rather than at home.

12. eat up,

a. to consume wholly.

b. to show enthusiasm for; take pleasure in.

c. to believe without question.


13. eats, Informal. food.

[before 900; Middle English; Old English etan]

eat′er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: eaten
Gerund: eating

I eat
you eat
he/she/it eats
we eat
you eat
they eat
I ate
you ate
he/she/it ate
we ate
you ate
they ate
Present Continuous
I am eating
you are eating
he/she/it is eating
we are eating
you are eating
they are eating
Present Perfect
I have eaten
you have eaten
he/she/it has eaten
we have eaten
you have eaten
they have eaten
Past Continuous
I was eating
you were eating
he/she/it was eating
we were eating
you were eating
they were eating
Past Perfect
I had eaten
you had eaten
he/she/it had eaten
we had eaten
you had eaten
they had eaten
I will eat
you will eat
he/she/it will eat
we will eat
you will eat
they will eat
Future Perfect
I will have eaten
you will have eaten
he/she/it will have eaten
we will have eaten
you will have eaten
they will have eaten
Future Continuous
I will be eating
you will be eating
he/she/it will be eating
we will be eating
you will be eating
they will be eating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been eating
you have been eating
he/she/it has been eating
we have been eating
you have been eating
they have been eating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been eating
you will have been eating
he/she/it will have been eating
we will have been eating
you will have been eating
they will have been eating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been eating
you had been eating
he/she/it had been eating
we had been eating
you had been eating
they had been eating
I would eat
you would eat
he/she/it would eat
we would eat
you would eat
they would eat
Past Conditional
I would have eaten
you would have eaten
he/she/it would have eaten
we would have eaten
you would have eaten
they would have eaten

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. eat — take in solid food; «She was eating a banana»; «What did you eat for dinner last night?»

ingest, consume, have, take in, take — serve oneself to, or consume regularly; «Have another bowl of chicken soup!»; «I don’t take sugar in my coffee»

eat — eat a meal; take a meal; «We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls»; «I didn’t eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation»

wash down — eat food accompanied by lots of liquid; also use metaphorically; «She washed down her dinner with a bottle of red wine»; «He washes down his worries with a nightly glass of whisky»

fress, gluttonise, gluttonize — eat a lot and without restraint

wolf, wolf down — eat hastily; «The teenager wolfed down the pizza»

slurp — eat noisily; «He slurped his soup»

fare — eat well

pitch in, dig in — eat heartily; «The food was placed on the table and the children pitched in»

peck at, pick at, peck — eat like a bird; «The anorexic girl just picks at her food»

peck, pick up — eat by pecking at, like a bird

gobble, bolt — eat hastily without proper chewing; «Don’t bolt your food!»

garbage down, gobble up, shovel in, bolt down — eat a large amount of food quickly; «The children gobbled down most of the birthday cake»

nibble, piece, pick — eat intermittently; take small bites of; «He pieced at the sandwich all morning»; «She never eats a full meal—she just nibbles»

ruminate — chew the cuds; «cows ruminate»

eat, feed — take in food; used of animals only; «This dog doesn’t eat certain kinds of meat»; «What do whales eat?»

dip, dunk — dip into a liquid while eating; «She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce»

guttle, pig, raven, devour — eat greedily; «he devoured three sandwiches»

eat up, polish off, finish — finish eating all the food on one’s plate or on the table; «She polished off the remaining potatoes»

consume, down, devour, go through — eat immoderately; «Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal»

fill up, fill — eat until one is sated; «He filled up on turkey»

2. eat — eat a meal; take a meal; «We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls»; «I didn’t eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation»

ingest, consume, have, take in, take — serve oneself to, or consume regularly; «Have another bowl of chicken soup!»; «I don’t take sugar in my coffee»

take away, take out — buy and consume food from a restaurant or establishment that sells prepared food; «We’ll take out pizza, since I am too tired to cook»

victual — take in nourishment

dine in, eat in — eat at home

dine out, eat out — eat at a restaurant or at somebody else’s home

dine — have supper; eat dinner; «We often dine with friends in this restaurant»

picnic — eat alfresco, in the open air; «We picnicked near the lake on this gorgeous Sunday»

eat — take in solid food; «She was eating a banana»; «What did you eat for dinner last night?»

break bread — have a meal, usually with company; «The early Christian disciples broke bread together»

nosh, snack — eat a snack; eat lightly; «She never loses weight because she snacks between meals»

mess — eat in a mess hall

lunch — take the midday meal; «At what time are you lunching?»

brunch — eat a meal in the late morning; «We brunch in Sundays»

breakfast — eat an early morning meal; «We breakfast at seven»

feast, banquet, junket — partake in a feast or banquet

binge, englut, engorge, glut, gorge, gormandise, gormandize, gourmandize, ingurgitate, overeat, overgorge, overindulge, pig out, scarf out, satiate, stuff — overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; «She stuffed herself at the dinner»; «The kids binged on ice cream»

dine in, eat in — eat at home

dine out, eat out — eat at a restaurant or at somebody else’s home

eat up, polish off, finish — finish eating all the food on one’s plate or on the table; «She polished off the remaining potatoes»

3. eat — take in food; used of animals only; «This dog doesn’t eat certain kinds of meat»; «What do whales eat?»


ingest, consume, have, take in, take — serve oneself to, or consume regularly; «Have another bowl of chicken soup!»; «I don’t take sugar in my coffee»

eat — take in solid food; «She was eating a banana»; «What did you eat for dinner last night?»

forage — wander and feed; «The animals forage in the woods»

raven — feed greedily; «The lions ravened the bodies»

suckle — suck milk from the mother’s breasts; «the infant was suckling happily»

graze, pasture, browse, crop, range — feed as in a meadow or pasture; «the herd was grazing»

4. eat — worry or cause anxiety in a persistent way; «What’s eating you?»

eat on

vex, worry — disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; «I cannot sleep—my daughter’s health is worrying me»

5. eat — use up (resources or materials); «this car consumes a lot of gas»; «We exhausted our savings»; «They run through 20 bottles of wine a week»

deplete, use up, wipe out, eat up, exhaust, run through, consume

run out — exhaust the supply of; «We ran out of time just as the discussion was getting interesting»

drain — deplete of resources; «The exercise class drains me of energy»

luxuriate, indulge — enjoy to excess; «She indulges in ice cream»

burn off, burn up, burn — use up (energy); «burn off calories through vigorous exercise»

expend, spend, drop — pay out; «spend money»

spend — spend completely; «I spend my pocket money in two days»

take, use up, occupy — require (time or space); «It took three hours to get to work this morning»; «This event occupied a very short time»

play out, sap, tire, exhaust, run down — deplete; «exhaust one’s savings»; «We quickly played out our strength»

6. eat — cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid; «The acid corroded the metal»; «The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink»

corrode, rust

damage — inflict damage upon; «The snow damaged the roof»; «She damaged the car when she hit the tree»

rust, corrode — become destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid; «The metal corroded»; «The pipes rusted»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. consume, swallow, chew, hoover (informal), scoff (slang), devour, munch, tuck into (informal), put away, gobble, polish off (informal), wolf down She was eating a sandwich.

2. have a meal, lunch, breakfast, dine, snack, feed, graze (informal), have lunch, have dinner, have breakfast, nosh (slang), take food, have supper, break bread, chow down (slang), take nourishment Let’s go out to eat.

eat something away destroy, dissolve, crumble, rot, decay, erode, wear down, corrode, bite into, waste away, wear away The rot is eating away the interior of the house.

«One should eat to live, and not live to eat» [Molière L’Avare]

Specific eating habits


anthropophagic or anthropophagous fellow humans
apivorous bees
cannibalistic other members of the same species
carnivorous meat
carpophagous, frugivorous, or fruitarian fruit
carrion dead and rotting flesh
coprophagous dung
geophagous earth
herbivorous plants
hylophagous wood
insectivorous insects
limivorous mud
macrophagous relatively large pieces of food
monophagous only one food
mycetophagous fungi
myrmecophagous ants
nectarivorous nectar
nucivorous nuts
omnivorous meat and plants
omophagic or omophagous raw food
piscivorous fish
theophagous gods
vegan no animal products
vegetarian no flesh
zoophagous animals

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To take (food) into the body as nourishment:

2. To do away with completely and destructively.Also used with up:

3. To consume gradually, as by chemical reaction or friction:

phrasal verb
eat up

1. To eat completely or entirely:

3. To be avidly interested in:

4. Slang. To like or enjoy enthusiastically, often excessively:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.












(…을) 먹다


atsiimti savo žodžiusėstiįsiėstivalgomasvalgyti












[iːt] (ate (pt) (eaten (pp)))

A. VTcomer
there’s nothing to eatno hay nada de or que comer
would you like something to eat?¿quieres comer algo?
he won’t eat youno te va a morder
what’s eating you?¿qué mosca te ha picado?
to eat one’s fillhartarse
to eat one’s lunchcomer, almorzar
to eat one’s way through the menupedir todos los platos de la carta
he’s eating us out of house and homecome por ocho
to eat one’s wordstragarse las palabras

eat away VT + ADV (= wear away) → desgastar; (= corrode) → corroer; [mice etc] → roer

eat away at VI + PREP

eat into VI + PREP (= wear away) → desgastar; [+ metal] [acid] → corroer; [+ savings] → mermar; [+ leisure time] → reducir

eat out

A. VI + ADVcomer fuera

B. VT + ADV to eat one’s heart outconsumirse
I’ve written a novel: Marcel Proust, eat your heart out!he escrito una novela: ¡chúpate esa, Marcel Proust!

eat up

B. VI + ADV eat up!¡venga, come!, ¡apúrate! (LAm)

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈiːt] [ate] (pt) [eaten] (pp)

come along, eat up! → allons, mangez !

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[iːt] (ate (vb: pt) (eaten (pp)))

eat away at vi + preprodere

eat out

2. vt + adv to eat one’s heart outmangiarsi or rodersi il fegato

eat up

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(iːt) past tense ate (et eit; (American) eit) : past participle ˈeaten verb

to (chew and) swallow; to take food. They are forbidden to eat meat; They ate up all the cakes; We must eat to live.

ˈeatable (negative uneatable) adjective

fit to be eaten. The meal was scarcely eatable.


(in plural) food. Cover all eatables to keep mice away.

eat into

to destroy or waste gradually. Acid eats into metal; The school fees have eaten into our savings.

eat one’s words

to admit humbly that one was mistaken in saying something. I’ll make him eat his words!

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَأْكُلُ jíst spise essen τρώω comer syödä manger jesti mangiare 食べる (…을) 먹다 eten spise zjeść comer есть äta รับประทาน yemek ăn

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi. comer, sustentarse, ingerir alimentos;

to ___ breakfastdesayunar, tomar el desayuno;

to ___ lunchalmorzar; tomar el almuerzo;

to ___ suppercenar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • Is there somewhere to eat on the boat?
  • What would you like to eat?
  • Do you eat meat?
  • Would you like something to eat?

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vt, vi (pret ate; pp eaten) comer

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Англо-русский перевод EAT INTO

фраз. гл.

1) въедаться, разъедать ( о хим. веществах и т. п. )

Acids eat into metals. — Кислота разъедает металлы.


bite into 2)

2) растрачивать ( состояние )

Our holiday has eaten into our savings. — Нам пришлось залезть в наши сбережения, чтобы оплатить отпуск.

3) плохо влиять на ( что-л. )

Guilt had been eating into his conscience for some months. — Он уже несколько месяцев испытывал угрызения совести.

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon.

     Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике.

  • burn
  • sting
  • consume
  • decay
  • decompose
  • deteriorate
  • dissolve
  • engrave
  • erode
  • etch
  • oxidize
  • rot
  • rust
  • scour
  • sear
  • slash
  • smart
  • tingle
  • wear away
  • depict
  • engrave
  • imprint
  • incise
  • ingrain
  • inscribe
  • portray
  • stamp
  • compose
  • corrode
  • cut
  • define
  • delineate
  • describe
  • erode
  • execute
  • furrow
  • grave
  • impress
  • outline
  • picture
  • reduce
  • represent
  • set forth

On this page you’ll find 55 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to eat into, such as: burn, sting, consume, decay, decompose, and deteriorate.

  • build
  • confuse
  • neglect

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • burn
  • consume
  • decay
  • decompose
  • deteriorate
  • dissolve
  • eat into
  • engrave
  • erode
  • etch
  • oxidize
  • rot
  • rust
  • scour
  • sear
  • slash
  • smart
  • sting
  • tingle
  • wear away
  • compose
  • corrode
  • cut
  • define
  • delineate
  • depict
  • describe
  • eat into
  • engrave
  • erode
  • execute
  • furrow
  • grave
  • impress
  • imprint
  • incise
  • ingrain
  • inscribe
  • outline
  • picture
  • portray
  • reduce
  • represent
  • set forth
  • stamp

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Word for eaten away
  • Word for diverse group
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