Word for eat a lot

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

есть много

съесть много

много едят

много есть

употреблять много

едят очень много

кушать много

много ем

съесть очень много

ем очень много

употребляют в пищу много

потребляют много


This situation is often observed in people who love to travel, as they have to eat a lot of exotic food.

Такая ситуация часто наблюдается у людей, любящих путешествовать, так как им приходится есть много экзотичной пищи.

To do this, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, drink mineral water in large quantities.

Для этого необходимо есть много овощей и фруктов, пить минеральную воду в больших количествах.

Instead, you’ll want to eat a lot of.

This means you’d have to eat a lot of it before you notice an effect.

Это означает, что вам придется съесть много, прежде чем вы заметите эффект.

These people eat a lot and love foreign partners for marriage.

Такие люди много едят и любят чужих партнёров по браку.

Nevertheless, yogurt may be an unrecognised source of sugar, particularly for young children, who eat a lot of it.

Тем не менее, йогурт может быть непризнанным источником сахара, особенно для маленьких детей, которые его много едят.

Interestingly, Germans eat a lot of pork.

Для начала приходится констатировать, что чехи едят много свинины.

Hence to prevent and cure both, eat a lot of yogurt.

Следовательно, чтобы предотвратить и вылечить оба, едят много йогурта.

Australians eat a lot of water — the water that is used to produce our food.

Австралийцы едят много воды — воды, которая используется для производства нашей пищи.

If you already have children, you know they eat a lot.

Если у вас уже есть дети, вы знаете, что они много едят.

Although they eat a lot of dry bones, they need little water.

Несмотря на то, что они едят много сухих костей, они нуждаются в небольшом количестве воды.

Just eat a lot of useful high-protein food and you do not have to look for a replacement for cocktails.

Просто ешьте много полезной высокобелковой пищи и вам не придется искать замену коктейлям.

Proven that children who eat a lot of fish, grow better.

Доказано, что дети, которые едят много рыбы, лучше растут.

Many people eat a lot of highly processed white bread.

Многие люди едят много хорошо обработанного белого хлеба.

A healthy person would have to eat a lot of chocolate before they would be in any danger.

Здоровому человеку придется съесть много шоколада, прежде чем его здоровье окажется в опасности.

People who eat a lot of fat.

I am getting fat because I eat a lot of sweets.

Я толстею из-за того, что ем много сладостей.

He must eat a lot of pizza then.

Yesterday the game was to eat a lot of yogurt.

На вчерашней игре, ели много йогурта.

So as a compromise we decided first to get married and then… to eat a lot of grapes.

Поэтому мы решили сначала пожениться, а потом… съесть много винограда.

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eat a lot — перевод на русский

Maybe because, uh, he eats a lot of, uh, bananas.

Может, потому что, э-э, он ест много, э-э, бананов.

Although he eats a lot of cheese.

Хотя теперь он ест много сыра.

They say pollacks can look far with their big eyes, and can eat a lot with their big mouths.

Рыбаки говорят, что сайда видит далеко из-за больших глаз, и ест много из-за больших зубов.

So she doesn’t eat a lot of meat.

Значит, она просто не ест много мяса.

And Mel eats a lot of garlic.

А Мел ест много чеснока.

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Eat well, eat a lot, don’t get on each other’s nerves. Farewell. Where are you going?

Ешьте хорошо и много, ни о чём не думайте.

At least, that is, er, we shall be stopping at a lot of places before that.

По крайней мере, то есть, ээ, мы будем много где останавливаться.

You’re surprised at a lot more than that.

Тебя еще много что удивит.

I don’t just eat a lot, I eat with pleasure.

Ем не только много, ем ещё и сладко…

But of course the cannabinoids, that make one apparently very merry and then for some reason want to eat a lot of Lion Bars is, er… is actually very, very little of it in that. Modern canvas, in case you’re tempted — to smoke…

Но, конечно, каннабиноиды, которые, по-видимому, делают людей очень веселыми, а затем по какой-то причине съедается много шоколадных батончиков, содержатся в современных холстах в очень, очень маленьком количестве, на случай искушения свернуть холст и покурить…

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I’ve been eating a lot of raw fish.

Я съел много сырой рыбы.

Even if you’ve eaten a lot of broccoli.

Даже когда съел много брокколи.

He’s been eating a lot of fiber though.

Но он уже съел много клетчатки…

Well, he ate a lot of cold medicine, and he croaked.

! Ну, он съел много лекарства от простуды и умер.

I ate a lot of taquitos, too.

Я тоже съел много такитос.

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You eat a lot of that stuff, too.

— Ты ведь и сам такое ешь.

Eat a lot. Eun Bi.

Ешь, Ын Би!

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My brother the King will eat the lot.

Его Величество мой брат не встанет, пока все не съест.

The mangy beast ate the lot.

Эта паршивая тварь их все съела.

He sat there and he watched me eat the lot.

Он сидел и смотрел чтобы я всё съел.

Ate the lot.

Всех съели.

Well, don’t if you ask me. Let me eat the lot.

Лучше не хоти, потому что я съем все это сама.

Показать ещё примеры для «пока всё не съест»…

are jogging and eating lots of All-Bran, I expect.

бегает трусцой по утрам и едят больше All-Bran, я полагаю.

But don’t eat lots of mushrooms.

Только грибов больше не ешь.

Eat a lot so you grow up quickly, okay.

Ешь больше, тебе нужно расти, хорошо.

Eat a lot and come back.

Ешьте больше и приходите еще

I certainly eat a lot more cereal now.

Каши я теперь ем больше.

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Squid eat a lot and therefore grow very fast.

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Squid едят много и, следовательно, растут очень быстро.

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Green Bay Packer fans, guys who eat a lot of bratwurst.

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Green Bay Packer, ребят, которые едят много жареных колбасок.

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And I’m gonna eat a lot of my favorite pie from Kowalski’s.

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И я буду есть много своего любимого пирога от Ковальски.

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So you’re saying I should eat a lot of yogurt?

So if you eat a lot of ice cream, you might become fat.

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Таким образом, если ты ешь много мороженного, ты обязательно растолстеешь.

When we eat a lot of protein, our cells get locked in go-go mode.

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Когда мы едим много белка, наши клетки постоянно находятся в режиме интенсивного роста.

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The food that we eat a lot of carbohydrates- sugar, starch and fiber.

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В пище, которую мы едим, много углеводов- сахара, крахмала и клетчатки.

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Eat a lot and come back,’cause our kids need braces.

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Ешьте больше и приходите еще Ведь нашим детям нужны брэкеты.

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Mr. Lipa said that the Germans love to kill and eat a lot.

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Пан Липа сказал, что немцы любят убивать и много есть.

Results: 65,
Time: 0.0303





Someone can eat a lot of food whenever they want to. It is a personal choice, though sometimes there’s more to it than that. This article will explore some good words you can use to refer to someone who eats a lot of food (either positively or negatively).

Best Words for Someone Who Eats a Lot

The preferred words are “glutton,” “gourmand,” and “overeater.” These words generally have a negative connotation behind them (other than “gourmand”). You can use them to refer to someone who eats too much compared to what they should be having.


A “glutton” is someone who eats far too much food. They often eat more than they need, which can be very dangerous for their health. It’s not wise to be a glutton, though it’s often tied into mental health problems when someone can’t control how much they eat.

“Gluttony” is one of the seven deadly sins in the bible. This shows that it’s always perceived as a negative trait. You can’t use it positively.

The definition of “glutton,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who regularly eats and drinks more than is needed.”

  • You’re such a glutton! Why do you insist on eating so much food? You should really stop and start considering your own health.
  • He’s a glutton, so good luck getting any food in while he’s around. I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to.
  • I’m not a glutton anymore. I’ve managed to change my ways, and my relationship with food has gotten a lot better.


“Gourmand” is a more positive alternative that works well. You can use it to show that someone enjoys eating a lot of food. They usually have good taste in the food they eat, even if they tend to eat a bit too much of it.

The reason “gourmands” eat so much food is generally because of how much they enjoy it. They enjoy it more than the average person, but they usually know when to stop if it goes too far.

The definition of “gourmand,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who enjoys eating large amounts of food.”

  • As a gourmand, Jack is constantly eating. I always worry about him, but he seems to be having the time of his life with his food.
  • You’re a gourmand. That’s why I always come to you to ask if my food is worth eating. I want you to enjoy it.
  • Stop being such a gourmand for once! There’s more to life than just eating food. I only wish you could see that.


“Overeater” is another negative word you can use. It shows that someone has eaten “over” their capacity, meaning they are not able to eat anymore. They will often eat to the point where they are physically exhausted and uncomfortable.

The definition of “overeater,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to eat more food than your body needs, especially so that you feel uncomfortably full.”

  • I know I’m a bit of an overeater. I can’t help myself, though. When food is in front of me, I just have to eat it.
  • You’re overeating right now, and it’s not a good look. I can tell that you’re not even that hungry, but you keep going.
  • Stop being an overeater. Start considering your dietary choices. Maybe you’ll actually lose weight after that.


“Foodie” is another positive word you can use to refer to someone who eats a lot. This word means that someone loves food and they are always interested in exploring new food types and cuisines.

You can rely on a foodie to provide you with good meals. Most foodies are excellent cooks as well, meaning they will provide you with plenty of food that they love.

The definition of “foodie,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who loves food and is very interested in different types of food.”

  • I’m a foodie through and through. I love everything about food, and there isn’t a single thing that I wouldn’t be happy to eat.
  • I know you’re a bit of a foodie. That’s why I’m coming to you for help. You eat so much, and you always have the best taste.
  • You eat too much for a foodie. If you want to continue eating the way you do, you need to be more mindful.


“Greedy” is a general word that refers to wanting or taking more than you’re allowed. It doesn’t have to refer to food, but it is very commonly used in this context. It means that someone eats more than they need.

The definition of “greedy,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting a lot more food, money, etc. than you need.”

  • He’s so greedy. Nobody wants to share a table with him because he’ll always be the one sinking into their meals.
  • You’re too greedy for your own good. You need to understand that other people want to eat as well. Stop taking their meals.
  • I’m not greedy! I just like to eat. I’m sorry if you can’t keep up with my pace, but that’s not my problem.


“Gorger” means that someone eats too much. They will continue to eat until they physically can’t fit any more in. “Gorge” is a verb that means someone continues to eat until there is no more room.

The definition of “gorge,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to eat until you are unable to eat anymore.”

  • You’re a gorger, and you’re in dangerous territory right now. You shouldn’t eat this much food without asking first.
  • They are both gorgers, which is why they’ve put on so much weight so quickly. It’s not a good look, and they’re in trouble.
  • We’re gorgers, and we love to eat. We always want to sink our teeth into the next best thing, so we’re always looking for food.


“Binger” is another great word to describe an overeater. It works because it relates to “binging” food, which means that somebody eats far too much of something. They often can’t stop themselves because there is a mental trigger that tells them to eat.

The definition of “binge,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to eat too much of something.”

  • As a binger, she finds it easier to get lost while eating food. She just wants to keep going until everything is gone.
  • I know I’m a binger, but I can’t help myself. It’s something I’m trying to work through, but I don’t know how to fix it.
  • You’re a bit of a binger. You really should be careful with how much you eat. It’s not ideal if you’re trying to lose weight.


“Overindulger” is a great synonym that is more general. It can refer to allowing yourself to have a lot of things, but in this context, it works to refer to having too much food. If you overindulge in food, it means you’ve had so much that you can’t have more.

The definition of “overindulge,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to allow yourself to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink.”

  • He is an overindulger when it comes to food. He always wants to eat everything he sees. I try to warn him, but it’s never enough.
  • You’re overindulging in these things, and I hate that. I hate that you have to keep eating everything on your plate.
  • Stop overindulging for once. You need to understand that there are more things to do than eat your body weight in food.


“Pig” is an insulting word you can use to refer to someone who eats a lot. You shouldn’t always use this one as it can be very offensive. It likens the person you’re describing to pigs, who are notoriously big eaters and messy animals.

The definition of “pig,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who eats too much.”

  • Darren is a pig. You’ll always find him eating if he’s at a buffet. It’s like he never gets full, and it’s really dangerous behavior.
  • I know you’re a pig, but you need to have more respect. This is an esteemed event, and you are making a fool of yourself.
  • She’s a pig. I don’t want anything to do with her. She eats way too much, and she always embarrasses me when we’re out in public.


“Hog” is another type of pig. Therefore, it’s not a positive word. It’s another insulting one you can use to refer to someone who takes more than they’re allowed, especially if they’re supposed to be sharing food with other people.

The definition of “hog,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who takes much more than a fair share of something, especially by eating too much.”

  • As a hog, it’s my duty to eat all the leftovers. People know that about me, so they always offer me their plates.
  • You’re a bit of a hog. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s definitely something you should try working through.
  • Stop being a hog! You’re preventing me from being able to get any food right now. I want to eat something.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

eat a lot

American: chow down

Универсальный русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «eat a lot» в других словарях:

  • eat — W1S1 [i:t] v past tense ate [et, eıt US eıt] past participle eaten [ˈi:tn] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(food)¦ 2¦(meal)¦ 3 eat your words 4 eat your heart out 5 eat somebody alive/eat somebody for breakfast 6¦(use)¦ 7 eat humble pie …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • eat — [ it ] (past tense ate [ eıt ] ; past participle eat|en [ itn ] ) verb intransitive or transitive *** to put food into your mouth and swallow it: We sat on the grass and ate our sandwiches. Don t talk while you re eating. I ve eaten too much.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • eat like a horse — informal phrase to eat a lot Thesaurus: to eat a lot or too muchsynonym Main entry: eat * * * eat like a ˈhorse idiom ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • eat someone out of house and home — (informal) To live at the expense of another person so as to ruin him or her • • • Main Entry: ↑home * * * eat someone out of house and home humorous phrase to eat too much of someone’s food when you are a guest in their house Thesaurus: to eat a …   Useful english dictionary

  • eat like a horse — {v. phr.} To eat a lot; eat hungrily. * /The harvesters worked into the evening, and then came in and ate like horses./ Contrast: EAT LIKE A BIRD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • eat like a horse — {v. phr.} To eat a lot; eat hungrily. * /The harvesters worked into the evening, and then came in and ate like horses./ Contrast: EAT LIKE A BIRD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • eat like a horse — eat large amounts of food, eat a lot …   English contemporary dictionary

  • eat somebody out of house and home — eat sb out of ˌhouse and ˈhome idiom (informal, often humorous) to eat a lot of sb else s food • How much longer is he staying? He s eating us out of house and home. Main entry: ↑eatidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • eat like a horse — eat a lot, pig out    Barney eats like a horse. He has a monstrous appetite …   English idioms

  • eat like a horse — eat a lot He eats like a horse but he never puts on any weight …   Idioms and examples

  • eat — /i:t/ verb past tense ate /et,eIt/ past participle eaten 1 FOOD a) (I, T) to put food in your mouth and swallow it: Vegetarians don t eat meat. | something to eat (=some food): Would you like something to eat? | eat like a bird (=eat very little) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • lot (parent phrase)
  • to eat (parent phrase)
  • to eat a lot

    Connected phrases:

    • to eat a lot of something
    • to eat a lot of food
    • to eat a lot of protein


    • to eat a lot of vegetables



    • to eat a lot of



    • to eat a lot more
    • to eat a lot of meat

    Sentences with «to eat a lot» (usage examples):

    • We have been eating a lot of squash too Miz Helen and your zucchini galette is a summer favorite, I make it all the time! (mizhelenscountrycottage.com)
    • We don’t eat a lot of bread, so cost won’t be much of a problem. (healingforreal.com)
    • Homocysteine levels can vary according to dietary habits (eating a lot of red meat, for example) and genetic factors. (health.com)
    • (see

    See also:

    • Sentences with TO EAT A LOT (usage examples)
    • Synonyms for TO EAT A LOT (related words and expressions)

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    Извините, наши словари не умеют переводить предложения!

    WordReference предоставляет онлайн-словари, а не программное обеспечение для перевода. Пожалуйста, проверьте отдельные слова (можете кликнуть на них ниже) или спросите на форуме, если необходима дополнительная помощь.

    Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

    eat [iːt]
    (pt ate)
    (pp eaten)
    vt есть*(съесть*perf)

    vi есть*(impf)

    eat away vt (rock, metal) разъеда́ть (разъе́сть*perf)
    (savings) съеда́ть (съесть*perf)

    eat away at vt fus = eat away

    eat into vt fus = eat away

    eat out vi есть*(impf) в рестора́не

    eat up vt (food) доеда́ть (дое́сть*perf)

    it eats up electricity э́то потребля́ет мно́го электроэне́ргии

    * is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

    to eat a lot of‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


    «Glutton» is a useful word However, it is a little old-fashioned, it carries a negative connotation. It is someone who overeats (and gluttony is one of seven sins). When you want this connotation it is the right word to use.

    If you don’t want that effect I would just describe:

    Mary eats a lot, but she exercises every day so she never gets fat.

    Other words: «Foodies» are people who love good food but don’t necessarily eat a lot of it. Foodie is rather casual. A «gourmand» is someone who is extremely (and often excessively) fond of eating and drinking. «Pig» is certainly insulting, but can be heard used as a joke between friends. (I suspect that the term «pig» is even more insulting in other cultures) To gorge is to eat a large amount at one time, so a gorger is a person who will stuff themselves. Again, this would be viewed negatively.

    It seems that English speakers tend to view people who eat a lot in a generally negative way. The plain description «she eats a lot» seems to be the only neutral way to say this.

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