Word for easy to talk to

I want to convey the idea that such and such person is very easy to talk to.

I know that:

  1. ‘talk to-able’ is not a word, obviously.

  2. I can always say, «He is very easy to talk to.» But I am looking for a single word, not a phrase.

  3. The word ‘talkable’ changes the meaning. Eg, if I say, «He is very talkable,» the meaning tends to become (a) either, he is a topic/subject worthy of talking, (b) or, he can be talked over or shut up easily!

  4. I can get away with words like approachable, accessible, reachable etc but I feel there has got to be a better word.

Is there any?

Thanks much.


Sometimes, there are people at work who, officially, can be ‘approached’ for questions. But their tone and body language, consciously or unconsciously, is such that they make you feel very uncomfortable approaching them next time around especially if there are choices available. So while they are there, ‘accessible’ etc for you officially, yet they are not all that ‘easy to talk to’! Note that, I’m not necessarily looking for ‘chatty’ people either, but rather those who I can ask even stupid questions fearlessly because… again, they are ‘very easy to talk to’, with minimal ego, arrogance, and air about them.


I am also happy with Dave Mulligan’s «approachable» and ermanen’s very clever «easy-to-talk-to».

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asked Dec 23, 2014 at 3:39

Harry's user avatar


Affable: (from TFD)

  • Easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable.

From Etymonline we gain insight into the reason «Affable» might work to describe «people who are easy to talk to»:

  • late 15c.,
  • from Old French afable (14c.)
  • from Latin affabilis «approachable, courteous, kind,friendly,»
  • literally «who can be (easily) spoken to
  • from affari «to speak to
  • from ad- «to» + fari «to speak»

NB: Reformatted for clarity. Emphasis by ScotM.

It seems affable people have been easy to talk to for a long time.

ScotM's user avatar


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answered Dec 23, 2014 at 6:51

cate101's user avatar


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I would probably choose «approachable». You almost used it in your «Edit» paragraph, and I think it describes exactly the concept you’re describing.

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 7:46

Dave Mulligan's user avatar


While Affable is clearly the most precise match…

Personable is often used as a synonym and is still in general use.

per·son·able adjective ˈpərs-nə-bəl, ˈpər-sə-nə-bəl
: friendly or pleasant in manner : easy to get along with


answered Dec 23, 2014 at 20:44

Eric Hauenstein's user avatar

Eric HauensteinEric Hauenstein

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The loosely related word congenial comes to mind;


(of a person) pleasing or liked on account of having
qualities or interests that are similar to one’s own.

Congenial does of course imply a specificity to oneself rather than a more generalized ‘easy-to-talk-to-ness’, on account of mutual interests.


answered Dec 24, 2014 at 10:00

Rudi's user avatar


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Conversational could be a generic adjective to describe a person who is easy to talk with.


Consisting of or relating to conversation:

«Her conversational demeanor convinced the boss to promote her.»


from Latin conversationem «act of living with,» past participle stem
of conversari «to live with, keep company with,» literally «turn
about with
,» + al «of, like, related to, pertaining to,»

Engaging would describe a person who connects well during a conversation.


Charming and attractive:

«She has an engaging voice.»


from phrase en gage «under pledge,» from en «in» + gage «pledge»

Winsome could describe a person whose conversation you found pleasant and endearing.


Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way:

«His winsome personality helps him win friends and influence


from the Old English word wynn «joy«, which seems to be
related to the Latin venus «love

The suffix —some is from the Old English sum «producing; being».

Together, these two phonemes yield the connotation «producing the joy of love». Winsome would be my favorite, but it’s your word choice.

(Source: www.oxforddictionaries.com)

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 4:09

ScotM's user avatar


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Half the responses here have included «friendly» in their definitions. I’d propose it as an actual answer.

answered Dec 24, 2014 at 5:26

TonyM's user avatar


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answered Dec 23, 2014 at 5:36


This isn’t an adjective, but a very common English expression would call the person in question a good listener. It implies everything you’re trying to describe above, about the person being very «talk to-able». Unfortunately, it’s not a single word, but it is short, and very common.

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 6:16

Mark Thompson's user avatar


Empathetic people connect deeply with the folks around them.


Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another:


from Greek empatheia from em- ‘in’ + pathos ‘feeling’

Here is how it might apply at the office:

His empathetic response defused the emotional bomb ticking in the office.

Compassionate is the verbal cousin of empathetic.


Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others:


from Latin compati «to sympathize» form com «with» + pati
from Greek pema «suffering»

«He was compassionate when I explained my hard drive fried over the weekend.»

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 14:02

ScotM's user avatar


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Vulnerable 1 comes to mind when you say «they can ask stupid questions fearlessly.»

Brené Brown‘s 2 extensive research has captured a contemporary sense of vulnerability:

«Vulnerability is not weakness, and that myth is profoundly dangerous.
Vulnerability is the birthplace of invitation, innovation and
change…Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.»

The definition of vulnerable supports her claims:


1 Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either
physically or emotionally:

«Johnny is vulnerable to the taunts of the bully, but he is learning to manage his fears.»

In the workplace, our superiors encourage us deeply when they take practical and emotional risks to connect with us at a human level that complements our professional relationship. We refer to those practical and emotional risks as vulnerability.

People who are easy to talk to extend small opportunities for us to «harm» them emotionally, because they have a deep inner courage and strength 3 to connect with us no matter what we say.

  1. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/vulnerable
  2. https://www.ted.com/speakers/brene_brown
  3. https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability/transcript?language=en

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 14:34

ScotM's user avatar


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A person who is easy to talk to and is approachable is- ‘affable’. Affable is an adjective. Source- English Oxford Dictionary and internet search. The word is derived from the latin word-«affābilis».

answered Dec 24, 2014 at 10:33

Suchi's user avatar


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«Sounding board» is a commonly used phrase. For example, «Bob used Jack as a sounding board» means that Bob was comfortable describing problems to Jack. It also means that Bob could safely describe his opinions to Jack, before presenting his opinions to potentially hostile audiences. In other words, Bob finds Jack to be easy-to-talk to, and helps Bob figure out what Bob means to say.

It can be assumed that if «Bob used Jack as a sounding board», then Bob and Jack know each other pretty well already. The phrase says nothing (one way or the other) about whether strangers find Jack to be «easily approachable».

answered Dec 25, 2014 at 1:26

Jasper's user avatar


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Again not an adjective, but you might also say that such a person «invites confidences.»

answered Dec 23, 2014 at 9:31

ajd's user avatar


Sociable is an alternative, and one that I’d use. Although it doesn’t specifically imply that they’re easy to talk to, it does connote that they’re comfortable in all social situations.

«Have you talked to the new guy yet? He’s very sociable.»

You could also use social in this way.

«willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.» — Google’s definition

answered Dec 24, 2014 at 15:56

HarryCBurn's user avatar

I would say he’s amiable. This suggests he is approachable and easy to talk to.

answered Dec 25, 2014 at 22:27

user103132's user avatar

When someone is easy to talk to, it means conversations will flow easily with them. This article will look at what to call someone who is easy to talk to. There are great words for being able to talk to anyone out there. Some of the best synonyms are:

  • Affable
  • Approachable
  • Friendly
  • Warm
  • Charming
  • Amiable
  • Congenial
  • Genial
  • Cordial
  • Engaging
  • Agreeable

Other ways to say “someone who is easy to talk to” are “affable,” “approachable,” and “friendly.” These alternatives are the best words for someone who is easy to talk to. They show that you can have a conversation with them because of their friendly and kind demeanour.

Words for Someone Who Is Easy to Talk To

1. Affable

“Affable” is the best synonym you can use in this situation. It shows that someone is incredibly friendly and easy to talk to. Most people will want to be around affable people because it guarantees you’ll have good conversations with them.

Regarding direct synonyms, “affable” is the best one to use here. It directly states that someone must be “easy to talk to” before you can call them affable.

The definition of “affable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “friendly and easy to talk to.”

  • You are very affable. Do you realize how easy you make it is to talk to you? That’s why so many people are keen to be your friend.
  • I’m not affable enough to make it in a place like this. Everyone is so easy to talk to, and I fear that I don’t hold up to their standards.

2. Approachable

“Approachable” is another direct synonym showing that someone is “easy to talk to.” You can use it when you have no issues approaching someone to discuss things with them or have a simple conversation.

It’s great to use this when you want to compliment someone’s ability to hold a conversation and show that they’re easy to get along with. Many customer-facing job roles always require “approachable” employees.

The definition of “approachable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “friendly and easy to talk to.”

  • She is very approachable, so you shouldn’t be ashamed to go up to her and ask what’s going on. She’s so sweet about everything.
  • You need to be more approachable if you’re going to hold a job like this down. We can’t keep this up if you don’t put a smile on your face.

3. Friendly

“Friendly” is a much simpler alternative, but it works well here. You should use it when someone is pleasant and kind towards others, thus making it easy to talk to them.

It doesn’t directly refer to being easy to talk to (as friendly people can be shy), but it works well in this context.

The definition of “friendly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone.”

  • I’m very friendly. I feel it’s important to show people that you’re able to talk to them and make them feel at ease.
  • It’s nice to be friendly. That’s why I am going to Sarah to get a few lessons in the art. I want people to trust me and talk to me.

4. Warm

“Warm” is a caring synonym you can use to show that someone is easy to talk to. Someone with a “warm” personality is inviting, friendly, and loving. They’re easy to talk to because they always want to hear about you and how things are going.

This term is great to show how easy someone is to get along with. You should use it when you always enjoy talking to someone and feel they have a lot to share with you. It’s great when showing that someone can talk about anything and keep you engaged.

The definition of “warm,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “friendly and loving.”

  • You’re a very warm person to be around. Something about you allows me to let my guard down and open up about my problems.
  • I love how warm you can be. You’re easy to talk to because you always offer a supportive hand for my troubles.

5. Charming

“Charming” is a great alternative showing that someone can keep you interested with little effort. It implies that someone is pleasant to talk to, meaning you don’t want to turn away from the conversation.

Charming people have no trouble talking to others (both friends and strangers alike). They are often the centre of attention, making them great to invite to parties if you’re worried about people getting along and mingling.

The definition of “charming,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “pleasant and attractive.”

  • He’s too charming for his own good. He’s quite easy to talk to, but I do fear that he talks a lot of nonsense sometimes.
  • It’s clear that you’re quite charming, and that’s a great character trait. I love how easy you are to get along with.

6. Amiable

“Amiable” means that someone is pleasant and friendly, making them very easy to talk to. Other people will have no problems getting along with an amiable person. It’s great to use this when you appreciate someone’s capacity for talking, even when you don’t know what else to say.

Sometimes, conversations can run dry. This could lead to awkward situations, which is where amiable people come in. They’re usually the people to turn to when you’ve run out of things to say and want to keep a conversation going.

The definition of “amiable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “pleasant and friendly.”

  • She’s an amiable person, and she’s so easy to get along with. I think you should give her a chance and get to know her better.
  • You’re so amiable. You don’t realize how comfortable you make your friends when you start talking to them. It’s so great.

7. Congenial

“Congenial” is a great synonym to show that someone is easy to talk to. It relates to someone being friendly and approachable. Most people want to be around congenial people because they are pleasant and fun to learn from.

The definition of “congenial,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “friendly and pleasant.”

  • You have a congenial attitude that makes it easier for us to discuss matters with you. That’s why they hired you as their point guy.
  • You need to be a bit more congenial with the board of directors. If you can appear friendly and easy-going, they’ll like you a lot more.

8. Genial

“Genial” is another great synonym. You can remove “con-” from “congenial” to keep the same idea behind the phrase. “Genial” means that someone is friendly and pleasant to be around.

As with “congenial,” a “genial” person is easy to talk to. Most people want to be around them because of how easy the conversations flow.

The definition of “genial,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “friendly and pleasant.”

  • You need to have a genial attitude to work in a place like this. If you don’t, you’ll have difficulty getting people to agree with you.
  • It pays to be genial. The more people you can get to like you, the more you’ll find that things start to fall into place.

9. Cordial

“Cordial” is a formal synonym used to show that someone is friendly but able to remain formal and respectful. It’s a great way to show that someone knows how to carry themselves in a professional setting.

Just because you are in a formal situation doesn’t mean you have to be serious or stern. You can still be friendly and approachable. People often enjoy that in formal settings.

The definition of “cordial,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “friendly, but formal and polite.”

  • Darren is one of the most cordial bosses I’ve ever had. I can go to him with any problem, and he always has the best answers.
  • She is the cordial one in this company. If you need any advice or guidance, she’s the one who’s going to provide that.

10. Engaging

“Engaging” is a great synonym to show that you can hold a conversation well. You should use it when you have an easy time talking to someone or learning from them. It shows that you are “engaged” by the things they talk about.

It’s great to use this when you admire someone or think you can talk to them forever. It’s a polite way to show them how fond you are of their ability to keep you talking.

The definition of “engaging,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “pleasant, attractive, and charming.”

  • I would like to be more engaging, but I always struggle to talk to people. I hope they’ll give me a chance to prove myself.
  • You’re very engaging. That’s why most people keep coming back to buy from us. You’ve gotten us a lot of business.

11. Agreeable

“Agreeable” means someone is pleasant and easy to “agree” with. You can use it when discussing things with someone and find it easy to come to the same conclusions with little to no issues.

The definition of “agreeable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “pleasant or pleasing.”

  • It’s that agreeable attitude of yours that’s driving up your sales. It’s great that you work for us because you always have a positive story to share.
  • I love his agreeability. Without him, I doubt we’d be able to get half of the people we do to sign up for our new service.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

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I want to convey the idea that such and such person is very easy to talk to.

I know that:

  1. ‘talk to-able’ is not a word, obviously.

  2. I can always say, “He is very easy to talk to.” But I am looking for a single word, not a phrase.

  3. The word ‘talkable’ changes the meaning. Eg, if I say, “He is very talkable,” the meaning tends to become (a) either, he is a topic/subject worthy of talking, (b) or, he can be talked over or shut up easily!

  4. I can get away with words like approachable, accessible, reachable etc but I feel there has got to be a better word.

Is there any?

Thanks much.


Sometimes, there are people at work who, officially, can be ‘approached’ for questions. But their tone and body language, consciously or unconsciously, is such that they make you feel very uncomfortable approaching them next time around especially if there are choices available. So while they are there, ‘accessible’ etc for you officially, yet they are not all that ‘easy to talk to’! Note that, I’m not necessarily looking for ‘chatty’ people either, but rather those who I can ask even stupid questions fearlessly because… again, they are ‘very easy to talk to’, with minimal ego, arrogance, and air about them.


I am also happy with Dave Mulligan’s “approachable” and ermanen’s very clever “easy-to-talk-to”.


Affable: (from TFD)

  • Easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable.

From Etymonline we gain insight into the reason “Affable” might work to describe “people who are easy to talk to”:

  • late 15c.,
  • from Old French afable (14c.)
  • from Latin affabilisapproachable, courteous, kind,friendly,
  • literally “who can be (easily) spoken to,”
  • from affarito speak to,”
  • from ad- “to” + fari “to speak”

NB: Reformatted for clarity. Emphasis by ScotM.

It seems affable people have been easy to talk to for a long time.

Source : Link , Question Author : Harry , Answer Author : cate101

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‘EASY TO TALK TO’ is a 12 letter
starting with E and ending with O

Crossword answers for EASY TO TALK TO

Clue Answer







Synonyms for AFFABLE

4 letter words

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easy to talk to — перевод на русский

You’re very easy to talk to.

С тобой легко говорить.

You’re so easy to talk to.

С тобой легко говорить.

Because he’s so easy to talk to.

Поскольку, ты знаешь, с ним так легко говорить.

Because he’s so easy to talk to?

Потому что с ним так легко говорить?

She was easy to talk to.

С ней было легко говорить.

Показать ещё примеры для «легко говорить»…

You’re easy to talk to.

С вами легко общаться.

You’re easy to talk to.

С тобой легко общаться.

— You’re easy to talk to.

— С тобой легко общаться.

You’re really easy to talk to, Teresa.

С тобой действительно легко общаться, Тереза.

You’re so easy to talk to.

С тобой так легко общаться.

Показать ещё примеры для «легко общаться»…

You’re just so easy to talk to and my mom is such a bitch.

Просто с тобой очень легко разговаривать, а моя мама — настоящая стерва.

She’s not easy to talk to.

С ней не очень легко разговаривать.

Well, uh, you’re just easy to talk to.

Ну, с тобой легко разговаривать.

You’re very easy to talk to.

С тобой очень легко разговаривать

She’s real easy to talk to.

С ней легко разговаривать.

Показать ещё примеры для «легко разговаривать»…

Sometimes it’s easier to talk to somebody who’s totally uninvolved in your life, somebody objective, somebody who has no stake in it.

Иногда легче поговорить с кем-то, кто совершенно не вовлечен в вашу жизнь… С кем-то объективным. С кем-то, кто не участвует в этом.

I mean, sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger.

Я хочу сказать, что иногда легче поговорить с незнакомцем.

Come on. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone when you don’t give a crap what they think.

Временами легче поговорить с кем-то, на чье мнение тебе наплевать.

Sweetie, I know I’m not always that easy to talk to.

Милая, я знаю, со мной не очень легко поговорить. С моей мамой это тоже было сложно.

Do you consider yourself easy to talk to? Especially about delicate topics, like… someone’s first time having sex.

Как вы считаете, вам легко будет поговорить на достаточно деликатную тему с кем-то, кто впервые собирается заняться сексом.

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  • #1

«He was very easy to talk to.»
What does it mean?
Does it mean That it will be easier to talk with him and
he is good to entertain others if they talk.?

  • pops91710

    • #2

    It means he is approachable, and does not shun people in conversation or try to talk down to them.


    • #3

    Someone is «easy to talk to» if conversation with that person flows naturally and there aren’t many awkward pauses or gaps of silence. Generally it also means that the person seems listens intently and seems interested in the conversation.

    • #4

    Would this make sense?

    He is very easy to do what his wife tells him to.


    • #5

    That doesn’t work. :)

    It’s easy to get him to do what he’s told.
    It’s easy for his wife to get him to do what she tells him.

    • #6

    I had a misgiving it wouldn’t work. Why is it that the original sentence is OK but this one is not? They have the same structure. Any idea?

    • #7

    «Easy to talk to» is an idiom.
    «Easy to do what someone tells him» is not.


    • #8

    It’s easy to clean.
    She’s easy to talk to.
    My clothes are easy to wear.

    It’s an unknown «somebody» who would have no difficulty in doing the action.

    He’s easy to persuade
    It’s easy for his wife to persuade him.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    легко общаться

    легко говорить

    легко разговаривать

    просто разговаривать

    приятно общаться

    легко беседовать

    интересно разговаривать

    легко поговорить

    легче говорить

    легкой в общении

    легко с

    Непринужденное общение

    I found her easy to talk to.

    She was so easy to talk to.

    Aries make good friends, because they are honest individuals who are easy to talk to.

    Овны — хорошие друзья, потому что они — честные натуры, с которыми легко общаться.

    Find a medic that is easy to talk to.

    You are highly motivated and easy to talk to.

    He had a pleasant smile and was easy to talk to.

    Kevin is one of those people who is just easy to talk to.

    Михаил — один из тех людей, с которыми очень легко общаться.

    Similarly, we love people who are humble, polite, and easy to talk to.

    И, наоборот, нам нравятся люди скромные, вежливые, с которыми легко общаться.

    Dr. Lee is easy to talk to and takes his patients concerns seriously.

    С доктором очень легко общаться, она очень внимательна к проблемам своих пациентов.

    You’re really easy to talk to, Teresa.

    It should be easy to talk to people about history and politics without provoking arguments.

    Должно быть легко говорить с людьми об истории и политике, не вызывая споров.

    But I will try to be short and easy to talk to) I don’t expect super special qualities.

    Но я постараюсь быть застреленным и легкомысленным) Я не ожидаю супер особых качеств.

    And it can be understood, it’s not easy to talk to such a delicate topic.

    She’s not exactly easy to talk to.

    There’s tons of cuties and it’s easy to talk to them.

    Sweetie, I know I’m not always that easy to talk to.

    You’re very easy to talk to even though you did do most of the talking.

    С тобой очень легко говорить, хотя в основном ты разговаривала.

    Again, she’s not that easy to talk to.

    She’s not easy to talk to.

    You haven’t always been super easy to talk to, you know.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 230. Точных совпадений: 230. Затраченное время: 140 мс


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