Word for driven by money

I’m looking for a single word for describing a person «whose motive is dictated by money»…I seem to recall there was an elegant word for this, but I can’t remember it now…can someone help?

Jimi Oke's user avatar

Jimi Oke

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asked Apr 3, 2011 at 11:36

TCSGrad's user avatar


Mercenary comes to mind
But there are more:

acquisitive, avaricious, bribable,
corrupt, covetous, grabby, grasping,
miserly, money-grubbing, selfish,
sordid, stingy, unethical,
unprincipled, unscrupulous, venal

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 11:41

mplungjan's user avatar


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Etymology: < Middle French pécunieux (c1370 as peccunieux in sense 1, 1498 as pecunieulx (plural) in the passage translated in quot. 1509 at sense 2; French pécunieux, now rare) and its etymon classical Latin pecūniōsus well provided with money, moneyed < pecūnia money (see pecunial adj.) + -ōsus -ous suffix.

The negative impecunious adj. is much more used.

  1. Well provided with money; moneyed, wealthy.
  2. Money-loving, avaricious; miserly, ungenerous; (also) frugal, thrifty.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 18:12

tchrist's user avatar


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«stingy» or «miserly» might be appropriate if the context refers to a motive not to spend money.

I’d use «greedy» if the motive was to acquire more money when the individual was already rich (and clearly didn’t need the money).

«mercenary» would perhaps be better if the person was doing something only for the purpose of money, and not caring about other consequences.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 16:13

mikera's user avatar


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Materialistic describes a person who is markedly more concerned with material things (such as money and possessions)

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 16:28

NimChimpsky's user avatar


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How about just plain greedy? They say the love of money is the root of all evil.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 12:54

Sam's user avatar


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I can’t tell whether you are talking about a person who tries to save money or to earn/acquire it.

If you are after the former, then some great examples have already been given:

Thrifty, Miserly, Parsimonious and I would also suggest frugal as a slightly less negative option.

If you want the latter, I would suggest avaricious.

Almost everything I can think of seems to have negative connotation, so if you are trying to sound positive, you might need to use a word like ambitious or enterprising, which are not really dedicated to the money element, but do hint at it.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 19:20

Karl's user avatar


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While ‘pecunious’ suggested by @tchrist sounds like the most technically accurate, in casual conversation the terms:

  • ‘penny pincher’, for someone always checking they don’t overspend; or
  • ‘bean counter’, for someone always concerned with amounts of money spent or available to be spent; or
  • ‘scrooge’, for someone who goes to great lengths to avoid even fair expenses,

may well be what you’re after.

answered Dec 9, 2011 at 4:11

Lisa's user avatar


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Mercenary, grasping, venal and other synonyms already suggested are good, but they all are derogatory. If you want to put a neutral or positive spin on it, I would rather suggest money-oriented or money-driven.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 12:14

F'x's user avatar


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I just realised the word you are trying to think of: avarice, the kind of word that is used in the Bible and by 19th century street-corner preachers.

A person whose every action is dictated by money is thus avaricious.

answered Dec 9, 2011 at 4:40

Lisa's user avatar


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You may be looking for parsimonious or its more obsessive cousin, miserly.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 12:49

Robusto's user avatar


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A positive take on one whose motivation is to save money is to call them economical.

(of a person or lifestyle) careful not to waste money or resources.

answered Apr 3, 2011 at 14:18

Callithumpian's user avatar


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RegDwigнt's user avatar


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answered Apr 3, 2011 at 12:54


A single word for a person whose motive is dictated by money would be greed or greedy but that is a description of the person. What about a curmudgeon meaning a miserly cantankerous person?

Or a more positive take on the question like someone had offered up above (ie economical) would be frugal — to be good with one’s resources.

answered Jun 7, 2013 at 9:13

Charlie Brown's user avatar


moolah python ; paisa pig ; dabbudabba

answered Aug 6, 2013 at 7:43

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Перевод по словам

driven [adjective]

adjective: приводной, управляемый, ведомый, гонимый, нанесенный

  • belt driven bicycle — велосипед с ременной передачей
  • market-driven innovation — рыночные инновации
  • driven agitator — приводом мешалки
  • driven by money — движимый денег
  • market driven — рынок
  • domestic driven growth — внутренний управляемый рост
  • ever driven — когда-либо вел
  • driven by an electric motor — с приводом от электродвигателя
  • driven away from — отогнаны от
  • driven by emotions — движимый эмоциями

by [adverb]

preposition: по, на, при, к, у, мимо, согласно, около, рядом с, близко к

adverb: мимо, согласно, рядом, около, близко

  • unchanged by — без изменений
  • hang by a thread — зависать нитью
  • analysis by synthesis — анализ через синтез
  • poisoned bait by pesticide — отравленная пестицидом приманка
  • individually adjustable by screw/nut — с отдельной регулировкой с помощью винта и гайки
  • Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La, Penang — Golden Sands Resort от Shangri-La, Пенанг
  • by an exit — на выходе
  • decisions taken by parliament — Решения, принятые парламентом
  • is regulated by act — регулируется актом
  • decided on a case by case basis — принял решение о каждом конкретном случае

money [noun]

noun: деньги, денежные суммы, богатство, монетные валюты, монетные системы, выигрыш на скачках

  • ready money — готовые деньги
  • share the money — поделить деньги
  • ownership of money — право собственности на деньги
  • his money — его деньги
  • for anti-money laundering purposes — в целях борьбы с отмыванием денег
  • without money — без денег
  • ability to borrow money — возможность занимать деньги
  • modern money — современные деньги
  • money-making machine — деньги делая машину
  • we spent a lot of money — мы потратили много денег

Предложения с «driven by money»

This shouldn’t be surprising because the entertainment industry is, at its most basic level, driven by money , and Russia has a fairly large amount of it sloshing around these days.

Не нужно этому удивляться, потому что в основе индустрии развлечений, в сущности, лежат деньги, а россияне их сейчас охотно тратят.

As the science progresses, the industry is further driven by money in that researchers and innovators enter into the fight over patents and intellectual property rights.

По мере развития науки промышленность все больше зависит от денег , поскольку исследователи и новаторы вступают в борьбу за патенты и права интеллектуальной собственности.

The whole plot of Star Wars starts with Han Solo having this debt that he owes and so the plot in Star Wars is driven by money .

Весь сюжет Звездных войн начинается с того, что у Хана Соло есть этот долг, который он должен, и поэтому сюжет в Звездных войнах управляется деньгами.

If the government’s fiscal survival depends on it having to raise money from its own people, such a government is driven by self-interest to govern in a more enlightened fashion.

Если финансовое выживание правительства зависит от необходимости зарабатывать деньги на своих собственных гражданах, то такое правительство под воздействием собственного интереса управляет в более просвещенной манере.

Share prices are driven by a number of factors, but whether or not the company is making money plays a very important role.

Цены акций подвержены влиянию некоторых факторов, при этом очень важную роль играют прибыли или убытки самой компании.

It was driven by a Danush Nikad, a 23-year-old college dropout from Iranian money .

Им управлял Дануш Никад 23 — хлетний выпускник колледжа из Ирана.

But as you and Frank have made a little money , I know you’ll never be driven to me again with any interesting propositions of loans and collaterals.

Но как только у вас с Фрэнком завелись небольшие денежки , я понял, что вы уже больше не придете ко мне и не попросите взаймы на весьма интересных условиях.

Let them sink their money , and about the time the population is sufficient to support the lines they will have been driven into the hands of receivers.

Пускай себе вкладывают деньги в это предприятие; к тому времени, когда население у нас возрастет и дороги эти станут доходными, они уже перейдут к кредиторам.

Oh, I’ve seen men driven to extremes before being around big money .

О, я видел таких людей, которые срываются при виде больших денег

The skyrocketing prices were driven by the high salaries paid to pipeline workers, who were eager to spend their money .

Стремительный рост цен был вызван высокими зарплатами, выплачиваемыми работникам нефтепроводов, которые стремились тратить свои деньги.

It was widely assumed by the Establishment that she was driven by love of money or position rather than love for the King.

Истеблишмент полагал, что ею движет любовь к деньгам или положению, а не любовь к королю.

In subsistence-driven and informal economies, people may have significant income in other forms than money , for example through subsistence farming or bartering.

В экономике, основанной на натуральном хозяйстве и неформальной экономике, люди могут получать значительный доход не только в денежной форме, но и в других формах, например через натуральное хозяйство или бартер.

For the sake of money , Rourou resorts to performing striptease but is driven to perform in Kuala Lumpur following a police raid.

Ради денег Руру прибегает к исполнению стриптиза, но вынужден выступать в Куала — Лумпуре после полицейского рейда.

Again, the market will be driven by financial requirements and the aim to save money and expensive ship time.

Опять же, рынок будет управляться финансовыми требованиями и целью сэкономить деньги и дорогое время доставки.

In this case, the local money was mainly driven out by the US dollar and the South African rand.

В данном случае местные деньги были в основном вытеснены американским долларом и южноафриканским рандом.

Before this time it was not possible to run a money-driven organization, as commodity money was the normal way of doing business.

До этого времени невозможно было управлять организацией, основанной на деньгах, поскольку товарные деньги были обычным способом ведения бизнеса.

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He gets on the hook and, driven by his desire for money, which is the only thing he knows,

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Il s’accroche au hameçon, motivé par son désir d’argent, qui est tout ce qu’il connaît, et il monte vers

Alternative and complementary money systems are growing, driven by citizens, consumers and social networks.

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Des systèmes monétaires alternatifs et complémentaires sont de plus en plus utilisés; grâce aux citoyens,


consommateurs et


réseaux sociaux.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

In a hinterland driven by the bling bling and easy money of Russian and Scandinavian surfortunés,

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Dans un arrière-pays drivé par le bling bling et l’argent facile de russes ou scandinaves surfortunés,

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Manufacturers are mostly driven by


even more so

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Les fabricants sont essentiellement stimulés par l’aspect financier,

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Les déplacements sont d’habitude motivés par la détresse.

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Front mounted tools are driven by



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Brush separately driven by three-phase motor.

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Performances driven by robust processes linking.

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Mené par courte période de financement PASCF.

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Asset Management net inflows were driven by new mandates for diversified and bond funds despite continuing outflows from


market funds, albeit at a slower pace.

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La collecte nette en gestion d’actifs s’explique par l’obtention de nouveaux mandats de gestion de fonds diversifiés et obligataires, malgré la décollecte ininterrompue, quoique plus lente, dans les fonds du marché monétaire.

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Translations for money driven
mon·ey driv·en

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  • χρήματα που οδηγούνταιGreek
  • dinero impulsadoSpanish
  • l'argent conduitFrench
  • guidato dal denaroItalian
  • お金で動くJapanese
  • 돈 구동Korean
  • dinheiro dirigidoPortuguese
  • управляемый деньгамиRussian
  • เงินขับเคลื่อนThai
  • para odaklıTurkish
  • гроші загнаніUkrainian
  • 钱驱动Chinese


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