Word for done at the same time

and determination of


Lebanese people and in


cooperation and assistance of


United Nations,




League of Arab States, regional countries and


international community in ensuring that


tragic past of Lebanon is never repeated.

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Хотя мы все знаем,

что предстоит еще очень многое сделать, мы в то же время верим, что благодаря мудрости и

решимости ливанского народа и сотрудничеству и помощи Организации Объединенных Наций,<< четверки>>, Лиги арабских государств, стран региона и международного сообщества трагическое прошлое Ливана никогда больше не повторится.

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annual programme review will be done at the same time as


annual UNDAF review, with all partners involved.

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Годовой обзор выполнения программы будет проводиться одновременно с годовым обзором выполнения ЮНДАФ с участием всех задействованных партнеров.

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feeding screw can be replaced rapidly,

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Винт подачи могут быть заменены быстро,

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brow lift or


forehead lift is a different procedure and it can be done at the same time with



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Подтяжка лба или бровей- отдельная процедура, которая может быть сделана одновременно с подтяжкой лица.

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footage for what later would be for a documentary by A&E called»More Than a Game.

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документальный фильм A& E и называный» Больше, чем игра.

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Вам придется делать одновременно завивку волос, сушить, наносить краску- и все это разным посетителям!

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While focusing on


past, this report does at the same time, in our view, reveal a new trend for



a future in which participation is not merely a theoretical stipulation but also a concrete reality.

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Делая упор на прошлом, этот доклад в то же время, с нашей точки зрения, открывает новую тенденцию на будущее-



котором участие является не чисто теоретическим положением, но также конкретной реальностью.

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While we are always grateful for


assistance of



community in addressing


humanitarian needs of our people, we do at the same time reaffirm


need to address


root source

of this humanitarian crisis in all its aspects.

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Хотя мы всегда благодарны за помощь международного

сообщества при рассмотрении гуманитарных потребностей нашего народа, в то же время мы подтверждаем необходимость рассмотрения коренного источника этого

гуманитарного кризиса во всех его аспектах.

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not just look

at the

devastation, but also focus on


miracles I shall do at the same time, because for those that are holy

even if they live on

the same

land you are hidden under


shelter of MY Wings. MY Holy angels shall protect you. I will provide for your needs. I use this ministry to reach Asia, you cannot conceive how many have come to their knees and bowed their heads and confess YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH.

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Не смотрите только на опустошение, но также сосредоточьтесь и на чудесах, которые Я сделаю в то же время, потому что для тех,

кто Святы, даже если они живут на той


самой земле, вы скрыты под прикрытием МОИХ Крыльев. МОИ Святые ангелы будут защитить вас. Я предусмотрю ваши потребности.

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Он признал, что многое уже было сделано, однако вместе с тем,« многое еще предстоит


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When you have made a construction, so it can be hard to tell,

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Когда вы


строительства, поэтому он может быть трудно сказать,,

By this act


Republic of Croatia joins other countries that have already done so demonstrating at the same time its openness for all thematic mechanisms,

as well as its commitment to


promotion and protection of human rights within


United Nations system.

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Таким образом, Республика Хорватия присоединяется к другим уже поступившим таким образом странам, подтверждая одновременно свою открытость для всех тематических механизмов

и свою приверженность поощрению и защите прав человека в рамках системы Организации Объединенных Наций.

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homework- we completely repeated, that none of


girls would not feel that its something cheated.

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уроки- мы полностью повторили, чтобы никто из девочек не чувствовал, что ее чем-то обделили.

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For example, they can show how much


mothers or

fathers spend with their children regardless of what else they might be doing at the same time and whether they are


home or somewhere else.

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Например, данные могут показать, сколько


мужчины и женщины

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Everything must be


at the same time, as


bugs move very quickly and settle around



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Все нужно делать одновременно, поскольку клопы очень быстро перемещаются и расселяются по помещению.

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When several indoor units are operated simultaneously,

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При одновременной работе нескольких внутренних блоков

операции охлаждения и обогрева не могут выполняться единовременно.

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which for




included diagnostic rules for general analysis.

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Проверка проекта как раз совпала с выпуском PVS- Studio 4.

00, где впервые появились диагностические правила общего назначения.

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This is a specific type of massage that is


at the same time for two people who are already associate some kind of relationship.

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Это специфический вид массажа, который делается одновременно для двух человек, которых уже связывают какие-то отношения.

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insertion of


mask, filling,

pressing, sealing, label printing to leak testing, all of


steps are


at the same time to save


and money.

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От вставки маски, заполнения, прессования, уплотнения,

печати этикеток для проверки герметичности все шаги выполняются в одно и то же время, чтобы сэкономить


и деньги.

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at the

request of their customers can make man and woman.

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Обычно такой вид массажа делают одновременно две массажистки, но по

желанию клиентов их может делать парень и девушка.

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Олько представьте себе, что они могут одновременно шестью руками.

According to Lexico, the word simultaneously means «At the same time«.

And the word concurrently means «Existing, happening, or done at the same time«.

And the word (phrase?) at the same time means «Simultaneously«.

So then how do you use these words differently? I feel that concurrently is slightly different than the others, but I can’t find any difference between At the same time and Simultaneously, even the dictionary says it’s same. Still, I often see they’re used differently:

  • It was simultaneously frightening and annoying.
  • He was given two prison sentences, to run concurrently.
  • He looked hurt and angry at the same time.

I think the first one and third one is interchangeable if we change the order of some words, but I don’t think second one is interchangeable(But I don’t know why, I just feel that it isn’t).

We do not typically use a comma before or after an adverbial phrase, such as “at the same time” or “for the time being”, to separate the phrase from the verb it describes.

We do not typically use a comma before or after an adverbial phrase, such as “at the same time” or “for the time being”, to separate the phrase from the verb it describes.

They both arrived at the same time.

But you can optionally add a comma at the beginning of a sentence to clarify or add emphasis.

For the time being, it is better to be cautious on this matter and not take any chances.

When using the expression “at the same time that…” to introduce a subordinating clause at the start of a sentence, add a comma after it.

At the same time that she disappeared from the courtroom, the pronouncement happened.


  • 1. ‘At the same time’ and ‘For the time being’ as Introductory Phrases
  • 2. Commas in the Middle or at the End of a Sentence

1. ‘At the same time’ and ‘For the time being’ as Introductory Phrases

At the beginning of a sentence, we do not need to put a comma after short prepositional phrases (less than four words), like “at the same time” or “for the time being”.

For the time being the decision remains in force.

But you can use it to add emphasis or clarify the meaning of the sentence.

For the time being, economic stability remains the core objective of the central bank after a prolonged period of inflation.

The expression “at the same time” can be followed by the word “that” and a subordinating clause. In such a situation, add a comma after the whole subordinating clause that follows.

At the same time that Olivia was preparing to leave, Peter returned home.

2. Commas in the Middle or at the End of a Sentence

When using a prepositional phrase in the middle or at the end of a sentence, a comma before or after it is commonly unnecessary.

My motorcycle broke down, and I am using my wife’s car for the time being.

Can you have two girlfriends at the same time without lying all the time?

It was unfortunate that they both arrived at the same time.

The meeting had been held at the same time as an equally important briefing.

Follow the same comma rules with the expression «in the meantime» to refer to a period between two times or events.

There are particular sentence structures, however, where commas may be required. For example, use commas to avoid confusion, add nonessential information, signal a strong interruption, or separate coordinate phrases.

Olivia and David arrived to Paris to forget about the past and, at the same time, start a new life together.


In formal writing, you might want to talk about how things happened “at the same time.” “At the same time” can mean that things happen together or that a new fact should be taken into account. This article will explore some of the best formal synonyms for it.

Better Ways to Say At the Same Time

The preferred synonyms are “nevertheless,” “even so,” and “simultaneously.” “Nevertheless” and “even so” work well to introduce a new fact or idea to the sentence. “Simultaneously” shows that something happens at the same time as another situation, which can be used in some cases.


“Nevertheless” is the best synonym for “at the same time.” It allows you to introduce new information to consider, which is one of the uses that “at the same time” has in formal writing.

“Nevertheless” (and “nonetheless”) allow you to disregard the previous thing you stated. For example, if that thing would likely have a negative impact on an outcome, but the outcome still turns out positive, “nevertheless” is a good way of disregarding it.

You’ll find that “nevertheless” is one of the most common choices when it comes to formal writing. It’s a great way to start a new sentence when you want to consider how something might have been affected by what you wrote.

  • We needed to be quiet about these things. Nevertheless, it’s important that some things are spoken about to keep up appearances.
  • I know what you were saying. Nevertheless, I don’t have time to run you through my arguments right now.
  • She wasn’t told about the issues. Nevertheless, there were a few things that she knew needed to be fixed.

Even So

“Even so” is another great choice. It is synonymous with “at the same time” when it is used to introduce new information. You can use it when the information you’re adding shows that there wasn’t a direct connection coming from your previous sentence.

If you’re going to use “even so” correctly, you need to make sure it connects in some way to your previous sentence. It won’t work if you start a new sentence with “even so” without making any kind of connection to a previous one.

  • We waited for as long as we could. Even so, there was only so much time we could waste before moving forward.
  • I told Nikita that it wasn’t going to happen. Even so, she made sure that she was going to be there to see me off.
  • I think a few errors in their policy choices need to be discussed. Even so, I’ll be there to talk to them about it.


“Simultaneously” offers a different meaning for “at the same time.” You can use it to show that two or more things are happening at once or happening together.

While this meaning for “at the same time” isn’t as common in formal writing, it’s still suitable to use it. We thought it was best to include this meaning to make sure you can cover all aspects of your academic writing.

  • We made short work of that. Simultaneously, we found that there were a few issues that we needed to fix quickly.
  • I knew you were going to do that. Simultaneously, I made sure that there were no repeating factors that you could change.
  • They were told to stop fighting. Simultaneously, Harriet and Michael thought that was going to be the end of the road.


“Concurrently” is an alternative to “simultaneously.” It shows that two things happen at the same time or that they are supposed to happen together. It’s not as popular as “simultaneously,” but it still works in some cases.

Generally, “concurrently” is the last resort. It’s not something you’ll find a lot of people using, but it still works. Many people will think that you’re trying too hard to come up with a good synonym if you use this one, which is why you should be careful.

  • Of course, some things needed to change. Concurrently, some people were not ready for that.
  • The policies were not yet completed. Concurrently, people had gathered to protest before anything had been announced.
  • I thought long and hard about it. Concurrently, there seem to be a few people who do not agree with my problems.


“Still” introduces a new piece of information that needs considering. Interestingly, it also shows that the new piece of information might not have a direct relationship with the previous thing you wrote about.

This could be useful, as not all connections are direct. For example, if you said one thing went wrong in a situation, you could say, “still, the overall situation was positive.” Even though there was a negative issue, it did not affect the overall outcome.

  • I waited for as long as I could. Still, there were some things that I simply had to get done. I couldn’t wait any longer for them.
  • She told me that long ago. Still, I knew she wanted to discuss something with me again. I made myself available.
  • You couldn’t have been more wrong about that. Still, I appreciate you telling me how you feel about all of this.

After Everything

“After everything” allows you (or the reader) to consider everything you’ve written. It works in formal writing to show that something hasn’t changed the expected outcome.

It might also work well to use this one when showing what you expected to happen. It works in this case when the expected outcome comes true, meaning that you’d planned for everything to go in a particular way.

  • I wanted to be there. After everything, I wanted to be the one that was going to support my coworkers.
  • There were a few issues with the report. After everything, someone still hadn’t finished entering their data.
  • After everything, I wanted a chance to prove myself. I wanted to show everything that I was still capable.

Having Said That

“Having said that” shows that additional information might come into play. You can use “having said that” to almost disregard the previous thing you spoke about in your writing.

This gives you a chance to explain what you might want to talk about to your reader. For an academic paper, it can work well to show what you think about something (especially if it’s a contradictory thought).

  • We wanted to talk about it. Having said that, it seemed like there weren’t going to be any good opportunities to talk.
  • I made sure to control all of the relevant factors. Having said that, there was still the chance of human error interfering with the product.
  • We could have done all of this by now. Having said that, I’m glad we spent a bit more time getting through it.

Just The Same

“Just the same” is a good way to show that another piece of information does not impact something. You can include “just the same” at the start of a new sentence to show that the outcome of the previous one does not directly impact it.

Since this is the fairly common usage for “at the same time,” it makes sense that “just the same” is a suitable replacement for it.

  • I needed you to be there for me. Just the same, I’m glad that you’re here now. I suppose there’s still time to work through this.
  • She wanted nothing more to do with the project. Just the same, it was as much her hard work as it was my own.
  • There were a few tasks left for them to do. Just the same, someone had to get back to the office to talk to the boss.

In Any Event

“In any event” shows that a new piece of information is not affected by a previous one. In this context, “any event” means “whatever the case” or “whatever happens.” There are no direct connections that can be made here.

Again, this is a fairly common way to use “at the same time.” That’s what makes it a good formal replacement.

  • In any event, it seems like the outcome was not what was expected. There are a few things that need to be changed.
  • In any event, I made it clear that I wasn’t going to be able to help them. I think they appreciated my honesty.
  • It was a difficult task to complete. In any event, getting to the end of it was certainly a rewarding experience.

At Any Rate

“At any rate” is almost identical to “in any event.” You can use the two phrases synonymously, which allows them both to work well in academic writing or formal papers.

This time, “rate” is used in place of “event.” It still means “whatever happens,” and it allows you to talk about a new piece of information that isn’t directly impacted by the previous one.

  • I could have told you all about that. At any rate, I’m just glad that you were able to come to your senses about it.
  • The research papers have all been filed. At any rate, it should be much easier for us to come to an arrangement now.
  • There were some new candidates available for hire. At any rate, it seemed like none of them was a truly “good” fit.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.



Автоматический перевод

одновременно, в то же время, вместе с тем, заодно, в то же самое время, наряду, тем не менее

Перевод по словам

same  — то же, тот же, та же, так же, то же самое, одинаковый
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный


Both ends wrote at the same time.

Корреспонденты на обоих концах линии связи написали одновременно.

He felt sticky and chilly at the same time.

Ему было одновременно липко и холодно.

At the same time he set his wooden stump upon my foot.

И в этот момент он наступил мне на ногу своим деревянным протезом.

Kate and I both went to live in Spain at the same time.

Мы с Кейт оба переселились в Испанию в одно и то же время.

The file can be accessed by many users at the same time.

Файл может быть доступен многим пользователям одновременно.

Too many things demanded his attention at the same time.

Слишком много вещей требовали его внимания в одно и то же время.

Kids can have fun and learn about music at the same time.

Дети могут одновременно весело проводить время и учиться музыке.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was excited and at the same time shy.  

At the same time, that party’s role seems to be entirely negative.  

He phones us every Sunday at six, regular as clockwork (=always at the same time).  

I don’t like to mix business with pleasure (=combine business and social activities at the same time).  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

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  • Word for doing something for no reason
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  • Word for doing something at the same time
  • Word for doing your part