Word for doing good for others

Can anyone give the exact single word for the feeling/quality of doing good works for others without having any selfishness?

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asked Mar 22, 2018 at 3:21

Paramvir Chhina's user avatar



Having, exhibiting, or motivated by no concern for oneself;

American Heritage Dictionary


Twenty-five million veterans are living among us today.
These men and women selflessly set aside their civilian lives to put
on the uniform and serve us.
— Steve Buyer

Also «altruism»

  1. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness.
    American Heritage Dictionary


“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative
altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” ― Martin
Luther King Jr

There is also «philanthropy», but I think this word is less suitable, as not all philanthropists might act out of complete selflessness.

answered Mar 22, 2018 at 3:58

Zebrafish's user avatar


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Doing good without a selfish motivation is called ‘altruism‘.

Disinterested or selfless concern for the well-being of others, esp. as a principle of action. Opposed to selfishness, egoism, or (in early use) egotism.


The gift of giving: How does altruism improve teens’ lives?

Medical News — 25 Dec 2017

New research finds that altruism — and social media — can help corporations cultivate trust with consumers

PhysOrg — 20 Feb 2018

answered Mar 22, 2018 at 6:04

Nigel J's user avatar

Nigel JNigel J

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He’s probably working right now, doing good for others and whatnot which is annoying, but undeniably charming.

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Он, вероятно, сейчас работает, творя добро для других и все такое, что раздражает, но бесспорно очаровательно.

When the administrator of the local hospital asks him to treat the town’s less fortunate,

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Когда администратор местного госпиталя просит его лечить менее состоятельных жителей,

There are two types of magic,

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Есть два типа магии, вы просто

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Cripple-minded persons, always engaged in satisfying their senses,

sometimes expand their activities in order to do good for others through some“ism” like nationalism, humanitarianism or altruism.

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Иногда такие обыватели расширяют поле своей деятельности, чтобы делать добро другим посредством какого-нибудь« изма», например национализма, гуманизма или альтруизма.

Atonement(also atoning, to atone) is the concept of a person taking action to correct previous wrongdoing on their part, either through direct action to undo the consequences of that act,

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Искупле́ние- концепция, при которой лицо предпринимает действия по исправлению совершенного правонарушения со своей стороны, либо путем прямого действия по устранению последствий этого поступка, либо действия,

Others claim that the coup did nothing good for Lithuania and was merely a fight over influence in the newly reborn state.

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Есть и другое мнение, что переворот не сделал ничего хорошего для Литвы и был просто борьбой за влияние в недавно возродившемся государстве.

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For others, but do not do their own self-esteem, better think about what you will




can not.

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По мнению других, но не делайте свои чувства собственного достоинства, лучше подумать о том, что вы будете




не могут.

OIOS identified actual instances and perceptions among some staff that senior mission managers and

commanders abused their authority and


not set a good example for others to follow.

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УСВН выявило фактические и предполагаемые рядом сотрудников случаи превышения служебных полномочий

старшими руководителями и руководителями миссий, которые не подавали остальному персоналу хороший пример.

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If we give good things to other people, we


it without knowing it, much more


ourselves, instead of for others Eastern wisdom.

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Если мы даем хорошие вещи другим людям, мы делаем это,


зная об этом, гораздо больше


себя, а не для других восточная мудрость.

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For you who are conscious of this now, you


have a lifetime responsibility to engage it


the good of your life and




that you can express through your life to


and for others.

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Для тех, кто осознает это сейчас, у вас есть ответственность в целую жизнь, чтобы заниматься этим на благо вашей жизни и ради того хорошего, которое вы можете выразить через свою жизнь с


и для других.

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If the dance moves that she practices now do no good for her now as well as



good for others,

then will things change in the future if she makes a career out of dancing?

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Если сейчас танцы, которые она танцует, не несут ничего хорошего для нее, почему вы думаете, что все изменится в будущем, если она будет на этом делать карьеру?

You have a NEW CHANCE to


something interesting and good for you and other people.

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It’s like that book I read in ninth grade that said,’Tis a far, far


thing doing stuff for other people.

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Прямо как в той книге, которую я прочитала в 9 классе:» Делать всякое для других— очень, очень круто.

If the Committee had

not included such wording in the concluding observations for other States, it might be a good idea to start



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Если Комитет не включил эту формулировку в заключительные замечания для других государств, то, может быть, было бы хорошо начать это делать.

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Our approaches show up promising results,


especially good for such well-defined class as person, still being appropriate


detecting named entities of other types as well.

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Наши подходы( отмеченные идентификатором’ Orange’ в отчете организаторов FactRuEval- 2016) показывают перспективные результаты, особенно хорошо работая для таких


определенных классов как люди, оставаясь при этом удовлетворительными


распознавания сущностей других типов.

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Well, a




me is a bad thing for others, of course, but the truth is,

I don’t know. The issue is not yet resolved.

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Что хорошо


меня- плохо для других, но если честно, не знаю, этот вопрос еще не решен.

All my life


things for other people, but… What is it

good for?

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Всю свою жизнь я потратил на других, и что я получил взамен?

There is a very simple rule for living in harmony with Tao: do good to


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Есть очень простое правило для жизни в гармонии с Дао: делай другому хорошо!

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I feel sorry


you that you can’t believe a person exists who does good

for other


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Мне жаль тебя, ты не можешь поверить, что существует человек, который творит добро.

She said she wanted to write stories about good people doing nice things for each other.

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But the most responsible role for us all is to do good and to make others follow our example.

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For 10 years now, the United Nations has been buffeted by the tumultuous changes of the new era,


good work in many instances but falling short in others.

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Теперь на протяжении уже почти 10 лет Организация Объединенных Наций испытывает


себе воздействие бурных перемен новой эпохи, добиваясь хороших результатов во многих случаях и терпя неудачи в других случаях.

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and creating that effect for the ones doing so much good in our community is absolutely priceless.”.

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Просто стараться для тех, кто делает столько добра в своем районе,- это абсолютно бесценно».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Cripple-minded persons, always engaged in satisfying their senses, sometimes expand their activities in order to do good for others through some «ism» like nationalism, humanitarianism or altruism.

Иногда такие обыватели расширяют поле своей деятельности, чтобы делать добро другим посредством какого-нибудь «изма», например национализма, гуманизма или альтруизма.

Chances to do good for others.

Pray for the ability to do good for others.

A fiery spirit that burned to the district and to do good for others.

We hold so much power to do good for others and ourselves.

Violet is the color of the humanitarian, using its better judgment to do good for others.

While I want to do good for others it turns out to be bad for me.

Everyone can find a way to do good for others.

We are here on this earth to do good for others.

Nevertheless, he went on to attribute some saint-like qualities to her, especially her «almost childlike» desire to do good for others.

Тем не менее, он отмечал в её характере некоторые черты святости, особенно её «по-детски наивное» желание творить добро.

For 45 years of work «FITOFARM» we have developed good traditions to do good for others.

We are here on this earth to do good for others.

In other words, the profit motive now becomes the desire to do good for others through the products that they produce, while also making the company continue to survive and exist and thrive at a much more reduced level than previously.

Другими словами, мотивом прибыли теперь становится желание приносить пользу другим через продукты, которые они производят, а также заставляя компанию продолжать выживать, и существовать, и процветать на гораздо более низком уровне, чем раньше.

So, do not miss the opportunity to do good for others while there is still time!

Do you want to come in contact with someone who wants to do good for others, just like you?

Ladies and Gentlemen, those of good intention, those who try to do good for others, your attention please for something which is of vital importance to sufferers.

Леди и джентльмены, те, кто, руководствуясь самыми благими намерениями, пытаются делать людям добро, лучше направьте свое внимание на что-нибудь, что жизненно важно для страждущих.

Seek to do good for others, and you will find fulfullment.

Are you willing and ready to do good for others, even to those you do not want to associate with?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 18. Точных совпадений: 18. Затраченное время: 140 мс


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Someone who cares about others is definitely somebody you want in your life, or better yet, you want to be that person yourself. However, knowing some good synonyms to describe these people is the first step in making sure you know the correct language and rules to use!

There are some really great words that we can use to describe somebody with this quality. You can pick from the list below, and we’ll elaborate more on them as we move through the article.

  • Selfless
  • Altruistic
  • Philanthropic
  • Magnanimous
  • Considerate

Which Words Can Describe Someone Who Helps Others?

The preferred version is “selfless” because it most closely matches the intended meaning we’re looking for. If we’re looking to describe somebody’s “selfless” actions, we can simply use the adjective “selfless” to demonstrate this.


Let’s start with the most obvious choice on the list. It’s one of the best descriptive words you can use for someone who helps others.

If someone is selfless, it means they’re happy to do something for other people without caring about their own needs. They’ll often care about what people need over themselves, and will do anything to make sure they get that.

The definition of “selfless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “caring more for what other people need and want rather than for what you yourself need and want.”

Sometimes, selfless people put themselves at a disadvantage to make sure that the less fortunate get what they need. They’ll spend their hard-earned money or give up their valuable time to do things that other people might refuse to do.

If you’re a selfless person, many people will see it as a powerful and positive quality. It attracts good people toward you, which is ideal if you’re trying to set up a happy and friendly circle of people in your life.

You might see “selfless” used in the following ways:

  • You’d be surprised, but it pays to be selfless. The more you give, the more you end up getting back.
  • It’s rewarding to be selfless, and you’ll start to appreciate that when you do acts of kindness yourself.
  • I love being selfless because it allows me to bring smiles to everyone’s faces who otherwise wouldn’t get a chance to smile.
  • You’re selfless, and I love that about you. It makes you who you are, and that makes you great.
  • If you were any more selfless, you wouldn’t have anything left to give! I’ve never met anyone quite like you!


Next, let’s talk about altruism and being altruistic. It’s another great way to talk about someone who has a deep care for other people.

If a person is altruistic, it means they are charitable. Usually, an altruistic person will be happy to provide for others, especially if it means those people will be put at an advantage that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

The definition of “altruistic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing a wish to help or bring advantages to others, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself.”

Much like being selfless, an altruistic person will often put themselves at a disadvantage, provided it means the people they’re helping out will be put into a better position. This is the ultimate act of selflessness because it means you’re thinking about another over your own wellbeing.

It’s very common for selfless people and altruistic people to attract people to them. Most of the time, if someone is in need, they’ll look for the good people who are willing to give up anything to help them out.

We can describe someone as “altruistic” in the following ways:

  • If he were any more altruistic, he might as well be an angel!
  • You’re the most altruistic person I’ve ever met, and I can’t understand why you’d get so much out of helping people who can’t help you back!
  • She’s altruistic, which means that she’s happy to help those in need, even when it might be detrimental to her.
  • I’m as altruistic as I can be, considering that I don’t have much to give. I still try my best to be the best for them!
  • They’re both altruistic, which says a lot about their character if you ask me.


“Philanthropic” is the next word we’ll touch on, and it works in a very similar manner to altruism.

If someone is philanthropic, it usually means they’re happy to help out poorer people by providing goods, services, or money. It’s a term mostly used for richer people who are selfless in their spending.

The definition of “philanthropic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “helping poor people, especially by giving them money.”

It’s common for rich people to be painted in a bad light. Usually, people see them as greedy or selfish, which isn’t an ideal way to be viewed. As a philanthropist, rich people can pain themselves in a more positive way by providing money where it’s needed.

To be philanthropic, you usually need money. It’s not as open-ended as being selfless or altruistic (which can also apply to the actions you complete). Money is the driving force of charitable donations when it comes to being a philanthropist.

The following examples are great ways to demonstrate a philanthropic person:

  • You’re a philanthropic business, and it shows in your accounts. People look up to you for guidance and counseling.
  • I’m trying to be philanthropic, which means I need to start helping out people whenever they ask for it.
  • You’re too philanthropic, which makes you intimidating! How can anyone keep up with your amazing generosity?
  • You’re so philanthropic, and your actions are always selfless, which is what I aspire to achieve.
  • They’re both very philanthropic, and if you ask them for any money, I’m sure they’ll be happy to oblige.


We now move to “magnanimous,” which isn’t a common word, but it works really well when you can find the right situations to use it.

A magnanimous person is someone who shows a high level of generosity and kindness. However, it’s usually aimed towards a competitor or enemy, which is seen as an even more powerful form of selflessness.

The definition of “magnanimous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “generous and kind, esp. toward a competitor or enemy.”

It’s human nature to want to hate your enemies. We want to beat them however we can, and we’ll make sure to show that. However, a magnanimous person won’t demonstrate these traits, and they’ll instead show kindness to their enemy no matter what.

Even if an enemy beats them, if someone is magnanimous, they will still show them the generosity and kind spirit that they are. These are the kinds of people that you want in your life because they’ll always look out for you.

Incidentally, the word doesn’t only have to apply to enemies or competitors, it just works best in that format.

Magnanimous people can be seen in the following ways:

  • It’s best to be magnanimous when you beat a competitor because it shows that you truly care about them and their spirit.
  • While we might be enemies, I appreciate your magnanimous attitude in your victory, and I respect you more for it.
  • I’m magnanimous, and I make sure that everyone around me is treated with the respect that they deserve.
  • It pays to be magnanimous, as my enemies have already become my friends after I showed them the generous spirit I’m capable of having.
  • He’s so magnanimous that we simply wouldn’t take my money, even after he beat me!


Finally, let’s look at “considerate,” which works well to talk about someone who is selfless but also is a bit more general.

A considerate person cares deeply about others and will make sure that whatever actions or things they do won’t offend others. They’ll often ask before they act to make sure that everyone is going to be happy with the results.

The definition of “considerate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “caring about and respectful of others.”

Generally, considerate people are easy to spot, as they’re the people who will actively think about their actions. They’ll also make sure to think before they speak, thus stopping themselves from saying anything crude or embarrassing at the wrong times.

You can usually trust a considerate person to have your best interests at heart, meaning they’ll be one of the best choices to keep close in your life.

If you’re a considerate person, one of these examples might apply to you:

  • He was so considerate of my feelings, and I’ve never known anyone to care for me the way that he did.
  • You’re the most considerate person that I’ve ever met, and you’ve always cared for us more than anyone else.
  • I’m considerate when it counts, and I’ll make sure to help everyone in their time of need.
  • For a billionaire, he’s an incredibly considerate person. He’s given so much money to help out those in need.
  • We’re considerate of our elders, and we make sure to treat them with all the respect they deserve.

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10 Best Words For Being “Not Greedy”
12 Words For Someone Who Will Do Anything For Someone Else
11 Words For Doing Something Without Being Asked

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


  • #1

Hello, Forum,
I came across the phrase «People Who Do Good for Others» (used as the title of a lesson in English) in a manuscript. The lesson has a story of Nelson Mandela taking up the noble cause of the freedom of Black people in his country, though he does not


good to others anymore. My ears (as well as my eyes;)) don’t like the preposition «for» there because I believe we do good to others. I’d have definitely used «to» instead (as I always have with «do good»). Do native ears find «for» correct there?
For God’s sake, please don’t say there is an elision, my pet peeve:(, in the expression that justifies «for». Please test it on the criterion of words expressly written, if that’s not impractical.

Thank you very much in anticipation.


Last edited: Jul 25, 2016


  • #4

«doing something for the benefit of others».

Oh, no! That’s what I thought somebody would come up with — the only difference is that I thought of «sake» rather than «benefit». But wait, you say it means, not «there is an elision». Right? Thanks a lot for your answer.

Namaste, Ewie.:) Thanks a million for your detailed answer. However, drinkers will differ on whether you are really doing them any good.;)

Last edited: Jul 25, 2016


  • #5

To me, «to» suggests a personalness, immediacy with the beneficiaries while «for» suggests an impersonalness. Do you see it that way too? But the Google ngram shows very few results for «do good for others» as compared to «do good to others», though I think (noble people) doing good for others must be a more common subject than (people) doing good to others (if we differentiate like that).
Google Ngram Viewer

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