«german word for dog» at online dictionary. Definition of german word for dog. What is another word for german word for dog? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does german word for dog? However, check german word for dog at our online dictionary below.
Table Of Content:
- 100 German Dog Names
- How to say dog in German
- Dog Training Commands in Several Languages
- Sit, Stay and Speak! 15 German Dog Commands for Both You and …
- The 10+ Best German Dog Commands — Rogue Pet Science
- 35 German Dog Commands to Train your Dog
- How To Say «Dog» in German ( + Dog Commands) – MostUsedWords
- German Translation of “dog” | Collins English-German Dictionary
- German Dog Training Commands | Neuman K-9 Academy
- 150+ German Dog Names & Meanings [Awesome Names for Your …
1. 100 German Dog Names
https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/lifestyle/100-german-dog-names/Apr 24, 2017 … Maybe you have a German Shepherd Dog puppy, a Rottweiler, or a German Shorthaired Pointer and want to honor his heritage.
2. How to say dog in German
Hund · Rüde · Pleite · Schreckschraube · Klammer …
3. Dog Training Commands in Several Languages
Common commands used for communicating with dogs in several languages. … GERMAN, FRENCH, CZECH, DUTCH. Heel · Fuss (fooss), Au pied (oh-pee-aye), K noze
4. Sit, Stay and Speak! 15 German Dog Commands for Both You and …
https://www.fluentu.com/blog/german/german-dog-commands/Sit, Stay and Speak! 15 German Dog Commands for Both You and Spot to Learn · 1. Bring (fetch) · 2. Aus (down/let go) · 3. Bleib (stay) · 4. Fuß (heel) · 5. Hier/komm …
5. The 10+ Best German Dog Commands — Rogue Pet Science
https://roguepetscience.com/2021/02/02/german-dog-commands/May 13, 2021 … What are the German Dog Commands for Police Dogs? · Sit: Sitz (zitz) · Down: Platz (plah-tz) · Stay: Bleib (blibe) · Here/Come: Hier (hee-r) · Heel: …
6. 35 German Dog Commands to Train your Dog
https://www.dog-training-excellence.com/german-dog-commands.htmlWarte is the command (wait) and Warten is the infinitive (to wait), you can use which ever one you like best. Aus can also be used for out, the word Pfui (means …
7. How To Say «Dog» in German ( + Dog Commands) – MostUsedWords
https://mostusedwords.com/blogs/german/how-do-you-say-dog-in-germanApr 30, 2020 … The word for dog in German is quite simple and short, which is rather surprising considering what language we are talking about.
8. German Translation of “dog” | Collins English-German Dictionary
https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-german/dogIn other languages. dog · American English: dog /ˈdɔg/ · Brazilian Portuguese: seguir · Chinese: 长期困扰问题、伤病等 · European Spanish: perseguir · French: …
9. German Dog Training Commands | Neuman K-9 Academy
https://www.mndogtraining.com/dogcommands-german/German dog training commands tranlated into Egnlish. These are common commands used for obedience, Schutzhund, tracking and protection.
10. 150+ German Dog Names & Meanings [Awesome Names for Your …
https://www.mydogsname.com/german-dog-names/Aug 11, 2021 … Male German Dog Names · Adler – eagle · Adolph – noble wolf · Albern – white · Albert – noble, bright · Albrecht – also means noble, bright · Alger – …
Finally, you got the answer of german word for dog in this article. We update details about 100 German Dog Names. Thank you for reading.
Germany is a very dog-friendly country. You very rarely get to see the sign “No dogs allowed” there. One of the common stereotypes about Germans is that they are disciplined. It looks like their dogs are disciplined as well!
In today’s article, you will learn how to say “dog” in German. They are welcome members of German society. Sometimes, it might even look like Germans get on with their dogs better than with their fellow citizens.
Don’t forget to take a look at our unique German Frequency Dictionary series. You will learn only practical vocabulary listed by frequency and alphabet. Learning new vocabulary by frequency is a great way to learn a language effectively!
The word for dog in German is quite simple and short, which is rather surprising considering what language we are talking about. It is (der) Hund. It is pronounced [hʊnt] in the IPA transcription. It has the same origin as the English hound, and the plural form is Hunde.
How to Translate “Good Dog” into German
The phrase braver Hund does not mean a brave or braver dog. Brav means good in the meaning well-behaved. Say it if you want to praise a German-speaking dog.
Standard Dog Commands in German
It is not uncommon to hear English-speaking owners to use commands in the German language when they train or call their dogs. Police dogs in the United States usually speak German as well. This is partly connected to the tradition of them being trained in Germany, but it also ensures someone else does not accidentally give them a command by mistake.
Let’s take a look at some of the basic commands in German:
- Sitz! – Sit! (Sitz is the 2nd person singular imperative form of sitzen – to sit. It is pronounced [ˈzɪts].)
- Platz! – Place! (Platz (M) means place but also a square or a seat. Its pronunciation is [plats].)
- Bleib! – Stay! (Bleib is the imperative of bleiben – to stay. It is pronounced [blaip])
- Steh! – Stand! (The infinitive form of steh is stehen – to stand. It is pronounced [ʃteː].)
- Aus! – Drop it! (Aus is a preposition meaning “from” or “out of.” Its pronunciation is [aʊs].)
- Bring! – Fetch! (The infinitive is bringen – to bring or to fetch. The imperative form is pronounced [bʁɪŋ] in the IPA transcription.)
Names of Dog Breeds in German
The majority of police dogs are German shepherds. They are called deutscher Schäferhund or deutsche Schäferhunde in the plural.
How do Germans call other dog breeds? Dachshund is clearly a name of German origin. It literally means “badger dog.” Germans sometimes call dachshunds Dackel. The same goes for Schnauzer (der Schnauzer).
Other names include:
- Der Pudel – Poodle
- Die Deutsche Dogge – Great Dane or German Mastiff
- Der Neufundländer – Newfoundland Dog
- Der Irische Wolfshund – Irish Wolfhound
Other breeds have similar names in German and in English, such as der Retriever, der Foxterrier, or der Boxer.
How Do Germans Call Their Own Pets
The most popular dog names are, for example, Adler (meaning eagle), Bach (der Bach is a stream but also a surname of Johann Sebastian Bach), Heinrich (the German equivalent of Henry), or Siegfried (meaning victorious peace).
Let’s take a look at some other popular names for dogs in Germany
- Kaiser (der Kaiser is the emperor)
- Stein (der Stein is the stone)
- Albern (albern means crazy)
They often use standard human names for dogs as well, such as
- Dieter
- Franz
- Fritz
- Hans
- Wolfgang
What Do Dogs Do in German
They have amazing abilities and can be trained to perform countless tasks. What are the common verbs related to dogs?
- One of their favorite pastimes is barking. In German, you would say for example: Bellen diese Hunde? – Do these dogs bark?
- They can growl, too: Fritz knurrte mich an. – Fritz growled at me.
- Have you ignored the warning signs? Der Postbote wurde von deinem Pudel gebissen. – The postman was bitten by your poodle. Gebissen is the past participle of beißen (to bite). Don’t forget to change the sharp S (ß) into “ss” in the past forms of this verb (beißen – biss – gebissen).
- If you don’t want any unpleasant surprises in unexpected places, you should take it for a walk regularly. Könntest du bitte Adler morgen früh ausführen? – Could you take Adler out for a walk tomorrow morning?
- Happy dogs wag their tails. In German, you would say, for example, er wedelt mit dem Schwanz.
Dog-related Idioms in German
We have already established that they play an essential part in the daily life of most Germans. It’s no wonder, there are countless idioms and sayings about them. Let’s look into the most common ones.
Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht
Barking dogs seldom bite. Like in English, it is used for people who make threats but rarely carry them out.
Ein Hundeleben führen
Ro lead a dog’s life. It means that someone has a miserable life. Of course, the dog in question is not from Germany in this case. They lead a wonderful life there!
Sie vertragen sich wie Hund und Katze
They fight like cats and dogs. The (lack of) love between cats and dogs does not require further explanation.
Viele Hunde sind des Hasen Tod
Many hounds soon catch the hare. It means that there is not much one can do against many.
Da liegt der Hund begraben
This literally translates to “this is where the dog is buried.” It means that’s where the problem is.
Die Hunde bellen, die Karawane zieht weiter
The dogs bark, but the caravan passes. This saying is of Oriental origin and it is used in many languages. It means that progress goes on no matter the criticism it may attract.
It is such a simple word, and still, you can see how widely used it is. If you learn a foreign language, it helps to focus on words that are most commonly used. It will make it easier to understand the majority of all daily communication or written texts.
Our German Frequency Dictionaries are a great source if you want to boost your fluency fast. You will learn 10,000 most-used words in German together with their translation, pronunciation, and basic grammar information. Moreover, we have carefully selected 10,000 example sentences and translated them into English to show you word usage in context.
How do you say dog in German duolingo?
The German word for “dog” is “hund”.
What does Foos in German mean?
Six useful basic dog commands in German are hier (come, pronounced just like “here” in English), sitz (sit), bleib (stay, pronounced with the long i sound of “eye”), platz (down, pronounced “plots”), fuss (heel, pronounced “foos” — German for foot), and pfui (pronounced fooey, meaning …
Should I train my dog in German?
German dog commands have long been considered especially effective because the words are short and forceful. Training a dog in German is very popular. Schutzhund is a popular dog sport in the United States and many of these sport and working dogs are trained in German.
Are military dogs trained in German?
This is a myth. The real reason is much simpler — the dogs were trained with those command words, and it’s much easier for the officer to learn a few Dutch or German words than to retrain the dog with new commands.
Why are police k9s trained in German?
It’s easier for the officer to learn a few German words than to retrain the dog with new commands. More often than not, Widdicombe said, a police dog serves as a deterrent to suspects who might otherwise go for a jog. “We always say the average speed of a German shepherd is 32 mph.
Why do cops train dogs in German?
The reason that most police agencies train their dogs using German commands is actually quite simple. There is a significantly reduced risk of the K9 officer confusing a command if it is in another language than the primary language of his handler. Not all police dogs in the US are trained in German.
What is the best military dog?
- German Shepherd Dog. This beautiful pup is a top pick for a variety of reasons.
- Belgian Malinois. This German Shepherd look-alike possesses the same dependable, intelligent, and trainable personality as the real deal.
- Labrador Retriever.
- Doberman Pinscher.
- Rottweiler.
- Boxer.
- Airedale Terrier.
- Giant Schnauzer.
What is the smartest dog?
15 of the Smartest Dog Breeds
- Border Collie. If you’re looking for a dog that can just about do it all, you’re looking for a border collie.
- Golden Retriever.
- Doberman Pinscher.
- Shetland Sheepdog.
- Australian Cattle Dog.
- Miniature Schnauzer.
- Belgian Tervuren.
What breed are military dog?
Belgian Malinois
What is the biggest breed of dog?
Great Danes
What breed of dog do the Navy SEALs use?
How much does a military dog cost?
The 341st, which trains and cares for working dogs in the DoD and other government agencies, has a separate operational budget of about $8 million, she said in an email. It costs about $5,500 to buy a dog from Europe, according to statistics provided by the Air Force. The service pays about $9,000 per dog in the U.S.
How many military dogs have been killed in action?
All The Dogs Left Behind For dogs who survived combat, it wasn’t considered worthwhile to treat them, ship them home, and find families for them. This was particularly horrific after the Vietnam War where about 4,000 dogs served, 350 were killed in action, and only 200 were brought back to the United States.
Do military dogs get PTSD?
At least 10% of military working dogs suffer from canine PTSD, a disease that is also common amongst human soldiers that have come home from deployment. 2. The concept of canine PTSD is very new. While behavioral issues in animals are not uncommon, this is different.
How much do trained police dogs cost?
How much do the dogs cost? The current price for a police dog is approximately $12,000, not including the training. The initial cost for the training of the dog for patrol and detection is another $11,000. Therefore, the total cost to purchase and initially train one police dog is approximately $22,500.
What is the most expensive dog?
Top-10 Most Expensive Dogs
- Dogo Argentino – $8,000.
- Canadian Eskimo Dog – $8,750.
- Rottweiler – $9,000.
- Azawakh – $9,500.
- Tibetan Mastiff – $10,000.
- Chow Chow – $11,000.
- Löwchen – $12,000.
- Samoyed – $14,000. Coming in at the #1 overall spot for the most expensive dog in the world is the Samoyed originating from Siberia.
Are police dogs male or female?
Do they use only males, or do they also use females for police service dogs? Males and females both make excellent police service dogs.
Do police dogs get a pension?
Not only do they now receive a pension plan but they also get to retire and reside with their original handler. If these dogs are killed in the line of duty they get the same honors as their human partners.
Are retired police dogs good pets?
Police dogs form intensely strong bonds with their handlers in the line of duty. As such, their handlers are always the first choice for adopters when the dogs retire. In most cases, these dogs do go on to live carefree lives as family pets with their police partners.
Which dog is best for police?
Best Police Dog Breeds
- German Shepherd. No surprise here, the German Shepherd is a breed known to be associated with being on the line of duty.
- Beagle.
- Belgian Malinois.
- Bloodhound.
- Rottweilers.
- Labrador.
What is the least popular dog?
The Least Popular Dog Breeds in America
- Cesky Terrier.
- American Foxhound.
- Bergamasco Sheepdog.
- English Foxhound.
- Harrier.
- Chinook.
- Norwegian Lundehund.
- Sloughi.
What is K9 short for?
Acronym | Definition |
K9 | Canine (Dog) |
What dog has the strongest bite?
Dogs With The Strongest Bite Force
- Mastiff – 552 pounds. The Mastiff takes the crown with a reported bite force of 552 pounds.
- Rottweiler – 328 pounds. Rotties are known for being fierce and strong dogs.
- American Bulldog – 305 pounds.
- German Shepherd – 238 pounds.
- Pitbull – 235 pounds.
How do you say dog in German duolingo?
Alex Heath
How do you say dog in German duolingo?
The German word for “dog” is “hund”.
How do you say dog commands in German?
What are the German Dog Commands for Police Dogs?
- Sit: Sitz (zitz)
- Down: Platz (plah-tz)
- Stay: Bleib (blibe)
- Here/Come: Hier (hee-r)
- Heel: Fuss (foos)
- Fetch: Bring (pronounce like English word)
- Let Go: Aus (ow-ss)
- Go Out: Voraus (for-ows)
What does Zook in German mean?
In addition, German commands used in security and law enforcement (Schutzhund Training Commands) include: Search = Such (“zook”) Attack/Bite = Fass!
Is Zook a German name?
Respelling of Swiss German Zug, a habitational name from the city and canton so named in Switzerland.
What is the best military dog?
- German Shepherd Dog. This beautiful pup is a top pick for a variety of reasons.
- Belgian Malinois. This German Shepherd look-alike possesses the same dependable, intelligent, and trainable personality as the real deal.
- Labrador Retriever.
- Doberman Pinscher.
- Rottweiler.
- Boxer.
- Airedale Terrier.
- Giant Schnauzer.
Which dog is most dangerous?
International Dog Day 2020: 6 most dangerous dog breeds in the world
- American Pit Bull Terrier. 1/6. American Pit Bulls are one of the most dangerous dogs and have been banned by many countries in the world.
- Rottweiler. 2/6.
- German Shepherd. 3/6.
- American Bulldog. 4/6.
- Bullmastiff. 5/6.
- Siberian Husky.
What breed are military dog?
Belgian Malinois
What is the biggest breed of dog?
Great Danes
What breed of dog do the Navy SEALs use?
How much does a military dog cost?
The 341st, which trains and cares for working dogs in the DoD and other government agencies, has a separate operational budget of about $8 million, she said in an email. It costs about $5,500 to buy a dog from Europe, according to statistics provided by the Air Force. The service pays about $9,000 per dog in the U.S.
How many military dogs have been killed in action?
All The Dogs Left Behind For dogs who survived combat, it wasn’t considered worthwhile to treat them, ship them home, and find families for them. This was particularly horrific after the Vietnam War where about 4,000 dogs served, 350 were killed in action, and only 200 were brought back to the United States.
Do military dogs get PTSD?
At least 10% of military working dogs suffer from canine PTSD, a disease that is also common amongst human soldiers that have come home from deployment. 2. The concept of canine PTSD is very new. While behavioral issues in animals are not uncommon, this is different.
How much do trained police dogs cost?
How much do the dogs cost? The current price for a police dog is approximately $12,000, not including the training. The initial cost for the training of the dog for patrol and detection is another $11,000. Therefore, the total cost to purchase and initially train one police dog is approximately $22,500.
Do police dogs get a pension?
Not only do they now receive a pension plan but they also get to retire and reside with their original handler. If these dogs are killed in the line of duty they get the same honors as their human partners.
Are retired police dogs good pets?
Police dogs form intensely strong bonds with their handlers in the line of duty. As such, their handlers are always the first choice for adopters when the dogs retire. In most cases, these dogs do go on to live carefree lives as family pets with their police partners.
Which dog is best for police?
Best Police Dog Breeds
- German Shepherd. No surprise here, the German Shepherd is a breed known to be associated with being on the line of duty.
- Beagle.
- Belgian Malinois.
- Bloodhound.
- Rottweilers.
- Labrador.
The German word for dog is
The gender of Hund is masculine. E.g. der Hund.
The plural of Hund is Hunde.
German Definition
dog | |
Substantiv: | |
[1] spr=en, Zoologie: fleischfressendes Säugetier der Gattung Canis | |
[2] männlicher Hund [1] | |
[1] The dog barked all night. | |
Der Hund bellte die ganze Nacht. |
Translations for dog and their definitions
Hund | ||
n-m. dog, hound | ||
n-m. (pejorative) scoundrel; dog (mean or morally reprehensible person) | ||
ein gemeiner Hund — a mean dog | ||
n-m. board with casters used to transport heavy objects |
Rüde | |
n-m. male dog, wolf, fox (also used for certain other mammals) |
Schuft | |
n-m. scoundrel, villain |
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I don’t necessarily think so. The word dog is not etymologically connected to the German Hund, although way back when English had grammatical gender, both the earlier forms were male. As another commenter pointed out though, it’s very very common for languages to have their word for dog be grammatically masculine, so perhaps that’s merely coincidental.
As for cat/Katze being associated with female, I don’t see this as being the case either. Old English, as well as the other old Germanic languages, actually had two forms of the word for cat, for a male cat and a female cat; catt and catte respectively. In High German as it developed, the term for a female cat started being used generically for cats as a kind, retaining its grammatical gender. However, as English developed and accordingly lost its grammatical gender, the two forms began being used interchangeably and eventually, the form descended from the one meaning female cat stopped being used, where today the English word cat actually descends from what was the masculine version in Old English.
Personally, I think the idea of a cat being female in the anglosphere more likely comes from the relatively recent phenomenon of cats and dogs being the two main house pets. Until the industrial revolution, both cats and dogs were working animals for the family estate, and they tended to perform different and often unrelated jobs. The idea that there was a cat/dog dichotomy in general is a product of a time where there are really only two types of animals that people are liable to intentionally keep in their homes. It’s not hard to get from there being a cat/dog dichotomy though to get to dogs being male and cats being female. That’s the most immediately relatable form of dichotomy to people. And the reason the genders are the way they are is probably to do with how we perceive what comprises the characters of the masculine and feminine. For lack of better vocabulary, it’s easy to see why someone would come to the conclusion that their house cat was yin, while their dog was yang.