Word for does not give up

Moscow does not give up beneficial military technological cooperation with Tehran.

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Москва по-прежнему не отказывается от выгодного военно-технического сотрудничества с Тегераном.

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Стиль поп-арт по-прежнему не сдает своих позиций!

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Стиль поп-арт по-прежнему не сдает своих позиций!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Классическая стрелялка не сдает своих позиций.

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Evil does not give up easily, and the state of the tumor with metastases need long-term care.

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Зло легко не сдается, а государственные опухоли с метастазами нуждаются в длительном лечении.

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The Bank of Russia does not give up the goal of reducing consumer inflation to 4% by the end of 2017,

so the regulator plans to maintain a moderately tight monetary policy.

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Банк России не отказывается от цели снизить потребительскую инфляцию до 4% к концу 2017 г.,

поэтому регулятор планирует сохранить умеренно жесткую денежную политику.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Suddenly, an earthquake destroys the walls, fire geysers spew fire,

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Внезапно начавшееся землетрясение рушит стены, огненные гейзеры извергают жар,

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Although it

does not do

very well from a financial point of view,

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Хотя это


очень хорошо с финансовой точки зрения,

канадская компания BlackBerry не сдается. Мы….

If the US

does not

make concessions to Russia and does not give up deployment of American radars and missiles in the Czech Republic and Europe,

Americans will see new»surprises.».

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Если США


пойдут на уступки России и не откажутся от размещения своих РЛС и ракет в Чехии и Европе, американцев

ждут новые» сюрпризы».

who can


be plain sailing, and who are bound to experience setbacks and frustrations.

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могут быть гладко, и которые связаны с опытом неудач и разочарований.

If the government does not give up its plans to cancel benefits for the Armed Forces,

and the living standard of the servicemen falls, a social explosion in the troops is inevitable.

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Если правительство не откажется от своих планов отмены для армии льгот и

уровень жизни военных значительно снизится, социального взрыва в войсках



The evil Dr Eggman has injured Sonic and now can



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Злой доктор Эггман ранило Соник и теперь


может ходить,

но Соник не сдавался и решил ездить на велосипеде грязи.

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There can be no comprehensive solution if Israel does not give up all the occupied Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan.

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Всеобъемлющего решения добиться


удастся, если Израиль не оставит все оккупированные арабские территории, включая сирийские Голанские высоты.

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Staying in this apartment, you can be sure that your appearance does not give up the best metropolitan standards because in the bathroom you will

find a hair dryer and a washing machine.

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Остановившись в этой квартире, вы можете быть уверены, что ваш внешний вид не уступит лучшим столичным стандартам- ведь в ванной комнате

вы найдете фен и стиральную машину.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Lthough the USA never signed the Kyoto Proto-col[1] and Canada withdrew its participation during the UNO climate conference in Durban in 2011[2], the fastest developing countries in Asia at the moment(China, India) ratifi ed this document and the Eu-

ropean Union does not give up the achievement of its extremely rigorous goals aiming at reduction of air pollution.

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Отя Киотский протокол


был подписан США[ 1], а Канада


от него во время климатического саммита ООН в Дурбане в 2011 году[ 2], однако именно наиболее быстро развивающиеся в настоящее время азиатские страны( Китай, Индия) ратифицировали этот документ,

а Европейский Союз не отказывается от реализации своих весьма строгих целей по снижению загрязнения воздуха.

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The desire of the Republicans to prove to the world that America has


gone anywhere and does not give up any positions(neither Syria nor Ukraine)

together with the Democrats’ desire to take revenge on Trump for defeating their candidate united the party elites into one mighty fist.

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Желание республиканцев доказать миру, что Америка никуда


ушла и не сдает никаких позиций( ни Сирию,

ни Украину), а также стремление демократов отомстить Трампу за поражение своего кандидата, в которого были вложены колоссальные средства, объединили партийные элиты в один мощный кулак.

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that the military agreement between Tirana and Pristina has been reached at the moment when Serbia, under the Brussels agreement, closes down its security structures in northern Kosovo and Metohija,

the move is yet another confirmation that the regime in Tirana does not give up on its Greater-Albania aspirations.

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Поскольку военное соглашение между Тираной и Приштиной подписано в тот момент, когда Сербия на основании Брюссельского соглашения отменяет действие своих структур безопасности на севере КиМ, этот шаг является еще одним подтверждением,

что режим в Тиране не отказывается от своих великоалбанских претензий.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не сдавайтесь

не сдаются

не отказывайтесь от

не сдавайся

не сдаваться

не отказываются от

не сдаемся

не стоит отказываться от

не сдаюсь

не сдается

не оставляют

не стоит опускать руки

не отказываться от

не опускают руки

не сдаетесь

No matter how hard it is for you, do not give up.

Stay committed and do not give up in the mid-way.

Her revolutionaries or human rights lawyers may have agonising personal problems, but they do not give up.

Ее революционеры или правозащитники могут изнывать от личных проблем, но они не сдаются.

But the teams do not give up, because there is a hunt for the main prize in these competitions.

Но команды не сдаются, ведь впереди охота за главный приз в этих соревнованиях.

Call a doctor, do not give up hospitalization (doctors, will most likely insist on it).

Вызовите врача, не отказывайтесь от госпитализации (медики, скорее всего, будут на ней настаивать).

Therefore, do not give up the usual diet and enjoy the benefits of modern civilization.

Поэтому не отказывайтесь от привычного рациона и наслаждайтесь благами современной цивилизации.

Do Not Give Up, try again!

Do not give up at the first sign of problems.

Однако, не сдавайтесь при первых признаках разочарования.

Do not give up your convictions in the first round of this election.

In other words, do not give up if some competition appears on the horizon.

Другими словами не сдавайтесь, если некоторые конкуренции появляется на горизонте.

Do not give up and do not stop the search — sooner or later you will find the best solution.

Не сдавайтесь и не прекращайте поиски — рано или поздно вы найдете оптимальное решение.

Do not give up when you can be a few steps away from success.

Не сдавайтесь, когда можете быть в нескольких шагах от успеха.

Do not give up your goals at the slightest failure and remember that the one who knows how to wait wins.

Не отказывайтесь от своих целей при малейшей неудаче и помните, что выигрывает тот, кто умеет ждать.

Do not give up, work to develop them and have faith that they will be activated for you at right moment.

Не сдавайтесь, работайте над развитием их и верьте, что они будут активированы для вас в нужный момент.

Do not give up in your search for someone who will defend you professionally.

Не сдавайтесь в поисках кого-то, кто будет защищать вас профессионально.

It is very encouraging to see how they do not give up in the midst of all kinds of tortures.

Очень утешительно видеть как они не сдаются среди всевозможных пыток.

Someone from relatives got sick — do not give up, look for opportunities for treatment.

Заболел кто-то из близких — не сдавайтесь, ищите возможности для лечения.

Do not give up, you will be amazing.

Sometimes they go on for years but people do not give up.

Иногда это длится годами, но люди не сдаются.

The third habit is that they do not give up, calling the failure of temporary difficulties and losses lessons.

Третья привычка заключается в том, что они не сдаются, называя неудачи временными трудностями, а убытки уроками.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Crop fan giving small sneakers to small plastic comic tree character dressed in t shirt American dollar banknote on table Happy young traveling couple giving each other high five while standing on river bank and putting up tent Close-Up Shot of a Person Holding a Green Textile Close-Up Shot of a Person Holding a Green Textile Person Holding Blue and Black Box Mod

Image search results for Not give up

do not give up, motivation, live boy, child, sad boy, child, sad boy, child, sad motivation, strengthen, encourage

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Synonyms for Not give up. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_give_up

Synonyms for Not give up. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_give_up>.

Synonyms for Not give up. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_give_up.

When someone doesn’t give up easily, you might want to come up with a few words that work well to describe them. That’s where this article comes in. We’ll give you some of the best words to talk about someone who never gives up.

What Do You Call Someone Who Never Gives Up?

There are plenty of great words you can use here. Why not check out one of the following:

  • Tenacious
  • Persevering
  • Persistent
  • Committed
  • Determined
  • Steadfast
  • Dogged
  • Strong-willed
  • Tireless
  • Resolute
  • Purposeful
  • Unyielding

Words For Someone Who Never Gives Up

The preferred versions are “tenacious” or “persevering.” They both work well to talk about specific types of people that never give up. It can be both positive or negative depending on the context and how you want to use the words.


“Tenacious” is great because it works both positively and negatively. We can use it when someone refuses to give up on an action, view, or belief. This can be positive if it doesn’t harm anybody, but it can be negative if some people are insulted by what they believe in.

The definition of “tenacious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion in a determined way.”

  • You’re quite the tenacious sort, aren’t you? I’m very impressed.
  • She’s too tenacious to back down from this! I don’t think you’ll ever change that.
  • I don’t mean to be so tenacious, but when I know I’m right, I stick to my guns.


“Persevering” is a positive synonym we can use to show that someone doesn’t give up. It’s a good quality if someone is persevering because it means they’ll put all the necessary effort into completing something and won’t give up until it’s done.

The definition of “persevering,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having the quality of continuing to make an effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time.”

  • She’s a very persevering character, which is why I know she has what it takes to do this.
  • He’s quite persevering when it counts. That’s why he makes all the progress he does.
  • I don’t think I could be more persevering if I tried! I have already given it my everything!


“Persistent” works well in mainly negative situations. We use it to show that someone doesn’t give up, but it’s often because they have an unreasonable view or expectation.

The definition of “persistent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way.”

  • You’re quite persistent; I’ll give you that. I’m not sure I’m fond of that trait, though.
  • You’re being too persistent! I don’t think anyone is going to want to listen to you anymore!
  • Stop being so persistent! You need to start accepting some other people’s opinions.


“Committed” means that someone has a lot of time and energy to give. They will often devote all of this energy to something they enjoy and won’t give up. Even when some people might think it smart for them to quit, they still won’t.

The definition of “committed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in.”

  • You’re very committed to this work, which is why so many of us our impressed with your output.
  • I didn’t think you’d show such a committed attitude toward something that seems so boring.
  • He’s very committed, which is why I know he’s got it in him! Just wait until you see what he can do!


“Determined” is a simple word we can use when someone doesn’t give up. We can use it to show that they have a specific goal in mind, and they will not stop working toward it until they consider it to be a success on their part.

The definition of “determined,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you.”

  • I’m very determined when it counts. That’s why I’m certain I’m going to get all the things I want out of life.
  • She’s not determined enough to see this through. Just you wait; she’ll be quitting in no time.
  • I’d love to be more determined, but I don’t think I have that in me! I simply can’t hold on for that long!


“Steadfast” is a great synonym to show that someone keeps the same opinion or view. They will very rarely listen to the input of other people because they feel like they already have the only correct view that applies.

The definition of “steadfast,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly.”

  • I really like how steadfast you are on these views.
  • You’re quite steadfast, and I’m sure you’re going to ignore me, but I think you should change your opinion.
  • Stop being so steadfast! It’s time you listen to someone else for a change to see what they can do to help you!


“Dogged” is a great word that applies when someone is so determined that they refuse to give up. It usually applies to situations that are notoriously difficult to complete.

The definition of “dogged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very determined to do something, even if it is very difficult.”

  • You have such a strong and dogged determination about yourself. That’s why I think so many people respect you.
  • She’s too dogged to let you get away with that!
  • Don’t be so dogged next time! Sometimes it’s okay to admit defeat!


“Strong-willed” works both positively and negatively. We use it when someone refuses to give up on their beliefs or ideals.

It can be positive if it shows they don’t succumb to persuasion. It can be negative if it shows that they’re not willing to change their views even when it’s evident that they are in the wrong.

The definition of “strong-willed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “determined to behave in a particular way although there might be good reasons for not doing so.”

  • He’s too strong-willed to back down from his commitment now. You simply cannot get through to him.
  • You’re quite strong-willed, and I respect that. Though, I’m sure there are ways we can get you to change your mind.
  • I appreciate how strong-willed he’s being, but I’m certain I can break through his defenses!


“Tireless” means that someone is incapable of tiring. In this context, it refers to them being able to continue working toward something without ever needing to give up. It’s a great quality to have if you’re willing to work toward a goal.

The definition of “tireless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “working energetically and continuously.”

  • I’m tireless when I know what I want. I’ll make sure to get it because I know that I deserve it, and that’s enough for me.
  • You’re not the most tireless person out there, which is why you always find that you give up before long.
  • He’s got such a tireless spirit about him. I wish I had his qualities because it would have helped me achieve so many things.


“Resolute” refers to someone’s determination. It mainly refers to their character or actions, which is why it’s a great complimentary word to use. It applies whenever someone refuses to give up in almost everything they do in life.

The definition of “resolute,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “determined in character, action, or ideas.”

  • Your resolute character is what drew me to you. I wish I had your ideas and ability to stay above the rest.
  • It’s his resolution that surprises me the most! I don’t think the man is even capable of giving up without a fight.
  • You should show off more of that resolution when you can! I think more people will be impressed with the things you can do.


“Purposeful” is a great way to show that someone has determination in their spirit. It’s another complimentary term that refers to someone refusing it give up until they’ve achieved something that they intended to achieve.

The definition of “purposeful,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “aimed at achieving something; determined.”

  • I’m very purposeful in the things I do. It’s because I know what I want, and I also know how to get it.
  • You’re quite the purposeful sort! That’s why you’ve always found ways to get what you want in life.
  • It’s not the most purposeful way to do things, but she still manages to get results when it counts.


“Unyielding” works well to show that someone doesn’t give up. it refers mainly to their viewpoints or beliefs, and they will refuse to let anyone else come up with anything that might be able to change their opinions.

The definition of “unyielding,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not giving up control or responsibility for (something) as a result of influence or persuasion.”

  • His unyielding attitude is what he used to get himself this far, and we couldn’t be prouder.
  • She’s unyielding in the way she carries herself! It’s both a blessing and a curse.
  • You don’t have enough of an unyielding attitude to warrant the way you’re acting right now, Ben!

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11 Words For Someone Who Gives Up Easily
11 Good Synonyms For “Never Give Up”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Give up — английский фразовый глагол

Give up — английский фразовый глагол

Give up - английский фразовый глагол

to give (smth./smb.) up

фразовый глагол

1) to give smth. up — оставлять, отказываться; бросать

синонимы renounce, backtrack, forgo, sacrifice, waive

She could not give up her canaries — Она не могла оставить своих канареек

I did want a holiday abroad, but we’ve had to give up the idea — Я действительно хотел провести отпуск за границей, но нам пришлось отказаться от этой идеи

It’s hard to give up the drinking habit without help — Трудно бросить пить без посторонней помощи

Give up smoking gradually – Бросай курить постепенно

2) сдаваться, бросать

Don’t give up without even trying — Не сдавайся, даже не попробовав

A thrown towel means the boxer is giving up – Брошенное полотенце значит, что боксёр сдаётся

3) to give smb. up — отказываться от, ставить крест на

He is given up by the doctors — Врачи от него отказались

Even his kin have given him up – Даже родня от него отвернулась

4) сдавать, уступать

He gave himself up unhesitatingly to the guidance of (Pope) Innocent — Он без колебаний отдал себя под покровительство (папы) Иннокентия

We had to give up the castle to the enemy — Нам пришлось сдать крепость неприятелю

Being drunk, he gave up the driver seat to Pam – Будучи под градусом, он уступил водительское место Пэм

5) раскрывать, обнародовать, выдавать

синонимы divulge, reveal

We do not give up the names of our contributors — Мы не раскрываем имена наших спонсоров

The data have not been given up yet – Данные ещё не оглашены

to give smb. up

6) бросать

The woman gave up her lover to save her marriage — Женщина порвала с любовником ради сохранения брака

How can I give up my own child? – Как я могу бросить собственного ребёнка?

7) просторечие — переставать ждать

He waited for half an hour and gave up – Он прождал полчаса и плюнул на всё

8) просторечие — переставать верить в, разочаровываться в

They were alive, but they had given up on themselves and on the possibility of a future — Они были живы, но потеряли веру в себя и в своё будущее

Looks like the neighbor has given up on life – Сосед, похоже, совсем отчаялся

Стихи для детей на английском


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A recent study at Harvard has shown that eating chocolate can actually help you live longer!

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