Word for disgusted look

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Frank just gave me a disgusted look and left the room.

Lavender shot him a disgusted look.

I probably had a disgusted look.

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She shot me a yet another disgusted look.

Jim and Simon exchanged disgusted looks.

I did not see any angry protesters or disgusted looks.

And after the last debacle with the client who couldn’t stop giving you disgusted looks, you’ve decided that the underarm sweating problem really has to go.

И после последнего фиаско с клиентом, который не может перестать давать вам противно выглядит, вы решили, что проблема потливости подмышек очень нужно ехать.

Kodaka concludes that she is the weirdest member of the club, as she is able to warrant weird and disgusted looks not only from Yozora and Kobato, but also from Yukimura and Rika.

Кодака же считает её самым странным членом клуба, так как она способна вызвать отвращение и странные взгляды не только со стороны Ёдзоры и Кобато, но даже у Юкимуры и Рики.

I feel disgusted when I look at you.

Cynthia Rowley was so disgusted with my look she didn’t even know what to say.

I’ve also met strangers telling me they are disgusted to look at my face and they fear me when they see me walking past.

Некоторые незнакомцы говорили, что им противно смотреть на мое лицо, и они меня боятся, когда я прохожу мимо.

I was disgusted, couldn’t look at you.

He tries to not look to disgusted.

But he did not recognize her — he declared that he was disgusted to even look at her, and drove him out.

Но тот не признал ее заявил, что ему противно даже смотреть на неё, и выгнал.

(Gary looks disgusted) No?

I’d rather have you disgusted by my looks than be horrified by the blackness of my soul.

Dell immediately made a disgusted face and looked at May like he was something dirty.

Делл сразу же поморщился и посмотрел на Мэй, как будто он в чем-то испачкался.

A disgusted gynecologist told my mother I might not ever be able to have children.

Моей знакомой местный гинеколог сказала, что та никогда не сможет иметь детей.

He fell in love with her, and a disgusted Clock King forces him to kill her.

Он влюбляется в неё, и Король Часов приказывает ему убить её.

Although the community relations project has strong governmental support, a disgusted Captain Harris is determined to see it fail…

Хотя проект имеет сильную правительственную поддержку, капитан Харрис считает, что он потерпел неудачу.

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disgusting, disgust, disgustingly, disgustful, disgustedly

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Photo search results for Disgusted

Woman Disgusted Looking at the Apple An Elderly Man with an Angry Facial Expression A Woman with a Disgusted Facial Expression A Woman with a Disgusted Facial Expression Woman in White Crew Neck T-shirt Woman Disgusted Face Expression

Image search results for Disgusted

fantasy, gloomy, fear toilet, urinal, lost places disgust, disgusted, expression cigarettes, ash, tilt plumber, toilet, work plumber, toilet, work

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Synonyms for Disgusted. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disgusted

Synonyms for Disgusted. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disgusted>.

Synonyms for Disgusted. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disgusted.

This seems to be a common phenomenon — lots of people report being unable to avert their eyes from a wound or dead body or even the mess after they blow their nose! But is there a single word for it? I found some related terms like «rubbernecking», but that seems to be the act of looking rather than the urge to look (or inability to look away).

asked Dec 18, 2013 at 20:27

Silverfish's user avatar


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One might exhibit morbidity, or possess a morbid curiosity, morbid fixation, or morbid fascination with such things:

morbid, adj.: 1. having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death

Note that morbidity means something quite different in medical jargon.

answered Dec 18, 2013 at 20:41

choster's user avatar


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Consider train wreck

a chaotic or disastrous situation that holds a peculiar fascination for observers

answered Dec 18, 2013 at 20:51

bib's user avatar


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compelled: driven or urged forcefully or irresistibly, often against one’s will.

For me, once you’re a painter, you’re constantly compelled to look at the world as a potential subject for painting.

O accursed hunger of gold, to what dost thou not compel human hearts! — Virgil

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 18, 2013 at 20:49

anongoodnurse's user avatar


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Well, actually, it looks disgusting, but that’s how it’s supposed to


so you’re gonna be fine.

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Ну, на самом деле, это выглядит отвратительно, но оно так и должно


поэтому с тобой все будет в порядке.

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If everyone for the first two years of your life looks disgusted every time they take your pants off.

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Not only that, there were banners, so also the skin was flabby and wrinkled,

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Мало того, что растяжки появились, так еще и кожа стала дряблая и морщинистая,

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How would you describe a disgusted look?

Disgust. Facial movements: Eyebrows pulled down, nose wrinkled, upper lip pulled up, lips loose. The disgust face doesn’t just show our distaste, it also works to protect us.

How would you describe a sick character?

Thoughts on Sickly: Sickly characters are often underweight, with their skin sagging and bones protruding, offering knobbiness and sharp angles that make the person appear frail and weak. Hair may be thin and lackluster, and eyes have a pinpoint look to them, glass bright and “wet,” or pinched and dull.

What does a sick person look like?

That’s the conclusion of a new study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B , which finds that sick people share facial features—pale skin, swollen faces, droopy eyelids, and looking tired—that reveal they might be contagious. Although those signs may seem obvious, no one has explicitly tested them until now.

How do you write a chronicle?

When & How to Write a Chronicle

  1. The information must be represented in the order in which it occurred; by chronology.
  2. The style should be objective, not analytical.
  3. The sources of the information must be reliable and accurate.

What is chronicle example?

Chronicle, a usually continuous historical account of events arranged in order of time without analysis or interpretation. Examples of such accounts date from Greek and Roman times, but the best-known chronicles were written or compiled in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

What is the purpose of a chronicle?

Chronicles create a timeline of events, which is implicitly important in both storytelling and historical writing. They are more are much more comprehensive than a simple timeline, as they provide details and information about events, rather than just the time and order in which they happened.

What is the meaning of 2 Chronicles?

Noun. 1. 2 Chronicles – the second of two Old Testament books telling the history of Judah and Israel until the return from the Babylonian Captivity in 536 BC. II Chronicles.

Who wrote 1st and 2nd Chronicles?

Jewish and Christian tradition identified this author as the 5th century BC figure Ezra, who gives his name to the Book of Ezra; Ezra is also believed to be the author of both Chronicles and Ezra–Nehemiah.

What did God do each time Israel repented?

What did God do each time Israel repented? “The Lord sold them into the hand of the enemy for fifty years.” To which part of the cycle does this belong?

What did Jabez mean by enlarge my territory?

Enlarge my territory Jabez is asking that God would give him more influence and opportunity to bring glory to God. He is making a bold request and asking God to give him big things. He may have also wanted to enlarge his wisdom, understanding, humility, patience, and love and joy.

Who is traditionally viewed as the author of 1/2 Chronicles?


What is the meaning of 1 Chronicles?

Noun. 1. 1 Chronicles – the first of two Old Testament books telling the history of Judah and Israel until the return from the Babylonian Captivity in 536 BC.

What is one of the major themes of deuteronomistic history?

The Deuteronomistic history explains Israel’s successes and failures as the result of faithfulness, which brings success, or disobedience, which brings failure; the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians (721 BCE) and the Kingdom of Judah by the Babylonians (586) are Yahweh’s punishment for continued …

What is 1 Chronicles about in the Bible?

The material of the Chronicles lists genealogies from Adam to King Saul (1 Chronicles 1–2) and covers the death of Saul and the reign of King David (1 Chronicles 10–29), the reign of King Solomon (2 Chronicles 1–9), and from the division of the monarchy into the northern and southern kingdoms to the end of the …

How old was the youngest king in the Bible?

Jehoash was 7 years old when his reign began, and he reigned for 40 years. (2 Kings 12:1,2 Chronicles 24:1) He was succeeded by his son, Amaziah of Judah.

Who wrote the book of Judges?

Samuel, the Talmud says, wrote the Book of Judges and the Book of Samuel, until his death, at which point the prophets Nathan and Gad picked up the story. And the Book of Kings, according to tradition, was written by the prophet Jeremiah.

Was there a female judge in the Bible?

According to the Book of Judges, Deborah (Hebrew: דְּבוֹרָה‎, Dəḇōrāh, “bee”; Arabic: دبوراه‎, Dabūrāh) was a prophetess of the God of the Israelites, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel and the only female judge mentioned in the Bible.

Who are the 12 judges in the Bible?

The title of the book refers to the leaders of the Israelites during this time when they had no kings. There were 12 judges in all; Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon and Samson.

Who are the six major Judges in the Bible?

Biblical judges

  • Othniel.
  • Ehud.
  • Shamgar.
  • Deborah.
  • Gideon.
  • Abimelech.
  • Tola.
  • Jair.

Who is the angel of the Lord in judges?

New Testament An angel of the Lord who is mentioned in Luke 1:11 identifies himself as Gabriel in Luke 1:19.

Why did God raise up judges?

So, to get their attention, God would send nations to conquer the Israelites. The Israelites would cry out to God for help and then God would send a judge to save them. A judge was like a political or military leader who God would raise up to defeat the enemy. With every victory, the people would remember God.

Who was first judge of Israel?


Who was the greatest king in Israel?

King David

Who was the last judge of Israel in the Old Testament?


Who will judge the 12 tribes of Israel?

First, the introduction of Acts refers to Jesus’ discussions about the “kingdom of God” after his resurrection. This kingdom was inaugurated with the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 1:3). According to Jesus’ promise in Luke the apostles will judge the twelve tribes of Israel when the kingdom of God arrives.

Who walked with God and he was not?


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