Word for discussing ideas

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate! The following lesson introduces the list of useful phrases for discussing and debating in English with ESL image.

1. Introducing a point

  • First of all I’d like to point out…
  • The main problem is…
  • The question of…
  • Speaking of…
  • What we have to decide is…

2. Enumeration of points

  • First of all, I’d like to say…
  • In addition to that…
  • Moreover,…
  • Furthermore,…
  • Another example of this is..
  • First, second, third…
  • Finally,…

3. Expressing a personal opinion

  • It seems to me that…
  • I have the feeling that…
  • I feel that…
  • I’m absolutely convinced that…
  • You can take it from me that…
  • I think/don’t think that…
  • In my opinion,…
  • Well, if you ask me…
  • As I see it…
  • The way I see it, …
  • Personally, I  believe/suppose/feel (that)…
  • I’m convinced that…
  • Expressing pros and cons
  • There are two sides to the question.
  • On the one hand…,on the other hand…
  • An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…
  • While admitting that…one should not fornet that…
  • Some people think that…,others say that…

4. Expressing pros and cons

  • There are two sides to the question.
  • On the one hand…,on the other hand…
  • An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…
  • While admitting that…one should not fornet that…
  • Some people think that…,others say that…

5. Expressing doubt

  • I’m not sure if…
  • I’m not convinced that…
  • I wonder if you realize that…
  • I doubt that.

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

6. Expressing disagreement

  • I don’t agree with you about…
  • I can’t accept your view that…
  • I’m of a different opinion…

7. Expressing support

  • You’re quite right.
  • That’s a very important point.
  • You’ve got a good point there.
  • I couldn’t agree with you more.
  • You look the words right out of my mouth.
  • Giving reason
  • The reason for this is (that)…
  • I base my argument on…
  • I tell you all this because…

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

8. Keeping to the point

  • It would be more to the point if…
  • Come to the point.
  • That’s not the problem.
  • What we are discussing is…
  • …has nothing to do with my argument.
  • That’s not relevant.
  • Drawing conclusion and summing up
  • The obvious conclusion is…
  • Last but not least…
  • The only alternative (left) is…
  • The only possible solution/conclusion is…
  • Summing up, I’d like to say that…
  • In conclusion we can say that…
  • To cut a long story short,…
  • Just to give you the main points again,…

9. Filers in conversation (used only in speaking)

At the beginning of a sentence

  • Um…
  • Ok/ All right, …
  • Well/ Well, anyway…
  • So/ So then,…
  • By the way,…
  • At any rate…Anyhow…
  • You know,…
  • What I mean is…
  • So…where was I saying? /where was I?

In the middle of a sentence (usually)

  • I mean: This is, I mean, going to be challenging.
  • I guess: Well, I guess the problem is that I’m tired.
  • Kind of: This kind of makes sense
  • Adverbs such as “absolutely”, “actually”, “really”, “sure”, “seriously”: I mean, seriously, do you believe that?

At the end of a sentence

Though: This is going to be hard, though.
Right?: This is going to be easy, right?

Phrases for Discussing and Debating | Image

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate

Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate in English.

Word for describing ideas/questions that [truly] stimulate thought

Fascinating is the word I would choose:


Extremely interesting:

from the VERB fascinate


1.0 Attract the strong attention and interest of (someone):

1.1 archaic (Especially of a snake) deprive (prey) of the ability to resist or escape by the power of a gaze:

A question that compels thoughtful research and consideration is fascinating, but I would not put the question Why is «red» red? in that category. Why do we call red things red? would be a step closer to fascinating but would still fall short in my mind. Here is a fascinating question:

If people only use 10-20% of their brains, what is the other 80-90%

The etymology of this word is fascinating and particularly relevant to your question:

1590s, «bewitch, enchant,» from Middle French fasciner (14c.),

from Latin fascinatus, past participle of fascinare «bewitch, enchant,

from fascinus «a charm, enchantment, spell, witchcraft,» which is of
uncertain origin.

Earliest used of witches and of serpents, who were said to be able to
cast a spell by a look that rendered one unable to move or resist.

Sense of «delight, attract and hold the attention of» is first
recorded 1815.

To fascinate is to bring under a spell, as by the power of the eye; to
enchant and to charm are to bring under a spell by some more subtle
and mysterious power. [Century Dictionary]

Possibly from Greek baskanos «slander, envy, malice,» later
«witchcraft, sorcerery,» with form influenced by Latin fari «speak»
(see fame (n.)), but others say the resemblance of the Latin and Greek
words is accidental. The Greek word might be from a Thracian
equivalent of Greek phaskein «to say;» compare enchant, and German
besprechen «to charm,» from sprechen «to speak

Watkins suggests the Latin word is perhaps from PIE *bhasko- «band,
bundle» via a connecting sense of «amulet in the form of a phallus»
(compare Latin fascinum «human penis; artificial phallus; dildo»).
Related: Fascinated; fascinating.

If [baskanos] and fascinum are indeed related, they would point to a
meaning ‘curse, spell‘ in a loanword from an unknown third language.
[de Vaan]

1. Introduction

  • Let’s begin/start with …

2. What you think about somebody/something

  • As far as I’m concerned …
  • I think …
  • In my opinion …
  • As far as I know …
  • In my view …
  • I don’t think …
  • I don’t believe that …
  • Well, if you ask me …
  • If you want my honest opinion …
  • I’ve never come across the idea that …

3. How to agree/disagree

  • I must admit that …
  • I totally/fully/partly agree.
  • I agree/don’t agree with you.
  • I believe/don’t believe …
  • I’m convinced that …
  • The way I see it …
  • It seems to me that …
  • I wouldn’t say that …
  • I don’t think so.
  • You’re right up to a point.
  • You could be right.
  • That can’t be right.
  • I don’t agree at all.
  • As a matter of fact, …
  • That’s right/wrong.
  • Exactly.
  • I can understand …
  • It’s hard to say.
  • It’s a fact that …
  • However, …
  • That’s why …
  • John likes computers. — So do I.
  • Steve doesn’t like mobiles. — Neither do I.

4. Asking for clarification

  • What do you think?
  • What’s your opinion?
  • Would you like to say something?
  • What do you mean?
  • What are your ideas?
  • What are you trying to say?

5. How to interrupt politely

  • I’m sorry, but …
  • Can/May I add something?
  • Sorry to interrupt, but …

6. Other opinions

  • On the one hand … on the other hand …
  • They claim that …
  • They also say …
  • Opinion among teachers is that …
  • That’s a matter of opinion.

7. Phrases to keep a discussion going

  • Let’s get back to …
  • As we just heard …
  • Where were we?

Being able to use only ten of these fifty phrases can improve your English by helping you communicate more effectively.

This post will give you fifty phrases that you can use when participating in a discussion in English. These phrases can be used when discussing both light and more serious topics.

These fifty useful phrases are divided into nine categories based on their function. To skip directly to one of the categories, click on the link, and it will take you to that section.

The categories include useful phrases for:

  1. When you need more time to think
  2. Asking for help or inviting others to talk
  3. When you want clarification
  4. Adding information and making connections
  5. Telling what you heard
  6. Agreeing
  7. Disagreeing politely
  8. Revising or showing a change in your thinking
  9. When you don’t want to answer a question

Often, when learning a language, we remain silent when we aren’t sure what to say or how to say it. This can make having a conversation difficult and awkward. Luckily, there are phrases you can use to keep the conversation moving along and to show that you are a good listener.

If you really want to improve your English communication and speaking skills, try to begin using English in a functional and natural way. I recommend these 5 Practical English Questions for beginners and even intermediate students who want to increase their vocabulary while conversing in English. Once you are able to use those accurately, these fifty useful phrases will take your discussion skills to the next level.

1. When you need more time to think, you can say:

  • I’m not sure. What about you?
  • I need to think about it. What do you think?
  • I have to think about that. What are your thoughts?

Using the phrases above is a completely natural way to maintain the flow of a conversation and avoid awkward silences. They can be used when having a general discussion or when negotiating during a business meeting. Negotiations require collaboration, and asking about other people’s opinions is a good place to begin. In business negotiations, you can omit I’m not sure to appear more confident. Another expression you can use in negotiations is What do you propose?

Using the above phrases can decrease embarrassment and build confidence as they result in successful communication. Also, as you listen to what others have to say, ideas are likely to come to you, and then you can use a phrase from number four below to add information or make a connection to what someone else said.

2. When you want help or want others to talk, say:

  • Can you help explain?
  • That’s interesting. Tell us more.
  • Can anyone give an example?
  • Can someone think of an example?

If you are not a talkative person or do not want to be the center of attention, you can develop the skill of encouraging others to talk. You can be an important part of the conversation by including others and inviting them to contribute. You can listen more than you speak, but you can still participate and express interest by asking others to add to the discussion.

Of course, talkative types should also develop this skill and be careful not to hog the conversation.

To hog something is to take, keep, use, or do something in a way that prevents others from having, using, or doing it.
Adapted from the Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary

3. When you want clarification, you can say:

  • I have a question…
  • What do you mean by…?
  • In other words, …. , right?
  • So, you’re saying…
  • You mean…? (+ Is that right?)
  • I wonder if / what / how…

If you are not sure you understand something someone has said, it is important to communicate this in a helpful way. If you do not understand, there is a good chance that other people listening also do not understand. Using one of these phrases is a great way to show that you are listening and that you care about what the speaker has to say.

Asking for clarification doesn’t make you look stupid. It makes you look smart!

4. To add information and make connections, say:

  • I’d like to add…
  • That reminds me of…
  • That’s related to…
  • Another example is…
  • I can relate to that because…
  • Going back to what ___________ said…
  • Adding to what ___________ said…
  • What ___________ said made me think (of)…

Good conversations are organic. This means they develop naturally in a continuous process. What one person says leads to something else. This continues on and on as people add more information and continue to ask new questions. To do this, you have to listen well.

5. Useful phrases for telling what you heard:

  • A told me…
  • B said (that)…
  • C told me (that)…
  • I heard someone say (that)…
  • Someone said…

This is basic reported speech. During a conversation, you might remember something that someone else said that relates to the topic you are discussing. Sharing it is a great way to add to the conversation. It is also another way to show that you are a good listener.

People like good listeners. While nodding and using eye contact and rejoinders show you are listening, using reported speech shows that you listen to and remember what others say.

For more information on reported speech, check out my affiliate’s post Reported Speech (Part 1) – Statements. The information there is free, but if you decide to purchase one of their courses or e-books, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products and services that I trust and wish I had created myself.

Good listeners are not completely silent listeners.

6. Useful phrases to show you agree:

  • Totally.
  • Absolutely.
  • That’s a good point.
  • I (totally) agree.
  • I completely agree.
  • That’s right.
  • That’s (so) true.
  • I couldn’t agree more.

When having a conversation, we often nod our head to show that we are listening. Nodding your head does not always mean that you agree. It just shows the speaker that you are following what they are saying. To show agreement, use one of the above phrases. If you want to hear these used by native speakers in context, I highly recommend YouGlish. I’ve entered absolutely into the search, but you can enter any word or phrase you are curious about. Of course, absolutely can be used in different ways, but you’ll hear it used to show agreement in some of the thousands of examples on YouGlish.

7. Useful phrases to disagree politely:

  • Actually, I think…
  • That’s a good point, but…
  • That’s interesting, but I think…
  • I see/know what you mean, but…
  • Yes, but (on the other hand)…
  • I know what you’re saying, but…
  • I see it differently because…
  • There is some truth to what you’re saying, but…

Believe it or not, disagreeing can be fun and exciting. However, it is important to do it respectfully and politely. To do this, first acknowledge the other person’s view. Then you can share your opinion. It’s also important to keep a calm tone. If you begin to get too emotional or upset, it might be best to agree to disagree and steer the conversation in another direction.

To agree to disagree is to agree not to argue anymore about a difference of opinion.
—Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary

It’s also important to note that many of these phrases can be used to introduce another viewpoint even when you agree with what someone has said. This skill can be used when engaging in dialogues to explore ideas and concepts. Acknowledging and considering other viewpoints helps us develop our own thinking and opinions.

8. To revise or show a change in your thinking:

  • I used to think…, but now I think…
  • I see___________ differently now because…
  • I view _____________ differently now because…
  • Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I no longer think… / I now think…

If you are open-minded, curious, and love to learn and explore ideas, you may find that a discussion changes the way you view something. This is a core aspect of learning. If we think we know everything and have all of the answers, we may not be open to new ideas that can lead to growth. By exploring ideas through discussions with people who have had different experiences or who view the world differently than you, your thinking about something might develop and change. If it does, the four phrases above will be useful.

9. Useful phrases for when you don’t want to answer:

  • I’d rather not say.
  • I’d prefer not to say.
  • So, ___________ was saying…
  • I’ll tell you later.

You don’t have to answer every question someone asks you. It can be awkward to encounter a situation where you are uncomfortable answering a question. Respectful people will respect your right to privacy when you use one of the phrases above. Don’t waste your time talking to people who don’t respect you. The last two expressions on the list are indirect ways to avoid a question. One redirects the conversation. The other shifts the focus away from you. Don’t worry, you don’t really have to tell anyone later. If someone says this, they might be willing to tell you later or they might just be indirectly avoiding a question. It depends on the context and situation.

In addition to these 50 useful phrases, you can use other practical English expressions like the ones below when you don’t understand a word, idea, or what someone said.

Useful Practical English Phrases

  • What does __________ mean?
  • Could you give me an example?
  • How do you say ___________ in English/Korean?
  • Could you repeat that?
  • What’s the difference between _________ and ___________? or How are they different/similar?

To learn more about these five practical English phrases, read Five Practical Questions to Help Increase Understanding next.

Useful phrases for conversation
If you are looking for more conversation skills, click on the happy face image for 19 posts about a variety of conversation skills.

Never stop learning!

Фразы-клише для ведения
дискуссии на английском языке.

1.Определение цели, темы

And now about…  А теперь о…
As for… Что касается

First, we need to talk about .
. .
Во-первых, мы должны поговорить о . . .

I am not much
of a public speaker but I’d like to add…
Я не очень хороший оратор, но мне хочется
добавить (вступаем в дискуссию) 

I will tell you about…  Я расскажу Вам о

Let’s clear
it up. It’s the matter of great importance.
Давай разберёмся. Это дело большой важности
Lets discuss pro and contra. Давайте обсудим «за» и «против» 

Let me inform you about… Позвольте мне сообщить вам

My speech
will be about …
Речь пойдет о

The first item on the agenda
is . . .
Первым пунктом на повестке дня
. . .

The first thing we need to
discuss is . . .
Первое, что нам нужно обсудить

We need to discuss . . . Нам нужно обсудить . . .

We need to talk about . . . Мы должны говорить об этом . . .

What I want
to speak about is…
То, о
чем я хочу поговорить сейчас — это… 

2.Оцениваем информацию, которой делимся.

At first… Во-первых…
Аs far as I remember/know… Насколько я помню/знаю…

knows… Все знают, что…

First of all… Прежде всего 
Frankly speaking…
Честно говоря…

If I’m not
Если я не ошибаюсь 
If I remember rightly…
Если я правильно помню

It’s also
very interesting that…
очень интересно…

Its important, I think. Я думаю, это важно.
It’s common knowledge that… Это общеизвестно, что

It’s needless
to say…
Нет нужды говорить
It’s well known that…
Хорошо известно, что…
In fact… На самом деле
No one is surprised to hear that…
Никто не удивится, услышав, что…
Strictly speaking … Строго говоря…
There is no doubt that… Нет сомнений в том, что…

To say the truth… По правде сказать
3. Озвучиваем ход своих мыслей. Дополняем
By the way…
Кстати, между прочим
Getting back to the topic…
Возвращаясь к теме

I just say
things that come into my head.
Я просто говорю то, что приходит на ум.

In addition… В дополнение 

I would like
to add that…
Я бы хотел
добавить, что…

Just for the record… Для справки 
Now, where was I?
Итак, о чем я говорил?

What are you driving
К чему ты клонишь? 
Where were we? На чем мы остановились?

Заполняем паузы.

How could it slip my mind? Как это могло выскочить у меня из головы? 

I’m trying to
collect my thoughts.
собраться с мыслями.

Let me think… Дайте подумать
Oh, it’s a pity, I don’t remember his name.
Жаль, но я не помню его имени.
Wait a moment / just a moment /minute…

5. Переспрашиваем,

Could you clarify that? Не могли бы вы прояснить это?

Could you elaborate on that? Не могли бы вы поподробнее об этом?

you repeat, please? Не могли бы вы повторить, пожалуйста.

Could you say
it again?
Скажите, пожалуйста, еще раз.

Excuse me, I
don’t understand. Could you speak not so quickly?
Простите, я не понимаю. Не могли бы вы говорить
не так быстро?

I’m not sure
I get what you mean.
Я не
уверен, что понял, что Вы имели в виду.

I didn’t get what you meant
Я не понял, что вы имеете в виду . . .

I don’t quite
follow you.
Я не совсем улавливаю

In other
Другими словами

we can say…
Иными словами
можно сказать…

What do you mean? Что Вы имеете в виду?

What do you
want to say?
Что Вы хотите

What does it mean? Что это значит?

What did you say? Что вы сказали?
What is it? — … (слово, которое не поняли) Что это?

Подтверждаем понимание.

And?.. И?..

I got it. Понял.
I see…
Я вижу (понимаю)…
I understand… Понимаю…

7. Реагируем
на полученную информацию

Are you surе? Вы уверены?
Dear me! Вот это да! (удивление)

I cant say its great.  Не могу сказать, что это здорово.

I didn’t like
it at all.
Мне это не
нравится вообще.

dislike it. Мне не нравится.

I was
Я удивлен.

It could be
Могло бы быть лучше.
It could have been worse!
Могло быть и хуже. 

doesn’t matter for me. Это не имеет значения для меня.

It’s a pity. Жаль.
It is a thousand pities.
Очень жаль.
It’s boring!
Это скучно!
It is great! I like it.
Здорово! Мне нравится.

Its really interesting. Это действительно интересно.

Its terrible! Это ужасно!

Not bad. Неплохо.

O my God! Боже мой! (удивление)

Really? Правда?

Shame on you!
Как не стыдно! 
Thats awful! Это ужасно!
Things happen. Всякое бывает.

7. Задаем
вопросы. Интересуемся мнением.

Any ideas? Есть идеи?

Any thoughts on that? Есть мысли по этому поводу?

Do we all agree (on that)? Мы все согласны (на что)?

Does everyone agree? Все ли согласны?

I wish I
Хотел бы я знать…

I wonder… Интересно
I would like to know…
Мне хотелось бы знать…
May I ask you… Можно у вас спросить…

My question is…
У меня такой вопрос
Tell me please…
Скажите мне, пожалуйста…
What do you think…? Что ты думаешь, (имя оппонента)?

What’s your opinion on that,…?
Каково ваше мнение об этом, (имя оппонента)?

8. Реагируем на вопрос
I really dont know. Я действительно не знаю.
It’s an interesting question, thanks a lot. Это интересный вопрос, спасибо.


don’t forget about… Но не забывайте о…

But I dare say… Но я осмелюсь сказать…

But it is to
be noted…
Но необходимо заметить

But, please,
don’t let out of your sight the fact …
Но, пожалуйста, не упускайте из вида тот факт…

But we must
take into account…
Но нам
следует принимать во внимание…

But we must take into consideration… Но нам следует учитывать
Come off it! Брось!

Deep down I disagree.
В глубине души я не согласен.

Do you really think so? Вы действительно так считаете?

Far from
it… Совсем не так…

Generally I like your idea, but… В целом мне нравится Ваша идея, но…
Im afraid, I disagree with you Я боюсь, я с вами не согласен …

I’m afraid I don’t see it this
way …
Я боюсь, что я не вижу это так

I’m afraid
you aren’t quite right…
Боюсь Вы не совсем правы…

I agree up to a point but … Я согласен до определенного
момента, но …

I’m not sure about that … Я не уверен, что…

Im not sure youre right Я не уверен, что ты прав…

I can’t
say I agree. – Не могу сказать, что я согласен.

I can’t say I share your view
on this…
Я не могу сказать, что я
разделяю ваш взгляд на это…

I disagree with you completely. Я полностью с вами не

I dont think so. Я так не думаю. 

I don’t
understand you…
Я не понимаю Вас

I doubt it… Сомневаюсь

I feel I must disagree… Я чувствую, что я должен не

I hope you’ll
change your mind.
Вы измените свое мнение. 

I just want
you to understand that…
Я только хочу, чтоб Вы поняли, что…

I may be
wrong, but…
Возможно я не
прав, но…

I respect your opinion of
course, but on the other hand…
Я уважаю Ваше мнение конечно, но с другой стороны…

I should not
say so…
Я бы так не

I understand
your position but…
понятна Ваша позиция, но…

I wish I
could agree, but I really can’t.
Был бы рад согласиться, но не могу.

In spite of
Несмотря на это

It doesn’t
prove your idea.
Это не
доказывает Вашу мысль.

It’s a lie. Это ложь.
It’s an interesting idea but…
Интересная идея, но…

Its clear, but… Понятно,

Its true but… Это правда, но

It might be
so, but…
Может быть и
так, но…

It seems me
to be false.
представляется мне неверным.

unlikelу. Непохоже, что это так.

No, no, it’s not right. Нет, нет, это не правильно.

Not bad. I
just want to pay your attention…
Неплохо. Но я просто хочу обратить Ваше внимание….
Nothing of the kind. Ничего похожего. 
Noting like that.
Ничего подобного. 

Оn the contrary .Наоборот 
Taking your point I still can’t help feeling that… Принимая вашу точку я до сих пор не могу избавиться от ощущения,

That’s not how I see it …. Это не так, как я это вижу ….

Тo offence, but… Без обид, но

To tell you the truth I have a
different opinion.
Чтобы рассказать вам
правду, у меня другое мнение.

 Yes, but . . . – Да, но

Yes, you are
right, but…
Да, Вы правы, но

You can’t be serious! You must
be joking (kidding)!
Вы не можете быть серьезными! Вы должно быть шутите!

You could be right but … Вы может быть правы, но …

You had
better think about…
Вы бы
лучше подумали о…

You may be
right, but…
Возможно Вы
правы, но…

Выражаем согласие

Точно! Именно!

Good idea/point. Хорошая идея/точка зрения.

Great minds think alike. Великие умы мыслят

Hmmm… I
hadn’t thought of that before.
Ммм…Не думал об этом раньше

I agree in principle with you
that…; however…
В принципе, я согласен с вами, что…, однако…

I agree with
Я согласен с вами. 

I’m with you on this point. Я с Вами на данный момент.

I can agree with you to a
certain extent but …
Я могу с вами согласиться
в определенной степени, но …

I completely (absolutely,
totally) agree with you.
Я полностью
(абсолютно, совершенно) согласен с вами.

I couldnt agree more. Я не мог бы выразиться

I couldn’t have put it better
Я не могу не согласиться

I dare not
Не смею возражать..

I take your point, however it
seems to me that …
Я принимаю вашу точку
зрения, однако мне кажется, что …

I think so too. Я тоже так думаю.

(I think) that’s a good idea. (Я думаю), что это хорошая идея.

Its new to me. Это новая информация для меня.


Quite so. Именно так.
Sure. Конечно.

That’s right.

There’s no doubt about it. Нет сомнений в том..
There is nothing more to add to this. Больше нечего добавить к этому.

This is perfectly true… Это совершенно верно…

Yes, absolutely (of course). Да, абсолютно (конечно).

You definitely have the point
here but I’d like to add that …
Вы наверняка
уже имеете точку зрения, но я хотел бы добавить, что …

You have a good point. У вас есть хорошая точка зрения.

You read my
Ты читаешь мои мысли. 

You took the words right out
of my mouth.
сорвали слова прямо с моих уст.

Well, I agree with you on the
whole, but …
Ну, я согласен с Вами в целом,
но …

11. Выражаем
собственное мнение

Аs for
me… Что
касается меня

From my point
of view …
С моей точки

Im sure… Я уверен…
I believе… Я считаю…

I found out that… И я выяснил, что…

I just wanted
to show you…
Я просто
хотел показать Вам, что…

suppose. Я полагаю/предполагаю 

I think… Я думаю

In my
По моему мнению

It was just
my point of view.
только моя точка зрения.

Probably. Возможно, вероятно.

Something tells me… Что-то мне подсказывает… 

my opinion! And I don’t eat my words. Это мое мнение, и я не беру своих слов

Реагируем на предложение

Amazing! Удивительно!

As you want.
Как хочешь.

Awesome! Круто!

Certainly. – Конечно.
Cool! Классно!

Great idea! Отличная идея!

How interesting! Как интересно!

I have
nothing against!
Ничего не имею простив.

Is it right? Всё в порядке?

It’s all the
same to me.
Мне без разницы.


It’s worth

course. Конечно (разумеется, это и так все знают).


Really? На самом деле?

That’s a good idea… Это хорошая идея…

That’s great!


Unbelievable! Невероятно!

What for? Зачем? 

Why not?
Почему бы нет?

With great pleasure. С удовольствием.
Wow! Great! Вау! Здорово!

You’re kidding! Ты
шутишь!(если вас удивило какое-то высказывание)

13. Прерываем

And what
about (+Ving)
А как насчет …?

As you may know… Как вы, наверно, знаете…
Before we move on, I think we should… Прежде чем мы перейдем, я
думаю, что мы должны

Believe it or
Веришь или нет

Can I add
something here?
Можно я добавлю здесь….

Don’t you think we need to… Вам не кажется, что нам

Excuse me… – Простите

Hang on a minute! Минуточку!

How about . . . Как насчет . . .

I hate to interrupt you but … Я не хочу прерывать вас, но …

I suggest . . . Я предлагаю .
. .

I think we should . . . Я думаю, что мы
должны . . .

If I were you
I would …
На твоем
месте я бы…

If you don’t
mind, let’s…
Если Вы не
против, давайте…

Lets… Давай…

Look here… Послушай
May be we should . . . Может нам

May beWhat do you think of it? Может быть… Что ты думаешь об этом?

May I
interrupt (for a minute)?
Можно прервать Вас (на секундочку)?
Not so fast. We havent (yet) . . . Не так быстро. У нас нет
(пока) . . .

One moment! Один момент!

Pardon me… Простите

Please, pay
attention to the fact that…
Пожалуйста, обратить внимание на тот факт, что

Sorry to
Простите, что

Wait a minute. We haven’t
Подождите минуту. Мы не обсуждали…

We could… if
you like it…
Мы могли бы …
если ты хочешь…

What? Что?

What if… – Что, если 

What do you
think about …
Что ты
думаешь насчет…?

Why dont we (+ глагол в начальной форме)… – почему бы нам не
(+ глагол в начальной форме)…

Yes, but if I can interrupt
Да, но если я могу прервать вас…

You know… Вы знаете 

You see… Как Вы видите…

Заканчиваем дискуссию.

After all… В конце
концов, в итоге….

All in all.. В конечном
счёте, с учётом всех обстоятельств… 

I don’t want
to discuss this problem. 
Я не хочу обсуждать эту проблему.

In any case
it was nice to speak to you.
В любом случае было приятно поговорить с Вами.

In conclusion I would like to say… В заключение я хотел бы сказать… 

In general… В общем
In short / in brief / in a word…
Короче ….
In summary… В заключении…

It’s matter
of opinion.
Это спорный вопрос.

Let’s drop
the subject.
Давай оставим эту тему.

Рeople say tastes differ. Говорят, что о вкусах не спорят.

So the main
idea is that…
основная идея заключается в том, что…

So, we’ve decided to . Итак, мы решили .

The conclusion is . . . Вывод
. . .

To sum up… Подводя итог, суммируя все вышесказанное…

Use your own
Решай сам.
Wait and see.
Поживём увидим. 

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