Word for different types

icon forward

Technical inspection of ammunition

is conducted annually on a required percentage for different types of ammunition.

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Ежегодно проводится также техническая инспекция предписанной для различных видов боеприпасов доли боеприпасов.

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More information about indicators for different types of composite reinforcing elements here in Russian.

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Подробнее о показателях для разных видов композитной арматуры можно узнать из этого файла.

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The Company possesses 25 licenses for different types of compulsory and voluntary insurance and provides its.

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Лицензий на различные виды обязательного и добровольного страхования, предоставляет страховые.

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We have experience in managing building information modelling for different types of buildings.

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Мы располагаем опытом в управлении BIM проектированием зданий разного типа.

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Система не требует трудоемкой механической перенастройки на различные типы упаковок.

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Differences in calculating the monthly payment for different types of mortgage loan have been determined.

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Определены отличия расчета ежемесячного платежа по разным видам ипотечного кредита.

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Есть множество ситуаций, требующих различных типов функций видеобезопасности.

The practice of yoga for different types of paralysis, can help significantly,

reducing the general stress and tension around the joints and intramuscular.

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Практика йоги для различных типов паралич, может помочь значительно, снижения

общего стресса и напряженности вокруг суставов и внутримышечно.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We would like to create a couple of


samples for different types and directions of blows such as piercing,

cutting and crushing, and whether it’s applied to the body or head of the enemy.

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Идея звучит так- сделать наборы для разных типов и направлений ударов- колющих,

режущих, дробящих, наносимых в корпус или условную голову противника.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Offers a full range of sizes


NIBP cuff,

as well as accessories for different types of monitor mount: on a trolley, wall console, the patient’s bed.

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Предлагается весь размерный ряд манжет


измерения НИАД,

а также аксессуары для различных типов крепления монитора: на тележке, настенной консоли, кровати пациента.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Implementation of the system of


access levels(without registration,

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Внедрение системы


уровней доступа( без регистрации,

стандарт и премиум) для различных типов пользователей в зависимости от их потребностей.

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Lamor’s treatment technologies are suitable for different types of climates, soil


environments, and regulatory frameworks.

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Технологии обработки Lamor подходят для разных видов климата, типов почвы, окружающей среды и соответствуют нормативной базы.

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The confidence index for different types of detectors, calculated by the spectra of



using the SpectraLineUltimate are listed in the following table.

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В таблице приведены значения индекса доверия для разных типов детекторов, рассчитанные с помощью программы SpectraLineUltimate

по спектрам различных радионуклидов.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

To minimize time required for different types of calculations, the route creation software process

different types

of calls separately.

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Чтобы свести к минимуму время, необходимое для различных видов расчетов, сервис расчета маршрута имеет

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Data on the spatial structure are displayed on special»chirality maps»,

which demonstrate the existence of isolated regions of existence for different types of helicity.

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Данные о пространственной структуре отображаются на специальных« картах хиральности»,

которые демонстрируют наличие обособленных областей существования для различных типов спиральности.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg


convenience, we have divided our product offerings and

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удобства пользования, мы разделили предлагаемые нами продукты и

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

and would result in potential shortfalls in funding


the gTLD program.

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привело бы к потенциальным дефицитам финансирования программы по рДВУ.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Decision No. 164 of the Albanian Council of Ministers

established various categories of work permits for different types of economic activity in greater detail than had

previously been the case.

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Постановлением№ 164 Совета министров Албании были

учреждены различные категории разрешений на работу для разных видов экономической деятельности, статус которых раскрыт значительно подробней, чем

это было ранее.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

In some cases, differential energy pricing,

and economic goals while promoting sustainable development.

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В некоторых случаях установление дифференцированных цен на энергию, когда для различных видов потребителей устанавливаются



может способствовать достижению социально-экономических целей, способствуя в то же время устойчивому развитию.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We propose that the school community needs a number of

specific technologies that would optimally suit for different types of situations and would constitute a part of the system.

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Что школьное сообщество нуждается в ряде специфических технологий,

которые бы оптимально подходили для разных категорий ситуаций и являлись бы элементом системы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

For different types of crystallization units including crystallization by concentration,

cooling, reaction or equilibrium displacement, GEA is proposes


technologies: Draft Tube Baffle(DTB) crystallizers, Oslo, forced circulation,

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Для разных типов кристаллизаторов, включая работающие по принципу кристаллизации концентрацией,

охлаждением, химической реакции или смещения равновесия, GEA предлагает


технологии: Кристаллизаторы


D. T.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Among them there are also offered auxiliary accessories for different types of travel,


example children’s car seats,

luggage baskets, navigators and much more.

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В их числе предложены также вспомогательные аксессуары для разного типа путешествия, к примеру детские автокресла, багажные

корзины, навигаторы и многое другое.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The solution put forward by ISPs to this problem is to place‘caps’ on how much data can use,

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Решение этой проблемы провайдеры видят во введении лимита на использование данных или создании» быстрых и

медленных полос движения» для разных типов контента или пользователей.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Meet on the street with a girl in a bar, on the beach, etc.

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Познакомиться на улице с девушкой в баре, на пляже и т. п.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

An external switched mode power supply is used,

which comes with a set of adapters for different types of networks USA, Japan, Europe.

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Используется внешний импульсный блок питания,

который постовляется с набором переходников для разных типов сетей США, Япония, Европа.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 258,
Time: 0.0248





English words for places to shop - a free online vocabulary lesson, by esolcourses.com

    Here are some English words for different kinds of shops and businesses.

    Read through the list of vocabulary at your own pace.

  • antique shop — a shop that sells valuable old items and collectables.

  • bakery (or baker’s shop) — a shop where you can buy bread.

  • butcher — a shop that sells meat.

  • bank — a business that looks after your money.

  • beauty salon — a business which offers beauty treatments.

  • bookshop — a shop that sells books.

  • building society — a place where you can save money.

  • card shop — a shop that sells greetings cards and wrapping paper.

  • chemist — a shop that sells medicine, cosmetics and toiletries.

  • confectioner — a shop that sells sweets and chocolates.

  • corner shop — a small, local shop where you can buy everyday things.

  • deli (or delicatessen) — a shop that sells foods from around the world.

  • department store — a very big shop that sells lots of different things.

  • fishmonger — a shop where you can buy fish.

  • florist — a shop that sells flowers.       learn more »

  • greengrocer — a shop where you can buy fruit and vegetables.

  • hairdresser — a business which offers hairdressing services.

  • jeweller — a shop that sells watches and jewellery.

  • laundrette — a place where you can wash your clothes & have things dry cleaned.

  • newsagent — a shop that sells newspapers and magazines.

  • novelty store — a shop where you can buy novelties, joke items and tricks.

  • off licence — a shop where you can buy alcoholic drinks, like beer and wine.

  • pet shop — a shop that sells pet animals, such as cats, dogs and birds.

  • sandwich shop — a place where you can buy sandwiches, snacks and drinks.

  • shoe shop — a shop where you can buy shoes.

  • sports shop — a shop that sells sportwear and sports equipment.

  • stationery shop — a shop that sells stationery and related things.

  • supermarket — a large shop that mostly sells food and drink.

  • tobacconist — a shop that sells tobacco, pipes and cigarettes.

  • toy shop — a shop where you can buy children’s toys and games.

Definition of a Word

A word is a speech sound or a combination of sound having a particular meaning for an idea, object or thought and has a spoken or written form. In English language word is composed by an individual letter (e.g., ‘I’), I am a boy, or by combination of letters (e.g., Jam, name of a person) Jam is a boy. Morphology, a branch of linguistics, deals with the structure of words where we learn under which rules new words are formed, how we assigned a meaning to a word? how a word functions in a proper context? how to spell a word? etc.

Examples of word: All sentences are formed by a series of words. A sentence starts with a word, consists on words and ends with a word. Therefore, there is nothing else in a sentence than a word. 

Some different examples are: Boy, kite, fox, mobile phone, nature, etc.

Different Types of Word

There are many types of word; abbreviation, acronym, antonym, back formation, Clipped words (clipping), collocation, compound words, Content words, contractions, derivation, diminutive, function word, homograph, homonym, homophone, legalism, linker, conjunct, borrowed, metonym, monosyllable, polysyllable, rhyme, synonym, etc. Read below for short introduction to each type of word.


An abbreviation is a word that is a short form of a long word.

Example: Dr for doctor, gym for gymnasium


Acronym is one of the commonly used types of word formed from the first letter or letters of a compound word/ term and used as a single word.

Example: PIA for Pakistan International Airline


An antonym is a word that has opposite meaning of an another word

Example: Forward is an antonym of word backward or open is an antonym of word close.

Back formation

Back formation word is a new word that is produced by removing a part of another word.

Example: In English, ‘tweeze’ (pluck) is a back formation from ‘tweezers’.

Clipped words

Clipped word is a word that has been clipped from an already existing long word for ease of use.

Example: ad for advertisement


Collocation is a use of certain words that are frequently used together in form of a phrase or a short sentence.

Example: Make the bed,

Compound words

Compound words are created by placing two or more words together. When compound word is formed the individual words lose their meaning and form a new meaning collectively. Both words are joined by a hyphen, a space or sometime can be written together. 

Example: Ink-pot, ice cream,

Content word

A content word is a word that carries some information or has meaning in speech and writing.

Example:  Energy, goal, idea.


A Contraction is a word that is formed by shortening two or more  words and  joining them by an apostrophe.

Example:  ‘Don’t’ is a contraction of the word ‘do not’.


Derivation is a word that is derived from within a language or from another language.

Example: Strategize (to make a plan) from strategy (a plan).


Diminutive is a word that is formed by adding a diminutive suffix with a word.

Example: Duckling by adding suffix link with word duck.

Function word

Function word is a word that is mainly used for expressing some grammatical relationships between other words in a sentence.

Example: (Such as preposition, or auxiliary verb) but, with, into etc.


Homograph is a word that is same in written form (spelled alike) as another word but with a different meaning, origin, and occasionally pronounced with a different pronunciation

Example:  Bow for ship and same word bow for shooting arrows.


Homonyms are the words that are spelled alike and have same pronunciation as another word but have a different meaning.

Example: Lead (noun) a material and lead (verb) to guide or direct.


Homophones are the words that have same pronunciation as another word but differ in spelling, meaning, and origin.

Example: To, two, and too are homophones.


Hyponym is a word that has more specific meaning than another more general word of which it is an example.

Example: ‘Parrot’ is a hyponym of ‘birds’.


Legalism is a type of word that is used in law terminology.

Example: Summon, confess, judiciary

Linker/ conjuncts

Linker or conjuncts are the words or phrase like ‘however’ or ‘what’s more’ that links what has already been written or said to what is following.

Example: however, whereas, moreover.

Loanword/ borrowed

A loanword or borrowed word is a word taken from one language to use it in another language without any change.

Example: The word pizza is taken from Italian language and used in English language


Metonym is a word which we use to refer to something else that it is directly related to that.

Example: ‘Islamabad’ is frequently used as a metonym for the Pakistan government.


Monosyllable is a word that has only one syllable.

Example: Come, go, in, yes, or no are monosyllables.


Polysyllable is a word that has two or more than two syllables.

Example: Interwoven, something or language are polysyllables.


Rhyme is a type of word used in poetry that ends with similar sound as the other words in stanza.

Example; good, wood, should, could.


Synonym is a word that has similar meaning as another word.

Example: ‘happiness’ is a synonym for ‘joy’.

to the number of morphemes words are classified into monomorphic
and polymorphic

root-words consist of only one root-morpheme, e.g., small,
dog, make, give,
All polymorphic
words according to the number of root-morphemes are classified into
two subgroups: monoradical or root words and polyradical words, i.e.,
words which consist of two or more roots.

words fall into two subtypes: 1) radical-suffixal
words, i.e., words that consist of one root-morpheme and one or more
suffixal morphemes, e.g., acceptable,
acceptability, blackish;
words, i.e., words that consist of one root-morpheme and a prefixal
morpheme, e.g. outdo,
rearrange, unbutton;
3) prefixo-radical-suffixal,
i.e., words which consist of one root, a prefixal and suffixal
morphemes, e.g., disagreeable,

fall into two subtypes: 1) polyradical words which consist of two or
more roots with no affixational morphemes, e.g., book-stand,
2) words which contain at least two roots and one or more
affixational morphemes, e.g., safety-pin,
wedding-pie, class-

light-mindedness, pen-holder.

  1. Derivational and morphemic levels of analysis


of words only defines the constituent morphemes, determining their
types and their meaning but does not reveal the hierarchy of the
morphemes comprising the word.

are arranged according to certain rules, the arrangement differing in
various types of words and particular groups within the same types.
The pattern of morpheme arrangement underlies the classification of
words into different types and enables one to understand how new
words appear in the language. These relations within the word and the
interrelations between different types and classes of words are known
as derivative
or word- formation relations

analysis of derivative relations aims at establishing a correlation
between different types and the structural patterns words are built
on. The basic unit at the derivational level is the stem.The stem is
defined as that part of the word which remains unchanged throughout
its paradigm, thus the stem which appears in the paradigm (to) ask (
), asks,
asked, asking 
is ask-; thestem
of the word singer (
), singer’s,
singers, singers’ 
is singer-. 

  1. Morphemic
    word classification

  1. Word
    formation in Modern English

formation is a branch of science of the language which studies the
patterns on which a language forms new lexical items (new unities,
new words). Word formation is a process of forming words by
combining root
& affixal morphemes.

types of word formation:

COMPOUNDING is joining together 2 or more stems.
Types: 1) without
a connecting element (headache, heartbreak); 2) with a vowel or
consonant as a linking element (speedometer, craftsman); 3) with a
preposition or conjunction as a linking element down-and-out
— PREFIXATION Prefixes are such particles that can be
prefixed to full words. But are themselves not with independent
— SUFFIXATION A suffix is a derivative final element
which is or was productive in forming new words. It has semantic
value, but doesn’t occur as an independent speech use.

CONVERSION (zero derivation) A certain stem is used for the formation
of a categorically different word without a derivative element being
added.(Bag – to bag)
— BACK DERIVATION is deraving a new word,
which is morphologically simpler from a more complex word.  ( A
babysitter – to babysit     Television – to
— PHONETIC SYMBOLISM is using characteristic speech
sounds for name giving. Very often we imitate by the speech sounds
what we hear: (tinkle, splash, t).
— CLIPPING Consists in the
reduction of a word to one of its parts.     (
Mathematics – maths)
— BLENDING is blending part of two words to
form one word  ( Smoke + fog = smog)

  1. Morphological
    structure of a word. Productive and non-productive ways of word

is the study of the structure and form of words in language or a
language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of
compounds. At the basic level, words are made of «morphemes.»
These are the smallest units of meaning: roots and affixes (prefixes
and suffixes). Native speakers recognize the morphemes as
grammatically significant or meaningful. For example, «schoolyard»
is made of «school» + «yard», «makes»
is made of «make» + a grammatical suffix «-s»,
and «unhappiness» is made of «happy» with a
prefix «un-» and a suffix «-ness».

occurs when a word has different forms but essentially the same
meaning, and there is only a grammatical difference between them: for
example, «make» and «makes». The «-s»
is an inflectional morpheme.

contrast, derivation makes a word with a clearly different meaning:
such as «unhappy» or «happiness», both from
«happy». The «un-» and «-ness» are
derivational morphemes. Normally a dictionary would list derived
words, but there is no need to list «makes» in a dictionary
as well as «make.»

is the process of creating new words from the material available in
the word-stock according to certain structural and semantic patterns
specific for the given language. There are different ways of
word-formation in Modern English. Some of them are highly-productive.
They are: affixation, conversion, substantivation, compounding,
shortening, formation of phrasal verbs. Others are semi-productive
(back-formation, blending, reduplication, lexicalization of the
plural of nouns, sound imitation) and non-productive ways of
word-building (sound interchange, change of stress).

ways of word-building Sound interchange (gradation) is the process in
which word belonging to different parts of speech may be
differentiated due to the sound interchange in the root, eg food (n)
:: feed (v), gold (n) :: gild (v), sing (v) :: song (n) .Change of
stress is mostly observed in verb-noun pairs, eg transport> to
transport and much more seldom in verb-adjective pairs, to prostrate>
prostrate. The difference in stress often appeared after the verb was
formed and was not therefore connected with the formation of the new

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
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  • #

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

для различных типов

для разных типов

на разные виды

по различным видам

при различных видах

по разным видам

на различные типы

для различного типа

за различные виды

применительно к различным видам

для разного типа

отношении различных типов

для различных видов

для разных видов

на различные виды

Specialized equipment is needed for different types of biopsy and availability may vary.

Специализированное оборудование, необходимое для различных типов биопсии и доступность того или иного исследования могут также меняться.

In its initial stage, the project contains four decryption tools for different types of malware.

В самом начале портал содержал четыре инструмента дешифрования для различных типов вредоносных программ.

Each has unique properties and powers and is designed for different types of students.

Каждый из классов обладает своими уникальными свойствами и способностями, разработанными для разных типов учеников.

It was decided to organize a working group, which will also discuss mechanisms of different billing for different types of traffic.

Было решено создать рабочую группу, которая, в том числе, обсудит механизмы разной тарификации для разных типов трафика.

Since 2008, we have obtained for our clients more than 55 licenses for different types of activity.

С 2008 года мы получили для наших клиентов более 55 лицензий на разные виды деятельность.

It is possible to conclude two separate contracts for different types of area: this will divert the attention of the reviewer.

Можно заключить два отдельных договора на разные виды площади: это отвлечет внимание проверяющих.

In addition, the kit includes 3 attachments for different types of valves.

A variety of treatment options exist for different types of back pain.

Further markings form a code defining the category and suitability for different types of explosive atmospheres.

Дальнейшие маркировки формируют код, определяющий категорию и пригодность для различных типов взрывоопасных атмосфер.

Each of these three features is ideal for different types of social media video.

Каждая из этих трех функций идеально подходит для различных типов видео в социальных сетях.

Here, we’ll cover some of the most important features to consider for different types of riding.

Здесь мы рассмотрим некоторые из наиболее важных особенностей, которые следует учитывать для различных типов езды.

And it’s always a good idea to have strategies for different types of markets.

The tariff was different for different types of energy sources and varied over time.

Тариф отличался для различных типов источников энергии и варьировался со временем.

Preventive or mitigation measures take different forms for different types of disasters.

Профилактический или меры по смягчению принимают различные формы для различных типов бедствий.

This will give you an idea of how quickly the site loads for different types of users.

Это даст вам представление о том, как быстро сайт загружается для разных типов пользователей.

They help find the cost of money for different types of computers and technological objects.

Они помогают найти стоимость денег для разных типов компьютеров и технологических объектов.

It is also engaged in discussions with these conferences on the determination of standards for different types of places of detention.

Оно также участвует в обсуждениях с этими конференциями по вопросу о выработке стандартов для различных типов мест лишения свободы.

How to generate word lists and how to use them for different types of attacks.

Regardless of similarities, these sealants also have significant differences that make them each suitable for different types of applications.

Несмотря на их сходство, эти два вида герметиков также имеют существенные различия, которые делают их подходящими для различных типов применений.

We can open a letter of credit for different types of goods, if they fall into our ethical and legal criteria.

Ответ: Мы можем открыть аккредитив для различных типов товара, если они попадают под наши этические и правовые критерии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1442. Точных совпадений: 1442. Затраченное время: 303 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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