Word for different cultures

«Culture» in business generally describes the sort of conditions that define the workplace experience (see, for example, http://www.inc.com/jt-odonnell/5-signs-your-companys-culture-is-dying.html). In this sense, culture refers to whether or not males wear suits and ties, or whether or not the office has an open-floor plan or cubicles, and whether or not the company organizes photo contests for its workers. In this sense, different industries are certainly characterized by different cultures (e.g., banking culture is not like media culture), but different kinds of workers within one industry (or perhaps one company) would generally be said to experience the same culture.

«Demographics» refers, especially in business, to statistical categories, often related to consumers (Tiffany’s and Walmart appeal to different demographics, for example).

I think I would use a word like sensibility, which, per Merriam-Webster, is

the kinds of feelings that a certain type of person tends to have

Other possibilities are outlook, perspective, and world view.

I was thinking we’d see big difference in the type of pictures
submitted between the two offices because of the different
sensibilities that graphic designers and programmers have

or some such.

Having a good vocabulary will give you the confidence you will need to present yourself well and score high marks in the IELTS exam. The writing section is one of the sections of the four-sectioned IELTS exam. A good and strong vocabulary lays the foundation for both your tasks in the writing section. An enhanced yet simple vocabulary for culture vocabulary IELTS will keep the examiner engaged and make them more interested in your answer script.

The answer is judged on four criteria:

  1. Coherence and Cohesion (25%)
  2. Lexical Resource (25%)
  3. Task Achievement (25%)
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (25%) 

This blog contains a list of words for culture and society vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 2 and their meanings. 

culture vocabulary IELTS

What is Writing Task 2? 

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Culture Vocabulary IELTS 2023: New List of Words For Culture, Art & Tradition

Writing Task 2 is one of the two tasks of the writing section. The answer should be written in about 250 words and should be crisp and to the point. The candidate has to have good analytical thinking and logical reasoning to answer the question. You will be given a specific topic to answer, and you need to pen down your views on the same. You will have 40 minutes to complete the task. 

In this blog, we will talk about one of the popular topics of Writing task 2, Culture. This blog contains a list of culture vocabulary IELTS commonly requires. It will help you learn the word with its meaning and also how to use it in a sentence. Also read this blog to build a profound vocabulary for other sections.

Culture is one of the popular and well-known topics for IELTS. Here are the words of culture vocabulary for IELTS that will prove to be a great aid in writing an answer with a strong structure and apt language.


Meaning: The way of life for a group of people or community, i.e., similar food, music, culture, religion, etc.

Example: India is a land of culture and tradition. 


Meaning: Something that is passed on/inherited generation after generation

Example: These monuments are a part of national heritage.


Meaning: The morals and beliefs of an individual 

Example: He is a man with high moral values


Meaning: A generalised belief or idea about a particular race or certain group of people

Example: Blond people are often stereotyped as not being smart. 


Meaning: A negative opinion about a person or a group without directly knowing them that is often based on stereotypes. 

Example: He has a prejudice about fast-food restaurants. 

Cultural Diversity 

Meaning: The differences between different cultures

Example: Cultural diversity is high in countries that have been accepting immigrants for many years.

Culture Shock

Meaning: A feeling of confusion or disorientation when one is subjected to an unfamiliar culture or a way of life. 

Example: Foriegn students often experience culture shock.


Meaning: Unfair treatment based on prejudice of a person or a group

Example: It is unethical to discriminate against people because of their gender or culture.


Meaning: The money used in a particular country

Example: The currency of India is Rupees.


Meaning: All over the world

Example: Global culture is a common phenomenon these days, transcending  nations. 


Meaning: A fictional, classic story from the past that carries meaning

Example: He studies Greek and Roman mythology.

Culture diffusion

Meaning: The spreading of culture from one region of the world to another

Example: Historically, cultural diffusion and hybridisation have occurred through migration, colonial conquest and domination.


Meaning: Local phenomena transformed into global ones

Example: We are living in an era of economic globalisation.

Cultural norms

Meaning: Standard and expected behaviour or ideas

Example: There were a number of clear cultural norms in the highest performing arts.

Fine art

Meaning: Art made by famous or acclaimed artists 

Example: This is a fine art, and the rewards are considerable. 

Cultural heritage

Meaning: The legacy of tangible and intangible heritage assets of a group or society that is inherited from past generations

Example: It is important to protect cultural heritage.


Meaning: The adjective standing for ‘about language’

Example: I am looking for a linguistic course to learn a foreign language. 


Meaning: A society with advanced development

Example: Farmers are the founders of civilisation and prosperity. 

Lingua franca

Meaning: A common language used by people who speak other varied languages as their native tongue

Example: English is the lingua franca of many nations.


Meaning: Accepting the customs to fit in and adapt to the culture of where you reside

Example: The corporate culture demands a certain conformity of appearance.


Meaning: A group of people with different beliefs and customs

Example: Surat is a multicultural city due to its history of trade and tourism.


Meaning: Separation of a group of people based on race, religion, skin color, etc.

Example: They fought to end the segregation of public schools.


Meaning: Old stories and myths, usually transmitted verbally 

Example: In Irish folklore, the leprechaun has large pieces of gold.


Meaning: Similar to rituals, often involving people in authority

Example: There will be a ceremony honoring the town’s veterans next week. 

Cultural traditions

Meaning: Traditions carrying cultural importance 

Example: Cultural traditions prevent an honest look at environmental realities. 

culture vocabulary IELTS


There are many traditional words as part of the culture vocabulary IELTS tasks require. Learning them will help you score better in the writing tasks of the IELTS exam and build your vocabulary as well. IELTS may just be your ticket to countries like Australia, UK, USA and more! To learn more about IELTS and other exams, Visit the leapscholar blog. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to write for IELTS?

The examiner judges your answer by focusing on the structure, vocabulary and grammar used. Use rich vocabulary and write a well-structured, crisp and to-the-point answer that fulfils all the requirements of the question asked in the tasks.

How can I expand/improve my vocabulary? 

The best way to improve/expand your vocabulary is to expose yourself to different types of vocabulary and lexical fields. The English language has a rich vocabulary, so the more you read, the more you discover. Books are the perfect medium to do so as they provide a wide range of vocabulary across infinite genres. For your professional vocabulary, articles are the best source. So read as much as you can to enhance your vocabulary.

Is it okay to use slang in IELTS writing?

IELTS is a professional English proficiency test. Thus, the examiner will not appreciate the usage of slang or text-based language. It may lead to your answer losing its value. 

Методическая разработка урока по
английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса по теме «Разные страны – разные

урока «Different
Countries – Different Cultures»


активизация и закрепление лексики по теме «Разные
страны – разные культуры», развитие умений и навыков устной речи, развитие
навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух, навыков чтения и письменной речи;

расширение и углубление культурологических
знаний, формирование и развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся, повышение
общей культуры общения, создание положительной мотивации к изучению
иностранного языка;

формирование уважительного отношения к
иностранному языку, культуре других народов; развитие умения активно и
плодотворно работать в коллективе;

развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой
реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы; формирование
универсальных учебных действий учащихся: регулятивных, познавательных, личностных
и коммуникативных.


картинки, презентация Power Point,
раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

Организационный момент. Постановка задач

morning! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

I hope everybody is ready to start. Well, today we are having a revision
lesson. First of all, I’d like you to tell me what topic we are going to
discuss. Let’s try to guess… Look at the pictures. Have you got any ideas? …(slide1)

you are right. We are going to have a talk about different countries. So the
topic is «Different countries – Different Cultures». (slide2) Our
task is to revise the material of Unit 3 talking about English-speaking


let’s travel to different countries. I’d like you to complete my sentences.
Look at the slides and listen!


country is …Great Britain

official name of Great Britain is … the United Kingdom of Great Britain

British flag is called … Union Jack

national emblem of England is …Red Rose

emblem of Ireland is … Trefoil

symbols of the country are …


country is … Australia

can see the Union Jack on Australian flag because …

is a country and … a continent

we have winter, …they have summer

largest city in Australia is … Sydney


country is called …

main symbol of Canada is …


official name of this country is …the USA

main symbols of the USA are …

biggest city in America is… New York

is famous for its … skyscrapers

American presidents live … in White House


remember the capitals of the country.

capital of Great Britain is… London

capital of Canada is… Ottawa

capital of the USA is… Washington D.C.

capital of Australia is … Canberra

Работа с текстом “British

you know, the main English-speaking country is Great Britain. I want you to
read the text about British character. Read the text to yourself and do one of
the exercises that follow. Ex. 1 is for the first level. Ex. 2 is for the
second one. Choose only one exercise.


British are said to be polite and well-mannered people. Polite
words or phrases such as “Please”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me” or “Sorry” are used
very often in Britain.

British people are reserved. They don’t like displaying their emotions
even in dangerous and tragic situations. But they are not unemotional. They
control their emotions because they are taught that it is best not to
show their feelings. The English hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell
you the truth either.

tend to be rather conservative, they love familiar things. They are
proud of
their traditions and carefully keep them up. Britain
has more living symbols of its past than many other countries. Traditional
uniforms are still preserved in Great Britain.

Englishman is said to be a countryman at heart. The English countryside is many
things to many people. It means peace and quiet, beauty, good health
and no crime. Most Englishmen love gardens. Gardening is one of the most
popular hobbies among Englishmen. They usually prefer a house with a garden to
an apartment in a modern block of flats.

British people are considered to be the world’s greatest tea drinkers. They
drink it at meals and between meals. The English tea is usually strong
and with milk.

British love animals very much. Millions of families have “bird-tables” in
their gardens. The English take good care of their pets. They are pet lovers.


1 Fill in the gaps with the following words: gardening, tea, conservative,
well-mannered, pets, polite, unemotional
. Complete the translation.

British are said to be _______________ and ______________________. –
__________________________ .

are ______________________. In fact, they don’t like to show their feelings. –
На самом деле, они не
любят показывать свои чувства.

are considered to be ____________________ as they keep up their old traditions.
Англичане считаются
так как

is one of the most popular hobbies among Englishmen. — _______________________
одно из

The English are the worlds greatest
drinkers. – Англичане известны во
всем  мире как большие любители _____________.

love ______________ very much.  –
Они очень

2 True or false? Correct the false statements.

British are said to be polite.

are very emotional. They like to show their feelings.

are always ready to tell you the truth.

are proud of their traditions.

Englishman is said to be a countryman at heart.

British people are great lovers of coffee.

Просмотр видео
“The discovery of The United States of America”.

have learnt what British people are like. Now let’s watch some video about the discovery
of the second English-speaking country – the USA.  

Диалоги о Канаде и Австралии.

the USA we are going to other English-speaking countries. Listen to your
classmates and try to understand what places they are talking about.


— Hello! How are you?

Hello! I’m fine, thanks. And you?

I am fine too. I’ve heard our English teacher is going to Canada next summer.
Would you like to visit this country?

Sure. I think it is an interesting country. I have read a lot about Canada and
I would like to see wonderful waterfalls, beautiful lakes and mountains.

Yes, Canada is full of contrasts with polar bears and blooming gardens, igloos
and skyscrapers. My dream is to see the whales that live there.

Oh they are really fantastic. As for me I think it would be interesting to
visit Canadian national parks and Niagara Fall.

Yes, there is a lot to see in Canada. I mean the biggest cities – Montreal and
Toronto.  They are beautiful.

Toronto is the home of “The Maple Leafs”, a famous hockey team. I would like to
go to a hockey match in Toronto.

I hope all your dreams will come true. Good luck

— Hello, Alina!

Hello, Andrey! How are you?

I’m fine, thanks. And you?

I am fine too. You see, I have to make a report on big Australian cities. Can
you help me?

Sure. I will be glad to help.

Do you know the capital of Australia?

Of course, I do know it. It is Canberra.

But I thought Sydney is the capital.

No. Sydney is one of the oldest and largest cities but it is not a capital. You
can tell a lot about this city in your report. Sydney is famous for its
museums, theatres, art galleries. I am sure you have seen pictures of Sydney

Yes, I have. And I was impressed by the Sydney Opera House, the most unusual
building in the world. It stands on the water.

Yes, it really looks beautiful. And you can write about another Australian
city- Melbourne. It is famous for its zoo. Many animals live there.

Thank you very much for help. I believe my report will be interesting.

You are welcome.


look at the slides again and answer my questions:

country would they like to visit?

is interesting to see in Canada?

cities can you visit in Australia?

is the most unusual building in the world?

Песня «Happy»
by Pharell Williams

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

lesson is over. To sum up I’d like to say that you worked hard today. Thank you
very much for your interesting conversation. Now I want you to write if you
liked the lesson and what you liked best of all.

“yes” or “no”:

understood everything. (
Я понял

was difficult for me to speak English.
(Мне было трудно
говорить по-английски.)

am satisfied with my work. (
Я доволен

liked the presentations. (
Мне понравились

learnt something new at the lesson.
(Я узнал что-то новое на

me the papers.

lesson is over. Bye!

level 1

I like these posts, and the presentation is quite pretty but these aren’t really untranslatable. It’s not that these words can’t be translated, but instead that they can’t be translated into single words in English.

When I think of untranslatable words, I think of words which are completely dependent on the cultural experiences of the people who speak the language they originate from. These are interesting nonetheless.

level 2

One rather mundane yet untranslatable word I can think of off-hand is the Spanish «chiflado». It is usually translated as «crazy» or sometimes «spoiled» (as in a pampered brat), but it actually carries connotations of neither word exactly. It’s not just spoiled, or crazy, but implies that the person’s bad behavior is due to an over-developed sense of entitlement, as if they think they have a right to act that way. Someone who is spoiled is not necessarily chiflado, and someone who is chiflado is not necessarily spoiled, but someone who is spoiled is more likely to act chiflado. It’s an adjective, but can also be a noun or just a simple exclamation.

In English you could also just use a catch-all like «jerk» but then the subtleties are lost.

level 2

Yeah I totally agree with you. I loved the words themselves and the illustrations, and I just went with the title of the original blog post.

level 2

First thing I thought with the innuit one — «The feeling of anticipation when you’re waiting for someone to arrive». Yeah, it’s called fucking anticipation. WTF?

Ditto for the «person who asks a lot of questions». A curious person? Duh…

«A joke that is so unfunny it’s funny». You mean an anti-joke? Moving on…

«The suspense of disbelief from good writing.» You mean SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF?!

Honestly reddit will upvote anything.

level 2

It’s not translations, it’s explanations.

level 1

As a french speaker, I can say say that at least one of the items on this list — dépaysement» — is wrong. It overliteralizes the definition to make it sound oddly specific, when the word is a semi figurative expression which can mean to more generally be out of place or be in unfamiliar territory, to experience a change of scenery, or be confused, etc.

Given this, I have to wonder if some or all of the other words on this list aren’t similarly mischaracterized.

level 2

I can tell you that the Russian pochemucka is a neologism that originates from a children’s story. It’s not a word that is ever used in a context other than being cutesy with a kid.

level 2

we call it «home-sick» so definitely translatable.

level 2

It does say «untranslatable»…

level 2

some of them are just compound words that are short because of features of the language

木漏れ日 = 木 漏れ 日 ~= tree leak sunlight

and I think

Waldeinsamkeit = Wald + ein[sam][keit] = forest + loneliness

level 1

In Swedish, «Mångata» translates literally to «Moon road». There’s your translation. I could say the Norwegian word «sjokoladepuddingkartongfabrikk» doesn’t exist in English, but it’s just «chocolate pudding carton factory» compounded into one noun. I really don’t think Germanic languages count.

level 2

Do you mean agglutinative languages don’t count?

English is Germanic, it just doesn’t have agglutination.

Turkish and Hungarian are non-Germanic languages that are both agglutinative.

level 1

Complete with translations

level 1

Isn’t the French one just ‘homesickness’?

level 1

Lots of jayusing going on around these parts.

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We are open and sensitive to different cultures, and promote adaptiveness and flexibility when working on our assignments.

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Мы открыто и деликатно относимся к различным культурам, развивая таким образом способность


гибкости и адаптации


любым условиям при выполнении порученных нам работ.

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I believe that our experience demonstrates that people belonging to different cultures and religions can live in peace, friendship and cooperation.

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Считаю, что наш опыт наглядно демонстрирует, что принадлежащие к различным культурам и религиям народы могут жить в атмосфере мира,

дружбы и сотрудничества.

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The global community is urged


establish dialogues between


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Мировое сообщество призвано устанавливать диалог между мировыми

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From ancient times Azerbaijan was known with respect and

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Еще с древних времен Азербайджан был известен своим уважительным подходом и

He highlighted the importance of that familiarity to different cultures because»you want




a lot of people when

you make a new piece of fiction.

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Он подчеркнул важность знакомства с различными культурами, потому что« вы захотите общаться


большим количеством новых людей,

когда захотите создать нечто фантастичное».

One of the discussants commented that the speaker

applied European notion of secular rationalism to different cultures which is not exactly appropriate.

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Один из комментариев состоял в том, что в докладе

светский рационализм рассматривается как объективный критерий- европейское понятие применяется по отношению к другим культурам.

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As cultural centres, libraries preserve, promote,

highlight and give voice to different cultures, including their heritage, traditions, literature, art and music.

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Являясь культурными центрами, библиотеки сохраняют, развивают,

освещают и озвучивают различные культуры, а также их литературу, искусство и музыку.

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take an international approach


product development appealing to different cultures and living environments.

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Используем международный подход при разработке продукции, чтобы сделать ее привлекательной для различных культур и условий жизни.

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It also noted that engaging meaningfully the private sector was a challenging

task that required sustained attention and sensitivity to different cultures and possible conflicts of interest.

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Комитет также отметил, что конструктивное привлечение частного сектора является сложной задачей,

требующей уделения постоянного внимания и учета различий в культурах и возможного конфликта интересов.

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This curriculum contains even

more numerous references

to culture

generally and to different cultures including that of minority groups.

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В этой программе уделяется

еще большее внимание вопросам


в целом, а также культурам различных народов, и в частности меньшинств.

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study in Italy means


spend an important period of life in one of the most beautiful and hospitable countries of the world,

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Учиться в Италии означает провести важный период жизни в одной из самых красивых и гостеприимных стран мира,

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The meetings organized in the framework of the interreligious programme

and hence


prevent and resolve open tensions and conflicts.

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Совещания, организованные в рамках Межконфессиональной программы, нацелены на восстановление

тем самым— предотвращение и урегулирование открытых трений и конфликтов.

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The project of 2015″White Robes» presents massive paper architectonic structures,

oriental dresses and simple robes carry on a dialogue on the subject and purpose of art.

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В свою очередь, проект 2015 года« Белые одежды» представляет бумажные архитектонические конструкции выше человеческого роста,

восточных нарядов и простых платьев ведут здесь со зрителем диалог о предмете искусства и способах его использования.

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Using analysis of previous studies of both Russian and foreign scientists as basis, the author researches euphemisms as specific language phenomenon,

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На основе анализа современных исследований как российских, так и зарубежных ученых автор исследует специфику эвфемизмов как языкового

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The Alliance of Civilizations initiative is not meant


replace or marginalize other efforts by the international community


promote greater understanding among peoples and

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Цель инициативы<< Альянс цивилизаций>> не состоит в том, чтобы подменить или отодвинуть на второй план усилия, предпринимаемые международным сообществом в целях содействия более глубокому пониманию между народами и странами,

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Therefore it was discussed how


manage customers of

different cultures,



offer products suited for a multi-cultural public, how


manage the personnel and suppliers, in view of their belonging to different cultures.

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В этой связи был также рассмотрен вопрос о том, как удовлетворять потребности потребителей, представляющих

различные культуры,

как предлагать продукты, предназначенные для мультикультурного потребления,

как осуществлять управление персоналом и поставщиками в свете их принадлежности к различным культурам.

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Given the vital role


be played by education in preventing racism, school curricula should foster an understanding of history and



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С учетом жизненно важной роли, которую должно играть в предотвращении расизма образование, школьные программы должны расширять понимание истории и



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Because our training programme has readings from authors of every political, religious and social background,

members learn about the dignity of the human person through exposure to different cultures or ways of expressing the dignity of the human person.

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Поскольку в рамках нашей учебной программы подготовки изучаются работы авторов самого разного политического, религиозного

и социального толка, члены Альянса познают вопрос о достоинстве человеческой личности путем изучения различных культур и путей выражения идеи достоинства человеческой личности.

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The International Organization for Migration, the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO, the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ensured volunteers received appropriate training in relation


their assignments and

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Международная организация по миграции, Центр ЮНКТАД/ ВТО по международной торговле, Программа Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде( ЮНЕП) и Управление Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по делам беженцев обеспечили прохождение добровольцами надлежащей подготовки в связи с поручаемыми им заданиями и

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Children are girls and boys of any age and belong to different cultures and religions, come from varied social and ethnic backgrounds,

may live in difficult circumstances, may be in need of special assistance and protection and may have experienced refuge and displacement, and must be respected as such.

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Дети- это девочки и мальчики любого возраста, которые принадлежат к разным культурам и религиям, имеют


социальное и этническое происхождение,

могут жить в трудных условиях и могут нуждаться в специальной помощи и защите, а также могли подвергнуться изгнанию и перемещению, и их необходимо уважать как таковых.

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The participation of Government representatives and prominent active members of civil society provides us with a good opportunity


share ideas and opinions that will allow us


advance along the road of understanding among peoples and

societies belonging to different cultures and religions for the good of peace and the progress of peoples.

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Участие представителей правительств и выдающихся деятелей гражданского общества обеспечивает нам хорошую возможность поделиться идеями и мнениями, которые позволят нам продолжать свое движение по пути взаимопонимания между народами и обществами,

принадлежащими к различным культурам и религиям, на благо мира и прогресса всех народов.

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For that reason, we will muster all of our energy, pragmatically but on a principled basis,


promote actions that are addressed at reconciliation,

mutual knowledge and understanding among peoples and societies belonging to different cultures and religions, since we know that this task represents the greatest challenge of our time.

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По этой причине мы должны на практической и принципиальной основе мобилизовать всю нашу энергию для поощрения мер, направленных на достижение примирения,

взаимопознания, взаимного понимания между народами и обществами, принадлежащими к различным культурам и религиям, поскольку мы знаем, что в этом заключается самая трудная задача современности.

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The World Health Organization(WHO) defines traditional medicine as“the sum total of the knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories,

used in the maintenance of health, as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illnesses”.

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Всемирная организация здравоохранения( ВОЗ) определяет традиционную медицину как« общий итог накопленных знаний, навыков и практики, основанных на теории, убеждениях и

объяснить или нет, которые используются для поддержания здоровья, а также для профилактики, диагностики и улучшения состояния при физических и психических расстройствах».

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It was acknowledged that holding a meaningful dialogue with private business and involving private firms in support of the work of the United Nations system was a challenging task that required,


be successfully pursued,

sustained attention as well as sensitivity to different cultures and possible conflicting interests.

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Признавалось, что проведение конструктивного диалога с частным сектором и привлечение частных фирм к поддержке работы системы Организации Объединенных Наций является трудной задачей, для успешного решения которой необходимо уделять постоянное внимание,

а также учитывать различные культуры и возможные противоречащие друг другу интересы.

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Ms. Wamalwa(Kenya) said she would like


know from the Independent Expert and from the Executive Director of UNICEF whether they could suggest alternative



discipline children that were acceptable to different cultures and communities, noting that firm discipline was

sometimes needed


keep children in line.

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Г-жа Вамалва( Кения) говорит, что хотела бы спросить Независимого эксперта и Исполнительного директора ЮНИСЕФ, могли бы они предложить альтернативные пути дисциплинарного воздействия на детей,

которые являются приемлемыми для различных культур и общин, отмечая, что иногда необходимы строгие дисциплинарные



удержания детей в рамках.

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Convinced that respect for cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, as well as dialogue among and within civilizations, are essential for peace, understanding and friendship among individuals and people of the

different cultures

and nations of the world, while manifestations of cultural prejudice,

intolerance and xenophobia towards people belonging to different cultures, religions and beliefs give rise


polarization and disturb social cohesion,

generating hatred and violence among peoples and nations throughout the world.

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Будучи убеждена, что уважение


культурным, этническим, религиозным и языковым различиям, а также диалог между цивилизациями и внутри них являются необходимым условием для укрепления мира, взаимопонимания и дружбы между людьми и народами, представляющими разные


и нации планеты, а проявления культурной предвзятости, нетерпимости и ксенофобии


людям, принадлежащим к другим культурам и религиям и придерживающимся


убеждений, приводят


поляризации общества и подрывают его социальную сплоченность, порождая

ненависть и насилие в отношениях между народами и нациями всего мира.

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