Word for determined person

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решительным человеком

целеустремленным человеком

People admire you because you are a determined person who is able to make success in any job.

Люди восхищаются вами, потому что вы решительный человек, способный добиться успеха в любой работе.

Remember that I wrote above — a determined person, taking responsible decisions — is not always responsible for them.

Вспомните о том, что я писал выше — решительный человек, принимая ответственные решения — не всегда несет за них ответственность.

He, being an innovator and a determined person, supported the idea.

So being a determined person is a risk.

Naturally, you are a determined person whose desire for success must be quenched.

Естественно, вы решительный человек, чье стремление к успеху должно быть подавлено.

Or, more can be said that, choosing between action and inaction, a determined person chooses an action that is simply necessary.

Или, еще можно сказать что, выбирая между действием и бездействием, решительный человек выбирает действие, которое просто необходимо.

If, on the contrary, the first thing that you saw was the silhouette of a girl with red lips, this means that you’re a determined person.

Если же первое, что вы увидели, это силуэт девушки с красными губами, это означает, что вы решительный человек.

The California Gold Rush led to such rapid growth and such ubiquitous demand that a determined person could make good money doing just about anything-except mining gold.

Калифорнийская золотая лихорадка стала причиной такому стремительному росту и столь повсеместному спросу, что решительный человек имел возможность сделать хорошие деньги, занимаясь практически чем угодно, не считая добычи золота.

A determined person gets far in life.

A determined person has to lose nothing.

I can say that I am a determined person and I like to pursue my goals.

Я могу сказать, что я целеустремленная, и мне нравится добиваться своих целей.

It was really tough, but I have always been a determined person.

He was such a determined person and is my hero.

Be a determined person, capable of selling sand in the desert.

Nothing is impossible for a determined person.

In addition, if you are a fast mover, it usually means you’re a determined person.

Breakthroughs occur every day because a determined person continues to search for solutions to complex problems long after everyone else has given up and gone home.

Прорывы к успеху случаются каждый день потому, что уверенные в себе люди продолжают поиски решения сложных проблем и после того, как другие сдались и ушли домой.

But I’m quite a determined person and once I set a goal for myself, I will do it.

Personal development requires a lot of time and effort, but it pays off if you are a determined person who keeps on becoming better day after day.

Личное развитие требует много времени и усилий, но оно окупается, если иметь решительный и целеустремлённый характер и продолжать становиться лучше изо дня в день.

Rules have to be enforced and your subordinates need to respect and understand you are a determined person who takes your oath of office seriously.

Правила должны соблюдаться, а твои подчиненные должны уважать тебя и понимать, что ты человек решительный, очень серьезно относящийся к своей присяге.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 27. Точных совпадений: 27. Затраченное время: 72 мс


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Table of Contents

  1. Is determination a noun?
  2. Is determined a verb or a noun?
  3. What is a noun form of determine?
  4. What are two synonyms for determined?
  5. Is determined a positive word?
  6. What is a antonym for determined?
  7. Who is a determined person?
  8. Is determined to do something?
  9. What is the root word of determined?
  10. Is determined a feeling?
  11. How do you say very determined?
  12. How do people get determined?
  13. What are the types of determination?
  14. What are the two parts of determination?
  15. Why determination is required in our life?
  16. What make a strong and determined?
  17. Is determination a skill or quality?
  18. What is the Hindi meaning of word determination?
  19. What’s another word for whether?
  20. What is called Monument?
  21. What is a good synonym for determination?
  22. What is another word for passionate?
  23. What are the 10 monuments?

Some common synonyms of determine are decide, resolve, rule, and settle.

Is determination a noun?

The act of determining, or the state of being determined. Bringing to an end; termination; limit. Direction or tendency to a certain end; impulsion.

Is determined a verb or a noun?

Determined is also the past tense form of the verb determine, meaning to decide or settle in an authoritative way or conclude after observation.

What is a noun form of determine?

Noun form of determine is determination .

What are two synonyms for determined?

other words for determined

  • dogged.
  • purposeful.
  • resolute.
  • serious.
  • steadfast.
  • strong-willed.
  • stubborn.
  • tenacious.

Is determined a positive word?

Determined… assertive… confident. Each of these labels carries a positive connotation; they indicate a “go-getter.” However, once someone slips from confident to egotistical, they’re no longer an inspiration to be around.

Antonyms: docile, ambitionless, unambitious, undetermined, unsettled, unexplained, irresolute.

Who is a determined person?

Being determined A person who is determined has a firmness of purpose and the resolve to achieve a goal. It is a fixed intention or resolution to overcome obstacles. For example, a person may be determined to graduate from college and get a degree despite financial hardships.

Is determined to do something?

THESAURUSdetermined if you are determined to do something, you have decided that you are definitely going to do it, and you will not let anything stop you. Determined is also used about someone’s character, when they usually behave in this wayI was determined to be a doctor.

What is the root word of determined?

The sense of determination, as making up your mind about something, finds its roots in an Old French word meaning “decision,” such as the judge’s determination that the man was guilty, or the panel’s determination that the chocolate was too bitter.

Is determined a feeling?

Determination is a positive emotional feeling that involves persevering towards a difficult goal in spite of obstacles. Empirical research suggests that people consider determination to be an emotion; in other words, determination is not just a cognitive state, but rather an affective state.

How do you say very determined?

Synonyms for Very determined

  1. hyperfocused.
  2. great deal of determination.
  3. great determination.
  4. great resolve.
  5. much determination.
  6. pretty adamant.
  7. pretty determined.
  8. sheer determination.

How do people get determined?

Here are 10 of the best ways on how to be determined.

  1. Work From Your Point of Strength. Not all forms of determination are the same.
  2. Don’t Choose Luck Over Deliberate Practice.
  3. Avoid Distractions.
  4. Narrow Your Choices.
  5. Become Deeply Committed.
  6. Work Within the Laws.
  7. Create Personal Values.
  8. Realign Your Actions Regularly.

What are the types of determination?

The four basic types of nominal determination are singular definite, indefinite (a variety of determinations including simple indefinite), absolute and relative, where possessive determination is a combination of relative reference and possessor specification.

What are the two parts of determination?

A commitment usually consists of two parts: the first is a person’s decision to do something, the second is the action needed to accomplish one’s goal. Dieting is a perfect example of why determination is essential for success.

Why determination is required in our life?

Determination is very important because it enables us to persist in the face of difficulties. It makes us to march fearlessly ahead with faith until we achieve our goal. Since life is never smooth, many of us fall off when we come across obstacles. But with determination, we can overcome any type of obstacle.

What make a strong and determined?

Consistently doing what you need to do to succeed, with total focus and resolve, is incredibly difficult. And that’s why the ability to work hard and respond positively to failure and adversity is so crucial. Resolve, willpower, and determination help successful people work hard and stick to their long-term goals.

Is determination a skill or quality?

Determination is an important life skill and management skill.

What is the Hindi meaning of word determination?

transitive verb. 1a : to fix conclusively or authoritatively determine national policy. b law : to decide by judicial sentence determine a plea. c : to settle or decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities trying to determine the best time to go.

What’s another word for whether?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for whether, like: either, if, even-if, in-case, if it follows that, doubt, so-long-as, because, whatever, as-long-as and therefore.

What is called Monument?

A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to commemorate a person or event, or which has become relevant to a social group as a part of their remembrance of historic times or cultural heritage, due to its artistic, historical, political, technical or architectural importance.

What is a good synonym for determination?

other words for determination

  • conviction.
  • courage.
  • decision.
  • grit.
  • resolve.
  • self-confidence.
  • valor.
  • willpower.

What is another word for passionate?

Some common synonyms of passionate are ardent, fervent, fervid, impassioned, and perfervid. While all these words mean “showing intense feeling,” passionate implies great vehemence and often violence and wasteful diffusion of emotion.

What are the 10 monuments?

Top 10 Famous Monuments to Visit In India

  • Taj Mahal, Agra.
  • Golden Temple (Harmandir Sahib), Amritsar.
  • Meenakshi Temple, Madurai.
  • Mysore Palace, Mysore.
  • Gateway of India, Mumbai.
  • Red Fort, New Delhi.
  • Hawa Mahal, Jaipur.
  • Qutub Minar, New Delhi.

Asked by: Laura Stanton

Score: 4.9/5
(71 votes)

adj. 1. resolute; staunch; unwavering. 2.

Is Determindness a word?

The state or quality of being determined.

What does Decidedness mean?

firm or unwavering adherence to one’s purpose. for two years he pursued the presidential nomination with an undeviating decidedness.

Is determined a positive word?

Determined… assertive… confident. Each of these labels carries a positive connotation; they indicate a “go-getter.” However, once someone slips from confident to egotistical, they’re no longer an inspiration to be around.

What is denotation determined?

1 : having reached a decision : firmly resolved was determined to become a pilot is determined not to let it happen again. 2a : showing determination a determined effort. b : characterized by determination … will deter all but the most determined thief. —

28 related questions found

What is a word for determined?

tenacious, stubborn, dogged, steadfast, resolute, strong-willed, purposeful, serious, decisive, single-minded, resolved, firm, set, pat, bent, persevering, decided, obstinate, fixed, settled.

How do you describe Determined?


  1. dogged.
  2. purposeful.
  3. resolute.
  4. serious.
  5. steadfast.
  6. strong-willed.
  7. stubborn.
  8. tenacious.

What is the opposite of a fluent talker?

Opposite of fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. inarticulate. ineloquent. unexpressive. unvocal.

What are the positive words?

Positive Words Vocabulary List

  • absolutely. accepted. acclaimed. accomplish. …
  • beaming. beautiful. believe. beneficial. …
  • calm. celebrated. certain. champ. …
  • dazzling. delight. delightful. distinguished. …
  • earnest. easy. ecstatic. effective. …
  • fabulous. fair. familiar. famous. …
  • generous. genius. genuine. giving. …
  • handsome. happy. harmonious. healing.

What do you call a person who is very determined?

tenacious. adjective. a tenacious person is very determined and is not willing to stop when they are trying to achieve something.

What is a synonym for decisiveness?

purposefulness, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, stick-to-itiveness.

How do you spell Determinedness?

resolute; staunch; unwavering. 2. decided; settled; resolved. de•ter′mined•ly (-mɪnd li, -mə nɪd li) adv.

Is resoluteness a word?

Unwavering firmness of character, action, or will: decidedness, decision, decisiveness, determination, firmness, purpose, purposefulness, resolution, resolve, toughness, will, willpower.

What is the happiest word?


  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • delighted.
  • ecstatic.
  • elated.
  • joyous.
  • overjoyed.
  • pleased.

What is a good word for 2020?

I hope each word represents a small step towards creating a more positive approach life in the new year — and the new decade.

  • Start.
  • Excitement.
  • Peace.
  • Love.
  • Powerful.
  • Mindful.
  • Strong.
  • Motivation.

How do you describe someone in one word?

You can talk to him easily, and he’s very friendly:

  • Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
  • Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
  • Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
  • Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
  • Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
  • Likeable — He’s easy to like.

What kind of word is fluent?

Able to speak a language accurately, rapidly, and confidently – in a flowing way.

What’s a word for almost fluent?

Proficient – The word, proficient, means a well advanced skill level. In terms of language, the “proficient” label can refer to someone who is very skilled in the use of a language but who uses the language less easily and at a less-advanced level than a native or fluent speaker.

What is a word to describe a person who never gives up?

Tenacious is a mostly positive term. If someone calls you tenacious you’re probably the kind of person who never gives up and never stops trying – someone who does whatever is required to accomplish a goal. You may also be very stubborn. B.

What are words to describe a good person?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  • Warm-hearted / friendly.
  • Good-looking.
  • Hard-working.
  • Bright.
  • Generous / Kind.
  • Full of energy / energetic.
  • Thoughtful / Considerate.
  • Easy-going.

How do you describe a strong person?

1 mighty, sturdy, brawny, sinewy, hardy, muscular, stout, stalwart. 4 talented, capable, efficient. 5 valiant, brave. 7 bold, intense.

What is a antonym for determined?

Antonyms: unexplained, irresolute, docile, unambitious, undetermined, ambitionless, unsettled. Synonyms: set, dictated, driven, compulsive. determined, dictated, setadjective.

What is a synonym for self determination?

autonomy. home rule. self-government. self-reliance.

What is the synonym of persistent?

tenacious, stubborn, unrelenting, constant, enduring, steadfast, resolute, perpetual, steady, incessant, repeated, insistent, unremitting, continual, relentless, endless, assiduous, bound, dogged, firm.

  • decisive
  • dogged
  • purposeful
  • resolute
  • resolved
  • serious
  • single-minded
  • steadfast
  • strong-willed
  • stubborn
  • tenacious
  • bent
  • decided
  • firm
  • fixed
  • obstinate
  • pat
  • persevering
  • set
  • settled
  • bent on
  • buckled down
  • constant
  • earnest
  • hard as nails
  • hardboiled
  • intent
  • mean business
  • on ice
  • set on
  • solid
  • strong-minded
  • unfaltering
  • unflinching
  • unhesitating
  • unwavering

On this page you’ll find 147 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to determined, such as: decisive, dogged, purposeful, resolute, resolved, and serious.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING determined

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How to use determined in a sentence

A commonly understood interpretation of the law that allowed camping below the high-water mark was determined to be “overbroad and unconstitutional,” according to a 2010 essay that Juras wrote on the topic.


However, Ryan was determined to save Paul’s life so the two signed up to participate in a kidney swap.


The significance of time is determined by the movement of any selection, or, in other words, the rhythm.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • aggressive
  • agile
  • alert
  • alive
  • animated
  • assiduous
  • bold
  • brisk
  • bustling
  • busy
  • chipper
  • daring
  • dashing
  • determined
  • dexterous
  • diligent
  • dynamic
  • eager
  • energetic
  • engaged
  • enlivened
  • enterprising
  • enthusiastic
  • eventful
  • fireball
  • forceful
  • forcible
  • fresh
  • frisky
  • hard-working
  • high-spirited
  • hyper
  • industrious
  • intense
  • inventive
  • jumping
  • keen
  • lively
  • nimble
  • on the move
  • perky
  • persevering
  • purposeful
  • pushing
  • quick
  • rapid
  • ready
  • resolute
  • sharp
  • sprightly
  • spry
  • whiz
  • zealous
  • determined
  • firm
  • fixed
  • hang-tough
  • hanging tough
  • hard-nosed
  • immovable
  • inexorable
  • inflexible
  • insistent
  • intransigent
  • obdurate
  • pat
  • relentless
  • resolute
  • rigid
  • set
  • set in stone
  • standing pat
  • stiff
  • stubborn
  • unbendable
  • unbending
  • uncompromising
  • unrelenting
  • unshakable
  • unswayable
  • aggressive
  • anxious
  • ardent
  • aspiring
  • avid
  • ball of fire
  • bent upon
  • climbing
  • come on
  • come on strong
  • designing
  • desirous
  • determined
  • driving
  • eager
  • eager beaver
  • earnest
  • energetic
  • enterprising
  • enthusiastic
  • fireball
  • get up and go
  • go-getter
  • goal-oriented
  • hard ball
  • high-reaching
  • hopeful
  • hungry
  • industrious
  • inspired
  • intent
  • longing
  • power-loving
  • purposeful
  • pushing
  • pushy
  • resourceful
  • self-starting
  • sharp
  • soaring
  • striving
  • thirsty
  • vaulting
  • zealous
  • bound
  • dead set on
  • determined
  • determined upon
  • fixed
  • fixed upon
  • intent
  • intent on
  • out to
  • set on
  • determined
  • driven
  • hell-bent
  • intent
  • obsessed
  • persistent
  • relentless
  • resolute
  • resolved
  • serious
  • set on
  • single-minded
  • steadfast
  • strong-minded
  • stubborn
  • tenacious
  • unrelenting
  • unwavering
  • computed
  • determined
  • estimated
  • figured
  • reckoned
  • tallied

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

  • #1

M: Actually, Linda, sometimes, a guy can get a little intimidated by a woman who knows what she wants.

W: You mean I’m too pushy? Go ahead, don’t sugarcoat it. Give it to me straight.

M: Absolutely not! You’re not listening to me. What I’m trying to say is, you’re a determined girl.

W: Oh, now you think I’m desperate because I keep calling him? I get the picture.

If you are determened, does it mean that you’re desperate because you keep calling somebody? I don’t get the meaning or logic here. What does ‘determined’ mean here?

    • #2

    If you are determened, does it mean that you’re desperate because you keep calling somebody? I don’t get the meaning or logic here. What does ‘determined’ mean here?

    In this context, «determined» means that Linda is trying too hard. She may not be desperate — she may just know what she wants and her method of getting the fellow interested is to be determined and to keep phoning him. Her male friend is trying (nicely) to let her know that such determination can sometimes scare a fellow off.

    • #3

    Other words for «determined» in this case might be «persistent» or «dogged.» «Determined» doesn’t mean «desperate,» but determination can certainly be interpreted by some people as a sign of desperation.

    ‘DETERMINED PERSON’ is a 16 letter
    starting with D and ending with N

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