Word for dealt with it

The phrase “deal with it” is a frequently used idiomatic phrase that you will hear and see often. If you have ever wondered about this phrase, then you have come to the right place. Here you will learn the meaning of this phrase and also learn of its origin if there is any specific information available to offer. You will see the phrase used in some example sentences and conversations to better enhance your understanding of the phrase and help you to use it yourself. Before leaving, you can look at some final suggestions that will act as alternatives to using the phrase “deal with it” and still permit you to convey the same meaning.

Deal with It Meaning

The phrase “deal with it” means to handle or face a situation that is often unpleasant.

Origin of this Idiom

The phrase “deal with it” came from the origin of the word “deal.” The word “deal” has been used since the 15th century to mean cope or face something. Even though this is the case, the phrase “deal with it” was not popularized or widely used until the early 2000s. The phrase exploded during this time due to a popular GIF that was posted in response to situations on the internet on social media and other social websites.

Alternatives to “Deal with It”

Many words or phrases can be used in place of the phrase “deal with it” to convey the same meaning. Some alternative ways to say this phrase include:

  • Handle it
  • Address it
  • Face it

“Deal with It” Examples

Example Sentences

  • My mom raised me to believe that life is hard and I would just have to deal with it.
  • Margaret was told to just deal with it until she could get a replacement after she dropped her phone and the screen cracked.
  • I don’t have the energy to deal with it right now.
  • Sandra will deal with it. That woman has a genius for organization.
  • You can’t change your situation. The only thing that you can change is how you choose to deal with it.

Example Conversations

A conversation between a husband and his wife,

  • Husband: Someone needs to go grocery shopping today or we will have nothing for dinner.
  • Wife: Well, you will have to deal with it. I have too much on my plate today between work, taking care of the kids, and making sure all the bills get paid tonight.
  • Husband: Okay, I can do it. Just make me a list!

A conversation between a high school principal and vice-principal.

  • Vice-Principal: We have two more new students coming in today.
  • Principal: You will have to deal with it. I need to address the two students who got into a fight in the cafeteria yesterday.
  • Vice-Principal: Not a problem, ma’am. I can show them around the school and get them settled in.

Deal with It Meaning | Image

Deal With It


Last Updated on March 21, 2021

  • Examples

  • Origin

  • Usage

Slang dictionary

[deel] [with] [it]

Published March 1, 2018

What does deal with it mean?

Appearing in popular memes in the 2010s, the phrase deal with it is a bold, self-assured declaration ordering someone to put up with something they may object to or to make do with a challenging but ultimately manageable situation.

Where does deal with it come from?

deal with it


While the verb phrase deal with, meaning “handle or cope with” something, has been in use since the 15th century, the modern catchphrase deal with it was popularized in the early 2000s. Internet cartoonist Matt Furie, who created Pepe the Frog, included deal with it as the punch line of a webcomic posted in 2005, one of the earliest introductions of the phrase into meme culture.

The phrase then spread as a popular GIF posted in online forums and discussions. The first GIF featured the “smugdog” smiley from the website Something Awful. It depicted a smirking dog with pixelated sunglasses descending down onto its head along with the caption deal with it. The sunglasses are meant to suggest the quality of being cool, that is, dealing with it. By 2010, internet-culture website Urlesque published a list of 9 deal with it GIFS in its “New Trend” category, crediting meme-sharing site Dump.fm. Many GIFS punned on deal (“Dill with it,” with the original animated sunglass dropping onto an image of dill plant), referenced popular culture (“What the deal with it,” including a picture of comedian Jerry Seinfeld), or played on “cool” (with “deal with it” and the sunglasses appearing on top a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos). Many other variations have since spread online, though they tend to feature some form of sunglasses and the text deal with it. A special website was even created to allow users to easily make their own deal with it memes with sunglasses.

Google searches for deal with it spiked in February 2015 when Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid spoke at an indoor news conference wearing dark sunglasses indoors due to an eye injury. Social media users quickly incorporated him into the deal with it meme.

Examples of deal with it

“Nobody LIKES abortion. We all wish it wasn’t necessary. But it is. Accept it. Deal with it. Get politicians out of women’s wombs. #auspol”

@LittleBertie01 Twitter (May 11, 2017)

“I am who I am. I like what I like. I love who I love. I do what I want. Get off my back and deal with it. It’s my life, not yours.”

@nramrasyhraa Twitter (May 22, 2017)

“If women were feeling overwhelmed, I had the feeling that the culture just thought, ‘Tough. You made this choice to work, now deal with it.’”

Rebecca J. Rosen, “America’s Workers: Stressed Out, Overwhelmed, Totally Exhausted,” The Atlantic (March 25, 2014)

Who uses deal with it?

Deal with it is often said or written in a smug, provocative, or self-confident way by someone who knows their actions may be controversial but doesn’t care. Here, the phrase often punctuates the end of a comment, acting like a sassy challenge. e.g., “You don’t like what I do or think? Deal with it.”

Many social media users use the phrase deal with it in a political context, calling out those in the opposition that question political leaders, e.g., “Trump won the election. Deal with it.” Many others use the phrase to defend personal choices others might not agree with, e.g., “You don’t like the way I dress? Deal with it.”

Deal with it can also express playful affection for or strong support of something in the face of critics. An Atlantic headline in 2013 fawned over a new portrait of then-Vice President Joe Biden with “deal with it,” for instance, while a 2016 review of Beyoncé’s “Formation” video told readers to “deal with it” as protest art.

The phrase deal with it has also been used in the titles of books, songs, and an American game show about public pranks.


This is not meant to be a formal definition of deal with it like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is
rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of deal with it
that will help our users expand their word mastery.

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  • 1
    deal with

    1. иметь дело с; обсуждать

    2. обходиться; обойтись; поступать; поступить; иметь дело с

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. set to work (verb) affect; attack; plunge into; set to work; start in on; tackle; take up

    2. treat (verb) handle; play; serve; take; treat; use

    English-Russian base dictionary > deal with

  • 2
    deal with

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > deal with

  • 3
    deal with

    You bad boy, I’ll deal with you later! — Я с тобой поговорю потом, негодник

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > deal with

  • 4
    deal with

    1) Общая лексика: касаться, коснуться, ладить , бороться с, быть клиентом, обсуждать, обходиться с, сталкиваться с, навести порядок , разобраться с (кем-л.) , вводить в (торговый/деловой) оборот, воздействовать на, разобраться, справиться, уладить, вести дела (с кем-л./чем-л.), решать проблемы, связанные с

    8) Макаров: бороться , быть клиентом , ведать , вести себя , вести торговые дела , заниматься , заниматься , заниматься торговлей, изучать, иметь дело, иметь дело , касаться , обращаться, обсуждать , обходиться, покупать , поступать, рассматривать , рассматривать , справляться , сталкиваться , торговать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deal with

  • 5
    deal with

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > deal with

  • 6
    deal with

    Англо-русский технический словарь > deal with

  • 7
    deal with it

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deal with it

  • 8
    deal with

    Новый англо-русский словарь > deal with

  • 9
    deal with

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > deal with

  • 10
    deal with

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > deal with

  • 11
    deal with

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > deal with

  • 12
    deal with

    Английский язык для студентов машиностроительных специальностей > deal with

  • 13
    deal with


    iměti dělo s · имети дело с


    Dictionary English-Interslavic > deal with

  • 14
    deal with somebody

    разобраться с кем-либо; наказать

    Richard has caused us enough trouble. Just leave him to me — I’ll deal with him.

    All those who opposed us have now been dealt with.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > deal with somebody

  • 15
    deal with an attack

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > deal with an attack

  • 16
    deal with disputes

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > deal with disputes

  • 17
    deal with sth. quickly

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deal with sth. quickly

  • 18
    deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own

  • 19
    deal with the situation with great diplomacy

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deal with the situation with great diplomacy

  • 20
    Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.


    Относись к ошибкам других, как к своим собственным.

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • deal with — deal [n1] agreement, bargain accord, arrangement, buy, compromise, conception, contract, pact, pledge, prearrangement, transaction, understanding; concept 684 Ant. disagreement, misunderstanding deal [n2] amount, share abundance, degree,… …   New thesaurus

  • Deal with It — can refer to: Deal with It (song), a Corbin Bleu song written by Jay Sean Deal With It (album), the original title for Jay Sean s album My Own Way Dealing with It!, album by Dirty Rotten Imbeciles This disambiguation page lists articles… …   Wikipedia

  • deal with — have commercial relations with. → deal deal with take measures concerning. → deal …   English new terms dictionary

  • Deal with It — Album par Comateens Sortie 1984 Critique AllMusic Albums d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • deal with — index appertain, apply (pertain), communicate, concern (involve), conduct, correspond (be equi …   Law dictionary

  • deal with — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms deal with : present tense I/you/we/they deal with he/she/it deals with present participle dealing with past tense dealt with past participle dealt with 1) a) deal with something to take action to do something …   English dictionary

  • deal with — [verb] 1. handle, attend to, cope with, get to grips with, manage, see to, take care of, treat 2. be concerned with, consider * * * deal with [phrasal verb] deal with (someone or something) 1 : to be about (something) : to have (something) as a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • deal with — 1) PHRASAL VERB When you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them. [V P n] …the way that building societies deal with complaints… [V P… …   English dictionary

  • deal with sb — Ⅰ. UK US deal with sb Phrasal Verb with deal({{}}/diːl/ verb (past tense and past participle dealt) ► to behave towards and talk to someone in an effective way: »The pub trade is one area where the ability to deal with people is very important. Ⅱ …   Financial and business terms

  • deal with — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To deal with a person] Syn. handle, manage, have to do with, cope with; see communicate 2 , treat 1 . 2. [To deal with a subject] Syn. review, discuss, approach; see concern 1 , consider 3 , treat 2 . II (Roget s Thesaurus… …   English dictionary for students

  • deal with — phr verb Deal with is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑article, ↑chapter, ↑document, ↑film, ↑paper, ↑report, ↑review, ↑staff, ↑study, ↑survey, ↑talk, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

deal with it — перевод на русский

If you command me, I will deal with him… No, no, Achilles, leave him!

то я разберусь с ним… оставь его!

I will deal with him in my own way.

Я разберусь с ним по-своему.

I’ll deal with them later.

Я разберусь с ним позже.

I’m dealing with it.

Я разберусь с ним.

— I’ll deal with him, Lieutenant.

— Я разберусь с ним, лейтенант.

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And as for you… Never do this again! If not you’ll deal with me!

А ты, никогда больше так не делай, иначе будешь иметь дело со мной.

If I catch one of you nosing about, you’ll have to deal with me.

Если я кого-нибудь поймаю, если будете совать свой нос, будете иметь дело со мной.

Anyone who touches a hair on the Roman’s head will have to deal with me!

Тому, кто хоть тронет волос на голове римлянина, придётся иметь дело со мной!

He will have to deal with me, and he knows how I get.

Он будет иметь дело со мной, и он знает как я могу проучить.

If I see another copy of this foolishness, you’ll have to deal with me, understood? . Good day, de Blenac.

Если я увижу еще один экземпляр этого бреда, будете иметь дело со мной, ясно?

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If anything happened to him, I couldn’t deal with it.

Если с ним что-то случиться, я не смогу с этим справиться.

People who could deal with it do their share of work in not time at all!

А работницы, которые могли бы с этим справиться, обегают свои районы в три секунды!

Maybe if we could see it, we could deal with it.

Может, посмотрим, как можно с этим справиться?

I’m just gonna deal with it.

Придется как-то с этим справиться.

And I don’t know how to deal with it.

И я не знаю как с этим справиться.

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If he troubles us further, lord, I will deal with him personally.

Если он будет беспокоить нас и впредь, господин, я займусь им лично.

I’ll deal with him, sir. Thank you very much.

Я займусь им, большое спасибо.

I’ll deal with it in the morning.

Я займусь им утром.

And now he will deal with you.

И теперь Вами займётся Он.

— The Iron Forehead will deal with you.

Ну ничего, Железный Лоб вами займется.

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Leave Mohei down there and Let the village authorities deal with him

Мохея оставь там, пусть с ним разбираются местные власти.

Let the Daleks deal with him.

Пусть Далеки с ним разбираются.

Let someone else deal with it.

Пусть другие с ним разбираются.

Now I have to go deal with them

Теперь надо идти разбираться…

We should deal with it one-on-one, not air it out in court.

Мы должны разбираться один на один, а не выставлять это в суде.

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I’ll make a deal with you, Mary.

Ты должна будешь заключить со мной сделку, Мэри.

When you walked in, I was sure you’d been sent by the family to deal with me.

Когда вы вошли сюда, я была уверена, что семья прислала вас заключить со мной сделку.

If you won’t cut a deal with me, I’ll fly him back to Los Angeles…

Если Вы хотите заключить со мной сделку, то я лечу с ним обратно в Лос-Анджелес.

To protect those present from any further unpleasantness… I’d like to make a deal with you.

Чтобы предотвратить сегодняшнее собрание от дальнейших разочарований я хотел бы заключить с вами сделку.

Kids, what do I have to do to strike a deal with you two?

Ну же, ребята, что мне сделать, чтобы заключить с вами сделку?

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My boss could deal with her directly.

Мой начальник мог бы с ней договориться напрямую.

You must deal with him, Philippe.

Вы должны договориться с ним, Филипп. Он собирается сдать нас…

Uh, wait a minute. Might make a deal with you.

Может, мы с тобой договоримся.

More importantly, how should we deal with your mother’s preaching? — Should I ask her?

Самое главное, как нам договориться с твоей матерью?

No. I shall have to deal with them.

Нет, мне надо с ними договориться

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You’d better just start dealing with it, Hudson.

Хадсон, лучше просто смирись с этим.

Hudson, just deal with it because we need you.

Хадсон, просто смирись с этим. Потому что ты нужен нам.

Shit happens deal with it.

Дерьмо случается, смирись с этим.

That’s it is it, deal with it!

Тебе легко говорить, смирись с этим!

Deal with it.

Смирись с этим.

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Louis, I’ll make a deal with you.

Я заключу с тобой сделку.

I-I’ll make a deal with you.

Я заключу с тобой сделку.

But since we’re in a hurry, I’ll make a deal with you.

Но так как у нас мало времени. Я заключу с тобой сделку.

I cannot make money deals with you.

Я не могу заключить с Вами сделку.

Listen I’ll make a deal with you.

Послушайте я заключу с вами сделку.

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Well, they’re a bit fresh at times… but I can deal with them.

Ну, иногда они наглеют. Но я справляюсь.

I’m not dealing with it!

А я не справляюсь!

He better start to learn to deal with them.

Он должен научиться справляться с ними.

He’s gonna have a lot of obstacles and he has to learn to deal with them.

В жизни будет много препятствий и он должен научиться справляться с ними.

And you will have to learn to deal with your anger.

А вам надо научиться справляться со своей злостью.

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Смотрите также

  • разберусь с ним
  • иметь дело со мной
  • с этим справиться
  • займусь им
  • с ним разбираются
  • заключить со мной сделку
  • с ней договориться
  • смирись с этим
  • с тобой сделку
  • справляюсь

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

справился с этим

справились с этим

справилась с этим

разобрался с этим

с этим справились

справлялась с этим

имел дело с этим

позаботились об этом

сталкивался с этим

позаботился об этом

разбиралась с этим

примешь это

занималась этим

с ней разобрался

с ним разобрался

I just… I dealt with it.

And-and I don’t think you’ve really dealt with it yet.

However, there are families who have successfully dealt with it.

She dealt with it like a champion.

Something appalling happened, you dealt with it, but move on.

I have dealt with it, Corbyn said.

Fortunately, experts dealt with it.

However, it’s the first time modern humans have dealt with it.

We dealt with it, now it is time to talk directly about the quantum teleportation itself.

С этим разобрались, теперь настало время поговорить непосредственно о самой квантовой телепортации.

Duren has dealt with it on his land.

Many countries have successfully dealt with it before.

I think for every fan theory, we actually had an episode that dealt with it.

Я думаю, что для каждой теории поклонников у нас действительно был эпизод, который касался этого.

The last time they dealt with it successfully.

The man you cut went to the police… but we dealt with it.

Now, maybe you can tell the crew how you dealt with it.

Поэтому, возможно, ты сможешь рассказать экипажу о том, как ты справлялась с этим.

She hasn’t dealt with it on a conscious level.

Otherwise, I would have already dealt with it.

I’ve dealt with it like we all have.

Once I found out, I dealt with it.

Как только узнал, разговор был коротким.

There was just a small glitch but I dealt with it.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 291. Точных совпадений: 291. Затраченное время: 204 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

A phrase often used when someone asks what/why someone else is doing when confused, or moral is in question. The phrase is then used as a response to further confuse/annoy the person asking.

The phrase was turned into a meme though mlp:fim with the character rainbow dash who had a «deal with it» not caring attitude when ever she put on random sunglasses that she would pull out of nowhere.

Get the deal with it mug.

A drinking game created by a townie named Fubar in Kutztown, USA. It’s pretty easy to learn: Hand out a card to each player, the person with the highest card drinks ‘3’ or takes three sips. Everyone screams «deal with it!» to the person who has to drink. Great way to get drunk, really, really fast. Easy to learn, no arguing over the rules like Asshole the Card Game.

Warning: May get old, fast.

Greg: We cannot agree on the rules for any drinking game, what shall we do?

Fubar: I’ll create a new, easy to learn game — it shall be called deal with it


Group of people who didn’t pick the highest card: DEAL WITH IT!


Screaming Drunks: Deal with it!

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A reality tv show on NBC that requires no skill, in which contestants merely choose briefcases at random. Recently, NBC demonstrated this by airing an episode where a monkey earned more money than a human contestant who was given the same setup of briefcases.

EX. 1

Host Howie: «Deal or no deal?»

Contestant: MOoohhahaH monkey sounds

EX. 2

Bill: Yeah, and to imagine I won it all on a game show.

Jim: Which one?

Bill: Deal or no deal?

Jim: Oh, the one that requires no skill.

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A show on NBC. It’s known for its very over zealous host, Howie Mandel, and its even more over the top contestants. Most of which have some gimmick to offer on the show because that is the only way that NBC can get ratings these days. *sigh*. NBC used to have quality shows like ER, but they have turned into crap shows because NBC is more interested in the Apprentice and any other reality show they can get their hands on. Deal or no Deal has a good idea, but unfourtanately for us viewers it is on NBC.

Howeie Mandel: The Banker has just offered $100,000,000,000,000, deal or no deal?

Contestant: Um? Can I use one of my lifelines?

Howie Mandel: No dipshit! We’ll be right back after some cheap advertising from NBC!

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