Word for days in french

The word for day in French is jour. Find out words for the days in French with this free lesson! Listen to the audio of French days and practice your pronunciation with our voice recognition tool.

Here’s a tip: Try using a French diary, which will help you remember these words more easily. Listen carefully to the French pronunciation and practice saying the days in French aloud. Practice makes perfect.

Tip #2! The days in French (along with the months) are not capitalized.

Resources for further reading:

  • Perfect your French pronunciation
  • How you can learn French faster

How to say the Days in French

Here are the days of the week… — lundi — Monday

  • mardi — Tuesday
  • mercredi — Wednesday
  • jeudi — Thursday
  • vendredi — Friday
  • samedi — Saturday
  • dimanche — Sunday

Days in French

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Seasons in French

Officially spring is during the months of March, April and May in France. Summer is from June through to August. Autumn is during the months of September, October and November and winter is from December to February. Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon to have some snow in April when the cherry trees are in full bloom or warm and humid days in October together with beautiful autumn colors. If you want more on the weather in French then check this lesson out.

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It’s another year, a new chance to get things right, and a whole new set of twelve months to look forward to! If you’re learning French, you need to know how to say the days and months in French, as well as be able to say the dates.

That’s something we’ll remedy in this article. Here, let’s talk about the calendar in French or le calendrier.

French calendar

Start studying the French calendar here…

A Day in French

Let’s begin with a single day (un jour).

un jour a day
aujourd’hui today
demain tomorrow
hier yesterday
le matin morning
l’après- midi afternoon
le soir evening
la nuit night

Take note that the French word for afternoon is exactly worded out the same way in English.

Après means after

Midi means noon

So après-midi is literally afternoon!

The Days of the Week in French

Next up, we have the days of the week or les jours de la semaine.

les jours the days
les jours de la semaine days of the week
lundi Monday
mardi Tuesday
mercredi Wednesday
jeudi Thursday
vendredi Friday
samedi Saturday
dimanche Sunday
la semaine the week
le week-end the weekend

Let me tell you an interesting fact about the calendar in French.

If you could notice, the names of the days of the week in French are based on the different god and goddesses.

Lundi is named after Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon. Mardi comes from Mars, the Roman god of war. Then there’s mercredi from Mercury, jeudi for Jupiter, and vendredi for Venus.

Other things to remember:

  • When writing down the French days of the week, the first letters are not capitalized.
  • When talking about something that happens repeatedly on a particular day of the week, use the definite article le before the name of the day. Example: Je vois Alice le dimanche. I see Alice on Sundays.
  • When you’re talking about a one-time event, don’t use an article with the name of the day of the week. Example: J’ai vu Philippe vendredi. I saw Philippe on Friday
  • To say what day of the week today is, the French say “we are …..” How does that work, you ask? Example: Aujourd’hui, nous sommes mercredi. Today is Wednesday.This basically means: Today, we are Wednesday.

The Months in French

Now let’s talk about the different months and what they’re called in French.

un mois a month
janvier January
février February
mars March
avril April
mai May
juin June
juillet July
août August
septembre September
octobre October
novembre November
décembre December

Did you notice something? Just like the days of the week, the names of the months in French are also written as all small letters. In French, we do not capitalize the first letter of the name of the month.

Dates in French

One important thing you need to know is that the dates in French are said as a cardinal number.

For example:

Example: It’s the first of December.

  • C’est le 5 (cinq) août.
  • On est le 5 août.
  • Nous sommes le 5 août.

All of which mean “It’s August 5”.

One exception for this is the first day of the month which is always referred to as le premier, an ordinal number.

C’est le premier décembre.

Learn more about cardinal and ordinal numbers in French in this article!

How to talk about years in French

Now we’re down to the years. When talking about a year in French, you either use ‘an’ or ‘année’.

  • With years that end in 0, use ‘an’.


  • C’est l’an 2020. It’s the year 2020.
  • En l’an 1990. In the year 1990.
  • C’est l’an 2000. It’s the year 2000.

You can also simply say:

En 1990. In 1990.

Take note that if you simply say c’est +  year ending in zero such as 2000, people can confuse it with a price or amount of something.

  • With years that end in any other number that is not zero, use ‘année’.

C’est l’année 2018. It’s the year 2018/ It’s 2018.

Other simpler options:

  • En 1983. In 1983
  • C’est 1999. It’s 1999

How to say the date in French

Use the following format:


Some examples:

  • Aujourd’hui, nous sommes le 9 janvier 2019. Today is January 9, 2019.
  • Mon anniversaire est le 6 mai 1990. My birthday is May 6, 1990.
  • J’ai un rendez-vous le 31 janvier 2019. I have an appointment on January 31, 2019.

Pop Quiz!

Test your knowledge of the lesson we discussed by answering a few questions below:

1. What does this mean?  Aujourd’hui, nous sommes dimanche

Click to reveal correct answer

2. True or false: le 12 janvier is July 12.

Click to reveal correct answer

3. How do you say Wednesday in French?

Click to reveal correct answer


So there you go with the days, months, and year in French. Now you can finally talk about the different dates in the calendar in French.

Want more simple lessons like this? Get your copy of Beginner’s French Grammar in 30 Days. It comes with easy-to-follow lessons, audio, quizzes, and exercises plus a lot more. Check it out below!

Here are some FAQs about French Calendar

On what day does a French calendar begin?

The French use the Gregorian Calendar, which starts on the 1st of January.

What was the calendar during the French Revolution?

The French Revolutionary Calendar is also known as the French Republic Calendar. This was used by the French government during the French Revolution in an attempt to remove all royalist and religious influences from the previous calendar. As such, the calendar was part of an attempt to decimalise, as the currency and time of day were also put into decimal values.

The French Republic Calendar began in the autumn equinox, and had 12 months with 30 days each, each month renamed based on nature. For example, the autumn month Brumaire came from the French word for mist, brume. The extra five or six days in the year were considered Complementary Days, or Sansculottides, and weren’t given a month designation.
Another unique trait of the Revolutionary Calendar is that each 30-day month was split into three 10-day weeks, and were called décades. The days were named after their number, so the first day was called primidi, the second duodi, and so on. However the décades were abandoned in 1802.

The calendar only lasted  12 years, from 1793 to 1805, and was temporarily used for another 18 days in 1871 by the Paris Commune.

What are the 12 months of the year in French?

Janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre.

This lesson will teach you how to say the days of the week in French (Les Jours de la Semaine). All days of the week in French end in «-di» with the exception of Sunday. And you will find it easy to remember their gender because they are all masculine. Unlike in English, French days of the week are not capitalized unless they are placed in the beginning of a sentence. It’s also worthwhile to mention that French calendars normally start on Monday rather than Sunday.

Audio French word English translation Pronunciation

Flash required.

lundi Monday luh(n)-dee

Flash required.

mardi Tuesday mahr-dee

Flash required.

mercredi Wednesday mehr-kruh-dee

Flash required.

jeudi Thursday zhuh-dee

Flash required.

vendredi Friday vah(n)-druh-dee

Flash required.

samedi Saturday sahm-dee

Flash required.

dimanche Sunday dee-mah(n)sh

*French pronunciation of days of the week by Labé. French standard accent, west of France. Audio recording distributed under CC-SA-3.0 If you want to know what day is today, the following phrase will be helpful: Quel jour est-ce aujourd’hui? What day is it today? [kehl zhoor ehs oh-zhoor-dwee] In order to say that something happened «on» a certain day in French, you need to use the indefinite article «le» (masculine) in front of the day of the week. For example: Le vendredi, je m’amuse. On Fridays, I have fun. Le mercredi je cuisine. On Wednesday, I cook.

More French Words for Scheduling and Planning

Below you will find several more French words and phrases that will help you to talk about schedules and calendar events in French.

French word English translation Pronunciation
fin de semaine weekend fin deh suh-mehn
jour de congé day off
jour de travail working day
demain tomorrow duh-ma(n)
aujourd’hui today oh-zhoor-dwee
hier yesterday yehr
cette semaine this week seht suh-mehn
la semaine prochaine next week lah suh-mehn proh-shehn
la semaine dernière last week lah suh-mehn dehr-nyah
un jour a day uh(n) zhoor
une semaine a week ewn suh-mehn
un mois a month uh(n) mwah
un an a year uh(n) nah(n)

Review the French Days of the Week

Watch the video below to review the French days of the week. Repeating new words once again will help you memorize the new French vocabulary for good.


Some dates grow on trees, others are arranged on Tinder, but today, we’re interested in the ones that live and thrive on the French calendar. If you’re planning to travel to or leave France, or if you have occasional interactions with French speakers, there’s a good chance you’ll eventually have to deal with calendar dates in French, including how to write days of the week in French.

This could happen if someone inquires about your anniversaire (birthday), if you have to fill out a formulaire (form), or make a rendez-vous (appointment). Dates go with your signature on most official documents, and knowing how to write them will also make the booking of your train tickets a much smoother experience.

Learning to write dates in French is simply an unavoidable aspect of learning the language, and it will make every aspect of your life much easier in the French-speaking world.

Today, we’re going to learn how to tell or write the date, from the mythological names and numbers of the days of the week, to the years and months in French. In the process, you’ll learn many common phrases about the dates, as well as the most popular questions and how to answer them.

By the end of the article, you’ll be perfectly date-proof and ready to answer any historical question from the French Jeopardy game! Without further ado, our guide on days, months, and dates in French, and every phrase you’ll need to know!

Table of Contents

  1. How to Tell the Date
  2. How to Say the Days of the Week
  3. How to Say the Months
  4. How to Say the Years
  5. Must-Know Phrases to Talk about Dates
  6. Celebrating Life and Wine in France!
  7. How FrenchPod101 Can Help You Learn More French

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1. How to Tell the Date


Once you know the words for the days and months, telling the date in French is nothing complicated. Especially for those starting from American English, there’s just a few differences when it comes to dates in French language. Here are the most significant rules for writing dates in French to keep in mind:

1- Dates in French Format: Day, Month, Year

How are dates written in French?

Unlike the Month, Day, Year trinity of American dates, French starts with the day, then the month, and then the year. We write all three in a row, without commas or any other separator.

For example, here are some examples of how to write dates in French:

  • 14 juillet 1789 [French Revolution’s Bastille Day]
  • 27 décembre 1975 [Queen releases Bohemian Rhapsody]

For now, don’t worry about the translation of the months or how to pronounce the years. We’ll cover all that in a moment!

2- To Le or not to Le

How to say dates in French depends on the formality of the occasion. In formal situations, giving dates in French can be done one of the following two ways:

  1. Nous sommes + day of the week + le + day’s number (#) + month + year.
  2. Nous sommes + le + # + month + year.

For instance, saying dates in French may look like this:

  1. Nous sommes Lundi le 25 mai 1977.
    “It’s Monday, May 25, 1977.”
  2. Nous sommes le 25 mai 1977.
    “It’s May 25, 1977.”

[Star Wars – A New Hope hits the theaters.]

In informal situations, expressing dates in French will look like this:

  1. C’est + day of the week + le + # + month + year.
  2. On est + day of the week + le + # + month + year.

For instance:

  1. C’est mardi le 21 décembre 2012.
    “We are Tuesday, December 21, 2012.”
  2. On est mardi le 21 décembre 2012.
    “We are Tuesday, December 21, 2012.”

[Mayan-based prophecy for the end of the world.]

Bowl of Dates

Datte (date fruit) not date (calendar date).

3- How to Abstract from the Date

There are many ways to go about talking about dates in French. Some involve the whole set of information, as we’ve seen above, including the name of the day, number, month, and year. Others involve only one or two components, and knowing those structures will literally save the day.

Here’s how to talk about the day:

  • On est lundi.
    “It is Monday.”
  • Je vais à la piscine le mardi.
    “I’m going to the pool on Tuesdays.”
  • Il va au marché tous les samedi.
    “He’s going to the market every Saturday.”
  • Nous sommes le 12.
    “It is the 12th.”

Now, about the month:

  • On est en janvier.
    “It is January.”
  • Le mois de juillet.
    “The month of July.”

And finally, the year:

  • On est en 2019.
    “It is 2019.”
  • En l’an 2012
    “In the year 2012.”

Or why not some combinations, using dates and years in French?

  • Nous sommes en mars 2015.
    “It is March 2015.”
  • J’ai un rendez-vous le 23 octobre.
    “I have an appointment on the 23rd of October.”

4- How to Write the Date

To write dates in French on formal documents or letters, we use the following structure:

  • Day of the week + le + # + month + year.


  • Lundi le 15 mai 2030.
    “Monday, May 15, 2030.”

You can also write the date in a condensed format. It’s very similar to English, but with a twist: Once again, the order is day / month / year.

It looks like this : DD/MM/YY

For instance:

  • 05/07/96 (July 5, 1996) [Dolly the sheep is cloned.]
  • 23/04/05 (April 23, 2005) [YouTube is officially launched.]

Calendar with a Date Circled

Un calendrier (a calendar)

2. How to Say the Days of the Week


When reading dates in French, you’ll have to know the names of the days of the week. Just like the months, French days don’t start with a capital letter.

lundi           Monday
mardi           Tuesday
mercredi           Wednesday
jeudi           Thursday
vendredi           Friday
samedi           Saturday
dimanche           Sunday

All these names come from Latin, and many from Roman mythology, and it’s not only good to know about it to impress your friends at a dinner party; it will also help you remember them!

  • Lundi (Monday) is the day of the Moon.

    Luna is the Latin word for “moon,” becoming lune in French, becoming lundi.

    In English, “Monday” is the Moon Day, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. It derives from Old English “Mōnandæg” and Middle English “Monenday,” based on Latin dies lunae which translates to “day of the Moon.”

  • Mardi (Tuesday) is the day of the God of War.

    While the Greek God of War, Ares, was being torn apart by a vengeful Kratos, his Roman counterpart, Martius (or Mars in French) was becoming mardi.

    In English, they use the Norse God of War, Tyr (or Tiw), later becoming Tiwesdaeg, and finally: “Tuesday.”

  • Mercredi (Wednesday) is the day of the Messenger God.

    From the Roman messenger God, Mercury (Mercure in French), it becomes mercredi.

    In English, it comes from the Norse God, Odin the chief God of Asgard (also called Woden or Wotan), later becoming Wodnesdaeg, and then “Wednesday.”

  • Jeudi (Thursday) is the day of the God of Thunder.

    From the Roman God-in-chief Jupiter (equivalent of the Greek Zeus), it became Jeudi.

    In English, the Norse God of Thunder was Thor (long before he joined the Avengers). It became Thorsdaeg and “Thursday.”

  • Vendredi (Friday) is the day of Beauty.

    From the Roman Goddess of Beauty, Venus, it became vendredi.

    In English, the Norse Goddess of Marriage and the Hearth, Frigga (wife of Odin), later became Frigedaeg and then “Friday.”

  • Samedi (Saturday) is the day of Time.

    Both French and English words come from the Roman God of Time and Harvest, Saturn. While the English “Saturday” didn’t stray too far from its godly origins, the French version went a bit wild and evolved into samedi.

  • Dimanche (Sunday) is the day of the Lord.

    Not as sunny as the English word, but wrapped in a shroud of mystical mystery, the French dimanche comes from the Latin Dies Dominicus, which means the “Day of the Lord.”

A Minotaur and Soldiers

La mythologie (Mythology)

          → To learn how to pronounce the names of the days, make sure to check out our free vocabulary list on Talking about the Days on FrenchPod101.

          → For the numbers of the days, stop by our vocabulary list on numbers with audio recordings.

3. How to Say the Months


Unlike in English, French months don’t start with a capital letter. You’ll also certainly be happy to know that they’re way easier to handle than our exceptions-riddled years. Let’s jump right in:

janvier           January
février           February
mars           March
avril           April
mai           May
juin           June
juillet           July
août           August
septembre           September
octobre           October
novembre           November
décembre           December

Here are a few sentences using the names of the months:

  • On est en juillet.
    “It’s July.”
  • L’année prochaine, il va neiger en janvier.
    “Next year, it will snow in January.”
  • L’été commence fin juin et se termine fin septembre.
    “Summer starts at the end of June and ends at the end of September.”
  • On habite ensemble depuis mai 2012.
    “We’ve been living together since May 2012.”

          → Go the extra mile with FrenchPod101 and learn how to pronounce the French months with our vocabulary list on Talking about Months.

4. How to Say the Years

If you want to talk about the years and historical dates of all kinds, you’ll have to learn the numbers. There’s no way around it. Luckily, we have a comprehensive article about French Numbers that will teach you how to count from one to infinity!

Sure, you could just learn some key dates, such as the current one or the year of your birthday, but they’ll be much easier to remember once you know how the numbers work.

1- How to Pronounce the Years

Years are usually pronounced like any other big number, as follows:

But then, there’s a special case for all the years from 1100 to 1999.

These dates can be pronounced in two ways, depending on whether you’re counting the thousands or the hundreds.

Here’s an example with the year 1910:

  • The “thousands” way: Mille-neuf-cent-dix.
    This literally means “one-thousand” (mille) “nine-hundred” (neuf-cent) “ten” (dix).
  • The “hundreds” way: Dix-neuf-cent-dix.
    This one literally means “nineteen hundred ten.” Instead of counting one-thousand and then nine-hundred, you’re counting “nineteen-hundred.”

Both forms are correct and equally accepted, but you should use the “hundreds” way only in oral communication. You always write years the “thousands” way. If you want to be safe, I recommend to always use the “thousands way,” but it’s good to know that some weird people count differently.

More examples of these two ways:

Date           Thousands way           Hundreds way
1408           Mille-quatre-cent-huit           Quatorze-cent-huit
1760           Mille-sept-cent-soixante           Dix-sept-cent-soixante
1911           Mille-neuf-cent-onze           Dix-neuf-cent-onze

Couple Drinking Wine

N’oublie pas la date de ton rencard. (Don’t forget the date of your date.)

2- Année or An?

There are two ways to say “year” in French: Un an and Une année.

There’s no strict rule about whether you should use one or the other, but in most cases:

  1. An is used with a specific number of years.


    • J’ai vingt-deux ans.
      “I am 22 years old.”
    • Il y a trois ans.
      “Three years ago.”
    • Dans dix ans.
      “In ten years.”
  2. Année is used without numbers in many different expressions.


    • L’année prochaine
      “Next year”
    • Toute l’année
      “All year”
    • Cela fait des années.
      “It has been years.”
    • Les années 60
      “The sixties”

5. Must-Know Phrases to Talk about Dates

We’ve seen how to assemble a French date from the day, the month, and the year. Now, it’s time to get more practical with some of the most important phrases and expressions about dates, as well as the common questions and answers.

1- Le Premier

In English, all days are said using ordinal numbers, from 1st to 31st. This isn’t always the case, but for both Americans and the British, it’s the most common way to tell the date.
In French, all days use regular numbers, except for the first day of the month.

  • Le premier mai
    “The first of May”
  • Le deux mai
    “The second of May”
  • Le trente-et-un mai
    “The thirty-first of May”

2- What Day is it Today?

If you’re a time traveler or you just got out of a Game of Thrones marathon and lost track of the days, this is likely to be your first question.

Just keep in mind that asking for the date in a foreign language is as tricky as asking for directions. You’ll find it easy to ask, but not to understand the answer. So, carefully learn your months, get fluent with French numbers, and you’ll do just fine!


  1. Quelle est la date aujourd’hui ?
    “What is the date today?”
  2. Quel jour sommes-nous (aujourd’hui) ?
    “What day is it today?”


  1. C’est quoi la date aujourd’hui ?
    “What is the date today?”
  2. On est quel jour (aujourd’hui) ?
    “What day is it today?”

Note that in form 1, the word aujourd’hui (today) is important. In most situations, the other person will get from the context that you’re asking about today, but there are some cases where you could be asking for Nicolas Cage’s birthday or about the next Hanson live concert.

In form 2, the word aujourd’hui is implied and could be omitted without creating any confusion. This is because the literal translation of this form really is: “What day are we?”

Common answers are:


  • Nous sommes le 15 septembre.
    “Today is the 15th of September.”


  • On est le 15 septembre.
    “Today is the 15th of September.”

A Different Calendar Flipping Pages

You can also ask for more specific information, such as the day’s number or the year. Here’s how to do so:


  • Le combien sommes-nous aujourd’hui ?
    “What day is it today?”
  • En quelle année sommes-nous ?
    “What year is it now?”


  • On est le combien aujourd’hui ?
    “What is the date today?”
  • On est en quelle année ?
    “What year is it now?”

Be careful with question two. Don’t use it until you’re ready to tell your friends about your years of hardcore gaming in a bunker or your decade of solitary confinement in a Siberian prison.

3- Le Prochain

To talk about the next whatever, you can use the word prochain (next). It could be the next week, month, weekend, year, decade, or century. Here’s how:

  • La semaine prochaine
    “Next week”
  • Le mois prochain
    “Next month”
  • L’année prochaine / L’an prochain
    “Next year”

To talk about the next days, you’ll more likely use demain (tomorrow) or après-demain (the day after tomorrow, or literally: “after-tomorrow” when translated).

6. Celebrating Life and Wine in France!

How could I write about the dates without mentioning all of our yearly events and celebrations?

We have a fairly long list of holidays in France. Some are of religious origin, but lost most of their spiritual varnish and are now celebrated by everyone. Many of them have become an excuse for indulging in delicious food (nothing wrong with that!) or blind consumerism (I’m looking at you, Christmas). But celebrations such as la chandeleur (Candlemas) and its delicious Crêpes, or l’épiphanie (Epiphany), should absolutely not be missed.

If you want to learn more about the main events of the French calendar, be sure to check out our excellent article about the Must-Know French Holidays and Events in 2019.

And for some lesser-known celebrations that will leave you happy and tipsy, stick with me for a while as we take off for the wine-growing regions of France!

1- Les Vendanges

The vendange (grape harvest) is the process of harvesting grapes for the production of wine (the word doesn’t apply to the table grape). The same word is used for the grape that’s harvested during this process.

L’époque des vendanges (or “The grape harvest season” in English) depends on the region, the weather conditions, and everything affecting the maturity of the grape. However, the vendanges traditionally takes place between the months of September and October (one month earlier than fifty years ago, courtesy of global warming).

  • Entre septembre et octobre
    “Between September and October”

The grape can be harvested by hand or with machines. The former is the traditional method that is still used for high-quality vintage or sparkling wine, as both require a rigorous selection of grapes. It’s also used when the terrain doesn’t allow a mechanical harvest.

The latter is much faster and cheaper, but skips the selection process, mixing grapes of various levels of maturity and resulting in the final product being of lower quality.

A Vineyard

Le vignoble (The vineyard)

Every year, during les vendanges, wine-growers from all the wine regions of France hire thousands of short-term workers to help them with the manual harvest in a warm and cheerful atmosphere. It involves working eight hours a day, garden shears in hand, which is equally rewarding and exhausting, but definitely a cool way to jump on the winemaking train!

Contracts range from eight to fifteen days, and usually, no previous experience is required. However, it takes a good level of fitness, because the job is as physical as it gets.

Check out the official website of our national job agency: Pole-emploi. Or if you’re targeting a specific area, head to the regional page of your choosing, such as Auvergne, Rhones-Alpes or Grand-est.

2- Le Beaujolais Nouveau

Every year, on the third Thursday of November, the Beaujolais nouveau (new Beaujolais) makes a big entrance. For the next few days, the French will be drinking this ruby red fruity wine with a solemn enthusiasm.

  • Le troisième jeudi de novembre
    “The third Thursday of November”

The Beaujolais nouveau, or Beaujolais primeur, is produced in the vignoble du Beaujolais (Beaujolais vineyard) and can be sold right after the end of the vinification process. Thus, each year, restaurants and bars traditionally advertise the arrival of the new vintage of the beloved Beaujolais.

A Sign Written in French

The new Beaujolais has arrived!

The official “launch” of the wine takes place in the town of Beaujeu, historical capital of Beaujolais, during the traditional celebrations of the Sarmentelles. There, after a procession of wheelbarrows filled with vine branches is ceremoniously set on fire, the first barrels of Beaujolais are pierced at midnight, and the rest is history.

3- Wine Festivals

The Beaujolais is just one among many wine festivals throughout France. Another famous event is the Grand Tasting or Festival des grands vins (Superior Wines Festival) which takes place each year in the Louvre, where the most prestigious winemakers put on a show.

Check out The Wine Agenda from the LRVF website for more information on the numerous events and celebrations for wine-lovers in France!

Wine and Grapes on Top of a Barrel

Festival du vin (Wine festival)

7. How FrenchPod101 Can Help You Learn More French

In this guide, you’ve learned everything about dates, from the days, to the years and months. You’ve also learned some practical sentences for asking about the date and giving it. Do you feel ready to talk about dates and deal with big-number years? Practice dates in French by dropping us a comment with today’s date.

A good way to practice using the dates is to go step-by-step. Start with the days:

  • On est le 18.
    “Today is the 18th.”
  • On est mercredi 18.
    “Today is Wednesday, the 18th.”

Most of the time, this is the expected answer when someone asks you about the date.

Then, when you’re feeling comfortable with the days, try adding the month, and finally, the year:

  • On est le 18 décembre.
    “Today is the 18th of December.”
  • On est le 18 décembre 2019.
    “Today is the 18th of December, 2019.”

It’s all about taking it easy and going at your own pace until you become fluent with dates.

FrenchPod101 also has tons of free vocabulary lists with audio recordings, and more free resources to boost your studies and keep your French-learning fresh and entertaining!

Remember that you can also use our premium service, MyTeacher, to get personal one-on-one coaching. You can have your private teacher help you practice with dates, and much more! This service includes assignments, personalized exercises, and recorded audio samples for you (as well as a tutor to review your own recordings to help improve your pronunciation).

Happy learning on FrenchPod101!

About the Author: Born and bred in the rainy north of France, Cyril Danon has been bouncing off various jobs before he left everything behind to wander around the wonders of the World. Now, after quenching his wanderlust for the last few years, he’s eager to share his passion for languages.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Time Phrases in French


Last updated:

February 28, 2023

Knowing the days of the week in French is a basic but super-important skill.

After all, you don’t want to show up to your mardi doctor’s appointment on mercredi, do you?

So in this post, you’ll learn not only the days of the week, but also practical ways to learn and use them—from mnemonics, to planning your week, to songs, how to use them in sentences correctly and much more.


  • What Are the French Days of the Week?
  • How to Remember Days of the Week in French
    • Lundi — Monday
    • Mardi — Tuesday
    • Mercredi — Wednesday
    • Jeudi — Thursday
    • Vendredi — Friday
    • Samedi — Saturday
    • Dimanche — Sunday
  • How to Use Days of the Week in French
  • Vocabulary for Talking About Days of the Week
  • Practicing French Days of the Week

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

What Are the French Days of the Week?

Knowing the days of the week in French will make talking about your day, daily and weekly routines, weekend plans and many more meaningful conversational topics instantly easier.

So we won’t just learn how to say each day, but we’ll also look at some memorization tricks and vocabulary related to them next.

But without further ado, here are the days in French:

  • Lundi — Monday
  • Mardi — Tuesday
  • Mercredi — Wednesday
  • Jeudi — Thursday
  • Vendredi — Friday
  • Samedi — Saturday
  • Dimanche — Sunday

How to Remember Days of the Week in French

Lundi — Monday

Lundi is an easy one. The French word for moon is lune. Like in English, Monday (moon day) is devoted to the moon.

Mardi — Tuesday

Mardi is named for the Roman god of war, Mars.

But since Tuesday is named for the god Tyr in English, chances are this won’t help you too much—unless you’re particularly well-versed in Norse mythology.

Instead, remember the holiday Mardi Gras (“Fat Tuesday”), which many know given the famed celebration in New Orleans.

Mercredi — Wednesday

Mercredi is similar to mardi in its etymology: It’s the day of Mercury, the Roman god of financial gain, commerce and eloquence.

You could try to remember that Mercury—as the communicator between the mortals and the divine—is kind of halfway between worlds, just like mercredi is halfway through the workweek.

Jeudi — Thursday

Jeudi is once again named for a Roman god, this time Jupiter. In English, Thursday is named after Thor.

Another easy way to remember jeudi is to know the word jeux (play).

Until 1972 in France, primary school students didn’t go to school on Thursdays. It was used as a day for play, or jeux. In 1972, this was switched out for Wednesday.

Vendredi — Friday

Vendredi is named after Venus, a Roman goddess.

If you know your Roman mythology, you might know that Venus is the goddess of love and beauty—nothing easier than remembering that Friday is all about love and beauty, right?

Samedi — Saturday

Samedi isn’t associated with a god, unlike in English, where Saturday is named for Saturn.

In French, samedi comes from the Latin sambati dies, which means “day of Sabbath.”

Even if you don’t know too much Latin, you can remember that Sabbath and samedi start with the sound “sa,” and Saturday is the Sabbath day in the Jewish tradition.

Dimanche — Sunday

Dimanche is also not named for a Roman god, but rather from the Latin dies dominicus, meaning “the day of the Lord.”

Because Sunday is the day of the Sabbath in Christianity, this translation makes a lot of sense.

How to Use Days of the Week in French

  • Capitalization: Capitalization is generally less common in French than in English. The days of the week are a good example of this, as you don’t capitalize these in French. Thus, days of the week should be written as lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, and dimanche.
  • Start of the French week: In France, the week begins on Monday, or lundi—another deviation from the English-speaking world.
  • Gender: In French, all days of the week are masculine.
  • Prepositions and days of the week: Unlike most French words that always require a preposition, days of the week usually don’t. For example:

    Mardi j’irai au supermarché (On Tuesday I will go to the supermarket) is the grammatically correct phrase. When le precedes a day of the week, it is used to generalize every Monday, Tuesday, etc.

    So, Le mardi j’irai au supermarché (Every Tuesday I will go to the supermarket) has an entirely different meaning.

  • French abbreviations: Just like their English counterparts, abbreviations for French days are pretty intuitive. 
    • Lun Mon.   
    • Mar Tues.
    • Mer — Wed.
    • Jeu — Thurs.
    • Ven — Fri. 
    • Sam — Sat.
    • Dim — Sun. 

Vocabulary for Talking About Days of the Week

Here are some more useful words and phrases for talking about the days of the week:

  • Un jour — a day
  • Une semaine — a week
  • Hebdomadaire — weekly
  • Les jours de la semaine — the days of the week
  • Le week-end — the weekend
  • Faire le pont — to have a long weekend (lit. “to make a bridge”)
  • Aujourd’hui — today
  • Demain — tomorrow
  • Hier — yesterday
  • Avant-hier — the day before yesterday
  • Après-demain — the day after tomorrow

Faire le pont refers to public holidays that fall on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

In France, it’s customary to (either officially or unofficially) transform these holidays into four-day weekends by taking the day off on the intervening Monday or Friday.

In doing so, you “bridge” the gap between the holiday and the weekend and get an extra day of R&R!

There are many words like this where the literal meanings might not make sense until you understand the influence French culture has on it.

Using an immersion learning program like FluentU can help with this: it uses short, authentic videos (like movie trailers and news reports) to expose you to French as it’s really used by native speakers.

Each video has interactive subtitles and other learning tools, so you can learn new words in context while also watching entertaining content. FluentU is available as a website or iOS and Android app. 

Practicing French Days of the Week

  • Plan Each Week in French

    If you’re still using a paper planner, you can easily buy one in French instead of English, which you can sometimes get in office supply stores or always online.

    Personal Planner is a great planner you can order online that lets you choose the language it’s in and the design.

    If you’ve switched to the web for your planning needs, it’s even easier: Change your Google Calendar’s language settings to French.

    You can also switch the settings on your cell phone, desktop computer calendar and even on your television.

  • Set The French Days of the Week to Music

    There are some great days of the week songs that can work as mnemonics, like “Chanson des jours de la semaine” (québécois) and “Les jours de la semaine” (simple and melodic!).

    My French teacher used to sing the days of the week to us to the tune of “Frère Jacques.” 20 years later, it still sticks—sometimes the simplest techniques are the best ones.

    Use this song or another catchy tune—the alphabet song also works, but so could your favorite pop song.

    You can also try using online videos, like this one, which isn’t a song but does get you involved in naming the different days of the week in French and answering simple questions, like which day comes before which.

Just remember that practice makes perfect, and soon you’ll be using the French days of the week like a pro.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Le calendrier

Knowing the French days of the week, months of the year, and seasons will come in handy when traveling, making plans with friends, talking about history, and lots more. Click to listen to the sound files.

Les jours de la semaine – Days of the week

lundi   Monday
mardi   Tuesday
mercredi   Wednesday
jeudi   Thursday
vendredi   Friday
samedi   Saturday
dimanche   Sunday

  À noter

  • The French week starts on Monday.
  • French days of the week are not capitalized.
  • les jours de la semaine – days of the week (all seven days)
  • les jours de semaine aka jours ouvrables – weekdays (5 days: Monday to Friday)

Question: What day is it?

  • Quel jour est-ce ?
  • Quel jour est-on ?
  • Quel jour sommes-nous ?

Answer: It’s …  /  Today is …

  • C’est …  /  Aujourd’hui, c’est …
  • On est …  /  Aujourd’hui, on est …
  • Nous sommes …  /  Aujourd’hui, nous sommes …

Question: What day is (your birthday / Christmas) this year?

  • Quel jour tombe (ton anniversaire / Noël) cette année ?
  • Quand tombe (ton anniversaire / Noël) cette année ?

Answer: It’s on …

  • C’est …
  • Mon anniversaire est …
  • Noël est …

  Fais gaffe !

When answering one of the above questions or when talking about someone that happened on a certain day – a one-time event – you do not need the definite article le:

Par exemple…

Nous sommes samedi.   It’s Saturday.
On peut aller au ciné vendredi.   We could go to the movies on Friday.
Je ne travaille pas lundi.   I’m not working (this) Monday.

However, when referring to something that regularly happens on the same day of the week, you do need the article:

On va au ciné le vendredi.   We go to the movies on Fridays.
Je ne travaille pas le lundi.   I don’t work on Mondays.

Les mois de l’année – Months of the year

janvier   January
février   February
mars   March
avril   April
mai   May
juin   June
juillet   July
août   August
septembre   September
octobre   October
novembre   November
décembre   December

  À noter

  • French months are not capitalized either.
  • To talk about something that happens in a certain month, use the preposition en:

Par exemple…

Mon anniversaire est en septembre.   My birthday is in September.
Nous allons voyager en avril.   We’re going to travel in April.

Les saisons – Seasons

printemps   spring
été   summer
automne   autumn/fall
hiver   winter

  À noter

  • All French calendar words – days, months, seasons – are masculine.
  • To talk about something that happens in a certain season, use au for printemps and en for the rest:

Par exemple…

Il fait beau au printemps.   The weather is nice in the spring.
Je ne voyage jamais en hiver.   I never travel in the winter.

French expressions

  • attacher lundi avec mardi
  • bonne année
  • c’est
  • ce n’est pas mardi gras aujourd’hui
  • le chassé-croisé des juillettistes et des aoûtiens
  • en avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil
  • une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps
  • le jour J
  • passer à l’heure d’été
  • passer à l’heure d’hiver
  • le poisson d’avril
  • tous les 36 du mois
  • vendredi fou
  • le vendredi treize


  • Months*
  • French Advent calendar

* Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless French account to take this test. If you don’t have one, sign up – it’s free!

French lesson plans French lesson plans

  • Apprenons le français (Unit, K-8th grade)
  • Daily routine (Lesson plan, 1st-12th grade)
  • Months of the year (Worksheet, 4th-8th grade)
  • Seasonal round (Worksheet, 5th-7th grade)

 Related lessons

  • An vs année, jour vs journée
  • Calendar eras
  • Capitalization
  • Dates
  • Definite articles
  • Telling time
  • Weather
  • Zodiac signs

Learn Spanish En español

  • El calendario

Learn Italian In italiano

  • Il calendario

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Le calendrier - French vocabulary

In order to express the date, you first much know the days of the week and the months of the year in French. All months, days of the week, and seasons in French are masculine and are not capitalized unless they are used at the beginning of a sentence.

Days and months

French calendars start with Monday as the first day of the week. Keep this in mind when making appointments. Tables 1 and 2 give you the days of the week and the months of the year, respectively.


Dates in French may be expressed in several ways, as follows. Notice that le is optional or may be used in one of two places: (le) + day + (le) cardinal number + month + year.

July 11, 2001 may expressed in any of the following ways:

  • lundi onze juillet 2001
  • lundi le onze juillet 2001
  • le lundi onze juillet 2001

Note the following when expressing a date:

  • The first of each month is expressed by premier, but premier is the only ordinal number used . Cardinal numbers are used for all other days.

    • le premier avril (April 1st)
    • le deux mars (March 2nd)
    • le neuf juin (June 9th)
  • Years are usually expressed in hundreds, just like in English.

    • dix‐neuf cent quatre‐vingt‐dix‐neuf (1999)
    • mil neuf cent quatre‐vingt‐dix‐neuf (1999)
    • deux mille (2000)
  • When writing the date in numbers, the French follow the sequence, day + month + year, just as they do in speaking.

    • le 3 mai 2001 (May 3, 2001) which is expressed as 3/5/01 (5/3/01)
  • The word for year, an, is used with ordinal numbers (1, 2, 3, and so on) unless an adjective is used to describe the word “year,” in which case the word année is used to express year. Sometimes, either word is acceptable .

    • un an (a year)
    • une année (a year)
    • six bonnes années (six good years)
    • quelques années (some years)
    • l’an dernier (last year)
    • l’année dernière (last year)
  • To express “on” a certain day, the French use the definite article le, explained in more detail in Chapter 3.

    • Le lundi je vais en ville. (On Monday[s], I go downtown.)
  • The English words “on” and “of” are not expressed in French dates.

    • Il arrive le quatorze septembre. (He’s arriving on September 14th).
    • Nous partons le quinze avril. (We’re leaving on the 15th of April.)
  • Use the preposition en to express “in” with months .

    • Je voyage en juillet. (I travel in July.)
  • Use the following questions to receive or give information pertaining to today’s day or date. You can also use the same questions to receive or give information about the day or date of an event by changing aujourd’hui (today) to the day, date, or event in question.

    • Quel jour est‐ce aujourd’hui? What day is today? C’est aujourd’hui … (Today is …)
    • Quel jour sommes‐nous aujourd’hui? (What day is today?) Nous sommes aujourd’hui … (Today is …)
    • Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui? (What’s today’s date?) C’est aujourd’hui … (Today is …)

The words and expressions in Table 3 may prove invaluable to you when you need information about a period of time.

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