Word for dating one person

Table of Contents

  1. What is the synonym of dating?
  2. What is the word for dating one person?
  3. What is the adjectives that relate to dating?
  4. How would you describe a perfect date?
  5. What is courting vs dating?
  6. What are the stages of courtship?
  7. What does courtship look like?
  8. How long should you talk when dating?
  9. How long is the talking stage before dating?
  10. What are red flags when dating?
  11. How often should you see someone you’re dating?
  12. How often should you text someone you’re dating?
  13. Should you talk to someone you’re dating everyday?
  14. What does a 4th date mean to a guy?

A casual relationship is sometimes referred to as a “no strings attached” relationship.

What is the synonym of dating?

Synonyms for dating. going out (with), taking out.

What is the word for dating one person?

Monogamy is when you are married to, or in a sexual relationship with, one person at a time. Humans are one of the few species that practice monogamy.

What is the adjectives that relate to dating?

Here are some adjectives for date: definitely post-revolutionary, probable trial, quite open and chaste, plainly tertiary, definite arrival, manifestly modern, earliest ascertainable, divine and distant, obviously late, amazingly late, impossibly late, spurious and modern, sometimes steady, earlier arrival.

How would you describe a perfect date?

Stan Fields : Miss Rhode Island, please describe your idea of a perfect date. Cheryl “Rhode Island” : That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

What is courting vs dating?

To use another analogy, dating is like a comma, whereas courting is like a period. This means that dating presents a man and woman with a number of potential ends to their relationship, whereas courting has only one: marriage. Dating people view the relationship through a temporal lens.

What are the stages of courtship?

The 4 Stages of Dating Relationships

  • Stage 1: Initial Meeting/Attraction.
  • Stage 2: Curiosity, Interest, and Infatuation.
  • Stage 3: “Enlightenment” and Becoming a Couple.
  • Stage 4: Commitment or Engagement.

What does courtship look like?

During a courtship, a couple or group gets to know each other and decides if there will be an engagement. Courting includes activities such as dating where couples or groups go together for some activity (e.g., a meal or movie). Courting can also take place without personal contact, especially with modern technology.

How long should you talk when dating?

Talking a rough rule, two months them be a safe amount talking many to broach the subject. You every relationship often different, so if it feels right earlier, start for it. If it doesn’t dating right at that stage, many are a few steps you can take dates build them up for the conversation.

How long is the talking stage before dating?

about 5 to 6 weeks

What are red flags when dating?

According to dating psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree, a red flag can be defined as “something your partner does that indicates a lack of respect, integrity or interest towards the relationship”.

How often should you see someone you’re dating?

Although seeing them once a week is fine, if you want to see them more by month four you can scale it up to twice depending on your schedule. She recommends seeing each other weekends and a mid-week visit. Once again it all comes down to what you want, your goals, schedules and how you feel.

How often should you text someone you’re dating?

You should look for three to five messages a day, unless you strike up a conversation, then look for more. The most important thing to look out for is whether or not it seems like you’re on his mind. Remember, these are simple guidelines, and there is no hard and fast rule.

Should you talk to someone you’re dating everyday?

An important part of dating someone new is getting to know them and finding out if they’re the right person for you. While talking every day is great for the former, it can hinder the latter since it doesn’t provide you with the time and space to reflect on your connection.

What does a 4th date mean to a guy?

A fourth date can be a really good sign between two people. It means that you are still attracted to each other after having spent a lot of time one on one. It also means that you are likely to be quite compatible if you are still getting excited at the thought of meeting up again.


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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody! Welcome back to Top Words. My name is Alisha and today, we’re going to talk about 10 words and phrases for dating and romantic relationships. Let’s go!
1. like
The first word is like, like, the verb like. We use like when we initially develop feelings for someone. So we can say, like, I really like the girl in my class or I really like the boy in my class, for example. So, like is like the first feelings, the first feelings of like simple attraction, to like someone. This is a word that’s used a lot by children, like junior high school or maybe high school-aged kids. And you can also use it in adult relationships as well like at those first stages of a relationship like I really like you, for example. So using like can express something a little bit stronger, a little bit more romantic if you use it in that way.
In a sentence, «I really like him.»
2. have a crush on
The next word is have a crush on someone, to have a crush on someone. So, to have a crush on someone, this is usually used by, like, teenagers. It’s kind of a young-people word. So, to have a crush on someone means you have a really strong attraction to someone, but maybe you don’t know them very well yet or you haven’t had a chance to speak with them a lot yet. So, this is something like, if you regularly see someone like at your workplace or at, like, another event or at school and maybe you think they’re physically really attractive or maybe you’ve heard them speaking before and you think they’re attractive, there’s something about them that really, really strongly interests you but maybe you don’t know them very well yet. You could say I have a crush on that person like I have a crush on him or I have a crush on her, like you don’t really know them so well, but you really, really are interested in them. That’s called a crush, a crush.
In a sentence, «Do you have a crush on your coworker?»
3. Love
The next word is love, love. So, love at least in American English, we tend to use in a more serious situation. So, it’s beyond a crush. It’s beyond like. Love is a more serious word that we use. Usually when we have known someone for a long time or we have just like this very, very strong and deep attraction to a person. So we can say, «I love you.» or like «Do you love me?» that kind of thing. We can say that, but it has kind of like a serious implication. There’s a very serious sort of… nuance behind the word love. So, love is stronger than like or crush and it has like a serious feeling about it.
We can also use the word love for our friends and our family members too, but the same nuance of like a strong and serious connection remains. When you use it with your friends and your family members though, it doesn’t mean romantically. It just means you have like that very close bond with that person, like «I love you guys!» for example with your friends. It’s a very common phrase, but saying «I love you.» to your partner is quite strong. So, please use this phrase with caution and care.
In a sentence, «I think you should tell her you love her.»
4. date
The next word is date, date. So, to date someone means that you meet someone regularly in, like, a romantic way. So, traditionally like dates could be like dinner and a movie or going out for coffee together, or enjoying dinner together, going to the park or the beach or maybe traveling somewhere. So a date is time with only the two of you to get to know each other and to get to know each other more romantically. So, we can use the word date a little bit loosely. If I say for example I’m going on a date with my girlfriends today, girlfriends in the plural, it means I’m going out for a fun… a fun afternoon maybe or a fun evening with the women in my life who are closest to me, very close to me, my girlfriends, so my close girlfriends.
So, we can use the word date for friends as well, but if you say, like, I’m going on a date with my boyfriend or I’m going on a date with my wife, it sounds like intimate time for the two of you to be together, a date.
A date can be used as a noun and we can use it as a verb like how long have you been dating? In a sentence, we’ve been dating for about six months.
5. see
The next word is see, see. This is an important word at least in American English because it means to be in a relationship with someone. We use the word see in the same way that we use the word date, like «I’ve been seeing this guy for 6 months.» or «Are you seeing anyone?» or «I’m thinking about seeing someone new.» So, see in this way, means like to spend time with romantically like going on dates with a person. So if you hear someone use see in this way about a person, it means like a romantic relationship with that person.
In a sentence, «Are you seeing anyone?»
6. exclusive
The next word is exclusive, exclusive. So exclusive, depending on the relationship and depending on how you know that person, exclusive means you are only seeing that person. So, perhaps when a relationship is not so serious, maybe at the beginning stages, maybe you or your partner perhaps might have, I don’t know, someone else in their life that they’re thinking of maybe dating seriously or maybe there are a couple of other people that you might be thinking, hmm, I could see myself spending time with that person seriously. But, again every relationship is different, I don’t know, but some people might use the word exclusive to mean I only want to see this person and I want this person to only see me, like to be exclusive means like these two people only see each other. They are exclusive to each other, essentially. Some people have exclusive relationships. The opposite then of an exclusive relationship could be an open relationship. Some people agree to have an open relationship where their partners can see other people, I don’t know. There are many people in the world.
7. break up
The next word is break up, break up. To break up means to end a relationship. So we use break up before marriage, if a couple is just dating, they’re just seeing each other and they decide to finish the relationship, they decide to stop seeing each other, we use the word break up to describe that. So like, «I broke up with my boyfriend last night.» or like «Don’t break up with me!» or «I think we should break up.» These all words… these are all expressions that we use with regard to ending a relationship. Ending a relationship is called breaking up.
In a sentence, «I think we should break up.»
8. propose
The next word is propose, to propose. So, to propose if a relationship is continuing well and everything is great presumably or I don’t know, for any number of reasons, the couple decides they would like to get married, we use the verb to propose which is like a short way of saying to propose marriage. So, to propose means, like, to set out an idea, to give someone an idea for something. So, traditionally this comes from the man like the man will propose to the woman in the relationship, though I’ve heard of cases where women propose to men as well. So, to propose means to suggest marriage to the other person, to propose.
In a sentence, «What do you think is the best way to propose?»
9. cheat
So to cheat is a word we use. This is typically for like exclusive relationships, but to cheat means one partner or perhaps both partners see or date or spend time with another romantic partner when they are not supposed to. So, person A and person B are in an exclusive relationship and person B meets someone else romantically, that’s called cheating, they are cheating. So, it’s typically considered a negative thing in most cultures. Cheating is typically bad.
In a sentence, «My roommate was cheating on her boyfriend.»
10. marry
The last word, the next word is marry, marry. So, to marry or you might also hear to get married, we use both of these to refer to that ceremony where the couple decides they’re going to spend forever together and legally they become a family. So, please be careful. We don’t say get married with… someone. Sometimes I hear students say this. We don’t say, «I want to get married with…» or «My brother got married with…» We use the preposition to. So, «My brother got married to his high school girlfriend.» that’s true, or «What kind of person do you want to marry?» I want to marry a kind person. So, please be careful. When you use the verb marry, just marry, no get married like I want to marry someone, I don’t want to marry someone, we’re probably going to follow the verb marry with a person or a kind of person. If we’re saying I want to get married, we’ll follow it with to, the preposition to and then the extra information. So I want to get married to a certain kind of person
You can also describe the location of like a wedding like, «I want to get married in… a church.,» «I want to get married on… the beach.» So keep in mind there’s some variation. There are many different ways we can use marry and get married, but those are just a couple of points.
In a sentence, «My friend has finally decided to marry his long-time girlfriend.»
So, those are 10 words for dating and romantic relationships. I hope that those were useful for you. If you have any expressions that you like to use or maybe something that you have found useful when dating or in romantic relationships or even in good friendly relationships, let us know in the comments. Thanks very much for watching this episode of Top Words and I will see you again soon. Bye-bye!

Dating nowadays has become more complicated due to technology being involved. There are lots of apps being used, unwritten rules to be followed, and there’s even a whole different language being used related to dating.

Down below is a list of slang words for dating and other dating-related terms. Hopefully, this list helps your dating game and find the meaningful relationship you’ve been searching for all this time. Enjoy and read away!

Slang Words for Dating(in Alphabetical Order)



  • (Verb) To date or hook up with someone you have previously dated, especially after a harsh breakup or falling out. 
  • Example: Jimmy backslided with Lily despite Lily cheating on him with his brother. Jimmy just can’t get over her.



  • (Verb) Dating someone whom you think has potential as a partner so you keep them as a “reserve.”  You make them as your backup plan. It can also mean putting aside a potential relationship for a better one but baiting and keeping the other potential relationship.
  • Example: Julie is a manipulative and stingy lady. She benches Mark just in case it doesn’t work out with Hugh.



  • (Verb) In the dating world, breadcrumbing means being flirty or showing interest in person in a non-committing manner. May be done to get physical for little effort or when the person has no intention of following through.
  • Example: I hate Jackie for breadcrumbing my brother. He acts different and sad nowadays because of her.



  • (Verb) Simply refers to being sweet with someone you are dating.
  • Example: I am pretty jealous with Hannah since she gets caked by her boyfriend.



  • (Noun) It means a dating relationship with no pressure or requires little effort to maintain. It may also be used for uncommitted relations.
  • Example: Heather and I are keeping it casual because of our busy careers.

Catch And Release


  • (Verb) The practice of dating or flirting but letting go once the other side reciprocates the feelings. 
  • Example: Leo is a hearthrob that likes to catch and release. He likes the thrill of the chase but not the commitment part.



  • (Verb) The act of luring a date or dating someone by using a fake online profile. 
  • Example: Louise was hysterical when her date turned out to be an old dude who was catfishing her. 



  • (Verb) Similar to benching, it is a means of keeping someone as a reserve, especially when you are already dating someone.
  • Example: She almost broke up with Tom after finding out he was cookie-jarring his co-worker.

Cuffing Season


  • (Noun) It refers to the winter and fall months where the weather is cold. People want to date and experience the warmth of a relationship during this period.
  • Example: Brenda seems to always have dates during the cuffing season but she always realizes at the end that she wants to be free and single again.



  • (Verb) Similar to benching and cookie-jarring, cushioning means keeping in touch with a potential date just in case your main partner fails. This allows you to have a cushion to land softly on.
  • Example: Harley doesn’t consider herself to be cheating. She defends her actions by stating that she is merely cushioning.

Dear John


  • (Noun) A breakup text or letter sent to someone you are dating. Made famous during World War I and World War II.
  • Example:  Raver got sent a Dear John because his girlfriend couldn’t handle him being away.



  • (Noun) Short for “down to fuck.” In the dating game, dtf means that a person is willing to have sexual relations instantly.
  • Example: Sally has been craving physical action for so long that she listed her dating profile as DTF.



  • (Noun) Stands for defining the relationship. When dating someone, it is a pivotal moment in which you and your partner decide if you want to take it to a higher level or continue dating. 
  • Example: We had the DTR conversation. We sadly decided to just stay friends.



  • (Noun) Similar to summer fling. Dating or having intimate short-term relations during summer breaks.
  • Example: Danny was freckling with Sandy in the film but they eventually realize their love for each other.



  • (Noun) Short for friends with benefits, i.e. maintaining sexual relations with someone without being formally in a relationship.
  • Example: Justin and Tracy are fwb and, to be honest, I want what they have.

Getting Pinned


  • (Noun) An old slang word for being officially a couple or when dating gets to another level. 
  • Example: They are getting pinned and they want the world to know so they changed their Facebook status. 



  • (Verb) When someone who got ghosted tries to communicate with that person, then they are ghostbusting. A clever reference to the Bill Murray film.
  • Example: He got so desperate that he started ghostbusting Sharon every night. He needs to get a life.



  • (Verb) A very famous slang world, especially in the digital age. The act of ghosting means cutting off communication and disappearing away from someone, especially someone whom you dated but are no longer interested in.
  • Example: Ben is still crying after getting ghosted by Sarah. He later found out  she got back with her ex.

Going Steady


  • (Verb) It means dating each other exclusively or forming mutually exclusive relations with one another. 
  • Example: I’m happy for Jen and Mike for going steady. I think they are a good match for each other.

Hang Out


  • (Verb) A casual or chill way of saying to have a date.
  • Example: I wanted to hang out with my bae last night but he got overtime work for his boss.



  • (Noun) When someone you dated ghosted but starts to randomly express interest again or tries to make their presence known again to you.
  • Example: Billy ghosted me but I’ve been getting haunted last night. Too bad for him; I am now in a happy, mature relationship.

Hooking Up


  • (Verb) To have sexual relations in a date or encounter with no commitment required. 
  • Example: He used to hook up a lot with girls he met on Tinder, until he met her and started to get serious.



  • (Verb) A lesser version of catfishing. It is when you paint yourself as a very positive and admirable person but in reality are very different. In this case, you do not create an entirely fictional online profile.
  • Example: I would have loved to date the real Mark but I can’t accept the fact that you kittenfished me. 



  • (Noun) Short for Long Distance Relationship. It means dating and having a romantic relationship despite being separated by distance and having no physical contact.
  • Example: Teddy and I were in an LDR for 3 years before we broke up. We just couldn’t make it work.

Little Black Book


  • (Noun) An address book of people you are interested in dating or hooking up with. An old slang term made obsolete by Tinder and other dating apps.
  • Example: They just broke up yesterday and now she’s starting to call people from her Little Black Book.



  • (Verb) An old slang term used for making out or intense kissing on a date. 
  • Example: She was known in high school as the one that would go necking with anyone on a first date.

Netflix And Chill


  • (Verb) A famous and seemingly innocent slang phrase. It means to meet up or have a date that ends up in a sexual encounter.
  • Example: Gary asked me to netflix and chill this weekend. What a creep.

Next On Deck


  • (Noun) Someone who is next on the list of potential dates or partners.
  • Example: Dan is very cute and attractive. If Johnny and I don’t work out, he’s next on deck.



  • (Noun) Stands for No Strings Attached. It is used by someone who dates not for commitment or deep investment. They just want to have fun per se.  
  • Example: I’m still young and I want to be free. I want to date and meet with people NSA.

Old Flame


  • (Noun) Someone whom you used to date or have romantic relations or feelings for. 
  • Example: My grandma met her old flame by the train station. She cried and wondered what could have been.  

On The Hook/Hooked


  • (Verb) Keeping a person on the hook means that you keep them interested through various means but you do not want to actually date them.
  • Example: Janice is the kind of woman who loves to keep men on the hook to feed her ego. 



  • (Noun) Open or open relationship means that you are mutually dating each other but are open to having sexual contact with other people. 
  • Example: Jack and Riley are being judged for being in an open relationship but I support them. 



  • (Verb) It means when someone you dated or loved tries to be involved with you with maintain a certain distance or boundary.
  • Example: I hate Edward. He left me because of his issues but he keeps on orbiting. Why won’t he just approach me?
  • (Verb) This happens when you have been dating someone but they don’t introduce you to friends or family. They try to hide you because they might be embarrassed or something else.
  • Example: I understand why Dave is pocketing me. He is a shy type and really likes to take things slow.

Slow Fade


  • (Verb) To end a stagnant, dying, or lackluster dating relationship by slowly reducing contact and interaction.
  • Example: We both understood that we drifted too far. He just slow faded our relationship.

Summer Fling


  • (Noun) During summer breaks, short-term dating and relationships flourish. The amount of romance is high but usually ends during the break as people who pursue summer flings can’t maintain them.
  • Example: Zuko and Olsson had a very lovely and romantic summer fling that they made a song about it. 



  • (Verb) It is just the same as ghosting but references the Patrick Swayze’s film Ghost.
  • Example: I feel horrible for swayzeing her but I just had to leave after learning she cheated.



  • (Adjective) Someone who intensely wants to have sexual intercourse, often with their partners or first-time dates.
  • Example: My single mom is one thirsty cougar. She likes young men on Tinder.



  • (Noun) A friend who supports you during dates and makes you look good.
  • Example: Patrick is my best man because he was my wingman when I wooed your mom. 



  • (Noun) Similar to haunting, a zombie is someone who died but came back. In the dating context, this means that someone who ghosted you tries to get back with you
  • Example: Charlie went zombie with me but I didn’t take him back. 


Now that you know more slang words for dating, you have expanded your vocabulary. Go out and impress your dates and friends. Maybe you may find love through a shared love for slang words. 

What Is The Word For Dating Only One Person / Dating More Than One Person At A Time Romantic Relationships Reachout Australia — A bisexual person is like a bicycle;. I’m just offering a perspective and, please, do not assume this is the way it’s gonna be for everyone. Having a great profile is only one piece of the puzzle. Here are some tips to possibly turn things around. Does this person meet my emotional needs for respect, attention, and consistency? It might work out well for some, but for me it sucked.

But in the real world, there’s no set definition which people follow. In circumstances where one feels like they love more than their partner, that could cause feelings of resentment and insecurity. Less commonly, monogamy can mean the practice of being married only once throughout one’s life. There is a desire on the part of one person to control the other, and stop them from having independent thoughts and feelings. A bisexual person is like a bicycle;

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Falling In Love Signs 32 Subtle Signs You Re Falling In Love from hips.hearstapps.com
No one can see your value as a person if you don’t value yourself first. This is what people might say when they’re single. It puts too much pressure on you to keep the interaction going, and if you have trouble thinking of things to say yourself, the conversation may stall out before long. One last thing…if you haven’t found an online dating site yet, or you want to know where your best chances of finding that special someone is, click the links below and check out our favorite sites. Does this person meet my emotional needs for respect, attention, and consistency? The series of social engagements shared by a couple looking to get married. The act of getting to know one another is called dating. But in the real world, there’s no set definition which people follow.

There is a desire on the part of one person to control the other, and stop them from having independent thoughts and feelings.

But in the real world, there’s no set definition which people follow. Only the holy spirit can change a person, so keeping with a good friendship outside of dating and encouraging a relationship with god would be where to properly align oneself. A word on online dating and apps. It is a good question and gets right to the heart of healthy dating practices. There is a desire on the part of one person to control the other, and stop them from having independent thoughts and feelings. Reasons for staying include the fact that you care deeply about the person, you don’t want to get back out there in the dating world, you are comfortable in the relationship, you don’t think you can do any better, or you are convinced there aren’t any better men (or women) out there. It puts too much pressure on you to keep the interaction going, and if you have trouble thinking of things to say yourself, the conversation may stall out before long. If your intention is to get to know the other person for a possible romantic partnership, you’re on a date. For many single adults, there has been a history of dating one person, seeing if it will lead to a close significant relationship, and taking the. Esther perel, a researcher on infidelity says, monogamy used to be one person for life. Of course, in webster’s dictionary, there’s a definition for dating. — rich*, 23 again, it’s dating purgatory. A few words before you go… i wish each of you good, comforting dating experiences, and hope that you stay focused on two crucial questions, regardless of whether you are dating one or two people at the same time:

In (most places in) north america, a date consists of intention, like art. ‘to mingle’ means ‘to socialize’ and when someone says this, he or she implies that he’s interested in getting to know people. Find 43 ways to say dating, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at thesaurus.com, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. But in the real world, there’s no set definition which people follow. The act of getting to know one another is called dating.

What Does The Bible Say About Dating

What Does The Bible Say About Dating from media.swncdn.com
Dating multiple people, or having an alternative relationship, sounds like a great option if you have feelings for more than one person. A person may have resentment or feel that they are being taken. Both share the prefix bi, which means two. Find 239 ways to say one and only, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at thesaurus.com, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus. A few months after he broke up with his girlfriend, he began looking for his next. Find another word for dating. I’m just offering a perspective and, please, do not assume this is the way it’s gonna be for everyone. The act of getting to know one another is called dating.

A few months after he broke up with his girlfriend, he began looking for his next.

Single and ready to mingle : The act of getting to know one another is called dating. Dating is where two people who are attracted to each other spend time together to see if they also can stand to be around each other most of the time, if this is successful they develop a relationship, although sometimes a relationship develops anyways if the people can’t find anybody else to date them, or are very lonely or one person is only attracted to the other and pretends to be in love. Esther perel, a researcher on infidelity says, monogamy used to be one person for life. It might work out well for some, but for me it sucked. Both share the prefix bi, which means two. A bisexual person is like a bicycle; And the only way you find this in a person is by approaching the entire relationship — from the moment you. I look forward to your advice. Having a great profile is only one piece of the puzzle. It puts too much pressure on you to keep the interaction going, and if you have trouble thinking of things to say yourself, the conversation may stall out before long. Bi people might prefer dating one gender and sleeping with another, but we still call ’em bi. I’m just offering a perspective and, please, do not assume this is the way it’s gonna be for everyone.

‘dating’ is a word that gets hugely complicated once you unpack it, and what the term means to any given person is largely an issue of semantics, much like what a person actually means when they say they’re seeing someone or hanging out or having a thing. dating meaning: A word on online dating and apps. If you’ve ever spent more than a few days on a dating app, you’re likely familiar with the pull to date more than one person at a time. The relationship is exclusively sexual. The act of getting to know one another is called dating.

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Codependent Relationships Symptoms Warning Signs And Behavior from i0.wp.com
One partner doesn’t like the other spending time with friends and family members outside of the relationship. I look forward to your advice. Find another word for dating. Both share the prefix bi, which means two. Now, there’s hooking up, friends with benefits, casual dating, and all manner of other things. Less commonly, monogamy can mean the practice of being married only once throughout one’s life. I have a friend who approaches dating like job networking. It is a good question and gets right to the heart of healthy dating practices.

A word on online dating and apps.

In the study of animals, monogamy refers to the practice of having only one mate. A few words before you go… i wish each of you good, comforting dating experiences, and hope that you stay focused on two crucial questions, regardless of whether you are dating one or two people at the same time: If you’ve ever spent more than a few days on a dating app, you’re likely familiar with the pull to date more than one person at a time. Reasons for staying include the fact that you care deeply about the person, you don’t want to get back out there in the dating world, you are comfortable in the relationship, you don’t think you can do any better, or you are convinced there aren’t any better men (or women) out there. Less commonly, monogamy can mean the practice of being married only once throughout one’s life. Esther perel, a researcher on infidelity says, monogamy used to be one person for life. The act of getting to know one another is called dating. Of course, in webster’s dictionary, there’s a definition for dating. Bi people might prefer dating one gender and sleeping with another, but we still call ’em bi. Both share the prefix bi, which means two. Here are some tips to possibly turn things around. I have a friend who approaches dating like job networking. Find 43 ways to say dating, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at thesaurus.com, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus.

New to online dating and feel like everyone is speaking a whole new language? What do all those online dating terms really mean?

If you’ve been out of the dating space for a while, modern dating terms can be mystifying.

Online Dating Terms and Lingo

Online Dating Terms

Don’t worry — from benching and boosts to submarining and more, this guide has all the online dating terms, lingo, and slang you need to know for dating in 2023!

Beige Flags

These are signs that a potential match might be boring, often signified by the fact that they put very little effort into their online dating profile.


benching example

This happens when you meet someone you like, but you’re not sure quite yet if they have true dating potential. So you text them just often enough to keep them interested, while simultaneously keeping your other options open.


Some services such as Match and Tinder allow you to pay an extra fee to ‘boost’ your profile. When you do that, your profile card is placed at or near the front of the pack for all the singles in your area, typically for an hour. That means your profile is seen sooner rather than later, so it gets more exposure.

Want more details? Read all about Tinder Boost!


A bot is a fake, automated account, and dating apps like Tinder and Bumble tend to attract them in droves.

Bots are designed to pump unsuspecting singles for information like credit card or bank account numbers, or for personal details that can then be used to get that information.

If your match is stunningly good looking, their bio is non-existent or generic, and the messages you receive just feel a bit off, put your guard up.

bot example

Here are some other ways to spot a bot:

  • Your match is uber attractive, and very interested in you.
  • Overly revealing photos, often that only show your match’s body
  • No bio, or it only contains an Instagram handle. Scammers commonly steal photos from social media, so if the handle is spelled out rather than actually linked within the profile, it’s likely a fake.
  • The first message you receive contains a phone number, link, or other contact information that will move the conversation off the app. For instance, a bot may point you toward a cam girl site, or to a malicious website for “verification.”

If you find yourself matched with a suspected bot, simply use the app’s ‘unmatch’ and/or ‘report’ function.


breadcrumbing example

As the name implies, breadcrumbing means you’re leading someone along, usually by sending text messages sporadically.

This happens for a variety of reasons — some people don’t know how to break things off and avoid confrontations of any kind. Others simply like the attention, and enjoy knowing they’re keeping you interested.

If you get flirty messages from someone who seems to like you, but you can’t move things beyond the messaging/texting stage, you’re likely being breadcrumbed.


Created by Whitney Wolfe, Bumble is a dating app that’s especially popular with women since in most cases guys can’t send the first message.

But apart from that Bumble works the same way most other dating apps do: swipe right on profiles in your Bumble match queue when you’re interested, left if you aren’t. When both people indicate interest, you match.

bumble matches

Bumble has another twist, though — women only have 24 hours to message their matches, or else the match will expire.

And men likewise only have 24 hours to respond to that first message.

If it’s a same sex couple, either half can send the first message, and the other must reply within the time limit.

But once both halves of a match have contacted each other, you can exchange messages as long as you’d like with no further time restrictions.

Bumble isn’t just for dating, it has two other modes as well:

  • BFF for finding new friends
  • Bizz for networking

Each mode has a separate profile, so your professional contacts won’t see your dating profile. And when it comes to how to write a Bumble profile, keep it short & sweet. There’s a 300-character limit, so you’ll to pick a few of your most attractive qualities and focus on those.

For tips on Bumble conversations, profiles, and more, check out this Bumble Guide.

Bumble Boost

This is the paid version of Bumble, meaning you pay for access to the premium features. What does Bumble Boost do? All this:

  • See who has “liked” your profile already
  • Rematch instantly with expired matches, instead of having to wait until they pop up in your match queue again
  • Add an additional 24 hours to the amount of time you and your match have to initiate contact
  • Use as many Bumble Filters as you want to screen potential matches for various criteria like religion, political leaning, etc. (Free users can only apply up to 2 at any one time.)

Check out this complete Bumble Boost review for more details on the premium features!


Catfishing happens when the person you think you’re messaging is actually someone else.

Romance scammers commonly use this technique to con lonely people out of large sums of money. They will build a “relationship” by gaining your trust and affection online, sometimes for months or even years, but it never leads to a face-to-face encounter.

Meanwhile, you’ll be asked to cover emergency expenses, invest in ‘opportunities’, help them flee a foreign country by wiring funds, etc. If someone you’re messaging always has a reason why they can’t meet in real life, you’re likely being catfished.

Catch & Release

This term typically applies to hooking up — a one night stand with someone you don’t have a strong emotional attachment to, and whom you expect to metaphorically release back into the dating pool for someone else to hook up with.


These acronyms stand for consensual non-monogamy and ethical non-monogamy. In other words, both people have agreed to open the relationship and see other people.

Coffee Meets Bagel

This dating app that tries to match you with mutual friends on Facebook, although it will cast a wider net if it needs to. It was created by 3 sisters (Arum, Dawoon, and Soo Kang), and generally attracts singles looking for more serious relationships.

Here’s how Coffee Meets Bagel works:

Every day at noon, the app will send you the day’s potential matches, called “Bagels.” Guys can expect up to 21 at a time, while women receive a smaller number of Bagels that have already “liked” them.

Regardless of your gender, you’ll need to “like” or “pass” on each Bagel within 24 hours or they’ll be replaced with the next day’s fresh round of Bagels.

CMB connection

If two people “like” each other’s profiles, it forms a match and you can message each other.

However, the conversation with any particular match can only last for 8 days.

You can also check out profiles in the app’s “Discover” section, but if you want to “like” a Bagel there you’ll have to spend “Beans” unless you pay for a premium subscription.

To learn more about how this popular dating app works, check out this Coffee Meets Bagel review.

Cookie Jarring

Considered a «toxic» dating trend, Cooking Jarring refers to the practice of stringing someone along in a relationship. They are considered a «Plan B» in case other options don’t work out.

Cuffing Season

Im just so lonely

The cold, lonely, depressing winter months don’t seem as long when you’re in a relationship, which is why early fall to late winter is often called the cuffing season.

You’re metaphorically handcuffing yourself to someone in the short term, and expecting to “free” yourself come spring.


Dating slang for rejection. Whether it’s someone turning you down when you ask them out or standing you up for a date — you just got curved.


This isn’t ‘cushioning the blow’ when letting someone else down. Instead, it’s cushioning your fall if your current relationship doesn’t work out by keeping other potential partners waiting in the wings.

Most people consider it “microcheating” because you’re definitely investing time and emotional energy into keeping your Plan B interested in you.

Dawn Dating

Coined by Badoo, Dawn Dating refers to the practice of scheduling dates in the morning hours, typically before 10 am. Examples include meeting for morning coffee or going on a run together.


“Define The Relationship.” This is when two people have a conversation about what the relationship has become. Are you a couple? FWB (Friends With Benefits)? Still casually seeing each other?

ELO Score

On Tinder, the app’s algorithm assesses your overall desirability, and assigns you an internal (read: secret) rating that used to be called your ELO Score. That rating is based on a number of factors, including how you interact with the app and how other users interact with you.

For instance, if you behave in a manner the app dislikes, such as always swiping right on profiles rather than being more discerning, or rarely responding to messages, you’ll likely have a lower score. If your profile doesn’t receive many right swipes (or “likes”), that will also generally lead to a lower overall rating.

Your score helps determine which users see your profile, and when they see it. For instance, if you have a low rating and you live in a huge city like New York, your profile may not be shown to the most popular users.

To help ensure your score is as high as possible, you’ll want to look as desirable as possible — and that’s not all about looks. Use high-quality, clear photos, write an engaging, interesting Tinder bio, and make sure the app displays your education level and occupation.

In other words — make sure you appear like the good catch you are. Make sure to put these Tinder tips & tricks to work for you!


Colorful cartoon-like icons that represent emotions, ideas, or objects. And in some instances, they have alternate meanings. For instance, unless you’re messaging about your latest culinary creation, the eggplant 🍆 and peach 🍑 are typically used as stand-ins for our naughty bits.


The opposite of cuffing season, freckling is when someone is only interested in a relationship during the warm summer months.


Friends with benefits. A no-strings attached sexual relationship.


If you come across a profile and your potential match lists themselves as genderfluid, it means the gender they identify as shifts from day to day. One day they might identify as a woman, the next a guy, and the day after that maybe neither.


If someone you’ve been texting and/or dating suddenly vanishes without telling you why, you’ve just been ghosted. The ghoster will stop replying to your texts and they won’t take your calls — it’s like they’ve just disappeared, and yes, it sucks.


Happn is a dating app that presents you with profiles of people you’ve actually been in close proximity to during the day — around 273 yards, to be exact.

happn map

There’s also a Happn map you can use to see where all your encounters within the last 7 days occurred, and check out their profiles by tapping on the icons.

Because your matches are based purely on proximity to other users, this app is best for singles living in densely populated areas.

Intrigued? Check out this detailed Happn review!


One of the online dating terms coined during the pandemic, Hardballing was identified by Bumble as the practice of determining what you really want in a partner after months of reflection.

Haunting, Orbiting, & Zombie-ing

Getting ghosted is bad enough. Your date has vanished from your life… but then out of nowhere they ‘like’ a Facebook or Instagram photo you posted.

They let you know they’re watching you, but they don’t seem to want back into your life — instead they just haunt you from afar like a spirit back from the dead.

Whether they’re haunting, orbiting, or acting like a zombie, all of these mean the same thing.


One of the many online dating terms coined by Plenty of Fish, Hesidating is a trend that began in 2021. It refers to the feeling of indifference toward dating, when someone isn’t certain if they want to be dating seriously, casually or not at all.


Hinge is a dating app that doesn’t follow the usual swipe right/left formula. Instead, you’ll get around 10 matches every day. You can comment or “like” tidbits of information displayed in each profile, such as an answer to a Hinge question or a photo.

If the other person “likes” you back or replies to the comment you can then exchange messages freely.

Hinge markets itself as a “relationship” app, so if you’re serious about getting into one, it’s a good place to start. Read more about how Hinge works!

Hobby Dating

One of 2022’s online dating terms, hobby dating refers to the trend of including niche interests in your dating profile to attract matches who share them. This makes it relatively easy to plan a first date around that particular activity.


Short for Instagram. App users sometimes list their Instagram name in their bio, and many apps like Bumble and Tinder let you link Instagram to your profile. You can also use Instagram for dating.

connect tinder to instagram

Watch out for users who are only on an app to get more Insta followers rather than actually meet new people. You can usually tell because there’s not much in the way of detail in their profiles.


Short for involuntarily celibate. In other words, someone who wishes they were having sex, but for whatever reason they’re having trouble attracting women. (By choice? That’s volcel).


“In real life.” When your match agrees to take things offline and meet up IRL, you’re in good shape.


Kittenfishing is basically catfishing lite. Catfishing is misrepresentation for a generally malicious purpose, be it for financial gain or emotional/psychological harm.

you don't look like your photos

Kittenfishing, on the other hand, is an unrealistic profile that showcases someone in a wildly positive light. Think Photoshopped or outdated pics, embellished accomplishments, etc.

You’re not really pretending to be someone else like a catfisher does, you’re just inventing a New You — and that almost always backfires once you’ve met your matches in person.

Want to know when it’s okay to lie in your dating profile? Click here.

Love Bombing

When you meet someone for the first time and they bombard you with love and affection for no reason, you’re being love bombed. Once the person gets what they want from you, they typically either move on or tone down the behavior significantly. It’s often abusive, creepy behavior — so creepy that it’s even a tactic of cults to reel in potential members.


match example

When you like someone online and they like you back, congrats! You have a match. Depending on the app you’re using, you can then begin sending each other messages.


Microcheating is cheating without the physical part. Someone is microcheating on you when they’re flirting and making an emotional connection with another person behind your back. So while it’s not physical cheating, but can still be hurtful. (See: Cushioning).


Browsing through profiles you’ll often see a four-letter abbreviation like ENFP or INFJ. These are Myers-Briggs personality types. If you decide to meet up with someone who lists their type on their profile, make sure to know yours — it can be a great conversation starter.


This refers to the practice of insulting someone on a dating app, generally as a way to undermine their confidence.


One of several online dating terms coined in 2022, Nostalgia-stanning is the millennial dating trend of evaluating their matches based on their reaction to pop culture references from 2000 to 2009.

According to a Plenty of Fish survey, it’s a big turn-on when matches share the same fondness for music, movies, TV, etc. from this time period.


If someone says they’re non-binary, it means they identify somewhere along an entire spectrum of gender identities, rather than as exclusively male or female. Also referred to as genderqueer.


A one night stand.


If you find someone online who lists themselves as pansexual, it means that they find themselves attracted to people of all genders whether they’re women, men, or genderfluid.


Someone who is ok with falling in love with and maintaining relationships with multiple lovers at the same time.



This happens when the person you’ve been seeing is hiding the fact they’ve been dating other people.

And when you find out and confront them, they claim they didn’t realize it was a monogamous relationship.


Abbreviations for social media app Snapchat. If you’re messaging someone on Tinder and they give you their snap, they’re wanting to move things off the dating app and give you more access to their personal life (or in some cases, build more followers).


Want to be in a relationship with someone without committing to being their boyfriend or girlfriend? If so, you’ve found yourself in a situationship.

Slide Into DMs

DMs = direct messages.


You slide into match’s DMs when you’ve sent them a private message on social media like Instagram or Twitter.

If you reject someone on Tinder, then suddenly find them sending you a message on Instagram, it’s called “Tindstagramming.” (Pro dating tip: Don’t do that.)

Slow Dating

This refers to the trend of singles spending more time getting to know matches on the dating apps before agreeing to meet for an in-person date.

Slow Fade

A gradual ghosting. Someone starts contacting you less and less frequently until they’re gone from your life.

Sober Dating

Sober dating, or «dry dating», refers to dates where alcohol is not consumed. This trend gained momentum in 2022, particular among younger daters. Sober dating is an extension of the «sober curious» movement, which was fueled by an increase in alcohol consumption during the pandemic.

Sober curious refers to the so-called «gray area» wherein someone worries they might drink too much, but don’t think they’ve reached the «alcoholic» stage.


Have you ever stashed something to keep it hidden from view? Candy, presents, smokes?

Stashing in dating is the same thing, only with people. If you’re dating someone but they refuse to introduce you to people they know and they never mention you on social media or to anyone else, you’re being stashed.


Submarining is when someone you thought had vanished from your life suddenly shows back up and acts like nothing happened. It’s generally considered manipulative behavior, so if it happens to you let the submarine sink.

Swipe Left/Swipe Right/Super Swipe

“Swiping” is a term used for mobile apps, and happens when you use your finger to drag a profile photo to the left, right, or top of your phone screen depending on your interest level.

swiped the wrong way

Word of warning — if you accidentally swipe the wrong way, you’re typically out of luck.

On most apps, the only way to change your mind is to purchase an app’s premium service that will allow you to undo your last swipe.

Swiping left means you’re rejecting a potential match, and you won’t be able to exchange messages with that person. Swiping right means “like” a profile — and if they “like” you back you can exchange messages with that person.

On Tinder, swiping your finger toward the top of the screen is called a “Super Like” — meaning you’re really into them. Free users get a one each day, and upgraded users get 5. If you want to Super Like more profiles, you’ll have to purchase additional Tinder Super Likes.

When you Super Like someone, or they Super Like you, you’ll see a little blue star on their profile.

Bumble has the equivalent of a Super Like, called a «SuperSwipe.» However on Bumble you don’t get to use this feature for free. Bumble Super Swipes have to be purchased, which makes it a very convincing way to let someone know you’re truly interested.

When you SuperSwipe on someone, or they SuperSwipe your profile, you’ll see a yellow badge with a white heart in the center.

Want more matches? These expert tips will have more women swiping right on your profile, no matter what dating app you’re using!


If someone describes themselves as thicc, they’re describing their body type. Thicc is the new curvy.


Thirsty means you’re giving off the impression that you’re desperate for sex, and it’s one of the most unattractive ways you can portray yourself online or in person.


tinder logo

What is Tinder? The app that started the whole swipe right/left craze — and it’s still one of the most popular dating apps in the world.

How Tinder works is simple: users simply swipe through the profiles in their match queue, which is comprised of people located within your specified distance.

If you like a profile, swipe right. Not interested in that person? Swipe left. If you’re extremely interested, you can “Super Like” them by swiping up. There are also corresponding icons you can tap if you don’t want to perform the actual swiping motion with your finger.

When you like a profile and that person also likes you back, you match. That means you can exchange messages. Either person can start the conversation on Tinder.

Tinder is free to use, but if you want premium features like swiping in other cities or seeing who has already “liked” your profile”, you can upgrade to Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold.

Want to be successful on this popular dating app? Our Tinder Guide is crammed with all the expert advice you need!


An acronym for “What you doing?” If someone messages you this, they’re wondering what you’re up to.

Online Dating Doesn’t Have To Be Hard!

These are some of the most common online dating terms. But if you still feeling like you’re learning a whole new language, navigating modern dating can get overwhelming quickly. If you want to meet people you’re truly interested in dating, a lot of puzzle pieces have to fit into place first.

An attractive profile, intriguing photos, compelling messages that make people want to respond to you — it’s not easy, even if you’ve been in the dating game for a long time.

Don’t worry — VIDA is here to help. Our dating experts will handle absolutely everything for you, from your profile to your photos — and even determine which are the best dating sites and apps for you!

Even better, you don’t even need to worry about messaging your matches. Leave that to our team of professional writers.

Meeting your ideal partner is a whole lot easier with VIDA by your side! In fact, many clients who use our service find someone special after just a couple months.

Want to learn more about how VIDA can change your life? Click here!

Your good sense of humor won’t score you a date — at least not online.

Dating website eHarmony recently released a list of the most and least «attractive» words to use in a dating profile, and «funny» is no longer one of them. The company’s data scientists examined more than 12,000 of the most popular dating profiles on its site to determine which words attract the most potential partners.

eHarmony found that men in 2016 value intellectual qualities the most, while women appreciate physical merit.

Women who described themselves as «ambitious» in their dating profiles attracted 48% more attention than those who did not. Men who used the phrase «physically fit» in their bios attract 96% more attention than those who did not include those words.

eHarmony found that other top keywords for men included «spontaneous,» «affectionate,» and «outgoing.» And «attractive» keywords in women’s profiles related to creativity, work ethic, and their «sweet» side.

What other words will get you noticed?

The 10 most attractive words to put in your dating profile, for men:

1. Physically fit (+96% more interaction than peers who did not use this phrase)

2. Perceptive (+51%)

3. Spontaneous (+45%)

4. Outgoing (+44%)

5. Optimistic (+39%)

6. Intelligent (+35%)

7. Passionate (+32%)

8. Affectionate (+29%)

9. Articulate (+24%)

10. Ambitious (+23%)

And for women:

1. Ambitious (+48%)

2. Perceptive (+46%)

3. Sweet (+33%)

4. Hard working (+32%)

5. Thoughtful (+28%)

6. Physically fit (+21%)

7. Creative (+19%)

8. Rationale (+19%)

9. Spontaneous (+19%)

10. Energetic (+18%)

If you thought dating slang originated with terms like ghosting or breadcrumbing, think again. Popular culture has always included pet names and other unique language to describe all things love and romance. Some of these terms originated in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s, while others go back even further than that. But all of them helped lay the groundwork for the interesting and sometimes odd dating slang we know and use today. Follow along as we take a look back at some of the most interesting, surprising, and even clever classic dating slang words from decades past. Please note: we’ll be having a frank discussion about sex and other mature dating topics here—but grown-up pants, as always, are optional.

❤️If you’re an old pro at these terms already (and not only as someone’s wingman), try your luck with your quiz to see how well you recall these words.


What people might call making out today used to be known as necking. Necking is a classic term for “kissing, caressing, and other sexual activity between partners that does not involve stimulation of the genitals or sexual intercourse.” This term has been popular at various points throughout the past several decades, but you might be surprised to learn that the one of the earliest recorded uses of necking to mean “kissing” actually occurred as early as 1825.

little black book

These days, people have matches on dating apps and randos in their DMs. Back in the day, they might have had a little black book. This phrase describes “a personal telephone directory [which historically were often small, pocket-size books bound in black] listing girlfriends, or, less often, boyfriends.” While physical address books were more common before computers and cell phones took over, the phrase doesn’t necessarily mean that someone has a physical little black book. Rather, it implied that someone had a lot of dates or was something of a ladies’ man.

going steady

If you’re exclusive with a significant other, it used to be said that you were going steady. This phrase, dating back to the early 1900s, means to “date one person exclusively” because you were seeing the same person regularly (“steady”). Steady, as a noun, could also be used in a similar way to boyfriend or girlfriend as a title for the person someone is dating. For example: He asked her to be his steady.

friend with benefits

This phrase was popularized in the ’90s by the Alanis Morissette song “Head Over Feet,” and later inspired the title of a 2011 movie starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. A friend with benefits is “a friend with whom one has sex without a romantic relationship or commitment.” Today, that might also be called a hookup, though friend (or friends) with benefits hasn’t gone extinct. There’s even a text acronym for the term: FWB.

booty call

Booty call is another dating term that can be traced back to the early ’90s. It’s a “phone call, text message, email, etc., whose purpose is to arrange a meeting to have casual sex.” Booty call incorporates the slang term booty, which has a surprising history. Booty was known as a vulgar slang term for female genitalia in the early 1900s, then evolved as a milder slang term for buttocks by the 1920s. By the time booty call was born, booty (as is common for historical slang terms that objectify women) denoted both a “female body considered as a sex object” and “the act of sex.”


In the context of dating, a wingman is “a man who helps a friend with romantic relationships, especially one who helps the friend attract a woman.” This dating word was popular in the ’80s and ’90s especially, though it’s still in use today. The term wingman was taken from a 1940s Air Force term for the “pilot in a plane that flies just outside and behind the right wing of the leading aircraft, in order to provide protective support.” Apparently looking for love requires protective support, too.

Dear John

If you find yourself the recipient of a Dear John letter, it’s not good news. The phrase is a name for “a letter from a woman informing her boyfriend, husband, or fiancé that she is ending their relationship.” It’s commonly believed to have been coined during World War II when people were separated for long periods of time and communicated via letter. Historically, Biblical names like John and Jack were such common male names they became generic stand-ins used to refer to any man. Though the phrase Dear John (or its female counterpart, Dear Jane) is not as common now, it is used in the title of a popular Taylor Swift song.

Dating slang has taken many forms—do you know what these terms mean?


Are you keen to learn about the next word on the list? Keen means “eager; interested; enthusiastic.” In the 1950s, it was also commonly used to indicate a crush. For example, someone might say I think she’s keen on him. Attractive or especially likable people were also sometimes described as being peachy keen. The word keen has been used as a slang term meaning “wonderful” since at least the 1910s.


Some dating words fell out of favor because they were used in a sexist way. Bunny is one of those words. Bunny is an outdated slang term used to describe “a pretty, appealing, or alluring young woman, often one ostensibly engaged in a sport or similar activity.” For example, an attractive woman at the beach might have been referred to as a “beach bunny.” This phrase was popular in the ’70s but quickly fell out of favor. Now, its use is often considered offensive.


Boo might be the original bae (more on this term soon). This ’90s word is an affectionate name for a significant other. The term is thought to have originated in hip hop culture and spread into pop culture from there. Boo may be connected to the French beau or the pet name baby.


Speaking of beau, this term of endearment means “a male lover or sweetheart.” You might think of it as a fancier, more old-fashioned way of saying boyfriend. Beau was first recorded in English in the late 1200s, but its use as a dating term can be traced back to the 1720s. The word is related to the French beau, which means “the beautiful.”


And that leads us to a much newer term: when you think of Millennial dating slang, it’s hard not to think of bae. This word originated in the early 2000s and enjoyed viral fame throughout the 2010s, thanks to the internet. Bae is “an affectionate term that one uses to address their partner or spouse.” It’s thought to be a shortening of other popular pet names, like babe or baby, and likely originated in Black English. It’s been said bae is an acronym for “before anyone else,” but as fun as this theory is, it’s just a misconception.


This 1940s slang term has a surprising history. During World War II, rationing goods was common. A ration is “a fixed allowance of provisions or food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage.” What does this have to do with dating? Well, rationed also became a sort of shorthand for asking women if they were in a relationship or available. As in, Are you rationed? Comparing women to rationed goods like stamps isn’t exactly romantic, so it’s probably no surprise that this one slowly faded into obscurity.

round the bases

Bases aren’t just for baseball. They also have a history as popular dating terminology. In the ’80s and ’90s especially, people referred to different levels of physical intimacy as bases. For example, first base means to “engage in petting that goes no further than kissing.” Each subsequent base adds more physically intimate acts. Rounding the bases, then, would mean progressing through these acts towards whatever act—possibly sex—was deemed a home run.


If the word parking makes you think of cars, you’re on the right track. Similar to necking, parking is a slang term for “the act of kissing and caressing in a parked car.” This usage was most popular in the ’40s and ’50s, likely due to the rise of car culture and drive-in movie theaters changing the landscape of dating.

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Before you dust off your little black book and check on the ration status of your old boos, make sure you know exactly what these terms mean by reviewing our old dating slang word list. You can get extra thrills by using the flashcards and practice quiz options there before heading over to our quiz to see how solid your skills are in world of dating language.

Ashley Austrew is a freelance journalist and writer from Omaha, Nebraska. Her work has been published at CosmopolitanScary MommyScholastic, and other outlets. For more by Ashley, read: 10 New Dating Slang Words To Know In 2021 | Use One Of These 25 Special Words To Describe Someone You Love | “Teacher” vs. “Tutor”: Why Most Kids Need Both | Show Your Appreciation With 25 Other Ways To Say “Thank You”

Thanks to Tinder, WhatsApp and Snapchat dating has become a different ballgame. Unlike the old times when dating meant interacting face-to-face and talking for a few minutes over the landline, now it’s staying connected 24×7 through your smartphone and messaging constantly. So, it is inevitable that you would use dating acronyms and dating abbreviations when you interact with your date.

Or the person you’re dating would. Now, you don’t want to type ‘BRB’ every time the person you’re dating (or trying to) uses acronyms you’re unfamiliar with and then go run a Google search to figure out what they’re saying. If you’re not up to speed with the meaning of some of the most in-vogue dating acronyms, that’s exactly what you may find yourself doing.

But I’m here to save you the trouble and embarrassment. Sometimes dating acronyms make loving easier. Just typing in a few alphabets could mean a world without you having to make the extra effort of saying, calling, writing. Dating abbreviations have taken the world by storm and very rightly so because it’s possible to convey so much without having to write too much.

With dating scenes, the lingo has scaled up (or down, you choose). Like it’s so hard to type out three extra words instead of being cool and abbreviating it. In case you are as dim about dating lingo as I am (yes, there was a time when I had to ask a friend ‘what does BRB mean in texting?’ But those days are behind me now), read up to get street cred for being totally cool and get with the times.

Knowing dating abbreviations does help to be cool, but more importantly, the person of interest in your life would love you if you know how to convey more with less, which is the real cherry on the cake. Apart from knowing the meaning of the myriad dating terms and abbreviations, it’s also equally important to know the right time to use them.

Dropping a BRB in the midst of a hot sexting session, for instance, is a self-goal you want to avoid at all costs. This list of 25 dating abbreviations will make sure you steer clear of such fiascos. So, let’s get started with this crash course on dating acronyms, after which you will sound like a pro:

1. FWB

Meaning: Friends with benefits.

Something the millennials are familiar with and has caught up sooner than we thought in the Indian scenario.
FWB, which means friends with benefits, is a sexual relationship between friends. This is an extension of the classic no-strings-attached arrangement. A relationship where you have a physical relationship, no emotional baggage, a relationship to please the flesh.

Related Reading: 5 emojis guys send their girl when in love

2. BAE

Meaning: Before anyone else.

When someone says “She is my Bae”, it doesn’t necessarily imply a romantic connection. It can mean a friend, a BFF, or a partner. So, what does BAE mean? Well, it is used to refer to a person in your life who is important enough to come before anyone else.

BAE in dating lingo
That’s my bae

3. FML

Meaning: Fuck my life.

Used to express exasperation, feelings of despair. An abbreviation used to communicate a situation you cannot get out of. Stepped in a muddy puddle while wearing white shoes. FML!


Meaning: I don’t know you.

This you can shoot off when someone’s trying to hit on you and you really want to avoid that person. But there’s one risk if they are dumb you might have to explain the meaning of IDKY. Imagine, if the moron who slid into your DMs responds with, “What does IDKY mean?” Well, don’t bother replying. You know where the block button is.

5. AF

Meaning: As fuck.

This one has come around and can be used anywhere. Eating something delicious – it’s delicious AF. Enjoying the vibe at a nightclub – this is lit AF. But be careful not to use it on the first date that could ruin the impression on you.

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Meaning: Bondage and Domination, Sadism and Masochism.

The term is independently sexual and it means exactly what it sounds like. Thanks to Christian Grey, the term BDSM has caught on really well across the globe. So, I suspect, you won’t have any trouble knowing what BDSM is. Whether or not you can or want to put it into practice is another matter altogether.

7. DTR

Meaning: Define the relationship.

In simple words, it’s a cool abbreviated word for “Where exactly are we in the relationship?” What can I say, whether you’re dating IRL or virtually, there is no escaping this conversation.

8. DTF

Meaning: Down to fuck.

People using this don’t want to beat around the bush. They say exactly what they want and that is to have sex. Well, if you’re DTF yourself in the given situation, time to go a little happy dance. You’re about to get laid!

9. BRB

Meaning: Be right back.

If you are having a conversation with someone and have to step outside to pee or poop or to carry on a chore, the polite ones use this. Since this is used to break up a conversation, people generally tend to overthink this one, especially during the initial phases of dating. Don’t fret over ‘what does it mean when a girl says BRB?’ or ‘how do you reply to BRB?’

In all likelihood, she may really have somewhere to be or she may want a little breather from the constant texting. Just reply with, ‘Sure, TTYL’ (talk to you later) and get on with your day.


Meaning: Let’s meet in real life.

Enough of online dating now let’s see each other. That’s what LMIRL really means. This you use when you have come to know the person well, and want to take the relationship to the next level. This dating abbreviation is one of my faves.

Related Reading: What is Double Texting And What Are Its Pros And Cons?

11. BM&Y

Meaning: Between me and you.

So, what does BM&Y mean, like REALLY not just literally? Well, it implies privacy. Things you do, say, feel are meant to stay “between me and you”.

12. SFLR

Meaning: Sorry for the late reply.

A polite way to tell you Bae you were a bit busy and took time to reply to their text or email. What does SFLR mean in texting while dating? It indicates things have progressed because the other person is starting to feel like they owe you an explanation of their absence.

dating acronyms

SFLY indicates things have progressed between you and beau

13. JFYI

Meaning: Just for your information.

This is a way of telling your date that there are some things you need to know. Like: “JFYI I don’t like nightclubs.”

14. 4YEO

Meaning: For your eyes only.

Yep, this one’s meant only for you, and please don’t share this info or picture with anyone else. It’s imperative that you understand 4YEO meaning in the right context because it’s mostly used as a precursor to nudes.

15. SCNR

Meaning: Sorry could not resist.

You sent a volley of kisses on text after meeting your date for the third time. It would be a great idea to follow it up with an SCNR. Just to be safe.

16. HAK

Meaning: Hugs and kisses.

This is the cutest one we feel. HAK does convey a lot and can be texted in all situations. Now that you know what does HAK mean, go knock yourself out sending virtual hugs and kisses to that girl or guy you’re crushing over.

HAK dating abbreviation

Send hugs and kisses virtually

17. KFY

Meaning: Kiss for you.

This is cute too. And if the parent or the boss is hovering around the mobile, KFY is a better way to convey your feelings than using the kiss emoji.

18. BRT

Meaning: Be right there.

If your girlfriend has already reached the restaurant and you are 5 mins away just send a BRT on text and rush. Follow it up with heart emojis and HAK, I recommend, if you want to be greeted with a smile and not a scowl.

19. WYCM

Meaning: Will you call me?

Drop a WYCM if you want to call your date but are not sure if they are free. It’s important to understand what is the meaning of WYCM in the right context though. If the person just started dating hasn’t responded to your texts in days, don’t WYCM them. Chances are you’re dealing with the ugly ghost of ghosting.

Related Reading:  How to respond to the silent treatment – Effective ways to handle it

20. WYWH

Meaning: Wish you were here.

No better way to convey you are missing them. Awwwww!

21. VBD

Meaning: Very Bad Date

If it was a date that didn’t go off well at all, then just write VBD to your bestie and they would know. Be ready for an immediate call and the chatter that would follow.

22. TS/STR

Meaning: Transexual or straight.

You use this when you want to know a person’s sexual orientation.

You use this when you want to know a person's sexual orientation.

Transexual or straight

23. NSA

Meaning: No Strings attached.

You’ve probably figured out what does NSA mean just by reading that full-form. Yeah, it’s pretty self-explanatory. If that’s the kind of relationship you want, then NSA is a great way to convey your intentions. 

24. MSW

Meaning: Man seeking woman

This is typically used by men on dating sites.

25. PAW

Meaning: Parents are watching

This dating abbreviation is our favorite. It is a great way to let your Bae know that this is not the right time to blow the kisses on a video call.

Now that you’re all caught up, go flaunt your newly acquired knowledge. These dating acronyms are all for you. Good luck!

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