Word for daring person

What is another word for Daring?

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Synonyms for daring

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Mr. Juvenal Dooley MD

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Synonyms & Antonyms of daringly

  • adventurously,
  • audaciously,
  • hardily,
  • venturesomely,
  • venturously.

What is the meaning of daringly?

1. Willing to take or seek out risks; bold and venturesome. See Synonyms at adventurous. 2. Involving great risk or danger: a daring rescue.

What can I say instead of anxiety?

synonyms for anxiety

  • apprehension.
  • disquiet.
  • misgiving.
  • nervousness.
  • restlessness.
  • suffering.
  • uncertainty.
  • unease.

What is the synonym of the word daring?

Some common synonyms of daring are adventurous, daredevil, foolhardy, rash, reckless, and venturesome.

What is the synonym for approval?

Some common synonyms of approve are accredit, certify, endorse, and sanction.

28 related questions found

What is the meaning of Approvement?

1 obsolete : approbation, approval. 2 old English law : the act of one who when accused of a felony confessed to it and accused another as an accomplice of the same crime in order to obtain a pardon.

Which is the closest antonym for the word approve?

antonyms for approve

  • criticize.
  • disrespect.
  • neglect.
  • disagree.
  • disallow.
  • invalidate.
  • oppose.
  • reject.

How do you describe a daring person?

To be daring is to be bold, adventurous, and a little nervy. It’s a quality possessed by people who tend to take risks. If someone says, “I dare you,” and you always do, you’re a daring person. If you’re daring, you dare to do things that are risky and even dangerous.

What’s a word for willing to take risks?

The definition of daring is brave, risk-taking, willingness to take risks, or to be bold.

Is daringly a word?

In a daring manner; boldly; courageously; fearlessly; impudently.

What is the 3 3 3 rule for anxiety?

If you feel anxiety coming on, take a pause. Look all around you. Focus on your vision and the physical objects that surround you. Then, name three things you can see within your environment.

What is a word for extreme anxiety?

Frequently Asked Questions About anxiety

Some common synonyms of anxiety are care, concern, solicitude, and worry. While all these words mean «a troubled or engrossed state of mind or the thing that causes this,» anxiety stresses anguished uncertainty or fear of misfortune or failure.

What do you call a person with anxiety?

The five major types of anxiety disorders are: Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

What part of speech is daringly?

In a daring manner; boldly; courageously; fearlessly; impudently.

What is the plural form of dairy?

noun, often attributive. ˈder-ē plural dairies.

Why is dairy called Dairy?

dairy Add to list Share. A dairy is a farm that specializes in milk and products made from milk. … These items themselves can also be called dairy products. Dairy comes from the Middle English daie, «dairy,» which is rooted in the Old English dæge, «kneader of bread,» or «female servant.»

What do you call a person who doesn’t spend money?

A person who does not spend money easily is known as a tightwad or a cheapskate. There is also another word for such person – ‘Scrooge’, as in someone who is niggardly when it comes to spending money. A tightwad person may not want to share money or spend money.

What do you call a narrow minded person?

1 bigoted, biased, partial, intolerant, illiberal, self-righteous.

What is opposite of risk taker?

MOST RELEVANT. cowardice. meekness.

What do you call someone who loves danger?

Daredevil — ODO. noun A reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things. «spectators watched in horror as the nineteen-year-old daredevil smashed into the ground» Thrill seeker — ODO. noun A person who is keen to take part in exciting activities that involve physical risk.

How do you say someone is daring?


  1. adventurous.
  2. audacious.
  3. chin-up.
  4. chivalrous.
  5. confident.
  6. courageous.
  7. daring.
  8. dashing.

What does it mean by easy touch?

informal. someone who you can easily persuade or deceive into giving you something, usually money.

Table of Contents

  1. What are synonyms for daring?
  2. What is a synonym for dour?
  3. What is the word daring?
  4. What is the word for 4?
  5. Why is 4 a sacred number?
  6. How would you describe 4?
  7. What is the root word for four?
  8. Who is a daring person?
  9. What’s the meaning of fearless?
  10. Is being fearless a good thing?
  11. How do you describe someone who is fearless?
  12. What is the root of fearless?
  13. What is another word for fearless?
  14. What does wrecked mean?
  15. What is the meaning of strong?
  16. What is a strong personality?
  17. What are three synonyms strong?
  18. What type of word is strong?
  19. What is a word for mentally strong?
  20. What is a word for inner strength?
  21. What can I say instead of badass?
  22. What can I say instead of stay strong?
  23. Is it OK to tell someone to stay strong?
  24. What do you not say when someone dies?
  25. How do you motivate someone to stay strong?
  26. What are some comforting words?
  27. How do you stay strong in tough times?
  28. What are some words of encouragement?

Some common synonyms of daring are adventurous, daredevil, foolhardy, rash, reckless, and venturesome.

What is a synonym for dour?

saturnine, relentless, sullen, grim, long, sour, morose, haunting, retentive, dark, unyielding, moody, tenacious, recollective, coherent, lasting, pertinacious, dogged, glowering, forbidding, unrelenting, glum, persistent. Antonyms: docile, good-natured, pleasant. dour, forbidding, grim(adj)

What is the word daring?

bold or courageous; fearless or intrepid; adventurous.

What is the word for 4?

quadruplicate, quadruple, tetrad, quaternary, quartette, tetralogy, quaternity, quadrivium, quadruplet, quaternion, quadrumvirate, quadrigeminal, quadripartite, quadrivial, quaternate.

Why is 4 a sacred number?

The number 4 represented justice. The most perfect number was 10, because 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. This number symbolized unity arising from multiplicity. Moreover, it was related to space.

How would you describe 4?


  • quadruple.
  • quadruplicate.
  • quaternary.
  • tetrad.
  • quadrigeminal.
  • quadripartite.
  • quadrivial.
  • quaternate.

What is the root word for four?

See -quad-. -quad-, root. The root -quad- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “four, fourth.” This meaning is found in such words as: quad, quadrangle, quadrant, quadruped, quadruplet.

Who is a daring person?

To be daring is to be bold, adventurous, and a little nervy. It’s a quality possessed by people who tend to take risks. If someone says, “I dare you,” and you always do, you’re a daring person. If you’re daring, you dare to do things that are risky and even dangerous.

What’s the meaning of fearless?

: free from fear : brave.

Is being fearless a good thing?

Risk-taking can lead to big wins, but it’s important to be choosy and look before you leap. Risk takers are at the forefront of progress. For these entrepreneurs and thrill seekers, being fearless and taking risks is part of daily life and can be lucrative and life-changing. …

How do you describe someone who is fearless?

Do you remain confident, bold, and brave, even on a terrifying roller coaster or when singing in front of a huge audience? You can go ahead and describe yourself as fearless. The adjective fearless is a good one to use when you’re talking about someone who seems to have a complete lack of fear.

What is the root of fearless?

First recorded in 1350–1400, fearless is from the Middle English word fereles. See fear, -less.

What is another word for fearless?

In this page you can discover 36 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for fearless, like: heroic, courageous, audacious, gallant, gutsy, bold, daring, adventurous, brave, unafraid and doughty.

What does wrecked mean?

1 : to cast ashore. 2a : to reduce to a ruinous state by or as if by violence a country wrecked by war ambition wrecked his marriage. b : shipwreck. c : to ruin, damage, or imperil by a wreck wrecked the car. 3 : bring about, wreak wreck havoc.

What is the meaning of strong?

1 : having or marked by great physical power. 2 : having moral or intellectual power. 3 : having great resources (as of wealth or talent) 4 : of a specified number an army ten thousand strong.

What is a strong personality?

Having a “strong personality” is code for being difficult to work with, domineering in conversations, and often biased towards one way of getting things done. Strong personalities are everywhere, and they are a problem for everyone.

What are three synonyms strong?


  • Synonyms for strong. brawny, muscular, rugged, sinewy, stalwart, stout.
  • Words Related to strong. forceful, forcible, mighty, potent, powerful, puissant.
  • Near Antonyms for strong. challenged, disabled, incapacitated, paralyzed. impotent, powerless.
  • Antonyms for strong. delicate, feeble, frail, weak, weakling, wimpy.

What type of word is strong?

adjective, strong·er [strawng-ger, strong-], strong·est [strawng-gist, strong-]. having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power; physically vigorous or robust: a strong boy.

What is a word for mentally strong?

SYNONYMS. determined, firm, resolute, resolved, purposeful, purposive, sure, self-disciplined, strong-willed, uncompromising, unyielding, unbending, unwavering, unswerving, unfaltering, unshakeable, inexorable, forceful, persistent, persevering, tenacious, dogged, stubborn. dedicated, committed, stalwart.

What is a word for inner strength?

noun. ( Synonyms. vigour intensity brunt energy intensiveness vigor force impulse forcefulness momentum zip.

What can I say instead of badass?

other words for badass

  • agitator.
  • rebel.
  • demagogue.
  • dissident.
  • fighter.
  • frondeur.
  • renegade.
  • sparkplug.

What can I say instead of stay strong?

Alternatives to Saying ‘Stay Strong’ After a Death

  • I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m here for you.
  • I can’t imagine how you feel right now.
  • This is a hard time.
  • It’s okay to take your time.
  • I know how much you loved them.
  • I wish I had the right words.
  • Your strength is inspiring.
  • This doesn’t define you.

Is it OK to tell someone to stay strong?

DON’T SAY: Stay strong. ​When someone passes, it’s perfectly normal to break down in tears, feel weakened by the loss, or even feel absolutely exhausted. When someone tells you to be strong, they mean well, but it just feels like they’re telling you not to process your feelings. And that’s not cool!

What do you not say when someone dies?

The Worst Things to Say to Someone in Grief

  • At least she lived a long life, many people die young.
  • He is in a better place.
  • She brought this on herself.
  • There is a reason for everything.
  • Aren’t you over him yet, he has been dead for awhile now.
  • You can have another child still.

How do you motivate someone to stay strong?

These phrases are ways to tell someone to keep trying:

  1. Hang in there.
  2. Don’t give up.
  3. Keep pushing.
  4. Keep fighting!
  5. Stay strong.
  6. Never give up.
  7. Never say ‘die’.
  8. Come on! You can do it!.

What are some comforting words?

The Right Words of Comfort for Someone Grieving

  • I’m sorry.
  • I care about you.
  • He/she will be dearly missed.
  • He/she is in my thoughts and prayers.
  • You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • You are important to me.
  • My condolences.
  • I hope you find some peace today.

How do you stay strong in tough times?

How to Stay Strong During Tough Times

  1. Accept that some situations are beyond your control.
  2. Allow yourself time to grieve and feel all the feelings.
  3. Never be afraid to ask for help.
  4. Whenever possible, offer help to those in need.
  5. Take joy where life offers it.
  6. Reframe your negative thoughts.

What are some words of encouragement?

Quotes on encouragement and compassion

  • “A woman is the full circle.
  • “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” —
  • “If you’re feeling helpless, help someone.” —
  • “One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.” —

What is another word for daring?

Some common synonyms of daring are adventurous, daredevil, foolhardy, rash, reckless, and venturesome.

What words are related to dare?


  • bear.
  • beard.
  • challenge.
  • confront.
  • court.
  • dare.
  • defy.
  • face.

What is the antonym of daring?

What is the opposite of daring?

cautious cowardly
fearful timid
uncourageous wary
afraid bashful
chicken meek

What does daring mean in English?


Who is a daring person?

daring Add to list Share. To be daring is to be bold, adventurous, and a little nervy. It’s a quality possessed by people who tend to take risks. If someone says, “I dare you,” and you always do, you’re a daring person. If you’re daring, you dare to do things that are risky and even dangerous.

What do you call a person who doesn’t take risks?

Synonyms wary – careful – prudent – circumspect – chary – discreet. and my personal favourite. cir·cum·spect /ˈsərkəmˌspekt/ Adjective Wary and unwilling to take risks. Synonyms cautious – wary – prudent – careful – discreet….

What do you call someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind?

If you often freely speak your mind, people may say that you are outspoken. How people view that particular trait in you, however, will depend on whether they agree with what you have to say or not! Use the adjective outspoken to describe someone candid and blunt, one who is direct in manner or speech.

What does exult mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to be extremely joyful : rejoice the team exulted in their victory. 2 obsolete : to leap for joy.

What is another word for adventurous?

Some common synonyms of adventurous are daredevil, daring, foolhardy, rash, reckless, and venturesome.

What are the 4 categories of risk?

The main four types of risk are:

  • strategic risk – eg a competitor coming on to the market.
  • compliance and regulatory risk – eg introduction of new rules or legislation.
  • financial risk – eg interest rate rise on your business loan or a non-paying customer.
  • operational risk – eg the breakdown or theft of key equipment.

What are the 3 types of risk?

There are different types of risks that a firm might face and needs to overcome. Widely, risks can be classified into three types: Business Risk, Non-Business Risk, and Financial Risk. Business Risk: These types of risks are taken by business enterprises themselves in order to maximize shareholder value and profits.6 dias atrás

How do you classify risks?

Internal risks are classified into three categories; Operational Risk – that is, relating to the day to day operations of the firm • Strategic Risk, relating to the strategic decisions and directions of the organisation. Reputational Risk – relating to potential loss from damage to a firm’s reputation or standing.

What are the 5 types of risk?

However, there are several different kinds or risk, including investment risk, market risk, inflation risk, business risk, liquidity risk and more. Generally, individuals, companies or countries incur risk that they may lose some or all of an investment….

What are the 2 types of risk?

(a) The two basic types of risks are systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk: The first type of risk is systematic risk. It will affect a large number of assets. Systematic risks have market wide effects; they are sometimes called as market risks.

What are the major types of risk?

Types of Risk

  • Systematic Risk – The overall impact of the market.
  • Unsystematic Risk – Asset-specific or company-specific uncertainty.
  • Political/Regulatory Risk – The impact of political decisions and changes in regulation.
  • Financial Risk – The capital structure of a company (degree of financial leverage or debt burden)

What is a risk in life?

Life is a series of calculated risks – nothing more. Everything that you decide to do has a margin of risk. Life is all about risks – you take some and you avoid others. The life you live depends on the choices you make, the risks you take, and how lucky or unlucky you’ve been….

What are the six physical hazards?

Physical hazards include exposure to slips, trips, falls, electricity, noise, vibration, radiation, heat, cold and fire.

What is type of hazard?

physical – radiation, magnetic fields, pressure extremes (high pressure or vacuum), noise, etc., psychosocial – stress, violence, etc., safety – slipping/tripping hazards, inappropriate machine guarding, equipment malfunctions or breakdowns.

What are the four main types of hazards in a workplace?

4 Types of Workplace Hazards

  • Physical Hazards. Physical hazards are the most common type of workplace hazards.
  • Biological Hazards.
  • Ergonomic Hazards.
  • Chemical Hazards.

What are the five basic workplace hazards?

Types of workplace hazards include chemical, ergonomic, physical, psychosocial and general workplace. Luckily, there are ways to mitigate the risks from these hazards such as through planning, training and monitoring.

What are the five hazards in workplace?

5 Major Hazards in the Workplace

  • Falls and Falling Objects.
  • Chemical Exposure.
  • Fire Hazards.
  • Electrical Hazards.
  • Repetitive Motion Injury.

What are the most common workplace hazards?

  • Common types of safety hazards in the workplace are: • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Slips, Trips and Falls. • Bad housekeeping and poor drainage can make floors and other walking surfaces wet.
  • Fire and Explosions.
  • Transportation and Vehicle-Related Accidents.
  • Confined Spaces.

How do you identify hazards in the workplace examples?

If you think it could be a hazard, tell someone….Examples of workplace hazards include:

  1. frayed electrical cords (could result in electrical shock)
  2. boxes stacked precariously (they could fall on someone)
  3. noisy machinery (could result in damage to your hearing)

What are three common hazards in the workplace?

Identifying workplace hazards

  • physical hazards – the most common workplace hazards, including vibration, noise and slips, trips and falls;
  • ergonomic hazards – physical factors that harm the musculoskeletal system, such as repetitive movement, manual handling and poor body positioning;

What is safety with example?

Safety is a state of being protected from potential harm or something that has been designed to protect and prevent harm. An example of safety is when you wear a seat belt. An example of safety is a safety belt. noun.

What is called safety?

Safety is the state of being “safe”, the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.

  • audacious
  • bold
  • courageous
  • fearless
  • foolhardy
  • gutsy
  • impulsive
  • reckless
  • smart
  • brave
  • forward
  • game
  • rash
  • adventuresome
  • brassy
  • cheeky
  • cocky
  • crusty
  • fire-eating
  • go for broke
  • gritty
  • gutty
  • hot shot
  • impudent
  • intrepid
  • nervy
  • obtrusive
  • out on a limb
  • plucky
  • salty
  • smart-alecky
  • spunky
  • temerarious
  • valiant
  • venturesome
  • audacity
  • cockiness
  • fearlessness
  • grit
  • spunk
  • adventurousness
  • audaciousness
  • braveness
  • cheek
  • courageousness
  • daredevilry
  • daredeviltry
  • guts
  • impudence
  • nerve
  • pluck
  • salt
  • valiance
  • venturesomeness
  • adventuresomeness
  • brassiness
  • daringness

On this page you’ll find 154 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to daring, such as: audacious, bold, courageous, fearless, foolhardy, and gutsy.

  • cowardice
  • timidity
  • fear

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING daring

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use daring in a sentence

They’re starting to make waves globally, such as Do Manh Cuong, who has worked with brands including Christian Dior and Dominique Sirop, and Nguyen Cong Tri, whose daring ’fits have cloaked A-listers like Rihanna and Katy Perry.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • aggressive
  • agile
  • alert
  • alive
  • animated
  • assiduous
  • bold
  • brisk
  • bustling
  • busy
  • chipper
  • daring
  • dashing
  • determined
  • dexterous
  • diligent
  • dynamic
  • eager
  • energetic
  • engaged
  • enlivened
  • enterprising
  • enthusiastic
  • eventful
  • fireball
  • forceful
  • forcible
  • fresh
  • frisky
  • hard-working
  • high-spirited
  • hyper
  • industrious
  • intense
  • inventive
  • jumping
  • keen
  • lively
  • nimble
  • on the move
  • perky
  • persevering
  • purposeful
  • pushing
  • quick
  • rapid
  • ready
  • resolute
  • sharp
  • sprightly
  • spry
  • whiz
  • zealous
  • audacious
  • bold
  • brave
  • courageous
  • daredevil
  • daring
  • dashing
  • gutsy
  • venturesome
  • venturous
  • Bohemian
  • advanced
  • ahead of its time
  • cutting-edge
  • daring
  • experimental
  • forward-looking
  • forward-thinking
  • groundbreaking
  • hip
  • innovative
  • innovatory
  • inventive
  • last-word
  • leading-edge
  • modern
  • new
  • new-wave
  • nonconformist
  • off the beaten path
  • offbeat
  • original
  • pioneering
  • progressive
  • radical
  • revolutionary
  • state-of-the-art
  • trailblazing
  • ultramodern
  • unconventional
  • unfamiliar
  • unorthodox
  • unorthodox
  • untraditional
  • way-out
  • adventurous
  • assuming
  • audacious
  • aweless
  • bantam
  • confident
  • courageous
  • daring
  • dauntless
  • enterprising
  • fearless
  • forward
  • gallant
  • heroic
  • intrepid
  • resolute
  • unafraid
  • undaunted
  • valiant
  • valorous
  • adventurous
  • assuming
  • audacious
  • aweless
  • bantam
  • courageous
  • daring
  • dauntless
  • enterprising
  • fearless
  • forward
  • gallant
  • heroic
  • intrepid
  • resolute
  • unafraid
  • undaunted
  • valiant
  • valorous
  • adventurousness
  • bravery
  • chutzpah
  • courage
  • daring
  • dauntlessness
  • determination
  • fearlessness
  • nerve
  • recklessness

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

  • #1


What’s the best term to describe someone who is daring and/or doesn’t understand people’s reaction ?

Example 1: A guy kisses a girl whom he does not know in public.
Example 2: A guy asks a girl out as soon as he first meets her.
Example 3: a guy asks a girl out, although she’s giving him hints that she’s not interested in him, but he still does.

If the examples given imply different terms, please give a term for each one.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited: Oct 18, 2011

  • natkretep

    • #2

    Someone who’s insensitive to the local culture (assuming he’s an outsider) or not clued in?


    • #3


    What’s the best term to describe someone who is daring and/or doesn’t understand people’s reaction ?

    Is it «and» or is it «or»? There are words for people who don’t understand other people’s reactions that have nothing with do with being daring. You need to narrow down your question.

    Example 1: A guy kisses a girl whom he does not know in public.
    Example 2: A guy asks a girl out as soon as he first meets her.
    Example 3: a guy asks a girl out, although she’s giving him hints that she’s not interested in him, but he still does.

    If the examples given imply different terms, please give a term for each one.

    Thanks in advance.

    Do you want slang or casual terms for such a person? How will these words be used? Are you writing a letter? Are you using these words in conversations with friends / family / business associates?

    Please give us some background on the situation.

    • #4

    Is it «and» or is it «or»? There are words for people who don’t understand other people’s reactions that have nothing with do with being daring. You need to narrow down your question.

     Let me make it «Or»

    Do you want slang or casual terms for such a person? How will these words be used? Are you writing a letter? Are you using these words in conversations with friends / family / business associates?

    Please give us some background on the situation.

      Slang words would be preferable, I would use them more likely in conversations with friends, family and such.


    • #5

    «Dare devil» (for «daring»), also «reckless», «impetuous» etc.

    Or, (definitely not slang) «temerarious».


    • #6

    If you mean «daring» as in «taking liberties with women» (an old-fashioned phrase :) ) he could be called all sorts of things. If you secretly admire his boldness you might call him a «dog» or a «player». If you think he’s being predatory and will go after any woman you might call him a «wolf». If you find his behavior disgusting you might call him a «pig».

    Other forms: darings

    To be daring is to be bold, adventurous, and a little nervy. It’s a quality possessed by people who tend to take risks. If someone says, “I dare you,” and you always do, you’re a daring person.

    If you’re daring, you dare to do things that are risky and even dangerous. A daring mountain climber goes for the top of Mount Everest, and a daring policeman enters the scariest houses to catch a crook. In comics and movies, superheroes are daring. Even quitting your job to start your own business is daring. The seafarers who first traveled across the globe were daring. Daring people are brave, and daring adventures are pretty exciting.

    Definitions of daring

    1. noun

      a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy

    2. noun

      the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger

    3. adjective

      disposed to venture or take risks

      “the most
      daring of contemporary fiction writers”


      audacious, venturesome, venturous

      adventuresome, adventurous

      willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises

    4. adjective

      radically new or original




      being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘daring’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
    Send us feedback


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