Word for cut with an axe

‘CUT WITH AN AXE’ is a 12 letter
starting with C and ending with E

Crossword answers for CUT WITH AN AXE

Clue Answer







Synonyms for HEWN

3 letter words

4 letter words

5 letter words

6 letter words

Top answers for CUT WITH AN AXE crossword clue from newspapers

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Crossword Clue Last Updated: 16/01/2020

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Cut (with an axe).

4 letter answer(s) to cut (with an axe)


  1. a grounder that bounces high in the air
  2. a jaw; «I’ll hit him on the chops»
  3. a small cut of meat including part of a rib
  4. a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball
  5. cut into pieces; «Chop wood»; «chop meat»
  6. cut with a hacking tool
  7. form or shape by chopping; «chop a hole in the ground»
  8. hit sharply
  9. Karate blow
  10. move suddenly
  11. strike sharply, as in some sports
  12. the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide); «the boat headed into the chop»

3 letter answer(s) to cut (with an axe)


  1. make or shape as with an axe; «hew out a path in the rock»
  2. strike with an axe; cut down, strike; «hew an oak»

Other crossword clues with similar answers to ‘Cut (with an axe)’

Still struggling to solve the crossword clue ‘Cut (with an axe)’?

If you’re still haven’t solved the crossword clue Cut (with an axe) then why not search our database by the letters you have already!

On this page you may find the answer for To chop or cut something (especially wood) with an axe or pick Daily Themed Crossword. This clue was last seen in the Daily Themed Crossword Easy Peasy Level 11 Answers. This is one of the most popular crossword puzzle apps which is available for both iOS and Android. If you are stuck with any of the Daily Themed Crossword Puzzles then use the search functionality on our website to filter through the packs. We constantly update our website with the latest game answers so that you might easily find what you are looking for!

To chop or cut something (especially wood) with an axe or pick Daily Themed Crossword


If you are done already with the above crossword clue and are looking for other answers then head over to Daily Themed Crossword Easy Peasy Level 11 Answers

Welcome, welcome!
Love challenges? Crazy about crosswords? You’ve likely come across new clues you didn’t have answers of… happens to us all… Sometimes we just forget the answer because we haven’t come across the clue for a long time… So, looking for the answer to Cut with an axe recently published in Mirror classic on 8 February 2023? We’re here for you.
We’ll do our best to help get you a solution really quickly so you can progress with your crossword puzzle. Our smart data base updates every day and we’ve got the solution to Cut with an axe. No need to keep looking.

The word you’re looking for is: CHOP
The crossword clue «Cut with an axe» published 35 time/s and has 4 unique answer/s on our system.

Possible Answers From Our DataBase:

  • CHOP
  • HEW
  • HEWN

Cut with an axe — Latest Answers By Publishers & Dates:

Publisher Last Seen Solution
Mirror classic 8 February 2023 CHOP
The Times Concise 25 November 2022 CHOP
USA Today 29 August 2021 HEW
Mirror quick 20 February 2021 CHOP
Penny dell 17 September 2020 HEW
Evening Standard — Easy 28 January 2020 HEW
The Telegraph — Quick 28 September 2019 HEW
The Guardian 14 September 2017 CLEAVE
Newsday.com 24 January 2016 HEW
Daily Celebrity 21 January 2016 Chop
Family Time Crossword 3 June 2013 HEW

Need fast help with other hints? Use our search function.

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cut with an axe: crossword clues

Matching Answer


  • Word Games

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Cutting With An Axe


On this page we found for you all answers for To chop or cut something (especially wood) with an axe or pick Crossword Explorer Clue that help you solve today puzzle.

To chop or cut something (especially wood) with an axe or pick Crossword Explorer Clue

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  • HEW

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