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Top view of yellow medical stethoscope placed on white surface during coronavirus pandemic Faceless woman with pill in teeth and nose piercing Brown glass bottle with liquid and pipette Person Holding A Vaccine Pile of sparkling drug capsules scattered on pink surface Patient with Iv Line

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Synonyms for Cure for all ills. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/cure_for_all_ills

Synonyms for Cure for all ills. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/cure_for_all_ills>.

Synonyms for Cure for all ills. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/cure_for_all_ills.

‘CURE FOR ALL ILLS’ is a 14 letter
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cure for all ills


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  • cure-all — cure′ all n. a cure for all ills; panacea • Etymology: 1785–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • cure-all — cure for all ills or diseases, panacea …   English contemporary dictionary

  • curé — n 1. remedial treatment, therapy, therapeutics; healing, reparation, restoration; recuperation, recovery, convalescence. 2. remedy, restorative, antidote, counteractive, neu tralizer, corrective, preventive, prophylactic; curé all, panacea,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • cure-all — /ˈkjʊər ɔl/ (say kyoouhr awl), /ˈkjuər ɔl/ (say kyoohuhr awl) noun a cure for all ills; a panacea …  

  • cure-all — noun hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑panacea, ↑nostrum, ↑catholicon • Hypernyms: ↑remedy, ↑curative, ↑cure, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • cure-all — noun Date: 1801 a remedy for all ills ; panacea …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cure — 1. verb 1) after a long course of treatment, he was cured Syn: heal, restore to health, make well/better; archaic cleanse 2) economic equality cannot cure all social ills Syn: rectify, remedy, put/set right, right, fix, mend, repair …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • cure — 1. verb 1) he was cured of the disease Syn: heal, restore to health, make well/better 2) economic equality cannot cure all social ills Syn: rectify, remedy, put/set right, right, fix, mend, repair …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • Water cure (therapy) — This article is about a form of therapy used in the 18th and 19th century. For the form of torture, see water cure (torture). A water cure in the therapeutic sense is a course of medical treatment by hydrotherapy.[1] Contents 1 Overview 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Perversion for Profit — This article is about the 1965 propaganda film. For other uses, see Perversion for Profit (disambiguation). Perversion for Profit George Putnam in Perversion for Profit Narrated by …   Wikipedia

  • cure-all — noun Date: 1801 a remedy for all ills ; panacea …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cure-all — noun hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑panacea, ↑nostrum, ↑catholicon • Hypernyms: ↑remedy, ↑curative, ↑cure, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • panacea — I noun answer, assistance, balm, catholicon, correction, corrective, curative, cure, cure all, cure for all ills, healing agent, improvement, medicament, medicine, palliative, relief, remedy, restorative, restorative agent, solution, solution to… …   Law dictionary

  • panacea — [pan΄ə sē′ə] n. [L < Gr panakeia < panakēs, healing all < pan, all (see PAN ) + akos, healing, medicine < ? IE base * yēk , to cure > prob. Welsh iach, healthy, OIr hīcc, cure] a supposed remedy or medicine for all diseases or… …   English World dictionary

  • Panacea — A universal remedy, a cure all. The word panacea comes from the name of Panaceia, the daughter of Asklepios, the Greek god of medicine (whose staff with entwined snake is the symbol of medicine). Asklepios (known to the Romans as Aesculapius) had …   Medical dictionary

  • remedy — n 1. curé, restorative, antidote, counteracted neutralizer, corrective, preventive, prophylactic, Med. specific; curé all, panacea, elixir, curé for what ails you, curé for all ills, nostrum; medicine, medicament, medication, Med. prescription,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • cure — 1. verb 1) after a long course of treatment, he was cured Syn: heal, restore to health, make well/better; archaic cleanse 2) economic equality cannot cure all social ills Syn: rectify, remedy, put/set right, right, fix, mend, repair …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • panacea — noun a panacea for the country s economic problems Syn: universal cure, cure all, cure for all ills, universal remedy, elixir, wonder drug; informal magic bullet …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • panacea — panacean, adj. /pan euh see euh/, n. 1. a remedy for all disease or ills; cure all. 2. an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties: His economic philosophy is a good one, but he tries to use it as a panacea. [1540 50; < L < Gk panákeia …   Universalium

  • curé — n 1. remedial treatment, therapy, therapeutics; healing, reparation, restoration; recuperation, recovery, convalescence. 2. remedy, restorative, antidote, counteractive, neu tralizer, corrective, preventive, prophylactic; curé all, panacea,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • panacea — n curé all, elixir, curé for all ills, curé for what ails you, universal curé or remedy, nostrum; alembic, philosopher s stone, magic wand, magic potion, magic ingredient; magic solution or answer, magic or secret formula, abracadabra, open… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Cure for all ills: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

    Произношение и транскрипция

    Перевод по словам

    cure [noun]

    noun: кюре, лечение, лекарство, излечение, средство, исцеление, вулканизация, курс лечения, приход, варка

    verb: лечить, исцелять, вылечивать, исправлять, заготовлять, консервировать, вулканизировать

    • food cure — лечение диетой
    • step-up cure — ступенчатая вулканизация
    • ambient cure — выдерживание бетона без формы
    • baking for cure — горячая сушка для отверждения
    • air cure — аэротерапия
    • degree of cure — степень отверждения
    • flash cure — мгновенное закрепление
    • high-frequency cure — вулканизация высокочастотным нагревом
    • sure cure — верное средство
    • medical cure — медицинское лечение

    for [preposition]

    preposition: для, на, за, в, к, в течение, ради, от, вместо, по причине

    conjunction: ибо, ввиду того, что

    • petition for — ходатайство
    • corporation for national and community service — корпорация государственной и муниципальной службы
    • put away for later — откладывать на потом
    • for the life of me — хоть убей
    • main department for financial accounting and control — главное управление по финансовому учету и контролю
    • Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation — главное управление специальных программ президента России
    • convention for the conservation of antarctic seals — Конвенция об охране антарктических тюленей
    • availability for work — дежурство на рабочем месте
    • spoon for moulding teeth for the partly teeethed lower jar — оттискная ложка для нижней челюсти с частично сохранившимся рядом зубов
    • be famous for — быть знаменитым
    • beyond all question — вне всякого сомнения
    • above all else — прежде всего остального
    • all at the click of a button — все по одной кнопке
    • thank you all — поблагодарить всех
    • any or all — любой
    • all that much left — очень много, что осталось
    • all-out election — всеобщие выборы
    • all-round crane — универсальный кран
    • all men — все мужчины
    • all purpose — все цели
    • social ills — социальные беды

    Предложения с «cure for all ills»

    Dr. James, after greeting her turned to Cowperwood and exclaimed: How can you be ill, with such a cure for all ills right here at your bedside!

    Поздоровавшись с нею, доктор Джемс обернулся к Каупервуду. — Ну как можно хворать, — воскликнул он, — когда возле вас такое лекарство от всех бед!

    By pushing unproven technologies as a cure for all climate-changing ills, proponents are suggesting that the world faces an unavoidable choice: geoengineering or disaster.

    Добиваясь применения непроверенных технологий в качестве лекарства от всех болезней изменения климата, их защитники утверждают, что мир якобы стоит перед неизбежным выбором: либо геоинжиниринг, либо катастрофа.

    It was clear that in their minds a whistle was the panacea for all ills, the cure for all diseases of the spirit. They seemed to be completely in agreement on that point.

    Ясно было, что для них свисток — лекарство от всех болезней , исцеленье от всех горестей.

    This is all to say that each of these ills seem to require the same cure: union.

    Но можно утверждать одно — от всех этих недугов существует единственное лекарство: профсоюз.

    Contemporary physicians picked up on Sayre’s new treatment, which they believed could prevent or cure a wide-ranging array of medical problems and social ills.

    Современные врачи подхватили новое лечение Сэйра, которое, по их мнению, могло предотвратить или вылечить широкий спектр медицинских проблем и социальных недугов.

    From all parts, the people came flocking to him for the cure of bodily and spiritual ills.

    Со всех сторон к нему стекались люди для исцеления телесных и духовных недугов.

    The expensive product was claimed to cure impotence, among other ills.

    Утверждалось, что этот дорогой препарат лечит импотенцию, а также другие болезни .

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    Synonyms for Cure for all ills

    • panacea

    • universal cure

    • cure-all

    • universal remedy

    • elixir

    • wonder drug

    • magic bullet

    • sovereign remedy

    • heal-all

    • nostrum

    • silver bullet

    • perfect solution

    • magic formula

    • patent medicine

    • quack remedy

    • potion

    Synonyms for Cure for all ills

    For more similar words, try Cure for all ills on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

    Quick Facts

    Use Roseboil’s Regenerative Molt to cure 15 Plague-ridden Survivors.

    Recruit Roseboil (1)
    Plague-ridden Survivor cured by Roseboil (15)

    Provided item:

    Call Roseboil (1)


    Many survivors from the House of Plagues are still in need help. Their suffering fills me with great sadness.

    Maw Walker, I’d do anything to help them. Even saving a few is better than saving none.

    Please, help me cure them!



    You will receive:

    Superior Parts Call Roseboil
    Salvaged Supplies


    Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

    See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

    /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(60765))



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