Word for covering a large area

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

охватывающую большую территорию

который покрывает большую площадь

This one-world time to consider all the nations in international affairs, as well as matters covering a large area of a country.

Это единое мировое время следует учитывать всем народам в международных делах, а так же делах охватывающих большую территорию отдельной страны.

The scales gradually increase in size, covering a large area of the head.

A growth of trees covering a large area.

This product is very powerful that it comes with a wavelength of 395 nanometers for covering a large area.

Этот продукт очень мощный и поставляется с длиной волны 395 нм, чтобы покрыть большую площадь.

The lake is an artificial lake covering a large area.

If you need to create a wireless network covering a large area, one router may not be enough.

Если вам необходимо создать беспроводную сеть, охватывающую большую область, одного маршрутизатора может быть недостаточно.

The place of animals and people occupied terrifying mutated creatures, hiding in a fog covering a large area of the Earth.

Место животных и людей заняли сильно мутировавшие существа, скрывающиеся в тумане, который покрывает большую площадь Земли.

Interchangeable nozzles provide a variety of irrigation options and numerous forms of water flow — from a directional stream to a wide cascade covering a large area.

Сменные насадки обеспечивают разнообразные возможности полива и многочисленные формы водяного потока — от направленной струи до широкого каскада, охватывающего большую площадь.

However, if you are not covering a large area, you may be better off using a 720p Security cameras.

In short, the languages developed in the same way as dialects — by an original language covering a large area, and geographic circumstances causing localization.

Подытоживая, языки развивались тем же путём, что и диалекты — с изначальным языком, охватывающим большую площадь, и с географическими условиями, вызывавшими локализацию.

In this case, there is no cerebral hemorrhage, but the cells still die, covering a large area of the body.

And to the South-West of the Grand Palace there is an Upper Park, covering a large area of 160 hectares.

В юго-западной части от Большого дворца располагается Верхний парк, имеющий площадь 160 гектаров.

Bangkok’s China Town is an old business center covering a large area around Yaowarat and Charoen Krung Roads.

Китай-город в Бангкоке представляет собой исторически сложившийся бизнес-центр, охватывающий большую площадь вокруг районов Yaowarat и Charoen Krung.

Historically, the term was recently invented to refer to the philosophical thinking of Western civilization, beginning with Greek philosophy in ancient Greece, and eventually covering a large area of the globe, including North America and Australia.

Исторически термин западная философия был сравнительно недавно введён для обозначения философского мышления западной культуры, начиная с древнегреческой философии в Древней Греции, в развитии со временем охватывая обширные территории Земли, включая Северную Америку и Австралию.

Chinatown is an old business centre located east of Hua Lampong Station and covering a large area around Yaowarat and Charoen Krung Road.

Чайнатаун является старым бизнес-центром, расположенным к востоку от Хуа Lampong и охватывает большую территорию вокруг Yaowarat и Чароен Krung Road.

In addition, a concentric approach is used to bypass the territory: the guard moves in a spiral, covering a large area.

Кроме того, при охране больших площадей применяется прием обхода территории по концентрическму маршруту: охранник движется по спирали, охватывая большую площадь.

Sandy has drawn energy from a cold front to become a huge storm covering a large area of the eastern United States.

По данным Национального центра слежения за ураганами, «Сэнди» усиливается энергией от холодного фронта и превращается в огромную бурю охватывающую большую территорию на востоке США.

These regions include Tavastia (Häme), covering a large area of central Finland around Tampere, Savonia (Savo) in the eastern part of the lakeland and Karelia (Karjala) to the far east.

К этим регионам относятся Тавастия (Хяме), охватывающая большую территорию центральной Финляндии вокруг Тампере, Савония (Саво) в восточной части озерного края и Карелия (Карьяла) на дальнем востоке.

Ominously, according to the National Hurricane center the video shows Sandy beginning to draw more energy from a cold front to become a massive storm covering a large area of the Eastern United States.

По данным Национального центра слежения за ураганами, «Сэнди» усиливается энергией от холодного фронта и превращается в огромную бурю охватывающую большую территорию на востоке США.

Azerbaijan is an initiator and participant of two global projects — Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and TACIS program covering a large area from Southeast Asia to Europe that will contribute to the global economy.

а) Азербайджан является инициатором и участником двух охватывающих огромную территорию от Юго-восточной Азии до Европы глобальных проектов — программы TACIS и Баку-Тбилиси-Карс, которые вносят вклад в глобальную экономику.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 21. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 68 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Fixed cameras are generally more economical,

and PTZ cameras can cover a larger area with


360-degree rotation range, which help them replace several fixed cameras.

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Фиксированные камеры, как правило, более экономичны, в

то время как РТZ- камеры могут охватывать большую площадь благодаря 360- градусному обзору, что позволяет одной такой камерой заменить несколько фиксированных камер.

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The device does not cover a large area, but the lens itself fits perfectly the post itself.

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PERFECT DESIGN: Designed with end-to-end connections,

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СОВЕРШЕННЫЙ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ: Разработанный с помощью сквозных соединений,

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Such nuclear-weapon-free zones,

including the South Pacific nuclear-free zone and the Antarctic Treaty, cover a large area of the globe.

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Такие зоны, свободные

от ядерного оружия, включая безъядерную зону в Южной Атлантике, а также Договор об Антарктике, охватывают большую площадь земного шара.

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For example there are underground means of travel where speeds are reached of up to 700 miles



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Многие достижения удерживались в секрете за ваш счет, и новые технологии скрывались от ваших глаз. Например, существуют подземные средства передвижения, скорость которых достигает 700 миль в час,

The product must be sprayed in the direction of the places of accumulation and possible movement of cockroaches,

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Средство нужно распылять в направлении мест скопления и возможного перемещения тараканов,

On the camera, small tents with street food souvenirs are clearly visible, but pedestrians can not be considered more thoroughly,

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На камере прекрасно видны небольшие палатки с уличной едой сувенирами, но пешеходов рассмотреть более тщательно не получится,

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high resolution requires


lot of computing so the domain can’t cover a large area, forecasts are for next 48 hours

and update 4 times per day.(enbart för PRO-användare).

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Столь высокое разрешение требует вычислений в огромных объемах и поэтому покрываемая территория не может быть большой, прогнозы предлагаются на 48 часов с обновлением

4 раза в день.( только подписчики PRO).

Number of participants limited to six, that is, participants will have more time with your instructor,

and they will be able to cover a large area of Catania, literally and figuratively, the more populous group.

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Число участников ограничено шестью, то есть участники получат больше времени со своим инструктором,

и они смогут охватить большую площадь катания, буквально и фигурально, чем в большей по численности группе.

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This arrangement of the device

allows to obtain


complete picture of the object, to cover a large area of the waterfront, but to examine in detail the elements will not work due to the removal of

the webcam.

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Такое расположение устройства

позволяет получить полную картину объекта, охватить большую территорию набережной, но вот рассмотреть в подробностях элементы не получится из-за удаления веб-


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trees the camera is not able to cover a large area of the city, but it’s enough to see the object in detail.

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За большими деревьями камера не в состоянии охватить большую территорию города, но и этого вполне достаточно, что увидеть объект в подробностях.

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The use of CSP only includes installation work.



size of the board allows to immediately cover a large area and simplify the alignment of surfaces.

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Применение цементно- стружечных плит сводится к монтажным работам,

Because the system uses


thin film as its reflective surface, the screen is relatively low-cost and light-weight,

and can cover a large area without seams(thus helping maintain the illusion);

however, this lightness can make the screen vibrate due to atmospheric effects such as wind, when outdoors; or powerful sound systems, when indoors.

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Из-за использования в качестве отражающей


тонкой пленки себестоимость экрана становится относительно небольшой, а вес его заметно снижается,

поддерживая тем самым требуемый эффект иллюзии); тем не менее в силу подобной легкости описанный экран может вибрировать из-за внешних влияний атмосферы: в случае работы на открытом воздухе им может оказаться ветер, а в закрытых помещениях данный эффект может возникнуть из-за мощных звуковых вибраций.

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Xinjiang covers a large area that makes up approximately one sixth of the total



of China’s territory.

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территории Китая.

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and hence with ships passing by.

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а значит и проплывающие мимо корабли.

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The device covers a large area, but due to the removal of the lens be considered

in detail will be difficult object.

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Webcam comes on Moskovsky Prospekt in the city of Voronezh,

mounted on the roof of one of the buildings it covers a large area of the object.

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Веб- камера выходит на Московский проспект в городе Воронеж,

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The territory of the Russian Federation covers a large area on two continents and,

accordingly, the RC MAB participates in two regional networks of UNESCO- European(EuroMAB) and East Asian(EABR).

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соответственно, РК МАБ принимает участие в работе двух региональных сетей ЮНЕСКО- Европейской( ЕвроМАБ) и Восточно-Азиатской( ВАСБЗ).

Table of Contents

  1. What is a large area of land often with a large house on it called?
  2. What is a large area of land that is different from other areas?
  3. What is a large property called?
  4. What is another word for a large area?
  5. Which mirror covers a large area of view?
  6. Which Mirror Has cover a larger area?
  7. Can we obtain an enlarged and erect image by a convex mirror?
  8. Which lens can form image of object spread over a large area?
  9. In which mirror image is always of size of object?
  10. What is the difference between real and virtual image?
  11. Which type of image Cannot be obtained on a screen?
  12. Is it true or false a real image Cannot be obtained on a screen?
  13. Can a real image can be obtained on screen?
  14. Can be obtained on the screen?
  15. Which image can be caught on a screen?
  16. What is the nature of image if it Cannot be obtained on screen?
  17. What is obtained on screen when an object is very large in size than the light source?
  18. Can a pinhole camera forms an image which is bigger than the object If yes explain with a diagram?
  19. Which mirror produces erect and enlarged image?
  20. What is a large stretch of land?
  21. What are large land masses in the ocean called?
  22. What does land mass mean?
  23. What is the blocks of land mass?
  24. What are the six land masses?
  25. What made up the Earth’s land?
  26. What are two land masses?
  27. Are all the land masses connected with one another?
  28. What is the name for the worlds seven major land masses?
  29. How are land masses formed?
  30. What do you see on land?
  31. How many acres of land is there on earth?
  32. How much land could every person have?
  33. Who owns most land in world?
  34. Which country has the best land?
  35. How much land is needed for livestock?

Clue: Covering a large area

What is a large area of land often with a large house on it called?

estate Add to list Share. The word estate is mostly used to mean a massive and fabulous house on a big piece of land.

What is a large area of land that is different from other areas?

A land mass is a very large area of land such as a continent.

What is a large property called?

Historically, an estate comprises the houses, outbuildings, supporting farmland, and woods that surround the gardens and grounds of a very large property, such as a country house or mansion. It is the modern term for a manor, but lacks a manor’s now-abolished jurisdictional authority.


What is another word for a large area?

What is another word for large area?

big area enormous area
immense area large district
large region sizeable area
vast area

Which mirror covers a large area of view?

Compared to other reflective mirrors, the field of view for a convex mirror is the maximum. This is because the rays of light falling parallel once reflected diverge. Therefore, it covers are a larger field of view compared to a plane or concave mirror.

Which Mirror Has cover a larger area?

A plane mirror forms an image which is erect and of the same size as the object. A convex mirror forms a virtual, diminished, and upright image and therefore, covers a larger area of view. Its field of view is very large. A convex lens can form a magnified image of the object.

Can we obtain an enlarged and erect image by a convex mirror?

We can obtain an enlarged and erect image by a convex mirror. A concave lens always forms a virtual image. We can obtain a real, enlarged and inverted image by a concave mirror.

Which lens can form image of object spread over a large area?

(ii) can form image of objects spread over a large area. (iii) used by dentists to see enlarged image of teeth. (iv) the image formed is always inverted and magnified….Light | Exercise.

(a) A plane mirror (v) The image is erect and of the same size as the object.

In which mirror image is always of size of object?

The size of the image formed by the convex mirror is always smaller than the size of the object irrespective of the position of the object.

What is the difference between real and virtual image?

Reflection in the mirror is the best example of a virtual image. By the intersecting rays, the real images are produced, and by diverging rays, the virtual images are produced….

Real Image Virtual Image
A real image formed on the same side of the object. A virtual image formed on the backside of the mirror.

Which type of image Cannot be obtained on a screen?

(a) An image that cannot be obtained on a screen is called a virtual image.

Is it true or false a real image Cannot be obtained on a screen?

Answer: The image which cannot be obtained on a screen is called virtual image. For example, virtual image is always formed in case of plane mirror and convex mirror. Question 7: State two differences between a convex and a concave lens.

Can a real image can be obtained on screen?

A real image can be obtained on the screen as the light rays coming from the object meet each other either after reflection or after refraction. These images cannot be obtained on the screen. The real image is always inverted. The virtual image is always erect.

Can be obtained on the screen?

An image which can be obtained on a screen is called a image.

Which image can be caught on a screen?

real images

What is the nature of image if it Cannot be obtained on screen?

The image that can be obtained on a screen is called a real image. Virtual images cannot be obtained on a screen. A concave mirror can form both real and virtual images. The nature of the image depends on the distance of the object from the mirror.

What is obtained on screen when an object is very large in size than the light source?

1 Answer. If the size of source of light is bigger than the size of the opaque object, the size of umbra is very small. If the screen is moved away from the object, the umbra vanishes and only the penumbra remains.

Can a pinhole camera forms an image which is bigger than the object If yes explain with a diagram?

If yes,explain with a diagram. Yes, pin hole camera can form image bigger than the object. Pin hole camera forms real, up side down and the size of the image depends on the distance between the pin hole and the screen on which image is formed.

Which mirror produces erect and enlarged image?

Concave mirror

estate Add to list Share. The word estate is mostly used to mean a massive and fabulous house on a big piece of land. When you own an estate, it usually means you have a whole lot of money to go along with it.

What is a large stretch of land?

An isthmus is a land bridge, a narrow strip of land that stretches across a body of water to connect two larger land masses. The Greek isthmos means “neck,” so you can see how isthmus came to mean the connecting strip between land masses.

What are large land masses in the ocean called?

The large landmasses are known as the continents and the huge water bodies are called the ocean basins. All the oceans of the world are connected with one another.

What does land mass mean?

: a large area of land continental landmasses.

What is the blocks of land mass?

In geology, a supercontinent is the assembly of most or all of Earth’s continental blocks or cratons to form a single large landmass.

What are the six land masses?

In modern times, there are six established geologic continents: North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

What made up the Earth’s land?

Earth’s atmosphere and oceans were formed by volcanic activity and outgassing that included water vapor. The crust, which currently forms the Earth’s land, was created when the molten outer layer of the planet Earth cooled to form a solid mass as the accumulated water vapor began to act in the atmosphere.

What are two land masses?

On a gross scale, the land areas of the earth are classified first of all into continents , seven in number: North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica (for statistics see Continents and Oceans).

Are all the land masses connected with one another?

Scientists believe these plates have been moving for millions of years. In fact, 250 millions years ago the Earth’s seven continents were all grouped together into a supercontinent called Pangea. Just before the days of the dinosaurs the Earth’s continents were all connected into one huge landmass called Pangaea .

What is the name for the worlds seven major land masses?

Earth has seven main pieces of land. These are known as continents. From largest to smallest, they are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Usually, nearby islands are also considered to be part of a continent.

How are land masses formed?

Like Lego blocks built on top of one another, large parts of the Earth’s continental land masses were created by tens of thousands of quick eruptions or bursts of molten magma that were transferred rapidly from the mantle and lower-most crust and then injected as large horizontal sheets into the upper crust.

What do you see on land?

According to earth information, people can look for natural resources on the earth. It includes metals and minerals in abundance. There are thousands of plants and animal species on earth forming a perfect ecosystem for the human life.

How many acres of land is there on earth?

The world relative to its human population is quite large. It is 123 billion acres in size, of which 37 billion acres are land.

How much land could every person have?

Subtracting this uninhabitable 57% (mi2) from the total land area leaves square miles or 15.77 billion acres of habitable land. Divide this figure by the current human population of 7 billion (that’s 7,000 million people) and you get 2.3 acres (about one hectare) per person.

Who owns most land in world?

The list of the 10 largest private landowners is all heads of state. However, if you expand to the 15 largest private landowners, American billionaire Ted Turner just squeaks onto the list. King Letsie owns all the land, including the diamond mines, in his country. This is his second non-consecutive reign as king.

Which country has the best land?

United States

How much land is needed for livestock?

You may have heard a rule-of-thumb is that it takes 1.5 to 2 acres to feed a cow calf pair for 12 months. That means we should be able to have 10 to 13 cows. Let’s see how this rule-of-thumb holds up. It looks like our rule-of-thumb held up pretty good, 11 cows on 20 acres, is 1.8 acres per cow.

These brushes were specifically designed to work with allover stencils, enabling the artist to cover large areas easily.


The elbows, ears, legs, and face are the most commonly affected areas on dogs, but the infection can occur anywhere on the body and may even spread to cover large areas.


Unlike nanotubes, you can make it cover large areas, you can make it more uniform, and it’s much easier to work with as a material — it’s as different [from nanotubes] as a sheet of paper is from a stick.


They tend to maintain a large territory area, as they will cover a large area looking for females that are coming into season.


If the flood disaster covers a large area and is severe, FEMA may step in to provide assistance, but this help comes only in the form of low interest loans that you must repay to the government.


We cover a large area around L.A., including: Long Beach, Riverside, Palmdale, San Diego etc..


It is thick and creamy and a little glob covers a large area.


The currents can be strong, but it’s easy enough to find shelter on one side of the pinnacle or another, as it covers a large area.


As seen in the footage below, the Paint Roller allows you to cover large areas of the arena with paint at once, or roll over/flick paint at your enemies for a kill.


The video is crystal clear and you get a 130-degree field of view for covering a large area.


Marine forecasts cover large areas and the forecast elements are often given in ranges.


This means that Sasuke, as a Ranged fighter, specializes in distanced attacks that cover a large area, while Sakura, as a Healer, has a moveset that’s more up-close and buff-based.


They may be confined to a small area of the body or may cover a large area.


Burns that cover a large area of the body or that cover critical body parts should be dealt with at a verified burn treatment center.


Many people use these tiles to cover a large area.


Extent is the important thing for albedo — the snow cover can be quite light — it merely needs to cover a large area.


This storm is intense and it covers a large area so the region of the Arctic that will be impacted by strong winds is quite large.


For example, what happens to global energy when snow covers large areas of the northern hemisphere and varies in extent from year to year?


These units, even though they cover a large area, only generate small amounts of power and add little to power demands.


The league covers a large area of northern Victoria and southern New South Wales from Shepparton in the south to Deniliquin in the north.


Crystal Stone’s mesh-mounted modules can also be easily installed to cover large areas.


The cloth lifted grime and felt like a good way to cover a large area quickly.


Glass tiles are typically bought in 12 ″ X12 ″ sheets, which can be costly when you’re covering a large area.


If you need to cover a large area with a wireless signal and your router just isn’t cutting it, you can buy a wireless repeater or range extender.


They often cover large areas so can be longer in terms of duration.


The most northerly of all the 164 RSPCA branches this one covers a large area from Newcastle upon Tyne to Berwick upon Tweed and the Scottish border.


There is a problem (mostly in the western church I must agree) that most of the mainstream churches covering large areas have completely moved away from any biblical leadership, doctrines have been compromised and the believers who attend these churches are «spiritually starving to death!»


The lease also covers large areas of land around each community.


Boundary layer clouds today have a strong negative cloud radiative forcing and cover a large area of the tropics.


The patient’s brain signals were decoded by an electrocorticographic (ECoG) implant that can cover a large area of the brain, taking in and translating information from many groups of neurons and providing more stable readings than have been achieved through other methods.


This circular group of 36 red rocky domes cover a large area and are as mystical as Uluru.


Again, Dr. Duclos, «In dogs we need shampoos that lather well and are able to cover large areas in an economical and effective fashion.


The trapezius covers a large area of the upper back with a number of attachment sites including the cervical and thoracic spine, lateral third of the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula.


One tile set at different angles makes up a panel of four tiles which can then be repeated to cover a large area.


Not only that, but the brush is wide enough to cover a large area, the consistency prevents the polish from streaking, and the rubber grip lid makes for easy handling.


Ordinary people would feel involved in fixing this mess by covering large areas of the ground with white film.


Sometimes you want foam play mats to cover a large area.


Still, it makes covering a large area very easy.


The system covers a large area around the car, which, according to Toyota, is perfect for intersections.


Thick, fast absorbing, and able to cover a large area quickly, a dish towels is key.


A hot spot on your cat can grow very large very quickly, so it’s important to recognize the problem and begin treatment before the hot spot covers a large area of her body.


The scientists still need to study the economic viability of using nanotube film, but Bekyarova said one possible advantage would be that carbon nanotubes are ultra thin — about 1,000 times smaller than a single strand of hair — so you would need very little to cover a large area, such as the windows of a large building.


As Hurghada covers a large area we use different dive centres depending on where you are staying.


You can choose a fan setting for a wide spray that covers large areas quickly.


Plastic carpet runners placed «teeth» side up are good for covering large areas.


It covers large areas and imperfections wonderfully, it works Great as a liner for your lips to keep your lipstick from feathering, great item!!!


Matching test questions» biggest advantage is that they allow you to cover large areas of material without having to spend much time or effort on constructing the questions.


Rural listings tend to cover large areas, and word of mouth travels fast.


Rashes are common and may look like flushed red cheeks, a bulls-eye around the anus, chapping around the mouth, or a pimply sandpaper rash that covers large areas of skin.


Solar panels are likewise dark coloured and covering large areas with them will have a warming effect (only about 15 % of the light falling on a PV panel is converted into electrcity).


See also:

  • Phrases with TO COVER A LARGE AREA
  • Synonyms for TO COVER A LARGE AREA (related words and expressions)

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APA Classic Thesaurus. (-0001). Synonyms for Over a large area. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/over_a_large_area/synonyms
Chicago Classic Thesaurus. -0001. «Synonyms for Over a large area» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/over_a_large_area/synonyms (accessed April 14, 2023).
Harvard Classic Thesaurus -0001, Synonyms for Over a large area, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/over_a_large_area/synonyms>.
MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Over a large area» 30 November -0001. Web. 14 April 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/over_a_large_area/synonyms>

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