Word for counter strike

Nicknames for CSGO

Nicknames for CSGO

Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO in short) is an online FPS (first person shooter), probably one of my favorites. Basically it’s two teams (terrorists and counter terrorists) shooting and fighting until all members of the opposing teams are killed, or until an objective is completed.

The CSGO community is huge, and in May 2020 the number of CSGO concurrent players peaked at over 1.3 millions, so chances are high that you are one of them. One of the very first things you do when starting to play CSGO is choose a badass or funny CSGO usernames.

It’s sometimes difficult to come up with a good gamertag or nickname for a specific game. You have to really know about the game, its community, the players slang, etc.

In a previous post I have been looking at some Fortnite nicknames ideas, but to be honest I enjoy playing CSGO way more than Fortnite.

So, you want to see some cool nicknames for CSGO? Let’s look at some examples.

Table of Contents

  • 130+ Best CSGO Nicknames & Usernames
  • Proffessional CSGO Player Names
  • CSGO Lenny Faces, Emojis, Smileys & Special Characters for Cool Nicknames
  • CSGO Slang: Get Some CSGO Nicknames Ideas from CSGO Slang
  • What is a Name Tag in CS:GO?
  • Funny Name Tag Ideas for Your CSGO Weapons Skins
  • CSGO Name Tag Symbols & Creative CSGO Name Tag Ideas

CSGO Nickname Generator

130+ Best CSGO Nicknames & Usernames

For this list I’ve chosen some cool CSGO names you can use for playing terrorists or counter terrorists. Get some epic CSGO names ideas from this:

  1. SomeTacos
  2. epic_fail
  3. Something
  4. banana_hammock
  5. bros_before_hoes
  6. RollingBarrelz
  7. NinjasInPyjamas
  8. Mistake
  9. casanova
  10. dumbest_man_alive
  11. sinking_swimmer
  12. cowgirl_up
  13. tin_foil_hat
  14. itchy_and_scratchy
  15. anonymouse
  16. yes_u_suck
  17. say_my_name
  18. Error404
  19. hairy_poppins
  20. me_for_president
  21. CerealKillah
  22. real_name_hidden
  23. not_james_bond
  24. rambo_was_real
  25. laugh_till_u_pee
  26. crazy_cat_lady
  27. i_love_my_mommy
  28. fresh_out_the_oven
  29. raised_by_wolves
  30. suck_my_popsicle
  31. period_blood
  32. take_your_pants_off
  33. thot_patrol
  34. strike_u_r_out
  35. behind_you
  36. my_name_is_in_use
  37. ben_dover
  38. google_me_now
  39. heisenberg_blue
  40. cereal_killer
  41. an_innocent_child
  42. pig_benis
  43. sofa_king_cool
  44. ben_aflek_is_an_ok_actor
  45. oliver_clothes_off
  46. prince_charming
  47. ass_ass_in
  48. godfather_part_4
  49. oprah_wind_fury
  50. i_killed_cupid
  51. DendiFace
  52. Hooks
  53. Death Machine Gunner
  54. 420weedbro420
  55. Pulsd
  56. HotshotGG
  57. IgNar
  58. Airwaks
  59. AggressiveCyclone
  60. Bunny FuFuu
  61. VACation
  62. I’mLame
  63. LogitechGODS
  64. GabenDEATH
  65. KrimzEra
  66. PokaYolo
  67. HappyZerging
  68. Bloodthirsty
  69. ClumsyJerk
  70. OneShotWonder
  71. Slemmyyyy! .
  72. xQc
  73. S.A.M
  74. ExoticChaos
  75. PoizonFrozt
  76. MIBR
  77. BabyBay
  78. Fl0w
  79. Tarik
  80. Jankos
  81. PashaBiceps
  82. Skadoodle
  83. Hazedlol
  84. PimpinAintEasy
  85. Average Student
  86. Garbageman
  87. The Pro
  88. YourMom
  89. Still Ragin
  90. Molotov Matrix
  91. Jean Claude VACban
  92. Intelligent Zombie
  93. skadoodle
  94. The Flashbangs
  95. s1mple
  96. Toxic Slayer
  97. harmlesspotato
  98. Friendly Fire
  99. Decoy Grenade
  100. Brainbug
  101. Captain VAC Sparrow
  102. Demo Day
  103. Bonus Round
  104. Brostradamus: a play on Nostrodamus
  105. Smoke Screen
  106. Sh4rp Shooter
  107. The Empire Strikes VAC
  108. Snoop Doge
  109. Hype
  110. Rage Effect
  111. Fedora the Explorer
  112. Trigger Happy
  113. Cr4Zed
  114. Shrek
  115. Chemical Reaction
  116. VAC and the Beanstalk
  117. Toxic Tribe
  118. Albus Doubledoors
  120. Silver Smurfer
  121. The Suspect
  122. InJailOutSoon
  123. Wicked
  124. Crazy Cat Lady
  125. GeNer4tion KiLL
  126. Slayers Guild
  127. The KniFer
  128. BehindYou
  129. Cowardly Lion
  130. H4teful
  131. GuNN3r G4nG

Proffessional CSGO Player Names

CSGO Clan Names And Pro Players

CSGO Clan Names And Pro Players

If you are looking for CSG nicknames ideas, a good place to look for is the CSGO PRO gamers tournaments. Here is a list of CSGO PRO player name and the CSGO clan names:

  1. s1mple (Natus Vincere)
  2. electronic (Natus Vincere)
  3. Boombl4 (Natus Vincere)
  4. Perfecto (Natus Vincere)
  5. b1t (Natus Vincere)
  6. HObbitt (Players)
  7. interz (Players)
  8. Ax1Le (Players)
  9. sh1ro (Players)
  10. nafany (Players)
  11. broky (FaZe Clan)
  12. Twistzz (FaZe Clan)
  13. karrigan (FaZe Clan)
  14. ropz (FaZe Clan)
  15. broky (FaZe Clan)
  16. Twistzz (FaZe Clan)
  17. karrigan (FaZe Clan)
  18. ropz (FaZe Clan)
  19. ZywOo (Team Vitality)
  20. misutaaa (Team Vitality)
  21. Magisk (Team Vitality)
  22. dupreeh (Team Vitality)
  23. b0RUP (Heroic)
  24. stavn (Heroic)
  25. TeSeS (Heroic)
  26. refrezh (Heroic)
  27. REZ (Ninjas in Pyjamas)
  28. Plopski (Ninjas in Pyjamas)
  29. hampus (Ninjas in Pyjamas)
  30. dev1ce (Ninjas in Pyjamas)
  31. es3tag (Ninjas in Pyjamas)
  32. VINI (FURIA)
  33. yuurih (FURIA)
  35. drop (FURIA)
  36. buster (Outsiders)
  37. qikert (Outsiders)
  38. Jame (Outsiders)
  39. SANJI (Outsiders)
  40. YEKINDAR (Outsiders)
  41. mantuu (OG)
  42. niko (OG)
  43. flameZ (OG)
  44. nexa (OG)
  45. NAF (Team Liquid)
  46. nitr0 (Team Liquid)
  47. shox (Team Liquid)
  48. oSee (Team Liquid)
  49. NickelBack (Entropiq)
  50. Forester (Entropiq)
  51. Krad (Entropiq)
  52. Lack1 (Entropiq)
  53. El1an (Entropiq)
  54. Xyp9x (Astralis)
  55. gla1ve (Astralis)
  56. Bubzkji (Astralis)
  57. Lucky (Astralis)
  58. k0nfig (Astralis)
  59. doto (ENCE)
  60. Snappi (ENCE)
  61. Spinx (ENCE)
  62. dycha (ENCE)
  63. hades (ENCE)
  64. Brollan (fnatic)
  65. ALEX (fnatic)
  66. mezii (fnatic)
  67. regali (fnatic)
  68. ropz (MOUZ)
  69. frozen (MOUZ)
  70. Bymas (MOUZ)
  71. MithR (MOUZ)
  72. acoR (MOUZ)
  73. mertz (Copenhagen Flames)
  74. jabbi (Copenhagen Flames)
  75. nicoodoz (Copenhagen Flames)
  76. HooXi (Copenhagen Flames)
  77. roeJ (Copenhagen Flames)
  78. INS. (Renegades)
  79. Hatz (Renegades)
  80. aliStair (Renegades)
  81. liazz (Renegades)
  83. J1rah (ORDER)
  84. Vexite (ORDER)
  85. ekul (ORDER)
  86. zhokiNg (Rare Atom)
  87. Freeman.- (Rare Atom)
  88. kaze (Rare Atom)
  89. aumaN (Rare Atom)
  90. tiziaN (BIG)
  91. syrsoN (BIG)
  92. k1to (BIG)
  93. faveN (BIG)
  94. FaNg (Extra Salt)
  95. floppy (Extra Salt)
  96. mopoz- (Movistar Riders)
  97. dav1g (Movistar Riders)
  98. SunPayus (Movistar Riders)
  99. DeathZz (Movistar Riders)
  100. Woro2k (forZe)
  101. zorte (forZe)
  102. KENSI (forZe)
  103. Norwi (forZe)
  104. neaLaN (k23)
  105. n0rb3r7 (k23)
  106. fame1337 (k23)
  107. xsepower (k23)
  108. X5G7V (k23)
  109. dgt (9z Team)
  110. maxujas (9z Team)
  111. rox (9z Team)
  112. EasTor (9z Team)
  113. dav1d (9z Team)
  114. magixx (Team Spirit)
  115. degster (Team Spirit)
  116. Patsinec (Team Spirit)
  117. KaiR0N- (Team Spirit)
  118. rainwaker (SKADE)
  119. shipZ (SKADE)
  120. bubble (SKADE)
  121. Dream3r (SKADE)
  122. Mankzy (ECSTATIC)
  123. Daffu (ECSTATIC)
  124. Wolfy (ECSTATIC)
  126. Summer (TyLoo)
  127. AttackeR (TyLoo)
  128. SLOWLY (TyLoo)
  129. Dank1ng (TyLoo)
  130. bodyy (Double Poney)
  131. Lucky (Double Poney)
  132. Djoko (Double Poney)
  133. Ex3rcice (Double Poney)
  135. felps (GODSENT)
  136. latto (GODSENT)
  137. b4rtiN (GODSENT)
  138. dumau (GODSENT)
  139. Szejn (mouz NXT)
  140. JDC (mouz NXT)
  141. xertioN (mouz NXT)
  142. mhL (mouz NXT)
  143. disturbed (HAVU Gaming)
  144. xseveN (HAVU Gaming)
  145. Aerial (HAVU Gaming)
  146. ottoNd (HAVU Gaming)
  147. jedqr (Wisla Krakow)
  148. Goofy (Wisla Krakow)
  149. snatchie (Wisla Krakow)
  150. sobol (Wisla Krakow)
  151. TMB (MAD Lions)
  152. jL (MAD Lions)
  153. b0RUP (MAD Lions)
  154. MICHU (MAD Lions)
  155. somedieyoung (MAD Lions)
  156. V1c7oR (Team Fiend)
  157. Dream3r (Team Fiend)
  158. REDSTAR. (Team Fiend)
  159. h4rn (Team Fiend)
  160. FaNg (compLexity Gaming)
  161. floppy (compLexity Gaming)
  162. Grim (compLexity Gaming)
  163. Junior (compLexity Gaming)
  164. exit (MIBR)
  165. WOOD7 (MIBR)
  166. Tuurtle (MIBR)
  167. JOTA (MIBR)
  168. MisteMMJA (ATK)
  169. Mango. (ATK)
  170. motm (ATK)
  171. Cyrix (ATK)
  172. RuStY (Team GamerLegion)
  173. eraa (Team GamerLegion)
  174. Zero- (Team GamerLegion)
  175. iM (Team GamerLegion)
  176. isak (Team GamerLegion)
  177. Surreal (Endpoint)
  178. CRUC1AL (Endpoint)
  179. Boros (Endpoint)
  180. Nertz (Endpoint)

And here are some of the best CSGO pro names, CSGO PRO players nicknames to use for inspiration:

  1. in_jail_out_soon
  2. kiss-my-axe
  3. stinky_pinky
  4. i_was_a_mistake
  5. sold_mom_for_rp
  6. dusty_bawls
  7. zero_deaths
  8. better_than_you
  9. big_mamas_house
  10. hugs_for_drugs
  11. bill_nye_the_russian_spy
  12. desperate_enuf
  13. herpes_free_since_03
  14. hoosier_daddy
  15. intelligent_zombie
  16. hugo_balls
  17. King_0f_dairy_queen
  18. dildo_swaggins
  19. shaquille_oatmeal
  20. ask_yo_girl_about_me
  21. hanging_with_my_gnomies
  22. do_not_leave_me

CSGO Lenny Faces, Emojis, Smileys & Special Characters for Cool Nicknames

More often than not, CSGO players do a lot of in-game chat. Chat emojis go a long time back and is so evolved as it reached a point where people are making emoji art or ASCII art.

What is ASCII art or emoji art? It’s the art of drawing with text characters. Drawing with character (special characters included) is a nice way of getting «images» inside places where only text can be added.

So, ASCII art is a great way to make some creative CSGO nicknames. Let’s see a few examples:

CSGO Lenny Faces

These copy/paste lenny faces for CSGO are hillarious. Build your funny CSGO nicknames by mixing one of them with your names:

  1. Regular:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  2. Lenin:(☭ ͜ʖ ☭
  3. Eat the booty like groceries: (づ ͡° ᗜ ͡°)づ ᕮᗩT ✝ℋℰ ⓑⓞⓞⓣⓨ LIKE ɢʀᴏᴄᴇʀɪᴇs
  4. Eyebrow Lenny v2: ( ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ )
  5. chienese lenny: (͡°͜ʖ͡°)
  6. Fat Lenny: ༼ つ ° ͜ʖ ° ༽つ
  7. TAKE THAT: ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡ 0)[email protected]
  8. ??? : o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;´༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡
  9. The generic tf2 pyro lenny:( ͡w ͜+ ͡m1)
  10. 2long4u:( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡ 0)
  11. Confused:( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
  12. Jew Lenny: (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)
  13. Strong:ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
  14. The Mino Lenny: ˙͜>˙
  15. Nazi Lenny: ( ͡♥♥♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥♥♥)
  16. Cat Lenny:( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)
  17. Praise the sun!: [T]/
  18. Dorito Lenny: ( ͡V ͜ʖ ͡V )
  19. Wink:( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
  20. swiggity swootey:( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
  21. ynneL:( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。)
  22. Wink 2: ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ —
  23. I see u:( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
  24. Alien:( ͡ ͡° ͡° ʖ ͡° ͡°)
  25. U WOT M8:(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
  26. Lenny Gang: ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
  27. dErP:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
  28. Kitty?:(ʖ ͜° ͜ʖ)
  29. monster lenny: ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͡O)
  30. Square:[]
  31. Raise Your Donger:ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  32. Imposter:{ ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•}
  33. Voldemort:( ͡° ͜V ͡°)
  34. Happy:( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
  35. Satisfied:( ‾ʖ̫‾)
  36. Donger bill:[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
  37. Spider lenny://( ͡°͡° ͜ʖ ͡°͡°)/
  38. The noseless lenny:( ͡° ͜ ͡°)
  39. Cool lenny: (⌐■_■)
  40. Cheeky Lenny:: (͡o‿O͡)
  41. Arrow Lenny: ⤜( ͠° ͜ʖ °)⤏
  42. ♥♥♥♥ THIS TABLE LENNY: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  43. cONFUSED lenny乁( ⁰͡ Ĺ̯ ⁰͡ ) ㄏ
  44. nazi lennys: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  45. Oh hay: (◕ ◡ ◕)
  46. Manly Lenny: ᕦ( ͡͡~͜ʖ ͡° )ᕤ
  47. Put ur dongers up or I’ll shoot:(ง ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿̿̿ ̿ ̿̿
  48. Badass Lenny: ̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=(⌐■ʖ■)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿
  49. Innocent face: ʘ‿ʘ
  50. Reddit disapproval face: ಠ_ಠ
  51. Table Flip / Flipping Table : ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
  52. Put the table back: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  53. Tidy up / dust the table : ┬─┬⃰͡ (ᵔᵕᵔ͜ )
  54. Double Flip / Double Angry : ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
  55. Fisticuffs: ლ(`ー´ლ)
  56. cute bear: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
  57. squinting bear: ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ
  58. cute face with big eyes: (。◕‿◕。)
  59. surprised / loudmouthed : ( ゚Д゚)
  60. shrug face: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  61. meh: ¯(°_o)/¯
  62. feel perky: (`・ω・´)
  63. angry face: (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
  64. excited: ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
  65. running: ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ
  66. happy face: ヽ(´▽`)/
  67. basking in glory: ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  68. kitty emote: ᵒᴥᵒ#
  69. fido: V●ᴥ●V
  70. meow: ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
  71. cheers: ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )
  72. devious smile: ಠ‿ಠ
  73. 4chan emoticon : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  74. crying face: ಥ_ಥ
  75. breakdown: ಥ﹏ಥ
  76. disagree: ٩◔̯◔۶
  77. flexing: ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
  78. do you even lift bro? : ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
  79. kirb: ⊂(◉‿◉)つ
  80. tripping out: q(❂‿❂)p
  81. discombobulated: ⊙﹏⊙
  82. sad and confused: ¯_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯
  83. japanese lion face: °‿‿°
  84. confused: ¿ⓧ_ⓧﮌ
  85. confused scratch: (⊙.☉)7
  86. worried: (´・_・`)
  87. dear god why: щ(゚Д゚щ)
  88. staring: ٩(͡๏_๏)۶
  89. pretty eyes: ఠ_ఠ
  90. strut: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  91. zoned: (⊙_◎)
  92. crazy: ミ●﹏☉ミ
  93. trolling: ༼∵༽ ༼⍨༽ ༼⍢༽ ༼⍤༽
  94. angry troll: ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ
  95. ♥♥♥♥ it : t(-_-t)
  96. sad face: (ಥ⌣ಥ)
  97. hugger: (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
  98. stranger danger: (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
  99. flip friend: (ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o)
  100. cry face: 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。
  101. cry troll: ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
  102. TGIF: “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”
  103. dancing: ┌(ㆆ㉨ㆆ)ʃ
  104. sleepy: 눈_눈
  105. angry birds: ( ఠൠఠ )ノ
  106. no support: 乁( ◔ ౪◔)「 ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
  107. shy: (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
  108. fly away: ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
  109. careless: ◔_◔
  110. love: ♥‿♥
  111. Touchy Feely: ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
  112. Kissing: ( ˘ ³˘)♥
  113. shark face / jagged mustache : ( ˇ෴ˇ )
  114. emo dance: ヾ(-_- )ゞ
  115. dance: ♪♪ ヽ(ˇ∀ˇ )ゞ
  116. opera: ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪
  117. winnie the pooh: ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
  118. boxing / fight : ლ(•́•́ლ)
  119. robot: {•̃_•̃}
  120. seal: (ᵔᴥᵔ)
  121. questionable / dislike: (Ծ‸ Ծ)
  122. Winning! : (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
  123. Zombie: [¬º-°]¬
  124. pointing: (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
  125. chasing / running away: »⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬»’
  126. whistling / music : (っ•́。•́)♪♬
  127. injured: (҂◡_◡)
  128. creeper: ƪ(ړײ)‎ƪ​​
  129. eye roll: ⥀.⥀
  130. flying: ح˚௰˚づ
  131. things that can’t be unseen : ♨_♨
  132. looking down: (._.)
  133. im a hugger: (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
  134. wizard: (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
  135. yum: (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
  136. judging: ( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ)
  137. tired / older: ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)
  138. ( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ) : dislike / depressed

Emojis for Weapons, Knife, Gun Emoji Text, ASCII Gun Text

These are perfect for making some badass sniper names or funny CSGO knife names.

  1. ︻デ═一
  2. ╾━╤デ╦︻(˙ ͜ʟ˙ )
  3. ( う-´)づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── (˚☐˚”)/
  4. ╾━╤デ╦︻(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
  5. (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)︻̷┻̿═━一-
  6. ━╤デ╦︻(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)
  7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)︻̷┻̿═━一-
  8. ╾━╤デ╦︻( ▀̿ Ĺ̯ ▀̿├┬┴┬
  9. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿
  10. デ╦-( ͡ಥʖ̯ಥ;)╯╲___XXXX
  11. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿
  12. ᕦ(▀̿ ̿ -▀̿ ̿ )つ︻̷┻̿═━一-
  13. (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)=/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿̿̿ ̿ ̿̿
  14. (ง ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿̿̿̿ ̿̿
  15. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿
  16. ‘̿’̵͇̿̿з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿
  17. ‘̿’̵͇̿̿з=( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿
  18. ᕦ(▀̿ ̿ -▀̿ ̿ )つ/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
  19. ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  20. ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  21. ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
  22. ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿══╤─
  23. ( う-´)づ︻╦̵̵̿╤──
  24. !( `皿 ´)o/)≡≡≡≡≡≡≡>十○
  25. ╰༼⇀︿⇀༽つ-]═──
  26. (ง ͠ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌ )¤=[]:::::>
  27. ╾━╤デ╦︻ԅ། ・ิ _ʖ ・ิ །ง
  28. (•̪●)=/̵/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  29. ̿̿’̿’̵͇̿̿=(•̪●)=/̵͇̿̿/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  30. ᕦ(▀̿ ̿ -▀̿ ̿ )つ︻̷┻̿═━一-̿̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
  31. ( -_・) ︻デ═一 ▸
  32. (◣_◢)ノ-=≡≡卍
  33. ( ┏’_’)┏ BAM ┓(‘_’┓)
  34. (҂‾ ▵▵▵‾)︻デ═一 (˚▽˚’!)/
  35. (•̪●)=/̵/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
  36. (●̮̮̃•̃)/~~~~~~~~◎
  37. (★▼▼)o┳*—
  38. (( _ _)☆ ≡〇
  39. (⁰▿⁰)◜▬ι═══════ﺤ
  40. ヽ༼ಥل͟ಥ༽▬ι═════>-════ι▬(•̀_•́ผ)
  41. )xx[;;;;;;;;;>
  42. ▬ι═══════ﺤ
  43. ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)=o==[]::::::::::>
  44. ¤=[]:::::>

Emoji for Whatever, Whatever Face, Lenny Face Symbols

Lenny faces for making cool and funny CSGO name symbols & nicknames.

  1. ┐(‘~`;)┌
  2. ヽ(。_°)ノ
  3. ヽ(・_・;)ノ
  4. ┐(´•_•`)┌
  5. ┐(′Д′)┌
  6. \(〇_o)/
  7. ╚(•⌂•)╝
  8. ╮ (. ❛ _ ❛.) ╭
  9. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
  10. ▔▁〷●‿●〷▁/▔
  11. ¯_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯
  12. ╮ (. ❛ ❛ _.) ╭
  13. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ
  14. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  15. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛
  16. ¯_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯
  17. ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

Emojis for Dead

These dead lenny faces are probably my favorites. As far as CSGO nickname symbols go, these are probably the most hilarious.

  1. (u_u)
  2. へ(>_<へ)
  3. (✖╭╮✖)
  4. (Ω_Ω)
  5. (×_×#)
  6. (*_*)
  7. ―(x_x)→
  8. (×_×)
  9. (º_º)
  10. (*0*)
  11. (ñ_ñ)
  12. (#+_+)
  13. (o_-)
  14. (+_+)
  15. ヾ(×× ) ツ
  16. ٩(×̯×)۶

CSGO Slang: Get Some CSGO Nicknames Ideas from CSGO Slang

CSGO Slang

CSGO Slang Words. Credit for image: Made with MockoFun

A very good way to come up with ideas for CSGO nicknames is to get familiar with the CSGO slang.

CSGO slang is the language or words that CSGO players use among each other, made up words or existing words with different meanings than in normal language.

CSGO slang covers lots of areas from terms for getting hit, hitting the enemy, to places on the map and attack strategies.

Let’s see some CSGO slang words to use for making cool Counter Strike nicknames:

  1. lit (not to be confused with hit) an enemy that has been significantly hit
  2. tagged an enemy that has been hit with a small amount of damage. Usually specified with what weapon the enemy was tagged with (eg. tagged with M4)
  3. gooshed sound made an enemy is killed by headshot and the enemy is not wearing a helmet, usually in two side pistol games
  4. dinked sound made by the enemy’s helmet when headshot
  5. waterfall refers to a strategy of rushing together with the whole team through a narrow place towards the bomb site to quickly overflow or overtake the location, usually from a place above
  6. default A/B refers to going for a map-specific strategy, like a rush to the opponent’s base, guarding the bomb, etc.
  7. rash A/B team callout to rush towards point A or B on the map
  8. kid referring to a team mate or enemy sometimes in a paternizing way, sometimes in a sympathetic way
  9. trash refers to players that do not contribute enough to their team’s effort to win the game, players that play poorly
  10. nerd refers to players that play surprisingly well. They probably spend hours and hours playing CSGO, therefore they have no life, therfore they are NERDS
  11. trading or trade fragging means engaging an enemy knowing you will be killed while inflicting as much damage as possible with the purpose of having another team mate make the kill. Basically trading a lost frag for a won frag, so a kill for a kill.
  12. baiter is a player that uses his own team mates as bait to make more kills — not nice
  13. emo meant as an insult or scolding for players that use the cover of dark places on the map or smoke to hide and wait for making a kill
  14. 1 HP is a term to tell your team that you have inflicted significant damage to the enemy which should now be very low on hit points and therefore easy to kill
  15. lurker refers to a player on the terrorist team that goes to the other bombing site from where the bomb is placed to try to catch CTs offguard and make easy kills
  16. info play refers to a strategy that involves gathering information about the enemy positions without the intent to engage
  17. bhop or bunny hop means skilled movements for quickly moving over the map
  18. crabwalk means moving around in crouch more usually equiped with a knife or pistol
  19. cyka blyat is a joke insult coming from the Russian for «bitch»
  20. dry peek means an agreement between players not to use the flashbang
  21. IGL means in-game leader and is the player that makes the strategy for the team
  22. KQLY means a kill made while jumping. This comes from the CSGO player Hovik «KQLY» Tovmassian that made use of this jumpshot kill.
  23. Kobe means a kill made by throwing an HE grenade from a distance
  24. Molly means an incendiary grenade or Molotov cocktail
  25. Ninja defuse refers to defusing the bomb and taking the enemy team totally by surprise
  26. smurf is a very skilled player that plays under a different username with players much less skilled than himself
  27. runboost refers to a technique in which one players gets on top of the other and while both of them walk in sync, the top player jumps getting an extra height boost
  28. edgebug refers to a bug in the game that allows surviving a high fall by brushing the edge of a wall for example
  29. pixelwalk refers to exploiting a bug by walking on an invisible edge in the map
  30. pugs (pick up games) CSGO games where players can join or leave when they want
  31. scrims CSGO games played by 2 teams for fun or training
  32. dualis CSGO refer to the dual Berettas pistols in the game
  33. one deag means making a headshot kill on the first bullet shot with a Desert Eagle pistol

CS:GO name tag is a name that you can assign to weapons in your inventory. A Name Tag permits a player to rename one weapon skin they currently own (including stock weapons).

CSGO Name Tags

CSGO players love to give funny names to their weapons. Here are some funny CSGO names for your weapons:

CSGO Knife Name Tags

  1. u wot m9
  3. I scammed this too LOL xD
  4. The circumciser
  5. odd looking dildo
  6. I pay for pixels
  7. Can opener
  8. Used Buttplugs
  9. Bayonnaise
  10. stfu, I’m clutching
  11. #cut4beiber
  12. i gut this guys

CSGO AWP Sniper Skin Name Tags


  1. The Annoying Orange
  3. Awptimus Prime
  4. RedTube
  5. The JFK experience
  6. drop it like it’s AWP
  8. LongDistRelationship
  9. Peek-A-BOOM
  10. I AWPologize
  11. Magic stick
  12. give it back
  13. Dat Ass-iimov
  15. Wallbanger
  16. Vaseline
  17. Rektline
  18. One year of salary
  19. i bought this drunk

CSGO AK-47 Skin Name Tags

CSGO AK47 Skins

  1. African American AK
  2. Doge-47
  3. Free Haircuts
  4. AK Cock Hardened
  5. Trigger is real
  6. Signed by ISIS
  7. Swagline

CSGO M4A4 / M4A1-S Name Tags

CSGO M4A4 Skins

  1. Miley Cyrex
  2. M4 cry.exe
  3. A.W.E.S.O.M-O 4000
  4. eat my ass-iimov
  5. and he can’t get up
  6. u wot m4
  7. Population Control
  8. 94 in 1

CSGO Steyr AUG Name Tags

  1. ( @)’-,Chameleon
  2. The Weeaboo Cannon
  3. 5/2/14 Never Forget

CSGO P90 Name Tags

  1. Illuminati confirmed
  2. Foreskin
  3. Autism Blaster

CSGO Galil Rifle Name Tags

  1. Darude
  2. Couldn’t Afford AK
  3. Darude – Sandstorm

CSGO Desert Eagle Pistol Name Tags

  1. 9/11
  2. Juan
  3. She wants the D
  4. The Mudder Fucker
  5. i rate it 9/11
  6. Air Force Juan

Other/Misc CSGO Skin Name Tags

  1. Negever gonna give you up
  2. Don’t be Negetiv
  3. Schwarzeneggev
  4. Morning Wood (P90 Shapewood)
  5. Avatar Ab Workout (MAG-7 Cobalt)
  6. COD Game Mode (USP-S Kill Confirmed)
  7. My Kid’s Lunchbox (M249 Nebula Crusader)
  8. I Don’t Give a Flux (G3SG1 Flux)
  9. What the Flux (G3SG1 Flux)
  10. Very Special Deli (MP7 Special Delivery)
  11. Voted Off the Island (Famas Survivor Z)
  12. Frontside Fisty (AK-47 Fronside Misty)
  13. Frontside Kiss Me (AK-47 Fronside Misty)
  14. Frontside Misty Fist (AK-47 Fronside Misty)
  15. Alien Acne (SCAR-20 Outbreak)
  16. The Punisher (Sawed-off Yorick)
  17. Cumsot (P250 Wingshot)
  18. Scumbag (XM1014 Scumbria)
  19. AssInLove (M4A4 Asiimov)
  20. TheOctoPussy (Sawed-off Kraken)
  21. RedWineAndDine (AWP RedLine)
  22. Kamikaze (Five-SeveN Kami)
  23. Nigerian Chalkboard (AK-47 Wasteland Rebel)
  24. Cariac Heart Attack (SCAR-20 Cardiac)
  25. Runescape Memories (Sawed-off Highwayman)
  26. Sgt. AveryJohnson (FAMAS Sergeant)
  27. Let Trigons be Bygones (P90 Trigon)
  28. HellsDefender (MAG7 Heaven Guard)
  29. HeavenSender (MAG7 Heaven Guard)
  30. Bi-Cyrexual (M4A1-S Cyrex)
  31. IjustCameMAN (USP-S Caiman)
  32. Discolored Yeast (AWP Hyper Beast)
  33. Color Yeast (AWP Hyper Beast)

CSGO C4 Explosive Name Tags

  1. C4 | BOOM
  2. La Bomba
  3. Allahu Akbar
  4. AFK
  5. It’s just a prank bro!
  6. Plant me!!!
  7. James Bomb
  8. No Ninja Pls
  9. Don’t Be a Loser, Buy a Defuser!
  10. Ghetto Blaster
  11. Save Dude!
  12. Waldo
  13. 72 virgins
  14. 2 kilo pure democracy
  15. It’s just a clock!!!
  16. Press F10 to Defuse
  17. Tsar Bomba
  18. Remember: 7355608
  19. C4KE
  20. ISIS Funpack
  21. Lord GabeN
  22. The Mysterious Ticking Noise
  23. It’s not a bomb
  24. AIDS (because nobody want’s it)
  25. Last is AFK
  26. Press ‘E’ to Self-Destruct
  27. iPhone 6
  28. Made in China
  29. calculator

A weapon’s name tag is limited to 20 characters and here are the characters that you can use:

A-Z, a-z, 0-9, `[email protected]#$%^&*-+=(){}[]/,.?:;'_

But what if you want to write CSGO with special characters like star symbols (★✰⋆), heart symbols (❥ ❣ ♡) or other similar (◍•ᴗ•◍)?

If you try to copy/paste special symbols or names into a CS GO name tag you will get an error saying:

The name you chose is not valid. Try another name
CSGO Name Tag Symbols Error

So, for example a name tag with cyrillic alphabet letters or German/Sweedish/Dutch characters will not work directly. Same thing for special symbols.So, can we go around this error?


Special characters are part of the UNICODE character set and you can go around the error above by putting in the UNICODE character code of these characters.

For example you can input a CSGO name tag symobol like ☢ by writing ☢. Here’s a CSGO name tag generator with symbols and below an extensive list of CSGO name tag symbols you can use:

CSGO Name Tag Generator with Symbols, Smileys & Special Characters

How to use this CSGO Name Tag Generator:

  1. Choose/create a name tag containing symbols. You can use any symbol from this text symbol or emoji.
  2. Put the name tag in the input field
  3. Copy the name tag with the character codes from the output field
  4. Paste the name tag with symbols in CSGO

Name Tag With Symbols (input)

Name Tag With Symbol Character Codes (output)

Symbol Code
© ©
° °
˚ ˚
® ®

In Conclusion

I hope that this article helped you find the best CSGO nickname for you. Pleass drop me a comment if you have any suggestions for other cool CSGO nicknames or usernames ideas.

Don’t forget to check other articles on this site like the Fortnite Nicknames Ideas.

Here we have compiled a full list of words you would hear Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. New players may not understand what others are saying and it may be vital information on how to win the match. Most people pick up on the common terminology over time but there is no rule saying that you can learn it early on.

Over time you may even forget what some of them mean or have never heard of it before, you can always refer back to this page to look up what the word someone said means.

Word Meaning
1g Killing yourself by accident with your very own molotov at the end of a match making your team lose. Just as Summit1g did it in a professional match at DreamHack 2016.
ADS Aiming Down Sight, looking down the scope of your weapon.
Aimbot A hack that aims at an enemy player for you.
Aimpunch The aim movement on a character when they are hit with a bullet when they have no armor.
Auto Shotty Nickname for the automatic XM 1014 Shotgun.
Auto Sniper Nickname for both the G3SG1 and Scar-20.
Bait Using you or someone else to get the attention of an enemy player, OR making players come to you on purpose while using your location to your advantage.
Boost Letting a player stand on your head, usually to give them a better angle higher up.
Boosting Carrying a player or team so they rank up in competitive matches.
Buffed When something has been made better by a game update making it better if you take advantage of it.
Burst Fire Shooting bullets in lots of around 3 bullets each time.
Carrying Being the most valued player on the mean by making them win without their help.
Choking Failing under pressure.
Clutch When a person is the last player left on their team and he wins the round. Usually with multiple enemies still alive.
Collateral Killing two or more players with a single shot or bullet.
Deagle A Desert Eagle.
Dinked A bullet hit to the head.
Dualies Nickname for the Dual Berettas.
Eco Saving money by making little to no purchases to boost the team’s economy for future rounds.
Entry Frag When a team is attempting to take over a location and gets the first kill.
Flashbang Another name for a flash grenade.
Force Buy A team strategy to purchase weapons even if one or more players are poor.
Jump Throw An action of jumping and throwing a grenade.
Lag A delay. Usually in reference to the server not receiving communication to and from your computer via the internet.
Lit Taken heavy damage, usually leaving a player under 10 health.
Molly A nickname for the Molotov and Incendiary Grenade.
Nade Stack Multiple players through HE grenades at a single spot to kill any enemies in that area.
Nerfed When something has been made worse due to an update that gives a disadvantage if you use it.
No-scope Shooting a weapon with a scope without looking into it.
Noob New player.
One Deag Killing a player with one hit to the head with a Desert Eagle.
One-Shot A kill on the enemy with one bullet to the head.
Pick Coming out from an angle and killing one enemy player.
Peek Coming out of an angle to see another area of the map. Usually to check for enemy coming.
Pop Flash A flash grenade that explodes before the enemy has a chance to look away.
Pre-aim Having your crosshair at a location enemy players be. Usually on the corner that an enemy player will peek.
Pre-fire Shotting at a spot as soon as you turn a corner or through smoke without knowing if an enemy player will be there.
Pro Short term for Professional.
Quickscope Scoping in and shooting instantly without using your scope to aim.
Retake Taking a position after it’s been lost to the enemy team.
Rotate Moving from one object to another on a map.
Save An attempt to hide and save the weapon by not dying to enemy players when a player believes they will die in an engagement.
Scout The SSG 08 Sniper Rifle.
Scrim A practice competitive match between two teams.
Shoulder Peek Similar to strafing, but exposing your shoulder quickly around a corner to make the enemy shoot at you and miss.
Smurf A person using a secondary account that has a lower competitive rank for easier games.
Spamming Shooting non-stop, very inaccurate.
Spinbot A cheat used commonly in Counter-Strike: Source that spins the player around consistently making it hard for them to be hit.
Split Push Attempting to take a location on the map from multiple angles with your team.
Stack Having the majority of players on a team at the same location on the map.
Straffing Moving left and right consistantly making it harder for enemy players to hit you.
Swing Moving further out when you move to see another part of the map. Used to throw off people who pre-aim corner.
Tagged When a player or enemy has taken a small amount of damage.
Toggling Turning on hacks.
Triggerbot A cheat that shoots your weapon as soon as an enemy player is in your crosshair.
Utility Items that are not primary or secondary weapons such as grenades and the zeus.
Wallbang Hitting someone with a bullet through a wall.

You may also come across these abbreviations while playing. Someone may say them using their microphone or type it in the chat box. They are usually said at the beginning, middle or end of a match unless someone gets a good kill.

Abbreviation Meaning
AFK Away from keyboard
BL Bad luck
Comp Competitive
DEF Defend or defuse kit
DM Deathmatch
GG Good game
GH Good half
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
HF Have fun
HP Health points
KD Kill death ratio
KDA Kill death assist ratio
MM Matchmaking
MVP Most valued player
N1 Nice one
NA North America
NS Nice shot
OP Overpowered
OT Overtime
PUG Pick up game
TK Team kill
VAC Valve anti-cheat
WP Well played

That’s all the information you need and you’re more than welcome to come back and review it, especially if something is said in your game that you don’t understand.

Since you made it all the way to the bottom of this post, why not check out the list of CS:GO trading websites. It has a full list of the currently working trading websites so you don’t get scammed. Also, if you’re looking for some new gear to go with your new CS:GO game. Check out our Recommended Gear page. It has a variety of stuff I would recommend to anyone.

В этом разделе вы можете подобрать никнейм для CS 1.6, CSS и CS:GO. Наша база состоит из более чем 1500 ников, которые имеют как серьезное, так и развлекательное название. Игровой ник в КС обязателен, так как благодаря ему вас будут узнавать на серверах. После выбора ника достаточно кликнуть на него, и он будет скопирован.






︻デ═一 ☭ sniper

ⒶaŴÞ ︻デ═一 -™


₡҈Ⱥ҈М҈ П҈Ǿ ₡҈ɆБɆ

Bloody Revenge (кровавая месть)


Death in the eyes (смерть в твоих глазах)










๏̯͡๏ ︻デ═一 —



6a6ka B Hau`KoBCKuX KeDaX:D




..::[FPS]>Zloy-Heat-Shot 347


Ripper (Потрошитель)

TBo9 cMepTb

.pooH pooH.heaD«|aim?


Реакция Мангуста

Blood warrior (кровавый воин)




soldier (солдат)


-[aWp maN1aK]








st[1]mx ?!








——= S.E.N.A.T.O.R =——










HaPPy HeAdShOt






?by Pan[I]ca#.Skill…




Head$hot —>




MaJIeHbkuu` SnipeR



ร ק ค г т ค ς υ ร





















so nice#__dk?

Русский Чистильщик




П_У_Л_И От Д_Е_Д_У_Л_И














VIP Sex Energy VIP















king of arms (царь оружия)








-= FOX =-



Червь Алёша

















8=====[Hedshot beath]==D




Made in СССР





ßìøøďŷ {Ș.Ǹ.Ȉ.P.Ȅ.Ř}






y6uBaH keHo6u




Спуди Мун

A Happy [P]laye[r]



marksman (Меткий стрелок)





SpeedY*( SOoLo!!!

Парень из Getto






9l Tebe He Pikachu



58):D — The [Best]olo4b))





_Crazy Gamer_








>>Kolyan 17

?what the fuck.# (•??)






LomaL cTek/|o_O




Агрессивный карбюратор



BryHid3e.!!! ^_^ !!!











I ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ❤ΛuMoHaД

maN1aK x_O

















I must teach you???







(MeGa Deagle)






NeOn _DONI_ _ Mr.Dag_Marihuan4ik
















GooD FraG))



Counter-Strike has a steep learning curve and getting to grips with the terminology can be a tremendous factor in how well you adapt to the game.

When you pick up CS:GO for the first time, new words and phrases will become quickly apparent. On top of all the many callouts, you’ll have to learn the terminology used in voice chat.

Have you ever tried explaining a complex TV series, movie, or concept to someone with no prior knowledge of the subject? It’s not easy. Learning the language of CS:GO is similarly difficult to grasp.

Here’s a guide to almost all the slang used within the world of CS:GO. The words, their meanings, and their origins are included in this alphabetic dictionary.


  • 1g: where a player accidentally kills themselves with an incendiary grenade or Molotov. Jaryd “summit1g” Lazar did exactly that at DreamHack Austin in 2016, losing his team the game.
  • AC (Anti-cheat): a program used to detect cheating
  • Ace: when a player kills all five enemies in a single round
  • ADR (average damage per round): a value that displays how many points of damage a player dealt in a single round
  • Aimbot: a cheating program that allows players to automatically shoot at enemies without manually aiming themselves
  • Aimpunch: when a player’s screen shakes from side to side because of their lack of armor
  • Anchor: a player who holds a bomb site on defense on the edges of the map
  • Anti-eco: a situation where a team with rifles must win the round against another team who has pistols
  • Anti-flash: when a player looks at a wall to avoid the effects of a flashbang, usually used against attacking terrorists
  • Anti-strat: a situation where a team knows the strategy of another, and they predict what their opponent will do
  • Auto: a semi-automatic shotgun (XM-1014) or sniper (SCAR-20/GSG9)


  • Bait: a player using their teammate to lure an enemy into an unfavorable situation
  • Bhop (bunny hop): a skilled movement that allows players to traverse the map quicker than normal
  • Boost: when a player allows their teammate to move into an elevated position by crouching and letting them jump on their head


  • Crabwalk: a movement where a player crouches and moves around the map with a pistol or knife.
  • CT (Counter-Terrorist): the defending team on a bomb defusal or hostage map
  • Clutch: a situation where a lone player wins the round when they’re sorely outnumbered
  • Crossfire: a situation where players look at the same entrance into a defending bomb site
  • Comp: a 30-round competitive game typically played in Matchmaking
  • Counter-boost: when a player is boosted into a position that’s common for an enemy team to use
  • Counter-strafe: an instance where a linear movement is stopped by pressing the opposite key (e.g. A and D, W and S). This is used to set a player’s velocity to zero for the most accurate aim possible
  • Cyka blyat: a Russian insult (“whore bitch”) commonly said as a joke


  • Default: a standard strategy used by a team at the start of a round
  • Demo: a replay video of a previous match
  • Dink: a headshot that may or may not kill a player
  • DM (deathmatch): a free-for-all game mode commonly used in a warm-up routine
  • Drop: a player gives their teammate a weapon
  • Dry-peek: a situation when a player aggresses another without the use of a flash


  • Eco: a round that involves a team collectively saving their money because they have insufficient funds for more powerful weapons
  • Eco-frag: a player gets a kill with a pistol against a better-equipped player
  • Economy: the system of buying weapons for both offensive and defensive sides
  • Entry-frag: a player gets a kill while entering the bomb site on offense
  • EPL (ESL Pro League): an international CS:GO league hosted by tournament organizer ESL
  • Exec: a team clears out the site on offense with the use of grenades and coordinated pushes
  • Exit-frag: a kill attained by a Counter-Terrorist on a Terrorist when they leave the bomb site after the bomb explodes, mainly done to hurt the enemy team’s economy
  • EZ (easy): a term used to describe a situation or team as easy, commonly used in an unsportsmanlike manner


  • Fake: an act of deception against an enemy player or team to increase their chances of winning
  • Flash: a blinding flashbang grenade
  • Flick: a player quickly aims towards a target and kills them, usually performed with an AWP sniper rifle
  • Force (buy): a player or team buys weapons even when their money is low because a round win is essential to winning the game or gaining momentum
  • FPL (FACEIT Pro League): a region-based CS:GO league where professional players practice in matchmade games on FACEIT’s third-party platform
  • Frag (top/bottom): a player who is either performing the best or the worst in the kill column on their team
  • Full save: a round where a team must not spend any money whatsoever because of their low funds


  • Gamble stack: a defending team sends more players to a specific bomb site than what is normal, despite the chances that the attackers go to the other bomb site
  • GG (good game): a gesture of sportsmanship typed into chat after a game
  • Glass cannon: a player wields the AWP sniper rifle without kevlar
  • GLHF (good luck have fun): a gesture of sportsmanship typed into chat before a competitive game starts
  • Grief: an act that involves a player intentionally losing the game either to purposely lower their rank or to troll other players


  • Hand cannon: a player wielding the Desert Eagle pistol
  • HF (have fun): a gesture of sportsmanship similar to GLHF
  • HS (%): a percentage of a player’s headshot kills compared to kills without headshots


  • IGL (in-game leader): a player that creates strategies for their team before or during a round
  • IBP (iBuyPower): a computer manufacturer who previously sponsored the infamous North American team that was banned from Valve Majors for match-fixing. That team consisted of AZK, Skadoodle, swag, DaZeD, and steel.


  • Jiggle peek: a movement performed by quickly pressing ADAD close to a wall to bait out a shot from a player holding an angle of the map
  • Juan Deag (One Deag): an enemy is killed in one shot, usually a headshot, by the Desert Eagle pistol
  • Jump throw: a set grenade is thrown by aiming at a spot on the map and jumping


  • KQLY: a player kills another while jumping. It was also made notorious by VAC-banned French star Hovik “KQLY” Tovmassian on Dust II’s A bombsite because his infamous play was performed there
  • Kobe: a kill attained by throwing an HE grenade, usually from a distance
  • KZ: a game mode used in community servers to help players practice their movement


  • Legged: an AWPer deals 87 damage to a person’s leg instead of another part of the body
  • Lit: a term used with a number to call out how much damage a player has lost (e.g. Lit 95; 100 – 95 = 5 HP)
  • Lurk: a player whose role is to silently traverse the map in a way that can catch the enemy team off guard at the right time


  • MM (Matchmaking): an abbreviation for competitive Matchmaking on Valve servers
  • Molly: an incendiary grenade or molotov cocktail


  • NA (North America): an adjective for something that is sub-par; made popular by the “North American Counter-Strike” (NA CS) meme where NA players are generally considered worse than European players
  • Nade stack: a group of players throws multiple HE grenades into an area
  • Net graph: a setting displayed with the developer console command “net_graph 1” that shows your own ping, frames per second (FPS), tickrate, packet loss, and choke
  • Ninja defuse: a player performs a bomb defusal successfully while another team is unaware
  • NS (nice shot): a gesture of sportsmanship used to commend a teammate or enemy for killing another player with skilled aim
  • NT (nice try): a phrase used to encourage a teammate after a situation that was lost
  • N1 (nice one): a phrase, sometimes used sarcastically, to commend a player or team’s decision-making during a play


  • One Tap: a kill that is attained by shooting a player once in the head, typically done with the AK-47 or Desert Eagle
  • One Way: a well-positioned smoke that allows players to see through it while the enemy cannot


  • Peek: a movement used to look into a choke point
  • Play for picks: a tactic performed on either offense or defense that is meant for a team to play passive, safe, and loose, while also trying to kill the enemy team
  • Playing off contact: a player hides/stays hidden and waits for their teammate to make first contact with the enemy team before finally making themselves known to the enemy team
  • Pop-flash: an instance where a player throws a flashbang well enough to fully blind an enemy, preventing that enemy from reacting so that they look away in time
  • Pre-aim: a player preemptively puts their crosshair at an angle before peeking, anticipating an enemy to be within their crosshair when they peek
  • Pre-fire: a player predicts a player to be in a position and fires their weapon the instant they peek
  • PUG (pick-up game): a matchmade game performed on a third-party server such as ESEA or FACEIT


  • Quasi-buy: a type of buy where a team has a variety of weapons, like a rifle, SMG, and/or pistol, and they can still buy the next round based on their money
  • Queue: a player waits for a matchmade game to be found. The act of finding a matchmaking game with other players


  • Rage hack: a player who begins cheating during the game in response to them losing the round
  • Reset: a team wins a round after the enemy team won a round, effectively putting the enemy’s money in ruins by resetting their round loss bonus and forcing them to save money for the next round or two
  • R-dub (RWS): a value on the ESEA third-party service that shows a player’s contribution to their team’s overall success
  • Rotate: a player moves from one bomb site to another
  • Rush: a player or team moves into a bomb site on offense immediately at the start of the round to catch the other team off guard


  • Save: a player intentionally hides from the enemy team to preserve a weapon for the next round when they know the round is already lost
  • Script: a line of code that goes directly into a player’s game configuration (auto exec). Also used to describe players who are aided by cheats (e.g. bunny hopping)
  • Smurf: a skilled player uses an alternate account to play with others less skilled in lower ranks
  • Spinbot: a cheater whose player model spins relentlessly so that they cannot be killed as easily
  • Strafe: a linear movement done by holding a single key (e.g. W)
  • Strat: a shortened term for strategy
  • Support: a player whose role within a team is to hold bomb sites for the majority of a round and to throw assisting grenades, such as a flashbang, for better chances of winning
  • Swag7: another term for the MAG-7 defensive shotgun


  • T (Terrorist): the offensive team on a bomb defusal or hostage map
  • Tagged: a word used to describe a player whose health is low (e.g. a SSG-08 sniper body shot), similar to “Lit”F
  • Tilt: a player becomes angry at the outcome of a round or game and performs poorly because of it
  • TK (team-kill): a player kills their teammate, usually by accident
  • Throw: a player intentionally loses the round or game, similar to “Grief”
  • TO (tournament organizer): a company that runs CS:GO tournaments (e.g. ESL or DreamHack)
  • Toggle: a player shows signs of cheating inconsistently throughout a game like the flick of a switch


  • Utility: an umbrella term used to describe how many grenades, kevlar/helmets, and/or defuse kits a team or player has


  • VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat): the official program created by game creator Valve that detects and bans cheaters on Valve servers
  • Volvo: a nickname for game developer Valve


  • Walling: a player who can see their opponents through walls with the help of a cheat program
  • Whiff: a player misses a shot
  • Wide-peek: an instance where a player strafes around a corner/angle with a slightly greater distance than usual while closer to the wall
  • WP (well played): a gesture of sportsmanship used to commend a teammate or enemy for a good play


  • Xhair: a shortened term for crosshair
  • X-ray: the ability to see through walls while watching a previous game demo; done by enabling the developer console command “spec_show_xray 1”


  • Yprac: a website that creates helpful practice maps for honing a specific skill (e.g. prefire practice)


  • Zeus’ed: a player is killed by the Zeus x27 taser

Counter Strike: Global Offensive – популярная онлайн-игра. Сначала это была обычная компьютерная стрелялка, которая переросла в онлайн сражения с другими игроками. Позже популярность выросла до уровня проведения турниров. Геймеры, соревнующиеся в онлайне, задумываются о карьере профессиональных игроков, по примеру членов известных киберспортивных клубов. 

Использование своих имен и фамилий в CS:GO, как и в других киберспортивных играх, не практикуется. Это долго, не всегда уникально или трудно запоминается русскоговорящими и иностранными игроками. Поэтому игроки придумывают себе ники для CS:GO. Они должны быть запоминающимися, по желанию отражать характер игрока, соответствовать правилам. Можно составить для себя ТОП список ников в CS:GO, которые нравятся, и выбрать один-единственный.

Правила подбора ников CS:GO

Ники для CS:GO на английском, китайском или русском языке должны быть звучными, легко произноситься, не нарушать писаные и неписаные правила киберспортивного сообщества.

  • Злоупотребление CAPS не одобряется.
  • Нельзя копировать никнеймы для CS:GO других игроков. Как минимум, это не тактично. Как максимум, геймеров будут путать.
  • Длинный ник сложен в произношении. Оптимальный размер – до 7 символов.
  • Использование разных шрифтов в никах CS:GO не дозволяется.
  • Ник должен одинаково хорошо читаться на русском и английском языках.
  • Нельзя использовать название оружия.
  • Ник не должен содержать угрозу по религиозным или половым признакам.
  • Дополнения по типу xXx, XXXL и подобные им лучше не использовать.

Кроме того, не стоит вписывать в никнеймы CS:GO название половых органов или нецензурную брань. Возможно, кому-то это покажется смешным, если любите черный юмор. Но выглядит такой ник нелепо и вряд ли будет воспринят серьезно соперниками или будущим работодателем.

Имена для CS:GO выбрать можно на различных сайтах. Однако не исключено, что кто-то уже раньше его присмотрел и начал использовать. Поэтому единственный шанс получить уникальный ник — придумать его самому. А за основу взять уже существующие ТОП никнеймы и изменить их.

Понятно, что уровень игры геймера важнее, чем ник. Но изначально необходимо о себе заявить. Так почему бы не сделать это при помощи крутых ников?

Подбор никнеймов в CS:GO для парней — популярный запрос, поскольку мужских команд в Counter Strike очень много. Интересные, уникальные, крутые ники, казалось бы, разобрали. Но, заметьте, про-игроки сначала выбрали или придумали их себе, а потом сделали их знаменитыми. 

Например, ник из двух букв JW выбрал себе участник команды Fnatic, взяв только первые буквы имени и фамилии. Игрок из MIBR также не был оригинальным, для никнейма он оставил всего три буквы от своего настоящего имени — Fer. Тем не менее, геймеры сделали себе приличную карьеру в CS:GO. 

Вот примеры ТОП 10 ников для CS:GO на русском, английском или китайском языке.

Ники для пацанов

Самые топовые ники CS:GO могут быть такими:

  • Tractor
  • FasTIK
  • Боцман
  • Арадор
  • Фатародор
  • Пау4ок
  • БондЖуан
  • Βøśś
  • зеРРо
  • Коmар

На их основе можно создать свой, добавив к нику свои инициалы.

Ники для пацанов на английском

Крутые ники для CS:GO на английском языке просто произносятся и легко запоминаются.

  • Dipper
  • Lucky
  • Jentelmen
  • Diamond
  • Bunny
  • Tailer
  • _fly_
  • JustFun
  • NameLess
  • IceOne

Минимальное знание английского языка, и с пониманием значения ника для КС ГО на английском языке проблем не будет.

Ники для пацанов на китайском, японском

Крутые имена CS:GO можно писать и иероглифами

  • 野生のクマ (дикий_медведь)
  • ドラゴン (дракон)
  • 幸運な (счастливчик)
  • 無敵 (непобедимый)
  • 复仇者 (мститель)

Сложность в том, что понимать значение ника для КС ГО будут только игроки, знающие японский или китайский. Рекомендуем проверить их заранее. Возможно, геймеры уже их используют.

Прикольные ники для CS:GO

Крутые никнеймы могут быть с частичкой юмора. Это легкая ирония, пародия на какое-то название, разбавление слова символами, нетривиальная транслитерация.

Хорошо продуманный вариант ника CS:GO — шанс, что он примелькается, станет узнаваемым. А при хорошей игре его начнут узнавать геймеры, менеджеры других клубов, спонсоры и почитатели.

Прикольные ники

Данные ники для CS:GO на русском языке могут быть уже заняты, но можно использовать их для создания своего уникального никнейма.

  • *З*а*я*ц*
  • -PoZiTiVcHiK-
  • Cyxaruk
  • Б@Б@Й
  • Zло
  • KoT_БоPuS
  • Βолченоk
  • M@₦€₮ȆȐ
  • KrYsHuTeL
  • TpaByIIIKa

В таких никах есть нюанс — сложная транслитерация на английский язык и произношение.

Прикольные ники на английском

К английским никнеймам также можно добавлять символы и дополнительные буквы. Так, некоторые игроки берут ТОП ники для CS:GO на английском и видоизменяют их.

  • X_Ninja_Z
  • r@in_S
  • el!ge
  • Edvv@rd
  • T@ZZ
  • Sold1er
  • ♔Lucky♔
  • Killer_pro
  • Po$itiff
  • Marroko

Но не стоит злоупотреблять символами, иначе самый крутой ник в CS:GO станет нечитабельным.

Прикольные ники на китайском и японском

Несколько топовых ников для CS:GO для любителей иероглифов.

  • ***叔叔杀手*** (дядя_киллер)
  • ☠出逢いの死☠ (всадник_смерти)
  • $お金$ (деньги)
  • ≈闪电≈ (молния)

Для русскоязычной когорты игроков любое имя, написанное на японском или китайском языках, будет топовым ником для CS:GO.

Смешные ники для CS:GO

Ники для CS:GO, которые вызывают улыбку и хорошие эмоции, тоже привлекают внимание. Здесь важно достичь золотой середины, чтобы не перейти грань и не показаться смешным. Иногда ник вроде понятный и даже смешной, но смотрится несуразно. Относиться всерьез к такому сопернику другие геймеры вряд ли будут. Примеры таких ников: Помыла_Андерсон или Шаурма_Мяукает.

Смешные никнеймы на русском языке

Пример самых топовых ников в CS:GO, которые можно отнести к смешным.

  • Сытый_Тролль
  • Кошерный_Доктор
  • Агрессор_Доброты
  • Тебе_Конец
  • Гусь_Великий_Воин
  • Пьяный_Дровосек
  • Вежливый_Снайпер
  • Ёптель_Моптель
  • Мировой_Пельмень
  • Агрессивное_Дно

Хорошо продумайте свой никнейм. Захотите ли использовать его в будущем в качестве профессионального ника, если карьера геймера пойдет вверх?

Смешные ники на английском

На английском языке также можно придумать смешной ник.

  • Mom’s_Boy
  • Bond_just_Bond
  • Hello_People
  • Stupid_Nick
  • Pig_Tail
  • Real_un_Real
  • Dream_Smoke
  • DuberMan
  • YouMotherNoob
  • BigPig

Необходимо обладать знаниями английского выше среднего, чтобы юмор был понятен большому количеству игроков и форумчан.

Смешные ники на китайском, японском

Азиаты трепетно относятся к своей культуре, поэтому некоторые псевдонимы могут показаться им оскорбительными, но не смешными. Тем не менее, можно попробовать использовать следующие ники. Возможно, они окажутся лучшими никами, написанными иероглифами.

  • ヤクザ・イン・ザ・サービス (якудза_на_работе)
  • 芸者さん退任 (гейша_на_пенсии)
  • 小さな寿司 (крохотные_суши)
  • スティックキーパー (хранитель_палочек)
  • 一公斤米 (килограмм_риса)
  • スキニー相撲 (тощий_сумоист)

Любое другое сочетание можно перевести через онлайн переводчик.

Никнеймы для девушек

Женских коллективов мало по сравнению с количеством мужских. Но девушки геймеры также играют в CS:GO и часто преуспевают в этом. Какой никнейм выбрать для девушек? Учитывая, что их геймеры-парни не всегда воспринимают девушек всерьез, называться Мармеладкой, Розовым облачком или Няняшкой не стоит. Да, это оригинально, но слащаво и предсказуемо.

Никнеймы для девушек

Самые топовые ники в CS:GO для девушек — оригинальные, но не приторные.

  • Запах_Ночи
  • Ф@н@тк@
  • Плюша
  • Фея_Крестная
  • No_Истеричка
  • Малиновая_Леди
  • Малинка
  • Живу_в_Раю
  • Оч@ров@Шк@
  • Доза_Счастья

Неплохой выбор, не так ли?

Для девушек на английском

Иметь в запасе список ников на английском языке полезно.

  • Milky_Way
  • Your_Dest1ny
  • Teddy_Marry
  • Bloody_Girl
  • Mother_of_Gragons
  • Wife_of_Dracula
  • Clarine
  • Snow_Queen
  • Wings_of_ButtelFly
  • Queen_Priya

Не исключено, что талантливых девушек геймеров заметят на международной арене.

Для девушек на китайском или японском

Несколько интересных ников CS:GO в виде иероглифов для девушек геймеров.

  • 一滴露水 (капля_росы)
  • 美丽的_孩子 (дитя_красоты)
  • 开花树枝 (цветущая_веточка)
  • マーメイド (русалка)
  • 夏天的雨 (летний_дождь)
  • 弹簧 (весна)

Опять-таки, их поймут преимущественно игроки из Азии.

Имена киберспортсменов в CS:GO

Запрет на копирование ников ютуберов в КС ГО и профессиональных геймеров в CS:GO входит в список правил, согласно которым вводятся новые имена. Но их можно взять в качестве отправной точки, оценив лаконичность, отсутствие лишних символов и смайлов.

Некоторые ники максимально просты, но скиллы их носителей заслуживают уважение.

  • Device из Astralis
  • TACO из MIBR
  • Fer из MIBR
  • Coldzera из FaZe Clan
  • Karrigan из mousesports
  • Gla1ve из Astralis
  • JW из Fnatic
  • GuardiaN из FaZe Clan
  • Zeus из Gambit Gaming
  • NAF из Team Liquid

Значки для никнеймов в CS:GO

Когда не получается придумать уникальный, эффектный ник, а переиначить существующий без потери смысла или «крутости» не получается, поможет добавление символов. В программе Microsoft Word есть раздел в редактировании — Символ. В нем можно выбрать любые значки.

Как правильно выбрать ники CSGO

И на клавиатуре можно замещать буквы:

  • @ вместо а
  • 1 вместо i
  • $ вместо s
  • k вместо к
  • m вместо м и пр

Ими можно разбавить никнейм, добавить перед словом или после него, заменить некоторые буквы в игровом имени. Важно не переборщить, поскольку сам никнейм важнее всяческих дополнений.

Топовые ники для CS:GO

Профессиональные геймеры давно играют в Counter Strike, они выбрали для себя никнеймы. Популярные ники уже заняты. Кроме того, зарегистрировать и использовать их нельзя. Игровые псевдонимы команд чемпионов на слуху у опытных игроков.


Общий список ТОП ников в CS:GO:

  • dupreeh из Astralis
  • Xyp9x из Astralis
  • device из Astralis
  • gla1ve из Astralis
  • Magisk из Astralis
  • TACO из MIBR
  • fer из MIBR
  • FalleN из MIBR
  • coldzera из FaZe Clan
  • karrigan из Mousesports

Эти игроки добились солидного успеха и заработали деньги благодаря своим скиллам.

На английском языке

  • JW из Fnatic
  • Neo из Virtus Pro
  • device из Astralis
  • flamie из Natus Vincere
  • EliGe из Team Liquid

На китайском, японском языках

  • 有人 (Somebody) из TyLoo
  • 夏天 (Summer) из TyLoo
  • 野蛮人 (Savage) из CyberZen
  • 爱 (LOVEYY) из Wings Gaming
  • 攻击者 (Attacker) из TyLoo
  • 设计师 (Dsiner или DD) из TyLoo

Ники CS:GO лучше выбирать в английском, то есть международном варианте. Русские ники или китайские, японские, корейские более распространены на региональном уровне. Выше приведены различные группы ников — от топовых до смешных. Какой из них выбрать, решать вам. Однако стоит учитывать, что любитель мечтает стать профессионалом.

Поэтому краткий, но емкий ник лучше, чем, например, the_fuck или cиcечкi. Выбирайте ник таким образом, чтобы впоследствии не пришлось его менять, а почитателям привыкать к новому никнейму любимого геймера. Хороший вариант — производная от имени и фамилии, если они созвучны.

Заглавное фото: wallpaperaccess.com

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