Word for contradicting statement

Table of Contents

  1. What is a sentence with the word contradict?
  2. What is an example of contradiction?
  3. How do you use contradictory?
  4. What are two contradictory statements called?
  5. What is a true statement called?
  6. Can two contradictory statements be true?
  7. What is another word for contradictory?
  8. What is a contradictory person?
  9. How do you describe contradictory?
  10. Is Miner and minor similar or contradictory?
  11. Is Miner and minor the same?
  12. What is the difference between similar and contradictory?
  13. Do adopt and adapt have __ __ meanings?
  14. Are perceive and discern similar?
  15. Are excel and exceed similar or contradictory?
  16. What exceed means?
  17. What is another word for succeed?
  18. What’s another word for outstanding?
  19. What do you call a outstanding person?
  20. What is another word for outstanding actions?
  21. Is outstanding better than excellent?
  22. What is a better word than awesome?
  23. What does outstanding mean?
  24. What are the two excellent words?
  25. What is slang excellent?
  26. How do you say good in slang?


What is a sentence with the word contradict?

Contradict sentence example. No one dared to contradict him, so he brought in anyone he knew. You should not contradict what a previous referee has said. But if these other news outlets contradict the official account, then all the better.

What is an example of contradiction?

A contradiction is a situation or ideas in opposition to one another. Examples of a contradiction in terms include, “the gentle torturer,” “the towering midget,” or “a snowy summer’s day.” A person can also express a contradiction, like the person who professes atheism, yet goes to church every Sunday.

How do you use contradictory?

  1. He did something contradictory to his orders.
  2. The evidence is completely contradictory.
  3. We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.
  4. The advice I received was often contradictory.
  5. The argument is internally contradictory.

An oxymoron is two or more words that contradict themselves (e.g. “poor little rich girl” or “living dead”). A paradox is a phrase that contradicts itself (e.g. “A Cretan says ‘All Cretans are liars’”). A paradox is also used to describe something that seems to be hypocritical.

What are two contradictory statements called?

What is a true statement called?

tautology – (logic) a statement that is necessarily true; “the statement `he is brave or he is not brave’ is a tautology”

Can two contradictory statements be true?

In logic, it is a fundamental law- the law of non contradiction- that a statement and its denial cannot both be true at the same time. Here are some simple examples of contradictions.

Some common synonyms of contradictory are antithetical, contrary, and opposite. While all these words mean “being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable,” contradictory applies to two things that completely negate each other so that if one is true or valid the other must be untrue or invalid.

What is a contradictory person?

adjective. inconsistent; incompatible. given to argument and contentiona contradictory person. logic (of a pair of statements) unable both to be true or both to be false under the same circumstancesCompare contrary (def. 5), subcontrary (def.

How do you describe contradictory?

A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. An example: My sister is jealous of me because I’m an only child. Contradictory is related to the verb contradict, which means to say or do the opposite, and contrary, which means to take an opposite view.

Is Miner and minor similar or contradictory?

The words miner and minor have nothing in common when it comes to their meanings. A miner is a person who works in a mine, whereas minor means something smaller, lesser. However, the meaning is nothing similar or contradictory.

Is Miner and minor the same?

A miner is a person who makes a living digging coal, salt, gold, minerals, or other natural resources out of the earth. Don’t confuse miner with minor (note the “o”). Minor refers to musical intervals, small or trivial things, and people under age 18.

What is the difference between similar and contradictory?

As adjectives the difference between similar and contradictory. is that similar is having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable while contradictory is that contradicts something, such as an argument.

Do adopt and adapt have __ __ meanings?

The words ADOPT and ADAPT have _?_ meanings. Answer: C. The words in problem one are not related, even though they start with the same letters and are spelled similarly.

Are perceive and discern similar?

As verbs the difference between discern and perceive is that discern is to detect with the senses, especially with the eyes while perceive is to see, to be aware of, to understand.

Are excel and exceed similar or contradictory?

As verbs the difference between exceed and excel is that exceed is to be larger, greater than (something) while excel is to surpass someone or something; to be better or do better than someone or something.

What exceed means?

exceed, surpass, transcend, excel, outdo, outstrip mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree. exceed implies going beyond a limit set by authority or established by custom or by prior achievement. exceed the speed limit surpass suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill.

What is another word for succeed?

Succeed, flourish, prosper, thrive mean to do well.

What’s another word for outstanding?

Some common synonyms of outstanding are conspicuous, noticeable, prominent, remarkable, salient, and striking.

What do you call a outstanding person?

1 celebrated, distinguished, eminent, excellent, exceptional, great, important, impressive, meritorious, pre-eminent, special, stellar (informal) superior, superlative, well-known.

What is another word for outstanding actions?


Is outstanding better than excellent?

As adjectives the difference between outstanding and excellent. is that outstanding is prominent or noticeable; standing out from others while excellent is of the highest quality; splendid.

What is a better word than awesome?

SYNONYMS. breathtaking, amazing, stunning, astounding, astonishing, awe-inspiring, stupendous, staggering, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable. magnificent, wonderful, spectacular, remarkable, phenomenal, prodigious, miraculous, sublime.

What does outstanding mean?

1 : standing out : projecting stood on an outstanding rock. 2a : unpaid left several bills outstanding. b : continuing to exist : unresolved a long outstanding problem in astronomy was arrested on …

What are the two excellent words?

Explore the Words

  • serendipity. good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.
  • keen. intense or sharp.
  • dubious. fraught with uncertainty or doubt.
  • susurration. an indistinct sound, as of whispering or rustling.
  • onomatopoeia. using words that imitate the sound they denote.
  • corpus callosum.
  • toothsome.
  • bibliophile.

What is slang excellent?

exceptional , fantastic , awesome (slang), amazing (informal), terrific (informal), outstanding , very good, extraordinary , first-class, first-rate (informal), superb , superior , premium , choice , top , prime , select , exquisite , remarkable , great , capital , supreme, high-quality, sensational, five-star, top- …

How do you say good in slang?

“Gucci” in slang means good, fine, or okay.

Just looking for a range of examples. Nothing specific in mind, I don’t think (though I won’t know unless I see a word that fits absolutely perfectly that will make my mind tick and realise that’s what I was thinking of)…

So, a something that contradicts itself. For example, «a smart feminist» lol. What word would you use to describe that contradiction?

level 1

Paradox, juxtaposition, I think there’s another with an x…

level 2

Ah, pretty sure I was thinking of paradox. Thanks.

level 1

Oxymoron is your best bet as @ptgorman said

level 2

It is oxymoron. Unless you take it so far that the entire phrase is nonsense, not just contradictory. This can be referred to as Jabberwocky. Origin: Jabberwocky the poem. But this is the answer.

level 1

Contronym, for single words that can have opposite meaning (eg. «sanction» can mean penalize or permit).

level 1

Contradictio intermini is the Latin version!

Asked by: Ms. Lorine Shields

Score: 4.2/5
(68 votes)

Contradictory in a Sentence ?

  1. The contradictory law makes no sense because it outlaws the act in one part and allows it in another.
  2. Though she claims to love her husband, the woman’s contradictory actions show otherwise.
  3. The suspect gave a contradictory statement that was later proven to be false in court.

How do you start a contradicting sentence?

Some examples of counter-argument sentence starters are… “On the other hand…”, which shows one point of the argument is one hand, and the other point of the argument being the other hand. “However…”, which would show the two different opposing views of the argument.

What is an example of contradiction?

A contradiction is a situation or ideas in opposition to one another. … Examples of a contradiction in terms include, «the gentle torturer,» «the towering midget,» or «a snowy summer’s day.» A person can also express a contradiction, like the person who professes atheism, yet goes to church every Sunday.

What does it mean when something is contradictory?

Adjective. opposite, contradictory, contrary, antithetical mean being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable. opposite applies to things in sharp contrast or in conflict.

What is self-contradictory?

adjective. If you say or write something that is self-contradictory, you make two statements which cannot both be true. He is notorious for making unexpected, often self-contradictory, comments.

38 related questions found

What is a contradictory person called?

Hypocrite: A person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.

What is the difference between tautologies and contradiction with example?

A tautology is a statement that is true in virtue of its form. Thus, we don’t even have to know what the statement means to know that it is true. In contrast, a contradiction is a statement that is false in virtue of its form.

What is a contradictory sentence?

Contradictory: A contradictory sentence (or a contradiction) is a sentence which is necessarily false, because of the senses of the words in the sentence. EXAMPLES: Elephants are not animals. Cats are fish.

What is a contradicting statement called?

An oxymoron is two or more words that contradict themselves (e.g. «poor little rich girl» or «living dead»). … A paradox is a phrase that contradicts itself (e.g. «A Cretan says ‘All Cretans are liars'»). A paradox is also used to describe something that seems to be hypocritical.

What are some good sentence starters?

Some words are indeed notable for being good sentence starters. The list will include the following: although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.

What is counterargument example?

What is a counterargument? … These opposing positions are called counterarguments. Think of it this way: if my argument is that dogs are better pets than cats because they are more social, but you argue that cats are better pets because they are more self-sufficient, your position is a counterargument to my position.

How do you write a contradiction sentence?

No one was surprised by the defendant’s contradiction of the plaintiff’s accusations. Her rebuttal contained many contradictions to my arguments. There have been some contradictions in his statements. There is a contradiction between what he said yesterday and what he said today.

What is an example of a contradictory statement?

A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. An example: My sister is jealous of me because I’m an only child. Contradictory is related to the verb contradict, which means to say or do the opposite, and contrary, which means to take an opposite view.

What is oxymoron give 5 examples?

Oxymorons like “seriously funny,” “original copy,” “plastic glasses,” and “clearly confused” juxtapose opposing words next to one another, but their ability to make sense despite their opposing forces adds wit to writing. Reveal a deeper meaning. The dichotomy of an oxymoron often expresses a complex idea.

What is oxymoron and give examples?

An oxymoron is a self-contradicting word or group of words (as in Shakespeare’s line from Romeo and Juliet, «Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate!»). A paradox is a statement or argument that seems to be contradictory or to go against common sense, but that is yet perhaps still true—for example, «less is more.»

What are two contradictory sentences called?

Oxymorons and paradoxes are two types of contradictory statements. They are a type of figurative language in English.

Is Miner and minor similar or contradictory?

Is Miner and minor similar or contradictory? neither similar nor contradictory. The words miner and minor have nothing in common when it comes to their meanings. A miner is a person who works in a mine, whereas minor means something smaller, lesser.

What is it called when a sentence contradicts itself?

Use oxymoron to refer to a word or phrase that contradicts itself, usually to create some rhetorical effect.

What is proposition give an example?

The definition of a proposition is a statement putting forth an idea, suggestion or plan. An example of a proposition is the idea that the death penalty is a good way to stop crime. An example of a proposition is a suggestion for a change in the terms of company bylaws.

What does V mean in logic?

V. Truth Table of Logical Biconditional or Double Implication.

What’s another word for contradict yourself?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for self-contradictory, like: conflicting, tendentious, facile, contradictory, fallacious, nonsensical, illogical, ungrounded, misconceive, tautological and disingenuous.

What is the synonyms of contradictory?

Some common synonyms of contradictory are antithetical, contrary, and opposite. While all these words mean «being so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable,» contradictory applies to two things that completely negate each other so that if one is true or valid the other must be untrue or invalid.

What is a paradoxical situation?

n. 1 a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is or may be true.

What are the 5 contradictory statements?

Here are some simple examples of contradictions.

  • I love you and I don’t love you.
  • Butch is married to Barb but Barb is not married to Butch.
  • I know I promised to show up today, but I don’t see why I should come if I don’t feel like it.
  • The restaurant opens at five o’clock and it begins serving between four and nine.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Myah Beier

Score: 4.1/5
(68 votes)

A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. … Contradictory is related to the verb contradict, which means to say or do the opposite, and contrary, which means to take an opposite view.

What are conflicting statements called?

In English, a contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. Contradictory statements can be used for emphasis and humor. Oxymorons and paradoxes are two types of contradictory statements. They are a type of figurative language in English.

What is another word for a contradictory statements?

Some common synonyms of contradictory are antithetical, contrary, and opposite.

How do you use contradictory in a sentence?

Contradictory in a Sentence ?

  1. The contradictory law makes no sense because it outlaws the act in one part and allows it in another.
  2. Though she claims to love her husband, the woman’s contradictory actions show otherwise.
  3. The suspect gave a contradictory statement that was later proven to be false in court.

What is a contradictory sentence?

Contradictory: A contradictory sentence (or a contradiction) is a sentence which is necessarily false, because of the senses of the words in the sentence. EXAMPLES: Elephants are not animals. Cats are fish.

23 related questions found

What is an example of a contradictory statement?

A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. An example: My sister is jealous of me because I’m an only child. Contradictory is related to the verb contradict, which means to say or do the opposite, and contrary, which means to take an opposite view.

What is a self contradictory statement?

Self-contradiction (self contradictory statement) a statement which is necessarily false on the basis of its logical structure. … Descartes formulated the concept of necessary truth such that a statement is said to be «necessarily true» if it is logically impossible to deny it (i.e., believe it to be false).

Is Miner and minor similar or contradictory?

Is Miner and minor similar or contradictory? neither similar nor contradictory. The words miner and minor have nothing in common when it comes to their meanings. A miner is a person who works in a mine, whereas minor means something smaller, lesser.

What is contradictory behavior?

It occurs in situations where a person is presented with facts that contradict that person’s self-image, attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This includes: Holding two or more contradictory beliefs, thoughts, or values at the same time. Performing an action that is contradictory to one’s values, beliefs or self-image.

What is a contradictory person called?

Hypocrite: A person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.

What is a good example of a paradox?

An example of a paradox is «Waking is dreaming». A paradox is a figure of speech in which a statement appears to contradict itself. This type of statement can be described as paradoxical. A compressed paradox comprised of just a few words is called an oxymoron.

What are oxymorons examples?

An oxymoron is a self-contradicting word or group of words (as in Shakespeare’s line from Romeo and Juliet, «Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate!»). A paradox is a statement or argument that seems to be contradictory or to go against common sense, but that is yet perhaps still true—for example, «less is more.»

What are some good oxymorons?

Here are 10 examples of popular oxymorons:

  • “Small crowd”
  • “Old news”
  • “Open secret”
  • “Living dead”
  • “Deafening silence”
  • “Only choice”
  • “Pretty ugly”
  • “Awfully good”

What are two contradictory statements called?

An oxymoron is two or more words that contradict themselves (e.g. «poor little rich girl» or «living dead»). Sometimes an oxymoron is intended to be humorous (e.g. «military intelligence» or «rap music»). A paradox is a phrase that contradicts itself (e.g. «A Cretan says ‘All Cretans are liars'»).

What is it called when two opposite words are put together?

An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two apparently contradictory terms appear together. Examples include a deafening silence, harmonious discord, an open secret, and the living dead.

Can a person be contradictory?

contradict Add to list Share. … Often, a person who has lied will later contradict himself by saying something different from what he said earlier — and sometimes the two sides contradict each other, and neither is actually right.

How do you identify cognitive dissonance?

Signs you might be experiencing cognitive dissonance include: Discomfort of unclear origin, confusion, feeling conflicted over a disputed subject matter, people telling you you’re being a hypocrite, or being aware of conflicting views and/or desires but not knowing what to do with them.

What are some examples of cognitive dissonance?

Here’s a look at some common examples of cognitive dissonance and how you might come to terms with them.

  • Picking up after your dog. Let’s say you have a dog that you take for daily walks around your neighborhood. …
  • Getting enough exercise. …
  • Moving for love. …
  • Being productive at work. …
  • Eating meat.

What is the meaning of Miner and minor?

A miner is a person who makes a living digging coal, salt, gold, minerals, or other natural resources out of the earth. … Don’t confuse miner with minor (note the “o”). Minor refers to musical intervals, small or trivial things, and people under age 18.

What is the difference between similar and contradictory?

As adjectives the difference between similar and contradictory. is that similar is having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable while contradictory is that contradicts something, such as an argument.

Are irk and irritate similar or contradictory?

As verbs the difference between irritate and irk

is that irritate is to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure while irk is to irritate; annoy; bother.

How do you identify a paradox?

A paradox is a statement that may seem contradictory but can be true (or at least make sense).

Here are some paradoxes with a witty bent:

  1. Here are the rules: Ignore all rules.
  2. The second sentence is false. The first sentence is true.
  3. I only message those who do not message.

What is paradoxical situation?

1 a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is or may be true.

What is a paradox statement?

1 : a tenet contrary to received opinion. 2a : a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true. b : a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true.

  • 1
    to contradict the statement

    опровергать заявления (сообщение, слухи)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to contradict the statement

  • 2



    1) противоречить, идти вразрез

    contradict each other

    — contradict oneself
    — contradict facts

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > contradict

  • 3

    Politics english-russian dictionary > statement

  • 4


    1) заявление, утверждение

    4) отчёт, баланс, смета, расчёт

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > statement

  • 5

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > statement

  • 6


    1) противоречить

    the two reports contradict each other — эти два сообщения противоречат друг другу

    the results of the experiment contradicted his theory — результаты опыта шли вразрез с его теорией

    2) возражать

    don’t contradict me — не возражай мне!; не спорь со мной!

    3) опровергать; отрицать

    to contradict a statement [a report, facts] — опровергать заявление [сообщение, факты]

    НБАРС > contradict

  • 7


    1) опровергать, отрицать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > contradict

  • 8

    1. v противоречить

    2. v возражать

    3. v опровергать; отрицать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. counter (verb) be paradoxical; belie; cancel; counter; counteract; disprove; dispute; oppose; protest; repudiate

    3. deny (verb) challenge; confute; contravene; controvert; cross; deny; differ; disaffirm; disclaim; dissent; gainsay; impugn; negate; negative; rebut; traverse

    Антонимический ряд:

    acquiesce; affirm; agree; approve; argue; confirm; corroborate; endorse; guarantee; maintain; sanction; seal; sign; support

    English-Russian base dictionary > contradict

  • 9


    2) опровергать; отрицать

    Politics english-russian dictionary > contradict

  • 10

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contradict

  • 11

    1. v отрицать; отвергать

    2. v отрицать существование; не признавать

    3. v отказывать, не давать

    4. v отпираться, отказываться, брать назад

    5. v отрекаться, отступаться

    6. v книжн. не допускать, мешать, препятствовать

    7. v лог. утверждать противное

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abstain (verb) abstain; constrain; curb; hold back; refrain

    2. contradict (verb) contradict; contravene; controvert; cross; denounce; disaffirm; disagree; disprove; dispute; gainsay; impugn; negate; negative; traverse

    3. disown (verb) disacknowledge; disallow; disapprove; disclaim; disown; keep back; refuse; repudiate; turn down; withhold

    Антонимический ряд:

    accede; accept; acknowledge; admit; affirm; afford; agree; assent; attest; concede; concur; confess; confirm; grant; indulge

    English-Russian base dictionary > deny

  • 12

    dɪˈnaɪ гл.
    1) отрицать;
    не признавать существование( чего-л.) to deny the charge ≈ отвергать обвинение to deny categorically, emphatically, fervently, flatly, strongly, vehemently ≈ категорически отвергать It is hard to deny that Bob is a good man. ≈ Трудно отрицать, что Боб хороший парень. She does not absolutely deny the possibility of a miracle. ≈ Она не отрицает полностью возможности чуда. Spinoza did not deny the existence of God. ≈ Спиноза не отрицал существования Бога. Syn: contradict, gainsay Ant: assert, maintain
    2) лог. утверждать противное Ant: affirm
    3) отказываться, отрекаться He could not deny his own hand and seal. ≈ Он не мог отказаться от своей подписи и печати. Syn: disown, disavow, repudiate, renounce
    4) отказывать( в чем-л., кому-л.) We may not deny them the ancienty of their descent. ≈ Мы не можем отказать им в древности их происхождения. Syn: refuse I
    5) мешать, препятствовать Air defence deals with the arrangements which deny to enemy aircraft access to vulnerable points. ≈ Воздушная оборона включает меры, которые мешают самолетам противника поражать уязвимые объекты.
    отвергать — to * the possibility of smth. отрицать возможность чего-л. — to * a theory отвергнуть теорию — to * a rumour опровергнуть слух — to * charges отвести /отмести/ обвинения — to * the truth of the statement /that the statement is true/ утверждать, что заявление не соответствует действительности — to * that smb. has talent отказывать кому-л. в таланте — to * this to be the case утверждать, что дело обстоит иначе — it cannot be denied that нельзя не признать, что — he denied having done it он утверждал, что не делал этого — I don’t * that he is clever не спорю, он умен — there is no *ing it нельзя отрицать этого отрицать существование;
    не признавать — to * God отрицать (существование) Бога — to * providence не верить в судьбу отказывать, не давать — to * a request отказать в просьбе — to * smb. the right to do smth. отказать кому-л. в праве делать что-л. — to * oneself smth. отказывать себе в чем-л., воздерживаться от чего-л. — to * oneself every luxury не позволять себе ничего лишнего, ограничивать себя во всем — to * oneself the pleasure of doing smth. отказаться от удовольствия сделать что-л. — to * oneself nothing ни в чем себе не отказывать — this was denied (to) me, I was denied this мне было в этом отказано — he is not to be denied он не примет отказа;
    от него не отделаешься — to * oneself for one’s children целиком посвятить свою жизнь детям;
    принести себя в жертву детям отпираться, отказываться, брать назад — to * one’s signature отказываться от своей подписи — to * one’s words отказываться от своих слов отрекаться, отступаться — to * one’s faith отречься от своей веры (книжное) не допускать, мешать, препятствовать — to * oneself to callers не принять посетителей /гостей/;
    сказаться больным — to * smb. admission отказать кому-л. от дома — to * the door to smb. не принять кого-л., отказаться принять кого-л. (логика) утверждать противное
    deny брать назад ~ мешать ~ не допускать;
    отказывать в приеме (гостей) ;
    she denied herself to visitors она не приняла гостей;
    he was denied admission его не впустили ~ не допускать ~ отвергать ~ отказывать(ся) ;
    to deny a request отказать в просьбе;
    to deny oneself every luxury не позволять себе ничего лишнего ~ отказывать ~ отказываться ~ отклонять ~ отпираться, отказываться, брать назад;
    to deny one’s signature отказываться от своей подписи;
    to deny one’s words отказываться от своих слов ~ отпираться ~ отрекаться ~ отрицать;
    to deny the charge отвергать обвинение ~ отрицать ~ препятствовать ~ утверждать противное
    ~ отказывать(ся) ;
    to deny a request отказать в просьбе;
    to deny oneself every luxury не позволять себе ничего лишнего
    ~ отпираться, отказываться, брать назад;
    to deny one’s signature отказываться от своей подписи;
    to deny one’s words отказываться от своих слов
    ~ отпираться, отказываться, брать назад;
    to deny one’s signature отказываться от своей подписи;
    to deny one’s words отказываться от своих слов
    ~ отказывать(ся) ;
    to deny a request отказать в просьбе;
    to deny oneself every luxury не позволять себе ничего лишнего
    ~ не допускать;
    отказывать в приеме (гостей) ;
    she denied herself to visitors она не приняла гостей;
    he was denied admission его не впустили
    ~ не допускать;
    отказывать в приеме (гостей) ;
    she denied herself to visitors она не приняла гостей;
    he was denied admission его не впустили

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > deny

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    Politics english-russian dictionary > fact

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    1. прил.
    1) а) отрицательный, негативный negative voice give smb. a negative answer negative approach to life negative flag б) безрезультатный, не давший ожидаемого результата;
    отсутствующий a negative test ≈ опыт, давший отрицательный результат в) мат., лог. отрицательный negative quantity negative sign г) электр. отрицательный д) рел. отрицательный, апофатический (направление в теологии)
    2) недоброжелательный, негативный negative criticism Syn: ill-natured, unkindly
    3) фото негативный, относящийся к негативу
    2. сущ.
    1) а) отрицание (также лог.) ;
    отрицательный ответ in the negative б) несогласие, отказ;
    редк. голос против, вето, запрет
    2) а) фото негатив б) отрицательная черта характера, отрицательное, негативное свойство и т. п.
    3) грам. отрицание, отрицательная частица, отрицательное слово и т.п.
    4) а) мат. отрицательная величина б) электр. отрицательный полюс, катод, заряд и т.д.
    5) австрал. шахта, не дающая золота ∙ two negatives make an affirmative ≈ минус на минус дает плюс
    3. гл.
    1) а) отрицать;
    возражать, выражать несогласие;
    противоречить Syn: deny;
    contradict б) амер. налагать вето Syn: veto в) отклонять, не утверждать (постановление, кандидата и т.п.) Syn: reject г) отвергать;
    доказывать ложность, опровергать Syn: reject, turn down;
    2) делать тщетным, нейтрализовывать (действие чего-л. или кого-л.) Syn: neutralize
    3) фото редк. снимать на негативную пленку
    отрицательный ответ;
    несогласие — to answer in the * ответить отрицательно — the answer is in the * ответ отрицательный;
    я не согласен, я против — the * won the debate противники предложения /законопроекта, проекта резолюции и т. п./ одержали верх в прениях отказ, отклонение — it was decided in the * вопрос был решен отрицательно, предложение было отклонено, просьба была отвергнута — the plebiscite returned a * плебисцит дал отрицательный ответ принцип или положение, выраженные в отрицательной форме — it’s hard to prove a * построенное на отрицании положение трудно доказать — two *s make an affirmative минус на минус дает плюс отрицательная черта, сторона;
    отрицательный факт — his character is made up of *s он средоточие недостатков (устаревшее) запрет, вето (грамматика) отрицание, отрицательная частица (грамматика) отрицательное предложение (математика) отрицательная величина (электротехника) отрицательный полюс, катод ( фотографическое) негатив в грам. знач. междометия нет;
    не так;
    неверно( особ. в разговоре по телефону) отрицательный — * answer отрицательный ответ — * sign знак минус — * quantity отрицательная величина;
    (разговорное) ничто, «пустое место» — * vote отрицательный результат голосования, отклонение голосованием ( предложения, кандидатуры) — * voice голос против;
    возражение, протест — * trade balance (экономика) пассивный торговый баланс — * acceleration( техническое) отрицательное ускорение, замедление — * air pressure( техническое) давление воздуха меньше атмосферного, отрицательное давление негативный, безрезультатный — the experiments proved * опыты оказались безрезультатными /дали отрицательный результат/ — * sign показатель отсутствия (чего-л.) — * report( военное) донесение об отсутствии противника — * evidence отсутствие положительных доказательств невыразительный, бесцветный — a * character /personality/ бесцветная /бесхарактерная, серая/ личность отрицательный, дурной — * influence дурное влияние негативный, нигилистический;
    пессимистический, (огульно) отрицающий — * criticism уничтожающая /разносная/ критика;
    критиканство — * attitude недоброжелательное отношение( фотографическое) негативный, обратный( об изображении) (медицина) (разговорное) резус-отрицательный (тж. Rh-negative) — the mother is * but I’m not sure about the father у матери отрицательный резус, а об отце я не уверен делать тщетным;
    сводить на нет;
    нейтрализовать — to * an effect нейтрализовать действие, свести на нет эффект — to * all efforts сделать тщетными все усилия отклонять путем голосования (резолюцию, кандидатуру) ;
    забаллотировать — the Lords *d the bill палата лордов забаллотировала законопроект — the senate *d the proposed taxation предложения по налогообложению были отклонены сенатом (американизм) налагать вето, запрет;
    не утверждать;
    отменять отклонять, отвергать — to * a request отклонить просьбу;
    отвергнуть требование опровергать — to * a hypothesis опровергнуть гипотезу — to * a statement возражать против какого-л. утверждения, отрицать правильность утверждения — experiments *d his theory опыты опровергли его теорию
    in the ~ отрицательно;
    the answer is in the negative ответ отрицательный
    ~ отрицательный;
    to give (smb.) a negative answer ответить (кому-л.) отрицательно
    two negatives make an affirmative минус на минус дает плюс;
    he is a bundle of negatives в нем одни отрицательные черты
    in the ~ отрицательно;
    the answer is in the negative ответ отрицательный in the ~ отрицательно
    negative безрезультатный, не давший ожидаемого результата;
    a negative test опыт, давший отрицательный результат ~ безрезультатный ~ делать тщетным ~ запрет, вето ~ запрет ~ знак минус ~ налагать вето;
    не утверждать (предложенного кандидата) ~ негатив ~ негативный ~ недоброжелательный;
    negative criticism недоброжелательная критика ~ недостаток ~ нейтрализовать (действие чего-л.) ~ несогласие ~ опровергать ~ отвергать, опровергать ~ отвергать ~ отказ, несогласие ~ отказ ~ отклонять ~ отклонять путем голосования ~ грам. отрицание, отрицательная частица ~ отрицание;
    отрицательный ответ;
    отрицательная черта характера ~ отрицание ~ мат. отрицательная величина ~ отрицательный;
    to give (smb.) a negative answer ответить (кому-л.) отрицательно ~ отрицательный ~ эл. отрицательный полюс, катод ~ отрицательный результат голосования ~ отрицать;
    возражать ~ отрицать ~ фото негатив ~ фото негативный, обратный (об изображении)
    a ~ approach to life пессимистический взгляд на жизнь;
    negative quantity мат. отрицательная величина
    ~ недоброжелательный;
    negative criticism недоброжелательная критика
    a ~ approach to life пессимистический взгляд на жизнь;
    negative quantity мат. отрицательная величина
    the ~ sign знак минус the ~ sign разг. шутл. ничто, ничего;
    negative voice голос против;
    возражения sign: negative ~ мат. знак минус
    negative безрезультатный, не давший ожидаемого результата;
    a negative test опыт, давший отрицательный результат
    the ~ sign разг. шутл. ничто, ничего;
    negative voice голос против;
    two negatives make an affirmative минус на минус дает плюс;
    he is a bundle of negatives в нем одни отрицательные черты

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > negative

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    1. n препятствие, остановка; задержка

    2. n преим. воен. отпор, приостановка наступления или продвижения

    3. n проверка, контроль

    check routine — программа контроля; контролирующая программа

    4. n галочка, птичка, отметка

    5. n номерок

    6. n ярлык; багажная квитанция

    7. n контрольный штемпель

    check column — контрольная колонка; контрольный столбец

    8. n контрамарка; корешок

    9. n клетка

    10. n клетчатая ткань; шотландка

    11. n счёт

    12. n шахм. шах

    13. n чек, делянка, окружённая валом и затапливаемая водой

    14. n контрольная делянка

    check card — контрольная карта; чековая карточка; чек

    check value — контрольное число; контрольный признак

    check symbol — контрольный символ; контрольный знак

    15. n охот. потеря следа

    16. n спец. трещина, щель; волосная трещина

    17. n амер. карт. фишка, марка

    18. a контрольный, проверочный, испытательный

    19. a клетчатый

    20. a запирающий, задерживающий

    check dam — задерживающая плотина, защитная дамба или плотина

    21. v останавливать, сдерживать; препятствовать; удерживать; обуздывать

    22. v проверять, контролировать; ревизовать; сличать; расследовать

    23. v проверять, выяснять; убеждаться

    24. v сверять, сличать

    25. v амер. соответствовать, совпадать

    26. v амер. сдавать

    check in — сдавать под расписку; сдавать на хранение

    27. v амер. принимать на хранение

    28. v амер. отмечать галочкой, значком

    29. v амер. шахм. объявлять шах

    30. v амер. карт. пасовать

    31. v амер. располагать в шахматном порядке

    32. v амер. делать выговор; давать нагоняй; разносить

    33. v амер. с. -х. приостанавливать

    34. v амер. делать щели; вызывать трещины

    35. v амер. покрываться трещинами, щелями

    36. v амер. арх. внезапно остановиться; отшатнуться

    37. v амер. мор. травить

    38. int шахм. шах!

    39. int прост. ладно!, точно!, договорились!

    40. v амер. выписывать чек

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. bank draft (noun) bank draft; debit; draft; money order; payment; withdrawal

    2. barrier (noun) barrier; damper; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction

    4. checkmark (noun) checkmark; cross; ex; line; mark; score; sign; stroke

    6. examination (noun) analysis; audit; examination; inquiry; investigation; review

    7. receipt (noun) counterfoil; coupon; receipt; stub; tag; ticket

    8. setback (noun) backset; rebuff; rejection; repulse; reversal; reverse; setback; set-back

    9. stop (noun) arrest; cessation; cut-off; halt; standstill; stay; stop; stoppage; suspension

    10. study (noun) check-up; perusal; scrutiny; study

    12. agree (verb) accord; agree; check out; cohere; comport; conform; consist; consort; correspond; dovetail; fit in; go; harmonize; jibe; march; quadrate; rhyme; square; suit; tally

    13. arrest (verb) arrest; cease; cut short; delay; halt; hold; interrupt; stall; stay; stem; stop

    15. foil (verb) baffle; balk; checkmate; defeat; foil; frustrate; stymie; thwart

    16. restrain (verb) bit; brake; bridle; coarct; constrain; control; crimp; curb; curtail; govern; hinder; hold back; hold down; hold in; impede; inhibit; keep; keep back; pull in; rein; restrain; suppress; withhold

    17. test (verb) assay; examine; prove; test; try; try out

    18. verify (verb) assess; audit; confirm; investigate; monitor; review; verify

    19. view (verb) con; go over; inspect; peruse; scrutinise; study; view

    Антонимический ряд:

    accelerate; advance; aid; allow; assist; continue; contradict; disagree; encourage; expedite; foster; hasten; help; hurry; indulge; instigate; liberate; overlook

    English-Russian base dictionary > check

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    ˈtestɪmənɪ сущ.
    1) свидетельское показание (against;
    for, on behalf of) to give, bear testimony ≈ давать показания to cite testimony ≈ ссылаться на свидетельство to contradict testimony ≈ опровергать показания to discount testimony ≈ не принимать показания в расчет to refute testimony ≈ опровергать показания to recant( one’s) testimony ≈ отрекаться, отказываться от показаний to repudiate( one’s) testimony ≈ отрекаться, отказываться от показаний to retract( one’s) testimony ≈ отрекаться, отказываться от показаний She gave testimony against the plaintiff. ≈ Она свидетельствовала против истца. Nothing could refute her testimony that the driver was drunk. ≈ Ничто не могло опровергнуть ее показание о том, что шофер был пьян. false testimony perjured testimony reliable testimony Syn: affidavit, deposition, evidence
    2) доказательство;
    довод, свидетельство Syn: proof, argument
    3) утверждение;
    (торжественное) заявление;
    открытое признание
    4) мн.;
    библ. скрижали
    (юридическое) показание свидетеля;
    свидетельское показание как доказательство — false * ложные показания — expert * заключение эксперта — * for the prosecution показания свидетеля обвинения — * for the defence показания свидетеля защиты — to doubt smb.’s * усомниться в чьих-л. свидетельских показаниях — to produce * to one’s statement привести доказательства в поддержку своих утверждений — to give * давать( свидетельские) показания (о чем-л.) под присягой — to call smb. in * признавать кого-л. в свидетели — we have their * for it у нас имеются их свидетельские показания на этот счет предмет, могущий служить доказательством доказательство, свидетельство;
    данные — silent * молчаливое свидетельство (чего-л.) — in * of one’s respect and affection в знак уважения и любви — a fitting * to his scientific achievements достойное свидетельство его научных достижений — to give * to smth. свидетельствовать о чем-л. — his smile was a * of his disbelief его улыбка свидетельствовала о недоверии утверждение, (торжественное) заявление;
    клятвенное заверение — according to their * согласно их утверждению;
    как она свидетельствуют открытое признание (религия) скрижали;
    священное писание( религия) десять заповедей
    to call (smb.) in ~ вызвать( кого-л.) в качестве свидетеля
    ~ показание свидетеля;
    false testimony ложные показания;
    to give (или to bear) testimony давать показания
    ~ показание свидетеля;
    false testimony ложные показания;
    to give (или to bear) testimony давать показания
    testimony доказательство;
    свидетельство ~ доказательство ~ клятвенное заверение ~ показание, данное в устной или письменной форме под присягой или скрепленное торжественной декларацией ~ показание свидетеля;
    false testimony ложные показания;
    to give (или to bear) testimony давать показания ~ показание свидетеля ~ свидетельское показание ~ свидетельство ~ pl библ. скрижали ~ утверждение;
    (торжественное) заявление
    ~ of witnesses показания свидетелей
    written ~ письменное показание, скрепленное торжественной декларацией written ~ письменное показание под присягой

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > testimony

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    1. n диспут, дискуссия, дебаты

    2. n спор; пререкания, ссора

    labour dispute — трудовой конфликт ; конфликт между рабочими и предпринимателями

    settle dispute — урегулировать спор; урегулировать конфликт

    3. n спорный вопрос

    the three hour sit-down resolved none of the substantive disputes between them — трёхчасовая встреча не разрешила ни одного из существенных вопросов, по которым они расходятся

    4. v обсуждать, дискутировать; принимать участие в диспуте

    5. v спорить, пререкаться

    6. v ставить под сомнение, оспаривать; сомневаться

    7. v выступать против, сопротивляться с оружием в руках

    8. v бороться за, добиваться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. argument (noun) altercation; argument; argumentation; bickering; contention; hurrah; passage; question; rumpus; variance

    2. conflict (noun) conflict; controversy; dissension; feud; strife

    4. quarrel (noun) beef; brabble; brannigan; brawl; clash; difficulty; disagreement; dust; dustup; embroilment; falling-out; fight; fracas; fuss; hassle; imbroglio; knock-down-and-drag-out; miff; quarrel; rhubarb; row; ruckus; run-in; set-to; spat; squabble; squall; tiff; unpleasantness; words; wrangle

    5. deny (verb) contradict; controvert; deny; gainsay; impugn; oppose

    6. discuss (verb) agitate; canvass; debate; discept; discuss; moot; oppugn; pro and con; thrash out; toss around

    7. quarrel (verb) argue; argufy; bicker; brawl; contend; hassle; quarrel; quibble; spar; spat; squabble; tiff; wrangle

    9. resist (verb) buck; combat; contest; duel; fight; repel; resist; traverse; withstand

    Антонимический ряд:

    agree; agreement; allow; amity; concede; concession; concur; concurrence; forego; harmony; unity; waive

    English-Russian base dictionary > dispute

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    ˌkɔntrəˈvi:n гл.
    1) преступать, нарушать, (присягу, правило и т. п.) ;
    действовать против( чего-л.) contravene a law ≈ преступать закон Syn: violate
    2) противоречить;
    идти вразрез с чем-л.;
    отрицать contravene a proposition ≈ противоречить предположению Syn: contradict, deny
    нарушать, преступать — to * a custom нарушить обычай — to * a law преступить закон оспаривать, возражать — to * a statement оспаривать заявление — to * certain principles ставить под вопрос некоторые принципы идти вразрез, противоречить ( о фактах, событиях) — fascism *s the liberty of individuals фашизм несовместим со свободой личности
    contravene возражать, оспаривать ~ возражать ~ идти вразрез ~ нарушать, преступать (закон и т. п.) ~ нарушать ~ нарушать (закон, право) ~ оспаривать, возражать ~ оспаривать ~ преступать ~ противоречить (правилу, закону и т. п.) ;
    идти вразрез (с чем-л.) ~ противоречить ~ противоречить (закону, праву)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contravene

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    1. v нарушать, преступать

    2. v оспаривать, возражать

    3. v идти вразрез, противоречить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. come between (verb) be in conflict with; clash; come between; defy; hinder; interfere; interpose; oppose

    2. deny (verb) contradict; cross; deny; disaffirm; gainsay; impugn; negate; negative; traverse

    3. violate (verb) breach; break; infract; infringe; offend; transgress; violate

    English-Russian base dictionary > contravene

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