Word for construction worker


Last updated:

April 7, 2023

Where would we be without construction workers?

We’d have no homes to live in. No roads to drive on. No offices to work in.

If you work in construction or are planning to enter this industry, you’ve chosen a popular profession.

But without good communication, it’s challenging—if not completely impossible—to get anything built.

Whether you’re talking with fellow construction workers, your own construction employees, a manager or a client, you need to be able to communicate clearly and professionally.

And English is perhaps the best language to know in the industry.

With this guide, you’ll brush up on essential terms and expand your knowledge of English for construction workers so that you can communicate like a pro during your next project!

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Build Your English for Construction Resource Library

There are dozens of resources available to help you improve your English for work. Here are some easy-to-use books and courses that can help you achieve confidence and success for the next time you have to speak English on the construction site!

If you want to do some self-studying, check out these books:

  • “Oxford Picture Dictionary:” This is a great reference book that offers an entire section on vocabulary for construction workers. It includes pictures to help illustrate the words.
  • “English for Construction 1” and “English for Construction 2:” This series is specifically designed for ESL students in the construction industry. Each book comes with a CD for listening and pronunciation practice.

Want to move away from books and into more authentic content? The FluentU program teaches English using authentic videos like workplace dialogues, movie clips, news reports and more.

FluentU has a huge collection of English videos that people in the English-speaking world actually watch.

More to the point, FluentU has an entire business category filled with authentic business-related videos covering six language levels. Even within this single category, you’ll find a variety of videos, like “Introducing Business Colleagues,” “Business Buzzwords,” “Control Your Inbox!” and “Work Ethic.” There are also some videos about the construction industry, including vocabulary, informational clips about the engineering and construction of famous landmarks and even some interesting types of construction like tiny homes. 

There are also some videos about the construction industry, including vocabulary, informational clips about the engineering and construction of famous landmarks and even some interesting types of construction like tiny homes. 

An added bonus is that if you want to work on other topics later, you can use the FluentU platform to learn with videos from other categories, such as “Science and Tech,” “Politics and Society” or mix it up with “Arts and Entertainment” and “Health and Lifestyle.”

Every spoken word is subtitled, and subtitles are enhanced with an in-context definition, image and multiple example sentences. All you have to do is tap or click on one of the words in those subtitles to get more information. Plus, the videos are all accompanied by interactive features and active learning tools, like multimedia flashcards and quizzes that change as you get to know words better.

You can use FluentU in your browser, iOS or Android device.

If you’re looking for a traditional learning environment, here’s a course you might benefit from: Language for Professionals: This training course for construction workers covers everything from basic tool and material terms to safety vocabulary.

38 English for Construction Workers Terms to Keep Your Projects Running Smoothly

Here are some of the most common and useful words to familiarize yourself with if you plan to work in the construction industry.

Building, Updating, Destroying


To construct or create something from nothing.

He’s planning to build a new house.


To build again, often after a structure has been damaged.

Next week we’ll begin to reconstruct the old church.


To change the inner structure of a building (or part of a building) in order to change its appearance.

They want to remodel the master bedroom to create more closet space.


Similar but slightly different from “remodel.” This term refers to updating or repairing a building (or part of a building) so that it looks new again.

The kitchen is 20 years old and they want to renovate it.



The act of destroying something or taking it down.

The demolition of the empty warehouse downtown is scheduled for next week.

Sites and Spaces


You probably know the general English term “property,” referring to someone’s belongings. In construction, a property is a specific piece of land—often including the building or buildings on that land.

He owns several properties in the downtown area.

Commercial property

A commercial property is a property that’s intended for non-residential buildings. In other words, it should be used for a business, not for living.

The contract is for a commercial property and the building will be for offices.

Construction site/Building site

The place where a structure is being built.

We’ll need to bring the equipment to 5th street. That’s where the construction site is located.



This is a temporary structure next to a building that workers can stand on to work on a building. It’s usually made out of wood planks and metal poles.

He fell from the scaffolding onto the sidewalk but didn’t have any serious injuries.


This word describes something that’s dangerous.

The weather conditions are too hazardous for work on the construction site today.

Describing Buildings and Building Materials


The design or drawing that shows the plan for a building or other structure, such as a house.

We got the blueprints today and everything looks perfect. When can we start to build?



A hard block, usually made out of clay, that’s used to build structures.

What are the walls made out of? We used brick.


This is the hard, grey material used to create floors and walls, among other things. It’s poured out in liquid form and then hardens.

We’ll pour the concrete foundation today.


This is a board usually made from plaster that’s used to create the interior walls of a structure.

He ordered the drywall last month, but it hasn’t arrived yet, so we’re behind schedule.


A piece of wood, steel or other material that runs across the structure of a building to hold weight.

We discovered cracks in this beam, which we need to address as soon as possible.


A supportive beam of wood or metal in a building. Usually, it runs parallel to the ceiling or floor.

We’ll finish putting in the joists today and start laying the floor tomorrow.


The up-to-down or top-to-bottom direction.

How many vertical beams are there on each floor of the building?


The left-to-right or side-to-side direction.

The floor and ceiling are both horizontal.

Construction Tools



The tall machine that helps to lift heavy objects and materials to the upper floors of a building.

Adam is operating the crane today.


This is a tool used to pick up dirt, sand, gravel and snow.

Give me the shovel so I can clear off the sidewalk.



A machine with a large shovel attached that helps to dig holes and remove rocks from the ground.

We’ll need the bulldozer to dig the foundation. 

Dump truck

This is a large truck that has an open back, which can be filled with trash and debris.

The dump truck is full and needs to be emptied. 


A ladder has steps or bars to allow people to climb up and down.

I use a ladder to reach the light to change the lightbulb. 


A device used to move material such as rocks or soil from one place to another. It has one wheel on the front, so people can easily push it around.

She put the rocks from the garden into the wheelbarrow and took them to the other side of her house.

Hard hat


The protective hat construction workers wear on a construction site.

You must wear a hard hat to protect your head while on the construction site.

Construction Job Titles and Positions



The person who creates or draws the design for the building, house or structure.

Rachel was the lead architect for the museum downtown. 


A person who investigates land to see if it’s possible to build there.

The surveyor just sent us his report and we’re all set to start building. 


A contractor is a person or company who provides services for a specific job.

For the indoor pool, we’ll need to hire a contractor who has experience with this type of project.

General contractor

The person or company responsible for everyday work of all members on a construction site.

A good general contractor anticipates problems on job sites before they happen.


A person or company that does work for a contractor or larger project.

Let’s get a subcontractor for the plumbing.


A person who does manual labor and often reports to a contractor or other manager at a construction site.

How many workmen do you have on site?


A person who builds walls, structures and pathways with bricks.

The bricklayers finished today and the walls look great!


A person who installs the electric wires of a building or structure.

It’s safer to hire a professional electrician. They’ll know what safety equipment to install around the wires.



A person who installs the pipes and plumbing fixtures in a building or structure.

If you don’t know how to fix your plumbing, call your local plumber


This person is responsible for building the roof of a building or structure.

The roofers won’t come today because it’s raining.


A person who climbs tall structures and buildings to clean them and make repairs.

We need a steeplejack to get up there and fix the chimney.


A person who builds and works with stone.

Do we really need a stonemason? I thought we’d decided to use brick and concrete. 



A person who builds and repairs buildings, structures and other items out of wood.

Let’s ask the carpenter to build bookshelves into this wall.

Take some time to review and learn these words, and good luck as you continue to learn more about English for construction workers. You’ll sound more professional and informed in no time and will be ready for your next construction site!

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English Words for Construction and Work
English Words for Construction and Work

You can use the following construction vocabulary and phrases in English to talk about schools, hospitals, roads, streets, factories, and other buildings which are constructed, reconstructed and/or are under construction or reconstruction. You can use the phrases and vocabulary below besides your own words.

English Words for Construction and Work




Pave/ Paving roads.


To cover (something) with a material (such as stone, tar, or concrete) that forms a hard, level surface for walking, driving, etc.



1. A person who designs buildings/2. The art or science of designing and creating buildings.



To plan and make decisions about (something that is being built or created).



1. A soft gray powder that is mixed with water and other substances to make concrete/2. the very tiny, loose pieces of rock that cover beaches, deserts, etc.



A person who specializes in a branch of engineering.



The basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly.



A planned piece of work that has a specific purpose.



To build (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed.



The skill or work of making or fixing wooden objects or wooden parts of buildings : the skill of a carpenter or the work done by a carpenter.



A photographic print that shows how something (such as a building) will be made.



The act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc.

Wrecking ball


A large, heavy ball that is used to knock down buildings.

Building permit


A document authorizing the holder to construct a building of a particular kind on a particular lot.



Something (such as a hammer, saw, shovel, etc.) that you hold in your hand and use for a particular task.



1. A system of pipes that carries water through a building/2. a person whose job is to install or repair sinks, toilets, water pipes, etc.



A temporary or movable platform or structure on which a person stands or sits while working high above the floor or ground.

Drainage system


The process of removing water or liquid from a place or thing.



The activity of painting houses, walls, etc.

Masonry/ Bricklaying


Work was done using stone, brick, or concrete: work done by a mason. Mason: a skilled worker who builds or works with stone, brick, or concrete.

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A crane is used for lifting things to very high places

dump truck


A dump truck makes it easy to transport large quantities of sand, gravel, dirt, etc.


Yellow Bulldozer Moving Boulders Clipart Illustration

A bulldozer can push around dirt and rubble.


An excavator is used to dig deep holes, such as for the foundation of a building



Individual workers can transport heavy things more easily by using a wheelbarrow.



The sound of a jackhammer is so loud that a worker must use earplugs or earmuffs to protect his hearing.



Scaffolding is a metal structure that is put up temporarily so that workers can climb up to reach the high points of the building.



Each step of a ladder is called a rung.



Cement can be mixed with water and other elements to make concrete (which is used as a solid object) or mortar (which is used as a “glue” to stick bricks together)



The worker is using mortar to stick the bricks together. The tool in his hand is called a trowel, and there is a green bucket near his feet. A professional who specializes in working with bricks and stones is called a mason.



Shovels are used to dig holes.



If the construction is on or near a road, cones may be used to redirect traffic.

construction worker


He is wearing a hard hat to protect his head, and he is holding a blueprint – that’s the plan for the building, as designed by an architect. The main construction worker who manages all the others is called the foreman.

two-way radio / walkie talkie


Two-way radios are often used to communicate on the construction site. An informal name for them is “walkie talkies.”

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Photo search results for Construction worker

Man Carrying Gray Pipe Two Man Holding White Paper Woman Wears Yellow Hard Hat Holding Vehicle Part Silhouette of Man Holding onto Metal Frame Silhouette of Man Holding Flamethrower Person Using Dewalt Cordless Impact Driver on Brown Board

Image search results for Construction worker

craftsmen, site, workers handymen, carpentry, decorations construction worker, construction industry, carpenter construction, worker, concrete architect, planner, designers construction workers, maurer, site

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Synonyms for Construction worker. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/construction_worker

Synonyms for Construction worker. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/construction_worker>.

Synonyms for Construction worker. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/construction_worker.

Synonyms for construction worker in English construction worker; building labourer; hard hat.

What do you call a construction helper?

A construction helper is an assistant who works with more experienced construction workers and performs basic tasks, like cleanup, supplying tools, and carrying materials. A construction laborer is a skilled worker who handles the physical labor aspects of construction projects.

What is another term for laborer?

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for laborer, like: ditch-digger, manual laborer; carpenter’s helper, construction hand, esne, workman, hand, stevedore, blue-collar worker, day-laborer, unskilled worker and toiler.

What are the names of construction workers?

10 Most Popular Types of Construction Jobs

  1. Construction Superintendent. A construction superintendent oversees the operations of a construction site, from planning to completion.
  2. Project Engineer.
  3. Construction Estimator.
  4. Construction Inspector.
  5. Journeyman Electrician.
  6. Plumber.
  7. Pipefitter.
  8. Carpenter.

What is a construction laborer?

Construction laborers, also referred to as construction craft laborers, perform a wide variety of construction-related activities during all phases of construction. Many laborers spend their time preparing and cleaning up construction sites, using tools such as shovels and brooms.

What is a laborer job duties?

Laborer duties and responsibilities Cleaning and preparing construction sites. Loading and unloading materials and equipment. Building and taking down scaffolding and temporary structures. Digging trenches, compacting earth and backfilling holes. Operating and tending machinery and heavy equipment.

What construction jobs make the most money?

Top paying construction jobs

  1. Elevator installers and repairers ($84,990)
  2. Boilermaker ($63,100)
  3. Construction and building inspector ($60,710)
  4. Electrician ($56,180)
  5. Plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters ($55,160)
  6. Ironworkers ($53,650)
  7. Sheet metal workers ($50,400)
  8. Carpenters ($48,330)

Is being a construction laborer hard?

There’s no getting away from it, working in construction is tough. The long days. The heavy lifting. In a lot of jobs, it’s hard to see the fruits of labour, with construction, it’s very much apparent.

What are the skills of a construction laborer?

Here’s our list of the most essential construction traits that workers and contractors need to acquire to succeed in the industry.

  1. Physical Strength and Endurance.
  2. Dexterity and Hand-Eye Coordination.
  3. Building and Engineering Knowledge.
  4. Strong Reading and Math Skills.
  5. Memory.
  6. Communication.
  7. Experience with Technology.

Is laborer a job title?

Use this General Laborer job description template to find the best person for a role in a factory, warehouse, construction site or manufacturing company. Some companies also use the titles “General Worker” and “Common Laborer” to describe this particular role. …

What does being a laborer mean?

A laborer is a worker, especially a person who does some kind of physical work. Today, a laborer is thought of as someone who works with her hands, often outside. Laborer comes from labor, in Old French “work, exertion, or task,” from the Latin laborem, “toil, exertion, or fatigue.”

What do you do as a laborer in construction?

A construction laborer or construction worker does physical labor on construction sites. They may prepare sites by cleaning them, loading or unloading materials, and removing hazards. A general laborer may also run some types of equipment, or put together and take apart scaffolding and other temporary structures.

Is construction a good field?

But no longer the grueling manual labor-intensive industry that it used to be, making a career in construction is a great choice for young and aging workers alike. Today, with over 9 million employees, the construction industry is a growing industry with a vibrant workforce.

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