Word for complicated problem


is one more powerful synonym of puzzle, problem, enigma, &c. Turns out it has a more interesting etymology than I expected. It’s not from Latin but first shows up as Oxbridge slang

1596 Tom Nashe’s Haue with You to Saffron-Walden; or, Gabriell Harueys Hunt is Vp

So will I… driue [Gabriel Harvey] to confesse himselfe a Conundrum, who now thinks he hath learning inough to proue the saluation of Lucifer.

so apparently it was dog latin for a pedant or ninny at first but then used for puns (first attested in the sermons of a would-be wit:)

16 Dec. 1645, Kingdom’s Weekly Post, p. 76:

This is the man who would have his device alwayes in his sermons, which in Oxford they then called conundrums. For an instance… Now all House is turned into an Alehouse, and a pair of dice is made a Paradice, was it thus in the days of Noah? Ah no!

then an acrostic-like game based on punning answers before finally becoming the headstratcher it is now.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

сложных проблем

сложные проблемы

сложных задач

сложные задачи

сложные вопросы

сложным проблемам

сложных проблемах

сложнейших задач

комплексные проблемы

запутанных проблем

запутанные проблемы

сложнейших проблем

сложными проблемами

There are plenty of more complicated problems, that start with understanding how the cable system actually works.

Есть много более сложных проблем, которые начинаются с понимания того, как работает кабельная система.

Fortran first appeared in 1957 and is still used today to solve some of the most complicated problems in modern science and engineering.

Fortran впервые появился в 1957 году и до сих пор используется для решения некоторых из наиболее сложных проблем современной науки и техники.

But there are other no less complicated problems.

They are trained as mathematicians, engineers and chemists facing complicated problems.

Их обучали так, как обучают математиков, инженеров и химиков, которым предстоит решать сложные проблемы.

our highly qualified and conscientious staff provide successful solutions for the most complicated problems.

высокая квалификация и добросовестное отношение наших сотрудников к выполняемой работе, обеспечивают успешное решение самых сложных задач.

But the manifestation of complicated problems means to the mathematician only joy.

Но явление сложных задач лишь радость для математика.

Speaking about regional security, we cannot ignore the existence of such complicated problems as the spread of organized crime and illicit drug trafficking.

Говоря о региональной безопасности, мы не можем игнорировать наличие таких сложных проблем, как расширение масштабов организованной преступности, наркобизнеса.

They find common language and solve complicated problems.

So they say that the most complicated problems often have the simplest of answers.

Говорят, что для самых сложных проблем часто находятся простейшие решения.

Solving these challenges requires cross-disciplinary collaboration and a completely new way of approaching the space industry’s most complicated problems.

Решение этих проблем требует междисциплинарного сотрудничества и совершенно нового подхода к решению самых сложных проблем космической отрасли.

The system analysis of the complicated problems is based on several fundamental principles.

Системный анализ сложных проблем базируется на нескольких фундаментальных принципах.

He emphasized that multiculturalism affected a great number of life processes and crisis appeared in this field caused very complicated problems.

Он подчеркнул, что мультикультурализм влияет в жизни на большинство процессов, а кризис, возникающий в этой области, становится причиной очень сложных проблем.

Many complicated problems arose in the course of enforcing existing legislation and the detailed regulatory provisions needed called for considerable preliminary work.

Множество сложных проблем возникает в ходе обеспечения выполнения существующего законодательства, а детальные регламентирующие положения требуют проведения значительной предварительной работы.

Much more must be done, especially on the ground, to solve the most urgent and most complicated problems.

Пока еще предстоит многое сделать, особенно на местах, для решения наиболее актуальных и сложных проблем.

Like many complicated problems, there is no single, simple solution.

Как и у всех сложных проблем, тут нет простого и однозначного решения.

Let your attorney deal with more complicated problems.

For complicated problems we seldom can know in advance.

В отношении сложных задач мы редко знаем это заранее.

Artificial intelligence is taken as a system that imitates the solution of complicated problems by human during the course of life.

Искусственный интеллект рассматривается как система, имитирующая решение человеком сложных задач в процессе его жизнедеятельности.

It combined the excessive pace of electronics with the capability to be programmed for many complicated problems.

Он впервые сочетал высокоскоростную электронику со способностью программироваться для решения сложных задач.

One-size-fits-all solutions have given way to customized approaches as the complicated problems of diverse and mobile populations increasingly defy simplistic solutions.

Общие и универсальные решения уступили место поиску разных подходов, поскольку сложные проблемы разнообразных и мобильных групп населения стали плохо поддаваться решению старыми, упрощенными методами.

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Pain in the low back, or lumbago,

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Боль в нижней части спины, или люмбаго,

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The pointing from one satellite to another was a complicated problem owing to the great distance between the satellites,

the narrow laser beam divergence angle and vibration of the pointing system.

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Наведение одного спутника на другой является сложной проблемой ввиду больших расстояний между спутниками, малой

величины расхождения угла лазерного луча и вибрации системы наведения.

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There was still the huge and complicated problem of cleansing the land of toxic materials which had

been causing cancers as well as pulmonary and skin disorders.

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Попрежнему стоит огромная и сложная задача очистки земли острова от токсичных материалов,

вызывающих раковые, легочные и кожные заболевания.

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more especially of the varied groups of fossil or existing mammalian faunæ- will be rendered less obscure by the aid of a diagram.

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Довольно сложная проблема, что касается до« Происхождения Видов»-

особенно же разнообразных групп окаменелостей или существующей фауны млекопитающихся,- станет менее запутанной при помощи диаграммы.

Many detailed investigations have been

undertaken to define a set of rational solutions to this complicated problem.

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Для определения комплекса рациональных решений этой сложной проблемы проводилось множество углубленных исследований.

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It is a considerably more complicated problem to give effect to the rights of a juvenile deprived

of liberty defined by the federal law on the holding in custody of suspects and persons accused of having perpetrated crimes.

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Значительно более сложной проблемой представляется реализация прав лишенного свободы несовершеннолетнего, которые ему

определены Федеральным законом» О содержании под стражей подозреваемых и обвиняемых в совершении преступлений.

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It is expected that a

key item of the agenda will be a complicated problem of internal reconciliation in Palestine whereas without such reconciliation it is

impossible to reach any agreement with Israel and states-potential guarantors of peace in this region.

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Ожидается, что основной темой обсуждения будет сложная проблема преодоления внутренних разногласий в Палестине, без которого невозможно достичь каких-либо договоренностей

с Израилем и сторонами, готовыми выступить гарантами мира в этом регионе.

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Мы можем портовые даже более сложные задачи из математики непосредственно функциональном языке.

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Both parties demonstrated a will to solve complicated problems pertaining to the situation in Tajikistan in a constructive spirit.

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Обе стороны продемонстрировали стремление решать сложные проблемы, относящиеся к ситуации в Таджикистане, в духе конструктивности.

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We did not expect that someone would come and solve our complicated problems, both organizational and financial.

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Мы не рассчитывали, что за нас решат сложные проблемы, как организационные, так и финансовые.

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There will be no complicated problems that cannot be resolved smoothly if international

commitments are implemented as sincerely as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has done.

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Не будет настолько сложных проблем, которые не могут быть решены,

если международные обязательства осуществляются так же искренне, как это делает КНДР.

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However, with regard to some complicated problems, such as family violence, no solutions had

been proposed for dealing with the roots of the issue.

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Однако в том, что касается некоторых сложных проблем, таких, как


насилия в семье,

каких-либо решений по искоренению причин этой


предложено не было.

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first years of independence, could not shake or change their strong resolve to strengthen and develop the country’s statehood.

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Сложные проблемы, с которыми сталкивается грузинский народ с самых первых лет независимости,

не могут поколебать и изменить его твердую решимость укреплять и развивать государственность страны.

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More complicated problems that require analysis of the technical features of the production of the commodity

in order to exclude the possibility of marriage.

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Решение более сложных проблем, которые требуют анализа технических особенностей производства товара,

с целью исключить возможный брак.

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Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev& Partners is recommended for Corporate/M&A work and is well known due to its»client-oriented approach,

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Практика слияний и поглощений и корпоративного права АБ« Егоров, Пугинский, Афанасьев и партнеры» рекомендована благодаря« клиентоориентированному подходу,

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We are considerate to our customers- Any level manager is always ready to solve complicated problems.

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ВНИМАТЕЛЬНОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ К КЛИЕНТАМ- руководитель любого уровня всегда доступен для решения сложных вопросов.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Owing to combination of fundamental knowledge of our employees and study of the latest global experience,

we are solving the most complicated problems in the field of drilling mud service.

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Благодаря сочетанию фундаментальных знаний наших сотрудников и

изучения новейшего мирового опыта мы решаем самые сложные задачи в области сервиса бурового раствора.

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of the Religious Property Legal Regime The legal issues of possessing and

using religious property are one of the most important and complicated problems for the society.

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правового режима религиозного имущества Правовые вопросы принадлежности и использования

религиозного имущества являются одной из важных и довольно сложных проблем для общества.

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Much more must be done, especially on the ground,

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Пока еще предстоит многое сделать, особенно на местах,

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Despite the progress achieved in such a short period of time,

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Несмотря на прогресс, достигнутый за такой короткий период времени,

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Our experience and

business liaisons help our company solve the most complicated problems in the field of multimodal transportations of various cargoes.

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Опыт и налаженные

связи с партнерами позволяют нашей компании чувствовать себя уверенно в этой сфере и решать самые сложные задачи.

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This Lesson (Solving more complicated word problems on joint work) was created by by ikleyn(48006) About Me : View Source, Show
About ikleyn:

Solving more complicated word problems on joint work

This lesson is a continuation of the lesson  Using fractions to solve word problems on joint work  in this site.

While that lesson provides the traditional introductory joint work problems,  this lesson teaches you how to solve a bit more complicated joint work problems.

Problem 1

Working together,  John and Mark can clean a fish tank in  30  minutes.  If Mark works alone,  he can clean it in  50  minutes.
How long does it take John to clean the fish tank working alone?


Let  j  be the number of minutes for John to clean the tank working alone.

Let  m  be the number of minutes for Mark to clean the tank working alone.

Then John will clean  1%2Fj  part of the tank volume per minute.

Correspondingly,  Mark will clean  1%2Fm  part of the tank volume per minute.

Working together,  John and Mark will clean  1%2F30  part of the tank volume per minute.  It means that

1%2Fj + 1%2Fm = 1%2F30.       (1)

From the other part of the condition,  Mark is cleaning  1%2F50  part of the tank volume per minute working alone.  It means that

1%2Fm = 1%2F50.             (2)

Substitute  (2)  into  (1).  You will get

1%2Fj + 1%2F50 = 1%2F30.


1%2Fj = 1%2F301%2F50 = %2850-30%29%2F1500 = 20%2F1500 = 2%2F150 = 1%2F75.

Thus  j = 75%2F1 = 75 minutes.

Answer.  It will take  75  minutes for Mark to clean the tank working alone.

Problem 2

Pipe  A  can fill a tank in  6  hours.  When both pipe  A  and pipe  B  are used simultaneously,  the tank is filled in 4 hours.
How long,  in hours,  would it take for pipe  B  alone to fill the tank?


Let  x  be the time,  in hours,  for pipe  B  to fill the tank working alone.

The pipe  A  fills  1%2F6  of the tank volume per hour working alone.

The pipe  B  fills  1%2Fx  of the tank volume per hour.

The two pipes,  A  and  B,  working together,  fill  1%2F6 + 1%2Fx  of the tank volume per hour.

We are given that this quantity,  1%2F6 + 1%2Fx,  is equal to  1%2F4 of the tank volume.  It gives an equation

1%2F6 + 1%2Fx = 1%2F4.

To solve it,  multiply both sides by  12x.  You will get

2x + 12 = 3x,     or

x = 12.

Answer.  It will take  12  hours for pipe  B  to fill the tank working alone.

Problem 3

An inlet pipe on a swimming pool fills the pool in  12  hours.  The drain pipe empties the pool in  16  hours.

If the pool is  2%2F3  filled and then the inlet pipe and drain pipe are opened,  how long from that time will it take to fill the pool?


The rate of the inlet pipe is  1%2F12  of the pool volume per hour.

The rate of the drain pipe is  1%2F16  of the pool volume per hour.

The net rate for two pipes working simultaneously is  1%2F121%2F16 = 1%2F%283%2A16%29  of the pool volume per hour.

The equation to determine an unknown time  t  for filling  1%2F3  of the remaining volume of the pool is

1%2F%283%2A16%29.t = 1%2F3.

It gives  t = 16  hours.

Answer.  16 hours.

Problem 4

Alan can do a job in  12  hours.  Bob can do it in  20  hours.  Carl can do the same job in  30  hours.

How long will it take for Alan,  Bob and Carl to do the job working together?


Alan’s rate of work is  1%2F12  of the entire job per hour.

That of Bob is  1%2F20  of the entire job per hour.

Carl’s rate of work is  1%2F30  of the entire job per hour.

When the three worker work together,  their net rate of work is

1%2F12 + 1%2F20 + 1%2F30 = 5%2F60 + 3%2F60 + 2%2F60 = %285+%2B+3+%2B+2%29%2F60 = 10%2F60 = 1%2F6

of the entire work per hour.

It means that the three workers will complete the job in  6  hours,  if they work together.

Answer.  6  hours.

Problem 5

Mario and Julio are working together to wash cars. When they work together they can wash 7 cars in 2 hours.
If Mario works alone he can wash 5 cars in 3 hours. If Julio works alone, how long will it take him to wash 12 cars?


Let  m  be Mario’s rate when he works alone,  and let  j  be Julio’s rate when he works alone.

From the condition,

m = 5%2F3 car%2Fhour,

m + j = 7%2F2 car%2Fhour.

Hence,  j = (m+j) — m = 7%2F2+-+5%2F3 = 21%2F6+-+10%2F6 = 11%2F6 car%2Fhour

Therefore,  if Julio works alone,  it will take for him  12 : 11%2F6 = %2812%2A6%29%2F11 = 72%2F11 = 66%2F11  of an hour to wash 12 cars.

Problem 6

A tank has three pipes connected.  The first,  by itself,  could fill the tank in 2 1%2F2 hr,
the second in  2 hr,  and the third in 1 hr and 40 min.  In how many minutes will the tank be filled?


1.  2 1%2F2 h = 150 minutes.

    2 hours = 120 minutes.

    1 hour 40 minutes = 100 minutes.

2.  1-st pipe fills 1%2F150 of the tank volume per minute.

    2-nd pipe fills 1%2F120 of the tank volume per minute.

    3-rd pipe fills 1%2F100 of the tank volume per minute.

3.  The three pipes fill  1%2F150+%2B+1%2F120+%2B+1%2F100 = 4%2F600+%2B+5%2F600+%2B+1%2F600 = 10%2F600 = 1%2F60 of the tank volume per minute.

4.  Hence, it will take 60 minutes = 1 hour for the three pipes to fill the tank.

My other lessons on joint work problems in this site are

    — Rate of work problems

    — Using Fractions to solve word problems on joint work

    — Using quadratic equations to solve word problems on joint work

    — Solving rate of work problem by reducing to a system of linear equations

    — Solving joint work problems by reasoning

    — Selected joint-work word problems from the archive

    — Joint-work problems for 3 participants

    — HOW TO algebreze and solve these joint work problems ?

    — Had there were more workers, the job would be completed sooner

    — One unusual joint work problem

    — Very unexpected problem on rate of work — HOW TO setup and HOW TO solve

    — Special joint work problems that admit and require an alternative solution method

    — Entertainment problems on joint work

    — Joint work word problems for the day of April, 1

    — OVERVIEW of lessons on rate-of-work problems

Use this file/link  ALGEBRA-I — YOUR ONLINE TEXTBOOK  to navigate over all topics and lessons of the online textbook  ALGEBRA-I.

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More complicated word problem help?

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  • Start date
    Nov 2, 2012

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #1
I’ve gotten ok at reading and understanding simple word problems, but when there are equations involved, what clues do I look for if I’m not told beforehand what I’m dealing with?

Answers and Replies

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #2
Are these problems with equations involved only in symbolic form? Follow the instructions for the set of exercises so you know what you are expected to do, or what to solve.

EDIT: Involving equations instead of managing a word problem is simpler, and less effort because you already have your equation in symbolic form and then just need to solve it; a word problem requires you to both translate into symbolic form AND then to solve.

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #3
Well, what I would like to know is, let’s say that I’m sure that the word problem is asking for forumla X, however, I don’t know formula X, is there a way I can work out how to correctly put the numbers? I hope that makes sense.

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #4
Often enough YES. In some cases, you need to know a set of formulas and use reading comprehension to help choose the related formulas for the problem. In other cases, you may need to know a few formulas by training and instinct, and must DERIVE an equation from which you must DERIVE the needed formula.

Do you have a couple of examples?

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #5
Like, let’s say you have a problem, where it asks about you starting off with an amount of money, and it grows such and such percent over the year, how much would you have afterwords, with nothing in the way of the typical arithmetic clues to guide you. I know how to do the percent of something, not grow by a percentage. The only other one I can think of at present has to do with a license plate problem, 3 letters, 2 numbers, and how many possible combinations are there? Again, nothing that I recognize from the basic arithmatic, I know I could just count the second, but that’d take forever, and I know that there is probably something simple I could do to figure out maybe, but what that is I have no clue.

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #6

Regarding post #5:

Those are general descriptions. Do you have a couple of examples?

Are you studying Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, or Algebra 2? Which, if any?

  • Nov 2, 2012
  • #7
Actually, your first description can be treated as something to translate into a form using variables. Assign a variable to everything. What formulas or relationships are found in the problem description? Write these using numbers or variables. What number are you looking to solve for? Develop the answer purely in symbolic form (formula which will be expressed as numbers, some of them being variables.)

Suggested for: More complicated word problem help?

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Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Word for completely wrong
  • Word for come in between
  • Word for combining two words into one
  • Word for completely shocked
  • Word for completely necessary