Word for complete control


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White and Gray Analog Gauge at 200 Black and Gray Car Interior Man Pulling Strings Attached to Another Persons Fingers  White and Red Water Meter Person Playing Audio Mixer in Close Up Photography CCTV on Blue Wall

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Synonyms for Complete control. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/complete_control

Synonyms for Complete control. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/complete_control>.

Synonyms for Complete control. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/complete_control.

  • controlling position

    position of great advantage

  • enviable position

    position of great advantage

  • high perch

    position of great advantage

  • high place

    position of great advantage

  • lofty perch

    position of great advantage

  • position of influence

    position of great advantage

  • position of power

  • power position

  • seat of power

  • throne

  • commanding position

  • catbird seat

Synonyms for Complete control

For more similar words, try Complete control on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 12 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to complete control, such as: commanding position, controlling position, enviable position, high perch, high place, and lofty perch.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • commanding position
  • complete control
  • controlling position
  • enviable position
  • high perch
  • high place
  • lofty perch
  • position of influence
  • position of power
  • power position
  • seat of power
  • throne

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

полный контроль

полным контролем

полном контроле

тотальный контроль

полному контролю

тотального контроля

полное управление

полную власть

абсолютный контроль

полностью контролирую

все под контролем

полной власти

полностью под контролем

полного контроля

полностью контролировать


This way you can have complete control over your journey.

Только при таком подходе вы сможете получить полный контроль над своим путешествием.

This means that each user has complete control over their data and identity.

Это значит, что у каждый пользователь получит полный контроль над своими данными и гарантию его идентичности».

You should never have complete control.

The physician is in complete control of the surgery.

This gives you complete control over who enters your home.

Этот функционал подразумевает под собой полный контроль людей, которые пытаются проникнуть в ваш дом.

That means you have complete control.

Also, they have complete control over the messages they receive.

Также, пользователи продолжают иметь полный контроль над теми сообщениями, которые они получают.

Having complete control over the design of your workspace.

Независимо от того, есть ли у вас полный контроль над дизайном своего рабочего пространства.

In other words, complete control with no compromise on comfort.

Иными словами — полный контроль без каких бы то ни было компромиссов в области комфорта.

Permanent and complete control of symptoms with medications is unusual.

Постоянный и полный контроль симптомов за счет лекарственных средств встречается крайне редко.

The end user has complete control over their own security.

Их цель — гарантировать, что пользователь имеет полный контроль над своей безопасностью.

However, the UK wants complete control over immigration.

Кроме того, они хотят иметь полный контроль в отношении иммиграции.

You rest, knowing He is in complete control.

Вы не беспокоитесь, так как знаете, что сохраняете полный контроль.

It’s cool because I have complete control over everything.

«Здесь абсолютно безопасно, потому что здесь полный контроль за всем.

Satan has gained almost complete control of this medium.

Таким образом, Тегеран установил почти полный контроль над этой страной.

With such access, you have complete control over server environment, and can tailor it to you precise needs.

С помощью такого доступа вы получите полный контроль над структурой сервера и можете легко подогнать его под свои нужны.

In hypnosis you are fully aware of what is happening throughout and you remain in complete control.

Человек в состоянии гипноза осознает все, что происходит вокруг него, и сохраняет полный контроль.

It should be able provide you with all the hosting details so that you have complete control over your website.

Он должен иметь возможность предоставить вам все информацию о хостинг, чтобы вы имели полный контроль над своим сайтом.

If that’s the case for you, a good security product must provide you with complete control.

Если это так, то хороший продукт безопасности должен предоставить вам полный контроль.

Imagine that you are an integral part of himself, which is under your complete control.

Представьте себе, что это неотъемлемая часть вас самого, которая находится под вашим полным контролем.

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So I’ve been briefly looking into this subject not thinking much about how rare it is to have high control over personal emotion and more for a literal term for someone like this. But from what I have read it seems to be most humans feel at least some emotion and have little control over them (when I say control, I mean literal complete control like playing a video game not calming yourself down).

The reason I was interested in this is because of my girlfriend, she is very emotional and I have a very hard time keeping up and understanding her reasoning for that emotion, yes I have gotten many responses like: «well she is a girl» or «maybe it’s her period» or her personal favouring «I don’t know» usually followed by crying and it always confused me as I seem to be a relatively low emotion person but through recent personal events I have gained a pretty well rounded grasp of my emotion.

Now while I am not in complete control for example I cannot just make myself switch between emotions in seconds effortlessly happy, sad, depressed, lost, ecstatic and back to happy not at all but what I can do is loose my emotion. It seems grim but this is usually think of it. When I know I’m currently in one emotion I can picture or I dare to say feel a kind of connection, and it’s relatively malleable, as I started to understand this and learn about myself I started to paint myself a picture I my head which helps me switch h between.

To be honest all I picture is a kind of wire or connection, all I see is the middle though and if I relax I can move it or disconnect it. Afterwards I don’t feel any specific emotion. Contrary to how I picture it I don’t belive I completely break the connection though for 2 reasons.

  1. Being that my personal thoughts and choices are still effected by my personality, I do think more rationally and usually seem vary selfish but there are some choices I make that are not completely robot like.
  2. Being I still possess the ability to return to my emotional self so there must be some form af connection somewhere.

This also gives me a pretty happy lifestyle as if I ever feel genuinely upset or feel a strong negative feeling (including depression) I can switch over fo nothing which then gives me the rational thought process to understand what’s happening and as long as I can understand it or come to peice I can switch again and be happy.

It comes in handy and my personal best for switching states states is: since early morning wad riddled with deep depression, anxiety and pain and it didn’t help that the previous 2 nights I did not sleep at all. Around 8 in the morning I hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours and was at a very slow mental functioning speed. I had no real thoughts for about 2 hours and only plan was not to let anyone know about how I feel. Luckily I must have looked relatively ok and managed to get to work unbothered by the people who care about me and would want to help.

Luckily that morning in work was quiet and I had jobs that required very little attention. The perfect environment for me to think. For the next hour roughly I had thought over what had happened in the previous couple days and managed to sort it all out and by this time I realised I wasn’t as sad. I was now af a neutral level, emotionless, I was then given a good 20 minutes without being talked to by Co workers (Luckily in the sense that it helped me think, I enjoy working with them) and had now completely mapped out in my head: what happened, why, what I should worry about, what was not worth me worrying about, and what and how I had to think to change. The rest of the day went very smooth and j spent most of it singing outside haha.

Although I belive this new found ability is my reward for going through certain experiences in the past and learning from them Including: depression, disassociation, disassociative bipolar disorder and probably more. These are things I went through alone but that’s not a sub story or a cry for help its a hero arc. I went through all of that pretty stupidly tbh, most of the things I listed I didn’t notice myself but by people around me and my friends, which I then pieced together myself. So it’s all worth it now 👍

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