Word for coming up with new ideas

When you’re in a group environment, it can be hard to come up with a definitive idea. That’s why having someone who suggests ideas is a lifesaver in many situations. This article will explore some words we can use to talk about these types of people.

What Do You Call A Person Who Comes Up With Ideas?

There are some great ways we can refer to people who come up with ideas. Some of the following are the best bets:

  • Innovator
  • Ingenuity
  • Intellectual
  • Decisive
  • Imaginative
  • Creative
  • Smart
  • Clever
  • Reliable
  • Savant

Words For A Person Who Comes Up With Ideas

The preferred version is “innovator.” It works well to show that someone is always leading the way when it comes to making decisions. They are often the most reliable person in a group to help you figure out what your next best move is supposed to be.


“Innovator” is a great way to show that someone is always there to introduce new ideas to a team or party. Innovators are great in difficult situations (especially if there’s a particular pressure related to thinking of a reasonable idea).

Innovators tend to be the CEOs of the large companies you know today. They’ll be the people coming up with the ideas that have created the multi-million or billion-dollar corporations in the world.

The definition of “innovator,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who introduces changes and new ideas.”

  • You’re the innovator, and we rely on you. Please help us decide which idea is best.
  • She should be more of an innovator. She’s really intelligent, but she doesn’t seem to trust her ability.
  • You’ll be the innovator of the group, then. After all, you seem to have only reasonable ideas.


“Ingenuity” is a great way to show that someone thinks in ways that other people might miss. It shows they are clever, and they’ll usually suggest ideas that other people might not even think about.

Ingenuity is one of the best traits to have when it comes to building your own brand or business. That’s why it works so well here.

The definition of “ingenuity,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone’s ability to think of clever new ways of doing something.”

  • Your ingenuity is something to behold. Is there anything you can come up with that’s going to help us change?
  • I should apply my ingenuity to this business. My ideas are better than most of the ones you come up with.
  • His ingenuity knows no bounds. We need to hire him immediately because no one has better ideas.


“Intellectual” refers to someone’s capacity to think. They are usually the smartest people in a group, and we can use this word to show that they come up with ideas when other people are struggling to think of anything useful.

The definition of “intellectual,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “relating to your ability to think and understand things, especially complicated ideas.”

  • You’re an intellectual, and you need to trust your ability. Just get some ideas flowing first.
  • She’s an intellectual, and I really like watching her think things through. Her ideas are always so interesting.
  • You’ll have to act like an intellectual for once! I know that’s going to be hard, but they expect the idea to come from you.


“Decisive” works well when ideas have already been presented in a group. If the group cannot agree overall on the best idea, a decisive person is usually there to clarify that one of the ideas is the best one at the time.

For example, if a group likes Project A, B, and C, but can’t decide which one to continue working on, a decisive candidate could simply say that Project B comes with the most reward, and it’ll be the most interesting one for them to start working on.

The definition of “decisive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality.”

  • We need someone more decisive than us to come up with a solution. We’re not getting anywhere with this.
  • You’re decisive, and you need to suggest an idea. We can’t keep coming up with things without a definitive answer.
  • I’m the only one here that’s decisive. Therefore, it comes down to me to suggest something that’s going to work out.


“Imaginative” is a great way to show that someone thinks about ideas differently from others. We can use it when someone is always coming up with original ideas that help a group (or themselves) out.

Imaginative people are great to have in a group setting. They often think in ways that other people won’t.

So, while the other members of the group might have one mediocre idea between them, an imaginative person could end up with five or six really interesting ideas that no one else thought of.

The definition of “imaginative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “good at thinking of new, original, and clever ideas.”

  • I’m imaginative, and I’ll happily help you come up with a better name for your business.
  • Don’t worry; I won’t charge for my imaginative prowess. I do expect to have my name written as a founder, though.
  • You’re the imaginative one, and I need you to help me one last time! Do you think you can do that?


“Creative” means that someone thinks in ways other people cannot comprehend. It shows they will open up their mind to unusual ideas, and they’ll explore different outcomes and situations until they find one that works best.

The definition of “creative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “producing or using original and unusual ideas.”

  • I think his ideas are always creative, and we should hear him out before we don’t get another chance.
  • You’re the creative idea guy, so you need to help us get out of this situation.
  • Are you the creative brain behind this idea? I’d love to learn what makes you think this will work well.


“Smart” means that someone is intelligent, and they usually have ideas to prove that. Intelligent people typically provide ideas for others that allow them to explore new avenues.

Just like being creative or imaginative, being smart allows certain people to open up new ideas that others didn’t even think of.

The definition of “smart,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “intelligent, or able to think quickly or intelligently in difficult situations.”

  • Darren is clearly the smart one, so you should talk to him about it. He’ll help you understand the idea.
  • This idea was created by someone much smarter than all of us. I don’t know how to tackle it without help.
  • You’re too smart for this group. You should just leave us to be indecisive with no real goals!


“Clever” is an alternative to “smart.” We can use this synonym to show that someone is intelligent and can usually think in interesting ways. The way they think allows them to come up with good ideas that others might miss out on.

The definition of “clever,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily.”

  • I think I’m clever enough to come up with a good idea. Just bear with me for a second while I think.
  • You’re not very clever. We don’t come to you for ideas, so don’t bother trying to help us.
  • As the clever one in the group, it’s down to me to decide which of these ideas makes the most sense for us.


“Reliable” can be attributed to a specific person in a group. If they’re always the ones coming up with good ideas, it makes sense to “rely” on them.

This reliable quality means they’ll always be the ones to help you out. If you can’t come to a group decision, the ideas of a reliable person will usually be enough to fix any issues you might have.

The definition of “reliable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “deserving trust; dependable.”

  • You’re the most reliable one of us when it comes to suggesting new ideas! Please help us out with this.
  • She’s quite reliable. I would trust her with the decision since none of you seem to be able to come up with one.
  • You’re almost too reliable! How do you always know the best course of action in these cases?


“Savant” works when we want to show someone is clever enough to come up with good ideas. They usually relate their ideas to the skills they have.

It can be quite a pretentious way to talk about someone, so be careful who you use it for.

The definition of “savant,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially someone who is less able in other ways.”

  • You’re quite the savant. We need your help figuring out the best way to go about this.
  • What’s your idea? As a savant, I think we should rely on you to help us figure this one out.
  • He’s a savant because of his ideas. I don’t know how he comes up with them!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Все успешные люди следят за тенденциями, за изменениями, придумывают новые идеи вследствие изучения



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We also encourage other groups and interested countries to come up with new ideas and proposals that could generate broader support among the membership.

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Мы также настоятельно призываем другие группы и заинтересованные страны выдвигать новые идеи и предложения, которые могли бы получить более широкую поддержку среди государств-


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It was devoted to reflecting on the

effectiveness of the international drug control system and to come up with new ideas on how best to counter the world drug problem.

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В ходе сессии


дана оценка

эффективности международной системы контроля над наркотиками и были выдвинуты новые идеи о наилучших способах решения мировой проблемы наркотиков.

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The key appointments should be made quickly so that experienced and professional managers could get down to work and

in so doing come up with new ideas which would help to fill in the details of the project, if necessary.

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Следует оперативно провести ключевые назначения,


тем чтобы опытные и

профессиональные руководители смогли приступить к работе и выйти с новыми идеями, на основе которых при необходимости можно было бы завершить

детальную доработку проекта.

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Today, we need to transmit to modern filmmakers the conception of the cinema that used to hold sway, the experience that has already been accumulated,

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Мы сегодня современным кинематографистам должны дать то понимание кинематографа, которое было раньше, тот опыт, который уже был накоплен,

поделиться нашей фундаментальной базой для того, чтобы у них рождались новые идеи.

According to the General Director of MBPA, Andrei Crigan, the courses dedicated to young entrepreneurs contribute to developing a business elite,»an

elite that will create


jobs, come up with new ideas and contribute ultimately to the development of our country.

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По словам генерального директора АДЛМ, Андрея Кригана, курсы, посвященные молодым предпринимателям содействуют созданию бизнес- элиты,« элиты, которая будет



рабочие места, будет выдвигать новые идеи и будет способствовать, в конечном итоге, развитию нашей страны».

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On the eve of the session of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe(CSCE) in Budapest later this year,

Bulgaria is confident that the high-level representatives of European countries will come up with new ideas to improve the functions of the CSCE, including cooperation


United Nations.

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Накануне сессии Совещания по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе( СБСЕ), которая состоится позднее в нынешнем году в Будапеште, Болгария убеждена,

что высокопоставленные представители европейских стран выступят с новыми идеями по совершенствованию функций СБСЕ, в том числе сотрудничества


Организацией Объединенных Наций.

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Perhaps that is why Bush games online is still relevant and in demand, their love hundreds of gamers around the world,

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Возможно, именно поэтому Буш игры онлайн по-прежнему актуальны и востребованы, их любят сотни геймеров по всему миру,

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Ever wonder how some of the big names in business are able to continually come up with new, innovative product ideas, marketing programs and publicity projects?

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Всегда интересуйте как некоторые из больших имен в деле могут постоянно прийти вверх с новыми, новаторскими идеями продукта, программаа маркетинга и проектами публикуемост?

The main tasks of the business owner- to be able to motivate employees,

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Главные задачи владельца бизнеса- уметь мотивировать сотрудников,

вдохновлять их


проектами, придумывать новые идеи, а также брать на себя все риски, связанные с бизнесом.

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It is important for developing countries to nurture indigenous

scientific capability which confers upon them the ability to experiment and come up with new innovative


that can be taken


for industrial application.

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Важно, чтобы развивающиеся страны взращивали собственный научный потенциал,

дающий им возможность экспериментировать и выдвигать новые новаторские идеи, которые могут быть освоены на предмет промышленного применения.

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Here are a couple of exercises to force yourself to come up with some brand



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Здесь пара тренировок, котор нужно принудить come up с некоторыми brandnew идеями.

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He called on the Somali leaders to

come up 

with new ideas on how to solve their problems.

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Он призвал сомалийских лидеров предложить новые идеи о том, как решить их проблемы.

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In addition, the WALTER ACADEMY is also a place to



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Кроме того, академия WALTER ACADEMY является местом встречи,

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Mr. Ahtisaari said that small States, being innovative,


come up 

with new ideas to move the Middle East peace process forward.

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Гн Ахтисаари ответил, что малые государства, будучи привержены инновационным подходам,

могли бы выдвинуть новые идеи в целях достижения прогресса в ближневосточном мирном процессе.

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As to the reorganization of the Secretariat,

we are of the opinion that the most authoritative person to

come up 

with new ideas and recommendations is the Secretary-General himself.

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Что касается реорганизации Секретариата, то

мы считаем, что здесь наиболее авторитетный человек, способный выдвинуть новые идеи и рекомендации, это сам Генеральный секретарь.

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It is simply because the general atmosphere in the Conference on Disarmament

is not conducive to encouraging members to

come up 

with new ideas, even though they might be formulated creatively, realistically and pragmatically.

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Просто общая атмосфера на КР не очень-

то побуждала членов выступать с новыми идеями, даже если бы они были сформулированы творчески, реалистически и прагматично.

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The Olympic Games, whose centenary we are approaching,

are milestones in the lives of an increasing number of people which enable us to

come up 

with new ideas on international issues,

a necessary precursor for true and genuine political relationships.

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Олимпийские игры, к столетию возобновления которых мы приближаемся,

представляют собой вехи в жизнях все возрастающего числа людей, что позволяет нам подходить к международным проблемам с новыми идеями, что, в свою очередь, является необходимым условием для истинных

и подлинных политических отношений.

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Victor Pinchuk, founder and member of the Board of Yalta European Strategy:»The YES meeting is a place for global and Ukrainian leaders to assess changes in the world and

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Виктор Пинчук, основатель и член Правления Ялтинской Европейской Стратегии:« Встреча YES- это место, где глобальные и украинские лидеры могут дать оценку изменениям в мире и их значению для Украины,

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At the company level, it tried to inspire its staff to

come up 

with new ideas on the use of more sustainable resources,

a more efficient use of resources and, more generally, a more sustainable use of plastics, involving reusing and recycling.

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На уровне компании проводится работа по мотивации персонала предлагать новые идеи, касающиеся использования более устойчивых ресурсов, более

эффективного использования ресурсов и в целом более рационального использования пластических материалов, включая реутилизацию и рециркуляцию.

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There is an overall expectation to overcome the unsatisfactory performance the CD has given for the last nine years,

an expectation to generate creativity, to

come up 

with new ideas, to start exhaustive discussions on merit

and deliberations leading to effective and fruitful work.

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Имеет место общее упование


преодоление той неудовлетворительной эффективности, какую демонстрировала КР


протяжении последних девяти лет,



генерацию творчества, на выдвижение новых идей,


начало исчерпывающих дискуссий по существу и

обсуждений в русле эффективной и плодотворной работы.

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Thirdly, in order to facilitate such a process, in order to spark innovative and creative thinking, we will need a proper, conducive environment— an environment that, at the beginning of the process, should be as informal as possible so

as to make everybody feel comfortable and enable them to dare to

come up 

with new ideas.

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В-третьих, чтобы способствовать такому процессу, чтобы способствовать новаторскому и творческому мышлению, нам потребуется создать надлежащие, благоприятные условия— условия, которые в начале процесса должны носить как можно более неофициальный характер,

чтобы все чувствовали себя непринужденно и могли без колебаний выдвигать новые идеи.

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The present report speaks of our efforts not only to keep the issue at the forefront,

but also to

come up 

with new ideas to see how we could move forward together on a

subject that has eluded closure for a decade now in relation to the missing persons and since 1990 in relation to the national archives.

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В настоя- щем докладе говорится о наших усилиях, направ- ленных не только


то, чтобы постоянно уделять этому вопросу первостепенное внимание,

но и на выработку новых идей о том, каким образом мы могли бы вместе продвинуться вперед

в решении вопроса о пропавших без вести лицах, который остается нерешенным уже в течение десятилетия, а также вопроса о национальных архивах, который остается нерешенным с 1990 года.

May the»My Armenia» Festival dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia and

your days spent in the Homeland make you set


goals and

come up 

with new ideas, contributing to the revitalization of cultural life in your respective communities

and to the strengthening of the cultural partnership between Armenia and the Diaspora.

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Пусть фестиваль« Моя Армения», посвященный 25- летию независимости РА,

и проведенные на Родине дни породят идеи новых целей и инициатив, способствуя активизации культурной жизни общин

и укреплению культурного взаимодействия Родина- Диаспора»,

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They offer mechanisms which challenge partners to

come up 

with new ideas and provide specific examples of best practices

that show how lenders can reach out to slum dwellers and enable them to gain access to



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Они предлагают механизмы, побуждающие партнеров к формулированию новых идей и обмену конкретными примерами лучшей практики,

показывающими, каким образом кредиторы могут, пойдя навстречу обитателям трущоб, открыть для них доступ

к новым


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For example:“The work that I like suggests an opportunity of

coming up 

with new ideas.

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Например:« Работа, которая мне нравится, предполагает возможность обдумывать новые идеи.

Our designers are constantly

coming up 

with new ideas and even more dependable components to reduce

the already acclaimed low failure rate of our mills.

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Наши инженеры- конструкторы постоянно разрабатывают новые идеи и еще более надежные компоненты, чтобы минимизировать и без

того общеизвестно низкий процент погрешностей в работе наших мельниц.

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Results: 1733,
Time: 0.4779





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

придумывать новые идеи

появляются новые идеи

I love being creative and coming up with new ideas and solutions.

You have a knack for coming up with new ideas or making old ones better.

Science is an ever-changing field that is constantly coming up with new ideas and advancements to make our lives easier.

Наука — непрерывно меняющаяся область, в которой постоянно появляются новые идеи и достижения, делающие наши жизни легче.

Of course, we always achieve our goals, but we are always coming up with new ideas for innovative products.

Естественно, мы всегда достигаем наших целей, но при этом у нас всегда появляются новые идеи по созданию еще более инновационных продуктов.

Coming up with new ideas was an adventure.

Coming up with new ideas to…

There is some mix of learning from a textbook, reading papers, attending classes and coming up with new ideas.

Есть некоторые сочетания обучения из учебника, читать газеты, посещать занятия и придумывают новые идеи.

These are people who have worked long, hard hours, coming up with new ideas and figuring out new technologies.

Это люди, которые работали долгие и тяжелые часы, придумывая новые идеи и технологии.

But earlier this year, I kind of stopped coming up with new ideas and concepts.

Designers are consistently tasked with coming up with new ideas that are revolutionary, so that they can stay ahead of trends that are occurring online.

Дизайнерам постоянно приходится иметь дело с задачами, где им нужно придумывать новые идеи, которые могут стать революционными, так, чтобы они могли опережать тенденции, господствующие в Интернете.

It was a small developing organization with a small staff, where he had a lot to communicate with people, to train them, coming up with new ideas.

Это была небольшая развивающаяся организация, с небольшим штатом, где ему приходилось много общаться с людьми, обучать их, придумывать новые идеи.

But once that initial pool of ideas is exhausted, you will most likely find that coming up with new ideas is one of the harder bits of being creative.

Но как только этот первоначальный источник идей исчерпан, вы, скорее всего, обнаружите, что придумывать новые идеи — это один из самых сложных аспектов творчества.

You should also think how well you manage time, if you are detail-oriented or focus on the big picture, and if you enjoy coming up with new ideas.

Кроме того, нужно подумать, насколько умело вы распределяете время, оцениваете ли вы общую картину или более внимательны к деталям, нравится ли вам придумывать новые идеи.

It is all about building a business from zero by coming up with new ideas and turning those ideas into a profitable business.

Все дело в том, чтобы построить бизнес с нуля, придумывая новые идеи и превращая эти идеи в прибыльный бизнес.

The Danish confederation of industry, Dansk Industri (DI), has analysed the OECD figures and found that Denmark is among the very top nations in the world per capita for coming up with new ideas and applying for patents in a number of sectors.

Датская конфедерация промышленности, Dansk Industri (DI), проанализировала на прошлой неделе данные ОЭСР и обнаружила, что Дания входит в число самых высокоразвитых стран в мире, жители которые придумывают новые идеи и подают заявки на патенты в ряде секторов.

Engineers are always coming up with new ideas.

Coming up with new ideas for dinner can be challenging.

Coming up with new ideas is not my problem.

Coming up with new ideas is different.

Coming up with new ideas and stuff like that.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 65. Точных совпадений: 65. Затраченное время: 119 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

In this article we’ll cover brainstorming in-depth, including its definition, some examples of how it’s done, and techniques on how you can brainstorm like a pro.

Have a difficult decision to make, and not sure what to do? Brainstorming ideas will show you the best path forward.

Brainstorming is a must-have decision making skill that enables you to come up with great solutions for even the hairiest of problems.

Without further ado, let’s get to it!


  1. What is brainstorming?
  2. Brainstorming example: making art less scary
  3. Brainstorming techniques
    • Step-by-step guide: brainstorming by yourself
    • Step-by-step guide: brainstorming in a group
  4. Brainstorming is great for decision making
  5. Other decision making skills

What is brainstorming?

what is brainstorming

Brainstorming definition: a creative process for generating ideas that encourages quantity over quality and discourages criticism and evaluation. A key ingredient for success is allowing ideas to build on each other.

Brainstorming is a very important decision making skill, because it’s so effective at generating ideas to solve your problem.

Brainstorming is effective at generating ideas for two reasons:

  1. It generates a large quantity of ideas.
  2. It generates a large variety of ideas addressing different aspects of the problem.

Brainstorming example: making art less scary

At the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., a group of museum staff joined together to come up with strategies to create better connections with visitors.

One of the biggest issues was making people feel confident about interacting with the art. Visitors often felt like fishes out of water around the museum and even apologized for not being “art people”.

Brainstorming examples

How to make people feel confident and comfortable? The group decided a brainstorm was in order.

For 8 minutes participants sketched out possible solutions on sheets of paper. Then they each presented their sketches to the group.

After the presentations, another 8 minute round of sketching began. Staffers could further explore the issue now armed with all the ideas shared by the group.

One of the ideas presented after the first sketching session was to require all visitors to attend lectures about the museum and its art before heading to the galleries.

These lectures could provide the needed context to make people feel confident navigating the collection.

The problem was that this idea was too prescriptive. What if a visitor didn’t want to attend the lecture?

It would also be difficult to maintain. A whole new set of staff would be needed around the clock to deliver the lectures.

But from this seed idea came another in the second round of sketching.

The museum could provide short, on-demand videos in the atrium before the galleries. The videos would develop skills and confidence around interacting with art.

Now this was an idea everyone could get behind!

Once installed, art enthusiasts and novices alike loved the new videos. They felt much more at ease in the galleries, able to connect with the art.

There is a lot of advice out there on different brainstorming techniques, and no two techniques seem to match. That’s ok, because the spirit of how to conduct a brainstorm matters more than the particulars.

The techniques I offer to conduct both individual and group brainstorms follow the spirit of much of the advice out there.

On top of that, I’ve found the following two techniques to be very effective at helping me make decisions. I’ve trained teams to use them with much success, both at large public companies and fast growing tech startups.

Technique #1: brainstorming by yourself (step-by-step guide)

Mind mapping is a powerful brainstorming exercise when you’re by yourself. It’s so simple and easy that anyone can do it with 5-10 minutes of work.

Contrary to popular belief, brainstorming on your own can be an extremely effective path to coming up with great ideas.

I usually recommend that each member of my team does their own mind mapping exercise before entering a group brainstorming session. I find that the group brainstorm is a lot more productive that way.

The Mind Mapping Technique:

Brainstorming exercises: mind mapping

Example mind mapping diagram
  1. Write down your question or problem in the center of a blank piece of paper.
    • Example: Where should we get married?
  2. Write down your ideas as branches from the center.
    • Example: Las Vegas, relative’s backyard, my mom’s church, etc.
  3. Do some word association with the ideas in the main branches, and write these related thoughts as sub-branches created out from the main branches.
    • Example: “relative’s backyard” may make you think of flowers, and the outdoors 
  4. Write down more ideas as branches from the center, this time keeping in mind the word associations you just had.
    • Example: “flowers” and “the outdoors” may inspire you to add “the Botanical Gardens”
  5. Repeat word association and jotting down new ideas as needed until you’re satisfied.

Tips for Mind Mapping Success:

Mind Mapping works best when you let yourself free associate words. Try not to criticize or evaluate your thoughts. Just get them on the page. This strategy will ensure that you get the volume and variety of ideas you need to make the best decision.

Use word association to come up with new ideas. A good brainstorming session allows ideas to build on each other. You may discover that word association unlocks values and constraints for your decision you hadn’t thought of before. Use these insights to develop your list of ideas even further.

Set a five minute time limit and only use words or short phrases. It’s worth emphasizing: this method works best when you bypass your inner critic. Setting a time limit can help create the urgency needed to do that. Keeping the phrases short also helps you get into the flow of generating lots of ideas instead of getting stuck going deep on one.

Technique #2: brainstorming with a group (step-by-step guide)

Want to harness the power of several minds to generate amazing ideas and solutions? If so, a group brainstorming session is in order.

In an individual brainstorming session, you are responsible for organizing the exercise and for coming up with the ideas.

In a group brainstorming session, your role as organizer and facilitator may prevent you from fully participating in idea creation.

If you don’t see yourself as creative, or the “idea” person in the room, then facilitating a group brainstorming session is a wonderful opportunity.

You walk away with tons of actionable ideas, but it’s your friends or colleagues who end up doing the “hard” work of generating potential solutions.

Now let’s go through the step-by-step guide on facilitating a group brainstorming session.

Step #1: Set a time, place, and invite list

Whom you invite is very important.

Include a broad spectrum of people, so you have diverse perspectives in the room.

For example, if you want ideas on how to increase learning outcomes at schools, invite teachers and curriculum advisors.

Also, try to make sure everyone is familiar with the decision you’re trying to make, and it affects everyone’s life in some way.

If you do those things, then the attendees will come up with a wide range of creative ideas, and will be invested in doing their best. 

A sweet spot for the number of participants is 6-10.

Any less and you start to have fewer ideas with less variety. Any more and it starts getting out of hand, and difficult to facilitate.

When you set a time, keep in mind how long the session should last. For 6-10 participants, I like to make the brainstorming session a minimum of 30 minutes.

If people are still coming up with great ideas by the end of the 30 minute mark, I do everything I can to keep them going. 

If the group seems stalled before the 30 minute mark, I stand my ground and get the group to continue. Sometimes there are lulls, but usually the group becomes inspired once again.

If there are fewer than 6 participants, or more than 10, feel free to dial up or dial down the length of your brainstorming session accordingly.

Lastly, make sure you give people plenty of notice, because they should have prep work to do.

Step #2: Give participants homework to do before the brainstorming session

Brainstorming session

Often overlooked, this point is super important. Don’t let participants come to your meeting unprepared.

I think you’ll agree when you compare the quality of ideas you get from people don’t have context about the problem vs. people who do.

Don’t waste time at the beginning of your brainstorming session getting everyone up to speed.

That is precious idea generation time.

Don’t waste those special moments where everyone you need is actually sitting together, ready to help you.

There are two types of homework I like to give.

Sometimes I ask participants to perform a mind mapping exercise on their own.

This gets their mind turning on the problem at hand, and it also seeds the brainstorming session with a bunch of ideas. No more slow awkward beginning to a brainstorm.

Other times I ask participants to read up on the decision we’re trying to make. Usually I will provide qualitative and quantitative data about the problem.

If I’m trying to come up with ideas on how to improve customer satisfaction, I might share the most recent customer reviews with the group. In addition I might send average product ratings by category.

By sharing relevant data, I ensure that the group is grounded in facts pertaining to the issue.

Step #3: Hold the session in a fun, relaxing environment

Brainstorming technique

Boxing people up in an environment they’re used to will not get them thinking out of the box, for a couple of reasons.

First, brainstorming requires people to forget the context they were in, and immerse themselves in a new creative space. Unless the space they enter is different, people will bring their stress, fixations, and worries with them.

Second, brainstorming is best when people are inspired to think differently and boldly. A space they’re used to is much less likely to spark inspiration because it feels ordinary and boring.

Fortunately, you can create a fun and relaxing environment without spending money booking a cool space or wasting time traveling outside the building.

I find that a bit of redecoration goes a long way.

Is your living room the best place to invite your friends to a brainstorming session on your next career move? Consider rearranging the furniture to spice up the space. 

In a work setting, perhaps the best place to hold a brainstorming session is the same conference room you use for every other meeting. Consider bringing a bunch of stuffed animals to the room. 

Not only do they visually add something that creates a new feel for the space, participants may find that interacting with them helps to relax and get those creative juices flowing.

Step #4: Start the session by grounding people in the facts

A brainstorming session is a group conversation, so spending a little time at the beginning getting people on the same page is really helpful.

Why is it helpful? Your participants all left something they were focusing on and are now with you. 

They are likely still thinking about the other thing, instead of your thing. Sharing qualitative and quantitative data at the beginning of the session gets them thinking about your thing.

Sharing data gets them thinking about your thing in the right way. With a grasp on the reality of the situation, they are more likely to come up with ideas that would actually be helpful.

Data-driven brainstorming and decision making is better than only using your intuition. But don’t overthink what it means to be data-driven.

Qualitative data is just as important as quantitative data, and it includes things like conversations, comments, trends, and opinions. 

Data is just another word for information, and information can take many forms. Don’t be afraid to think creatively here.

Step #5: Set the rules for the brainstorming session

Brainstorming definition

Make sure people understand that criticizing is not allowed. Encourage that all voices be heard. 

Outlawing criticism is critical for the success of your brainstorming session. It cannot be overstated: criticizing ideas during the brainstorm will kill the creativity in the room!

If a participant censors someone’s idea, it encourages the part of everyone’s brain that evaluates ideas before they’re spoken. No one wants to be criticized in a group setting.

Usually this part of the brain is awesome. It ensures you don’t put your foot in your mouth.

But during a brainstorming session, it’s lethal.

Remember, with a brainstorm, the goal is volume and variety of ideas. Censorship hurts both volume and variety.

You might argue that criticism encourages quality over quantity.

After all, you don’t just want ideas. You want good ideas that lead to good decision making. 

The problem with that logic has to do with a core part of what makes brainstorming effective. Namely, that brainstorming works because people build ideas on top of each other.

Many times, one person’s bad idea mentioned in haste inspires someone else to come up with an awesome idea.

Remember the staff at the National Gallery of Art in D.C.?

In their brainstorming session, someone offered a not so great idea of making lectures mandatory for visitors. That inspired someone else to offer the idea of optional instructional videos on-demand.

Brainstorming ideas

Save the evaluation for after the brainstorm. You or a group can filter through the ideas and save the promising ones for the next stage of the decision making process.

Encouraging all voices to be heard is also important.

Sometimes the quietest people have the best ideas, because they are really soaking everything in and making those all important connections to churn out something brilliant.

I’ll say more about this in the next section, but when setting the rules, simply encouraging people to give each other the space to talk can go a long way.

Step #6: Facilitate the brainstorming session

Write ideas out on a whiteboard or easel pad as they come. Or, get someone else to do it so you can more easily contribute ideas.

It’s important to write the ideas down so they are visible. The visual aid helps people build ideas on top of each other.

You could write down ideas on your phone instead, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll stifle creativity.

The facilitator will also need to enforce the rules stated above. No criticizing, and all voices should be heard.

Sometimes people who tend to be quiet feel intimidated by brainstorms. I usually ask people just to shout out their ideas, and while this method encourages volume it also rewards the loudest and most extroverted personalities. 

You could instead ask people to raise their hands, and call on them one at a time. It slows down the flow a bit, but it will allow quieter people to jump in more easily.

What I like to do is reserve some time at the end to call out people who have not shared anything yet. This move empowers those who might have been too shy to offer their suggestions.

Naturally, during the course of the brainstorming session, questions or comments will come up that are not necessarily ideas to be written on the board. Do not stifle these, thinking they are distractions.

Rather, these contributions are probably helpful to many of the participants.


They might clarify something that is unclear. They might add a perspective which sets off a chain of thinking that becomes really valuable.

Keep these side conversations bounded, and make sure people come back to the brainstorm after a short time. But don’t feel the need to stop them from happening.

Step #7: After the brainstorming session, the evaluation process can begin

Take a picture of the ideas, then filter and organize them.

Once you’ve taken the picture, rewrite the ideas into a word doc or onto a piece of paper.

Organizing the ideas into categories as you rewrite them can be helpful for a couple of reasons.

First, you start understanding the possible strategies to solve your problem.

Second, you automatically pool similar ideas together. This will help you synthesize these ideas into one, or allow you to easily choose the one that is the best.

Brainstorming is great for decision making

Let’s briefly look at the decision making process so we understand how brainstorming helps with great decision making.

The decision making process

  1. Describe the problem, challenge, or opportunity.
  2. Create a set of potential solutions or responses.
  3. Collect data.
  4. Evaluate each option.
  5. Choose a solution or response.
  6. Take action.
  7. Evaluate the impact of your decision and course correct if needed.

Brainstorming is a skill needed for Step #2 of the decision making process.

Other decision making skills

This article is part of a series on must have decision making skills.

Here are links to the other skills:

  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Data Collection

Now it’s your turn

I’ve said a bunch, now I’d like to hear from you!

How useful was this article? How could I do better?

What has been your experience with brainstorming?

What do you want help with?

Upskill Nation is a community, so make your voice heard by leaving a comment below.

Перевод по словам

coming [adjective]

adjective: предстоящий, приходящий, грядущий, наступающий, будущий, приближающийся, многообещающий, подающий надежды, ожидаемый

noun: приход, приезд, прибытие

  • see you coming — см Вы приезжаете
  • coming my way — приходит мой путь
  • m coming — м приходят
  • i thought you were coming — я думал, что ты придешь
  • coming all this way — приходит весь этот путь
  • is coming into town — приходит в город
  • coming from all over — приходить со всех концов
  • news coming from — новости из
  • coming in may — приходит в мае
  • by coming out — , выйдя

up [adverb]

adverb: выше, вверх, наверх, наверху, вверху, кверху, ввысь, вдоль, впереди

preposition: по, вверх по, против, вдоль, вглубь, вдоль по, к северу, по направлению к, в северном направлении

verb: подниматься, поднимать, повышать, вскакивать

noun: подъем, успех, вздорожание

adjective: повышающийся, поднимающийся вверх, идущий вверх, шипучий, направляющийся на север

  • face up — лицевой стороной вверх
  • sign up — Зарегистрироваться
  • gunge up — застревать
  • seal (up/off) — уплотнение
  • gobble up — сожрать
  • pushing up daisies — подталкивание маргариток
  • lumber up — пиломатериалы
  • prank up — подшучивать
  • strike up conversation — завязывать разговор
  • butting up — соединение встык

with [preposition]

preposition: с, вместе с, от, несмотря на

verb: напихать

  • be consonant with — быть согласным с
  • green (with envy) — позеленевший от зависти)
  • with half an ear — в пол уха
  • alive with — изобилующий
  • with no holes — без дыр
  • cover with wallpaper — оклеивать обоями
  • covering with bushes — закущение
  • room with communicating door — комнаты, соединенные дверью
  • docking with — стыковка
  • with all amenities — со всеми удобствами

new [adjective]

adjective: новый, новейший, свежий, обновленный, другой, современный, иной, новоявленный, дополнительный, недавний

noun: новое

adverb: недавно, заново, только что

  • papua new guinea — Папуа-Новая Гвинея
  • new clubhouse — новый клуб
  • new operating system version — новая версия операционной системы
  • new company logo — новый логотип компании
  • move in a new direction — двигаться в новом направлении
  • new source — новый источник
  • new capabilities — новые возможности
  • brand-new level — совершенно новый уровень
  • adapts to a new — адаптируюсь к новому
  • release a new product — выпустить новый продукт

ideas [noun]

noun: идея, представление, мысль, понятие, план, намерение, фантазия, воображение

  • ideas on how — идеи о том,
  • flow of ideas — поток идей
  • vehicles for ideas — транспортные средства для идей
  • ideas to fruition — идеи осуществились
  • thinking up new ideas — придумывая новые идеи
  • breakfast ideas — завтрак идеи
  • ideas across — идеи через
  • collecting ideas — сбор идей
  • ideas and ideals — Идеи и идеалы
  • ideas are valued — идеи оцениваются

Предложения с «coming up with new ideas»

Honestly, I think those questions are tricky and sometimes traumatic for adult women to confront, but when we’re talking about girls, I just kept coming back to the idea that their early sexual experience shouldn’t have to be something that they get over.

Честно говоря, мне кажется, эти вопросы коварны и иногда травмируют даже взрослых женщин, но когда мы говорим о девушках, я всё время возвращаюсь к мысли о том, что ранний сексуальный опыт не должен быть для них чем — то, с чем им приходится справляться.

Either a date or some idea of what you’re coming up with.

Либо сроки, либо ты наконец расскажешь, что ты там надумал.

And, frankly, many people have built their careers on the status quo, and they don’t want a new idea coming along and rocking the boat.

И откровенно говоря, многие сделали карьеру на этом статусе — кво и им не нужны новые идеи, которые вдруг появляются и начинают раскачивать лодку.

I don’t like the idea of a young girl missing out on the moors, not with night coming on.

Мне не нравится, когда юные девушки пропадают на болотах на ночь глядя.

Trump is turning away the wrong people, says Lorenzo Santillan, one of the teammates now coming to grips with the idea that he could be deported.

«Трамп отказывается не от тех людей, — говорит Лоренцо Сантильян (Lorenzo Santillan), один из членов команды, который начинает осознавать, что может быть депортирован.

Darwin himself, in his autobiography, tells the story of coming up with the idea for natural selection as a classic eureka!

Сам Дарвин в своей автобиографии рассказывает историю появления идеи естественного отбора как классического эврика!

‘Death can be a peaceful business,’ he said. ‘I don’t think this particular man had any idea that it was coming to him when it did.’

Смерть бывает тихой, — сказал он, — а к этому человеку она, видимо, пришла так неожиданно, что он даже не заметил.

I asked whether Mrs Leidner herself approved of the idea of my coming.

Потом я спросила доктора, как миссис Лайднер отнесется к моему появлению.

The thugs, criminal and financial, have no idea what’s coming.

Бандиты, уголовники и финансовики еще не знают, что их ждет.

The thugs- criminal and financial, have no idea what’s coming.

Бандиты — уголовники и финансисты, еще не знают, что их ждет.

You always coming up with some stupid idea to do something and then it backfires and then you end up in some foreign country or outer space or something.

Вам приходит в голову тупая идея, оборачивается все неприятностями, и заканчивается все где — нибудь зарубежом, или в космосе, или ещ хрен знает где.

He had this idea that… if he lit a fire, it would stop the walkers from coming here.

Он думал, что… если устроить пожар, это отвлечет ходячих.

Now he was coming to, with no idea how long he had been unconscious.

Сейчас он постепенно приходил в себя, не зная, сколько времени пролежал без сознания.

But the only thing dumber than your idea to become shrimp fishermen in the Indian Ocean is me for coming with you.

Но еще глупее, чем твоя идея стать ловцом креветок в Индийском океане, то, что я тебя послушал.

Well, his 60th birthday was coming up, and I had this crazy — this extravagant idea about getting him a horse ranch as a surprise.

Ну, приближалось его 60 — летие, и у меня появилась эта безумная, нелепая идея купить ему лошадиное ранчо в качестве сюрприза.

And … and one idea kept coming to mind.

И я постоянно возвращалась к одной и той же мысли.

And I was just coming to terms with the idea that he was dead.

И я просто смирялась с идеей, что он мёртв.

The idea of coming in and freezing everybody for nothing!

Только холоду зря напустили! — проворчал он.

Coming up with this rough idea for how things might work is, of course, exciting.

Обтесывание этой пока еще грубой идеи о том, как могут быть устроены вещи, конечно же, захватывает.

I had no idea what was coming down the pike.

Я понятия не имела, что этим закончится.

Well… do you think Marty has any idea what’s coming down the pike?

Что же… как думаешь, Марти хотя бы представляет к чему это все ведёт?

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, me coming.

Может, это была не лучшая идея, чтобы я приехала.

Stapleton’s first idea was that this young stranger from Canada might possibly be done to death in London without coming down to Devonshire at all.

Прежде всего ему пришла в голову мысль, нельзя ли будет разделаться с этим молодым канадцем в Лондоне, до того как он приедет в Девоншир.

Well, I have absolutely no idea why anybody would stop coming home to you.

Я даже представить не могу, что кто — то способен не вернуться к тебе.

You had no right for coming after me like this, with that stupid and mistaken idea that it was

У тебя нет никакого права так со мной обращаться. И все из — за твоей идиотской идеи, будто это я…!

But I feel as though something is coming, a moment in which this will cease to be our idea and become her own.

Я чувствую, близится момент, когда эта идея перестанет быть нашей, а станет ее.

The group felt that a film would be the perfect medium for the ideas they had been coming up with, and jumped at the idea.

Группа сочла, что фильм будет идеальным средством для воплощения идей, которые они придумали , и ухватилась за эту идею.

The idea was taken from scaled-down sailor suits worn by children coming from royal European families.

Идея была взята из уменьшенных матросских костюмов, которые носили дети из королевских европейских семей.

gradually coming round to the idea of ending their arrangement.

постепенно приходя к мысли о прекращении их договоренности.

We should give the reader some idea of what is coming down the pike.

Мы должны дать читателю некоторое представление о том, что происходит в будущем.

Kevin Zaborney is credited with coming up with the idea of National Hugging Day in 1986.

Кевину Заборни приписывают идею проведения Национального дня объятий в 1986 году.

Well, I don’t know if a head slap coming down the aisle is the ideal Kodak moment.

Ну, я не думаю, что подзатыльник перед алтарём, это — идеальный момент для фотографии.

Picket fences are particularly popular in the United States, with the white picket fence coming to symbolize the ideal middle-class suburban life.

Штакетники особенно популярны в Соединенных Штатах, где белый штакетник символизирует идеальную жизнь среднего класса в пригороде.

And they’re certainly not coming up with more breakthrough ideas .

И уж точно ничего передового не придумают ».

Lookit here, Mr. Mouthpiece… it seems to me that I am the one who’s coming up with the good ideas .

Послушайте, мистер Оратор. Мне кажется, что я тут — единственный человек, которому приходят в голову хорошие идеи.

Some of the most exciting ideas in transportation are coming from startups like Uber and ZipCar.

Некоторые из наиболее интересных идей в области транспорта приходят от таких стартапов, как Uber и ZipCar.

Many developing countries are coming forward with ideas for further nationally appropriate mitigation measures that they could take.

Многие развивающиеся страны предлагают свои идеи по дальнейшим соответствующим национальным дополнительным смягчающим действиям, которые они могли бы предпринять.

I heard the whisper of his clothes coming off… and, suddenly, he was on top of me… slobbering sick ideas .

И я услышала шорох снимаемой одежды. И вдруг он оказался на мне, он продолжал свои бредовые опыты.

Your new art director has been waiting for synchronicity, which involves me coming up with a bunch of ideas , chasing him down and having him draw all of them and lose them.

Твой новый главный художник ждёт синхроничности, которая требует от меня выдавать кучу идей, охотиться за ним и ждать, пока он их отклонит одну за другой.

She’s so cute when she’s coming up with destructive ideas .

Она такая милая, когда придумывает все эти деструктивные вещи.

People think writers horse around because they’re coming up with ideas .

Люди думают что писатели дурачатся потому что что — то придумывают .

You were pressuring your team into coming up with unsafe medical ideas just to get out of that room.

Вы воздействовали на свою команду так, чтобы они высказывали небезопасные медицинские теории, лишь бы поскорее выйти из той комнаты.

The trick is coming up with good story ideas .

Главное — найти хорошую идею, для рассказа.

A great number of ideas keep coming into my mind now.

Мне ужасно много приходит теперь мыслей: видите, это точь — в — точь как наша Россия.

I’m coming up with all the ideas here.

Я придумываю все идеи здесь.

All sorts of ideas danced through his head, fancies chased one another so furiously that he could not catch them; but their coming and their going filled him with exhilaration.

В голове у него проносились разные мысли, мечты так стремительно обгоняли друг друга, что он не мог их удержать, но их веселый хоровод переполнял его сердце радостью.

If it helps, I am coming to all this from an interest in history of ideas .

Если это поможет, то я прихожу ко всему этому из интереса к истории идей.

The coming of Balthasar Hübmaier to Nikolsburg was a definite boost for Anabaptist ideas to the area.

Приезд Бальтазара Хюбмайера в Никольсбург явился определенным толчком для распространения Анабаптистских идей в этом районе.

Some ideas and help coming to consensus on what should stay and go would be much appreciated!

Некоторые идеи и помощь в достижении консенсуса по поводу того, что должно остаться и уйти, были бы очень признательны!

It was not until the coming of the Industrial Revolution that ideas shifted in favor of a societal care-system.

Только с приходом промышленной революции идеи изменились в пользу социальной системы ухода за больными.

Meanwhile, everyone is trying to think of ideas of coming up with publicity.

Между тем, все пытаются придумать идеи, как сделать рекламу.

Proponents of Malthusianism were in turn influenced by Darwin’s ideas , both schools coming to influence the field of eugenics.

Сторонники мальтузианства, в свою очередь, находились под влиянием идей Дарвина, и обе школы начали оказывать влияние на область евгеники.

Only been coming to the site for a month, but love the project ideas and principles and will contribute where i can.

Я только месяц прихожу на сайт, но очень люблю идеи и принципы проекта и буду вносить свой вклад там, где смогу.

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