What is another word for Close-mouthed?
silent, quiet
restraint, silent
restraint, tightlipped
speech, tightlipped
character trait, restraint
restraint, character trait
tightlipped, silent
character trait, tightlipped
speech, speechless
speech, speechless
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Synonyms for Close-mouthed. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/close-mouthed
Synonyms for Close-mouthed. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/close-mouthed>.
Synonyms for Close-mouthed. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/close-mouthed.
16 misspelling
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close, quiet, reserved, restrained, reticent, en.synonym.one, secretive, silent, tacit, taciturn, tongue-tied, uncommunicative, unsaid, voiceless.
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НБАРС > close-mouthed
Синонимический ряд:
reserved (adj.) close; incommunicative; reserved; reticent; secretive; silent; taciturn; tight-lipped; uncommunicative; withdrawn
English-Russian base dictionary > close-mouthed
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > close-mouthed
close mouthed
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > close mouthed
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > close-mouthed
close mouthed
1 (a) замкнутый; сдержанный
2 (r) молчаливый
Новый англо-русский словарь > close mouthed
close-mouthed approach
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > close-mouthed approach
1. v закрывать
close down — закрывать, прекращать работу
2. a закрытый; ограниченный; замкнутый
3. n огороженное стеной место
4. n обыкн. соборная площадь; огороженная территория
breach of close — нарушение владения, неправомерный заход на территорию чужого владения
5. n площадка для игр
6. n шотл. ход со двора
7. n тупик
8. a замкнутый, уединённый
9. a тайный, скрытый
10. a скрытный, сдержанный
11. a строго охраняемый
12. v закрываться
13. v эл. замыкать
14. v мор. задраивать
15. n конец; заключение, завершение
16. n закрытие, окончание работы
17. n муз. каданс
18. v заканчивать, завершать; заключать
19. v заканчиваться; завершаться
20. v договариваться
21. v принять
22. v воен. войти в соприкосновение
23. a близкий; находящийся недалеко; расположенный недалеко
close pass — пролёт на небольшом расстоянии, близкий пролёт
close set — тесно расположенный; сплошной
24. a близкий, интимный
25. a тесный, близкий
26. a плотный, компактный; тесный
27. a хорошо пригнанный; плотный
28. a облегающий
29. a сжатый
30. a краткий и содержательный
31. a убористый
close print — убористая печать, плотный набор
32. a душный, спёртый
33. a тщательный; подробный
34. a точный
35. a скупой, скаредный
36. a почти равный
close vote — почти равное количество голосов «за» и «против»
37. a разг. трудно достающийся, ограниченный
38. a разг. скуповатый
39. a разг. арх. строгий, суровый
40. a разг. редк. вязкий; нелетучий
41. a разг. спорт. осторожный
42. a разг. кино. крупный
43. adv близко
close at hand — близко, рядом, под рукой; рукой подать
44. adv коротко
45. v подходить близко, сближаться, смыкаться
46. v спорт. воен. сомкнуть
Синонимический ряд:
1. accurate (adj.) accurate; exact; faithful; full; lifelike; meticulous; minute; precise; rigorous; scrupulous; strict
2. akin (adj.) akin; similar
3. attentive (adj.) attentive; keen; vigilant
4. confined (adj.) compact; confined; confining; congested; cramped; crowded; dense; firm; impenetrable; narrow; packed; restricted; solid; thick
5. intimate (adj.) attached; bosom; chummy; confidential; dear; devoted; familiar; friendly; intimate; physical; trusted
6. near (adj.) a stone’s throw; adjacent; adjoining; immediate; imminent; impending; near; near at hand; near-at-hand; nearby; neighboring; neighbouring; nigh; proximate
7. oppressive (adj.) airless; breathless; heavy; muggy; oppressive; stifling; stivy; stuffy; suffocating; sultry; sweltering; unventilated; warm
8. painstaking (adj.) assiduous; concentrated; constant; earnest; fixed; intense; intent; painstaking
9. silent (adj.) close-lipped; closemouthed; close-mouthed; close-tongued; dumb; incommunicative; inconversable; reserved; reticent; secretive; shut-mouthed; silent; silentious; speechless; taciturn; tight-lipped; tight-mouthed; uncommunicative; withdrawn; wordless
10. stingy (adj.) cheap; cheeseparing; closefisted; close-fisted; costive; hardfisted; hardhanded; ironfisted; mean; mingy; miserly; narrow-fisted; narrowhearted; niggard; niggardly; parsimonious; penny-pinching; penny-wise; penurious; pinching; pinchpenny; save-all; scrimpy; scrimy; stingy; tightfisted; ungenerous; ungiving
11. tight (adj.) taut; tense; tight
12. court (noun) atrium; court; courtyard; enclosure; quad; quadrangle; yard
13. end (noun) adjournment; cease; cessation; closing; closure; completion; conclusion; consummation; desistance; desuetude; discontinuance; discontinuation; end; ending; finale; finish; last; period; stop; termination; terminus; windup; wrap-up
16. close in on (verb) approach; close in on; come closer; come together; draw near; narrow; near
17. complete (verb) cease; complete; conclude; consummate; culminate; determine; do; end; halt; terminate; ultimate; wind up; wrap up
18. decrease (verb) abate; bate; decrease; diminish; drain away; dwindle; lessen; peak out; peter out; rebate; recede; reduce; taper; taper off
19. fill (verb) barricade; block; choke; clog; congest; fill; jam; occlude; plug; stop; stop up; stopper
20. hide (verb) block out; hide; obscure; obstruct; screen; shroud; shut off; shut out
21. join (verb) bind; connect; finish; fuse; join; link; tie; unite
22. meet (verb) assemble; cluster; collect; congregate; convene; converge; encounter; face; front; gather; get together; group; meet; muster
23. shut (verb) bolt; enclose; fasten; latch; lock; put to; seal; secure; shut; slam
Антонимический ряд:
ample; away; begin; beginning; beyond; careless; detached; distant; far; frank; liberal; open; open-handed; patent; public; release; separate; spacious
English-Russian base dictionary > close
a сдержанный, замкнутый; молчаливый
Синонимический ряд:
speechless (adj.) close-mouthed; close-tongued; reserved; silent; speechless; tacit; taciturn; unpronounced; unsounded
English-Russian base dictionary > close-lipped
a сдержанный, молчаливый; осторожный в словах
Синонимический ряд:
speechless (adj.) close-lipped; close-mouthed; reserved; silent; speechless; tacit; taciturn; unpronounced; unsounded
English-Russian base dictionary > close-tongued
1> сдержанный, замкнутый; молчаливый
НБАРС > closemouthed
Персональный Сократ > closemouthed
1. n разг. немой фильм
2. a молчаливый; бессловесный; безмолвный
3. a умалчивающий
4. a немногословный, замкнутый
5. a тихий, спокойный
6. a бесшумный
7. a непроизносимый, немой
8. a бездействующий
9. a не имеющий запаха
Синонимический ряд:
1. calm (adj.) calm; peaceful; serene; tranquil
2. close (adj.) close; close-lipped; closemouthed; close-mouthed; close-tongued; inconversable; reserved; reticent; shut-mouthed; silentious; taciturn; tight-lipped; tight-mouthed; uncommunicative; unpronounced; unsounded
3. dormant (adj.) dormant; inactive; quiescent
4. dumb (adj.) dumb; inarticulate; mum; mute; speechless; tight-lipped; unarticulate; voiceless; wordless
5. implied (adj.) implied; understood; unwritten
6. still (adj.) hush; hushed; hushful; noiseless; quiet; soundless; still; stilly; whist
7. tacit (adj.) tacit; undeclared; unexpressed; unsaid; unspoken; unuttered; unvoiced; wordless
Антонимический ряд:
active; clamorous; explicit; glib; loquacious; noisy; spoken; talkative; tumultuous
English-Russian base dictionary > silent
1. n спорт. резко финиширующий бегун
2. n четверть
Синонимический ряд:
1. fuller (adj.) fuller; more exact; more faithful; more rigorous; stricter
2. more familiar (adj.) chummier; friendlier; more confidential; more familiar; more intimate
3. more immediate (adj.) more immediate; more near-at-hand; more nearby; more proximate; nearer; nigher
4. more silent (adj.) dumber; more close-lipped; more closemouthed; more close-mouthed; more close-tongued; more inconversable; more reserved; more reticent; more shut-mouthed; more silent; more silentious; more speechless; more taciturn; more tight-lipped; more tight-mouthed; more uncommunicative; more wordless
5. stingier (adj.) cheaper; meaner; more cheeseparing; more closefisted; more close-fisted; more costive; more hardfisted; more hardhanded; more ironfisted; more mingy; more miserly; more narrow-fisted; more narrowhearted; more niggard; more niggardly; more parsimonious; more penny-pinching; more penny-wise; more penurious; more pinching; more pinchpenny; more save-all; more scrimy; more tightfisted; more ungenerous; more ungiving; scrimpier; stingier
6. stuffier (adj.) more airless; more breathless; more stifling; more stivy; more suffocating; stuffier; sultrier
7. thicker (adj.) denser; more compact; more confining; more cramped; more crowded; more packed; narrower; thicker
8. tighter (adj.) tauter; tenser; tighter
English-Russian base dictionary > closer
Синонимический ряд:
1. fullest (adj.) fullest; most exact; most faithful; most rigorous; strictest
2. most familiar (adj.) chummiest; friendliest; most confidential; most familiar; most intimate
3. most immediate (adj.) most immediate; most near-at-hand; most nearby; most proximate; nearest; nighest
4. most silent (adj.) dumbest; most close-lipped; most closemouthed; most close-mouthed; most close-tongued; most inconversable; most reserved; most reticent; most shut-mouthed; most silent; most silentious; most speechless; most taciturn; most tight-lipped; most tight-mouthed; most uncommunicative; most wordless
5. stingiest (adj.) cheapest; meanest; most cheeseparing; most closefisted; most close-fisted; most costive; most hardfisted; most hardhanded; most ironfisted; most mingy; most miserly; most narrow-fisted; most narrowhearted; most niggard; most niggardly; most parsimonious; most penny-pinching; most penny-wise; most penurious; most pinching; most pinchpenny; most save-all; most scrimy; most tightfisted; most ungenerous; most ungiving; scrimpiest; stingiest
6. stuffiest (adj.) most airless; most breathless; most stifling; most stivy; most suffocating; stuffiest; sultriest
7. thickest (adj.) densest; most compact; most confining; most cramped; most crowded; most packed; narrowest; thickest
8. tightest (adj.) tautest; tensest; tightest
English-Russian base dictionary > closest
1. a запасный, запасной; резервный
2. a заказанный заранее
3. a скрытный
4. a сдержанный, замкнутый
Синонимический ряд:
1. antisocial (adj.) antisocial; eremitic; misanthropic; reclusive; solitary; standoffish
2. booked (adj.) appropriated; arrogated; booked; engaged; held; pre-empted
3. limited (adj.) limited; modified; qualified; restricted
4. restrained (adj.) constrained; controlled; incommunicable; inhibited; noncommittal; restrained; self-controllednon-committal; undemonstrative
5. saved (adj.) conserved; funded; preserved; saved; withheld
6. silent (adj.) close; close-lipped; closemouthed; close-mouthed; close-tongued; dumb; inconversable; reticent; shut-mouthed; silent; silentious; speechless; taciturn; tight-lipped; tight-mouthed; uncommunicative; wordless
7. unsociable (adj.) aloof; chilly; cool; distant; frosty; insociable; offish; remote; shut-in; standoff; stand-offish; touch-me-not-ish; unapproachable; unbending; uncompanionable; unsociable; withdrawn
8. booked (verb) bespoke; bespoke/bespoken; booked; engaged; pre-empted; reserved
9. kept (verb) detained; held; held back; hold back; keep back; kept; kept back; kept out; retained; withheld
English-Russian base dictionary > reserved
1. a молчаливый; скрытный
2. a сдержанный
Синонимический ряд:
1. bashful (adj.) bashful; coy; demure; humble; retiring; timid
2. cool (adj.) aloof; chilly; cool; distant; frosty; remote; solitary; stand-offish; unapproachable; undemonstrative; withdrawn
3. silent (adj.) close; close-lipped; closemouthed; close-mouthed; close-tongued; dumb; hesitant; inconversable; quiet; reserved; restrained; shut-mouthed; shy; silent; silentious; speechless; subdued; taciturn; tight-lipped; tight-mouthed; uncommunicative; wordless
Антонимический ряд:
English-Russian base dictionary > reticent
a молчаливый; неразговорчивый
Синонимический ряд:
1. aloof (adj.) aloof; closemouthed; laconic; quiet; sententious; shy
2. silent (adj.) close; close-lipped; close-mouthed; close-tongued; dumb; inconversable; reserved; reticent; shut-mouthed; silent; silentious; speechless; tacit; tight-lipped; tight-mouthed; uncommunicative; unsaid; voiceless; wordless
Антонимический ряд:
garrulous; loquacious; talkative; wordy
English-Russian base dictionary > taciturn
a необщительный, неразговорчивый; некоммуникабельный
Синонимический ряд:
1. close (adj.) close; close-mouthed; quiet; reserved; reticent; silent; taciturn; tight-lipped
2. cool (adj.) aloof; chilly; cool; distant; frosty; offish; remote; reserved; solitary; stand-offish; unapproachable; undemonstrative; unfriendly; unsociable; withdrawn
English-Russian base dictionary > uncommunicative
a не произносимый; немой
Синонимический ряд:
speechless (adj.) close-lipped; close-mouthed; close-tongued; reserved; silent; speechless; tacit; taciturn; unsounded
English-Russian base dictionary > unpronounced
What is another word for close mouthed?
639 synonyms found
[ klˈə͡ʊs mˈa͡ʊðd], [ klˈəʊs mˈaʊðd], [ k_l_ˈəʊ_s m_ˈaʊ_ð_d]
Related words: keep a secret, close mouth, keep information confidential, be secretive, have a hush-hush attitude, be tight lipped
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Table of Contents
Synonyms for Close mouthed:
• close-mouthed (adjective)
- taciturn,
- reserved,
- silent,
- untalkative,
- incommunicative,
- uncommunicative,
- reticent,
- uncommunicable,
- Incommunicable,
- secretive,
- quiet.
• incommunicable (adjective)
- tightlipped.
• inobtrusive (adjective)
- tasteful,
- unobtrusive,
- subdued.
• introverted (adjective)
- modest,
- bashful,
- cold,
- offish,
- collected,
- reclusive,
- soft-spoken,
- cool,
- shy,
- demure,
- solitary,
- restrained,
- withdrawn,
- close-mouthed,
- standoffish,
- introspective,
- cautious.
• quiet (adjective)
- soft,
- buttoned up,
- still,
- hushed,
- noiseless,
- muted,
- low,
- hushful,
- speechless,
- muffled,
- quiescent,
- close,
- dumb,
- inaudible,
- not saying boo,
- Stilled,
- clammed up,
- soundless,
- could hear a pin drop,
- peaceful,
- Quieted,
- unexpressed,
- low-pitched,
- unspeaking,
- mute,
- unuttered,
- tight-lipped,
- whist.
• reserved (adjective)
- icy,
- serene,
- distant,
- formal,
- backward,
- eremitic,
- self-contained,
- Uncompanionable,
- misanthropic,
- gentle,
- aloof,
- sedate,
- unapproachable,
- prim,
- undemonstrative,
- conventional,
- noncommittal,
- mild,
- composed,
- retiring,
- placid,
- diffident,
- ceremonious,
- unresponsive,
- frigid.
• reticent (adjective)
- mum,
- hesitant,
- unforthcoming,
- dried up,
- uptight,
- dummied up.
• secretive (adjective)
- cagey,
- furtive,
- cryptic,
- in chambers,
- feline,
- zipped,
- undercover,
- backstairs,
- in the background,
- covert,
- on the qt,
- in the dark,
- enigmatic,
- in privacy,
- in private.
• self-controlled (adjective)
- inhibited,
- Self-restrained,
- controlled.
• self-restrained (adjective)
- self-controlled.
• soft-spoken (adjective)
- low-keyed.
• speechless (adjective)
- amazed,
- inarticulate,
- astounded,
- voiceless,
- dumbfounded,
- tongue-tied,
- thunderstruck,
- aghast,
- unflappable,
- aphonic,
- cool as cucumber,
- dumbstruck,
- dazed,
- wordless,
- shocked.
• still (adjective)
- sealed,
- halcyon,
- deathlike,
- unruffled,
- untroubled,
- tranquil,
- deathly,
- smooth,
- closed,
- undisturbed,
- deathly quiet,
- stable,
- at rest,
- lifeless,
- inert,
- fixed,
- stock-still,
- deathly still,
- pacific,
- stationary,
- restful,
- static,
- stagnant,
- unstirring.
• taciturn (adjective)
- dried-up,
- sparing,
- dour,
- brooding,
- curt,
- laconic,
- antisocial,
- unexpressive,
- sententious.
• uncommunicative (adjective)
- hush-hush,
- guarded,
- evasive,
- unsociable,
- short.
Other synonyms:
• Other relevant words:
- half-witted,
- repose,
- finish,
- flaccid,
- introverted,
- even,
- breathed,
- atmospheric static,
- poised,
- removed,
- damp,
- priggish,
- quietly,
- sour,
- moth-eaten,
- silence,
- dark,
- at peace,
- stealthy,
- out of reach,
- prim up,
- sober,
- brusque,
- rigid,
- broody,
- strait-laced,
- foggy,
- frozen,
- pompous,
- stinting,
- soggy,
- pocket-sized,
- piano,
- gloomy,
- stately,
- terse,
- suddenly,
- chary,
- cool down,
- quiet down,
- ma,
- unflustered,
- first,
- finis,
- tight,
- contemplative,
- cloistered,
- low-key,
- scant,
- quiesce,
- sere,
- fold,
- eremitical,
- docile,
- alone,
- fill up,
- astonished,
- departed,
- prosperous,
- depression,
- golden,
- established,
- incubation,
- privately,
- tone down,
- slow,
- unarticulate,
- confining,
- close down,
- depleted,
- stalls,
- inactive,
- ennoble,
- fluent,
- shut up,
- certain,
- felid,
- smooth out,
- unfrequented,
- dumbstricken,
- reflective,
- equable,
- unagitated,
- mysterious,
- distillery,
- cynical,
- glacial,
- secure,
- grave,
- pocket-size,
- dusty,
- come together,
- persistent,
- clever,
- aristocratical,
- remote,
- mortal,
- hard,
- dead,
- dismayed,
- snug,
- recluse,
- unflurried,
- conclusion,
- ruminative,
- mystifying,
- easy,
- dim,
- small-scale,
- glum,
- good-tempered,
- cabalistic,
- unaired,
- even-tempered,
- reposeful,
- shortstop,
- torpid,
- solitudinarian,
- aristocratic,
- lenify,
- feebleminded,
- dull,
- jumpy,
- flabbergasted,
- puzzling,
- suave,
- ending,
- fine,
- rearwards,
- stupid,
- close up,
- cushy,
- downcast,
- shut,
- blate,
- patrician,
- mom,
- exceedingly,
- indifferent,
- lonely,
- balmy,
- calm,
- sear,
- long whist,
- deceased,
- coy,
- ok,
- asleep,
- forgetful,
- stillness,
- nevertheless,
- qabalistic,
- dispirited,
- pensive,
- slow-witted,
- deaf-mute,
- straight-laced,
- quieten,
- sang-froid,
- tight-laced,
- unperturbed,
- sullen,
- hermitic,
- past,
- all the same,
- diffuse,
- self-possessed,
- gathered,
- mollify,
- inadequate,
- moody,
- florist’s chrysanthemum,
- unreached,
- unvoiced,
- niminy-piminy,
- calm down,
- polar,
- low-spirited,
- last,
- tranquillity,
- expressionless,
- closely,
- notwithstanding,
- edgy,
- closing curtain,
- mommy,
- diffused,
- pacific ocean,
- imperturbable,
- screen,
- withered,
- cool off,
- low temperature,
- meek,
- shut down,
- self-collected,
- grim,
- set,
- incoherent,
- glowering,
- unsure,
- unemotional,
- assuredness,
- tranquillize,
- mincing,
- poker-faced,
- lonesome,
- stuporous,
- florists’ chrysanthemum,
- musing,
- oracular,
- prudish,
- tongueless,
- mamma,
- unchanging,
- softened,
- stupefied,
- humble,
- evening gown,
- jittery,
- unafraid,
- extremely,
- appease,
- humbled,
- staid,
- dinner dress,
- stale,
- mama,
- conciliate,
- unreachable,
- down in the mouth,
- straightlaced,
- straitlaced,
- closelipped,
- close-fitting,
- aplomb,
- unverbalized,
- ease,
- bland,
- passive,
- dumfounded,
- rearward,
- horse barn,
- nonsocial,
- easygoing,
- serenity,
- voteless,
- kabbalistic,
- anchoritic,
- moribund,
- short-change,
- twee,
- disenfranchised,
- unsounded,
- unverbalised,
- near,
- clandestine,
- closing,
- rooted,
- dogged,
- hermitical,
- nerveless,
- in secret,
- overstrung,
- unopen,
- muffle,
- indulgent,
- shortsighted,
- politic,
- conclude,
- nonetheless,
- atmospherics,
- prim out,
- lone,
- penny-pinching,
- hugger-mugger,
- self-effacing,
- indrawn,
- delicate,
- depressed,
- square-toed,
- hesitating,
- sneaky,
- self-examining,
- unyielding,
- myopic,
- canny,
- understood,
- surreptitious,
- withal,
- morose,
- blue-blooded,
- cryptical,
- underground,
- stuffy,
- moderate,
- flabby,
- allay,
- relaxing,
- fluid,
- skinny,
- high-strung,
- coolheaded,
- abject,
- downhearted,
- only,
- preceding,
- assuage,
- curtly,
- restive,
- at the same time,
- small,
- dampen,
- sole,
- unawares,
- end,
- solitary confinement,
- troglodyte,
- voiced,
- momma,
- super,
- unforesightful,
- cold-blooded,
- deadly,
- tranquillise,
- sequestered,
- sonant,
- noneffervescent,
- schematic,
- lull,
- down,
- scurvy,
- short whist,
- saturnine,
- victorian,
- in camera,
- unhearable,
- deaf-and-dumb person,
- inscrutable,
- exanimate,
- unsympathetic,
- shriveled,
- cagy,
- short-circuit,
- meditative,
- first gear,
- upstage,
- sibylline,
- entitle,
- even so,
- relieve,
- unspoken,
- hush,
- equanimous,
- crushed,
- forbidding,
- shine,
- sneak,
- blue,
- secluded,
- minor,
- surd,
- overmodest,
- all right,
- wintry,
- solemn,
- hush up,
- peaceable,
- chill,
- obtuse,
- inhuman,
- okay,
- deadpan,
- low-toned,
- shortly,
- gone,
- poor,
- pensiveness,
- hermit,
- smoothen,
- little,
- placate,
- conservative,
- yet,
- frugal,
- crisp,
- stopping point,
- shrivelled,
- cheeseparing,
- frosty,
- pipe down,
- pacify,
- abruptly,
- timid,
- highly strung,
- frigidity,
- common cold,
- nigh,
- unretentive,
- electrostatic,
- unstated,
- backstair,
- plastered,
- poise,
- airless,
- asocial,
- prissy,
- hunky-dory,
- brusk,
- enigmatical,
- legato,
- polish,
- gruntle,
- miserable,
- finale,
- humiliated,
- low-down,
- cover,
- scotch,
- sluggish,
- motionless,
- stunned,
- impassive,
- dinner gown,
- groggy,
- neutral,
- secretly,
- arctic,
- cloak-and-dagger,
- lenient,
- mammy,
- pithy,
- closed in,
- astonied,
- puritanical,
- logy,
- appalled,
- nongregarious,
- coldness,
- pondering,
- unassuming,
- tenacious,
- gelid,
- closemouthed,
- tranquilize,
- however,
- concealment,
- disfranchised,
- tacit,
- back,
- pertinacious,
- lowly,
- deep,
- backwards,
- scummy,
- economical,
- liquid,
- tranquility,
- courtly,
- ball,
- misanthropical,
- nervy,
- mummy,
- unsaid,
- placidity,
- moo,
- secret,
- dense,
- insensate,
- jejune,
- low gear,
- light,
- hole-and-corner,
- faithful,
- broken.
How to use «Close mouthed» in context?
When it comes to relationships, many people believe that it’s important to be able to open up and share everything that’s on their mind. However, there are also many people who believe that it’s important to be close-mouthed and not to share too much information. Why is it that some people believe that it’s important to be close-mouthed when it comes to their relationships?
Some people believe that it’s important to be close-mouthed in order to protect the secrets that are shared between two people.
Word of the Day
narrowed down
- Synonyms:
calm down,
cut down,
- CLOSE MOUTHED synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- CLOSE MOUTHED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— CLOSE MOUTHED synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of CLOSE MOUTHED
— another words for CLOSE MOUTHED
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Brin declined questions, as did Milner, who barely cracked a close-mouthed smile for the cameras.
Брин отказались вопросы, как и Милнер, который едва треснул скрытным улыбка для камеры.
The media has been after Van Vicker for years, asking why the actor was so close-mouthed.
Пресса преследовала Гослинга в течение многих лет, спрашивая, почему актер был таким скрытным.
Well, you know, some people can be pretty close-mouthed.
They are still likely to be close-mouthed, as the admission would be shocking.
Они, скорее всего, продолжат молчать, так как признание было бы шокирующим.
Second, individual field carriers, naturally, can move not only along close-mouthed trajectories.
Во вторых, индивидуальные носители поля, естественно, могут двигаться и не по замкнутым траекториям.
Equipotential lines of elastic shear strains are always close-mouthed too.
Эквипотенциальные линии упругих сдвиговых деформаций тоже всегда замкнуты.
First, an existence of unit material carriers of a magnetic field, which would be capable to move only along close-mouthed trajectories, should be assumed.
Гипотетически можно допустить существование единичных материальных носителей магнитного поля, которые способны к движению лишь по замкнутым траекториям.
It is strictly proved that magnetic force lines are always close-mouthed.
Строго доказано, что магнитные силовые линии всегда замкнуты.
Third, in a vortical formation (population of enclosed into each other particles moving along close-mouthed trajectories of medium particles) a movement, depending on the distance to the centre of rotation should happen with different velocity.
В третьих, в вихревом образовании (совокупности вложенных друг в друга движущихся по круговым траекториям частиц среды) движение, в зависимости от расстояния до центра вращения, должно происходить с различной скоростью.
At the same time the concept explaining the nature of a magnetic field by the presence of a vortex motion (for example, some particles) along ring or other close-mouthed trajectories, requires a resolution of several contradictions.
В то же время концепция, обьясняющая природу магнитного поля за счет наличия вихревого движения по кольцевым или иным замкнутым траекториям, требует разрешения нескольких противоречий.
Street photo galleries feature the statue with a different face that may have existed in the beta; the face is more consistent with the Statue of Liberty’s, albeit with a slight, close-mouthed smile.
Уличные фотогалереи показывают статую с другим лицом, и, возможно, это лицо было у статуи в бета-версии, это лицо больше соответствует лицу Статуи Свободы, хотя и с небольшой, замкнутой улыбкой.
I distrust a close-mouthed man.
They were pretty close-mouthed about it.
If we cannot or would rather not do this, we search our acquaintance for a close-mouthed, understanding friend.
Если мы не можем или не хотим вступать в контакт со служителями религии, то пытаемся найти понимающего человека среди наших знакомых, умеющего хранить тайны.
Of course, people were notoriously close-mouthed about such matters and were certainly unwilling to speak about them in a court of law.
Несомненно, что люди не желают принимать эти вопросы близко к сердцу, а некоторые не хотят обсуждать их в суде.
In the ninth century, a change occurred, and the pair came to consist of one open-mouthed lion (shishi 獅子) and one close-mouthed, horn-bearing, dog-like komainu.
В девятом веке произошли некоторые изменения, и пара начала состоять из одного льва с открытым ртом (шиши 獅子) и похожего на собаку комаину с рогами и с закрытым ртом.
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