Word for clearly seen

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

хорошо видно

отчетливо видно

отчетливо видны

хорошо заметно

четко прослеживается

хорошо видны

ясно видны

четко увидеть

четко видны

ясно видеть

явно прослеживается

хорошо видна

ясно увидеть

отчетливо увидеть

ясно виден


And now it is too clearly seen that this «other» competition is becoming decisive at the present time.

И сейчас слишком хорошо видно, что эта «другая» конкуренция и становится определяющей в настоящее время.

Everything that happens on the stage can be clearly seen from any place.

Главное, что происходящее на сцене очень хорошо видно с любого места.

It is clearly seen in some places.

Also it is clearly seen that the fifth door also become different.

Disparities are clearly seen in vital sectors — education, health, economy and employment.

Различия отчетливо видны в жизненно важных секторах — образовании, здравоохранении, экономике и занятости.

It is clearly seen that the console for developers has the appearance corresponding to a recently appeared patent.

Хорошо видно, что консоль для разработчиков имеет внешний вид соответствующий недавно появившемуся патенту.

On such examples clearly seen that in a crisis the main criterion for selecting goods and services — is their price.

На таких примерах отчетливо видно, что в кризис главным критерием при выборе товаров и услуг — становится их цена.

When partners lose respect for each other, this is clearly seen in their communication.

Когда партнеры утрачивают уважение друг к другу, это отчетливо видно по их общению.

The reaction began during the first minute which is clearly seen in the picture.

В первые же минуты началась реакция, что отчетливо видно на снимке.

It is clearly seen that the whole tree is limited.

Here it is especially clearly seen how balanced the game is and how optimal its financial policy is.

Здесь особенно хорошо видно, насколько сбалансирована игра и оптимальна её финансовая политика.

It is clearly seen that the surface layer of the Ryuga is almost completely devoid of regolith and can be mixed.

Хорошо видно, что поверхностный слой Рюгу практически полностью лишен реголита и может перемешиваться.

The way the Ukrainian side fabricates false accusations is clearly seen in the recent example.

То, как украинская сторона фабрикует ложные обвинения, отчетливо видно на недавнем примере.

Today Mount Fuji can be clearly seen.

Mountains, coastline and islands were clearly seen.

Отчетливо были видны горные массивы, береговая линия, острова.

This is clearly seen at the last supper.

Unlike an X-ray, nerves and discs are clearly seen.

В отличие от рентгеновского исследования, при МРТ четко видны нервы и межпозвоночные диски.

This was clearly seen at many international and all-Russian exhibitions.

В этом можно было наглядно убедиться на многочисленных международных и всероссийских выставках.

The necessity of reform is most clearly seen at the state level.

Необходимость модернизации экономики достаточно четко осознается на уровне государственной власти.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат clearly seen

Результатов: 1187. Точных совпадений: 1187. Затраченное время: 107 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

clearly seen

Общая лексика: хорошо видно

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «clearly seen» в других словарях:

  • Clearly Impossible — is a variation of the illusion sawing a woman in half devised by Jonathan Pendragon.[1][2][3] Contents 1 Description 1.1 …   Wikipedia

  • clearly — adverb 1. without doubt or question (Freq. 32) they were clearly lost history has clearly shown the folly of that policy • Derived from adjective: ↑clear 2. in an intelligible manner (Freq. 10) the foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly …   Useful english dictionary

  • As Seen Through a Telescope — Screenshot from the film Directed by George Albert Smith Produce …   Wikipedia

  • Mont Sainte-Victoire seen from Bellevue — Artist Paul Cézanne Year c. 1885 Type Oil on canvas Dimensions 73 cm × 92&# …   Wikipedia

  • United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… …   Universalium

  • South Asian arts — Literary, performing, and visual arts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Myths of the popular gods, Vishnu and Shiva, in the Puranas (ancient tales) and the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics, supply material for representational and… …   Universalium

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

  • painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction       history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present.       Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in …   Universalium

  • Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… …   Universalium

  • metaphysics — /met euh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. 2. philosophy, esp. in its more abstruse branches. 3. the… …   Universalium

  • Vicarius Filii Dei — (Latin: Vicar or Representative of the Son of God ) is a phrase used in the forged Donation of Constantine to refer to Saint Peter. It also features in the argument put forth by some Protestant groups who identify the phrase with the number of… …   Wikipedia

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In certain episodes of season 6, the Star of David tattoo on Seinfeld’s stomach can be clearly seen.

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В некоторых эпизодах 6- го сезона можно ясно увидеть татуировку« Звезда Давида» на животе Сейнфельда.

The success of the women’s

movement concerning constitutional gains may be clearly seen in the constitutional provisions, which ensure them, among other rights.

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Успехи женского движения в достижении конституционных завоеваний можно четко проследить в положениях Конституции, которые обеспечивают женщинам в числе прочего.

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The positive effect of the increase in the percentage of the daily

assessment base for maternity benefit can be clearly seen in the table below.

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Положительное влияние увеличения размера дневной процентной ставки, по которой рассчитывается пособие,

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It can be clearly seen from the 4-hour timeframe that reverse head and shoulders


about to form.

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Если перейти на четырехчасовой таймфрейм, там можно отчетливо увидеть формирующуюся фигуру разворота тенденции- голову с плечами.

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This red logo can be clearly seen on every main building of the Bank of China.

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Этот красный логотип может быть ясно замечен на каждой главной постройке Банка Китая.

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In the areas where rivers intersect hydrogen seepage zones,

the degassing can be clearly seen in the form of hydrogen bubbles, with hydrogen concentration up to 82.

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В местах, где выходы водорода пересекаются речками,

можно наглядно наблюдать водородную дегазацию по пузырям, содержание водорода в которых достигает 82.

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This would also eliminate any confusion about the objective of sanctions,

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Это также устранило бы всякую путаницу в отношении цели санкций, которые,

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Color gradations in images with

less than 8-bits per color channel can be clearly seen in the image histogram.

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Градации цвета в изображениях менее

8 бит на канал цветности могут быть четко заметны на гистограмме изображения.

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The efforts of African leaders to broaden the concept of security and

bring to it a human dimension can also be clearly seen in the governance architecture set up through the African Union.

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Усилия руководителей африканских государств по расширению концепции безопасности и

включению в нее человеческого измерения также четко проявляются в структуре управления, созданной с помощью Африканского союза.

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The Unsullied


introduced in the city ramparts of Skala de la Ville, the 18th-century sea bastion that runs along the northern cliffs, and during the closing scene when Barristan reveals himself,

the Genoese-built citadel by the harbour can be clearly seen.

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Безупречные были представлены в городских валах Skala de la Ville, морского бастиона 18- го века, который проходит вдоль северных скал, и в течение заключительной сцены, когда Барристан раскрывает свою личность,

можно ясно увидеть построенную генуэзцами цитадель возле гавани.

Roads that converged upon the Gate of Mordor could now be clearly seen, pale and dusty;

one winding back northwards; another dwindling eastwards into the mists that clung about the feet of Ered Lithui; and a third that ran towards him.

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В утреннем свете ясно были видны пыльные дороги, расходившиеся от ворот Мордора: одна поворачивала

на север, другая уходила на восток и терялась в туманах у подножья Эред Литуя; третья направлялась прямо к путникам.

The impact of the Agenda can be clearly seen in the priority given to Africa in the programmes of action of

and the follow-up meetings to the major United Nations conferences, as well as in other new international instruments.

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Воздействие этой Программы четко проявляется в том приоритете, который отдается Африке в программах действий и на заседаниях

по выполнению решений крупных конференций Организации Объединенных Наций, а также в других новых международных документах.

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Even Paul’s lists of qualifications in Timothy and Titus point out those who had walked with Jesus long

enough to


transformed by him in a way that could be clearly seen in their families, in the community

and their freedom to live the truth and thus


able to help others in the way Jesus would.

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Даже списки квалификаций в посланиях Павла к Тимофею и Титу показывают, что те, кто шел с Иисусом достаточно



преобразованы Им таким образом, что это было ясно видно в их семьях, в их общинах, в их

свободе жить в истине и таким образом


в состоянии помочь другим так же, как это сделал бы Иисус.

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When, following a breakdown, puncture or any other incident requiring the vehicle to stop at the roadside, the driver and occupants of the vehicle thus stopped


awaiting assistance or carrying out repairs at the side of the roadway or in the emergency lane of a motorway or similar road, it


crucial, for their safety,

by day and all the more so by night, that they be clearly seen by other drivers, regardless of the presence of a warning triangle.

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Если в случае поломки, прокола шины или любого иного происшествия, предполагающего необходимость остановки транспортного средства на обочине дороги, водитель и пассажиры остановленного таким образом транспортного средства ожидают помощи или производят ремонт на обочине дороги или на полосе аварийной остановки автомагистрали или аналогичной дороги, исключительно важно обеспечивать в целях их безопасности- и в дневное,

и особенно в ночное время,- чтобы они были хорошо видимы другими водителями независимо от наличия предупреждающего треугольника.

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Disparities are clearly seen in vital sectors- education, health, economy and employment.

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Различия отчетливо видны в жизненно важных секторах- образовании, здравоохранении, экономике и занятости.

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The resemblance between the mountains is clearly seen in description given in the Mahabharata.

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But this modification is clearly seen in the framework of a dynamic and soteriological Christology;

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Но такая модификация, несомненно, видится в рамках динамической и сотериологической христологии;

Bernhard»Cause», in which the features of the»biographical author» are clearly seen.

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Так как веришь в основном в то, что четко видишь и ощущаешь.

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The impact of the introduction of PMR hard disks was clearly seen in the dramatic increase in the ruthenium price in late 2006

and early 2007.

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Влияние установки ПМЗ на жестких дисках очевидно проявилось в резком росте цены на рутений в конце 2006-

начале 2007гг.

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The lanes are clearly seen, and their width of several kilometres proves that the fire could

hardly have spread from one part to another by bypassing them.

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Эти полосы четко видны, а то, что они имеют несколько километров в ширину,

говорит о том, что огонь вряд ли мог бы перекинуться из одной части в другую, минуя их.

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What is another word for clearly seen?

Synonyms for clearly seen
clear·ly seen

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clearing-house, clearinghouse, clearinghouses, clearings, clearly, clearly-defined, clearness, clears, clearstory, clearwater

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Are we missing a good synonym for clearly seen?

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Catharine Veum

Score: 4.9/5
(69 votes)

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for clear-sighted, like: perceiving, understanding, discerning, conscious, judicious, observant, clear-eyed, perspicacious, eye-minded, ferret-eyed and clear-headed.

What is a word for seeing clearly?

In this page you can discover 84 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for clearly, like: unmistakably, plainly, legibly, glaringly, prominently, incontestably, admittedly, distinctly, before one’s eyes, noticeably and obviously.

What is a clear sighted person?

adjective. If you describe someone as clear-sighted, you admire them because they are able to understand situations well and to make sensible judgments and decisions about them.

What is another word for crystal clear?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for crystal clear, like: crystalline, luculent, lucid, apparent, manifest, transparent, pellucid, clear-cut, clear, distinct and evident.

Is crystal clear an idiom?

Meaning: absolutely clear, easy to understand. Example: The instructions for preparing the dish are crystal clear.

32 related questions found

What does clear as crystal mean?

Also, be clear as crystal. Be easy to understand, have a very obvious meaning. For example, The directions for installing the door are crystal clear, or Her intentions are clear as crystal.

Is just to be clear rude?

Take, for instance, the phrase “to be clear.” Although at face value it can be used to say that one is trying to clarify what is discussed, used in the wrong way, it can be rude to use it in certain contexts.

How do you say make something clear?

Synonyms for make clear in English

  1. explain; make explicit; make clear.
  2. make clear; make clearer; elucidate; illustrate; explain; correct; visualize; visualise.

What does perspicuity mean?

: plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation a perspicuous argument.

What does it mean to see clear?

clear. (klɪəʳ ) Explore ‘clear’ in the dictionary. adjective. Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.

What is clear See?


(klēr´sē`ĭng) a. 1. Having a clear physical or mental vision; having a clear understanding.

What does patently mean in English?

DEFINITIONS1. in a way that is so obvious that no one could disagree. a patently unfair law. patently clear/false/obvious/wrong: It was patently obvious that she was lying.

What is needless to say mean?

phrase. You use needless to say when you want to emphasize that what you are about to say is obvious and to be expected in the circumstances. [emphasis] Our budgie got out of its cage. Needless to say, the cat caught it.

What do you call a tranquil place?

comfort zone. noun. a situation, place, or temperature that you feel relaxed in.

What is it called when you give an example to explain something?

An analogy is using an example to explain something else by showing how the two situations are similar.

What does it mean to make something clear?

If you make something clear, you say something in a way that makes it impossible for there to be any doubt about your meaning, wishes, or intentions.

How do you explain something briefly?

10 ways to explain things more effectively

  1. #1: Keep in mind others’ point of view. …
  2. #2: Listen and respond to questions. …
  3. #3: Avoid talking over people’s head. …
  4. #4: Avoid talking down to people. …
  5. #5: Ask questions to determine people’s understanding. …
  6. #6: Focus on benefits, not features. …
  7. #7: Use analogies to make concepts clearer.

Is it rude to say first of all?

3 Answers. It is no ruder or more courteous than ‘First‘ or ‘To begin with’ or ‘In the first place’ or ‘Let me start by saying’. They are all perhaps a little abrupt. It doesn’t really matter which you use.

Is it clear or cleared?

As a verb cleared is


What is a clear sentence?

Writing clearly and concisely means choosing your words deliberately and precisely, constructing your sentences carefully to eliminate deadwood, and using grammar properly. By writing clearly and concisely, you will get straight to your point in a way your audience can easily comprehend.

What powers does a clear crystal have?

Clear quartz

This white crystal is considered a “master healer.” It’s said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. It’s also said to aid concentration and memory. Physically, clear crystals are claimed to help stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.

How long do crystals stay charged?

You can also charge a crystal using other crystals. To do this, you will need to create a circle using several crystals and place the crystal that you want to be charged in the center of the circle. Leave the crystal in the center of the circle for about 24 hours.

How do you use crystal clear?

crystal clear

  1. ​(of glass, water, etc.) completely clear and bright. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? …
  2. ​very easy to understand; completely obvious. I want to make my meaning crystal clear. You’ve got to make your intentions crystal clear to them.

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