Word for clearing trees

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What is another word for field?

Another word for field is clearing, plot, lot, plat, tract or

What is another word for ‘forest’?

Another name for a forest is
1. Bush, or bushland (an Australian term)
2. Woods
3. Woodland

What does the word clearing mean?

A clearing could mean an open space in a forest. It could mean
clearing the table before dinner. It could also mean clearing the
air by apologising to someone after having an argument.

What is one sentence with the word desertification?

desertification is the clearing of trees.

What is another word for location?

The word location is a noun. Some words that can be used in
place of location are area, locale, neighborhood, bearings, region,
tract, and neck of the woods.

Permits for clearing trees and bushes in urban areas are issued by the local authorities.

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Разрешения на вырубку деревьев и кустарников в городах выдаются местными органами власти.

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Apart from land speculation,

it appears that the main profits for the concessionaires have come from clearing trees.

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Похоже, что, помимо

спекуляции землей, основные доходы концессионеры получали от вырубки деревьев.

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Clearing trees(including those cleared by landscaping or bulldozing)

and destroying town’s industries, buildings, roads, tunnels and bridges all lower the company rating in the town.

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строений, дорог, туннелей и мостов уменьшают рейтинг компании в городе.

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The crew isfully equipped with resources and tools for filing and trimming trees, clearing ROWs along power lines.

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Бригада полностью укомплектована средствами иоснасткой для опиловки иобрезки деревьев, расчистки трасс ЛЭП.

The hideous Draconis, an all-powerful red dragon, crashes through the trees into the clearing.

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Отвратительный Драконис, всемогущий красный дракон, продирается через деревья на поляну.

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Here the cable, designed tosupply power form the 35/10kV substation“Mikhailovskaya”, incompliance with European standards ofbuilding ofreserves,

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Здесь кабель, предназначенный для подведения питающего напряжения отподстанции 35/ 10кВ« Михайловская»,

всоответствии севропейскими нормами строительства заповедников частично проложен подеревьям без вырубки просек.

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На изображении также находится поляна из холмов, розы, деревья, тучи, солнце.

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Work-load on the project: Clearing of the trail corridor fallen trees and dwarf pine removal.

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Project scope of work: Clearing of the trail corridor fallen trees and dwarf pine removal.

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Предварительный объем работы: Расчистка коридора тропы упавшие деревья, стланик.

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Their latest appeal was

made after Talmon settlers began land clearing work and started cutting trees on the disputed land.

Ha’aretz, Jerusalem Post, 6 January 1995.

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Их последняя апелляция была представлена после того,

как поселенцы Тальмона начали расчистку земли и рубку деревьев в спорном районе.» Гаарец»,» Джерузалем пост»,

6 января 1995 года.

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The Spaniards described groves of wild fruit and nut bearing trees, implying that the Nodena must have left them standing when clearing other


for the cultivation of maize.

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Испанцы писали о рощах дикорастущих фруктовых и ореховых деревьев, которые жители Нодены оставляли, расчищая местность от других растений для засева кукурузы.

Theoretically the Clearing House tree structure can contain as many nested sub-categories as needed.

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Теоретически древовидная структура Информационного центра может содержать любое количество необходимых вложенных подклассов.

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Each piece of information is stored in this database and

is thus not directly connected to the Clearing House information tree structure.

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В базе данных хранится каждая порция информации,

которая таким образом не подключается напрямую к древовидной структуре информации Информационного центра.

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This woodcreeper is found in lowlands up to 1,500 m(4,900 ft) altitude, although normally below 900 m(3,000 ft), in damp light woodland, plantations,

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Этот вид древолазов населяет низменности до 1500 м над уровнем моря, хотя, как правило, он живет ниже 900 м во влажной светлой лесистой местности, на плантациях,

A little forest clearing, lonely oak


or pines on the edge of a meadow,

a delicately lacy tree brunch in early spring; everything is imbued with the solemnity of being, affirmation of the beauty of the mundane.

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Маленькая лесная опушка, одинокие дубы или сосны на краю поляны, ажурная ветка дерева ранней весной-

все наполнено значимостью бытия, утверждением красоты обыденных явлений.

Fredrick The treasure’s in a


past those trees.

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Then another great meal had been prepared under the trees in a


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После этого, снова угощение, которое развернулось прямо под деревьями.

She turned and followed Harry and Ron out of the clearing and off through the


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Тогда она повернулась и пошла с полянки в лес вслед за Гарри и Роном.

The project consists of cultivating coffee and fruits like pineapple, banana, citrus,

etc. through the selective


method cutting only some trees without burning.

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Суть проекта заключается в выращивании кофе и фруктов, таких, как ананасы, бананы, цитрусовые

и т. д., методом выборочной вырубки с вырубкой лишь отдельных деревьев без сжигания.

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Work officially started on clearing the site of


on 9 May 2009,

and work above ground started in early September 2009.

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Официально работы по расчистке деревьев на будущей территории стадиона начались 9 мая 2009 года,

а земельно- выравниватильные работы в начале сентября 2009 года.

Through the Arbour Month initiative,

children learn the importance of planting trees and of proper land


techniques and learn how they can reduce their carbon footprint.

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Путем реализации инициативы» Беседка,

увитая зеленью» дети узнают о важности посадки деревьев и правильных методах землепользования, а также узнают, каким образом они могут снизить при этом» углеродные следы.

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House web site gives a

good overview of the Clearing House information


structure as described in Addendum 1 to this report.

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Информационного центра

ОПТОСОЗ позволяет

подробно ознакомиться с древовидной структурой информации Информационного центра, описание которой содержится в добавлении 1 к настоящему докладу.

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The power engineers pay special attention to


and extension of ROWs because falling trees from the forest

and wood shoots crossing wires is often the cause of power interruptions.

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Работам по расчистке и расширению просек энергетики уделяют повышенное внимание, поскольку падение деревьев из лесного массива

и перекрытие древесной порослью проводов нередко является причиной аварийных отключений.

and burning of scrubland to create pastures had led to massive erosion and in some areas chestnut


had been replaced by hazelnut


which are much weaker and produce a smaller root system EEA, 1999.

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кустарников под пастбищные угодья привели к интенсивной эрозии, и в ряде районов на смену каштанам пришел орешник, который является более слабым растением и обладает менее мощной корневой системой EEA, 1999.

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In June 1819, a few months after the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles(1781-1826) in Singapore, a sandstone slab about 10 ft(3.0 m) high and 9 to 10 ft(2.7 to 3.0 m)

long was found by labourers clearing jungle


at the southeast side of the mouth of the Singapore River.

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В июне 1819 года, спустя несколько месяцев после прибытия сэра Стэмфорда Раффлза( 1781- 1826) в Сингапур,

рабочими, которые расчищали джунгли, на юго-восточной стороне устья реки Сингапур была найдена плита песчаника высотой примерно 10 футов( 3 метра) и длиной около 9- 10 футов 2. 7- 3 метра.

The Bureau also stressed the usefulness of developing more advanced automatic sorting features(e.g.

using the same features already applied under the Clearing House information


established by the secretariat)

as well as providing a more detailed and standardized description of the information retrieved, including the indication of authors and URLs.

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Бюро подчеркнуло также полезность разработки более совершенных функций автоматической сортировки( например, на

основе использования тех же функций, которые уже применяются в древовидной Информационной структуре информационного центра, созданной секретариатом),

а также предоставления более подробного и унифицированного описания извлекаемой информации, включая сведения об авторах и соответствующие URL.

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Between land


construction, and tree care, tons of wood waste is produced around the world.

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В процессе расчистки местности, строительства и ухода за древонасаждениями по всему миру образуются тонны древесных отходов.

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The widespread fires were related to

new commercial agricultural projects, land


for tree and agricultural plantations, land


for new cattle pastures, dry residues left in the forest after logging, and slash-and-burn agriculture.

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Массовые пожары были связаны с осуществлением

новых коммерческих проектов в сельском хозяйстве, выкорчевыванием леса для плодовых и сельскохозяйственных плантаций,

для новых пастбищ, сухим мусором, оставленным в лесу после заготовки древесины, а также подсечно-огневым земледелием.

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This work consists of the planting of the necessary types of


on the clearings taking into account the shade density.

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Эта работа заключается в посадке требуемой древесной породы в освободившиеся прогалины с учетом освещенности.

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In the original and narrower sense, clearing is the removal of woody plants , i.e. trees or bushes , including their roots . In further detailed explanation, deforestation and the mere cases of trees ( » blow clearing «) without reforestation and the slash and burn and Schwenden ; in these cases, the tree stumps or the roots often remain in the ground.

The aim of clearing forest areas is usually to be able to use the soil for another use ( pasture , arable farming , housing development , traffic route construction ). This is the difference to clear cutting in forestry use, which is usually followed by reforestation. The Austrian Forest Act defines clearing as “the use of forest soil for purposes other than forest culture”. But clearing is also used in the areas of horticulture and viticulture (clearing of vines ). Clearing can also affect only a single tree or bush or a single rootstock.

Clearance, and in particular slash and burn, are the main cause of increasing deforestation in many countries. However, deforestation can also be a consequence of other factors (e.g. unsustainable management, drought , forest fires and storms).

Word origin and word usage

Clearing is a word formation to clear ( mnd. Clearing , mhd. Riuten, reuten , ahd. Riuten ). The variant reuten remained in the south of the German-speaking area as a dialect word well into modern times . Linguistically related is eradicate , a word formation for the outdated verb rotten (mhd. Red , subsidiary form of riuten, reuten ).

The words clearing and clearing can be related both to the affected vegetation (trees and bushes, forest and bushes are cleared) and to the land area (a piece of land, an area is cleared). The similar term deforestation , on the other hand, is always related to the land area (a country, an area is deforested). Clearance is the standard term in the historical context (see the technical term clearing time ). In particular, when naming the specific work, the word clearing and terms such as rootstock clearing or clearing device are used . The modern term deforestation is preferred when it comes to the extent of forest loss, especially when considering large-scale areas (e.g. deforestation in the Amazon region or deforestation of the earth ).

The cleared area can also be described as clearing . Numerous clearing names are a linguistic testimony to medieval clearing in Europe. Like clearing, many of them go back to Middle High German riuten , for example Reutte , Kreuth , Werningerode .

Types of clearing

Tree clearing

In the case of a (complete) tree clearing, the trees including the tree stump (also called «stick») are cleared in one work cycle. This is possible using chaining , for example . A chain or a wire rope is stretched between two heavy bulldozers to pull out the trees and their roots. In the case of weak trees, the use of a single tractor is sufficient. This practice takes place in forests that have only an insignificant proportion of economically interesting trees.

Rootstock clearing

Often only tree stumps are cleared after the trees have been felled at some point before, or a single tree stump is cleared ( rootstock clearing, stick clearing, root clearing). When clearing roots, the roots are either largely removed (complete clearing) or parts of the root wood are left in the ground (partial clearing).

The rhizome can be torn out with an excavator, leaving the long roots in the ground if they have not been exposed beforehand. Complete clearing can only be achieved with an excavator if it works with a special clearing knife . Special milling machines can mill the stump to a depth of just under one meter, but complete clearing with a milling cutter is difficult. If a stump grinder is used, it is also known as a root stock grinder .

Historically, all kinds of mechanical devices that transmitted strong leverage , for example the forest devil , and later also motorized lifting devices, such as a steam-powered lifting crane, were used to clear root stocks. Alternatively, the tractive effort was provided by a tractor. Explosives were also used.

Manual and machine clearing

In manual clearing, the trees are felled with axes or saws and the stumps are removed with a hoe (“Reuthaue”), sometimes with the help of animals (e.g. oxen ).

With mechanical clearing, the tree trunks are felled with so-called wood harvesters (also called «harvesters»), delimbed and sawn into sections (see wood harvesting ). Above all, excavators and special cutters are used to remove the rhizomes (see above).

Felling wood with a chainsaw takes an intermediate position. The sawing work is done by the chainsaw, but it is still strenuous physical work.

Deforestation in the broader sense

The following methods do not remove the stumps or roots. It is therefore imperfect clearing and not clearing in the narrower sense.

Slash and burn

In the case of slash and burn , the cutting off and burning of the vegetation is usually combined. A biology lexicon notes that the word » clearing» is misleading because the root stocks are left in the ground.


The term Schwenden mostly describes a historical method of land reclamation. During Schwenden, the tree population was often first dried out by curling . Undergrowth and undergrowth were removed, as well as branches and again and again the newly emerging shoots ( Schneitelung ). After the tree withered, the following options were available:

  • Burning down: The dried out trees are specifically burned to gain agricultural land. The fire residues ensure high-quality, fertilized soil.
  • Mechanical felling of the trees in order to then cultivate fields on the area — around the stumps .
  • According to the large conversation lexicon von Meyers (1905-1909), the damaged trees fell over at some point without further action.

The dictionary by Adelung (1793–1801) explains the word schwenden as “to burn down a forest to turn it into portable fields”. Duden states to schwenden : » make arable by slash and burn «. According to the German dictionary of the Brothers Grimm, Schwenden in Austria included burning, debarking, mutilating or drilling trees that were supposed to wither as a result. With reference to a Bavarian source, the meaning of the word is stated: “Remove obstructive trees, approaches to wood, bushes by hacking, drilling, peeling them off, etc. the like first makes it stand up and wither, and then put it away or burns ”. Otherwise there is a lot of variation in the assignment of methods and designations in the old sources. For example, in a Swiss spring, wasting is supposed to denote the thinning of forest, bushes or hedges by means of cuts or hewing — and guard against burning.

Cleared areas

In laminar clearing is generally referred to surface clearance . If all the trees are cut on a larger area in a day or in a short time, it is called a clear-cutting or clear-cutting .

Smaller cleared areas are more often referred to as clearing islands (isolated, forest-free areas) or clearing lanes (clearing, for example, along rivers or other guidelines). The cleared islands are often at the beginning of extensive cultivation.


Clearing a forest to gain arable land. Detail from the wood engraving Dance of the Dead (1538) by Hans Holbein the Younger .

View of the hamlet of Hof Steinbach in Baden-Württemberg, which was built as a clearing settlement in the High Middle Ages

Large-scale deforestation have passed since the Neolithic occupied, including through Aulehm deposits in the river valleys and pollen analysis . Slash and burn is likely to have been predominant, as the Neolithic were hardly able to cut up and transport giant trees. After the trees had been previously ringed , which led to their death and drying out, slash and burn was easy. However, the Schwenden can only be proven in historical times.

When swiveling, the time-consuming removal of the roots was not necessary. Another advantage was the lower risk of erosion of the cleared areas, especially in sloping locations, as the roots held the soil. Hacking was possible between the tree stump . The method was unsuitable for plow farming, especially because of the heavy weight of the plows, which were not easy to move.

Many towns and villages in Central Europe originated in the respective clearing time in Rode — or clearing landscapes as a form of internal colonization . An example of this is the settlement of people in the low mountain ranges in forest-hoofed villages .

Forestry has developed from the negative consequences of clearing . Historical descriptions from Central Europe basically coincide with today’s images from the tropics. However, due to technical progress and higher population density, the speed of large-scale forest destruction has increased by orders of magnitude, and the consequences for tropical primary forest communities are more permanent. Worldwide, the proportion of forest areas in the total land area is still falling.

Today, clearing activity in Europe mostly only takes place due to infrastructural construction measures and is associated with corresponding requirements for new foundations and reforestation . In other parts of the world — especially the taiga belts of Canada and Siberia , as well as the tropical forest areas  — large-scale clearing is common.

Logging without clearing, i.e. removing individual trees or lots of wood, is called permanent forest construction .

See also

  • History of the forest in Central Europe


  • Richard B. Hilf: The forest. Forests and pastures in the past and present — Part One [Reprint]. Aula, Wiebelsheim 2003, ISBN 3-494-01331-4 .
  • Hans Hausrath : History of German silviculture. From its beginnings to 1850 . Series of publications by the Institute for Forest Policy and Regional Planning at the University of Freiburg. Hochschulverlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 1982, ISBN 3-8107-6803-0 .
  • Jens Lüning : Stone Age farmers in Germany. Agriculture in the Neolithic In: University research on prehistoric archeology. Volume 58, Habelt, Bonn 2000, ISBN 3-7749-2953-X , pp. 49-52.

Web links

Wiktionary: clearing  — explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b clearing gartenwerk-ruhr.de. Quote: «the clearing, ie the removal of plants and their roots». At the end of the text it is made clear that it is specifically about bushes, trees and root balls.
  2. See Duden online: clearing (meaning 1 and 2)
  3. a b See clearing in the Lexikon der Biologie, Spektrum.de (1999). The definition contains the comment «mostly […] including the roots»; on the other hand, slash and burn is expressly included, where “including the roots” does not apply.
  4. The time of the major clearing in Upper Austria in the forum OoeGeschichte.at, January 24, 2009. In the info box types of clearing , the historian Roman Sandgruber writes about clearing in the 10th to the 13th / 14th. Century: «There are three types of clearing: the clearing by cutting the trees, the slash and burn by burning the trees and the deforestation […]» These are the methods in which the stumps remain in the ground.
  5. Deforestation , Federal Act of July 3, 1975, which regulates forestry ( Forest Act 1975 , Austria), accessed on June 19, 2014.
  6. Roden vitipendium.de (collection of articles on the subject of viticulture and oenology)
  7. Foresters work for Deutsche Bahn in the Frankfurt city forest fnp.de, November 18, 2016. Quote: «He would like to clear the tree […]»
  8. Trees stay standing fr.de, February 21, 2012. Quote: “Until further notice, no bush and no bush will be cleared”.
  9. Duden online: clearing and clearing
  10. Duden online: reuten
  11. Duden online: exterminate
  12. Winfried Schenk: Clearance historisches-lexikon-bayerns.de, February 1, 2012.
  13. ^ Roman Sandgruber: The time of the great clearing in Upper Austria in the forum OoeGeschichte.at, January 24, 2009.
  14. Deforestation in the Amazon region — causes and initial solutions boell.de, February 28, 2008.
  15. Map shows deforestation in detail for the first time heise.de, November 15, 2013.
  16. Duden online: clearing (meaning 2)

  17. Example of a picture: Clearing trees in bundles
    when clearing forstmuseum.ch, picture database of historical timber harvest
  18. Picture example: Harvesting device forstmuseum.ch, picture database of historical wood harvest (mechanical lifting device with long lever arm)
  19. Picture example: Waldteufel for clearing stock forstmuseum.ch, picture database of historical timber harvest
  20. Example of a picture: «Mammut» lifting device at work forstmuseum.ch, historical timber harvesting image database (mobile tripod with 4 HP motor)

  21. Example of a picture: Steam plow
    machine forstmuseum.ch, picture database of historical wood harvesting (steam-powered crane)
  22. Example of a picture: Stump clearing with a tractor-mounted lifting device forstmuseum.ch, picture database of historical timber harvest
  23. Picture example: Drilling the hole for explosive charge in the root stump forstmuseum.ch, picture database historical timber harvest
  24. ^ Slash-and- burn in the lexicon of biology, Spektrum.de (1999).
  25. ^ A b Soil improvement in: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 6th edition (1905–1909), see Schwenden there .
  26. Schwenden in: Johann Christoph Adelung, Grammatical-Critical Dictionary of High German Dialect (1793–1801)
  27. Duden online: schwenden
  28. schwenden in the German dictionary of the Brothers Grimm (1854–1961), see 2 b).

Onion Patch

  • #1

What is the best word to use when talking about clearing land? By clearing land I mean cutting down and clearing away trees in order to build homes, buildings, etc..

«It was Pa who felled the trees and cleared the north end of the island.»
Fue papá quien taló y desabstroyó/desbrozó la parte norte de la isla.

My whole attempt is likely terrible. I am trying to translate a children’s book to practice a little bit.


Last edited: Aug 18, 2014

  • maidinbedlam

    • #2

    I like «desbrozar» here, but «taló» should go with «los árboles».

    «Desobstruir» would be to clear something that was previously blocked, so I don´t think it fits here.

    Onion Patch

    • #3

    I must have been in a rush to type that last night when I left out los árboles in my attempt. Thanks a lot for the help, maininbedlam.


    • #4

    Isn’t «desbrozar» more for low growth/brush/weeds? Maybe not … Never mind! :)

    • #5

    A lo mejor ‘arrasar’ es también una buena alternativa. Aunque creo yo que tiene una connotación más bien negativa.


    • #6

    Isn’t «desbrozar» more for low growth/brush/weeds? Maybe not … Never mind! :)

    You are right. It should be deforestar.
    Un saludo


    • #7

    You are right. It should be deforestar.

    I agree. Deforestar o desmontar.

    Onion Patch

    • #8

    Does deforestar have any negative connotations in Spanish? I am asking because usually when I hear someone talk about deforestation in English they are often speaking about the negative impacts that it has on the environment. This is a translation of a children’s book where they cleared land in the old days to simply have a place to live so I want to make sure that it doesn’t sound like something negative.

    Thanks again


    • #9

    I think it just depends on the context.
    Even so you can use another verb like descuajar which means clear the land but it’s outdated. If the story is about old days maybe could work.
    Hace ya algún tiempo la gente descuajaba la tierra antes de roturarla.
    People used to grub up roots and stumps before they plow the arable land.
    Un saludo

    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014


    • #10

    Does deforestar have any negative connotations in Spanish? I am asking because usually when I hear someone talk about deforestation in English they are often speaking about the negative impacts that it has on the environment…

    You are right. So, you can use the expression «despejar el bosque».

    Onion Patch

    • #11

    Thanks for clearing that up, Canario and Kerena.


    • #12

    Abordar una historia según lo que ocurrió en el pasado o se hace en el presente, sea con el tono sea, no está mal. Para mí, lo importante cuando se dirigen textos a niños radica en que, dentro de la temática abordada, se pretenda transmitir valores «dignos» y que ellos los asimilen. Eso sí, usar eufemismos (que son lo que son) para referirnos a convertir un entorno natural en un ambiente humanizado para fines meramente propios (antropocéntricos) no me parece nunca justificado; por mucho que así suceda en la realidad contidiana para intentar limpiar nuestras conciencias ombliguistas o desenfocar las de los otros. Podemos decir «arrasar» (muy negativo) o «despejar» (blandito), al bosque y análogos les dará igual.

    Un saludo cordial.

    ‘CLEAR OF TREES’ is a 12 letter
    starting with C and ending with S

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