Word for choosing sides

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

This feeling can often be paralyzing in that you see valid points on either side; makes you not able to choose a side.

Seeing can also be understanding, supporting, taking active part in.

I’m looking for words that don’t imply a «Janus»/traitor tone or the ambivalence tone, but the (property of the) process that precedes the paralyzing feeling and whose property is more reminiscent of walking a mile in another man’s shoes.

Tag says single-word but multi-word adjectives can be okay. I usually shy away from just adding -y to make adjectives.

Sorry for the vague wording, I’ll happily take suggestions on how to word this better. Thanks! :)

«And above all, I hope __ will become the preferred method to prepare for debate, to: …»

It’s a two-sided process of analysis involving attacks and reconciliations of attacks.

I was hoping for an established academic term for this, but perhaps none exist. I will embrace an inventive new word for this! This is a paper for peer review, so the meaning should be apparent to academics.

As the US-China technological cold war spreads into space, third countries will face growing pressure to choose sides. America’s response to China’s growing 5G capabilities provides a likely template for its approach to rivalry in space.

But Mr Trump has chosen division in the belief that the polarised country he leads will simply choose sides over issues such as race.

and China continued to rage, Taiwanese businesses might be forced to choose sides, Bush cautioned, as they would not necessarily benefit.

Perhaps the two tallest forms want the viewer to choose sides; arranged back to back, they might be ignoring or opposing each other.

Shiloh knows Jason took Kristina from the attic and on the Thursday, April 18 episode of «General Hospital,» the Dawn of Day leader will put Sam in an uncomfortable position that may force her to choose sides.

I choose sides not for the sake of partisanship but because it is right, at least as far as I am concerned,» he said.

The Philippines is in no position economically or militarily to choose sides. Further, no matter how unlikely, what if the US for some reason wanted to use the Chinese incursion into Philippine territory as an excuse to go to war with China?

The international community must choose sides wisely in the Venezuelan conflict, the curator of US intervention in the Latin American country, Special Envoy Elliott Abrams, suggested on Tuesday, noting that Washington would not limit itself to economic sanctions just against the Maduro government, but against all who chose to support him.

Cue the jockeying for position of world leaders as they choose sides. I’m almost sure we’ve been down this road before.

Like the warring characters in ‘Julius Caesar,’ perhaps what this play foremost needed was to choose sides. This author, for one, is beyond excited to see Deldoc take the backstage farce all the way.

The world remains divided into East and West even if it does not suit our foreign minister to admit it because in such a case, the government would have to choose sides.

At this time when political, social and economic forces make people choose sides, we are challenged even more to test the attitudes that we carry, the sentiments that we feel and the actions that we take when we partake of God’s Spirit in our lives.

Perhaps an argument can be made that Saudi Arabia is on the diplomatic warpath and with Pakistan suffering acute pressure on the external account front, the possibility of financial aid, oil imports on preferential terms and sustaining crucial foreign remittances from Saudi Arabia has meant having to choose sides.

We love both ladies’ looks, so we wouldn’t like to choose sides.

When twins Sean and Dillon Kirrell use their transit abilities to rescue a kidnap victim, they cross a clandestine group within their government who seeks to control all planets with their transit powers, forcing the brothers to choose sides in what could explode into full-blown war.

choose sides

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

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People are very much geared toward good vs evil, and choosing sides.

Люди очень сильно ориентированы на добро против зла, и выбора сторон.

After setting up the initial position and choosing sides, the player with the White pieces begins the game.

После определения начальной позиции и выбора сторон, игру начинает тот из игроков, которому достались белые фигуры.

Pragmatic assessments usually inform foreign policy decisions, particularly those involving choosing sides in international disputes.

«Прагматические оценки обычно оказывают влияние на внешнеполитические решения, в особенности на те, которые предусматривают выбор сторон в международных диспутах.

Whether it is the geographical location of Baku, Ali and Nino’s relationship, or choosing sides in the war, there are always two camps — East and West — that cover all aspects of life, define all differences and justify all actions.

Будь это географическое положение Баку, отношения Али и Нино, или выбор сторон в войне, всегда в романе присутствует два лагеря — Восток и Запад, охватывающие все аспекты жизни.

The events unfolding during the Second world war, the choosing sides involved in the war — you have to make yourself.

События разворачиваются в годы Второй мировой войны, выбор стороны, участвующей в войне — вам предстоит сделать самостоятельно.

Inviting me to an event or casually chatting with me does not mean you’re choosing sides in what may or may not be a salacious battle between exes.

Пригласили меня на мероприятие или небрежно общения со мной, не означает, что ты выбор стороны, что может или не может быть непристойной битва между бывшими.

Among choosing sides in game modes, there is a third side known as the «Free Entry» option, which is said to be the option that would appeal to the Lone Wolf type of player.

Среди выбора сторон в игровых режимах есть третья сторона, известная как опция «Свободный вход», которая, как говорят, является вариантом, который понравится игроку типа «Одинокий волк».

Unlike the two-bloc world of the Cold War, the coming bipolar world will involve choosing sides on non-political issues, and according to technological needs rather than picking one side to provide for all technological needs.

В отличие от двухблочного мира холодной войны, грядущий биполярный мир будет включать выбор сторон не по политическим соображениям, а в соответствии с технологическими потребностями.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the cover of Marvel’s Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5.

Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо появится в новом выпуске комиксов Marvel «Гражданская война ІІ: Выбор сторон».

Second, choosing sides often requires relying on armed protection and that can make the organization or the structure they support a military target.

Во-вторых, выбор какой-либо из сторон часто требует опоры на вооруженную защиту и это может привести к тому, что организация или структура будет поддерживать военные цели.

After choosing sides, and yet another awesome cinematic cut scene, players may now create their characters.

После выбора стороны и еще одной потрясающей кинематографической сцены, игроки теперь могут создавать своих персонажей.

Just so you know, if it comes to choosing sides

Just so you know, if it comes to choosing sides

Я просто хочу, чтобы ты знала, что если придется выбирать на чьей стороне быть…

This is a time for choosing sides.

Supporters of freedom should not be choosing sides between rival types of fascism.

Сторонники свободы не должны выбирать между конкурирующими типами фашизма.

When the time came, they started choosing sides.

In this environment, seeking help amounts to choosing sides in the war.

В этих условиях обращение за помощью приравнивается к выбору сторон в войне.

We need to be aware and mindful, not to create divisions, like choosing sides.

Нам нужно быть внимательными и бдительными, так чтобы не создавать разделений, как например избрание чьей-то стороны.

Sometimes the pastor himself was at the heart of conflict and now people are choosing sides.

Когда-то бывшие в самом центре конфликта, теперь они выбирают сторону.

One letter, for example, asked about choosing sides in an argument between mutual friends.

В одном из них, например, спрашивалось о выборе сторон в споре между общими друзьями.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What doe «choosing sides» in the following excerpt mean?

For the first time since I started school, I was looking forward to a party. And I knew that part of the reason I was looking for ward to it was because Julian had not made it public. Whenever someone makes out a guest list, the people not on it become officially uninvited, and that makes them the enemies of the invited, Guest lists are just a way of choosing sides.

What doe «choosing sides» in the following excerpt mean? For the first time since I started school, I was looking … officially uninvited, and that makes them the enemies of the invited, Guest lists are just a way of choosing sides.

Picking your friends. Anyone not picked as a friend is automatically an enemy at that age.

Picking your friends. Anyone not picked as a friend is automatically an enemy at that age.

I guess picking your friends is what choosing sides mean particurally in this context. Will you tell me more general definition of this idiom? Favor part of a group?

Picking your friends. Anyone not picked as a friend is automatically an enemy at that age.

I guess picking your friends is what choosing sides mean particurally in this context. Will you tell me more general definition of this idiom? Favor part of a group?

The usual image is the way children choose teams for baseball/softball and other sports. Two leaders take turns naming who they want on their team. «I want Jeff.» «Then I’ll have Lee.» This leaves the last-picked feeling very unwanted. I wonder if this custom is followed any more.

Best Donna Richoux

Picking your friends. Anyone not picked as a friend is automatically an enemy at that age.

I guess picking your friends is what choosing sides mean particurally in this context. Will you tell me more general definition of this idiom? Favor part of a group?

There really isn’t much more to explain. The use of the word «sides» means there are two opposing teams or viewpoints. If you choose one side, or are chosen by one side, you are automatically in some form of conflict with the other side.
If you choose a side, or are chosen by a side, in a game or sport the opposition side is not really an enemy, but they are the enemy for purposes of the sport or game. If you choose a side on a serious issue like abortion rights, the opposition is closer to being a real enemy.

I guess picking your friends is what choosing sides mean … general definition of this idiom? Favor part of a group?

The usual image is the way children choose teams for baseball/softball and other sports. Two leaders take turns naming who … «Then I’ll have Lee.» This leaves the last-picked feeling very unwanted. I wonder if this custom is followed any more.

My understanding is that kids aren’t even allowed to keep score when they play sports anymore, because it makes them too competitive. So choosing sides might seem like wasted time.

I guess picking your friends is what choosing sides mean … general definition of this idiom? Favor part of a group?

The usual image is the way children choose teams for baseball/softball and other sports. Two leaders take turns naming who … «Then I’ll have Lee.» This leaves the last-picked feeling very unwanted. I wonder if this custom is followed any more.

I saw a group of lads sort themselves into two teams in precisely that way only a few days ago. It seemed a familiar process to them.

Cheers — Ian

What doe «choosing sides» in the following excerpt mean? For … invited, Guest lists are just a way of choosing sides.

Picking your friends. Anyone not picked as a friend is automatically an enemy at that age.

Right, of course. But it’s probably worth mentioning that the expression refers specifically to choosing teams («side» commonly = «team») for competitive games such as football. Nobody wants to be the child who isn’t picked.

}> >
}> > Picking your friends. Anyone not picked as a friend is automatically }> > an enemy at that age.
}> I guess picking your friends is what choosing sides mean particurally in }> this context. Will you tell me more general definition of this idiom? }> Favor part of a group?
} The usual image is the way children choose teams for baseball/softball } and other sports. Two leaders take turns naming who they want on their } team. «I want Jeff.» «Then I’ll have Lee.» This leaves the last-picked } feeling very unwanted. I wonder if this custom is followed any more.

It’s the simplest way to pick evenly matched teams. That’s what they did for the final challenge on The Apprentice recently.

Being on one team or the other has nothing to do with friends or enemies. Being picked early is because you’re considered a better player than those picked later. If you’re playing friends against enemies, the sides are already chosen.
In my neighborhood, nobody got left out, even if there was an odd number of players. The last player picked just didn’t make that much difference.

R. J. Valentine
Believe me.

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