Word for caring more about others

kind, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, tender, feeling. concerned, attentive, thoughtful, solicitous, responsible, considerate. affectionate, loving, doting, fond, warm, benevolent, benign, humane, good-natured, gentle, mild, indulgent, sympathetic, understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious.

– kind, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, tender, feeling.
– concerned, attentive, thoughtful, solicitous, responsible, considerate.
– affectionate, loving, doting, fond, warm, benevolent, benign, humane, good-natured, gentle, mild, indulgent, sympathetic, understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious.

What are some loving words?

– I cherish you.
– I want a lifetime with you.
– I adore you.
– I am better because of you.
– I need you by my side.
– I cannot stop thinking about you.
– My love for you is unconditional and eternal.
– All of the good in my life is because of you.

What is the most loving thing to say?

– I smile every time I think of you. .
– You are the most important person in my life, now and always.
– I miss your kisses. .
– You are my soulmate.
– In all my life, I never believed I’d find a love like this.
– As hard as I try, mere words really aren’t enough to express how I feel about you.

What words can describe love?

– adorable.
– affection.
– amour.
– angel.
– bliss.
– caring.
– chocolate.
– companion.

What is the best love message?

I choose you every day, and I’m so lucky you choose me, too. I didn’t know what marrying your best friend meant until I met you. You’re my first thought every morning and my last thought before I go to sleep. You inspire a love in me that I never knew was possible.

What is a good word for caring?

kind empathetic
————- ———–
compassionate considerate
kindly benevolent
gentle sensitive
sympathetic thoughtful

What is the most romantic thing?

– Write me a poem. .
– Cook and serve me a nice dinner (and major bonus for doing the dishes afterward). .
– When he brings home my favorite Prosecco. .
– He buys me little gifts just out of the blue, because he thought I’d like it. .
– Draws me a hot bath and takes over putting the kids to bed so we can have alone time.

How do you express deep love in words?

– I cherish you.
– I want a lifetime with you.
– I adore you.
– I am better because of you.
– I need you by my side.
– I cannot stop thinking about you.
– My love for you is unconditional and eternal.
– All of the good in my life is because of you.

What is a stronger word for love?

1’his friendship with Helen grew into love’ SYNONYMS. deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment. devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship. passion, ardour, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, adulation, besottedness.

What is the most romantic thing you have ever done?

– The guy who sent his girlfriend on a scavenger hunt. .
– The guy who wrote her a beautiful book. .
– The guy who arranged the perfect first date. .
– The guy who created a movie-like moment. .
– The guy who bought a plane ticket just to tell her he loved her. .
– The guy who built a girl a beach. .
– The guy who surprised her at the airport.

What is the most romantic thing to say to a man?

– I love being in your arms. .
– Nothing else matters but us together in this moment. .
– I love going out with you. .
– You are my soulmate. .
– I’m my best self when I’m with you. .
– Thank you for being mine. .
– I love every little thing about you.

How do you describe someone you love in 3 words?

Here are some words to describe someone you love: affectionate, affable, attentive, amicable, brave, caring, considerate, cheerful, easygoing, faithful, forgiving, gentle, good listener, honest, heartfelt, kind and humorous.

How do you say I love you in a message?

– I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you! .
– I wish I was there with you! .
– Missing you lots and looking forward to seeing you soon!
– Just another reminder of how much I love you! .
– I’m so lucky to have you in my life, and I’m counting the days/hours until I can see you again!

What’s more powerful than love?

In a simple answer, yes there is an emotion more powerful than love. Gratitude. To have gratitude for someone means to have no judgment of them, or you. With gratitude, you can be grateful for someone whether or not they are being kind, happy, sad, angry or anything else they’re choosing.

How do you write a sweet love message?

Sweet Love Messages « I have looked at you in a million ways and loved you in each. Thinking of you always, my dear. » « You lift me up and hold me down, you make me smile when I’m feeling down. You bring me peace, you bring me gifts, you’re the person I’m most happy to share my life with.

What’s a deeper word for love?

1 tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 2 liking, inclination, regard, friendliness. 15 like. 16 adore, adulate, worship.

Last Review : 15 days ago.

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What do you call someone who cares more about others than himself?

Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. This word comes from the Old French altruistic and means “other people” and before that the Latin alter, which means “other.” Our current word comes from the nineteenth century and comes from philosophy.

What is the word for a person who cares about what others think about him her?

The word for a person who cares about what others think about him/her is called a warm considerate well balanced person who knows his/her value in the world.

What do you call someone who cares a lot about their appearance?

narcissistic Add to list Share. The adjective narcissistic describes those who are excessively self-absorbed, especially about their looks.

Why do I care about others more than myself?

Caring about others more than yourself is an indication of people pleasing. You have been taught that putting yourself first is anathema to receiving love. Being in service to self is very different from self-serving. Caring for others is self-serving whilst being in service to self is compassionate.

Whats a better word for caring?

What is another word for caring?

kind empathetic
compassionate considerate
kindly benevolent
gentle sensitive
sympathetic thoughtful

What is a word to describe someone who doesn’t care what others think?

nonchalant. unconcerned. indifferent to what others think. untroubled about what others think.

What is a better word for caring?

(of a person) Having a kind or empathetic nature. kind. empathetic. compassionate. considerate.

Can you be too concerned for others?

Concern for Others is an empathic aspect that is both crucial and tricky, because if you’ve got too much Concern for Others, you may expend all of your time and energy on their needs while you essentially ignore your own. If you burn out, we’ll have one less healthy empath in the world.

Which you care for someone more than yourself?

That you care for those you love, more than you care for yourself. One must try, as much as humanly possible, to put those you love, before the trivial wants of yourself.

Who is the person who cares more about the other than the other’s actions?

I’m writing a story, but I need a word to describe somone in it who cares more about what their kid does than the child themself. Sorry if I messed up any grammar within that question. Just to clarify, the 1st person cares more about the other’s actions than the other’s well being. Once again I apologize for any incorrect grammar. Robot.

Who is the first person who cares about the other?

Just to clarify, the 1st person cares more about the other’s actions than the other’s well being. Once again I apologize for any incorrect grammar. Robot. ‘He treated his child unfeelingly, as if it were a robot, there merely to do his bidding, only criticising when things were wrong, caring not at all for the child’s own feelings or needs’

What do you call someone who helps others?

Someone who is willing to periodically help others at their own expense is charitable. Someone who generally has a positive impact on society is benevolent. Also if you do not care what happens to you but do it for the benefit of your cause could make you a martyr.

Is there such thing as caring for others?

These pensioners have lived their lives giving to society and caring for others – surely they should be given more resources than this in their later years. It is necessary to energize your own life force, then caring for others becomes more joyful instead of burdensome.

I’m writing a story, but I need a word to describe somone in it who cares more about what their kid does than the child themself. Sorry if I messed up any grammar within that question. Just to clarify, the 1st person cares more about the other’s actions than the other’s well being. Once again I apologize for any incorrect grammar. Robot.

Just to clarify, the 1st person cares more about the other’s actions than the other’s well being. Once again I apologize for any incorrect grammar. Robot. ‘He treated his child unfeelingly, as if it were a robot, there merely to do his bidding, only criticising when things were wrong, caring not at all for the child’s own feelings or needs’

What do you call a person who is worried about their child?

Such a person who is worried over their child’s actions (apparently the ones they disapprove of) even at the cost of the child’s well-being is usually called a tyrant (sometimes suffixed with of a father/mother ). 1.1 A person exercising power or control in a cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary way.

These pensioners have lived their lives giving to society and caring for others – surely they should be given more resources than this in their later years. It is necessary to energize your own life force, then caring for others becomes more joyful instead of burdensome.

altruistic Add to list Share. Someone who is altruistic always puts others first.


  • 1 What do you call a helpful person?
  • 2 What is another word for helping others?
  • 3 How would you describe a supportive person?
  • 4 How do you describe a kind hearted person?
  • 5 What is a fancy word for help?
  • 6 What is the word for helping someone?
  • 7 What is a selfless person called?
  • 8 What is a generous person called?
  • 9 What is a stronger word for support?
  • 10 What is the synonym of empathy?
  • 11 What do you call someone with a kind heart?
  • 12 What is another word for great person?
  • 13 What is benevolent person?
  • 14 What word is most similar to assist?
  • 15 What is another word for caring about others?
  • 16 What do you call a person who puts others before themselves?
  • 17 What do you call someone who only does things to benefit themselves?
  • 18 What is another word for empathetic person?
  • 19 What are the synonyms for kindness?
  • 20 Who is an empathetic person?

What do you call a helpful person?

Noun. Generous person. doll. sweetie.

What is another word for helping others?

What is another word for helping others?

furtherance advancement
assistance help
aid favouringUK
sponsorship nurture
espousal favoringUS

How would you describe a supportive person?

The definition of supportive is someone or something who provides emotional help and encouragement. A parent who is always encouraging his child is an example of a supportive parent. Services designed to help you to stand on your own two feet again when you are facing poverty are an example of supportive services.

How do you describe a kind hearted person?

If you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous. He was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man. Synonyms: sympathetic, kind, generous, helpful More Synonyms of kind-hearted.

What is a fancy word for help?

assistance, aid, a helping hand, support, succour, advice, guidance, solution. benefit, use, advantage, service, comfort, avail. cooperation, collaboration, backing, encouragement. informal a shot in the arm. hindrance.

What is the word for helping someone?

assist. verb. to help someone or something.

What is a selfless person called?

Having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself but for others. altruistic. considerate. generous. unselfish.

What is a generous person called?

magnanimous, kind, kindly, benevolent, beneficent, altruistic, charitable, philanthropic, noble, lofty, high-minded, big-hearted, honourable, good, unselfish, self-sacrificing, unprejudiced, disinterested. 3’you will need a generous amount of fabric’

What is a stronger word for support?

back, champion, give help to, help, assist, aid, be on the side of, side with, favour, prefer, abet, aid and abet, encourage. vote for, ally oneself with, stand behind, fall in with, stand up for, defend, take someone’s part, take up the cudgels for.

What is the synonym of empathy?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for empathy, like: compassion, sympathy, insight, love, understanding, caring, commiseration, sensitivity, understand, vicarious emotion and pity.

What do you call someone with a kind heart?

philanthropic. (also philanthropical), selfless, unselfish, unsparing.

What is another word for great person?

What is another word for great person?

champion hero
maestro virtuoso
genius master
number one one and only
star superstar

What is benevolent person?

Benevolent Has a Good History
Someone who is “benevolent” genuinely wishes other people well, which is not surprising if you know the word’s history.There is also one more familiar “velle” descendant – “malevolent,” the antonym of “benevolent,” a word describing one who is disposed to doing ill instead of good.

What word is most similar to assist?

Synonyms & Antonyms of assist

  • abetment,
  • aid,
  • assistance,
  • backing,
  • boost,
  • hand,
  • help,
  • helping hand,

What is another word for caring about others?

What is another word for caring?

kind empathetic
compassionate considerate
kindly benevolent
gentle sensitive
sympathetic thoughtful

What do you call a person who puts others before themselves?

When you’re being selfless, you’re thinking of other people before yourself.If you’re selfless, you think less about your self, and more about others — you’re generous and kind. Being selfless is similar to being altruistic — another word for giving to others without looking for personal gain.

What do you call someone who only does things to benefit themselves?

The definition of egocentric is self-centered and is someone who thinks only about himself or who thinks the world revolves around him.A person who is egocentric.

What is another word for empathetic person?

What is another word for empathetic?

sympathetic understanding
considerate kind
kindly tender
benevolent thoughtful
concerned charitable

What are the synonyms for kindness?

synonyms for kindness

  • affection.
  • altruism.
  • benevolence.
  • cordiality.
  • courtesy.
  • decency.
  • forbearance.
  • gentleness.

Who is an empathetic person?

Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. Psychologists may use the term empath to describe a person that experiences a great deal of empathy, often to the point of taking on the pain of others at their own expense.

Some people are eager to please others, to the point where they’ll literally do anything for someone else. It will help to know a few words to describe these types of people. That’s where this article comes in, and we’ll help you come up with good ones.

What Do You Call Someone Who Is Willing To Do Anything For Someone Else?

There are many good words available to use for this case. Try out one of the following to see which you like best:

  • Selfless
  • Altruistic
  • Self-sacrificing
  • Devoted
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • Pushover
  • People pleaser
  • Complaisant
  • Subservient
  • Servile
  • Slavish

Words For Someone Who Will Do Anything For Someone Else

The preferred version is “selfless” if you want to be positive or “pushover” if you want to be negative. There are two different connotations surrounding someone who will do anything for someone else, and we will cover both in the following sections.


“Selfless” is a great way to show that someone is always willing to do anything for someone else. If someone says they are unhappy or need help, a selfless person will be the first to help them.

The definition of “selfless,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “caring more for what other people need and want rather than for what you yourself need and want.”

  • Your selfless acts prove that you really care about the people in your life, and I appreciate that.
  • I’m very selfless, and I’ll make sure everyone around me is as happy as they can be.
  • You should be more selfless. You might be surprised by how it makes you feel.


“Altruistic” people usually offer charity or aid when they are required. If someone is in need, they’ll happily provide whatever is needed to make sure they no longer require help.

The definition of “altruistic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing a wish to help or bring advantages to others, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself.”

  • If you’re not altruistic, then I don’t see why you try. It’s more fun to give to people when they need it.
  • I’m altruistic when it counts. I’ll do anything to please and look after the people around me.
  • I’m far too altruistic for my own good sometimes, but that’s the way I like to live.


“Self-sacrificing” people will often give up a lot of what they have to make others feel better. For example, if they have plenty of time spare, they will give it up to help someone else if it makes the other person’s life easier.

The definition of “self-sacrificing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “giving up what they want so that other people can have what they want.”

  • I’m far too self-sacrificing for my own good sometimes. But I like the way it makes others feel.
  • You should be a little more self-sacrificing toward the people you love.
  • She’s self-sacrificing, which is why she doesn’t appear to have much, but she has a lot of value in her life.


“Devoted” is a great way to show that we care deeply about someone. This care is more than enough when it comes to doing anything in our power to make them happy.

The definition of “devoted,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “extremely loving and loyal.”

  • You’re quite devoted, aren’t you? I really like that about you.
  • As a devoted husband, it is my duty to make sure my wife is as happy as she can possibly be.
  • I’d love to have someone devoted to me in my life. Knowing they’re doing everything to please me would make me happy.


Similar to “devoted,” we can use “loving” to show that we are very fond of someone. We will often do everything with love to show that we are there for others.

The definition of “loving,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing a lot of love towards someone.”

  • She’s a loving wife, and she’ll always get the little things done for me to make my life easier.
  • I’m a loving boyfriend, so I’ll do anything to please the girl I love.
  • She’s very loving. I think you should give her more of a chance before writing her off.


The last positive word is “caring.” We can use it when we want to show that we are supportive in every way. We will make sure all the people in our lives are as happy as they can be if we are “caring.”

The definition of “caring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “kind and gives emotional support to others.”

  • I’m very caring, so I’ll happily do anything as long as the people I love are happy.
  • You should be more caring. If you did more for the people you care about, you’d be surprised by how you feel.
  • I’d like to try being more caring, but I simply can’t bring myself to do it. I’m just not into that feeling!


“Pushover” is the best negative word we can use. It shows that someone is easily walked all over. If someone wants something, you can expect a pushover to do anything for them to make sure they get it.

The definition of “pushover,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “something that is easy to do or to win, or someone who is easily persuaded or influenced or defeated.”

  • He’s a pushover. If you keep telling him you don’t like him, he’ll keep doing things to make you change your mind.
  • She’s too much of a pushover for me. I need to be friends with someone of a stronger character.
  • Can you stop being a pushover for two seconds? It’s pathetic!

People Pleaser

A “people pleaser” usually cares more about what other people think rather than how they feel. They would care more if someone didn’t like them, so they would act in a way that meant that many people liked them (even if it was more of a fake friendship).

The definition of “people pleaser,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who cares a lot about whether other people like them and always wants others to approve of their actions.”

  • Do you have to be such a people pleaser? It’s incredibly annoying, and I don’t care for it.
  • He’s a people pleaser, which is why so many people seem to like him. I see through his ruse, though.
  • Can we not support the people pleasers anymore, please? They’re clearly trying to do everything to make themselves look friendly.


“Complaisant” is a great way to show that someone is willing to do anything to help others. It can be both positive and negative, but it typically works best in a negative sense to show that someone will do anything to please those around them.

The definition of “complaisant,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “willing to satisfy others by being polite and fitting in with their plans.”

  • My husband is quite complaisant toward me. I love that because it’s easier to control him.
  • She’s too complaisant for her own good. One of these days, she’s going to get in a lot of trouble.
  • I’m too complaisant. I know that, but I don’t know what I should do to stop myself from pleasing others.


“Subservient” means that someone is akin to a “servant.” We can use this word when it’s clear that someone else has the subservient person wrapped around their finger. They will ask them to do something, and the subservient person will always help.

The definition of “subservient,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “willing to do what other people want, or considering your wishes as less important than those of other people.”

  • As subservient as he is, I do quite like having him around. He’s pathetic, but he’s fun.
  • She’s very subservient toward the teacher. Anything he wants her to do, she’ll do it.
  • I didn’t want to be this subservient, but I didn’t know how else to please the people around me.


“Servile” is similar because it uses the root word that “servant” refers to. It shows that someone is eager to serve and please others, meaning they will do anything that is asked of them (even if those things are bad).

The definition of “servile,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “too eager to serve and please someone else in a way that shows you do not have much respect for yourself.”

  • Your servile attitude makes it too easy to manipulate you. You should have thought about that before applying here.
  • I don’t want to be servile anymore. I’m trying to make amends, but it’s hard because I worry people hate me.
  • He’s too servile to be taken seriously. He’ll do anything to please the boss.


“Slavish” comes from the root word of “slave.” We can use it to show that someone is always obeying the commands of others around them. It gets to the point where they can’t even think independently anymore.

The definition of “slavish,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “obeying completely and having no original thoughts or ideas.”

  • You’re far too slavish to be taken seriously. Why did you think it was good to act like that?
  • Stop being so slavish toward her. You can think for yourself, and you don’t need to please her all the time.
  • I didn’t mean to sound so slavish with that. I’m really sorry if I came across as desperate!

You may also like: “Anything For You” – Meaning Explained (3 Good Synonyms)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Caring too much about what others think is a common psychological issue experienced by many. It is often referred to as «people pleasing» and when taken too far, it can be extremely detrimental to one’s mental health. In this article, we will discuss what caring too much about what others think looks like, its causes and effects, and tips on how to break the habit of worrying about the opinions of others.

Table Of Content:
  • What is the term for caring too much what other people think? — Quora
  • What Is It Called When You Care Too Much About What Others …
  • 10 Things to Remember if You Care Too Much About What Others …
  • Why do I worry about what others think? – Mvorganizing.org
  • Do I Care Too Much What Others Think? 8 Ways To Tell Your Self …
  • How Not to Worry About What Others Think of You | Psychology Today
  • 5 Signs You Care Too Much About What Others Think Of You (And …
  • To the Person Who Cares Too Much About What Other People Think
  • Expression for a person who cares too much what other people think …
  • Soothe Your Worries of What Others Think of You I Psych Central

1. What is the term for caring too much what other people think? — Quora

What is the term for caring too much what other people think? - QuoraInsecure: Many people tend to consider other people’s thoughts because they do not want to end up alone. They tirelessly aim to seek validation from people, and …

2. What Is It Called When You Care Too Much About What Others …

What Is It Called When You Care Too Much About What Others ...” ‘Homo emphaticus’ a perfect word for caring too much about what others think, If at …

3. 10 Things to Remember if You Care Too Much About What Others …

10 Things to Remember if You Care Too Much About What Others ...Speak your mind and do not worry what other people think. As long as you aren’t setting out to intentionally hurt anyone, do it with pride. Above all, don’t …

4. Why do I worry about what others think? – Mvorganizing.org

Why do I worry about what others think? – Mvorganizing.orgMay 11, 2021 … Egomaniacal, self-interested, self-seeking, self-absorbed, narcissistic, vain, conceited, self-important. What is it called when you don’t care …

5. Do I Care Too Much What Others Think? 8 Ways To Tell Your Self …

Do I Care Too Much What Others Think? 8 Ways To Tell Your Self ...Apr 23, 2018 … When it comes to how to have healthy self-esteem, it is a lifelong pursuit that involves collecting emotional data from the world around you …

6. How Not to Worry About What Others Think of You | Psychology Today

How Not to Worry About What Others Think of You | Psychology TodayMar 3, 2016 … We care so much about others because our happiness depends on the … But if the fear is too high, it can also be counter-productive.

7. 5 Signs You Care Too Much About What Others Think Of You (And …

5 Signs You Care Too Much About What Others Think Of You (And ...2. You can’t say no. “No.” Some people are terrified of the word. But “no” is just as important …

8. To the Person Who Cares Too Much About What Other People Think

To the Person Who Cares Too Much About What Other People ThinkMar 27, 2017 … For some reason these words really stuck me, and not only because Ray Lewis is one of my favorite athletes of all time. I think it made me stop …

9. Expression for a person who cares too much what other people think …

Jan 24, 2018 … frequently used idiom: thin-skinned. Fig. easily upset or hurt; sensitive. (The opposite of thick-skinned. Typically: be ~; become ~; grow ~ …

10. Soothe Your Worries of What Others Think of You I Psych Central

Soothe Your Worries of What Others Think of You I Psych CentralPeople with low self-esteem and those who grew up without emotional support are also more likely to care too much what other people think …

  • Source: Google.
  • What does caring too much about other people’s opinion look like?

    Generally speaking, people who care too much about what other people think have difficulty making decisions for themselves or taking risks due to fear of being judged negatively. They may also find themselves constantly comparing themselves to others in an attempt to measure up or feel accepted. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem if not addressed promptly.

    What are the causes of caring too much about other people’s opinions?

    The primary cause of this behavior is often rooted in a lack of self-confidence and self-worth that has developed over time due to past experiences or upbringing. Some individuals may also be more prone to this type of behavior due to certain personality traits.

    How can one stop caring so much about what other people think?

    The first step towards overcoming this problem is recognizing that the only opinion that matters is your own and that it should take precedence over anyone else’s opinion of you. Recognizing when your thoughts are driven by fear instead of facts can help you challenge unhelpful beliefs while developing healthier thought patterns through mindful activities such as meditation and journaling can help reframe these negative beliefs into more positive ones. Finally, having supportive relationships with friends and family who understand your struggle can also provide much needed encouragement along the way.

    Learning how to not care too much about what others think requires hard work and dedication, but it is worth it for those who want to take back control over their lives and start living authentically according their own values. Taking steps towards self-reflection and understanding why you have been engaging in this behavior will help you on your journey towards liberating yourself from these unhelpful thinking patterns.

    This isn’t a phrase to describe them, but I heard this expression growing up: “mind your own beeswax!” I suspect it originated as a funny variant on “mind your own business,” meaning “don’t be so concerned with the business of others.”

    More words for busybody, not used as often modernly but people will generally know what you mean:
    “buttinsky” (they “butt in” to other’s business),
    “nosy Parker” (not sure of the origin of this, though “nosy” by itself is also an adjective for a person who is curious and inquisitive into things others would prefer keep private),
    “snoop” (this is a noun or a verb, a prying person and the action of prying into private things),
    yenta (this is from Yiddish but is used in English sometimes; originally a yenta was a matchmaker, a marriage-arranger, but it came to mean someone who was always involved in the affairs of others);
    All these courtesy of https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/busybody
    “he has his nose in everyone’s business.”

    “Kibitzer” — a person who doesn’t have a hand of cards to play themselves, but looks over the shoulders of players’s to see their hands and tells them how they ought to play (especially if they look at more than one hand and base their advice on that knowledge). This is sometimes used out of the playing card context for someone who always tells other people how they should do a task or live their life. Kibitz can also be a verb, and the participle kibitzing.

    Here is an idiomatic phrase: “back-seat driver.” Similar to kibitzer, it came from literally someone sitting in the back seat of a car who constantly second-guesses the driver’s decisions, tells them they should be doing something else, etc, but quickly became a metaphor for telling others how to run their life.

    Are you obsessed with what others think of you?

    What is it called when you care too much about what others think?

    If caring too much about what people think of you makes you worry then there are possible reasons for that.

    For instance, it is either due to your higher self-consciousness or your highly sensitive nature, low self-esteem, insecurities, self-doubt, and lack of self-confidence.

    These are also can be associated with a range of mild to serious psychological problems such as anxiety, fear, or depression.

    Also read: Why can’t I stop thinking about someone? (According to psychology)

    Mostly it is because the social structure in which we are living shaped our inner psychology. 

    Fear of people’s opinions is part of the human condition since we’re operating with an ancient brain. 

    Human nature has been designed to desire to be liked and well-respected. At the same time to care, love and share. So caring and seeking validation is the natural process of our irrational lives.

    However, how much you care about what others think is up to one’s own mindset and the consequences can be experienced accordingly.

    That said, let’s briefly go through some of the psychological concepts related to human nature and tips to solve how to stop caring about what people think.

    1. What is it called when you care too much about what others think?
    2. Is there another word for caring too much about others?
    3. 11 psychological Signs you care, think and feel too much about what others think
    4. Why do I care what others think about me?
    5. How to not care what people think?
    6. Why you shouldn’t care what others think?
    7. 7 Tips to stop caring and worrying about what others think
    8. Final Thoughts:

    Related article: A complete step-by-step guide on overcoming different types of insecurities (Issues and solutions)


    As per the question, the words may vary based on the nature of your caring about people:

    So, What is it called when you care too much about what others think?

    ” ‘Homo emphaticus’ a perfect word for caring too much about what others think, If at all the nature of your caring towards people is just because of you have a great sense of empathy towards others.”

    The term “Homo Emphaticus” was used by a cultural thinker and philosopher Roman Krznaric, to describe individuals with extreme emotional intelligence and empathy towards people.

    However, “If the fear of people’s opinions leads you to care too much about what others think of you, then “Allodoxaphobia” is the word.”

    Where “Allodoxaphobia” literally means fear of people’s opinions.

    Also read: If you can’t stop thinking about someone are they thinking about you?

    Is there another word for caring too much about others?

    Yes, you can call “Altruistic” if someone cares too much about others and always put their needs first before him/her.

    Here is the –

    Definition of Altruism: “Altruism” is the selfless concern for the well-being of others. You do things purely because you are naturally kind and feel a desire to help, and not because you are obligated to do so due to duty, loyalty, or religious reasons. A concern for the welfare of others motivates an individual to act in this way.

    Also, there is another word in psychology, caring too much can be described as “compassion fatigue.” Compassion fatigue is a term that illustrates the physical, emotional, and psychological impact of helping others — often through experiences of stress or trauma.

    Compassion fatigue is different than burnout. When a person experiences burnout, he or she loses the ability to empathize or give care to others.

    Nonetheless, compassion fatigue happens when you care too much about others and help them in their stressful situations, and in the process, you lose interest to help because of your over-giving nature. But burnout occurs from work stress and being overworked.

    Related article: Psychological facts about thinking of someone (Research-based)

    11 psychological Signs you care, think and feel too much about what others think

    Here are the mind-blowing facts and signs that you care too much about what others think:

    1. Your judgment of yourself is influenced by others.
    2. You constantly try to guess what people are thinking and attempt to read their minds. And you keep yourself always busy thinking and living in your own mindful or mindless world.
    3. You change your emotional states in response to the comments you receive.
    4. You strive to please everyone.
    5. Everyone’s needs are more important to you than your own.
    6. No matter how small a decision is, you have difficulty making it.
    7. You become a social chameleon and try to fit into their personality.
    8. You can’t refuse anything and always find it difficult to say no.
    9. Whenever something goes wrong, no matter what fault it is, you take responsibility and blame and suffer a lot unnecessarily.
    10. You think too much about what you think, what you say, and what you do. Because you constantly care and think too much – about how your interactions affect people’s lives.
    11. You have difficulty asking for help and that makes you feel so alone, alienated, and feel misunderstood by your friends, family, and others.

    Also read: An essential guide on How to be calm, overcome anxiety, and relax your mind.

    Why do I care what others think about me?


    It’s not just you or me who care about what others think. As per a survey by Boston college – about 62% of the students said that their self-worth is strongly tied to what others think.

    Another scientific study found that babies’ emotions are often influenced by those around them. Scientists argue that caring about what others think in fact is an inborn trait.

    It’s natural as per our moods, experiences, and environments – from time to time we all go through certain psychological and social drama. 

    At times, we question our own existence. But when it comes to living a peaceful and harmonious life – the questions shift to people and focus on how their lives impact us.

    So, we ask –

    “Why do I care what others think about me?” 

    “Why am I so concerned about what others think of me and how can I try to stop caring so much about others’ opinions?”

    “How to not care what people think?”

    “How to stop worrying about what others are doing?”

    “Is it good to think about what others are thinking about me?”

    “Why you should care and why you shouldn’t care about what others are thinking?”

    And the list goes on mainly when we think we did something wrong. There may be many causes for such uncertain situations.

    Also read: 10 Psychological reasons behind why you can’t stop thinking about someone.


    Here are the 5 best possible reasons why you care about what others think: 

    • You want to feel good about yourself.
    • You want to fit in and develop good relations with people.
    • You want to understand people’s thoughts so that you can validate your position in their lives, in the workplace, or in society.
    • Simply, you overthink and overanalyze everything because of your personality traits, especially if you are an introvert.
    • Because your low levels of energy and confidence, including past traumatic experiences, influence you to care too much about what others think of you.

    Remember, all these reasons are surprisingly normal. These are the starting point and a good way to improve self-growth. 

    Somewhere we all need to make ourselves uncomfortable and mess with our minds just to learn and evolve.

    So, as long as they do not disturb the status of your core identity. We can be good to go.

    Also read: What does it mean when you can’t stop thinking about someone? (7 Psychological terms and tips to stop obsessive thinking)

    How to not care what people think?


    Self-awareness is the only solution to not caring about what people think of you. When you know yourself in and out, you hardly seek external validation.

    Being self-aware helps you to build self-confidence and create a unique and personal philosophy. 

    Focus on understanding yourself completely. Self-awareness and self-confidence are two important traits in a person that plays a crucial role in how you interpret the life around you. 

    When you are confident, that makes you feel good. You never feel like you are being judged.

    You never want to be a part of the crowd. Intuitively, you just know about things and you feel things as they are, rather than the way you think they are.

     You just do what you think you will do, regardless of what people think. 

    Additionally, if you develop good communication skills and find a medium to express your perspectives with an open mindset, then you are on your way to greatness.

    Also read: What does it mean when you can’t stop thinking about someone you barely know?

    Why you shouldn’t care what others think?

    The simple answer is “If your goal is to live a happy and peaceful life, then regardless of what others think – you eventually focus on yourself to improve your standard of living. But not on the unbiased opinions of others.”

    However, Of course, we care as we are humans and especially if we are empathetic and compassionate souls.

    But, we shouldn’t be too critical of others or our own judgments. We should never demean our own identity regardless of its position in society.

    If you do that, it will hinder your self-esteem and affects your psychological, social life, and gradually worsen your future growth.

    If you are still not convinced about why you should stop worrying about what others think, here are the research and science-based facts on how to not care what people think of you.

    Also read: Why can’t I stop thinking about someone? (According to psychology)

    A study by professor Alice moon and his team at the Wharton University of Pennsylvania found that

    “When people do any work or perform acts in front of others, they tend to believe they are being judged harshly on their performance.

    However, in reality, they put much more pressure on themselves than the observers who watch them. Also, they expect to be unfairly judged on the whole based on a single part.”

    After research and a series of experiments they also discovered that, When people are so preoccupied with the judgment of others, they tend to believe that the judgment is far worse than it is.

    Therefore, regardless of how much you care about what people think, you are nowhere near their perception of you.

    And the fact is you are self-obsessed with your own thoughts and self-critical towards yourself to validate your self-identity through people’s eyes.

    A better approach is to take feedback only to be informed and improve yourself based on the multiple viewpoints rather than self-created prepositions.

    So, it’s wise to stop worrying about others’ think and start understanding yourself better by being non-judgmental.

    Also read: How to not get attached to people? (Complete Guide)

    Note: A good balance of empathy and analytical assertiveness is the key to leading any kind of lifestyle.

    7 Tips to stop caring and worrying about what others think

    1. Know who you are, and what your convictions and priorities are to create a personal philosophy about yourself.
    2. Don’t take things personally. Instead, focus on receiving constructive feedback.
    3. Improve both a healthy rational mindset and an empathetic heart for a well-balanced life.
    4. Acknowledge that seeking external validation is an unhealthy habit.
    5. Don’t be critical of yourself, just relax and enjoy the process.
    6. Be intuitive and responsive to all the things that happen around you. That helps you to become observational and create distinctive perspectives.
    7.  Become non-judgmental either toward yourself or towards others.

    Final Thoughts:

    One day suddenly everything makes sense to you. You realize what matters and what doesn’t. You learn to care less about what other people think of you. And you begin to pay more attention to your own thoughts about yourself.

    You realize how far you’ve come and remember the times when everything was in such a mess that it seemed to be impossible to fix.

    And here comes a day that makes you smile. You smile because you are truly proud of yourself and the person you have become.

    Until then keep embracing the journey regardless of endless challenges.

    Good luck to you.

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    Bill Gates had said that the two most

    important components of development were competition and caring about others.

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    Билл Гейтс сказал как-то,

    что к двум важнейшим компонентам развития относятся конкуренция и забота о других.

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    People want to share content that will allow them to seem smart,

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    Человек захочет поделиться сообщением, которое позволяет ему: выглядеть умным, не быть скучным,

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    Some of these may include: honesty, integrity, loyalty, a positive attitude, solution-focused versus obstacle-focused, a good communicator, a hard-worker,

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    context icon

    Некоторыми из них могут быть честность, лояльность, позитивное отношение к жизни, ориентация на результат, а не на процесс, коммуникабельность,

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    Why care about others it is viewed with great gratitude, as the most expensive in the world present.

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    Поэтому забота окружающих о нем воспринимается с огромной благодарностью, как самый дорогой в мире подарок.

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    We tend to forget it technicians, but the people who care about other, they are something like the 90% of the world’s population.

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    Мы склонны забывать его техников, но люди, которые заботятся о других, они что-то вроде 90% населения в мире.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Education and human resources development must provide not only the ability to earn a livelihood,

    but also the ability to think and care about others, and they should therefore promote respect for human rights

    and good governance, which were inalienable elements of social development.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Образование и развитие людских ресурсов должны не только давать возможность заработать на жизнь,

    но также возможность думать и заботиться о других и таким образом должны способствовать уважению прав человека и

    осуществлению эффективного управления, что является неотъемлемыми элементами социального развития.

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    However, the correct decision is to dedicate oneself to caring about others, thereby forgetting



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    Но верное решение состоит как раз в том, чтобы посвятить себя заботе о других, забывая при этом



    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    We rejoice at the outpouring of caring about others and the eagerness to participate in transforming your world!

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    Мы радуемся порыву заботы о других и желанию участвовать в преобразовании вашего мира!

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    At first it seems like he doesn’t care about others‘ feelings, however, this is not so.

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    Results: 10587,
    Time: 0.182





    • noun

    Synonyms for compassion



    • sympathy
    • understanding
    • charity
    • pity
    • humanity
    • mercy
    • heart
    • quarter
    • sorrow
    • kindness
    • tenderness
    • condolence
    • clemency
    • commiseration
    • fellow feeling
    • soft-heartedness
    • tender-heartedness

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

    Synonyms for compassion

    sympathetic, sad concern for someone in misfortune

    The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    Synonyms for compassion

    a deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering

    the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

    If you want to care for others but don’t know where to begin, these caring quotes will inspire you to do so.

    Caring entails showing concern for oneself or others. There are numerous ways to show how much you care, whether through words or actions. But, no matter what method you use, it’ll undoubtedly make a difference in others’ lives as long as you try.

    Even the smallest amount of attention to those you care about can go a long way during difficult times. Some people, however, find it difficult to express their emotions, so they do nothing.

    Best Caring Quotes

    That is why we’ve compiled this collection of caring quotes to inspire you to show your concern for them in your own unique way!

    Check the complete list here.

    And make sure to read these empathy quotes.

    1. “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.” – Tia Walker

    2. “Caring is not what a powerful person gives to a weaker one. Caring is a matter of being there―lamenting right along with the one who laments.” – Fred Rogers

    3. “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead

    4. “The closest thing to being cared for is to care for someone else.” – Carson McCullers

    5. “From caring comes courage.” – Lao Tzu

    6. “Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.” – Winnie-the-Pooh

    7. “You really can change the world if you care enough.” – Marian Wright Edelman

    8. “Caring about people, about things, about life―is an act of maturity.” – Tracy McMillan

    9. “When people cared about each other, they always found a way to make it work.” – Nicholas Sparks

    10. “To make a difference in someone’s life, you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care.” – Mandy Hale

    Famous Quotes About Caring

    11. “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

    12. “Caring about someone means that you get tuned in to the little things that he or she does.” – anonymous

    13. “I feel the capacity to care is the thing that gives life its deepest significance.” – Pablo Casals

    14. “Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.” – Princess Diana

    15. “When you care about someone, you do things just to make them happy and you take risks.” – Anonymous

    16. “Caring people help others, not because they expect a reward, but because it’s natural.” – Anonymous

    17. “Caring is personal. It is rooted in an individual’s own set of values, concerns, and aspirations.” – Peter M. Senge

    Also read: Famous Quotes

    Quotes About What Caring for Others Entails

    18. “When you help people, you do not expect anything in return and that is the beauty of caring.” – Anonymous

    19. “Caring for someone will leave an impact on them and someday, it might bring you happiness.” – Anonymous

    20. “In the end, having a heart, being caring is so much rewarding. Better to have a loving caring heart than being cold.” – Sylvia Charming

    21. “Most people, it seems like they’ve only got one part of the equation down. Caring for themselves, or caring for someone else. And I’ve learned how important it is to have both.” – Deb Caletti

    22. “We won’t always know whose lives we touched and made better for our having cared because actions can sometimes have unforeseen ramifications. What’s important is that you do care and you act.” – Charlotte Lunsford

    Also read: Respect Quotes

    Quotes on Caring for Others and How It Affects You

    23. “Your caring about others can make all the difference.” – Asad Meah

    24. “When people care for you and cry for you, they can straighten out your soul.” – Langston Hughes

    25. “One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.” – Jim Rohn

    26. “Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

    27. “Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, bring happiness.” – Harold Kushner

    28. “A person who cares about the earth will resonate with its purity.” – Sally Fox

    Caring Quotes to Help You Build and Strengthen Relationships

    29. “I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.” – Nick Cannon

    30. “When people care for each other, they try their best to make things work and that is the best.” – Anonymous

    31. “If you start to care for someone, you become attached to them, you let them enter your heart.” – Anonymous

    32. “Caring for but never trying to own may be a further way to define friendship.” – William Glasser

    33. “A caring heart that listens is often more valued than an intelligent mind that talks.” – Michael Josephson

    34. “People who care about each other enjoy doing things for one another. They don’t consider it servitude.” – Ann Landers

    Short Caring Quotes

    35. “The simple act of caring is heroic.” – Edward Albert

    36. “Keep the habit of caring.” – Anonymous

    37. “Caring gives sincerity to love.” – Alfred Henry

    38. “The more you care, the more you fear.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman

    39. “The more you care, the stronger you can be.” – Jim Rohn

    40. “Caring is a powerful business advantage.” – Scott Johnson

    41. “Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge.” – Benjamin Franklin

    42. “The only degree you’ll need is a degree of caring.” – Bob Benson

    43. “Nothing can wear you out like caring about people.” – S.E. Hinton

    Also read: Short Quotes

    More Caring Quotes to Ponder On

    44. “Fundamentally, the basis on which you can build a sense of caring for others is the capacity to love yourself.” – Dalai Lama

    45. “Christianity has taught us to care. Caring is the greatest thing, caring matters most.” – Baron Friedrich Von Hugel

    46. “Caring can be learned by all human beings, can be worked into the design of every life, meeting an individual need as well as a pervasive need in society.” – Mary Catherine Bateson

    47. “The right mixture of caring and not caring―I suppose that’s what love is.” – James Hilton

    48. “Truly caring people know they have to take care of themselves first.” – Marty Rubin

    49. “Some people’s weakness is that they care too much; it is also their strength.” – Brigitte Nicole

    50. “A caring, faithful, and worshipping humanity is one of the garden’s most important crops.” – Norman Wirzba

    How Do You Show Others That You Care About Them?

    Overcoming life’s challenges can be difficult without the assistance of a caring soul. This is because we constantly require someone to keep an eye on us and keep us going. Their presence or kind words demonstrating their concern can inspire us to persevere in the face of adversity.

    Remember that wherever you are, there will always be someone in your life who requires your attention and words of comfort. In line with this, these quotes we’ve gathered will come in handy in reminding you to show compassion and concern for the people around you. 

    There may be times that you are too shy to step up and start caring for others actively. So, let these caring quotes serve as a reminder that you can always start with small steps. In the end, you’ll be able to be more caring toward humanity and the world.

    Which of these caring quotes motivated you to show that you care? Please, let us know in the comments section.

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