Word for call to action

Calls to action are the keys to conversion (that feels like a proverb or something), but they don’t exist in a vacuum. For any [quality] piece of content you see online, you’ll never just see a CTA button on an island with no context. Either the button or link itself has clear copy, or the content around it gives the proper context.

see for yourself call to action button

See for yourself…that a CTA without surrounding phrases is useless.

And the best part is, marketers are getting more and more creative with their calls to action each year. So, I’m going to share with you the best CTA phrases I’ve collected across the web this year, in the following seven categories:

  1. Blunt
  2. Relatable
  3. Bold
  4. Subtle but smart
  5. Reverse psychology
  6. Funny
  7. Different

I’ll be providing screenshots and takeaways for each, but if you want to skip to the full, text-only list, I’ll understand.

NOTE: I’m abandoning proper grammar and doing away with hyphens altogether in this post and I don’t care who knows it.

Some key takeaways from these call to action phrases & examples

Before you get wrapped up in the fun, here are some of the key takeaways to pay attention to in the list.

  • Experiment with parenthesis to make a particular word stand out or to sound relatable.
  • Write like you or your audience would speak.
  • Try being super blunt or so obviously rude in a way that makes it playful.
  • Check out puns, rhymes, or plays on words (there’s a way to do it without being cheesy!).
  • Use the call to no action to encourage the yes or to reinforce the value of the offer.
  • Make your “boring” calls to action super-specific—they’ll be more compelling than you’d think.
  • Call readers to take a small step rather than a big leap.
  • Try out speedy words like “grab.”

So let’s take a look at these effective call to action phrases that we can learn from and laugh at.

Blunt call to action phrase examples

In the name of being forthright, let’s start with the blunt examples.

1. No nonsense. Just really good marketing insights

Brafton’s approach here is plain and simple. No fancy words, super easy to read. This popup for no nonsense content uses no nonsense copy. Success.

call to action phrases and examples: no nonsense

What better way to prove you’ll provide no-nonsense info than with a no-nonsense CTA?

2. If you want my team to just do your marketing for you, click here.

Another no-nonsense approach. And very transparent.

call to action phrases and examples: do your marketing for you

Simple, transparent, true. Good stuff.

Relatable call to action phrases

Sometimes, reliability is all you need for compelling copywriting. Try out using call to action phrases that take the words right out of your readers’ heads (or mouths).

3. No, I get enough unwanted parenting advice

First off, this popup has that blunt approach:

“Our newsletters are basically parenting cheat sheets, delivered to your inbox four times a week.”

I also like the button copy of “Yes! It takes a village.”

But the “no” copy here is what makes you want to click on the CTA button above it:

“No, I get enough unwanted parenting advice.”

call to action phrases and examples: it takes a villiage button

I’m not even a parent but I appreciate the “no” copy enough to want to click yes.

4. (takes 5 seconds)

In this example, GrowthLab is promoting its email copywriting guide. It reads:

“Don’t have time to read the whole guide right now? No worries. Let me send you a copy so you can read it when it’s convenient for you. Just let me know where to send it (takes 5 seconds).”

call to action phrases and examples: takes five seconds

“Takes five seconds”…I can hear a person saying it.

The “takes 5 seconds” helps reassure the reader this is a friction-free ask, and the parentheses and casual speak makes it feel like someone’s talking to you.

5. I have a few questions first!

Here, Optinmonster is trying to get you to get started with their software. The “yes” call to action button reads “Get Started with OptinMonster,” but the “no” button isn’t “no thanks.” Instead, it says “I have a few questions first!” which takes you to a contact page.

It’s generally a rule of thumb to only have one CTA, but it all depends on how important the offer is and where it’s being shown.

If your conversion rates are low, your offer might be too bottom-funnel for the audience of this piece of content. You may want to change the offer to something of a lower commitment. Or try adding an alternative option with a second, less prominent but “safer” call to action phrase like OptinMonster does.

call to action phrases and examples: i have a few questions first button copy

Don’t rush me! I have a few questions first!

OptinMonster uses this approach elsewhere on their site, such as in the example below with a “Get Started” and a “See All Features” call to action placed next to one another.

call to action phrases and examples: join optinmonster

6. The struggle is over

I mean, who hasn’t said “struggle is real”? It’s wildly overused and yet it somehow is still funny to me when someone says it (most of the time—depends on the person).

Anyway, “struggle” is such a relatable term and “The struggle is over” is a great call to action phrase for that pain point marketing.

Another option would be to have the call to action button say “End the struggle now.”

call to action phrases and examples: the struggle is over

The struggle is [not real]. It’s over.

7. Unlock (not provided)

Sometimes when Google Analytics can’t (or doesn’t want to…) give you data on a keyword, you’ll see “(not provided)”. It’s v. frustrating. Keyword Hero uses jargon in their call to action phrase, which will attract only its qualified users would understand.

call to action phrases and examples: use of jargon example

All in all, it’s a creative headline, but “Free Account” could use some more action and specificity to make this a conversion-boosting pop-up.

8. Got no clue where to start?

This display ad by Fiver is simple.

“Need SEO and got no clue where to start? Hire an expert.”

call to action phrases and examples: no clue where to start

How many times have you said “I have no clue where to start” when seeking help?

Bold call to action phrase examples

Bold copywriting is a surefire way to market with emotion—just make sure it’s on-brand.

9. Convince people you know what a DSP is

I love this one. If you don’t know what a DSP is, this is precisely why you should sign up for DigiDay’s newsletter.

best call to action phrase examples: convince someone

10. We could have sworn you were someone who…

“Awkward” is right up there with “struggle” in terms of relatable words. But it’s the boldness of this call to action that stands out. In its free trial popup offer, Hootsuite says:

“Well this is awkward.

We could have SWORN you were someone who wanted to blow your competition out of the water on social media. Our bad. We’ll just leave this 60-day free trial here for someone else then…”

call to action phrases and examples: well this is awkward

Our bad, we thought you wanted to be good at your job…

Challenging someone’s decision-making or their commitment to their job? Bold.

11. You should know better

This is a clever little play on words, since DueDil (fun name) is an intelligence platform, but this is still a great call to action copywriting tip.

You could leave it at that (You should know better.) or try out a little relief in the end (You should know better…we never charge full price!).

call to action phrases and examples: you should know better

Both a play on words and a bold phrase. I like it!

12. Prove yourself

Doesn’t get much bolder’nat.

call to action phrases and examples: prove yourself button copy

Talk about a motivating call to action.

But you don’t have to be the U.S Air Force to use this call to action phrase.

Maybe your buyer persona is a young professional in a cutthroat industry. Maybe they’re athletes or fitness fanatics. With some visual or textual context, this could be a great call to action button or phrase.

RELATED:  24 Unusual AND Effective Call to Action Examples You Can Copy

13. See for yourself

Nothing revolutionary here. A solid show of confidence with a bold touch.

call to action phrases and examples: see for yourself button copy

“See for yourself” may not be creative, but it’s classic and effective.

Similar or supplementing phrases might include

  • Don’t believe us?
  • What do you have to lose?
  • Don’t take our word for it…
  • See why

call to action phrases and examples: slack see why button copy

14. Escape content marketing hell

The nature of this call to action phrase isn’t really bold, but it’s a bold move to use this copy in your call to action.

call to action phrases and examples: escape content marketing hell

Pain point targeting taken to the next level.

15. Wow, we were sure you’d want this

Another bold approach, this time by Sleeknote.

“Wow, we were sure you’d want this…

Because you look like someone who likes to stay one step ahead of the competition.”

call to action phrases and examples: we were sure you'd want this

Trivialize something about your reader but make it so completely obvious that it’s playful.

16. You won’t get anywhere else

Providing something that your audience won’t get anywhere else gives the offer added appeal, but be selective with this phrase. Deliver on your promise.

call to action phrases and examples: you can't get anywhere else

“You won’t get anywhere else” is strong…just deliver on your promise!

Subtle but smart call to action phrase examples

Confession: these call to action phrases aren’t outwardly entertaining, but they’re simple tweaks that stuck out to me and that I think we can learn from.

17. Get your first lesson now

Instead of [potentially] intimidating or scaring users away with CTA button text, make things more simple. In the example below, instead of asking the user to start the entire course, this CTA invites the user to just start with the first lesson, which feels much easier.

call to action phrases: example button says get first lesson now

“Take a bite” is a lot more doable than “consume the entire meal,” no matter how delicious.

And this can work for any type of long-form content you are promoting—such as with “Start the first chapter,” or “Watch the first video.”

Also, side note: Head here for plenty more pop-up examples!

18. More info and register here

While “register” wouldn’t be my first pick for words here (I’d go for something a little more friendly like “sign up,” there’s something about this call to action phrase that I appreciate. The “more info” kind of lets me know that I’m not locked into anything. Plus, there’s a slight curiosity factor. What more info is there to know?

Plus, it keeps the popup clean and attractive.

call to action phrases and examples: "more info and register here" CTA button

Thank you for not cramming every detail about the webinar into a three inch box.

19. Check availability

In my opinion, I think this is a really smart option when you’re offering any sort of free assessment, consultation, or audit.

There’s nothing wrong with “book now” or “schedule now,” but what does that mean? If you click on it, are you submitting your contact information and then someone will be reaching out to you within 24 hours? Will you be given a number or email address to contact in order to schedule it?

“Check availability” tells me that I can reserve a spot online (convenient), and without actually having to interact with anyone just yet.

call to action phrases and examples: "check availability"

“Check availability” gives a lot more information than “book now.”

Note: I think this site means to say “scheduling” instead of setting.

20. Start using Slidebean

You can create a free account on Slideban. Signup is easy, but what I like about this call to action example is that it adds a touch of actionability as well as convenience. Instead of asking me to “Submit,” it’s asking me to “Start using Slidebean,” which could make a difference! It also implies I’ll be able to get started right away.

call to action phrases and examples: start using slidebean now button copy

Well don’t just [submit] there, do something.

21. Complete your (free) registration

Sometimes, plastering “FREE” all over your call to action copy sounds loud and pushy. I kind of like how DX summit saves it for the call to action button. Parentheses are powerful in copywriting, and this simple addition makes “Free” pretty front and center if you ask me.

call to action phrases and examples: complete your (free) registration

Sometimes, a gentle “(free)” speaks louder than “FREE WEBINAR!” all up in your face.

Reverse psychology call to action phrases

Sometimes it’s the no button that prompts a user to click on the yes button. Or if not, the creativity of the no button at least gives you a memorable impression of that brand. Let’s take a look at some examples

22. No, I don’t want to grow my business

This “no” call to action button is pretty standard. “No, I don’t want to grow my business” is a good way to imply the value of the offer.

call to action phrases and examples: i don't want to grow my business button copy

23. No thanks, I’ll figure it out myself.

This call to (no) action phrase is a bit more effective, reminding the reader that they’re putting more work on themselves if they don’t seize this opportunity.

call to action phrases and examples: no thanks i'll figure it out myself

24. No, I don’t want free insights

Another creative call to action example for newsletter signup.  The “no” is used to describe the value of the core value (free insights) of the newsletter—and a reminder that you’re a fool to pass up something free.

call to action phrases and examples: i don't want free insights

Putting into words that your reader is passing up free insights can have an effect.

25. No thanks, I love being exhausted

I like this one because instead of saying “I don’t want” something, it’s taking it to the opposite extreme, saying that you desire the pain point.

This popup is promoting a 30-day health program for women, promising to improve energy levels. The headline is a question “Hi, want to dramatically increase your energy in just 30 days?”

Then you have a YES button or a “No thanks, I love being exhausted.”

call to action phrases and examples: no thanks i love being exhausted

“I love being exhausted” has more tang than “I don’t want to increase my energy.”

Funny call to action phrases

These aren’t necessarily call to action phrases you’ll want to steal, but they can give you inspiration for coming up with your own funny ones.

26. Click it or crickets

Really Good Emails sends out a creative newsletter and for their additional reading, their button for “read more” says “click it or crickets.”

It’s fun, rolls off the tongue, but it also kind of has a different feel to it. Like they’re giving me the power to reject them. But they don’t really care if I do.

call to action phrases and examples: click it or crickets button copy

Take it or leave it. Either way, we rock.

27. Let’s never split

This call to action phrase doesn’t exactly scream conversion rate optimization, but that’s not what Trader Joe’s is going for here. They picked a fun national day to celebrate and then created a call to action button with a punny phrase. Very on-brand.

call to action phrases and examples: trader joes let's never split

Note: Banana Day is just one of many national days in April. Get all of them in our April marketing ideas post!

28. Add to diaper bag

“Add to diaper bag” is not the most versatile call to action phrase in the world, but it does spark ideas for fun alternatives to “add to cart.”

call to action phrases and examples: add to diaper bag

What can you replace diaper bag with? Suitcase? Briefcase? Must-do list?

29. Cat gifs on every page

This popup—for “8 things to know about building a design portfolio”—needs some clarification. I dont know if this is an ebook, webinar, blog post, or what.  And “cat GIFs on every page” feels better suited for an “8 reasons” title—unless maybe they’re saying this guide has cat GIFS on every page? But the “1” in the button tells me it’s giving me the first item in the list…

Like I said…needs clarity but I still like the ideas this inspires.

call to action phrases and examples: cat gifs on every page

Make your CTA phrase the first (funny, or clearly not true but funny nonetheless) reason to get the offer. 

As stated above, the surrounding content should speak more to the button for it to be effective, but the creativity and the fun is there.

Different call to action button phrases

The rest of these call to action phrases and examples aren’t exactly entertaining or super-unique, but still just different enough to be noticeable.

30. Ok, let’s do this

This is for a certification course for product marketing managers. It calls you to “Join 2,500+ PMMs and  your product marketing game.” The copy has an authoritative encouraging feel to it, making “Ok, let’s do this,” a fitting CTA button phrase.

call to action phrases and examples: let's do this

31. Get inspired

There’s a lot going on here in this popup. “Free membership” is referring to their daily, weekly, and other newsletters so that’s confusing. BUT I do like the switch-up to “Get inspired” instead of “Sign up” or “Subscribe.”

call to action phrases and examples: get inspired

32. Improve your writing

Being concise and specific is one of my many tips on how to write copy that sells. “Improve your writing” has more action and conveys more value than “Start now” or “Get started today.”

call to action phrases and examples: improve your writing button copy

33. Unlock more referrals

Another example of indicating the value of the offer right in the CTA button.

call to action phrases and examples: unlock more referrals

34. Grab your copy

“Grab your copy” feels quicker than “Download the handbook.”

call to action phrases and examples: grab your copy button

35. Get invite link

This isn’t anything super creative but it’s something that I appreciate. The button could say “refer friend” but instead, it says “get invite link.” Even though the process is outlined clearly above (an excellent use of psychology in copywriting), the button copy at the end reassures them that clicking on it doesn’t send anything to anyone.

call to action phrases and examples: get invite link

A nice little reminder that clicking this button doesn’t send anything to anyone.

36. Past ‘casts

Just a fun example of a call to action button using rhyming. In this case, the button isn’t conversion-critical, but more of a way to express Trader Joe’s brand voice.

call to action phrases and examples: past casts trader joes

Use these call to action phrases for clicks, conversions, and creativity

And that’s it! Use these call to action phrases so you can get more clicks and conversions in a clever way that your audience will appreciate.

good on you meme

And as promised, here’s the full list:

The best call to action phrases to get the click [full list]

To close off, I’m sharing the list of the examples we covered above so you can see them all at once, with a few additional phrases to try out.

Subtle but smart call to action phrases

  • More info and register here
  • Get the deets and sign up
  • Check availability
  • Schedule your assessement
  • Get your first lesson now
  • Start the first lesson today
  • Complete your (free) registration
  • Try the (always free) tool
  • I have a few questions first!

Bold call to action phrases

  • See for yourself
  • Escape content marketing hell
  • You should know better
  • Prove yourself
  • Don’t believe us?
  • What do you have to lose?
  • Don’t take our word for it

Reverse psychology call to action phrases

  • No thanks, I love being exhausted
  • No thanks, I’ll figure it out myself
  • I don’t want to know the latest trends
  • I don’t want to grow my business

Relatable and funny call to action phrases

  • The struggle is over
  • End the struggle now
  • (takes 5 seconds)
  • Well this is awkward
  • Unlock (not provided)
  • Got no clue where to start?
  • Funny call to action phrases
  • Cat gifs on every page
  • Add to diaper bag
  • Let’s never split

Blunt call to action phrases

  • If you want my team to just do your marketing for you, click here.
  • No nonsense. Just really good marketing insights
  • No thanks, I get enough unwanted parenting advice.

Different call to action phrases

  • Get inspired
  • Get invite link
  • Grab your copy
  • Ok, let’s do this
  • Get access


If nobody clicks on your call-to-action phrases and buttons, you don’t get any leads, nor do you generate any revenue.

That’s the opposite of the point of using CTAs, which is why I tell business owners and marketers to take the time to refine their phrasing.

A poorly-written CTA negates all the hard work you do for the rest of your marketing campaign. Someone who visits your website might be with you up until that point, then decide to bail right before the conversion.

What if you knew the exact call to action phrases that entice people on the fence? You’d get more customers for the exact same amount of work and marketing spend.

These “magical” phrases do exist.

Before we get to the specific words that you should use, we need to understand the psychology that makes them work.

What is the Psychology Behind CTA Phrases?


From the day we’re born, we’re taught to follow orders. That’s why you might learn that definitive CTA phrases work better than others.

For instance, compare these two call-to-action phrases:

  1. Are You Ready to Subscribe?
  2. Subscribe Now!

Which one catches your attention? The second one. That’s because the phrase proves definitive and authoritative. It tells the reader exactly what to do.

Consumers have also come to expect CTAs. They predate the internet. From billboards and television commercials to brochures and flyers, advertising creative always includes a CTA.

  • Call this number now to get our low-low price!
  • Want more information? Call 888.555.5555!
  • Like what you see? Visit us at the corner of 1st and 2nd Streets!

See what I mean?

On the internet, though, the call-to-action phrases can become far more dynamic. Not only can consumers click them with the mouse or tap them with a finger, but the CTA buttons’ colors, fonts, and other visual elements can influence conversions.

Consumers who are internet-savvy know what a call to action looks like. Consequently, they’ve become psychologically influenced to click.

That doesn’t mean the click’s automatic, though. The specific call-to-action phrases you use and the placement of those CTAs can also have a psychological impact.

12 Effective Call to Action Phrases to Get More Conversions (And Why They Work)


We know that CTAs are important for conversions, but certain types of call-to-action phrases work better than others. It all depends on your specific business and audience.

Every audience responds differently depending on their personalities, desires, pain points, and other characteristics. That’s where A/B testing comes in. You can’t just assume that a well-written CTA will resonate with your audience.

Always test.

But let’s take a look at some CTA phrases that work well in a variety of situations.

1. “Yes, I Want X!”

This is one of the most common affirmative call-to-action phrases. It’s speaking in the voice of the consumer.

In other words, when readers see this CTA, they read it to themselves as though it were their own original thought.

“X” could be anything: a free download, a discount, free shipping, or any other incentive. That doesn’t matter. Your goal is to affirm that your reader wants whatever you’re offering and will therefore convert.

Why the CTA phrase works

Affirmative CTAs like this one work because they plant a seed. Your reader might not know he or she wants your offer, but reading that phrase creates a positive connection between the offer and the consumer.

2. Snag/Grab/Seize/Score/Gain X Now!

Your high school English teacher told you that thesaurus would come in handy one day, and now look where you are! When you use unique words in your call-to-action phrases, you call (pardon the pun) more attention to it.

You could say “Get X Now!” with “X” being the incentive. But “get” is a boring word. It’s almost passive. Other words add more interest to the phrase.

Why the CTA phrase works

People prefer to receive than to give. Every Christmas card will tell you otherwise, but in commerce, consumers are out for themselves.

When you start your CTA phrase with a word that implies a benefit for the consumer, you’re more likely to attract clicks and signups.

Additionally, the word “now” adds some urgency to the CTA. It suggests the consumer needs to hurry up and act or risk losing out on the opportunity forever.

3. Start Your Journey Toward X

Some of the best call-to-action phrases expressly mention a direct benefit of clicking on the CTA button. They tell the user what he or she will get in exchange for providing an email address or buying your product.

In this case, X represents a result.

  • Start your journey toward successful weight loss
  • Start your path to greater wealth
  • Begin your adventure to improving your speaking skills

Notice that I’m pulling out that thesaurus again. The good call-to-action phrases listed above are each variations on the primary formula. Feel free to get creative.

Why the CTA phrase works

A results- or benefits-based CTA allows the consumer to imagine his or her own success. It suggests that a dream or goal lies just behind their reach, and all they have to do is click on that button and get the incentive.

It’s also a little motivational. If you can excite your readers and make them anticipate whatever lies on the other side of your CTA, you’re doing some good marketing.

4. Do You Want to X? Yes or No

In this case, I’m combining a headline with a CTA. The headline is “Do You Want to X?” And the CTA is “Yes,” but we’re also providing a “No” alternative.

For instance, you might use a headline like this: “Do you want to lose weight?”

If your site is geared toward people who want to shed excess pounds, you can pretty much guarantee your readers will feel compelled to click the “Yes” button. If they click “No,” the action feels discordant with their true beliefs and desires.

Why the CTA phrase works

As mentioned above, people are averse to aligning themselves with a value or statement that they don’t believe in. If you ask someone a question in a headline, your CTA becomes more appealing because the user knows the truth.

He or she can still click “No,” but it won’t feel right. Next time, he or she might click “Yes.”

5. Activate X Today!

Maybe you’re offering a discount on products or a free demo of your service. Using a CTA like this one puts the visitor in the driver’s seat and motivates him or her to take action.

  • Activate your 30-day free trial today!
  • Activate your 20% discount now!
  • Activate your free shipping offer today!

See what I mean?

Why the CTA phrase works

The word “activate” sounds impressive and momentous. It’s unique in comparison to words like “get” or “start,” so it’s more likely to draw attention, and it can build excitement. Plus, when you add “now” or “today,” you inject that urgency factor into your call-to-action phrases.

6.  You’re Running Out of Time!

This is a classic CTA that has worked in numerous types of media. It’s heavily rooted in urgency and scarcity — two psychological principles that can work extremely well when used in moderation. You don’t want to hammer into your readers’ heads that they need to act now! However, a little goes a long way.

Variations on this CTA could include the following:

  • Act before it’s too late!
  • Get your discount before it’s gone!
  • Don’t miss out!
  • Limited quantities available!

Why the CTA phrase works

Consumers respond to urgency and scarcity because they don’t want to miss out. When they know a deal is going away or a limited run of products might sell out, they want to get in on the action.

This means they don’t have time to ruminate. Given enough time, many consumers will talk themselves out of purchasing things they really want. If they’re forced to make a decision faster, though, they’ll likely act.

7. Add to Cart


I thought I’d throw this one in because it’s unexpected. We often talk about call-to-action phrases in terms of their uniqueness. For instance, using stronger, unique verbs can improve conversions.

However, sometimes it’s best not to invent the wheel.

Huge websites like Amazon use the CTA “Add to Cart” on their sales pages. If it didn’t work, they would have switched them by now.

ctas in right place free trial crazy egg

Why the CTA phrase works

Sometimes, simplicity is better than creativity. Sad, but true. Consumers know exactly what “Add to Cart” means. They understand that they’re filling up their digital shopping carts for future purchases.

When you use a familiar CTA like this one, your prospective customer doesn’t have to think too much. It becomes as easy as grabbing a product off the shelf at Walmart and tossing it in a real basket.

8. Add to Wishlist

While we’re on the subject of simplicity, I thought I’d include this one, too. Wishlists are the step before the purchase — showing intent on the part of the consumer to eventually buy a product.

If you run an ecommerce store, consider adding wishlist functionality. Not only will wishlists remind your leads of what they want, but those leads can share their wishlists with their friends. Suddenly, purchases start pouring in when birthdays and other holidays roll around.

Why the CTA phrase works

There are two primary benefits to adding add-to-wishlist CTAs on your ecommerce website.

One, the customer doesn’t have to make any commitment. A wishlist isn’t a checkout cart. It’s just a list of desired products.

Two, users who want to add products to their wishlists have to create an account. That means you can collect their email addresses. Instead of attempting to snag them as leads in some other way, such as with a lead magnet, you can let the wishlist do the talking.

9. Join X Other [Category] as Subscribers to My Email List

Here’s a form of social proof. There are several ways to structure CTA phrases like this:

  • Join 233,000 other marketers and subscribe to my email list.
  • Become one of the 23,451 people who subscribe to my emails.
  • Join the club! Over 500,000 fitness enthusiasts request my emails. You could, too!

Why the CTA phrase works

When you have a big email list, you might as well use it to your advantage. After all, you did the work to collect all those addresses.

Consumers see numbers like those and think, “What am I missing?” They wonder why hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of people are so interested in what you have to say.

So they join.

10. Get Your Free X

I encourage you to find synonyms for the word “get,” but this is the simplest form of this type of CTA phrase. You’re inviting your website visitors to get something for free.

And it better be something of value.

You might offer a cheat sheet, a checklist, a toolkit, or a pack of free templates. These are called lead magnets. They’re designed to convince people to join your email list in exchange for something they want.

Why the CTA phrase works

“Free” is a double-edged sword. In some cases, consumers translate “free” as “worthless.”

You have to prove them wrong.

When you fill in “X,” make it sound as valuable and information-rich as possible.

For instance, you could say, “Snag your free, comprehensive guide to getting more clients now!”

The value is built into the description. Of course, the download needs to back up your claims.

Free can also work to your advantage. Consumers appreciate generosity, so when you’re giving of your time and knowledge, they might reciprocate by buying products or investing in your services.

11. Reserve your spot now!

Exclusivity is a powerful way to convince people they want whatever you’re offering. There are lots of things for which you must reserve a spot — things people covet.

Attendance at a major event. Access to an exclusive club. Tickets to a private concert. You get the idea.

If you’re offering a free webinar or other virtual event — or if you’re inviting people to join you in the “real world” for an event — use this type of CTA. It subtly communicates that few spots are available.

Why the CTA phrase works

Why do you think secret societies, fraternal organizations, and clubs exist? They’re exclusive. You have to be accepted to join, and there are usually limited spots.

You know you’re not vetting registrees to your next webinar, but you can still use this psychological principle to your advantage.

12. Start the quiz

Quizzes have an almost magnetic pull. They’re fun to take, they reveal something about yourself, and they allow you to compare yourself to others. Using a quiz as a CTA can pull people farther into your sales funnel by exposing them to more of your brand.

You can then end your quiz with a final CTA.

The quiz should relate specifically to your business. For instance, if you sell fitness supplements, you’ll want to ask what the user’s goal is, what he or she has tried before, and what types of supplements he or she is interested in.

At the end, use a CTA that recommends a specific product.

Why the CTA phrase works

Call-to-action phrases aren’t always linear. In other words, they don’t have to transport the prospect from Point A to Point B immediately.

Your quiz might only contain a few questions, but you want to use the answers to guide your prospect to a solution he or she will appreciate. At that point, the prospect is eager to see what you’re offering.

How to Test Different Call-to-Action Phrases to See Which One Is Better


As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a call to action might be beautifully worded and still not work on your audience. It doesn’t mean your website visitors are stupid or inept. It doesn’t mean your website copy is lacking. It just means that your audience members have their own unique responses to stimuli.

Testing different call-to-action phrases will give you hard data about which one is better. You can them decide what types of CTA phrases to use in the future so you’re more likely to convert people who visit.

Start using a user behaviour tool to identify the clicks and test

User behavior tools, such as Crazy Egg, enable you to collect actionable data about how your CTAs perform among your website visitors. You can see where you get the most clicking activity, whether people scroll down far enough to even see your CTA, and whether there’s a better placement on the page.

Once you’ve nailed down that information, start running A/B tests. Compare two versions of the same page, changing only one variable — in this case, the call to action. The one that outperforms the other is the winner.


Calls to action don’t seem like a big deal until you start to collect data. Then, you realize how much they truly matter.

Poor CTAs hurt your lead generation efforts as well as your revenue. That’s the last thing any business owner wants.

Paying attention to your audience and testing new call-to-action phrases, however, can improve both metrics and make your business stronger.

Your call-to-action (CTA) button is one of the most important elements on your landing page or website. Think of it as the door to the next step of your marketing funnels, where every click is a potential customer through that door.

As marketers, we spend a lot of time thinking about the design of a page – the hero image, its layout, colors – and even some conversion optimization – number of form fields, headlines, and such. Often, however, we skip over the CTA button, which can sometimes be the difference between a conversion and a bounce.

It’s easy to leave your CTA button saying “Submit”. But you shouldn’t. Your call-to-action should have a clear meaning, even if a visitor has only skimmed your page. The words in your call-to-action should be representative of the action your visitors are taking.

In this article, we’ll look at 46 CTA phrases and words that you can use for your own call-to-actions that will maximize your conversions and ROI, including explanations on when and why you should use each of them.

Let’s get right into it.

1. Get Started

Get Started

“Get Started” is probably the most popular call-to-action in the SaaS business space, and with good reason.

It’s a highly actionable word that suggests your visitor will be able to move forward to using your product when they click.

If you’re not sure what call-to-action to use on your website or landing page, “Get Started” is a good go-to.

2. Sign Up Free

Sign Up Free

“Sign Up Free” is a pretty direct call-to-action that sets expectations for your visitors, letting them know they’ll be able to start using the service after creating an account.

Adding “Free” to the call-to-action makes it clear they won’t need to pay at this point in your signup process, increasing your conversion rate.

3. Create Account

Create Account

A straightforward call-to-action, “Create Account” lets visitors know they’ll be headed straight to the account creation process, priming them to be ready to fill out a few forms.

Though it’s not the most appealing call-to-action, it can definitely help you increase the conversion rate of your signup page.

4. View Demo/Book a Demo

View Demo/Book a Demo

If your funnel is more sales-focused or sales-reliant, you’ll likely benefit more from sending visitors to your appointment or demo-booking page than to any other page.

If you have a prepared product demo, you can link to that, too.

Directing people to book (or view) a demo is a little more inviting than a call-to-action like “talk to a salesperson” or “contact sales”.

Though it might be a little contrary to what I said in the previous point, sometimes you can afford to be more straightforward with visitors to your landing page or website.

A call-to-action like “Contact Sales” lets people know they’ll be connected directly to a salesperson through chat, call, or appointment.

6. Learn More

Learn More

If your product needs a little more explaining, you might find yourself linking your primary calls-to-action to places like product tours or pages.

“Learn More” is an inviting way to tell visitors they’ll be taken to a low-commitment page where they can get more information about your product and how it works.

“Learn More” works well on popups, too. Since it’s hard to put an adequate amount of information on a popup, having a “Learn More” call-to-action for your visitors could push them to a page where they can get more details.

7. Join Free

Join Free

As I mentioned earlier, “Free” is a great “flavor” word to add to your calls-to-action.

Having a free product or trial is a huge benefit and can dramatically improve the click-through rate of your calls-to-action.

In this specific example, Netflix adds “for a month”, which makes it clear to a visitor that they can sign up for a 1-month free trial.

Setting accurate expectations on your call-to-action helps prepare your visitor for the next steps in your signup or purchasing process.

8. Shop Now

Shop Now

“Shop Now” is the “Get Started” of CTAs for eCommerce businesses. It’s as straightforward as can be and lets your visitors know that they’ll be headed to a product page or category within your store.

If you have multiple products or product categories, it’s not a bad idea to add the name of the product or category to the call-to-action – for example, “Shop Women’s” or “Shop Clearance”.

9. Explore


Though being straight-to-the-point isn’t a bad thing for your eCommerce CTAs, you can be a little more subtle by using “Explore”.

This is particularly great if your product pages act more like landing pages, giving visitors more information about your products.

10. Discover

Though it’s pretty similar to the previous one, I’ll include “Discover” because it’s a relatively common call-to-action for businesses of all kinds.

Again, it’s great if you’re sending people to detailed product pages or even things like restaurant menus.

11. Get X% Off

Get X% Off

I’m a big proponent of discounts and promotions when it comes to marketing online. If you simply want to sell more, create a discount offer that gives people a % off their first purchase when they subscribe to your email list (or complete some other action, like following you on Instagram).

CTAs with numbers can be quite appealing, especially when those numbers represent discounts.

And having a promotional offer for first-time shoppers is an awesome way to incentivize them to become customers.

12. Add to Bag/Add to Cart

Add to Bag/Add to Car

Why not cut right to the chase? Though this call-to-action text is pretty common on eCommerce product pages, some companies have started using “Add to Bag” CTAs on their product directories.

This essentially allows you to skip a whole step in your buying process, which could lead to higher conversion rates down the line.

13. New _______

New _______

As you can see in this example, Shwood uses “New” instead of “Shop” to direct their visitors to product pages.

This call-to-action is less actionable than “Shop Men’s”, but it does help tell visitors that they’re shopping new arrivals to your store.

I’d be inclined to keep an action word in there – maybe “Shop New Menswear”. Your call-to-action represents an action, so making this clear to your visitors can make it more compelling to click.

14. Buy Now

Buy Now

Sometimes, it’s better to be direct. I like the “Buy Now” call-to-action in particular because, for a visitor, a lot of their intent is conveyed when they click.

A lot of the commitment in eCommerce purchasing can be overcome when a visitor clicks “Buy Now”.

15. Schedule/Book a _______

Schedule a _______

If you’re a service-based business, it can be tough to get any real commitment from your potential customers until they’ve learned more.

One good primary call-to-action, particularly for businesses like gyms, clinics, or auto repairs, is “Schedule a (Visit/Consultation/Assessment)”.

Book a _______

I’d recommend you connect this to a landing page or popup that allows your visitors to schedule a time to visit your business or where they can fill in information that you can use to contact them later.

16. Enter Now

If you’re running a contest, you never want to use the default “Submit” call-to-action for your form. Change it to something like “Enter Now!” to indicate the action your visitors are about to take.

17. Try for Free

Try for Free

Even non-SaaS businesses can take advantage of a call-to-action like “Try for Free”. Often, it’s a good idea to get new customers in the door with a special promotion like a free class or trial.

This call-to-action makes it clear to visitors what they’ll be getting – a free introduction to your service or product without any commitment.

Use this call-to-action to generate leads, bring them in, and then sell them on your product later on.

18. Join _______

Social proof is a big motivator for a lot of people – they want to do what others like them are doing.

It follows, then, that CTAs like “Join 123,456 brilliant marketers” can be very appealing to visitors.

They feel like they’re becoming part of something exclusive and feel like they’re missing out on something if they don’t covert.

19. Subscribe


To get website visitors to subscribe to their newsletter, OfficeVibe keeps it to the point and uses that exact word on its CTA button.

This simple CTA lets people know exactly what they’ll get when they click the button to submit their email address – a subscription to an email newsletter.

If it matches your brand identity, a minimal call-to-action like “Subscribe” can still be an effective call-to-action.

20. Get _______ Free

Get _______ Free

“Get Something Free” call-to-action phrases are a great way to appeal to a consumer’s desire to try products for free.

By offering a free account without requiring a credit card, Spotify has created an effective call-to-action phrase that increases the chances users take the desired action of signing up for its streaming service.

If you offer a free version of your product, highlight it in your CTA copy and use the supporting copy to tell your website visitors what they can expect.

21. Order Now

Order Now

UberEats’ call-to-action phrase “Order now” is a good CTA because the “now” modifier creates urgency. It’s a simple phrase, which is what makes it such a great call-to-action, as it lets users know what the call-to-action button does and when you want them to take the action.

Another great thing about UberEats’ monochrome CTA design is that it helps its CTA buttons stand out.

22. Continue


Pinterest’s use of the simple CTA “Continue” is another example of the supporting copy giving users context about what the call-to-action button does—in this example, continuing the sign-up process.

Pinterest also includes a secondary CTA, which lets users sign up with Facebook or Google.

If there are multiple steps users will have to take after clicking your call-to-action button, then “Continue” is the best call-to-action phrase for the job.

23. Start your free 30-day trial

Start your free 30-day trial

Potential customers love to try before they buy, but many are wary of getting locked into contracts if they forget to cancel the trial before it runs out.

To address this pain point, Amazon Prime’s call-to-action button encourages users to try it for 30 days without paying, while the secondary copy highlights the benefits, monthly costs after trial, and the ability to cancel at any time.

If your service has a trial period users can sign up for, highlight it in the call-to-action phrase to convince people to give it a try.

24. Get Your Free ____

Get Your Free ____

Do you want to generate leads with your CTA? Then a CTA phrase like KlientBoost’s is the perfect way to highlight your offer.

What’s great about this call-to-action is that it emphasizes that users are getting a free download, as well as what to expect from it, in this case, a marketing plan.

Try the “Get your free _” CTA phrase when you have a lead magnet that you’re promoting.

25. Try it

Try it

By using “Try it” as their call-to-action, Backlinko indicates to potential newsletter subscribers that if they don’t enjoy the newsletter, unsubscribing from it will be an easy process.

To remove any doubts that this newsletter provides valuable information, the supporting copy features a positive review from an experienced marketer.

If you have an offer that users can trial without being tied into a contract, consider the “Try it” CTA phrase to encourage sign-ups.

26. Start now

Start now

Stripe’s “Start now” call-to-action is a good example of a CTA phrase that uses the “now” modifier to create urgency.

The supporting copy lets users know what the product does, while the call-to-action indicates that the setup process is quick.

To add more value to those users that are still at the consideration stage of the sales funnel, the secondary call-to-action directs users to find out more about the product from the sales team.

27. See offers

See offers

Ancestry.com uses the “See offers” call-to-action to encourage users to visit the sales page and find out more about the discounted membership deal.

By highlighting “up to 50%” in the supporting copy, users know what kind of deals they can expect while also letting them know there is more than one deal available.

If you have a selection of special deals on your products available, “See offers” is a great call-to-action to create interest among visitors.

28. Get Started For Free

Get Started For Free

Feedly’s “Get Started For Free” is a classic CTA that lets users know that they don’t have to pay to try its product.

Using a bold green on the CTA button on an otherwise monochrome web page immediately draws attention to it.

As I’ve mentioned before, highlighting that users can try your product for free in your call-to-action is one of the best ways to encourage them to give it a try.

29. Start reading

Start reading

Medium’s “Start reading” call-to-action is a great example of how to let users know what to expect from the product when they click the button, with the supporting copy giving more details about it.

By using a minimal design with few other distractions, visitors’ eyes are immediately drawn to the supporting copy and call-to-action button, encouraging more click-throughs.

30. Sign Up

Sign Up

Mailchimp’s simple “Sign Up” call-to-action is simple and to the point, with the supporting copy explaining exactly what users get when they sign up.

By using a blue that pops against the yellow background, the CTA button stands out from the rest of the page.

31. Analyze Website

Analyze Website

Neil Patel uses the power of short but bold supporting copy to create interest in his offerings and explain to visitors what will happen if they click the “Analyze Website” call-to-action button.

This web page is also a great example of how using a bold color on an otherwise monochrome page helps the button pop out at visitors.

If you have a tool that can provide a service for your users, let them know the benefits of using it in the supporting copy and describe what it does on the call-to-action.

32. Yes, show me

Yes, show me

As I’ve mentioned before, using a color on the call-to-action button when the rest of the page is monochrome is a great way to draw attention to it, just like Qualaroo did here with its blue “Yes, show me” button.

They also follow the best practice of letting users know that they won’t have to pay to try their product.

Finally, there is a secondary call-to-action for those users that aren’t at the end of the customer journey yet but might want to find out more about the product.

33. Book a demo

Book a demo

Wishpond’s “Book A Demo” is one of the best CTA phrases to use if you need to walk potential users through your product rather than letting them try it out for themselves.

While the call-to-action lets users know clicking it will let them schedule a product demonstration, the supporting copy lets them know what to expect from the product.

The fact that they’re using contrasting colors on the button makes this an even better example of a great call-to-action.

34. Start my free trial

Start my free trial

Pipedrive’s “Start my free trial” combines two important psychological principles into one great call-to-action.

First, it includes the tried and tested “free” modifier to highlight that users won’t have to pay to try the product, and second, they use the “my” modifier to personalize the call-to-action.

Finally, what makes this such a good call-to-action is that the supporting copy highlights features and that you get full access to the product without needing to give your credit card details.

35. Start growing today

Start growing today

AWeber uses an interesting strategy on their call-to-action, with the “Start growing today” phrase letting users know what will happen to their business if they start using the platform.

To give a bit more context to the call-to-action, the supporting copy goes into a bit more detail about what one can expect from the platform.

36. View demo

View demo

Intercom’s “View demo” is a great example of a call-to-action that lets users know they can expect a product tour if they click the button.

But by including the “play video” icon on the button, it visually informs the user that it is a video product tour and not a scheduled demonstration with a member of the sales team.

For users further down the sales funnel, they also include a secondary call-to-action that lets users try the product for free.

37. Make an Enquiry

Make an Enquiry

Razorsocial’s “Make an Enquiry” is the perfect call-to-action for businesses like theirs that offer a service rather than a product.

In this case, the supporting copy explains to users what kind of services they can expect if they get in touch via the call-to-action button.

38. Download


Razorsocial’s “Download” call-to-action on their lead magnet pop-up is a great example of a simple design that quickly conveys to users what they’ll get and how, in this case, a PDF they can download.

By using a bright yellow on a dark blue background, the call-to-action button jumps out at users, encouraging them to click it.

39. Grade My Account

Grade My Account

Wordstream’s “Grade My Account” is another example of a call-to-action that uses supporting copy to help inform users about what they’re getting, in this case, a report on their Google Ads performance.

For those interested in this report card, the CTA phrase “Grade My Account” gives them clear directions on how to get it.

CTA “Add-Ons”

Let’s end up this article with a few words you can use to spice up your CTAs. These are words you can combine with the above to maximize your conversion rates.

40. % or $

When you’re promoting a discount, adding the offer itself into your call-to-action is an awesome way to draw people in. “Save Now” isn’t nearly as compelling as “Save 20% Now!”. Adding numbers to your call-to-action makes your discount feel a little more tangible to your visitors.

41. Try

Like I mentioned in tip #17, the word “Try” is inviting because it feels low commitment. Adding this to your free trial or free class offer call-to-action buttons is a good way to get people in the door.

42. Now

Calls-to-action is aptly named – it signifies action, and adding “now” to your CTA buttons is an awesome way to reiterate that. Psychologically, they push visitors out of indifference (it’s easy to ignore a call-to-action) and into a state of mind that they need to convert on your page – now.

43. Free

In today’s world of eCommerce, every CTA button can feel like a purchase commitment. If your offer is at all free – think free trial, assessment, consultation, or what have you – this is a word you need to have in your CTA buttons, as it assures visitors there’s no downside to clicking.

On top of that, people love free stuff – they have nothing to lose by clicking, so why not convert?

44. Save

This word should be a staple in your discount or offer CTAs. Whether it’s a sale or a % off coupon, you can use the word “save” to signal to visitors that they’ll be saving money if they click and missing out on potential savings if they don’t. I prefer a call-to-action like “Save 10% Now” compared to something like “Get Coupon”.

45. Me/My/You/Your

One thing that’s common between most CTAs is that they can feel impersonal. Using pronouns or determiners like “me” or “my” can turn a call-to-action into a personal call-to-action, increasing a visitor’s emotional or cognitive connection with your button. For example, “Download Ebook” pales in comparison to “Download My Free Ebook!”.

46. Start/Stop

Words like “start” and “stop” are also great for successful CTAs. They work in a ton of contexts – for example, a gym might use “Start Changing Your Life” as an emotionally-driven CTA phrase. The word “stop” can also be very powerful in the right contexts – for example, Wishpond might have a call-to-action for its popup tools that says “Stop Wasting My Website Traffic!”.

Related Content

  • 7 Call to Action Examples and Proven Conversion Boosts
  • 6 Design Tips to Make Your Calls-to-Action Stand Out
  • 7 CTA Mistakes Killing Your Conversion Rate
  • 7 CTA’s to Generate Leads from Your Blog: Placement
  • Ranked: Best and Worst Locations for Your Call-to-Actions
  • 7 Facebook Ad Call-To-Action (CTA) Copy Formulas

Wrapping It Up

There you have it – 46 proven call-to-action phrases and words that you can use for your call-to-action buttons. Avoid common CTA mistakes and use the right words – it will have an enormous difference.

Know of a CTA phrase that I missed? Let me know in the comments below, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions.


Whether you’re crafting an ad, writing email copy, or polishing up a blog post, your ultimate goal is likely to drive sales, leads, and revenue. Right?

And the best way to do that? A powerful call to action (CTA).

Without a powerful call to action, your marketing campaigns can’t convert readers or visitors into subscribers, leads, customers, or evangelists (or super fans).

importance of a call to action meme

They get it.

In this guide, I’ll share everything you need to know about creating CTAs for your website, blog content, ads, and more!

Table of contents

  • What a call to action is
  • How a call to action works
  • Call to action best practices
  • Call to action power words
  • 50 powerful call-to-action phrases
  • How to choose the right CTA phrase

Let’s get started!

What is a call to action?

Calls to action, also known as CTAs, are short blurbs of sales copy offering something of value (e.g., an ebook, quiz results, a discount, or a free trial) in exchange for personal information, such as an email. Basically, they’re the phrases meant to drive a user to take a specific action.

call to action phrases and button example from small business boutique email sign up pop up

Here’s an example from a small business boutique.

How does a call to action work?

Businesses run marketing—whether it’s in the form of ads, website copy, or educational blog posts—to connect with potential customers and drive them to take an action.

Sure, it’s great for searchers to see your ad or click on your website, but once they do that, you want them to take that next step. And that’s unlikely to happen immediately—especially without some type of prompting from your business.

>>Speaking of your website…want to know how it stacks up to the competition? Try our free website grader to find out now!

Businesses can better leverage their traffic by capturing readers’ personal information. This enables companies to 1) customize their content to each reader, 2) reach them on an owned channel like email, and 3) begin to sell to them.

Once a person submits their information, they’ve indicated an interest in your business and have entered your sales funnel.

call to action phrases - sales funnel showing top of funnel, middle of funnel, and bottom of funnel stages


Businesses capture this personal information through a call to action.

CTAs play different roles based on where they are in your funnel:

  • Top of funnel (TOFU) call-to-action phrases are featured in paid ads, social media channels, and blog content
  • Middle of funnel (MOFU) call-to-action phrases can be found in email newsletters, pop-ups, and landing pages
  • Bottom of funnel (BOFU) call-to-action phrases are typically placed on product pages and contact pages

For example, here’s a pop-up offering a free template to LOCALiQ site visitors. The call to action here is “Get the template.” This pop-up appeared after I clicked around the site for a few minutes—behavior that indicated to LOCALiQ that I may be interested in sharing my email for some free content.

powerful call to action phrases - example of call to action in website pop up

Call to action best practices

The most compelling call-to-action phrase is one that grabs the attention of your audience (more on that below).

However, there are several best practices to consider when creating your CTAs.

  • CTAs sell. Don’t skimp on or speed through the copywriting process when developing your call-to-action phrases.
  • Your call to action isn’t limited to the CTA button text. Leverage the context around the CTA to help encourage visitors to click. Consider the pop-up example above and how the paragraph before the button is part of the whole call to action.
  • Write as you and your audience would talk. Your call to action should be a friendly ask, not a foreign request.
  • A CTA works best when focusing on the value proposition that you’re offering. Include the benefits of your offer, not just the features.
  • Good call-to-action phrases are three to four words—and easy to remember. Be as concise as possible.
  • Design matters—make sure your CTA stands out and attracts attention.
  • Consider using trigger words that connect to your audience’s goals or priorities and inspire action.

trigger words to use in call to action phrases

Call to action power words

Depending on the nature of your offer and the priorities of your audience, certain power or action words may help your CTAs convert better.

Here are some power words organized by emotion or reader motivation:

Greed Speed/Laziness Sense of Urgency Trust
  • Free
  • Cheap
  • Gift
  • Save
  • More
  • Exclusive
  • Grab
  • Easy
  • Effortless
  • Easy
  • Now
  • Quick
  • Unique
  • Exclusive
  • Insider
  • Limited
  • Little-known
  • One-time
  • Expert
  • Proven
  • Secure
  • Refund
  • Tested
  • Authentic

50 powerful call-to-action phrases 

Let’s look at 50 effective call-to-action phrases you can use throughout your digital marketing funnel. I’ve organized these phrases (including real-life examples!) in a few different buckets depending on the goal of your call to action (click to skip to the section you’re most interested in, or read through them all!):

  • To get email list subscribers (TOFU and MOFU)
  • To encourage downloads or engagement with gated assets (TOFU and MOFU)
  • To offer discounts (MOFU)
  • To get free trial signups (MOFU and BOFU)
  • To make sales or get customers (BOFU)

To get email list subscribers

1. “Sign me up”

2. “Subscribe to weekly information about all things career growth”

3. “Join 1,000+ industry experts who subscribe to my newsletter”

4. “Be a part of our exclusive subscriber list”

5. “Get early alerts for new products and sales”

6. “Join 1.5M subscribers…Get access”

call to action phrases example from tim ferris


7. “Sign up now and don’t miss another update”

8. “Unlock dozens of discounts as a subscriber”

9. “I’m in”

10. “Join my email list to learn about new freelance and full-time content writing, refreshing, editing, and strategy opportunities” (Get more tips to build an email list here!)

call to action phrases example for email sign up


To encourage downloads or engagement with gated assets

11. “Download this template and learn our success secrets for free ”

12. “Grab our limited edition checklist”

13. “Get our ultimate guide in your inbox in minutes”

14. “Write better emails with our free email marketing course”

15. “Get more customers the easy way…Download guide”

call to action phrases example for guide download


16. “Get your free copy now”

17. “Drop your email, and get our best content marketing course”

18. “Yes, I want to learn how to sell real estate!”

19. “Show me my assessment results”

20. “Game-changing advice from founders who have made millions…Watch for free”

call to action phrases example from foundr


Related: Get more tips to drive action by using direct response copywriting tactics.

To offer discounts or special offers

21. “Claim your exclusive offer”

22. “Access the limited time offer today”

23. “Get 20% off—just for signing up for email and text”

powerful call to action phrases example from olive and june email sign up


24. “Refer a friend, and you both get $25”

25. “Become a member for 20% off your next purchase”

26. “Get 15% off your first order”

27. “We’re giving you 35% off! Click here”

28. “Take $10 off”

29. “Buy two, get one free through Friday!”

30. “Unlock $5 off your offer”

powerful call to action phrases example from magic spoon email sign up


To get free trial signups

31. “Get started for free today”

32. “Start a free trial in minutes”

33. “Don’t take our word for it—try it yourself”

34. “Try Ghost completely free for 14 days”

powerful call to action phrases example from ghost


35. “Test it out now”

36. “Join free for one month”

37. “Start free trial”

powerful call to action phrases example from shopify


38. “Start your free trial—no strings attached”

39. “Try before you buy”

40. “Create a FREE event website…Get started in less than 30 seconds”

powerful call to action phrases example from eventcreate


To make sales or get customers

41. “Grab one today”

42. “Buy now to enjoy cleaner, fresher skin today”

43. “Request a free demo today”

44. “Shop now”

powerful call to action phrases example from bad genes


45. “Book a no-pressure call with Sales”

46. “Compare our pricing with competitors”

47. “Request a quote”

powerful call to action phrases example from car detailing company


48. “Let’s talk”

49. “Add to cart”

50. “Get a free strategy call”

powerful call to action examples free strategy call


How to choose the right call to action phrase

I’ve just shared 50 powerful call-to-action phrases. Some, I’ve pulled from personal experience, and I’ve featured some real-life call-to-action examples.

As you read through this list, you may have decided to use a handful of CTA phrases in your own marketing campaigns. By all means, please do! That’s why we’ve created this guide.

However, what you prefer as a business owner or marketer may not resonate with your audience. As marketers, it’s easy to bypass our readers’ preferences in favor of what we like or think sounds good.

But the best CTA phrases resonate with your audience; otherwise, they’re practically pointless.

The easiest way to determine what works for your audience is by testing different CTAs. Run an A/B test on your call to action button, or simply use one phrase for a set period of time, swap it with another, and compare the results. The better conversion rate wins.

call to action phrases case study example from tweet


I’ve provided plenty of potential CTAs below to help you get started. But don’t stop there—be sure to pay attention to what your audience likes, too!

Start testing these 50 powerful call-to-action phrases today

Call-to-action phrases are the most impactful way to turn website visitors and readers into customers. Without CTAs, your digital content won’t have a chance to boost your bottom line.

Try some of these 50 powerful call-to-action phrases on your website, but don’t forget to test a few with your audience. Once your call to action is optimized and approved, you can watch the new customers roll in.

Allie Decker

Allie Decker

Allie Decker is a Senior Content Marketing Manager at Shopify and Head of Content at Omniscient Digital. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, traveling, playing the piano, or rewatching Schitt’s Creek.

Other posts by Allie Decker

A call to action can make or break the success of your social media campaign. If you use the right words, your CTA will inspire your audience to take action — click on your ad, download your ebook, add an item to cart… you name it. On the other hand, if your CTA isn’t catchy and persuasive, your audience will simply scroll past without noticing it.

cover image

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about social media calls to action: what they are, what makes a CTA successful, and how to craft a persuasive CTA for your next campaign. We’ve also included 17 call to action examples (from social media and beyond) to get you inspired. That’s right: we’ve also included great examples from email campaigns and landing pages — because a good CTA is a good CTA, regardless of where it’s placed.

Let’s jump in!

What is a call to action (CTA)?

A call to action (or CTA) is a text prompt designed to inspire the target audience of a marketing campaign to take a desired action. For example, a call to action can encourage people to click on a link, leave a social media comment, visit an online store, make a purchase, etc.

A call to action can take up different forms:

  • Text link
  • Button
  • Plain text with no link

“Buy Now” or “Download Now” are typical examples of simple calls to action.

But a CTA can run longer, too, such as “Subscribe today so you’ll never miss a post.” The possibilities are endless.

AdEspresso webinars call to action example watch now

Call to action examples from AdEspresso

A good CTA can help with decision fatigue and give meaning to your content. Even if it’s just a two-word phrase, users need some direction to know what to do next.

CTAs that create a sense of urgency will also help increase conversions.

As long as it encourages potential customers to stay engaged on your site, then your call to action has done its job.

Note that having one CTA highlighted is the most common way. At the same time, some marketers use both primary and secondary call to actions in their marketing. We’ll review some best practices of this later on.

How to write an effective CTA for social media (and beyond)

Social media is all about getting users to click on your posts and ads and engage. However, it’s no longer as easy as it sounds. 22.3% of people using ad blockers say there are “too many ads.”

It’s tough out there.

To combat this, increase your conversions and engagement with a compelling call to action on your ads and elsewhere on the web. Let’s see how you can achieve this.

Use strong action words

Writing short and strong CTAs is not only more persuasive, but it’s also necessary due to the character limits on ads. Start with a verb (“buy”) and follow with an adverb (“now”) or a subject (“ebook”) or both.

Here are two call to action examples to the above statement: “Buy Now” or “Download this ebook now.”

Below are some of the most common call to action verbs broken down by intention. Simply pair them with the offering of your business.

Most Common Purpose CTAs
Ecommerce Buy, Shop, Order, Reserve, Save, Add to Cart, Pick, View
SaaS conversion Try, Get Started, Subscribe, Sign Up
Non-profit conversion Donate, Commit, Volunteer, Adopt, Give, Support
Newsletter or community Subscribe, Join, Sign Up, Refer,
Freebie giveaway Download, Get, Grab, Claim, Take advantage of
General Learn More, See More, See How, Start, Find Out, Check it Out, Click here, Continue, Swipe Up,

Tip: check your call to action against the LIFT Model (see below).

LIFT Model value proposition


If we took our example from above, it would look something like this:

Download = relevance

this ebook = clarity

now = urgency

Download this ebook = value proposition

Use the text surrounding your call to action to:

  • Reduce distractions (i.e., remove unnecessary links, images, etc.)
  • Ease anxiety (e.g., add the disclaimer “no credit card required”)

Provoke emotion or enthusiasm

If you want to evoke an emotional response in your users, opt for a longer CTA. You’ll need to incorporate more modifiers in this case to get the desired effect.

Here are some examples:

  • Add numbers: “Buy now and get 50% off!”
  • Add adjectives: “Find your dream home with us!”
  • Make a promise: “Lose weight in just 6 weeks!”
  • Influence their FOMO: “Limited time offer. Get free shipping!”
  • Play up your USP: “Order a hand-made soap now!”

Think up your own

You don’t need to stick to the good old examples, though. Get creative and make up your own call to actions.

First, verbalize to yourself what your company does for its customers (or simply look at your mission statement). For example, I run a spa where people get facial treatments.

Next, transform the verbs and modifiers into a 2-5 word call to action. Add relevant information where necessary → “Get a free mud mask” or “Treat yourself today!”


Period better with Thinx

“Period better” – Thinx opted for the unique use of the word “period” as a verb in their CTA.


Tip: nobody gets their CTAs right the first time. Run at least one A/B test (but preferably more) on your ad to evaluate the strength of your call to action.

13 of the Best Call to Action Examples for 2022

In the following section, you’ll see what the techniques mentioned above look like in practice. Steal and customize the best CTA examples for your campaigns!

Facebook Ad CTAs

We’ll examine some Facebook ads with classic call to action examples. They may seem simple at first, but there’s more to uncover than what you see on the surface.

1. ClickUp

This ad from ClickUp is likely part of a retargeting campaign. Even if you don’t watch the video, the ad copy offers plenty of calls to action on its own.

ClickUp lifetime deal ad

Why it works

  • Same CTA in the headline and the first sentence of the ad = the offer is clear (“Get 15% off”)
  • The CTA is supported by objection-handling statements, such as “save 1 day a week”, “guaranteed,” and a list of features
  • The “Learn More” call to action button assures the audience that they’ll get more info before committing

2. Shaw Academy

Can you spot all the call to actions in this Facebook ad? Hint: there are at least seven. Every element is coordinated here to instill a sense of urgency in the audience. Take note of the exploding colors, the alarm emoji, the many exclamation marks, and the multiple CTAs.

Shaw Academy digital marketing

Why it works

  • Beautiful, contrasting colors with a CTA that stands out
  • Multiple call to actions
  • Sense of urgency to take action

3. Babbel

Babbel is a language learning app that comes at you strong with various CTAs for their Facebook offer. It works because even if you don’t know this app, it quickly establishes a trust factor (“over 500,000 5-star reviews”). The post then draws you in with an attractive offer.

Babbel language learning app Facebook call to action

Why it works

  • The primary call to action is clear and direct: “Get up to 60% off!”
  • They use the “Get Offer” CTA button to instill a sense of gratification in the audience
  • Including the action word “join” + the number of reviews in the same sentence is a way to evoke the feeling of belonging to a community

4. Hootsuite

Hootsuite keeps it brief and concise with a few very targeted CTAs.

Hootsuite learn more call to action

Why it works

  • All the call to actions are focused at the bottom while benefits are at the top of the post
  • The “Learn More” CTA button leaves any extra info for the landing page

Instagram Ad CTAs

Sure, “swipe up” is available on Instagram ads, but you can get more clever than that. Below are some creative call to action examples for your Insta campaigns.

5. Headspace

Headspace’s Instagram ad is the perfect example of a custom-made call to action. “Snuggle up to Headspace” evokes a cozy feeling in users and personalizes the brand. Words like “snuggle” fit into the category of sensory words.

Headspace Instagram ad

Why it works

  • They (smartly) opt to draw attention to the custom-made CTA and leave the “Get 30% off” as a secondary CTA
  • They use the CTA button “Subscribe” after that to make it clear how that snuggling up will happen
  • Coupled with a sweet, serene image, the whole CTA experience feels more like a gentle nudge for meditation and less like an ad

6. Elementor

As an event-type ad, Elementor gets it right. It displays all the key information regarding the event (name, speakers, date, and time).

Elementor event ad

Why it works:

  • The two most eye-catching elements on the ad are the headline and the call to action button. They both have the same contrasting colors that stand out against the dark background.
  • Both call to action buttons (‘Save Your Seat’ and ‘Book now’) are very concise and direct
  • The old-school flair of the ‘save’ icon next to the CTA button works well with the target audience (likely consisting of more technical people)

7. Nøie Skincare

You have probably seen call to action examples like this in the advertising strategy of ecommerce brands. The main goal is to sell. At the same time, the ad focuses on the experience instead of rushing to take the user to a web page. In this case, “Shop Now” is the type of CTA that is direct, yet, the ad copy does most of the selling.

Nøie Skincare ecommerce call to action

Why it works

  • The emphasis is on the product experience, which makes having just one call to action sufficient
  • “Shop Now” is direct and to the point. The prospective customers know where they will be taken from the post

8. VAI Course

Esther Inman’s VAI Course ad keeps it fresh with the colors and a simple call to action button.

VAI Course Friday Feature weekly remote job pack

Why it works

  • The CTA text on the ad itself boasts about its main USP: the user gets a remote job pack every Friday
  • The “See More” call to action button leaves the audience at ease knowing that they can still learn more about the product before signing up

Email CTAs

Email conversion rates can soar as high as 15%. Take a look at the following email call to action examples from some brands who are doing it right.

9. Black Illustrations

Design agency, Black Illustrations prefers to use multiple CTAs in their email marketing. You can run your own test on this strategy, but it makes sense to include a few secondary call to action buttons if you have a relatively long email. Black Illustrations also adds a hyperlinked CTA to further help guide users to take action.

Blackmarketing real estate email marketing

Why it works:

  • Multiple CTA buttons (and hyperlinks) in a long email can increase your conversion rates.
  • “Free with a subscription” stands out and keeps the main message clear for the user
  • The color choice for the button works well with the brand yet still stands out

10. Audiense

The audience analysis tool, Audiense, prefers the long CTA route in their email marketing. Phrases like “show me…” or “take me to…” create a clear value proposition and helps the user feel in control.

Audiense show me the findings

Why it works:

  • Using multiple words and first-person phrasing in your call to action could increase your relatability and CTR
  • Users get a better sense of the type of page that awaits them after clicking
  • When using a long-form CTA, you get to test a wider variety of versions

Landing page CTAs

Landing pages are great subjects to run a CTA test or two on. Below are some great call to action examples for your next campaign.

11. Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss’s email sign-up landing page is as minimalistic as it gets. No top menu, no links, or other distracting web components.

Tim Ferriss minimalistic email sign-up page


Why it works:

  • The distraction-free page keeps the focus on the main CTA: to sign up for the newsletter
  • The black headline and black CTA button provide a striking contrast to the white background
  • “Get access” is a great call to action to use if you want to establish the feeling of receiving exclusive content in the user

12. Joy

Joy is a Canadian company that offers a razor subscription service for women. Their landing page is concise and fits all information to the visible area. The CTA button stands out as it’s the darkest element on the page.

Joy razor subscription CTA button


Why it works:

  • The contrasting color of the button helps users easily navigate to the next step
  • The CTA copy itself follows ecommerce best practices: “add to cart” is an easy-to-recognize button in the industry
  • The small-cap lettering (which fits the brand) lends a unique look to an otherwise highly used CTA

13. Leadfeeder

Leadfeeder’s own lead-generation landing page is simple with a clear value proposition. On the left, you get a summary of the ebook. On the right, you will need to provide some basic info and then click “Get the Guide” to submit your request.

Leadfeeder's guide to account page retargeting on LinkedIn


Why it works:

  • The CTA button is the only green item on the page
  • “Get the Guide” engages the users with a clear offer

Website CTAs

Your landing pages may be the focus of your ad strategy. Still, it’s necessary to create a homepage with just as much converting power. Meet a few thought-out CTA examples below for your website!

14. Touchland

Touchland is here to sanitize your hands without making a mess. The “checklist” on the left (keys, wallet, phone, touchland) is cheeky. It’s a clever storytelling technique to place visitors into a familiar scenario while introducing the product.

Touchland checklist


Why it works:

  • “Get yours” implies that a lot of people already have one – you will only fit in if you get yours
  • The transparent call to action button gives the website an airy feel to it, which is on track for a business that sells a mist

15. Airbnb

With COVID-19 restrictions coming and going, travel sites like Airbnb have to develop ways to stay top of mind. They achieve this by featuring a wishlist of outdoor spaces and a dreamy illustration on their website.

Airbnb outdoor illustration camping on the lake


Why it works:

  • “Get inspired” is a soft CTA that invites the user to explore ideas for future travel (and remarketing)
  • The call to action button itself stands out against the pastel-colored background

16. Smartlook

Smartlook is a user behavior analysis tool. They closely follow website best practices by placing a “hero” section above the fold (tagline+description+CTA). The main goal of the site is to prompt visitors to sign up for a free trial.

Smartlook analyze user behavior


Why it works:

  • The colorful call to action button provides a stark contrast against the grey and blue background – an immediate eye-catcher
  • Using red and yellow colors on the button evokes a mixture of excitement and optimism in hesitant visitors
  • The copy on the button says “Create free account” and the supporting text underneath is “No credit card required.” Both copies aim to overcome the subconscious objections of prospective users (Will it cost me anything? Will they charge my credit card?)

17. Ecom World

Ecom World is the website for “The World’s Largest Ecommerce Event.” They placed all of the most important info above the fold: what+when+where+the CTA.

Ecom World largest ecommerce event worldwide sign-up details


Why it works:

  • The call to action button coordinates well with the rest of the design elements. Throughout the site, the most crucial info tends to be highlighted in black.
  • Multiple CTAs could increase conversions. Here, the “Buy Tickets” CTA appears three times above the fold alone (main navigation, in the hero, and in the sticky nanobar)

CTA buttons: Why they matter & how to use them

You can — and should — use CTAs on all types of marketing materials and on every platform you’re marketing on. This includes PPC ads of course, but it also includes landing pages, websites, blogs, newsletters, emails, and more. Sometimes, this means that you just need to stick to a plain-text CTA that’s possibly hyperlinked.

In plenty of cases, though, there’s a good chance that you would benefit significantly from clickable CTA buttons.

That’s why even Facebook has short, clickable CTA buttons that you can add to every ad campaign, and why you’ll see so many landing pages with bright “Sign Up Now!” text in a big yellow button. Clickable CTA buttons specifically have been proven many times over to increase conversion rates significantly. One study found that adding a CTA button to their article templates increased conversions by 83%, and it boosted ecommerce conversions by 22%.  Copyblogger found something similar; when their CTAs looked like buttons instead of plain text, they saw a conversion rate increase of 45%.

Let’s take a look at a few best practices for CTA buttons and how to use them in ads and on your site (including site pages, landing pages, and even your blog.

Facebook Ads

You know we had to start with Facebook Ads!

For a few years now, Facebook has had clickable CTA buttons built into the native interface. Button options include “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” “Download,” “Send Message,” and more. The idea is that you can use these CTA buttons to reinforce your ads, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

You should absolutely always include a CTA button on your ad campaigns in addition to using a CTA in the headline and/or description copy, too. Users intuitively are more likely to click when they see that button prompting them to take action without even realizing it.

Remember to tailor your CTA based on the ad that you’re running and the stage of the funnel that you’re targeting. Opting for “learn more” for users earlier in the funnel can feel lower-risk and less pressure than starting with a “Shop Now,” but this depends on the ad and the audience.

And if you’re wondering if these CTAs matter, know that they most definitely do. AdEspresso recently ran a $1000 experiment testing different types of CTA buttons on Facebook Ads to see what was most successful – and the result was astounding.

Overall, the top performer (Download) gained 49 conversions for $5.10 each, while the worst performing CTA (no button at all) achieved only 20 conversions at $12.50.

This means that you can end up paying more than twice as much for a conversion depending on the CTA you choose – something we would have never figured out without split testing.

We recommend testing out your CTA buttons using our internal split test engine to see which your audience responds to. This will allow you to test every possible combination of CTAs, and allow you to easily determine which is giving you the most conversions for the cheapest price.

 AdEspresso can even automatically pause your underperforming combinations using our Automatic Optimization feature, taking the guesswork out of campaign management altogether.

Your Website & Landing Pages

It’s always a good idea to use clickable CTA buttons to help users navigate through your site and to take certain actions. This is important both for your general website and your landing pages, too.

You can use these buttons to prioritize certain actions or to take users through typical paths that users follow when they’re most likely to convert. (On my site, for example, Google Analytics has shown that people who visit my portfolio page first are 6x more likely to get in touch with me than those who just view my contact page first.)

On landing pages and the home page of your website, you’ll want to make sure that the CTA button meets the following criteria:

  • It uses contrasting colors to jump out at the user.
  • It’s clearly a clickable button designed to improve navigation.
  • It utilizes brief copy on the button itself but is often surrounded by copy that adds context and makes it more persuasive (like the example above).
  • It should appear above the fold on the page, meaning that users can see at least one CTA button before they’d need to scroll down to see more information on the page. Make sure you take this into account on both desktop and mobile sites.

When you’re creating landing pages and site pages, remember to test them. Most people don’t realize that you can test site pages just like you would PPC campaigns when you’re using tools like Unbounce. Test different types of CTA copy, different placements, or even different colored buttons. Look for what works best, and optimize your pages accordingly. You can learn more about how to do this by checking out our $1000 case study here.

Sometimes running an ecommerce store can make you feel powerless. But successful ecommerce entrepreneurs learn to focus on the things they have power over. Things that can make an impact. Things like call to action phrases — also known as CTAs.

i've got the power

In 10 minutes you’ll learn what a call to action is and where they are used, what makes a good call to action (spoiler alert: it should motivate and inform) and how to write one. Then we’ll go through 50 powerful call to action phrases you can use in your own ecommerce funnel.

Let’s get started.

What is a call to action and where are they used?

A call to action is a form of persuasion. It’s a text inviting a customer to take a particular action. 

What that action is can vary a lot — learn more, subscribe, make a purchase, tell a friend. It all depends on what you want the customer to do at a particular moment in their journey discovering your product.

You’re most likely to come across call to action phrases displayed as:

— buttons like this  ?

add to bag button

— or anchor text for clickable links  ?

call to action anchor

And you’ll find calls to action cropping up just about everywhere in your sales funnel copy according to systeme.io. 

  • At the top of your funnel, you’ll find CTAs in your ads, social media posts, and SEO-oriented blogs.
  • In the middle of your funnel, they’ll be on your landing pages, pop-ups, and emails.
  • And the bottom of your funnel, you’ll find them on your product pages and in retargeting campaigns.

sales funnel

Image source: ClickFunnels

The good news is that replacing boring, generic calls to action with engaging, powerful call to action phrases will have an impact across your ecommerce marketing. You really do have the power!

What is a good call to action?

The easiest way to understand what makes a good call to action phrase is to look at a bad one. Let’s take an example you will definitely have seen:

CTA gif

Image source: Shopify

It’s bad for 2 reasons:

1. There’s no what: The call to action Click Here doesn’t really communicate what you want the customer to do. Sure, you want them to click. But what will that click enable for them? Will they learn something, join something, own something? Click Here doesn’t give them this information.

2. There’s no why: A good call to action phrase should always motivate. Give your customers a reason to click. But there is nothing persuasive about Click Here.

From this example, we can identify 2 important elements of what makes a good call to action: informing (the what) and motivating (the why). There’s one final element we need to add: clarity. Put these all together and you get a handy way to remember these principles: MIC.

MIC - motivating, informing, concise

  • M is for Motivating: Your CTAs should persuade customers to do something by telling them why.
  • I is for Informing: Your CTAs should inform customers on what will happen if they take this action.
  • C is for Concise: Your CTAs should be as short and clear as possible.

So we know what makes a good call to action phrase. But there’s a difference between knowing what a good CTA is and being able to write one yourself. It’s time to sharpen your pencils and do some writing practice. 

How do you write a strong call to action?

You want your calls to action to inform, motivate, and be clear. And there’s an easy 3 step process you can follow when writing your CTAs to make sure they meet these criteria:

  1. Define the action.
  2. Understand what will motivate.
  3. Be as concise and clear as possible.

Let’s take a look at each step.

Step 1: Define the action

When you’re creating any marketing content, you should always know what you want your user to do next. For example, in the CTA below, Shopify Plus store Pura Vida Bracelets has a clear goal — to get subscribers for their SMS marketing.

pur vida cta banner

So, how do you decide what actions you want your customers to take, and when? For example, what do you want them to do after reading your blog? Read another? Read a product comparison? Book a demo call or start a free trial? 

As you can see, there are lots of possible actions you could propose at any given point in the customer journey. Allow us to help you out with a couple of questions that will help you decide:

  1. What are your business goals now? 
    • Are you just getting started, in which case you probably need to raise awareness. Or do you want to become more profitable? Then you want subscribers. 
  2. How do customers progress through your ecommerce funnel? This might be impacted by:
    • How expensive your product is. Typically, customers will take more time and consideration before purchasing higher value products.
    • How many return customers you typically get. If you’re selling consumables or have a subscription product, many of your site visits will be from existing customers. So the actions for them will be different to those for new customers. In order to understand the behaviour of your existing customers better, address their complaints and answer their questions, make sure you add a “call us now” button so that people can still get answers from real human beings instead of chatbots.

If you’re feeling a bit stuck after going through these questions, don’t worry. There’s a super helpful tool for understanding your funnel — Google Analytics. You can use Google analytics to create custom funnels. 

custom sales funnel

Image source: hotjar

Custom funnels like this can help you understand how customers progress through your store and decide which actions your CTAs should focus on

Once you have defined the action, choose a verb (action word) for your call to action phrase. The more specific, the better. Here are some different options you can use: 

Some specific action words for your CTAs
Learn, Compare, Book, Sign up, Subscribe, Select, Access, Read, Watch, Claim, Start (for example, start your free trial)

For added impact, you can personalize the action:

  • Book my demo
  • Sign me up
  • Select my plan

Step 2: understand what will motivate

Motivation is critical for good cta phrases. And there are a couple of really simple strategies you can use when writing your CTAs to make them motivational.

  • Urgency: Make your customers feel this is something they have to do now. If they wait, they will miss out or it will cost them in some way.

nearly natural banner

Nearly Natural put a 30 minute limit on their discount to new subscribers. Emphasising this in the CTA helps to add urgency.
  • Scarcity: Create the feeling that whatever you are offering is in short supply. This will create both a fear of missing out and a sense of exclusivity when they do actually get it. 

Notice the phrase Everything Will Sell Out! in this web copy by Pura Vida Bracelets. It emphasizes that stocks are limited and scarce, motivating its audience to act now.

Here are some handy words and phrases you can use in your CTAs to create these feelings:

Urgency Scarcity
Now Limited edition
While stocks last Exclusive
Don’t miss out One-off
Must end Biggest ever
Offer ends

Scarcity and urgency are very basic motivators. To get more sophisticate with your persuasion, consider these questions:

  • What do you know about your customers and their demographic?
  • What questions or concerns do customers often have?
  • How do your customers want to feel?

These can help you optimize the way you write your CTAs. 

For example, conversions jumped 12.7% for one CTA used by ecommerce store Teespring when they made a small adjustment to the text (this case study on optimizing CTAs has all the details). The change they made was based on something they learned about their customers. The original call to action phrase was this:

buy now cta buttone

They saw from feedback and surveys that some customers worried whether the custom tee shirts they order would be produced. So they changed it:

buy it now cta

Image source: Optimizely

The later version is reassuring, creating a feeling of confidence and trust, especially with the words: “don’t worry.” And because it relates directly to a known customer concern, it converts better.

Here’s a similar example, this time from Amazon. They motivate their customers by emphasizing that they will be free from any risk.

amazon prime cta banner

Image source: CrazyEgg

In these cases, the language relates a lot to how customers feel. And emotions are great for getting people to act. 

So here are 3 simple changes you can try to give your CTAs added emotion:

  • Write save instead of buy: For more risk averse customers, saving may be more appealing emotion than buying. It can create a feeling of being smart (that you’ve found a deal) and safe (that you’ve avoided overpaying).
  • Write discover instead of learn: the word discover has more energy and excitement, creating a childlike sense of exploration.
  • Write uncover instead of access: while access just means something is available to you, uncover suggests its secret, or that finding it is an exciting game. 

Use these action words in your CTAs to create more emotion. 

cta words

To finish this section on motivation (we’re nearly there!!) let’s take a look at some masters of marketing communication, Disney. 

disney resort banner

Image source: CrazyEgg

Did you notice all emotion-inducing action words in this short text? Words like stay, celebrate, and save don’t just tell customers what they should do, they also tell them what emotions and feelings they can expect to experience. 

Step 3: Be as concise and clear as possible

So you’ve figured out the action you want your customer to take and the emotion you want to emphasise. Now write a phrase that includes both the elements. 

Then make your statement shorter.

Then shorten it again.

And again.

Your call to actions need to be concise and clear so it is easy peasy for the customer to understand what they should do.

Consider the most common call to action of them all:

Buy Now!

In just 6 characters this call to action both informs and motivates:

  • We know exactly what will happen when we click the button. 
  • We feel motivated by the urgency of the word now, which creates excitement and could play on fears of missing out.

This example shows you don’t need to be a creative genius to create an effective call to action phrase. You just need to think clearly about the action you want and what will motivate your customers.

If you do want to get more creative, that’s fantastic. Just make sure your idea is always clear to the customer. To do this, follow this structure:

1. Creative or emotion-focused call to action phrase focused on a user benefit
2. Practical call to action phrase
3. Very short call to action button

The Disney example we just looked at provides a perfect example of this structure.

disney resort banner

Creative or emotion-focused call to action phrase “Stay with us and celebrate the magic of the season”
Practical call to action phrase “Save up to 20% on rooms”
A very short call to action buttons “View offer details”

50 Powerful call to action phrases

Now let’s look at 50 call to action phrases you can use throughout your e-commerce funnel. We’ve divided these texts into different actions you are aiming for:

  • Buying
  • Claiming a deal or discount
  • Subscribing or opting in
  • Reading or watching content
  • Starting a trial

For each type of action, we have example calls to action for buttons and whole phrases. And we provide a quick analysis of why it works.

CTAs to get customers buying

Here are 6 texts you can use for CTA buttons, especially on your product pages.

1. Buy now 

A simple, classic CTA that provides a clear action to follow and creates urgency with the word now.

2. Complete my purchase

An informative CTA that shows this is the final step in the buying process. By adding my we make this button more personal.

3. Treat yourself today

A much more emotion-focused CTA, this button would work well for luxury items or impulse buys where customers need a little extra encouragement.

4. Grab it today

This CTA also creates a sense of urgency and impulse, and would work well for lower cost products or consumables bought by customers who regularly return to your store.

5. Try out today

This CTA feels much safer, emphasizing that you are trying rather than buying. If you offer generous returns policies this is a great option to use.

6. Get the look

A CTA specifically for fashion stores, this message works because it focuses on the end result a customer gets.

And here are 6 call to action phrases you can use on product pages, in emails, on retargeting messages and in pop-ups. Use these before your CTA button.

7. Buy now to avoid disappointment

It has urgency, and communicates an important benefit for risk averse customers — avoiding disappointment.

8. Buy now and enjoy {add user benefit}

This is a positive CTA that focuses on user benefit and the positive experience the product will give them. Remember that emotion drives action.

9. Why wait? Give yourself the {user benefit} you deserve

This call to action phrase is designed to drive action by focusing on self esteem. Just think of L’Oréal and “Because I’m worth it”

10. Choose the perfect look for you

Here the emphasis is on choice and personalization. Instead of using commitment-heavy words like buy or purchase, phrasing it as a choice makes the decision feel lighter.

11. Grab one today and boost your {user benefit}

A combination or urgency and positive outcome, the informal tone here would work well for brands selling low cost products.

12. Get one today and see instant results

A simple cause and effect statement, the addition of “today” and “instant” create urgency and excitement.

CTAs to get customers claiming a deal or discount

Here are 5 CTA button texts to get started with when promoting your deals or discounts.

13. Save big

For some customer demographics, the discount is almost as important as the product itself. This CTA phrase helps to create a sense of achievement in a big discount discovered.

14. Claim my exclusive offer

This text is personalized, and words like “exclusive” create a sense of, well, exclusivity. Great for making your customers feel special.

15. Get my discount

A simple but effective example, adding my makes the result feel more personal. 

16. Claim free shipping now

This CTA works for free shipping or any offer you’re making. It has enough urgency to drive action.

17. Redeem my voucher

A practical and informative CTA, the focus here is not on making a purchase but getting the discount.

And here are 5 CTA phrases you can use when promoting your deals and discounts — they’re perfect for sending to your email list or using on social media.

18. Enjoy massive savings while stocks last

This phrase combines the positive emotion of getting a great deal with a sense of scarcity that stocks won’t last forever.

19. Don’t miss out on our biggest ever discount.

Expressions like “biggest every” are great for creating scarcity. You want your email list subscribers and social media followers to feel like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

20. Hurry. Grab yourself a deal to be proud of with this limited time offer

Another combination of pride in finding a great deal mixed with urgency.

21. Claim your one-off discount today and save big on your purchase

This phrase emphasizes the scale of the discount while creating scarcity and urgency.

22. Grab a huge deal with our limited time offer

A word like grab sounds impulsive, a feeling reiterated by the phrase “limited time offer”.

CTAs to get customers subscribing

The next 4 texts are perfect for CTA buttons where you want customers to subscribe.

23. Sign me up

Because it’s in the first person (me instead of you), this CTA button sounds both personal and dynamic.

24. Subscribe now

This simple CTA still manages to create urgency with the word now.

25. I’m in

This is perfect for getting existing customers, like those on your email list, signed up to additional lists or VIP groups. 

26. Join the action

This phrase makes customers feel like they want to be part of something exciting.

etoro facebook ad

A CTA like Join the Action works perfectly in social media copy, for example this Facebook ad by EToro

Here are some longer CTA phrases you can use in email or web copy to gain new subscribers.

27. Join the {brand name} community 

The focus here is on joining a group of likeminded people rather than signing up to receive information.

28. Unlock exclusive benefits by subscribing 

Unlock is a great word to use because it gamifies the experience and feels somewhat secretive.

29. Be the first to know about new products and offers

Here the focus is all on speed. This will work great if you regularly run flash sales or offer limited edition products.

30. Unlock VIP deals and discounts as a subscriber

Here VIP stands out. You want to make your subscribers feel special, and calling them VIPs is the perfect way to do this.

This message focuses on being part of a trend and connecting with like minded people.

32. Sign up now to claim exclusive discounts 

This is a simple phrase that combines both urgency with scarcity.

CTAs to get customers reading and watching content

Try the CTA buttons to improve the conversion rate on your blogs and social media posts.

33. Find out more

A simple CTA, this is an improved version of learn more, which reminds people too much or school or studies.

34. Discover more

Here the word discovery adds dynamism and creates a sense of exploration and adventure.

35. Get the latest updates

This CTA emphasizes the benefit the content will give, which is to stay up to date.

36. See for yourself

A great choice for videos, here we emphasize that the content we’re offering empowers the customer to make their own judgement regarding your product.

37. See it in action

Another great option for videos, the emphasis is on understanding how it works so it’s great for tech products or innovations.

38. Download my ebook

A CTA that clearly shows what will happen with an added touch of personalization.

39. Get the lowdown

This a more interesting and dynamic phrase than learn more, and feels like you’ll get a complete overview of what matters.

Here are some CTA phrases you can try out to get customers clicking on your content.

40. Get up to date on the latest trends 

This phrase focuses on the benefit you’ll gain from reading or watching the content.

41. Compare features and prices so you can find the perfect {product name} for you

A great CTA phrase for comparison pages, it makes the customer feel empowered in their decision making.

42. Learn the secrets of success

Emphasizing secrets makes the learning process feel more fun, and your customers will feel like they are accessing something exclusive.

43. Take 2 minutes to see how it works

Another simple CTA, here we emphasize how little effort and time it will take for customers to read or watch your content.

CTAs to get customers onto your free trial

Use these texts to improve the conversion rate on your free trial CTAs.

44. Start your free trial

A simple CTA that is nicely personalized and has enough urgency to encourage actions.

45. Try it now

This CTA phrase is more direct and might be well suited to more impulsive customers.

46. Join free for 1 month

This CTA is super informative and clear, with all the important details (free, 1 month) included

47. Try out for free

This CTA emphasizes zero commitment on the customer side. You’re just trying out and its free.

Try these call to action phrases to boost sign ups to your free trials.

48. Start your free trial with no strings attached

This phrase clearly emphasizes that there is no commitment needed, which is great for risk averse customers.

49. See {product name} for yourself with our {time period} free trial

This CTA explains that you are empowering your customers to make up their own mind about your product.

50. There’s nothing to lose with our {time period} free trial

A strong CTA stressing to your customers that there is zero risk on their part.

Call to action phrases: the takeaways

So, you have everything you need to get started improving your call to action phrases. We’ve covered what they are and how to write them, and even given you 50 texts you can use yourself.

Just remember MIC — the 3 key qualities that make a good CTA:

  1. Motivating
  2. Informative
  3. Concise

Once you’ve written your own, or added some from the 50 we have shared, it’s really important to do some A/B testing. For important CTAs, test the existing text against the new version to see which one performs best. Testing is the only way to understand exactly what works best for your unique audience.

Then, with your CTAs optimized to perfection, you’ll be ready to improve other parts of your e-commerce copy. This blog on 7 copywriting tips for your product pages is a great place to start. 

Whether you want to encourage more people to buy your products, download your app, give feedback, visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, or share your blog post on social media, having the right call to action is key to achieving your goals.

  • How to write a compelling call to action

    • Use active words

    • Be specific and concise

    • Create urgency or scarcity

    • Leverage curiosity

  • 50 Powerful Call to Action Phrases With Examples

    • 1. Talk to an expert

    • 2. Download now for free

    • 3. Schedule/Make an appointment

    • 4. Free shipping

    • 5. See how it works

    • 6. Join (X) number of people

    • 7. Money back guarantee

    • 8. Claim your free trial now

    • 9. Get limited time offer

    • 10. Reserve my seat

    • 11. Get an estimate

    • 12. Shop now

    • 13. Add to cart

    • 14. Get a quote

    • 15. Listen now

    • 16. Sign up free

    • 17. Continue shopping

    • 18. Let’s go

    • 19. Find out how

    • 20. Order now

    • 21. Free X days trial

    • 22. Get started

    • 23. Learn more

    • 24. Shop the collection

    • 25. Contact us

    • 26. Get (X%) off

    • 27. Claim offer

    • 28. Subscribe to our blog

    • 29. Redeem now

    • 30. Try X for free

    • 31. Take the quiz

    • 32. View products

    • 33. Donate now

    • 34. Get on the guest list

    • 35. Best value today only

    • 36. Send me special offers

    • 37. What we do

    • 38. See it in action

    • 39. Explore more stories

    • 40. Get it on Google Play | Download on the App Store

    • 41. Apply now

    • 42. Buy now and save

    • 43. Join the movement

    • 44. Share this page

    • 45. Be the first to know

    • 46. See what others are saying

    • 47. Watch more

    • 48. Refer a friend

    • 49. Show me the findings

    • 50. Become a customer

  • Conclusion

Your call to action (CTA) is what tells the visitor, user, or customer the next steps that you want them to take. It’s a great way to increase conversions by turning visitors into leads and customers or turning customers into advocates for your brand.

An effective call to action can raise the viewer’s level of interest in what you’re offering, create a sense of urgency, and even persuade them to take the action that you desire.

This is why you need to put care and thought into your calls to action to make them as enticing as possible.

Understandably, crafting a compelling call to action can be a challenge, so today we’re going to share some powerful call-to-action phrases that have proven to be highly effective.

We’ll also provide real-life examples of how they’ve been used to inspire you as you craft your own CTAs.

How to write a compelling call to action

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when writing your CTAs to ensure they’re successful in creating the outcome you want.

Use active words

Passive language has no place in a call to action. You need to use strong verbs or adverbs that command attention and motivate people to take action.

For example, you can use verbs like comment, share, buy, go, download, visit, donate, start, etc. Or adverbs like soon, now, quickly, here, etc.

You can even throw in some tantalizing qualifiers or adjectives—e.g, innovative, secret, game-changing, best, amazing, insane, etc.—to make your CTA more convincing.

Be specific and concise

Don’t play around the bush or write long paragraphs to get people to take action. That’s not going to work.

You’re more likely to compel them to act when you give them a reason why. What do they stand to gain from taking this action? How would the action benefit you? Find a sweet balance between providing enough details and keeping it brief.

Create urgency or scarcity

Fear of missing out is always a powerful motivator. People will be more likely to act quickly and make a purchase if they believe there’s a limited quantity available, a sale is coming to an end, or the product they want is almost out of stock.

Don’t hesitate to include urgency-increasing words—”Hurry! Offer expires soon.” “Limited time only!” “Offer valid until midnight.” “One-time offer!” etc—in your CTA to boost conversion rates.

Leverage curiosity

One of the most effective ways to inspire clicks on your CTA button is by making viewers thirst for knowledge.

Inspire their curiosity by promising them answers to questions you’ve posed or giving them an excerpt of the main content so they’re motivated to click and find out more.

Check Out: Best Motivational, Funny, Uplifting, & Competitive Sales Quotes

Want viewers to be unable to resist clicking on your CTA button? Try adding these compelling phrases to your call to action.

1. Talk to an expert

Trust and credibility are the names of the game. When you show prospects that your brand and team as a whole are experts in your industry or niche, they’ll become more confident in trying out your service or product.

Use this CTA when you want prospects to chat you up or call for more information.

2. Download now for free

A simple and direct call to action that clearly states what will happen when the viewer clicks this button. Use this when you’ve got a report, ebook, case study, templates, or some other thing that people need to download to be able to use.

3. Schedule/Make an appointment

If your business is service-based like a spa, salon, clinic, or gym, using this CTA can help prospective customers overcome the difficulty of committing to a brand they’re not familiar with.

It encourages them to reach out to you to book their desired services in a way that doesn’t put too much pressure on them.

Also Read: Best Digital Marketing Quotes For Inspiration

4. Free shipping

I can’t count the number of times I’ve changed my mind about completing the purchase after adding items to my cart because of the cost of shipping. Offering free shipping can help you attract more customers and drive higher conversions.

You can even make your offer of free shipping conditional upon people ordering products over a specific dollar amount.

5. See how it works

Some products or services are a bit complex and require you to provide detailed information to prospective customers so they can fully understand what you’re offering before they invest in it.

Use this call to action to send them to a page where they can find the knowledge they seek or speak to someone on your team about their concerns.

6. Join (X) number of people

If you’ve already got a substantial amount of subscribers, users, customers, or clients for the product or service you’re promoting, use this call to action phrase to trigger FOMO. If prospects see that a lot of people are already enjoying your offer, they’ll be more inclined to join too.

7. Money back guarantee

This CTA suggests that you have such strong faith in your product or service that you’re willing to give people their money back if it doesn’t live up to their expectations.

It’ll give users more confidence in checking out your offer.

8. Claim your free trial now

Weaving the word “your” into your CTA can suggest ownership and push visitors on your landing page to go ahead and start a free trial.

Not only is this call to action phrase personal, but the word “claim” also implies urgency. Visitors will want to act while they can because they think the free trial may not be available if they wait longer.

Also Read: Best Mission Statement Examples

9. Get limited time offer

This CTA phrase works because it creates a sense of urgency. It tells consumers that there is a ticking clock on the offer and they need to act fast if they want to enjoy the huge discount, limited-edition product, free shipping, or whatever benefit you’re promising.

10. Reserve my seat

The scarcity tactic doesn’t apply to products alone, it can also be used to create urgency for your services or events and push people to hurry to register.

Let them know they stand the risk of not getting a spot in your webinar or service appointment if they don’t reserve their spot as soon as possible.

11. Get an estimate

Let’s say you run a company that installs solar panels and you want to give prospective customers a tool that they can use to calculate how much they could potentially save by switching to solar, or how much it’d cost them to install solar panels on their property.

Whatever the case may be, this powerful call-to-action phrase can entice them to click the button.

12. Shop now

This call to action phrase won’t bring home any awards for originality, but it will help you entice visitors to make that purchase.

To make it even more compelling, pair it with an eye-catching visual and title that clearly states the benefit of buying the advertised product.

13. Add to cart

An “Add to cart” CTA is just what the doctor ordered for your product page. Once the customer has shown intent to purchase, this CTA can give them that extra push to actually buy something instead of closing the page and walking away.

14. Get a quote

People want to feel wanted and they also love getting freebies. This CTA masterfully combines both elements to create an atmosphere that lets the prospect know that you’re waiting for them to reach out.

And what’s more, they don’t need to pay a dime to get this valuable information from you.

Explore: Mission vs Vision Statements – Examples & Difference

15. Listen now

If you want to get more people to listen to your podcast, seminar, audiobook, music, or webinar, consider using the call to action phrase “Listen now” on your product page, landing page, or social media posts. It can help you attract potential fans who are interested in the subject you’re talking about or singing about.

16. Sign up free

A lot of people hesitate to sign up for new services because they are afraid of incurring hidden costs. Including the word “free” in your CTA like in the above example is an innocuous way of assuring viewers that there is nothing to fear, which will encourage them to sign up.

17. Continue shopping

It’s all about the upsell and this call to action phrase can help drive more conversions for your business. Instead of taking customers straight to the checkout page after they’ve added things to their cart, add a “Continue shopping” button to entice them to buy more stuff.

18. Let’s go

Including words like “us” in your call to action can make it more personal and relatable. It will give viewers a sense that you’re all in this together and that they’re making a valuable contribution to your brand by clicking the button.

19. Find out how

Start by posing an interesting question to your audience, then suggest that there is a solution or answer to the question, and finish it off with this CTA asking them to discover the answer and how they can implement or contribute to the solution.

20. Order now

“Order now” suggests that there is either a limited amount of time to take advantage of the offer or a limited quantity of the product available to shop.

This will motivate visitors to take action right away by placing an order to avoid the opportunity that’s passing them by.

21. Free X days trial

Telling people that they can try your service without having to pay is a great tactic for increasing conversion rates.

So go ahead and throw this call to action phrase on your page to show people how long they can use your product or service for free. You can take it a step further by adding that they can cancel anytime.

22. Get started

Want to drive people to check out your demo, start a free trial, or sign up for your service? This CTA is very actionable and perfect for driving all kinds of products. It tells people that they’ll be able to begin enjoying your offer once they click on the designated button.

23. Learn more

In this example, very little commitment is needed from the viewer. They can go at their own pace, find out more information about your products, and engage with your brand in the process.

So, if you’re selling products that have lots of features and need a detailed explanation, you want to create a product page with a well-placed “Learn More” button to help nurture prospects.

24. Shop the collection

This CTA phrase is straightforward and clear. The moment you land on the page, you know that the brand has a range of products in a newly-released collection that it wants you to buy.

This way you won’t have to spend too much time browsing. Don’t forget to pair this call to action with fun, attention-grabbing visuals.

25. Contact us

Sometimes, customers want to talk to a salesperson directly before they hand over their money.

This call to action phrase lets them know that you’re happy to connect them to an expert who can allay their doubts and answer any questions they might have.

26. Get (X%) off

Who doesn’t enjoy not having to pay the full price for a product or service? This call to action phrase signifies that you’re offering the customer something of value and the promise of a discount can incentivize them to take the next step.

27. Claim offer

Your CTA phrase can be simple and still be a slam dunk when it comes to driving the action you want. In the above example, the Bark Bright company manages to combine elements of exclusivity, scarcity, and urgency into their call to action to make the offer persuasive and full of value.

28. Subscribe to our blog

If you have a blog and you want to grow your readership, take a page from Hubspot’s book and add this call to action phrase to your blog, at the end of each blog post, or a popup notification on your site.

29. Redeem now

This CTA tells the viewer or customer that you want them to have something of value—something that they deserve or have earned somehow. You’re essentially saying, “claim what belongs to you before someone else does or the offer ends.”

30. Try X for free

Take a cue from Prezi and insert your brand name into your call to action inviting them to take a chance on your product. It’s a more creative and personal request than simply asking them to “Sign Up,” “Register,” or “Get Started.”

31. Take the quiz

Quizzes are an exciting way to pass the time, learn something about yourself, or engage in friendly competition with others.

If you can find a way to incorporate a quiz into your sales funnel, you can use this call to action phrase to nurture and engage prospective customers.

32. View products

This is the perfect call to action to add to your home page when you want to direct people to a page where they can browse and shop all of your available products.

33. Donate now

Adding this call to action to your page when you want to gather donations for a cause can prove highly effective.

Make sure you accompany the CTA with a compelling reason why people should give their hand earned money to support the cause.

34. Get on the guest list

One of the most effective ways to make your call to action compelling is by using first/second person language and speaking to the audience directly.

This CTA example does a great job of that by making it seem like you’re personally extending an invitation to the viewer to take the action you desire.

35. Best value today only

This powerful CTA informs your prospects and existing customers that the amazing deal you’re ordering is only valid for a day and will disappear once the day is over. It will spur them to act now and take advantage of the offer before it expires.

36. Send me special offers

Rather than directly asking viewers to check out your popular products or sign up to receive notifications from you, put a spin on your offer like The Adventure Centre does in this example.

With this CTA, you can signal urgency and scarcity, make them feel important by offering them specials, and tap into their FOMO all at once.

37. What we do

The point of marketing is to push consumers to do things without being salesy or pushy about it. This example from IMPACT subtly challenges viewers to learn more about what the organization does in a non-forceful way.

Even without action words, it still manages to tempt people to click the CTA button.

38. See it in action

This phrase is perfect for the times when you want a consumer to test drive your product, see how it works, and discover all the incredible features waiting for them. It may make them more confident in the product and increase their willingness to buy it.

39. Explore more stories

Use this subtle CTA to motivate readers to check out other posts or articles on your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel after they finish whatever they’re currently reading. By clicking this button, viewers can discover and engage with other content that your brand creates.

40. Get it on Google Play | Download on the App Store

If you have a mobile app that you want users to download, these call to action phrases are perfect for motivating them to do that.

Android users can go to Google Play Store to cop theirs and iPhone users can get the application from the Apple App Store.

41. Apply now

Use this fun CTA if your marketing goal is to get people to apply for an open job position, apartment rental, educational degree or certification, and the like.

It will encourage potential applicants to throw their hats in the ring while the application window is still open.

42. Buy now and save

This CTA tells prospects that not only are they going to buy something awesome, they’re also going to save a lot of money in the process. That’s a tantalizing offer that many people will find hard to resist.

43. Join the movement

Make prospects and customers feel like they are a part of something bigger and exciting by using this call to action phrase. People will be more likely to take action just so they can connect with like-minded people or become part of a trend.

Get visitors to share a blog post or any other page that they find useful, relevant, or informative with other people in their social network by adding this CTA to the page, accompanied by social sharing buttons.

45. Be the first to know

This clever call to action gives you a chance to engage viewers and make them feel special by informing them of new products, services, and brand updates.

It can be more persuasive than simply asking them to submit their email addresses or sign up for your newsletter because it gives them an immediate benefit to look forward to.

46. See what others are saying

Social proof is one of the most powerful marketing tactics. Consumers are more likely to believe what other people like them say about a product or service than all the messaging in your ads. This CTA is a clever and creative way to push visitors to check out your customer stories.

47. Watch more

If you want to promote films, television shows, YouTube videos, or social media videos that you want to get more eyes on, “Watch more” is an exciting call to action you can leverage to help you accomplish that goal.

48. Refer a friend

Don’t just sit back and expect your customers to recommend your brand to their friends and family. Actively encourage them to do so by adding this CTA wherever applicable. For better results, include an incentive for them to take the step.

49. Show me the findings

Help viewers feel in control and give them a straightforward and transparent value proposition by using this call to action on your landing page.

It’s perfect for when you have a report, study, or survey that you want people to read or learn about.

50. Become a customer

This example features a homepage by the company, Sysco, explaining what the brand does and what viewers can stand to gain by joining the platform and buying their products.

It then finishes this off with a compelling CTA asking them to take the bold step towards becoming a customer.


Your call to action is one of the most important things to consider when creating a post or designing a page because it can make or break your promotional campaign.

You want to go with call to action phrases that stand out and invite clicks. Using or optimizing any of the above CTAs can help you get the results you’re looking for.

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.

Call to action (сокращенно — «cta») — перевод звучит как призыв к действию — элемент, который творит магию в продажах. Вне зависимости от того, где он находится. Будь то лендинг, наружная, контекстная реклама, пост в социальных сетях или просто речь менеджера.

И такие призывы к действию имеют огромное количество разных вариаций. В этой статье мы рассмотрим как офлайн, так и онлайн призывы к действию. Поехали!

Одна история

Совсем недавно к нам пришел владелец бизнеса и попросил предложить ему решение по увеличению прибыли.

Когда ему предложили как один из инструментов разработку landing page, он сразу же воскликнул: “Есть у меня такая ерунда! Красивый, но не работает!”.

В этот момент мы хотели начать кричать, но сдержали свои эмоции и с холодными глазами да томным голосом попросили нам показать сие неработающее чудо. И то, что мы увидели в окне браузера, ответило на все наши вопросы.

Лендинг и вправду был очень красивым и к тому же оригинальным. Но вся проблема лежала на поверхности.

Призывы к действию на сайте отсутствовали. Точнее, на лендинге он был один в конце страницы — и то в виде обратного звонка.

call to action форма заказать звонок

Обратный звонок

Поэтому люди заходили на сайт, получали эстетическое удовольствие и просто уходили со словами “Спасибо, было приятно познакомиться”.

Потому что они не понимали, что могут получить от этой компании, и не видели шагов для дальнейших действий.

Важность призыва к действию

Поучительная история выше — лишь один из тысячи примеров, которые мы постоянно видим в своей работе.

Призыв к действию в рекламе должен быть обязательно, поэтому такие ситуации встречаются вне зависимости от вида рекламного носителя. Либо фразы, выражающие призыв к действию, вызывают кровавые слезы, либо вообще отсутствуют.

Почему они нужны

Всё это действует на подсознание человека. Практически как мотивация. Люди понимают, что ими управляют, но не противоречат и соглашаются.

Когда человек понимает, что ему нужно сделать для получения того или иного результата, то действовать ему становится проще.

Так как он не думает, а просто делает. К тому же такого рода посылы создают эффект срочности действия.

Одно правило

Существует масса разных вариаций call to action и в зависимости от сферы бизнеса слоганы к действию будут отличаться. И, конечно же, давать разные результаты.

Но самое главное, что Вы должны запомнить раз и навсегда: чем легче действие, чем оно меньше обязывает клиента — тем выше будет конверсия.

Высокая конверсия — не всегда хорошо, так Вы начинаете получать более “грязный” трафик, который отнимает время менеджеров и захламляет общий эфир. Поэтому очень важен баланс между лёгким действием и целевым действием.

Формулы призывов к действию

Сейчас я расскажу, как написать призыв к действию. Для этого выделим 4 готовые формулы, по которым создаются все кнопки призыва на сайте:

  1. Действие
    Пример: Заказать звонок / Позвоните по телефону
  2. Действие + ограничение по времени
    Пример: Скачать сейчас / Получить на следующий день.
  3. Действие + выгода
    Пример: Получить подборку 5 лучших туров / Закажите бесплатный выезд специалиста.
  4. Действие + выгода + дедлайн (не всегда получается использовать)
    Пример: Получить доступ на 7 дней только сегодня / Сделайте заказ ночью и получите в подарок ____.

Виды призывов — офлайн

Теперь, зная основные формулы, Вы можете самостоятельно создавать Ваш “автомат денег”. Для вдохновения напишу примеры, а именно список призывов к действию в офлайне (типовые отсутствуют):

  1. Действуйте быстро;
  2. Звоните и узнавайте про наличие;
  3. Купите сейчас, платите потом;
  4. Свяжитесь с экспертом;
  5. Рассчитайте стоимость по телефону;
  6. Зайдите и получите подарок;
  7. Забронируйте себе место;
  8. Позвоните нам;
  9. Делайте, а не думайте;
  10. Приступите  к этому вопросу прямо сейчас;
  11. Поверните налево, скорее!
  12. Остановитесь и подумайте о _____;
  13. Хватит хотеть. Возьми и сделай сейчас;
  14. Получите полный каталог в офисе;
  15. Оформите заявку на бесплатный образец до 05.12;
  16. Оставьте заявку на пробное занятие по телефону _____;
  17. Выбери свой подарок на сайте ____.

Используйте всё это как шаблон, не благодарите :-)

Виды призывов — онлайн

В онлайне с призывами всё сложнее. Так как потенциальные покупатели в один момент времени могут видеть разные рекламные материалы или находиться одновременно на нескольких сайтах.

Как нам известно, всё относительно, поэтому призывы к действию на сайте должны быть мотивирующие, точно в яблочко. Подскажу, что сделать для таких попаданий:

  1. Скачать прайс-лист. Отличный вариант, если у вас есть достаточно большой каталог моделей с разными ценами. Ну и, конечно же, это самая востребованная кнопка в сфере оптовых продаж; 
  2. Узнать подробнее. В случае, если блок раскрывает не все плюсы Вашей продукции, то, разместив такую кнопку, Вы поможете рассказать посетителю больше. Это тот самый пример промежуточного призыва к действию;
  3. Подписаться на _____. Можно, конечно, использовать и более оригинальные варианты из серии “Я в теме”, но смысл один — получение чего-либо полезного;
  4. Получить скидку/подарок. Используется в случае, если находится в том месте, где клиент хочет что-то получить, но не знает как;
  5. Заказать обратный звонок. Баян-баяном, поэтому останавливаться на этом не будем;
  6. Купить/добавить в корзину. Ваш продукт люди покупают эмоционально? Или же Вы интернет магазин? То без этих вариантов Вам просто нельзя жить;
  7. Попробовать 7 дней бесплатно. Можете дать демо-доступ или пробный период на свой продукт. Так чего Вы ждёте, скорееееее!!! И само слово “попробовать/испытать” имеет очень мягкий характер, что положительно влияет на показатели;
  8. Рассчитать мой проект бесплатно. Люди любят получать расчёты ещё до заключения договора, также как и замеры. Тоже однозначно стоит пользоваться;
  9. Получить предложение с полными ценами/книгу на e-mail. У нас эта кнопка на данный момент показала лучший вариант среди а/б тестов, но он не финальный — мы явно найдём ещё лучше. А те, кто не готов ждать, пробуйте;
  10. Хочу работать с Вами. Можно данную кнопку назвать аналогом “Купить”, только актуальна она больше в В2В сегменте;
  11. Заказать ______. Тут на пустом месте может быть сразу Ваш продукт, а может быть часть его из серии “Заказать прототип”, как мы используем это на нашем сайте по созданию лендингов;
  12. Написать вопрос. Удивительно, но не все люди любят звонить. Некоторые стесняются и поэтому пишут, пишут и пишут, стирая руки в кровь, но лишь бы не звонить. Поэтому такой вариант тоже имеет место быть;
  13. Забронировать место / Записаться на семинар. Актуально для мероприятий — как онлайн, так и офлайн.

    Причём, как видите, “Забронировать место” — более лёгкий вход, чем “Записаться на семинар”. Но, опять же, нужно подумать, что Вам важнее — больше трафика или больше целевого трафика.

Важно. Все кнопки должны иметь разный вариант призыва к действию, иначе Вы получите обратный эффект понижения результатов сайта.

Где должна быть кнопка

Наверное, в данном случае лучше пересолить, чем недосолить. Так как чем больше кнопок, тем больше вероятность, что клиент заметит и нажмёт на неё.

Обязательным расположением кнопки должен быть первый экран баннера. Тот, который клиент видит, как только загружается сайт.

Причём здесь должно быть самое сильное, самое высококонверсионное действие, лучший призыв к действию, если хотите.

call to action расположение кнопки

Призыв к действию на первом экране

Следующим правилом будет соответствие смысла блока с текстом на кнопке. А то бывают умельцы, которые на блок “Как мы работаем” ставят кнопку “Подписаться на нашу рассылку”.

Дизайн кнопки

Как только владельцы своих сайтов не извращаются с дизайном, в том числе с дизайном кнопок. Но это правильно, так как хоть и на малую часть, но всё же дизайн влияет на результативность.

Цвет кнопки

Большим заблуждением является то, что цвет кнопки, в особенности красный, сделает её более конверсионной. Это не так! Самое главное при выборе цвета — обращать внимание на:

  • Общий стиль сайта;
  • Контраст между кнопкой и фоном.

Кнопка должна выделяться относительно фона, бросаться в глаза, соответствовать общему стилю, но никак не быть красной во всех случаях.

И всё же изменение цвета может положительно повлиять на рост продаж, если у Вас сейчас изначально подобран не лучший вариант.

Важно! Можно использовать разные цвета кнопок на сайте, чтобы акцентировать внимание на те или иные призывы.

Размер кнопки

Опять же всё просто. Размер должен быть настолько большим, чтобы кнопку можно было легко заметить и легко нажать, и не настолько большим, чтобы она вызывала отвращение.

Так, компания JustClick удвоила свою конверсию, увеличив в два раза кнопку “КУПИТЬ” у себя на сайте. Так что размер имеет значение ;)

call to action размер кнопки имеет значение

Подходящий размерчик

Длина кнопки

Что касается этого параметра, то на скриншоте ниже Вы видите максимально возможную ширину — так сказать, на грани фола.

Конечно же, всё это происходит из-за длины текста, над чем опять же стоит обязательно поработать. Короткие и хлёсткие тексты лучше конвертируют, чем длинные и размытые.

call to action длина кнопки

Длинный текст

Форма кнопки

Большинство тестов разных компаний показали, что лучшая форма для кнопки — прямоугольник с закруглённым углами.

Но не воспринимайте это так, будто прямые углы будут портить конверсию. Это говорит лишь о том, что лучше начать свои тесты с первого озвученного варианта.

Хитрости любого call to action

Теперь расскажу самые основные хитрости. И как обычно, итоговое решение по внедрению за Вами. 

1 . Текст от 1-го лица. Так как Вы создаёте сайт для клиентов, то так и хочется написать Ваш, Ваше, Вам — НО правильнее будет на кнопках писать так, как читает клиент: Мой, Мне, Моя.

Такой подход может увеличить конверсию в 2 раза! Пример, чтобы было понятнее: вариант “Получите Ваш план тренировок” хуже, чем “Получить мой план тренировок”.

call to action текст от первого лица

Текст от первого лица

2.  Анимация кнопки. Это то, о чём забывают многие. Ваши кнопки должны моргать, увеличиваться, перемещаться либо при наведении, либо просто находясь на экране.

Не нужно уходить в фанатизм, конечно, и делать кнопку в стиле “неуловимых мстителей”, чтобы клиент бегал мышкой по экрану в попытках поймать её, как это пытается сделать девушка ниже.

call to action анимация

Да как же поймать? 

3. Двойные формы. Так мы называем форму, которая имеет в себе как дополнительную информацию, так и саму форму для заполнения.

Она требуется в том случае, если кнопка призывает к тому, чтобы узнать подробнее. То есть при нажатии клиент ожидает увидеть не форму на обратный звонок, а дополнительную информацию.

4. Усилители. Бывает такое, что клиент вроде бы хочет нажать, но что-то его останавливает.

Для этого многие компании, в особенности под кнопками “Купить” и “Подписаться”, подписывают, например, варианты оплаты или текст из серии “Мы против спама”.

call to action усилители


5. Срочность. Если человек может предполагать, что Ваш продукт имеет срок действия/жизни, то можно добавить в кнопку слова “Сейчас/Сегодня”, чтобы создать эффект срочности. Пример: “Получить скидку 50% прямо сейчас”.

6.  Две кнопки рядом. Предположим, что во всех бизнесах есть два типа клиентов: одни горячие, другие нейтральные.

call to action две кнопки рядом

Две кнопки

Так вот, для тех и других нужно делать кнопки, причём их можно разместить рядом. Только важно ярким цветом выделить основную кнопку, и более приглушенным/прозрачным — второстепенное действие для нейтральных потребителей. 

7. Указатель. Можно дополнительно привлечь внимание не только за счёт анимации, цвета и размера, но ещё с помощью дополнительного элемента в виде стрелок, которые, кстати, можно интересно анимировать.

8. Воздух. Если хотите ещё больше акцентировать внимание на действии, то окружите его “воздухом”, то есть пустотой, чтобы весь акцент был прямиком на нашу “звезду”.

call to action воздух

Пример воздуха

Коротко о главном

Ну Вы поняли, что вариантов обыграть Ваше целевое действие просто тьма. И пока Вы не попробуете — не узнаете, лучший ли вариант call to action у Вас сейчас или нет. 

Хотя я могу с уверенностью сказать, что всегда может быть лучше, и благодаря призыву к действию можно увеличить конверсию.

Поэтому не откладывайте на потом, а берите и идите тестировать эти маленькие, но настолько важные элементы. Тем более, что сейчас Вы уже точно знаете, как написать призыв к действию.

А напоследок чек-лист, какой должна быть идеальная кнопка призыва к действию:

  • Понятный призыв;
  • Лёгкий вход;
  • Яркая и привлекающая внимание;
  • Расположенная в нужном месте.

И помните, что всё зависит только от Вас. Важно сканировать весь процесс движения клиента не только до покупки, подписки и тд. Но и предоставить сопровождение использования продукта, чтобы благодарный клиент в дальнейшем не раз воспользовался Вашими услугами.

Нашли ошибку в тексте? Выделите фрагмент и нажмите ctrl+enter

The call to action (CTA) is one of the key ingredients of an effective marketing campaign.

It’s a tool used to persuade, create a sense of urgency, and raise the level of interest, all through a simple line of text. Used within websites, emails, apps, print, and beyond, these tiny encouragements to move can have big results. A well-crafted CTA can make your conversion rate and sales skyrocket.

Yet, 53% of websites don’t have a clear CTA, readable in <3 seconds!

With so many types of call to action phrases it can be easy to sink into a rut of repeating the same tired CTAs.
Or, as seen above, forget to emphasize them enough so they’re immediately actionable. The art of testing call to action phrases might seem like a daunting task, but the rewards are worth the effort. Let’s explore the four main types of call to action phrases in more detail.

The Four Types of Call to Action Phrases

Topics This Article Explores:

    1. CTA Phrases that Persuade
    2. CTA Phrases that Create a Sense of Urgency
    3. CTA Phrases that Imply Exclusivity
    4. CTA Phrases that Raise Interest Level
    5. Top Benefits of Improving Your CTAs
    6. Are CTA’s Really This Important?
    7. Download this Article as a PDF

cta phrases

1. CTA’s that Persuade

Marketing is all about persuading the potential customer on the value of the offer, and there are key trigger words that can help make your call to action phrases more successful. These include “new”, “free”, “because”, “results”, “guarantee”, “your”, and even “my”. These might seem like regular words, but they are there to compare your offerings against the competition in a favorable, positive manner, encouraging those on the fence to make a firm decision.

For example, the word “you” can shift the tone of copywriting so that it’s more conversational and engaging. Most importantly, the potential customer feels as if you’re directing the message at them instead of thousands of people at the same time. “My” has a similar effect, as customers empathize with the person who created the message. A targeted CTA will convert 42% better than a generic one, which means adding any touches that speak directly to the audience is a no-brainer.

Or imagine trying to decide between two similar dieting programs, but one of them guarantees their results. Which would you choose? You’re more likely to go for the one that uses the words “results” and “guarantee”, which overcome one of the main fears that all customers have – will the product actually work? Including these simple yet effective words into a CTA can transform the psychology of the audience.

The word “free” is another powerful asset that should be used in call to action phrases consistently. For example, let’s compare the following CTA’s:

  • Download My Video Course!
  • Download My Free Video Course!

The second CTA is more powerful because the word free is used to imply that there is no fee for the transaction. If you value this content, there is no barrier for you to begin immediately, versus putting this off until you can purchase the full series.

One interesting offshoot of this type of CTA phase uses reverse psychology. Instead of telling the customer they must take an action, tell them “Don’t Click Here”. This is both playful and engages their rebellious streak. Curious customers will explore just to see what’s on the other side.

Here are a few more examples of CTA’s that can help persuade the audience:

  • Free Consultation
  • Start Your Free Trial
  • Enjoy Free Gift
  • Subscribe to Our Free Catalog
  • Free Shipping for Orders over $20
  • Request My Free quote today
  • Receive Free eBook
  • 9̶9̶ Only $79
  • Over $500 Value
  • Clients Include
  • Contact Sales
  • New & Improved
  • Worn By…
  • Customers Say…
  • Results Guaranteed
  • No Strings Attached
  • No Commitment
  • No Credit Card Required
  • No Experience Required
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • #1
  • 5 Stars
  • Best Reviewed
  • Cancel Anytime
  • 1st Month Free
  • 100% Satisfaction Promise
  • Don’t Click Here

call to action guide

2. CTA’s that Create A Sense of Urgency

One of the biggest roadblocks for buyers making a decision is knowing that they can think about it and come back later. This is problematic, because potential customers can easily get lost and never come back again.

You can change this mentality by creating a sense of urgency for the offer. This will help induce a sense of emotion that pushes them to take advantage of the offer sooner rather than later. Creating a sense of urgency means using words like: now, immediately, hurry, offer ends on, last chance, today only, while supplies last, closing soon, and limited supply.

The majority of successful eCommerce sites use a combination of all of these call to action phrases, so you’ve probably come across them yourself. The psychology behind this tactic is to invoke a sense of fear that if they do not pull on the trigger now, they will miss out on the opportunity altogether. Called loss aversion or fear of missing out (FOMO), people are more likely to move out of fear than equal benefits.

Here are examples of CTA’s that make use of urgency:

  • Hurry! 50% off this week
  • All Products are 25% off, Today Only
  • Holiday Sale
  • Exclusive Discount
  • Check Out in 5 Minutes for 10% Off
  • Download Now
  • Act Quickly
  • Start Today
  • Now Hiring
  • For Faster Service…
  • Take the Challenge
  • Begin Now
  • Why Wait?
  • Offer Expires in 10 Minutes
  • Join Now
  • While Supplies Last
  • Reserve Your Spot
  • Limited Availability
  • Limited Edition
  • Join the Beta
  • Limited Time Offer
  • Don’t Miss It
  • Don’t Delay!
  • We’re Waiting For Your Call
  • Limited Stock
  • Closing Soon
  • Offer Ends 1/1
  • Get Started
  • Submit Today
  • Subscribe Now
  • Shop Now
  • Save Now
  • View Limited Deals
  • Save Today
  • Apply Now
  • Buy One Get One Free
  • Buy 2 receive 3rd item Free

call to action phrases

3. CTA’s that Imply Exclusivity

Another big reason why a customer will not buy immediately is because they want to “shop around” to see what else is out there. It’s easy to create 10 different tabs on your browser to compare a range of products. To get over this hurdle, you can tailor your CTA to suggest that the offer is exclusive and will not be found elsewhere.

It’s basic psychology that things that are perceived as exclusive are deemed to have more value. You can use this trick in your own CTA’s to increase the conversion rate. This includes using phrases like: exclusive access, limited spots, only available, subscribers/members only, now closed, and request an invitation.

Exclusivity makes the customer feel special and appreciated. Consequently, they will be more likely to sign up for the offer. Here are CTA ideas that imply exclusivity:

  • Subscribers Only
  • Join the Club
  • Private Access
  • 50 Spots Open
  • Limited Availability
  • Members Only
  • Join the Waiting List
  • Apply for Access
  • Custom Made
  • Only Available Here
  • World Exclusive
  • Limited Edition
  • Register
  • Sign In
  • Signature Series
  • 1 of 500
  • Speak to A Representative
  • By Appointment Only

call to action ideas

4. CTA’s that Raise Interest Level

A potential customer might be casually browsing the internet without intent to make a purchase. However, raising the interest level can lead to a purchase or — at the very least — an email subscription that can be used as an open line of communication to close the sale down the line.

Often these transition the conversation from a faceless corporate structure and onto a person who you can empathize with. Call to action phrases that can help raise interest level include: reply, share and contact me. Each of these words instructs the user to take a concrete action. So if you have an email list, you could add a message that says: “if you’re interested to find out more, reply to this email and I’ll get back to you”. Any replies that you get can help build rapport with the potential buyer, which will help improve your chances of closing a sale.

Another method of raising the interest level is translating information into a new format. Turning a blog article into a video, white paper, cheat sheet, or infographic can often extend the life of that content, while appealing to unique audiences. By playing with the content medium you can make unappetizing ideas more entertaining, even highly valuable.

Asking users to share content increases interaction with your brand, too. The phrase, “ask and you shall receive” really applies here – you’ll be surprised by how willingly people will share your content if you simply ask.

Here are some CTA’s that can help increase the interest level:

  • Take the Quiz
  • Visit Our Office
  • Read the Summary
  • Download the Checklist
  • View the White Paper
  • Watch
  • Play
  • Help
  • Questions?
  • FAQs
  • Subscribe
  • Search
  • Download the Infographic
  • Speak to an Expert
  • Share with Your Friends
  • Ask The Pros
  • Click to Call
  • Schedule a Consultation
  • Click Here for Details
  • Get The App
  • Contact Me
  • Say Hi
  • Email Me at…
  • Connect with Me on Social Media

CTA Examples

The Top Benefits of Improving Your Call to Action Phrases

1 – Increases Conversion Rate

Boosting traffic to your sales page typically requires an investment of time and money. To achieve the best profitability you have to make the most of the traffic that’s available. A well-executed CTA can increase the conversion rate and turn a marketing campaign into a huge success.

Experiment with different CTA’s to see which one is the most effective. A/B split testing is a great way to do that because it allows you to change a single variable and see which version produces better results.

2 – Presents A Clear Next Step

Once the audience has digested a piece of content, they need to see what its purpose is. Is there a product to buy? A membership to sign up for? Or an email newsletter to take advantage of? If there is, you must spell it out for them in the form of a CTA.

In some instances it might be easier to create the offer and then work backwards to create a suitable piece of content. This allows you to hint towards the benefits of the offer as you are producing the content.

CTA Phrase Examples

3 – Reduces Audience Confusion and Hesitation

The worst thing you can do is create a great piece of content with an amazing offer, but forget to put a link between them. The CTA must instruct the user on what to do, clearly. Often a cluttered page can add confusion to which action a customer should take first. A clear CTA reduces the confusion and helps the buyer understand that the time to act is now.

Are CTA Phrases Really This Important? Yes! Visitors that never click, never become customers.

Matching the right CTA with your offer can seem like a daunting prospect, but with practice you’ll learn which subtle changes make the biggest difference. It isn’t about finding one magic call to action, but leveraging multiple CTAs that best align to different segments of your audience. A great thing about marketing is that you can always test out a multiple options and check which ones increase the website conversion rate. Make a habit of continuously testing different CTA’s to improve your overall approach.

Click here to download the PDF edition of this article for future reference.

If you enjoyed this you may want to read up on our free marketing ideas or check out these marketing fails. Or study up on more website conversion tactics.

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  • Word for call to account
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